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Student’s project evaluation guidelines


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Dear Student, while you are going to work on your academic project, it is imperative for you to
go through the following guidelines pertaining to evaluation of your project submission.

Guidelines for a proper submission:

1) The submission should be done, on or before the deadline.

2) All files, uploaded in the submission should follow the prescribed format, mentioned in the guidelines

3) DVT Submissions should be done on Tableau Public, and a working link to be attached.
The Link should have necessary visibility settings enabled.

NOTE: If any file/link in the submission is not in the prescribed format as per instructions and/or is corrupt, it will be
considered incomplete and graded zero.

How to make a proper Business Report?

1) Business report should be in the format mentioned in the instructions.

2) Business report should follow all, but not limited to criteria mentioned below in the Business report checklist*

3) Business Report should be focused on process and insights. There should be absolutely no/minimal code in the
report. A jupyter notebook converted into a pdf or word document will not be considered as a business report.

4) The Business report should be appealing, simple to read, and have legible text in all tables, charts, and figures.

4.1) Annotate your diagram/charts with labels and legends. Make them clearly visible (use bigger fonts and
darker colour).
4.2) Structure your report. Use sections and subsections for better readability.
4.4) Reframe your jargons appropriately. Elaborate it for the sake of understanding.

5) Study the data well before you dive into the analysis. Provide a description of the data – context and variables.

5.1) wherever possible, add remarks about the wider context of the project, the problem that has been
identified, affected stakeholders within the problem and constraints about the approach you are going to take.
5.2) wherever possible, provide an explanation about the important and unusual variables present in your data.

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6) Provide rationale/logic behind your choice of algorithms and data processing/modeling steps. Insights from EDA must
provide indication towards further data processing and modelling steps.

7) Mention the source of every picture/text taken from the internet.

8) Back your claims, statements and conclusions with numerical or visual data summary. Refrain from making
statements without evidence/facts/data. Critically evaluate your results in the context of your problem statement.

9) Proof-read your work and correct your errors before making the final submission. Penalty will be associated with
incorrect English, labelling, structural inconsistencies etc.

10) Grades for quality of business report are at sole discretion of the moderator

*Business Report Checklist. These must be included.

1. Title Page
2. List of Content or Index
3. List of Figures (if any)
4. List of Equations (if any)
5. List of Tables (if any)
6. About Data and Its Dictionary
7. Questions as per Rubric (Sequence must be same as rubric provided)
8. Answers under each question
10. Please refrain from providing the entire code working in the report. However, you can add only the output from the
code with proper formatting and readable format.
11. The plots must have readable ‘Labels & Titles’.
12. The figure number caption must come at the bottom and center of the figure.

What is considered as an incomplete submission?

1. If only a business report is submitted without any jupyter notebook for reference, it will be considered as an
incomplete submission. You will be graded zero for that.
2. If only a jupyter notebook is submitted without any business report, it will be considered as an incomplete
submission. You will be graded zero for that.
3. If a jupyter notebook is converted into a pdf or word doc and submitted as a business report, it will be
considered as an incomplete submission. You will be graded zero for that.
4. If any file/link in the submission is not in the prescribed format as per instructions and/or is corrupt, it will be
considered incomplete and graded zero.


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Some cases which may be considered for re-evaluation are:

1) There is a calculation error in total marks.

2) If a part of your submission has not been evaluated by the evaluator.

3) If you have performed all the required tasks (correctly) but have not been awarded grades for that

Terms for re-evaluation:

1) Your re-evaluation may or may not be done by the same moderator, and can lead to an increase or decrease in
marks after re-grading.
2) The final grade is at complete discretion of the moderator.


Some points to follow while raising re-evaluation support requests:

1) Please Mention the exact question/criteria/query that you believe, on which re-grading should be done. Support
requests are best answered when there is an objectivity. Without any objective/concrete point of concern, the support
team will not be able to help you get your doubts addressed.

2) Please keep your request limited to your query. Any harsh language, unprofessional comments and misbehavior
towards the moderator or team, will not be tolerated.

3) If there is more than one query in the same assessment, you may raise them in the same support request.

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