Physico-Chemical Studies On The Evaluation of The Antioxidant Activity of Herbal Extracts and Active Principles of Some Indian Medicinal Plants

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Serial Review J. Clin. Biochem. Nutr.

, 40, 174–183, May 2007

Recent Advances in Indian Herbal Drug Research

Guest Editor: Thomas Paul Asir Devasagayam

Physico-Chemical Studies on the Evaluation of the Antioxidant

Activity of Herbal Extracts and Active Principles of Some Indian
Medicinal Plants

Soumyakanti Adhikari, Kavirayani Indira Priyadarsini, and Tulsi Mukherjee*

Radiation & Photochemistry Division, Chemistry group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India

Received 19 September, 2006; Accepted 12 December, 2006

Summary Understanding of the efficacy and mechanism for the reaction of the biologically
important radicals with natural and/or synthetic antioxidants is the first step towards the
development of future therapeutic agents. The kinetic parameters e.g., formation and decay rate
constants predict the efficacy of an antioxidant and its fate after reaction. These parameters
also dictate the ease with which competing reactions would occur in a bio-environment. The
spectroscopic parameters provide the clue to the site of free radical attack to these anti-
oxidants. Here, in this article an attempt has been made to show the use of physico-chemical
methods in the evaluation of antioxidant activity of some important medicinal plants commonly
used in India and the subcontinent. The systems chosen here for discussions are herbal extracts
as such, curcumin from turmeric, methoxy phenols from Indian spices, dehydrogingerdione
from ginger and bakuchiol from Psoralea corylifolia. All the examples shown in this article
illustrate the potential of the pulse radiolysis coupled with kinetic spectroscopy and other
physicochemical techniques for the study of antioxidants either in the form of mixture as in
herbal extract or as an isolated compound.

Key Words: free radical, herbal extract, curcumin, dehydrogingerdione, bakuchiol

oxygen species (ROS) such as ˙OH, HO2, O2−˙, H2O2 etc and
Introduction reactive nitrogen species (RNS) such as NO˙, NO2˙, ONOO−
etc. Therefore the concept of pharmacological supplementation
Oxidation of biological molecules has been postulated to of a defense against ROS/RNS with antioxidants has become
induce a variety of pathological events such as atherogenesis, an intensive area of research and here lies the interest in the
carcinogenesis and ageing [1]. It has been proven beyond chemistry of antioxidants. The use of herbal products for
doubt that these damaging events are caused by free radicals improving one’s health has augmented in modern time.
[2]. The most important free radicals identified to induce Indian medicinal plants provide a rich source of such
such oxidative damage are commonly termed as reactive products. Ayurveda and other systems of Indian medicine
have identified a number of plants and their components that
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. have curative values.
Tel: 91-22-25595234 Fax: 91-22-25505331 The measure of the antioxidant properties of the herbal
Email: products and their active components is important. Different biochemical as well as chemical methods can be employed

Physico-Chemical Studies for Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity 175

for these studies. In vitro animal model systems such as rat combination with pulse radiolysis is generally being used for
brain and liver mitochondria, various cell culture systems are such studies.
some of the subjects where these studies are carried out. The In this review we will focus on some recent results
methodologies that have been used are immunocytochemistry, obtained in our laboratory. Mostly kinetic, spectroscopic and
confocal microscopy and electron microscopy as morpho- electrochemical methods were used to determine the anti-
logical techniques to name a few. Several standard bio- oxidant efficacy and mechanism of selected herbal extracts
chemical and molecular biological techniques are used to and their active ingredients. It must be noted that no attempt
assess the damage caused by free radicals and its repair by at a comprehensive survey of literature is made, nor is
the antioxidants. All these studies provide gross pictures about any claim made that the literature citations given are fully
the events that take place involving free radicals and anti- representative.
oxidants in in vitro systems. Under this scenario, molecular
level studies become indispensable. The physico-chemical Pulse Radiolysis Setup and Measurement
parameters like redox potential, reactivity, half-life, chemical
transformation and stable end products determine the positive In the pulse radiolysis setup used in this group at Bhabha
and adverse effects of the test molecules in use. These Atomic Research Center [5], 7 MeV electrons come out
studies might provide a clear view of the electron transfer from the waveguide through a titanium window with mean
processes that occur both in free radical induced damage as diameter of 2 mm. The machine is capable of producing
well as repair by antioxidants. Advanced techniques such as electron pulses of widths between 50 ns to 2 µs with peak
pulse radiolysis and cyclic voltammetry (CV) have been used current ranging from 400 mA to 70 mA. The block diagram
extensively to determine redox properties of molecules in of the machine is shown in Fig. 1. In this technique free
solution. The details of pulse radiolysis are given below. CV radicals are generated by employing electron pulse and the
was extensively used by Chevion et al. [3] for the evaluation fate of these radicals are followed with time in absence
of antioxidant capacity of blood plasma, tissue homogenates and presence of scavengers. Pulse radiolysis is the most
and extracts of edible plants. Also some cyclic voltammograms convenient method to generate detectable instantaneous
were reported for beer samples as an example of a food concentrations of free radicals. Ever since its discovery, this
product containing polyphenolic compounds [4]. It is also technique has been used to study reactions of biological
imperative to understand the mechanism involved in the anti- molecules. The simple reason is that one can mimic to some
oxidant activity of such compounds. Kinetic spectroscopy in extent biological situations by studying the free radical

Fig. 1. Block diagram of pulse radiolysis setup

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induced reactions of bio-molecules in solutions. The inter- ability, potassium thiocyanate (KSCN or SCN−) is used as
mediates, which are formed in vivo can be mimicked by standard using pulse radiolysis. In this method ˙OH is
studying redox reactions of biological molecule in vitro and allowed to react with known concentration of KSCN at pH 7,
can be assigned by the method like transient optical absorption in the absence and in the presence of various concentrations
technique in the present case. By knowing the intermediates, of extracts. In the absence of extract, the ˙OH reacts
mechanism of the reaction can be delineated. completely with SCN− to produce (SCN)2˙−. The formation
Accurate measurements of kinetic parameters require of (SCN)2˙− can be observed by monitoring its transient
knowledge of the concentrations of the reactants and the rate absorbance in microsecond time scales at 500 nm [8]. In
constants for the reactions so that importance of the potential the presence of extract, capable of reacting with ˙OH, the
competing reactions can be understood. The rate constants absorbance due to (SCN)2˙− at 500 nm decreases. From
are determined by two methods, one is direct determination the extent of decrease in the absorbance at 500 nm, rate
and the other is by competition kinetic method. In direct of scavenging of ˙OH by extract (E) can be calculated.
determination the principle of pseudo first order kinetics is For these studies with ˙OH radicals, it is necessary to use
generally followed. The substrate is used in large excess to advanced techniques like pulse radiolysis, however it is
scavenge all the free radicals (R˙). The equations follow: possible to estimate the free radical scavenging ability using
other radicals like 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and
−d [R˙]/dt = k1 [R˙] (1) 2,2'-azinobis(3-thylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS˙−).
DPPH is purple in colour (λmax 517 nm) and in presence of a
Which can be interpreted in terms of substance capable of donating an electron or a hydrogen
atom, it loses its radical character and becomes colourless
log [R˙]0 − log [R˙]t = k1t/2.303 (2) [9]. The total reactivity of the extract towards DPPH radical
can be studied by following the kinetics of DPPH radical
Where, R0 is the initial free radical concentration and Rt is reaction in presence of the extracts. In general such reactions
the same at time t. The pseudo first order rate constant is take place in time scales of fraction of a second to several
determined by ploting log [R˙]0/[R˙]t versus time (in practice hundred seconds and stopped-flow kinetic spectrometer is
absorbance of [R˙]0 and [R˙]t is used) to give final equation best suited for this.
in terms of absorbance. The competition kinetic method will ABTS˙− radical is also a stable radical like DPPH, shows
be discussed in detail with reference to herbal extracts in the absorption in the wavelength region 400 nm to 750 nm, with
subsequent section. absorption maxima at 417 nm (ε = 3.47 × 104 M−1cm−1), 645 nm
(ε = 1.35 × 104 M−1cm−1) and at 728 nm (ε = 1.5 × 104 M−1cm−1)
Studies with Herbal Extracts [10]. The reaction of ABTS˙− radical with extracts can be
followed by steady state or by time resolved methods.
Now a days plant extracts and herbal formulations, are However, unlike DPPH, ABTS˙− radical reactions involve
gaining importance as less toxic antioxidants and radio- electron transfer and take place at a much faster rate and hence
protectors [6, 7]. While there are several attempts to study depending on the time scale of reaction, it can be monitored
the bio-chemical and pharmacological activities, there is a by either pulse radiolysis or stopped-flow spectrometer.
need to develop methods for evaluating the free radical Employing the above techniques, we were able to study
scavenging ability of such extracts. Extracts contain mixture a number of extracts such as Phyllanthus emblica (T1),
of compounds, with unknown compositions and also there is Terminalia chebula (T2), Terminalia belerica (T3) and
no direct method to estimate their concentration. In such case, triphala (T4) an equi-proportional mixture of fruits of the
a general practice is to express total concentration of the three herbs [11–15]. Table 1 gives the ascorbate equivalents
extract as µg/ml. Because of the multi-constituent mixture, it estimated by this method in different extracts studied in
is not possible to determine the absolute rate constants for our laboratory. Further we were able to compare these
the reactions of extracts with free radicals. However, it is results with their antioxidant activity like inhibition of lipid
possible to estimate their relative reactivity in comparison peroxidation in liposomes induced by γ-radiation. The IC50
with a standard, which can indirectly be used to indicate the value, i.e. the concentration of the extract required to inhibit
total scavenging ability of the extract. Reactivity is a product lipid peroxidation by 50% was estimated and these are listed
of rate constant and the concentration and is a quantity, in Table 1. The values correlate well within experimental
which can be directly compared when mixtures participate limits except in case of T2, which is being addressed in
in a chemical or biological reaction. Some of the methods future. Cyclic votammetric studies were used to obtain the
employed for studying free radical reactions are given redox potential of the extracts. The reactions of the above
below. extracts with different radicals are possible only when the
For the determination of hydroxyl radical (˙OH) scavenging reduction potential of constituents present in the extract is

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Table 1. DPPH and ABTS−˙ radical reactions, redox potentials and antioxidant activities of plant extracts
IC50 (µg/ml) to inhibit
Cyclic Voltammetric DPPH Assay ABTS˙− assay
Extract γ-radiation induced
Peaks (IC50 µg/ml) Ascorbate equ. (%)
lipid peroxidation
0.25 V 8±2 33 ± 5 7±3
embilica, T1
0.3 V 6±4 60 ± 5 11 ± 4
chebula, T2
0.24 V 10 ± 2 35 ± 4 13 ± 3
belerica, T3
Triphala, T4 0.3 V 7±3 33 ± 6 10 ± 3

lower as compared to the reduction potential of the radicals. spectrophotometry, where the formation of transient at
To determine the reduction potential, cyclic voltammetric suitable wavelength is followed as a function of time. A
traces of the extracts were recorded. None of them showed transient having a lifetime of a few hundred microseconds
reversibility but broad peaks were observed at the peak absorbing from 250 to 600 nm with maximum absorption at
potential values of 0.25 V, 0.3 V, and 0.24 V for T1, T2, and 500 nm was characterized in all the reactions, with extinction
T3, respectively. The broad peaks have been attributed to the coefficient of ~7300 M−1cm−1. In aqueous solutions the
presence of large amount of oxidisable substrates present in radicals of curcumin decay by second order kinetics with
these extracts. The low redox potential (0.2 to 0.3 V) of T1, 2 k values of 7.5 × 108 M−1s−1. The reaction takes place by
T2, and T3 suggest that the extracts contain easily oxidisable the radical-radical recombinations leading to the formation
substrates that help in neutralizing the oxidizing free radicals of products, one of them being a two electron oxidized
via electron transfer reaction. T4 being a mixture showed species, which undergoes subsequent cleavage to produce
similar features, with major peak at 0.3 V. species like, vanillin, ferulic acid etc. The second order
radical decay suggests that the decay and lifetime of
Studies with Curcumin curcumin radical depend on the initial concentration of
radicals (t1/2 = 0.693/2 k [radical]). Under cellular conditions,
Turmeric is the root of the perennial herb Curcuma longa, where very low concentration of radicals is formed (less
belonging to the ginger family is cultivated in tropical regions than micromolar concentration), such reactions between
of south and southeast Asia. It is commonly used as a spice two curcumin radicals do not take place, rather the radicals
and coloring agent in Indian cooking. Its dietary consumption react with other cellular antioxidants and ultimately may
is estimated to be ~1.5 g per person per day. Its utility in be regenerated. In fact increase in lifetime by an order of
traditional Indian medicine is referred as old as second magnitude was observed in TX-100 micellar systems.
millennium BC. It is a household medicine widely used to Using stopped-flow spectrometry the reactions of DPPH
cure biliary disorders, anorexia, cough, diabetic wounds, radicals and superoxide radicals were studied and the rate
hepatic disorders, rheumatism and sinusitis [16–19]. The most constants reported [22, 24]. In all these cases decrease in the
active component of turmeric is curcumin, which makes upto absorption of either the radical species or the parent curcumin
2–5% of the spice. Several studies have shown curcumin to were followed as a function of time. Using transient
be a potent antioxidant with its activity 10 times more than luminescence detection, the rate constant for the reaction of
that of the well-known antioxidant vitamin E [20]. Recent curcumin with singlet molecular oxygen was determined by
phase I clinical trials indicate that human beings can tolerate following the decay of singlet oxygen emission at 1270 nm.
a dose of curcumin as high as 8 g/day with no side effects All these rate constants are listed in Table 2. The radicals
[16, 21]. Curcumin has been shown to be an effective anti- of curcumin absorbing at 500 nm have been attributed to
oxidant under several conditions, where free radicals are phenoxyl radicals, as the decay of the radicals was not
generated and since the antioxidant activity is always affected by the presence of oxygen and the radical absorption
associated with free radical scavenging activity, curcumin spectrum is not influenced by the change in pH from 3 to
has been examined for free radical scavenging studies. 10 and such radicals acquire resonance stability over the
Using pulse radiolysis, reactions of superoxide, halocarbon extended conjugation system.
peroxyl, lipidperoxyl, methyl and methyl peroxyl radicals, Phenoxyl radicals are formed by one of the two mechanisms
glutathione radicals and azide radicals have been reported such as direct hydrogen abstraction or by initial electron
[20, 22, 23]. The rate constants for the reactions of these transfer to the free radical, where by a radical cation is
radicals were determined in aqueous solutions by kinetic formed, which subsequently undergoes a proton loss to

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Table 2. Rate constants for the reaction of different radicals with characteristic 500 nm absorbing transient instead a week
curcumin band at 310 nm was observed, that decayed in less than few
Rate constant microseconds. All these studies confirmed that phenolic OH
Radical Medium
M−1s−1 makes major contribution in both antioxidant activity and
N3˙ 10% acetonitrile-water 3.4 × 109 hydrogen abstraction reactivity, while the methylenic group
N3˙ Tx-100 micelles 1.2 × 109 makes minor contribution for this and the 500 nm band
CCl3O2 48% Isopropanol-water 1.2 × 108
observed in microseconds during one-electron oxidation
corresponds to the phenoxyl radical. This was further
Lipid peroxyl radical Linoleic acid micelles 7.3 × 105
confirmed by density functional theory (DFT), studies. The
DPPH Acetonitrile 1.6 × 102
bond dissociation energies of the phenolic OH and the
Superoxide radical Tx-100 Micelles 4.6 × 104
methylenic CH2 group in diketo form and that of CH group
Superoxide radicals Acetonitrile 4.7 × 102
in the enolic form were estimated and found that the O-H
Glutathione radical 50% Methanol-water 1.0 × 108
bond dissociation energy of the phenolic group is 5.04 kcal/
Singlet oxygen Acetonitrile 1.3 × 106
mol lower than the C-H bond dissociation energy (BDE) of
the central CH2 of the diketo curcumin, suggesting that the
phenolic OH is the most vulnerable target for free radicals in
produce a phenoxyl radical [25]. Jovanovic et al. also curcumin. The site for the free radical reaction of curcumin
studied the free radical reaction mechanism of curcumin by and the resonant structures of phenoxyl radicals are given in
pulse radiolysis and flashphotolysis and concluded that H Fig. 2.
atom transfer is the preferred antioxidant mechanism of From the above studies, it was confirmed that the phenolic
curcumin [26]. They proposed that due to the availability of site is essential for the antioxidant activity. The diketone
two methylenic hydrogens, the preferred site of free radical moiety of curcumin possesses chelating abilities towards
reaction is the CH2 group in the heptadienone link and not transitions metals. This chelation of curcumin towards
the phenolic OH group, which accounted for only 15% of redox-active metals like iron and copper has been found to
the reaction. This was sharply contradicted later by many be useful in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and it is
others. Berclay et al. [27], determined the inhibition of interesting to note that among the Indian populations, regular
controlled initiation of styrene oxidation by curcumin and usage of turmeric is one of the reasons responsible for the
other synthetic non-phenolic curcuminoids having basic reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. There is a similarity
curcumin skeleton and do not possess phenolic groups and between drugs used for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
confirmed that curcumin is a classical phenolic chain- and their usefulness as super oxide dismutase (SOD)
breaking antioxidant, donating H atoms from the phenolic mimics. This prompted us to develop new copper-curcumin
OH groups and not the CH2 group. Later Jovanovic et al. complexes, which showed promising SOD activity and are
[28] did some more supporting experiments and corrected found to be better antioxidants than curcumin at cellular
their claims. Based on laser flash photolysis studies of level [29].
curcumin and its mono methylated and trimethylated
derivatives, they proposed that the radical formed is that of a Studies with Other Methoxy Phenols: Correlating
phenoxyl radical, which is formed by direct one-electron In-vitro Activity with Redox Potentials
oxidation of a methoxyphenol moiety or by that the initially
formed β-oxo-alkyl radical undergoes an intramolecular H- In another study, four different o-methoxy phenols from
atom transfer from the methoxyphenol. Later a conclusive Indian spices and plant products, viz., dehydrozingerone,
evidence has been given by our group by the systematic brompentenone, eugenol and isoeugenol were examined for
comparison of the antioxidant activity and the free radical free radical scavenging reactions by pulse radiolysis [30]. In
reactions of curcumin and dimethoxy curcumin, in which the all these cases, one-electron oxidation produced phenoxyl
two phenolic OH groups are blocked by the alkylation and radicals, having absorption spectrum in the range from 300
the diketone moiety is intact, which makes an excellent to 400 nm with absorption maximum at~350 nm. Further,
comparison for this [22]. Three independent experiments the redox potentials of the compounds to form phenoxyl
were performed and compared for both the compounds. In radicals from their parent phenols at pH 7 were estimated by
these experiments, curcumin showed three times more pulse radiolysis. The reduction potentials are direct measure
efficacy in inhibiting lipid peroxidation than the dimethoxy for their ability to undergo oxidation on reaction with
derivative. Rate constants for hydrogen abstraction reaction oxidizing free radicals. This in turn is dependent on the O-H
with DPPH radical was 1800 times more than that with the bond dissociation energy. This data was compared with the
dimethoxy derivative. Pulse radiolysis induced one-electron compound in vitro antioxidant ability like inhibition of free
oxidation of dimethoxy derivative did not produce the radicals induced lipid peroxidation in model systems. The

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Fig. 2. Reaction pathway of curcumin with oxidizing radicals

results confirmed that a phenol, which can undergo easy antioxidant activity than vitamin E. The National Cancer
oxidation, is more potent antioxidant. The comparative data Institute has identified ginger as one of the top-10 anti-
is given in Table 3. cancer foods. As with other botanicals and herbs, ginger also
offers numerous other benefits and could easily be placed in
Studies with Dehydrogingerdione the cardiovascular category. Dehydrogingerdione (1), one of
the constituents of ginger, possesses a partially methylated
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is one of the world’s catechol moiety, a 1,3-diketo functionality and an extended
best-known spices, and it is universally used throughout conjugation (Fig. 3).
history for its health benefits. The dried extract of ginger In principle, compounds possessing multiple double bonds
contains monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The main anti- and especially with active hydrogen can act as radical
oxidant principles in ginger are the gingerols, shogaols and scavengers via addition to double bonds and/or abstraction
some related phenolic ketone derivatives. Ginger extract of hydrogen atom from the allylic position as is the case with
possesses antioxidative characteristics, since it can scavenge lipids. The positive role of the β-diketone moiety in the anti-
superoxide anion and hydroxyl radicals. Ginger alone contains oxidant action of four ginger-derived phenolic diketones (1–4)
up to 12 compounds providing as much as 40-times higher (Fig. 3) against lipid peroxidation were reported [31] using
biologically relevant model systems and pulse radiolysis. In
iron-independent peroxidation, however, 1 showed activity
Table 3. Correlation between reduction potential and the IC50
value to inhibit lipid peroxidation in microsomes
comparable to that of curcumin. This was ascribed due to its
higher affinity for the lipid peroxyl radical due to higher
IC50 (µM) to inhibit
Reduction potential hydrophobicity. The antioxidant/prooxidant activity of a
Phenol Fe+2 induced lipid
at pH 7 vs NHE test compound in iron-mediated lipid peroxidation in a
biological system is critically governed by factors such as
Dehydrozingerone ~1 V 30 ± 1 the concentration of endogenous reducing systems and/or
Bromopentenone 0.9 V — redox couples. Thus, the true antioxidant activity of 1 was
Eugenol 0.8 V 11.0 ± 0.3 assessed by use of a biologically relevant liposomal system,
Isoeugenol 0.7 V 3.0 ± 0.4 devoid of reductants such as ascorbate, reduced form of

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180 S. Adhikari et al.

Fig. 3. Chemical structure of ginger compounds (1–4)

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), initial radicals [33]. In the case of glutathiyl-radical-induced
etc., and by carrying out the Fe2+-mediated peroxidation at oxidation, a carbon-centered radical was inferred from the
pH 5.0, at which value Fe2+ remains unoxidized, for at least result of the oxygen effect on the decay of the radical. A
3 h, during which considerable peroxidation took place. This suitable mechanism for all the reactions mentioned for the
study not only ensured minimization of the prooxidant effect oxidation of 1 has been proposed (Fig. 4).
of ascorbate, but also assisted in the quantitative comparison
of the antioxidant activities of 1 and ascorbate, individually and Studies with Bacuchiol
in combination. The protection offered by vitamin C (15 µM)
alone was considerably less than that offered by 1 even at Besides phenolics, antioxidant activities of other classes
lower concentrations (5 and 10 µM). More interestingly, the of compounds including terpenoids are also reported [34,
antioxidant activity of 1 increased drastically in the presence of 35] in literature. In this section the mechanism for the anti-
vitamin C at increasing concentrations. These results strongly oxidant activity of the meroterpene, bakuchiol, an important
suggest that 1 scavenges the LOO˙ radical more quickly than constituent of the plant Psoralea corylifolia (P. corylifolia)
vitamin C does, but the radical generated from 1 then reacts is discussed. P. corylifolia is an ancient medicinal plant
with vitamin C to regenerate 1. This established a synergistic found in India and China and is still being cultivated for
effect of vitamin C on the antioxidant activity of 1. The medicinal purposes in China today. It is abundant in various
above results were also confirmed by pulse radiolytic studies parts of India, and its seeds have enjoyed an honoured place
of the reaction between 1 and the trichloromethylperoxyl in Ayurvedic medicine, particularly for the treatment of
radical (CCl3O2˙). In spite of its higher reduction potential inflammatory and skin diseases. Bakuchiol, one of the
value (1.5 V), compared to the physiologically relevant important constituents of P. corylifolia seeds, is also
peroxides, the CCl3O2˙ radical is extensively used as a reported to possess anti-inflammatory and lipid protective
representative peroxyl radical because of the inherent activities. The protective activity of bakuchiol against oxidative
simplicity in performing the experiments, and it was indeed damages to lipids and proteins has been investigated [36]
used earlier to study a very important biophysical pheno- and rationalized based on the scavenging activity against
menon, namely free radical interaction between vitamin E various oxidizing radicals (CCl3OO˙, LOO˙, hydroxyl and
and vitamin C [32]. The radical can be generated in aerated glutathiyl radicals). The rate constants of the scavenging
water/isopropanol/acetone mixtures containing carbon tetra- reactions (Table 4), transients formed in these reactions and
chloride. A very high rate constant (2 × 109 M−1s−1) for the their mechanistic pathways had been probed using optical
reaction between 1 and CCl3O2˙ established the superior pulse radiolysis (PR) technique.
antioxidant efficacy of 1 in comparison to vitamins C and E. Bakuchiol inhibits microsomal lipid peroxidation in a
This study also established a synergistic effect of vitamin C on concentration-dependent manner showing 74.7% protection
the antioxidant activity of 1. On the basis of pulse radiolysis at a concentration of 10 µM. In view of its solubility in both
study, liposomal peroxidation study and HPLC analysis of lipid and water (at higher pH), it is expected to be distributed
the products, a mechanism for the antioxidant action of 1 has in both these phases. This may account for its low
been proposed, suggesting the contribution of the phenolic IC50 = 6.1 ± 0.2 µM value against lipid peroxidation. Thus, the
group as well as the active methylene group of the 1,3- protective effect of 5 against lipid peroxidation was explained
diketones [31]. on the basis of radical scavenging only. Surprisingly, the
The pulse radiolysis studies revealed its high reactivity methyl ether of bakuchiol (6) also prevented Fenton-mediated
with the hydroxyl and glutathiyl radicals. With the hydroxyl peroxidation of rat brain homogenate (RBH), with an IC50
radicals, it initially formed three species, an adduct, a value of 50.2 ± 5.3 µM. The activity of 6 was explained by
phenoxyl and a methylenic radical. The bimolecular rate abstraction of its allylic hydrogen by the lipid peroxyl
constants for the formation of these species were the same radical (LOO˙). This was more evident from the subsequent
(6.8 × 109 M−1s−1). At a later stage a phenoxyl radical is studies on the reactions of different radicals with 5.
produced through an intramolecular transformation from the Bakuchiol reacted with CCl3O2˙ producing radical with

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Fig. 4. Oxidation mechanism of dehydrogingerdione [33]

Table 4. Rate constants for the reactions of bakuchiol (5), methoxy- corroborated based on the reaction between glutathiyl
bakuchiol (6) and the analog (3) with different radicals radicals and two other congeners, 7 and 8 (Fig. 5). On the
Radical pH λ (nm) kf (M−1s−1) kd (s−1) basis of strong optical absorption signals with 5–7 as
5 ˙OH 10 360 3.6 × 109 2.3 × 103
compared to that in the case of 8, formation of the allylic
radical adjacent to the trisubstituted olefin function in 5–7
N3˙ 11 360 1.3 × 109 1.0 × 103
was envisaged. In the case of 5, the allylic radical was found
GS˙ 5.4 300, 360 9.0 × 107 1.8 × 103
to be transformed into the phenoxyl radical at a later stage. It
CCl3O2˙ 10.9 350 2.8 × 108 3.0 × 103
revealed that 5 not only scavenged GS˙ radicals but might
6 GS˙ 5.4 300 8 × 107 2.55 × 103
also repair it by abstracting a hydrogen atom from its
7 GS˙ 5.4 300 1.2 × 108 2.6 × 103
terpenoid chain. This repair phenomenon is very attractive
kf and kd are the bimolecular rate constant for the formation of the especially with respect to its biological activity. These
scavengers radical and the decay constant of this radical, respectively. results showed the importance of the terpenoid moiety of
bakuchiol in controlling its antioxidant action via radical
scavenging [36].
absorption in the visible region. Based on the absorption,
formation and decay constants it was proposed that only the Conclusions
phenoxyl radical of bakuchiol was generated. Similarly the
azidyl and hydroxyl radicals also produce the phenoxyl Measurements of kinetic parameters and physico-chemical
radicals. properties can be useful in understanding the radical
Studying the dynamics of the reaction between 5 and scavenging efficiency of herbal extracts. This in turn
glutathiyl radical (GS˙) revealed that two species are formed provides an idea about the antioxidant activity of the extracts
initially, one being the phenoxyl radical other is an allylic as such. Even though the extracts are generally mixture of
radical. Further confirmation of the generation of the allylic many compounds, rate constant for the reaction of hydroxyl
radical in 5 was confirmed by studying the reaction of GS˙ radical with the extract can be determined by competition
with the protected phenol derivative 6. As expected, 6 kinetic method. Such studies help in corroborating the
produced only one transient, the C-centered radical at the results obtained from same sample in biochemical and
C-5 position of its terpenoid chain. This was further chemical assays for antioxidant activities.

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182 S. Adhikari et al.

Fig. 5. Chemical structure of bakuchiol (5), methoxy bakuchiol (6), congeners (7, 8)

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Vol. 40, No. 3, 2007

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