Preventing Mental Health Relapse
Preventing Mental Health Relapse
Preventing Mental Health Relapse
Managing or recovering from mental health conditions, such as anxiety- or depression-related symptoms,
is not always easy.
While coping strategies, medications, and therapy can help greatly, it’s important to understand how to
prevent mental health relapses.
During such difficult times, it’s not unusual for one’s symptoms to feel worse.
All these can help you take better preventative care of your mental health.
Ongoing symptoms of mental disorders can sometimes grow more frequent, serious, or persistent. These
may signify the onset of a relapse.
When a relapse occurs, what symptoms do you experience on a more frequent basis?
When a relapse occurs, are there any symptoms that become more intense, or noticeable? Which ones?
When you’re going through a relapse, are there any particular symptoms that take longer to pass than
usual? Which?
Sometimes, relapse onset can be gradual. In these instances, noticing your behavioral changes can help
you seek help in a timely manner to prevent a more severe relapse.
Tick any behavioral changes you typically display before a relapse so that you can recognize when to
speak to a medical professional.
Mental health relapse triggers are events or circumstances that can precipitate a relapse, and vary
between individuals.
Frequently, relapse can be triggered when medication is stopped or during especially challenging periods
in one’s life.
Change in general is a common trigger for relapse, even when it seems mostly positive e.g. being promoted
at work, or spending more time with friends or family.
Tick any triggers you feel are relevant to you, so that you can be more aware of avoiding or carefully
handling such situations when they arise.
Conflict in relationships
Financial difficulties
Practicing proper self-care can be an effective way to help prevent mental health relapse.
Tick any activities that you typically find helpful to your well-being.
Exercising regularly