Review of Ascorbic Acid Methodology
Review of Ascorbic Acid Methodology
Review of Ascorbic Acid Methodology
Analytical Methods for Determining Ascorbic Acid in Biological Samples, Food Products, and
Warner-Lamberti'Parke-Davis, Pharmaceutical Research, PharmacokineticslDrug Metabolism 2800 Plymouth
Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Purdue University, Chemistry Department, West Lafayette, IN 47907
CH2OH H,i~0H
Over the last decade, numerous publications have appeared standing of the method, or important in advancing the selec-
describing analyses for ascorbic acid in food products, phar- tive, sensitive analysis for ascorbic acid. The review has been
maceuticals, and biological samples. This resurgence in new divided into 4 major sections: spectroscopic, electrochemi-
analytical procedures results from the importance of the vita- cal, enzymatic, and chromatographic methods of analysis.
min in nutritional, clinical, pharmacological,.and industrial"
studies. A monograph containing selected procedures for Spectroscopic Methods
pharmaceutical preparations has appeared (2). In addition, a The classical chemistry associated with spectroscopic
review on the determination of this vitamin in pharmaceuti- methods can be divided into 2 general categories: (a) those
cals has been included in biannual updates on pharmaceutical using a redox indicator in its oxidized form, and (b) those
PACHLA ET AL.: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 68,. NO. 1, 1985)
involving chromogen formation by derivatization. The redox phenol, and therefore interfere. Attempts to minimize these
indicators that will be discussed include 2,6-dichloroindo-. positive biases have included chromatographic isolation of
phenol, metal ions, and other miscellaneous reagents. The ascorbic acid (22) and heavy metal ion removal via mercap-
derivatization of ascorbic acid includes reaction with 2,4- tide salt precipitation before the reaction (23). Another way
dinitrophenylhydrazine, diazotization, and quinoxaline for- to improve the specificity involves following the kinetics of
mation. the reaction between the vitamin and DCIP. Hiromi and
coworkers used the linear relationship between the apparent
Redox Reactions first order rate constant for reduction of the indophenol to
2,6-Dichloroindophenol.—The standard redox reagent used determine ascorbic acid concentration (24, 25). The reaction
for ascorbic acid analysis in a variety of sample types is 2,6- of excess ascorbic acid with DCIP was linear between 0.5
dichloroindophenol (DCIP). Solutions of the reagent are blue |xM and 50 (JLM and was suitable for analysis of orange juice.
at neutral pH and pink in acid. The stoichiometry of the redox Cysteine and glutathione did not interfere, and interference
reaction was first proposed by Tillmans (8). The reaction is by triose reductone was minimized. Recently, these investi-
rapid and is first order with respect to each reactant. The gators improved the lower detection limit to 2 (xM by reacting
overall second order rate constant was pH-dependent with ascorbic acid in the presence of excess reagent and using a
an optimum value of 56.5 x 103 L/mole/s at low pH (9, 10). stop-flow kinetic procedure (26). This method was applied to
The first application of 2,6-dichloroindophenol to ascorbic a variety of vegetables and fruits and requires only 1-2 s/
acid analysis was reported in 1932 by Tillmans et al. (11). sample. The suitability of this type of methodology depends
After numerous modifications, the method still consists of on advances in stop-flow methods (27) and a need to analyze
monitoring DCIP absorbance at 518 nm before and after sam- many samples. This methodology should find acceptance in
ple addition. Hoffman et al. have automated the DCIP pro- clinical laboratories with centrifugal analyzers.
cedure and used it to determine the concentration of ascorbic Metal Ions.—Another class of colorimetric redox reactions
acid in orange and grapefruit juices (12). Their method was involves the reduction of metal ions to produce a stable col-
unsuitable for the assay of lemons because of the high acidity ored solution. For example, ascorbic acid may be determined
of the sample. Sample turbidity was minimized by dialyzing in pharmaceutical preparations by using potassium ferricyan-
the ascorbic acid from the sample directly into the flowing ide (28) or ferricinium trichloroacetate (29). Pelizzeti. et al.
DCIP solution. Another automated version introduced by (30, 31) have reported the kinetics and mechanisms between
Egberg and coworkers was applied to the assay of fortified ascorbic acid and many potentially useful metal-ion complex
grains and beverages (13). This method required a metha- oxidants.
nolic-metaphosphoric acid extraction step to reduce turbid- The more common metal-ion redox methods involve the
ity from colloidal suspensions. The detection limit of the reduction of iron(III) to iron(II) by the vitamin. An intensely
method was 6 fxg/mL and response was linear up to 200 |xg/ colored iron(II) complex is formed after addition of a chelat-
mL. ing agent. Absorbance is monitored at the absorption maxi-
There has been considerable interest in determining ascor- mum of the complex and is directly proportional to the ascor-
bate concentrations for nutritional and biomedical surveys. bic acid concentration. The most common iron(II) chelating
Because of the large number of samples in these studies, agents are a,a'-dipyridine, 2,4,6-tripyridyl-S-triazine (TPZ),
several variations of the basic methodology have been devel- and ferrozine.
oped. Methods have been introduced for cataractous lens Zannoni and coworkers have published a micromethod for
(14), ovarian (15), and lingual tissues-(16); infant milk (17); the determination of ascorbic acid in plasma and tissue sam-
and serum, whole blood, and saliva (18-20). One automated ples (32). This procedure detects as little as 0.1 fxg ascorbic
version, rigorously evaluated by independent investigators, acid and requires 0.01 mL sample; the complex is stable for
has been chosen as a "selected method" for clinical labora- at least 2 li\ Okamura has reported a procedure for the
tories (21). This method produces a linear response from 2.0 simultaneous determination of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic
to 20 jxg ascorbic acid/mL serum, with a maximal sampling acidsin plasma (33,34). In both procedures, dehydroascorbic
rate of 60/h. Interferences from sulfhydryls, sulfites, and thio- acid is reduced to ascorbic acid with dithiothreitol. The ascor-
sulfates and from catalytic oxidation of ascorbate by iron(III) bate and dehydroascorbate: concentrations are then deter-
and copper(II) were minimized by using a pH 3.5 solution of mined by difference. Precipitation of iron from urine samples
metaphosphoric acid. '; ; and treatment with activated charcoal to remove interfering
The limitations encountered with DCIP methods result from substances were necessary. Excellent agreement was found
poor specificity and dye instability. Many molecules (e. g., between this procedure and a dinitrophenylhydrazine method.
phenols, sulfhydryls, and triose reductones) and ions (e.g., Lloyd et al. have used 2,4,6-tripyridyl-5'-triazine to develop
ferrous, cuprous, or sulfite) can reduce 2,6-dichloroindo- a procedure for analysis for ascorbic acid in platelets (35).
PACHLA ET AL.: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 68, NO. 1, 1985)
AA > B H M + 2 H
% S °4
oKidatioa 2^^\ ^*>2
and 14C-labeled ascorbic acid and found that only 30-53% of column has also been used for quantitation of ascorbic, dehy-
the bis-2,4,-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative was pro- droascorbic, and 2-ketogulonic acids (65). A 50 mM H3P04
duced. Optimal derivatization conditions yielding maximal mobile phase was optimal.
derivative formation were 3-4 h at 37°C, or 1.5 h at 60°C.
The DPNH method has been automated by Aeschbacher
This approach has been used to monitor urinary ascorbate
levels (58). and Brown and applied to analysis of tissue samples (66). A
manual method has also been reported for analysis of platelets
A method has been reported, using the oxidant potassium and leukocytes for ascorbic acid (67). Serious disadvantages
bromate, that can quantitate ascorbic acid and its important of the manual methods include lengthy derivatization steps
metabolite,.ascorbic acid-2-sulfate, in urine and tissues (59). and the fact that DHAA is also measured as ascorbic acid.
Free ascorbic acid is quantitated after 1 h incubation at 37°C, Pelletier has reported a combined manual method incorpor-
although its metabolite is measured after incubation for 3 h ating dichloroindophenol and dinitrophenylhydrazine to dif-
at 60°C. The difference in absorbance at both temperatures ferentially measure ascorbic acid and DHAA levels in bio-
corresponds to the initial amount of ascorbic acid-2-sulfate. logical samples (68). An automated version of this method-
Many investigators have integrated selective chromato- ology has been adapted for determining ascorbic acid in serum
graphic techniques to increase specificity. For example, Bel- (69) and pharmaceutical products (70). An in-depth investi-
jaars et al. combined thin layer chromatography with the 2,4- gation of the automated experimental parameters has been
DNPH method (60). They applied densitometry detection for undertaken and applied to foodstuffs (71). The parameters
measuring 0.08-1.00 (xg ascorbic acid in buttermilk. Shmidt investigated included maximization of the conversion of DHAA
and Holfelder used thin layer chromatography to isolate the to ascorbic acid for blanks, minimization of osazone forma-
2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative from interfering com- tion by sugars, and optimization of color development. The
ponents and were able to quantitate the ascorbic acid content procedure was applied to vegetables, fruit juices, and other
in black current juice (61). Micro and macro methods using food products. The method was more specific when com-
this approach were developed to determine ascorbic acid pared with a manual DPNH method. Behrens and Madere
levels in bodyfluidsand tissues of insects (62). (72) have made further improvements in Pelletier and Bras-
Toothill and coworkers incorporated column chromatog- sard's method (69). Refinements in the reaction conditions
raphy and compared their results with a 2,6-dichloroindo- and choice of reagents allowed determination of ascorbic acid
phenol method for ascorbic acid analysis in evaporated and in small volumes of rat plasma and tissue extracts. The new
fortified sterilized milk (63); they reported the DPNH method procedure requires only 0.15 mL sample and could measure
to be more accurate. The presence of sulfhydryl groups and as little as 1.2 jxg/mL. Use of the method yielded standard
reductones present in evaporated and sterilized milk inter- deviations of 0.5-1.5% for ascorbate concentrations between
fered in the 2,6-dichloroindophenol method, but not in the 1.6 and 6.8 |xg/mL.
TLC/DPNH method. Dried feeds have been assayed for
ascorbate content with combined column chromatography Wahba and coworkers developed a simplified colorimetric
and the DPNH method (64). This approach has a throughput assay to determine ascorbic acid in pharmaceutical prepara-
of 50-60 samples/day and a detection limit of 0.1 u,g ascorbic tions (73). This method consists of reacting ascorbic acid with
acid/g. Sample cleanup on a Dowex 1-X2 anion-exchange phenylhydrazinium chloride in acidic solution at 50°C, with
subsequent measurement at 395 nm. The assay obeys.Beer's
6 PACHLA ET AL.: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 68, NO. 1, 1985)
law from 25 to 100 u,g, and interference by other vitamins The manual OPDA method has been automated on Tech-
and reducing substances is minimized. nicon Autoanalyzer by simply replacing the Norit oxidation
step with redox reagents (84-86), but a major drawback of
Diazotization.—Another class of derivatization methods using redox reagents in a totally automated system is that
involves the reaction of ascorbic acid with diazotized 4-meth- naturally occurring fluorescing plant components may inter-
oxy-2-nitroaniline. First studied by Schmall and coworkers fere because they are no longer adsorbed onto the Norit. This
(74, 75), the reaction mechanism is a hybrid redox-derivati- problem can be minimized by using a semiautomated version
zation and is illustrated below. (87).
O O n n „~ HO
ft III I |°2
Derivatization is rapid, and the absorbance of the alkaline The automated method of Roy et al. (85) and semiauto-
blue solution (570 nm) is proportional to the original ascorbic mated method of Egberg et al. (87) have been compared (88)
acid concentration. Other vitamins and dehydroascorbic acid with 2 manual AOAC titrimetric and fluorometric methods i
do not react with the diazotization reagent. This methodology (89,90). In this study, 40 products (cereals, fruits, vegetables, j
is, therefore, appropriate for pharmaceutical stability studies. baby foods, meats, frozen dinners, juices, nutritional health I
The basic manual procedures have been modified and bars, and pet foods) were assayed in duplicate on 2 days and I
adapted to a Technicon Autoanalyzer for automated serum included a recovery study. Egberg's method was found to
and urinary ascorbate analysis (76). The automated method have a correlation factor of 0.999 with the official methods
obeys Beer's law over the concentration range of 1-7 mg/100 and an average recovery of 97.8%; while the Roy method had
mL, and specificity is enhanced for biological samples by a correlation factor of 0.979 and an average recovery of 99.3%.
using blank correction. Diazotized 4-methoxy-2-nitroaniline On the basis of these results, it has been suggested that
has also been used in an ovarian ascorbic depletion assay (77) Egberg's method is the method of choice for most of the I
and more recently in an automated pharmaceutical formula- products tested. A recent study has determined thewithin-
tion assay (78). Chromatography on a cellulose column has and between-laboratory reproducibilities of Egberg's semiau-
been used for sample cleanup for selective determination of tomated method (91). Fifteen samples of 12 different products
ascorbic acid in foodstuffs (79). Other variations of the method (cereals, fruit juices, and infant formula) were assayed by 5
use p-nitroaniline (80) and/or diazotized/?-aminobenzoic acid different laboratories. The within-laboratory relative stan-
as the redox-derivatization reagent (81). dard deviations for 3 different blind duplicate samples were
Quinoxaline Formation.—Alternative derivatization reac- 11.9,0.93, and 3.2%. The average relative standard deviation
tions include the formation of condensation products derived between laboratories was 4.9% (range 1.5-12.6%). On the]
between dehydroascorbic acid and substituted o-phenylene- basis of these results and the historical performance of the ]
diamines (OPDA): method (88, 91), the semiautomated version was adopted asj
The most commonly used method is the manual Deiitsch an official method at the 97th annual international meeting of
and Weeks assay (82). Norit (carbon) oxidizes ascorbic acid AOAC.
to DHAA which then reacts with ophenylenediamine to yield Other variations of the basic o-phenylenediamine approach
a fluorescent quinoxaline derivative. This method is more have used substituted analogs of OPDA in the reaction. For
specific, faster, and less restrictive to sample type when com- example, Szepesi used 4,5-dimethyl-l,2-phenylenediamine|
pared with the dichloroindophenol and DPNH assays (83). (92). This new derivatization reagent allowed the ascorbic I
PACHLA ET AL.: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 68, NO.. 1,-1985) 7
acid content of pharmaceutical preparations to be determined samples/h), it could be readily automated using recent advances
by ultraviolet spectroscopy, and a 4-fold decrease in deriva- in automated chromatographic sample processors.
tization time was reported. Recently, Strohl and Curran (103) used flow injection anal-
Another spectrophotometric method that incorporates an ysis with a reticulated vitreous carbon flow-through electrode
analog of OPDA, 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine, has been used to illustrate the applicability of the technique to determine
for analyzing ascorbic acid in foodstuffs (93) and pharmaceu- ascorbic acid in ascorbic acid tablets. This procedure had a
tical preparations (94). These approaches consisted of retain- detection limit of 0.4 ng/injection. Flow injection analysis has
ing ascorbic acid on an anionic Sephadex column. After inter- also been used to determine the diffusion coefficient of ascor-
fering substances were eluted, ascorbic acid was oxidized to bic acid (104). ....,.-.
dehydroascorbic acid in situ with p-benzoquinone. Dehy- In constant-current coulometric methods used for deter-
droascorbic acid was eluted from the column and reacted mination of this vitamin, a reagent is generated in situ at an
with 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine. The absorbance was mea- electrode, which then reacts with ascorbic acid. The amount
sured at 375 nm after removal of excess reagent. The method of current per unit time used to obtain the end point is directly
has a detection limit of 15 u,g ascorbic acid/g of sample, and proportional to the original ascorbic acid concentration. Marsh
dehydroascorbic acid can be quantitated after reduction to and coworkers used electrogenerated Br2 to determine the
ascorbic acid with dimercaptoethanol. vitamin in ascorbic acid tablets (105). The relative standard
phenylenediamine to its colored oxidized form. Ascorbic acid Mapson and Partridge proposed a method to separate
rapidly reacts with the oxidized form, converting it back to ascorbic and isoascorbic acids, using Whatman No. 1 filter
phenylenediamine. The time required for production of a paper with an acidified KCN (potassium cyanide) developing
stable color (of oxidized p-phenylenediamine) is proportional solvent (122). Phenol-acetic acid has been used in combina-
to the original amount of ascorbic acid. This method has been tion with metaphosphoric acid-impregnated paper (123) or
applied successfully to the quality assurance for the labeling glass fiber filter paper-impregnated with silica gel (124) to
compliance of fruit juices. Another variation substitutes eliminate the hazardous solvent combination. The method
guaiacol or homovanilic acid for /?-phenylenediamine and is reported by Mitchell and Patterson (123) was used to quan-
suitable for trace determination in plant extracts (115). titate human urinary ascorbic acid excretion (125). In this
Electrochemical.—Many workers used electrochemical method, ascorbic and erythorbic acids were measured using
techniques to monitor the depletion of oxygen during the a 2-6-dichloroindophenol method after isolating each com-
folio wing. reaction. ponent from the filter paper. Recoveries of 101% and 108%
were reported for rat urine and cress seedlings (126). This
«,„^ Ascorbate' xx' . TT _ procedure involved a preliminary separation using a butanolic
AA + 1/2 Oj'-r-r; DHAA + H 2 0 solvent followed by a second separation with a phenolic sol-
Oxidase vent. Ascorbic acid was eluted and measured via a DCIP
between 50 and 400 jig and a recoveryof 98%. Another GC An ion-pair LCEC method was used to measure ascorbic
procedure has a linearity range of 0.7-7.0 mg ascorbic acid and erythorbic acids in orange juice, rat plasma, urine, liver,
in orange drink (135). Schlack has also published a method and brain tissues (152). Numerous counter ions were inves-
suitable for food products and pharmaceuticals (136); ascor- tigated, and decylamine gave the best separation. The method
bic acid was precipitated as a lead salt, derivatized, and was highly specific, and no interferences were observed.
detected via flame ionization. Linearity was observed between (b) Spectroscopic detection: Ultraviolet detection has been
0.1 and 1:0 mg, and recovery was 100.1%. used to monitor ascorbic acid after separation by ion-exchange
Liquid Chromatography.—Liquid chromatography (LC) has chromatography. Williams and coworkers (153) determined
been used extensively for ascorbic acid analysis. This tech- ascorbic acid at 254 nm in orange juice, and the method was
nique combines high selectively and sensitivity with rapid specific for ascorbic acid. Another method has described the
sample analysis and does not require derivatization. A mini- quantitation of ascorbic acid in small volumes of aqueous
review of LC methods used for ascorbic acid has recently humor (154). Aqueous humor (2 u,L) was diluted 5-fold, directly
appeared (139). injected onto an ion-exchange column, and detected at 254
(a) Electrochemical detection: The early LC methods for nm. This method gave results comparable to the Roe and
ascorbic acid analysis used electrochemical detection (LCEC). Kuether method. Liebes and coworkers (155) reported the
Kissinger et al. (140) used a thin layer amperometric cell to
interferences were observed, and recoveries of 108% and provided detection limits of about 35 ng total ascorbic acid/
107% were reported for the 2 acids, respectively. mL blood.
The simultaneous determination of dehydroascorbic and
ascorbic acids has been unsuccessful, because DHAA is elec- Future Directions
trochemically inactive or does not absorb UV light at the The search for a single ideal method to analyze ascorbic
same wavelengths as ascorbic acid. Nevertheless, several acid in food products and biological and pharmaceutical sam-
approaches for simultaneously determining ascorbic acid and ples may never be successful. Because each sample type has
DHAA have been reported. A combination of UV and refrac- its own special requirements, a multitude of analytical pro-
tive index detectors has been used to measure these acids in cedures will always appear in the literature. Future methods,
orange juice and urine (169). Isoascorbic, dehydroascorbic, however, will always rely on the basic chemical properties
diketogulonic, and diketogluconic acids were also detected of ascorbic acid or on sophistication of instrumentation to
with this method. A simple procedure that uses dual UV develop selective, sensitive methods. In addition to the many
detectors to quantitate ascorbic acid and DHAA in food (170), suggestions offered in the text, the following avenues for
biological and pharmaceutical samples (171), or guinea pig analysis are offered:
tissue has been reported (172). Filtered liquid samples or Many spectroscopic or electrochemical methods may not,
aqueous extracts of solid samples were directly injected and
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