SOF104 Assignment

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Reference No. : XMUM.OAA - 100/2/8-V3.0

Effective Date : 1 JUNE 2023


Course Code SOF104

Course Name Principles of Information Systems
Lecturer Nabil Alkeilani Alkadri
Academic Session 2024/09
Assessment Title Assignment (25%)

A. Introduction/ Situation/ Background Information

This group assignment aims to enhance and extend the student's understanding of basic principles
of information systems by concentrating on organizing business-related information in traditional
and global settings from class to real-world application. The assignment requires students to work
in a team to study the appropriate information system concepts based on a given case study. A
report will be produced in response to the case study by applying it to provide a strong managerial
emphasis on meeting business and organizational needs.

B. Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) covered

At the end of this assessment, students are able to:
CLO 1 Demonstrate basic concepts, interdependence, applications, and components of
information systems as applied to business operations and management.
CLO 3 Discuss computer application systems in assisting business management and

C. University Policy on Academic Misconduct

1. Academic misconduct is a serious offense in Xiamen University Malaysia. It can be defined

as any of the following:
i. Plagiarism is submitting or presenting someone else’s work, words, ideas, data or
information as your own intentionally or unintentionally. This includes incorporating

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published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form into
your work without acknowledging the source (the person and the work).
ii. Collusion is two or more people collaborating on a piece of work (in part or whole) which
is intended to be wholly individual and passed it off as own individual work.
iii. Cheating is an act of dishonesty or fraud in order to gain an unfair advantage in an
assessment. This includes using or attempting to use, or assisting another to use materials
that are prohibited or inappropriate, commissioning work from a third party, falsifying data,
or breaching any examination rules.

2. All assessments submitted must be the student’s own work, without any materials generated
by AI tools, including direct copying and pasting of text or paraphrasing. Any form of
academic misconduct, including using prohibited materials or inappropriate assistance, is a
serious offense and will result in a zero mark for the entire assessment or part of it. If there is
more than one guilty party, such as in case of collusion, all parties involved will receive the
same penalty.

D. Instruction to Students

Each group is required to utilize the case study as the basis for creating a report to discuss the
decision-making processes for an intelligent business system that the user in the case study
should acquire.
• The group members are already determined and specified on the Moodle page of this
• All group members should work together to create the report. The assignment mark for
each group member will be determined by his/her contribution to the assignment.
• The group may use Google Docs or other collaboration tools to draft the report and keep
track of members’ contributions to the report editing.
• The record of discussions/document editing/meetings of the assignment should be kept.
The lecturer may ask for the records if an investigation is needed for members’ contribution,
collaboration, or performance (Do not need to submit.).

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• The group should attach a members' contribution sheet at the end of the assignment to list
or briefly describe members' contributions or duties and signed by all members.
• Submit a softcopy of your report to Turnitin for similarity checking. The Turnitin
similarity should be below 20%.
o Turnitin Class ID: 46219299
o Enrollment Key: SOF104
• The report must be prepared as a Microsoft Word file with the following content and order:
(1) assignment cover page, (2) marking rubric, (3) report cover page, (4) table of contents,
(5) report contents, (6) members' contribution sheet, and (7) Turnitin report percentage.
o Save the report as Report-Groupnumber.docx (example, Report-Group 9.docx).
• Your group leader will represent the group to submit the assignment via the assignment
submission link on the Moodle assignment page of this course.
• Late submission will result in a deduction of 5 marks per day from the awarded mark.
• All members are accountable for ensuring the accuracy of the submission. It is very
important to follow the submission requirements/instructions to submit your work, else, 5
marks will be deducted from the overall mark.
• Submissions without Turnitin similarity report will not be accepted.
• Submission deadline: Tuesday, 26 November 2024, at 5:00 pm.

E. Evaluation Breakdown
No. Component Title
Content of Report:
1. Introduction to the trend of decision-making process in Intelligent
Business Systems (20%)
2. Gartner business value model description (20%)
1. 3. Features of advanced business analytics (20%) 100
4. Application of Big Data Analytics in Intelligent Business Systems
5. Conclusion (10%)
6. Overall formatting of the report (10%)
Please refer to the marking rubric (Appendix 1) for detailed marking criteria and mark

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F. Task(s)
Target user:
Mr. Paul is planning to build an intelligent business system to monitor his daily business
performance. Yet, he wants an intelligent business system that ensures the decision-making
process for data analytics.
• Your group should conduct a research and write a report based on the case study, to discuss
the necessary intelligence business system for the decision-making process that suits this
targeted user.
• You should consider the features of advanced business analytics, and discuss suitable
applications of big data analytics in intelligent business systems for the user.
• Your group can decide on the field of the decision-making process involved and further
explain his data analytics needs.
• Your group needs to collect sources online to evaluate and choose appropriate information.
• The sources (articles, websites, images, etc.) used should be cited and listed in a references
• The report should be within 2500 - 3000 words.

Report Structure and Format:

Create a visually appealing report with a basic structure (at least):
• Assignment cover page.
• Marking rubric.
• Report cover page (designed by the group).
• Table of contents.
• Introduction of the trend of decision-making process in Intelligent Business Systems.
• Gartner business value model description.
• Features of advanced business analytics.
• Application of Big Data Analytics in Intelligent Business Systems.
• Conclusion.
• Reference list (APA style).
• Member’s contribution sheet.

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• Turnitin report (Percentage of similarity).
• The report content should be organized with titles and subtitles, and formatted with
appropriate font size and styles. The required Word Processing elements are:
o Titles and subtitles – Font size Minimum 12, maximum 24.
o The content body - 12 points font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, and
justify aligned.
o Insert header and footer and page numbers (except assignment and report cover
o Compress images to reduce the file size.
o Appropriate use of Bold and italic styles.
o 1" margin at the top and bottom, 1" margins at the left and right.
o Spell and grammar checked for accuracy.
The conclusion is a restatement of the report’s main idea and how the decision-making process
in the intelligent business system ensures advances in business analytics and the application of
Big Data Analytics in the intelligent business systems context.

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Component Report Documentation (25%) Percentage

Title (%)
Score and Descriptors

Need Weight
Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Marks
Improvement (%)
(17-20) (13-16) (9-12) (5-8) (0)
Very good Good Average Brief No
Introduction . Excellent
introduction introduction introduction introduction introduction
to the trend introduction
covering the covering the covering the covering the covering the
of decision- covering the trend
trend of the trend of the trend of the trend of the trend of the
making of the decision-
decision- decision-making decision-making decision-making decision-making 20
process in making process
making process process and the process and the process and the process and the
Intelligent and the outcome of
and the outcome outcome of the outcome of the outcome of the outcome of the
Business the report
of the report report. report. report. report.
Systems. accurately.
very well.
Excellent Very good Good Average Brief
Gartner No description
description of description of description of description of description of
business of Gartner
Gartner Gartner Gartner Gartner Gartner 20
value model business value
business value business value business value business value business value
description. model.
model. model. model. model. model.
Excellent, clear, Very good and
and detailed clear discussion Good discussion Poor and very
Average Very poor and
discussion on on features of on features of brief
discussion brief discussion
Features of features of advanced advanced discussions
covers some with very few
advanced advanced business business cover a few
features of features of 20
business business analytics that analytics that features of
advanced advanced
analytics. analytics that support the support the advanced
business business
support the daily operation daily operation business
analytics. analytics.
daily operation of the tasks. of the tasks. analytics.
of the tasks.
Detailed Detailed Some Some Listed
application of application of application of application of application of
No application
Application big data big data big data big data big data
of big data
of Big Data analytics in analytics in analytics in analytics in analytics in
analytics in
Analytics in intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent intelligent
intelligent 20
Intelligent business business business business business
Business systems with systems with systems with systems with systems with a
systems or
Systems. excellent very good good discussion average very brief
discussion and discussion and and discussion and discussion and
justification. justification. justification. justification. justification.
Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) (3-4) (0)
Excellent Very good Good Average
Poor and very
conclusion, conclusion, conclusion, conclusion,
brief conclusion
Conclusion. restated all restated most restated few restated few No conclusion. 10
important important important important points
points. points. points. very briefly.
Excellent and Very good
Good Average Poor formatting
Overall professional formatting with
formatting and formatting and and visual No formatting. 10
formatting. formatting and visual appeal.
visual appeal. visual appeal. appeal.
visual appeal.
Note to students: Please include the marking rubric when submitting your coursework.

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