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Climdatph: An Online Platform For Philippine Climate Data Acquisition

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Philippine Journal of Science

150 (1): 53-66, February 2021

ISSN 0031 - 7683
Date Received: 04 May 2020

ClimDatPh: An Online Platform

for Philippine Climate Data Acquisition

Marcelino Q. Villafuerte II1*, John Carlo R. Lambrento1,2

Christian Mark S. Ison1, Abigail Allen S. Vicente1,
Rosalina G. de Guzman1, and Edna L. Juanillo1

1Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (DOST-PAGASA)
2Manila Observatory, Quezon City, Philippines

Climate-related information has a lot of potential applications; yet, they are often not easily
accessible. This study addresses such an issue by providing a detailed description of climate
data collection, quality control (QC) procedures, and steps in acquiring the datasets from an
online platform called “ClimDatPh.” The platform allows easier access to the quality-controlled
principal surface climate data provided by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA). In the first few months of existence on the
internet (from September–December 2019), the online platform has served hundreds of climate
data users from different parts of the Philippines and in many other countries across the
globe. Preliminary statistics indicate that the climate datasets were requested for use in several
applications, including scientific inquiries related to water and hydrology (21%), weather and
climate (16%), energy (14%), agriculture and fisheries (11%), environment and biodiversity
(10%), infrastructure and construction projects (6%), disaster risk reduction and management
(5%), health and safety (5%), soil and land use (4%), and many other useful applications
(8%). The use of climate data, primarily in agriculture, is further demonstrated in this study.
Derived climate indices indicated that rainfall shortages caused by El Niño events have led to
historical rice production losses in the Philippines. With the availability of internet access, it is
expected that many more basic and applied research utilizing the Philippine climate data will
be pursued in the future, which in turn would be helpful to increase scientific understanding
of how the country’s climate behaves and affects other sectors.

Keywords: climate data, climatic impacts, El Niño, online platform, rice production, the Philippines

INTRODUCTION air quality indicators, and soil protection, among others

– have been derived from using climate data (Biavetti et
Climate data serve as the foundation of our understanding al. 2014). However, the growing interest of the research
of climatic processes, variability, and extremes (Thorne et community to employ climate data is hampered by its lack
al. 2017). Various ingenious applications – including crop of accessibility and/or detailed description of available
growth prediction, genomic selection of certain crops, climate variables (Brunet et al. 2008; Biavetti et al. 2014;
Longman 2018). Internet-based climate data platforms are
*Corresponding Author: mvillafuerte@pagasa.dost.gov.ph proven solutions to address such problems. For instance, the

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Integrated Surface Database (Smith et al. 2011) and Climate in ClimDatPh. Preliminary statistics of four months’ worth
Data Online (CDO) maintained by the National Centers (September–December 2019) of successfully served data
for Environmental Information, formerly the National requests through the ClimDatPh platform is also presented
Climatic Data Center or NCDC of the National Oceanic and to gauge its efficiency in delivering data requests. Finally,
Atmospheric Administration of the United States (NOAA an example use case of ClimDatPh-retrieved data is
2019), as well as the Southeast Asian Climate Assessment provided to illustrate the potential applicability of climate
& Dataset (SACA&D 2020; van den Besselaar et al. 2015) data in the agriculture sector.
have increased climate data usage. Accessibility to climate
data with a pertinent description from such online portals
contributes highly to sectoral innovations. Some examples
include the development of climatic design information METHODS
on distribution and installation of heating and ventilating
This section provides comprehensive information on how
equipment (Smith et al. 2011), determination of the timing
climate datasets were derived and made available to the
of intervention for vector-borne diseases (Ceccato et al.
public. It begins with the data collection, QC procedures,
2018), and identification of the impacts of El Niño events
and subsequent archiving of climate data. A brief
in the Amazon ecosystem (Li et al. 2011).
description of the climate variables and the instruments
In the Philippines, access to local climate data entails used to measure them, as well as the frequency and timing
requesting parties to either personally visit or send of meteorological observations, are also provided. Finally,
an electronic mail to PAGASA’s Climatology and the simple steps to follow in acquiring data through the
Agrometeorology Division. Such a process is inefficient as ClimDatPh are presented.
it may require the physical presence of requesting parties or
unclearly defined subsequent actions prior to obtaining the Data Collection and QC Procedures
climate data. Nevertheless, it has produced interdisciplinary Meteorological observations are regularly conducted
sectoral studies such as the use of climate data in relation to at PAGASA stations during the main standard time of
incidences of dengue (Carvajal et al. 2018), leptospirosis observations – as recommended by the WMO at 00:00,
(Matsushita et al. 2017), influenza (Arguelles et al. 2019), 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00 Universal Time Coordinated
heat waves (Seposo et al. 2017), and temperature effects on (UTC), as well as during the intermediate standard time
human mortality (Seposo et al. 2015). Climate data from of observations taken at 03:00, 09:00, 15:00, and 21:00
PAGASA have also been used to investigate policy-relevant UTC. It has to be noted that the Philippine Standard Time
topics related to education (e.g. Villafuerte et al. 2017), the (PhST) is equivalent to UTC + 08:00. This means that the
impacts of El Niño on yellow corn yield (Tongson et al. daily summaries, as discussed later, span two different
2017), and the forecast of amounts of solar photovoltaic days in the Philippines. The observed variables are written
energy generation (Creayla et al. 2017). However, the by the weather observers on the PAGASA observation
utilization of PAGASA climate data is still not maximized. forms and undergo a series of QC procedures prior to
Global data sharing standards dictate that datasets should dissemination. Figure 1 illustrates the three levels of QC
be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable to lead procedures routinely being done in PAGASA.
to an array of products for various sectors (Popkin 2019). An initial QC procedure (QC0) is conducted at the station
Such data must be free and unrestricted for non-commercial right after the observations were taken and prior to data
activities (at the least) to serve the research and educational transmission. The procedures involved in QC0 include data
communities in reference to the recommendations of completeness, consistency checking, and physical limit
the World Meteorological Organization (WMO 2018a). tests. Consistency checking includes both internal (e.g. dry
Anchored with the data policy provided by the Freedom bulb temperature ≤ maximum temperature) and temporal
of Information Executive Order of the Republic of the (variations through time, i.e. sudden drop or increase in
Philippines (E.O. No. 2 s. 2016) for policy development and temperature) consistencies. Summation values are also
the implementation of Republic Act 10692 (R.A. No. 10692), tested for consistency (i.e. consistency of accumulated
also known as the “PAGASA Modernization Act of 2015,” an values over 6 h with 3-hourly records). Physical limit
internet-based platform called “ClimDatPh” is established. tests for climate variables are likewise performed based
The online platform allows climate data users to submit their on physical constraints [e.g. wind direction (WD) value
requests and for PAGASA to assess and validate the requests should not be greater than 360°, relative humidity (RH)
made, and efficiently provide the data being requested. should not be greater than 100%]. Once the data have
This paper aims to describe the available climate data, the passed QC0, the stations’ personnel send them in coded
procedures done to ensure the quality of the data, and the form following the WMO standard format of the synoptic
simple steps to follow for acquiring the digitized raw data message to the PAGASA Central Office (PAGASA-CO)

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of data transmission and QC procedures undergone by the climate data prior to making available in ClimDatPh.
Boxes highlighted in red show the main checkpoint for QC procedure. The acronyms used are defined in the text.

via a short message service, internet, or telephone. These System (MDRIMS) for daily operations of the WFS and
coded messages are sent to the PAGASA-CO within 20 Farm Weather Services Section (FWSS) of PAGASA, and (3)
min after the observations were taken. to the PAGASA Unified Meteorological Information System
(PUMIS) for internal archiving and further QC tests. The
The coded sub-daily climate data received at the PAGASA- entire procedures from QC0 to QC1 need to be done within
CO undergo a near-real-time QC (QC1). Manual scrutiny 30 min to serve its operational purpose.
on formatting, missing values, internal consistency, and
physical limits similar to the techniques used in QC0 are Accomplished station-verified PAGASA observation
conducted again in QC1 to identify errors that might have forms and recorded supplemental data (e.g. thermograph,
been introduced in the data transmission. A computer hygrothermographs, rainfall charts, etc.) are forwarded
program called Synoptic Decoder or Sycoder is used in QC1 from synoptic stations to the PAGASA-CO, where non-
to probe summation errors. Spatial coherence testing is also real-time QC (QC2) is performed (the lowermost portion
done in QC1 when suspiciously large or unusually small of Figure 1). Each of the stations is required to submit
values are found at a particular station. Visual comparison their observation forms containing daily and sub-daily
with neighboring stations, as well as manual checking of summaries together with supplemental information
significant weather events (e.g. thunderstorm or tropical every 10th day of the month for observations taken in
cyclone occurrence) over the area is done by the weather the previous month. However, it takes a month or even
plotters assigned at the Weather Forecasting Section (WFS) longer for these forms to arrive at the PAGASA-CO,
of PAGASA. If deemed erroneous, detected errors are relayed especially for remotely located stations. Once received at
to the station’s weather observer. Commonly detected errors the PAGASA-CO, QC2 is performed. Similar procedures
are typographic in nature, which mainly occur during the employed in QC 0 and QC 1 for data completeness,
transmission of coded messages. Acknowledgment of an consistency checking, and physical limit tests are repeated
identified error in QC1 by the weather observer assigned at with the sub-daily observations during the QC2, but
the station is done by re-sending the corrected coded message available supplemental data from synoptic stations are
and rectifying the PAGASA observation forms. The data that utilized to further scrutinize the accuracy of information.
passed QC1 are then sent to three portals: (1) WMO Global In QC2, emphasis on the consistency of the data entered
Telecommunication System for international data sharing, among different sections of the PAGASA observation
(2) Meteorological Data Relay and Information Management forms is done. This is aimed to establish the accuracy of

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

submitted PAGASA observation forms before data are older database (prior to PUMIS) have been transferred
stored and archived in the database. Errors found during to the system, which are then extracted and stored
the QC2 are flagged with a red pen on the PAGASA in the ClimDatPh’s database to serve the data users'
observation forms. Commonly detected errors (e.g. community. The consistency of these extracted climate
inconsistency between the daily summaries and sub-daily data is checked against the daily and monthly values
observations) are due to the manual computations being from the QCed PAGASA observation forms stored in
done by the observers, while some errors emanate during CADS. Discrepancies on daily data are highlighted and
the climate data transcription. corrections are manually encoded. Once the encoding
of sub-daily data from the QCed PAGASA observation
forms in PUMIS is completed, the electronic daily data
Data Archiving
stored in ClimDatPh’s database is verified against the
Data archiving and digitization follow after the entire QC
PUMIS-derived data to correct possible input errors and
procedures (from QC0 to QC2) are done. The hard copies
inconsistencies, as well as to update the records. This is
of observation forms (QCed PAGASA observation forms
necessary to minimize errors that might be introduced
referred to in the lowermost panel of Figure 1) are stored
during data management chain collection, processing,
at the Climate and Agrometeorological Data Section
transfer, and storage (Longman et al. 2018). Hence,
(CADS) of PAGASA, where data entry (digitization) takes
quality is assured for the climate data prior to archiving
place. This entire process chain has been in practice for a
and disseminating through the ClimDatPh.
long period in PAGASA. It was only in 2014 that a new
climate database management system called PUMIS was Seven climate variables are made available in ClimDatPh
established. PUMIS allows data entry right at the stations (Table 1). The instruments used in measuring them as well
where the actual meteorological observations were taken. as the methods for deriving the daily, monthly, and annual
Also, the entire QC procedures (from QC0 to QC2) can be values are briefly described as follows:
done digitally within PUMIS and automatic data flagging
based on historical, variable-specific meteorological 1. Rainfall (RR) is the vertical depth of water that reaches
extremes, and thresholds guide human analysts on possible the ground. A representative sample measurement
erroneous data. Consistency among the different observation of RR is obtained from PAGASA stations using a
forms is ensured in PUMIS because the daily, monthly, and standard 8-in rain gauge. The RR for a particular day
annual climate data are electronically generated by the is the accumulated amount within the 24-hr period
system from the sub-daily values. However, as of writing (i.e. the sum of RR taken at 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00
this paper, the full functionalities of PUMIS are yet to be UTC of that day and the RR taken at 00:00 UTC
realized and fully implemented in PAGASA. The entire of the following day). Translating this to local time
process is also hindered by poor internet connectivity or the implies that the RR for a particular day corresponds
absence of internet connection at some stations. to the accumulated amount from 08:01 PhST of that
day to 08:00 PhST of the following day. The monthly
As of this writing, historical sub-daily climate data RR is then taken as the sum of the daily RR covering
covering the period from 2014–2018 have been entered a particular month, and the annual RR is taken as the
in PUMIS, while earlier and more recent years are yet sum of the monthly RR summarized every year.
to be encoded. Nevertheless, the daily data from the

Table 1. List of available ClimDatPh climate variables together with their corresponding units of measurement and sub-daily periods of
observation where daily, monthly, and annual climate data are derived from.
Climate variable Unit of measurement Sub-daily periods of observationa
Rainfall (RR) mm Six-hourly (main standard time)
Mean temperature (Tmean) °C Six-hourly (main standard time)
Maximum temperature (Tmax) °C Six -hourly (main standard time)
Minimum temperature (Tmin) °C Six-hourly (main standard time)
Wind speed (WS) m s-1 Three-hourly (main and intermediate standard times)

Wind direction (WD) degree (°) relative to true north Three-hourly (main and intermediate standard times)
Relative humidity (RH) % Three-hourly (main and intermediate standard times)
aThe sub-daily period of observations is being conducted more frequently at some stations (e.g. stations situated at international airports), but the daily values are obtained

uniformly from the main standard time of observations (i.e. 0000, 0006, 1200, and 1800 UTC). Data requests for sub-daily data are subject to data availability.

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

2. Near-surface air temperature is measured at a and the annual WS (WD) is taken as the mean (mode) of
representative height of 1.25–2.00 m above the ground. the monthly WS (WD) summarized every year.
Temperature sensors (typically consisting of minimum,
maximum, dry-bulb, and wet-bulb thermometers) 4. RH is the ratio of actual vapor pressure and saturation
are securely attached inside a louvered screen or an vapor pressure of the air for the prevailing temperature
instrument shelter, whose floor is at a height of 1.25 m at a height of 1.25–2.00 m above the ground.
above the ground and the lower layer of the roof is 2.00 Calculations are attained from dry-bulb and wet-
m above the ground. The instrument shelter protects bulb temperature readings, either through the use of
the thermometers from radiant heat, precipitation, and psychrometric tables or calculators. The daily RH
other external factors that may affect air temperature values for synoptic stations are the average of all the
measurement (WMO 2018b). RH readings (taken at an equal interval, three-hourly,
or six-hourly depending on the station) within the day.
a. Maximum temperature (Tmax) is the highest The monthly RH values are then taken as the mean of
thermometer reading obtained from the six-hourly the daily RH values covering a particular month, and
time interval taken at the main standard time of the annual RH is taken as the mean of the monthly RH
observations. The daily Tmax is the highest value summarized every year.
from the six-hourly readings within the 24-hr
period corresponding to 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00 The daily, monthly, and annual values of these climate
UTC of a particular day and the observation taken variables have been made available through the
at 00:00 UTC of the following day. The monthly ClimDatPh from 55 synoptic stations of PAGASA (Figure
Tmax is then taken as the mean of the daily Tmax 2). Additional information containing available time
values covering a particular month, and the annual periods, documented changes, and the stations’ geographic
Tmax is taken as the mean of the monthly Tmax location are provided in Appendix Table I.
summarized every year.
b. Minimum temperature (Tmin) is the minimum
thermometer reading at six -hourly intervals. The
daily Tmin is the lowest value from the six-hourly
readings obtained similar to the times when Tmax
and RR are taken. The monthly Tmin is then taken
as the mean of the daily Tmin values covering a
particular month, and the annual Tmin is taken as
the mean of the monthly Tmin summarized every
c. Mean temperature (Tmean) is the sum of Tmax and
Tmin divided by two for each six-hourly readings.
Calculations for daily Tmean follows the same
approach but with the use of daily Tmax and Tmin
values. Specifically, the value of Tmean at day i in
a particular location is Tmeani = (Tmaxi + Tmini)/2.
The monthly Tmean is then taken as the mean of the
daily Tmean values covering a particular month,
and the annual Tmean is the mean of the monthly
Tmean summarized every year.
3. Wind speed (WS) is the average speed of the wind over
a 10-min period, while WD is the nearest 10-degree
direction of the wind’s origin with reference to true north.
An anemometer and a wind vane exposed at a height
of 10 m above the ground are used to measure WS and
WD, respectively. The WS observations taken at an equal Figure 2. Geographic map of the Philippines showing the location
interval (e.g. six-hourly or three-hourly) during the day of PAGASA synoptic stations that are made available in
ClimDatPh. Synoptic stations marked with white dots
are averaged to get the daily readings while the most in the middle of the circles have sufficient records of
commonly occurring WD (i.e. the mode) is recorded RR, Tmax, and Tmin (< 5% missing values during the
as the daily prevailing WD for synoptic stations. The period 1987–2018).
monthly WS (WD) values are taken as the mean (mode)
of the daily WS (WD) values covering a particular month,

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Data Requests and Acquisition information and validation requirements submitted by the
The complete procedures for requesting climate data user are carefully handled within CADS following the
through the ClimDatPh involve four simple steps agency’s privacy policy.
illustrated in Figure 3. Data requests are performed through
the PAGASA website at the webpage http://bagong. Data requests sent through the ClimDatPh platform
pagasa.dost.gov.ph/climate/climate-data. Weblinks are assessed and processed in CADS. Specific climate
facilitated through Google Forms are made available variables and needed timescales (i.e. daily, monthly, and/
based on the user’s purpose. For efficient data requests, or annually) at a particular location are electronically
data users should be aware of the climate variables generated as comma-separated value (CSV) files. A
they need and the station nearest to their area of study script written in R statistical programming language is
prior to registration. Once the needed stations and the used to extract the requested data from the ClimDatPh’s
climate variables were identified, requesting individuals database. The processed data are then emailed to the
need to input their personal information directly on the requesting party within at least three working days in
online request form. After submitting the request form, a machine-readable CSV file format. Such datasets can
an acknowledgment receipt is sent to the registered readily be used for scientific analysis and data processing,
email address within 24 hr. Validation requirements (i.e. provided that the source is duly acknowledged and cited
scanned valid ID, and research document if applicable) as indicated in the Terms and Conditions of Use set forth
necessary for assessing the veracity of requests are also by PAGASA. Non-commercial use of climate data such
asked from the requesting party. Nevertheless, the personal as those aimed for academic research purposes is provided
free of charge, while applicable fees are charged for data
aimed to be used in gaining profit or generating income
(e.g. consultancy services). Redistribution of datasets
acquired from ClimDatPh to third parties and data reuse
for purposes other than the submitted documents is not
allowed and, if deemed necessary, a memorandum of
agreement or understanding might be executed.
Each of the climate variables in ClimDatPh is available
in terms of daily, monthly, and annual values covering
a long period (from as early as 1949, see Appendix
Table I). To facilitate data rescue and QC procedures,
climate data are made available a year after the actual
observations were taken. This means that the “present”
as indicated in Appendix Table I is one year behind the
current year. Also, requests for sub-daily observations,
other climate variables (not included in Table 1), and
locations not found in Appendix Table I are entertained
through the ClimDatPh but depend on electronic data
availability and may take longer processing time. Note
that as mentioned earlier, the new database management
system (PUMIS) is yet to be fully implemented. This
means that additional stations (e.g. agrometeorological
stations, automatic weather stations, and automatic rain
gauges) and more climate variables (e.g. solar radiation,
atmospheric pressure, visibility, sunshine duration, etc.)
would also be made available in the future.


Preliminary Statistics of Data Requests and Usage

During the first four months of ClimDatPh’s existence on
Figure 3. Illustration of the step-by-step procedures to be followed the internet (September–December 2019), it has catered
in acquiring data from ClimDatPh.
to various climate data needs. Data users in many parts of

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Figure 4. Preliminary statistics of data requests facilitated through the ClimDatPh based on a) request origin, b) request count, and c) climate
data usage per sector. The statistics are taken from successful (claimed) data requests and only during its first four months of
existence on the internet.

the world – including researchers from the United States, accessibility brought by ClimDatPh is expected to further
the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, increase data request count to aid in uplifting research
Australia, South Korea, Colombia, and China – have been productivity and undertakings while utilizing PAGASA’s
served by the platform (Figure 4a). In the Philippines, climate data. It should be noted that invalid requests
the majority of climate data users served through the caused by a number of reasons (e.g. unavailability of data,
ClimDatPh are from the National Capital Region, but incomplete request information, etc.) are not included in
the platform has also catered those from other parts of the count statistics. Nevertheless, suggestions for data
Luzon and enabled access to PAGASA climate data even users requesting for unavailable data are provided. For
from the provinces of Visayas (e.g. Bohol, Leyte, Cebu, instance, solar radiation datasets are currently undergoing
Antique, Iloilo) to as far as the provinces in Mindanao data recovery and encoding, which makes it temporarily
(e.g. Davao del Sur, Agusan del Norte, Surigao del Sur, unavailable in ClimDatPh. Data users are referred to other
Zamboanga del Sur). It is further expected that ClimDatPh online platforms such as the National Aeronautics and
will be able to reach data users from far-flung regions of Space Administration Prediction of Worldwide Energy
the country in the future. Resources (POWER 2020), which contains near-real-
time meteorology and solar-related datasets formulated
In terms of user request count, ClimDatPh has served a for assessment and design of renewable energy systems.
total of 462 successful climate data requests during its
first four months being available on the internet as shown It is of great interest that aside from the weather and climate
by the line graph in Figure 4b. Climate data requests community, which account for 16% of the purposes of data
acquired in October and November of 2019 account to usage, the climate data provided through the ClimDatPh
~ 70% (319) of the total successful data requests, 207 were also requested for use in many other sectors (Figure
of which are aimed for non-commercial purposes (e.g. 4c). The climate data were requested for investigating
for students’ research requirements). On the other hand, problems related to water and hydrology (21%), energy
there is an apparent decrease in data requests during the (14%), agriculture and fisheries (11%), environment and
month of December, which is mainly due to fewer school biodiversity (10%), infrastructure and construction (6%),
and office days caused by the holiday season. The online disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) (5%),

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

health and safety (5%), and soil and land use (4%). Other farming practices; it is applied separately for each quarter
sectors (8% of the requests) that have benefited from and in each of the ecosystems. The monthly SPEI is also
ClimDatPh include transportation, labor, tourism, finance, plotted in a time series (Figure 5c). Positive (negative)
trade, and information communication technology. We SPEI values indicate rainfall surplus (deficit) in the
expect that the knowledge of data available in ClimDatPh country. Notably, most of the rice production losses
and the information on climate variables as described in this experienced in both ecosystems (large negative values
study would likewise increase requests in applying climate in Figures 5a and 5b) coincide during drought events
data to different sectors for their own research initiatives. (brown bars below 1σ marked by the horizontal dashed
line in Figure 5c). To determine what might have caused
such recorded droughts, the time series of monthly ONI
Example Use Case of ClimDatPh: Investigating
is likewise shown in Figure 5d. Positive (negative) values
Climate Impacts on Rice Production
of ONI, particularly above (below) 0.5 °C indicate El
In this section, we present an application of ClimDatPh-
Niño (La Niña). It can be noticed that drought events
derived dataset in agriculture to provide an example of
correspondingly occur during strong El Niño episodes.
the possible use of the data available in ClimDatPh. In
More remarkably, the 1997–1998 El Niño episode
this example, climate data are converted into an index to
caused a significant rainfall deficit, which then resulted
better relate the impacts of climate-induced droughts on
in a major rice production shortage across the country.
rice production. It is encouraged that, if applicable, the
These findings further confirm the widespread drought
use of indices is adopted by future researchers who wish
experienced in the Philippines from the last quarter of
to utilize PAGASA’s climate data. We stress that showing
1997 to the first quarter of 1998 (Hilario et al. 2009),
a comprehensive analysis of its application is beyond the
and the earlier studies that demonstrated the impacts
scope of this study, but rather more simply to illustrate
of El Niño on rice production in the Philippines (e.g.
the potential use of ClimDatPh in many other sectors.
Lansigan et al. 2000; Dawe et al. 2009). Additionally,
The susceptibility of the Philippines to droughts, which the earlier reported reduction in rice production for both
can further be exacerbated by El Niño events (Reyes et irrigated and rainfed ecosystems in Luzon during El Niño
al. 2009), leaves the country vulnerable to significant events (Roberts et al. 2009) has been extended in this
rice production losses. To help alleviate the risks of study to the impact of El Niño on both ecosystems for
extreme climate conditions such as El Niño, it is important the whole country.
to understand how the country’s climate affects rice
The ClimDatPh-derived data has proven useful in
production. In this study, we derive the standardized
explaining drought as a possible cause of rice production
precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) developed
losses experienced in the country. Similarly, ClimDatPh
by Vicente-Serrano et al. (2010) using the monthly climate
data would also allow the research community to extend
data from ClimDatPh to identify hydro-meteorological
their respective studies to a wider range of environments,
drought conditions experienced in the country. Here, the
impacts, and possible adaptations. The available surface
monthly values of RR, Tmin, and Tmax are used from 35
climate variables would also allow research activities on
synoptic stations with a sufficient amount of data (missing
historical and ongoing observation-based assessments
values comprise < 5% during the period 1987–2018
of other extreme events and on epidemiological studies,
corresponding to the period of available rice production
which according to Trenberth et al. (2014) depends
data). These 35 synoptic stations with sufficient data are
largely on the data sources considered and the choice
marked with white dots in Figure 2. El Niño events are
of specific indices.
identified from the Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index (ONI), which
was downloaded from the NOAA Climate Prediction
Center (NOAA-CPC 2020). Quarterly rice production
data for both irrigated and rainfed ecosystems across all
provinces in the country between 1987 and 2018 were
downloaded from the website of the Philippine Statistics As part of PAGASA’s initiative to help increase the
Authority (PSA 2020). utilization of climate data in the Philippines, the present
study describes an online platform for accessing the
Figure 5 compares the rice production data and the
country’s climate data called ClimDatPh. The method
derived climate indices. The time series of detrended (i.e.
of observation and definition of climate variables were
the residuals of linear fit) quarterly rice production of
discussed to serve as a detailed description of the climate
the Philippines for rainfed and irrigated ecosystems are
data provided through the online portal. Furthermore,
shown in Figures 5a and 5b, respectively. Detrending is
QC procedures following the WMO recommendations
applied to the time series of rice production to minimize
along with data requests and acquisition procedures were
the influence of the introduction of new technology in

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Figure 5. Time series of detrended seasonal rice production in a) rainfed ecosystem and b) irrigated
ecosystem aggregated across all the provinces of the Philippines. The time series of monthly
SPEI is also shown in c) and the oceanic Niño 3.4 index in d). The “Q1” in a) and b) refers to
the first quarter of the year (i.e. January–March), “Q2” as the second quarter (i.e. April–June),
“Q3” (July–September), and “Q4” (October–December).

detailed to allow data users to judge its usability for their country coincide with drought events that are primarily
own intended applications. In its first few months of triggered by strong El Niño episodes. Through the
existence, ClimDatPh has served various climate data sectoral example in agriculture, climate impacts were
users from different sectors such as water, agriculture, investigated using ClimDatPh data. This can further
health, and infrastructure, among others. Moreover, its generate informed decisions leading to relevant policy
internet presence has allowed access to the climate data development. Ultimately, the online accessibility being
of PAGASA from different parts of the country and across offered by the ClimDatPh could lead to increased
the world, increasing its reach to contribute to global utilization of the Philippine climate data and further
research endeavors. advance climate-related research undertakings in the
country. It is recognized, however, that additional climate
In this study, we also showed an example of a use case variables are needed to be included in the datasets.
scenario of ClimDatPh. The monthly data of RR, Tmax, Climate-related information for areas not covered by
and Tmin derived from ClimDatPh were used to compute the limited number of stations available in ClimDatPh
SPEI to relate drought conditions with the extent of is also envisioned to be provided in the future. We
rice production losses experienced in the Philippines. note that ClimDatPh is an initial step toward realizing
It was found that rice production losses experienced these and further improvements are continuously being
for both rainfed and irrigated rice ecosystems in the undertaken. Recent efforts include the involvement of

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

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painstakingly and continuously gathering data from
DAWE D, MOYA P, VALENCIA S. 2009. Institutional,
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conducting the QC procedures, and many other tasks
and rice in the Philippines. Disasters 33: 291–307.
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and Ms. Krista Coronel for providing the detailed Executive Order No. 2. 2016. Operationalizing in the
information on the QC procedures being done at the executive branch the People’s constitutional right
MGSS; Mr. Rex Abdon Jr. for explaining the details to information and the state policies of full public
behind the PUMIS internal QC; and to Mr. Bernardo disclosure and transparency in the public service and
David for the information he provided on the near-real- providing guidelines therefor. Malacañan Palace,
time QC procedures being done at the Weather Division. Manila, Philippines
The internal review conducted by the PAGASA’s REMIA
Committee on the earlier version of this manuscript
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Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

Appendix Table I. List of the stations that are made available in ClimDatPh.

No WMO Station name Administrative Latitude Longitude Elevation Available record Documented
index province (°N) (°E) (masl) changes/remarks
1 98429 NAIA Metro Manila 14.50470 121.00475 21.063 Jan 1, 1949 – No rainfall
present observations from
2 98425 Port Area Metro Manila 14.58841 120.96786 15.0 Jan 1, 1961 –  
3 98430 Science Metro Manila 14.64507 121.04428 42.0 Jan 1, 1961 –  
Garden present
4 98328 Baguio Benguet 16.40400 120.60154 1500.18 Jan 1, 1949 –  
5 98325 Dagupan Pangasinan 16.08682 120.35205 2.0 Jan 1, 1951 –  
6 98223 Laoag Ilocos Norte 18.18308 120.53474 5.4 Jan 1, 1951 –  
7 98222 Sinait Ilocos Sur 17.57500 120.38670 33.0 Jan 1, 1951 – Station transferred
Aug 2004 from Vigan in Sep
17.89012 120.45973 57.620 Sep 1, 2004 –
8 98232 Aparri Cagayan 18.36017 121.63039 3.6 Jan 1, 1951 –  
9 98134 Basco Batanes 20.42728 121.97053 167.0 May 7, 2001 – Relocated from its
present old location with
lower elevation
(11.0 m) in 2001 
10 98133 Calayan Cagayan 19.26300 121.46700 13.0 Jan 1, 1961 – Temporarily closed
present during the periods
1971–1986; 1989–
1990; 1992–1993;
and 1999–2000
11 98132 Itbayat Batanes 20.78696 121.83837 124.0 Nov 1, 1965 – Temporarily closed
present from 2001–2010
12 98233 Tuguegarao Cagayan 17.64773 121.75849 60.2 Jan 1, 1951 –  
13 98334 Baler Aurora 15.74880 121.63202 178.2 Jan 1, 1995 – Temporarily closed
present from Aug 2004 to
Aug 2005
14 98330 Cabanatuan  Nueva Ecija 15.47038 120.95114  28.4 Jan 1, 1951 –Dec Temporarily closed
  31, 2018 from 1981–1990;
relocated to CLSU
in 2019
15 98336 Casiguran Aurora 16.26508 122.12883 5.9 Jan 1, 1951 –  
16 98327 Clark Pampanga 15.18222 120.56166 154.821 May 1, 1997 –  
17 98426 Subic Zambales 14.79193 120.27061 18.13 Sep 1, 1994 –  
18 98324 Iba Zambales 15.32615 119.96902 5.110 Jan 1, 1951 –  
19 98435 Alabat Quezon 14.10544 122.01767 5.5 Jan 1, 1957 – No data in 2011
20 98432 Ambulong Batangas 14.08766 121.06238 14.3 Jan 1, 1951 –  

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

No WMO Station name Administrative Latitude Longitude Elevation Available record Documented
index province (°N) (°E) (masl) changes/remarks
21 98434 Infanta Quezon 14.74828 121.67788 3.1 Jan 1, 1951 –  
22 98428 Sangley Point Cavite 14.49495 120.90683 3.0 Aug 5, 1974 –  
23 98433 Tanay Rizal 14.58122 121.36927 646.1 Oct 1, 1999 –
24 98427 Tayabas Quezon 14.01836 121.59656 157.7 Jan 1, 1971 –
25 98431 Calapan Oriental 13.41458 121.18694 42.8 Jan 1, 1951 –  
Mindoro present
26 98526 Coron Palawan 12.00354 120.20001 59.9 Jan 1, 1951 –
27 98630 Cuyo Palawan 10.85411 121.00816 4.0 Jan 1, 1951 –  
28 98618 Puerto Palawan 9.74013 118.75861 14.90 Jan 1, 1951 –
Princesa present
29 98536 Romblon Romblon 12.57864 122.27034 176.55 Jan 1, 1951 –
30 98531 San Jose Occidental 12.35968 121.04790 3.0 Jan 1, 1981 –  
Mindoro present
31 98440 Daet Camarines 14.12860 122.98255 3.92 Jan 1, 1951 –  
Norte present
32 98545 Juban Sorsogon 12.83942 123.99698 16.4 Aug 1, 2010 –  
33 98444 Legaspi Albay 13.15064 123.72841 15.696 Jan 1, 1951 –  
34 98543 Masbate Masbate 12.36632 123.62921 10.0 Jan 1, 1951 –  
35 98446 Virac Catanduanes 13.57790 124.20787 33.7 Jan 1, 1951 –  
36 98538 Roxas Capiz 11.60024 122.74969 2.768 Jan 1, 1951 –  
37 98644 Dauis Bohol 9.58420 123.81600 49.0 Apr 22, 2013 – Station was
present transferred here
from Tagbilaran,
Bohol in 2013
38 98642 Dumaguete Negros Oriental 9.33544 123.30334 8.000 Jan 1, 1951 –  
39 98646 Mactan Cebu 10.32232 123.98011 24.3 Aug 1, 1972 -  
40 98553 Borongan  Eastern Samar 11.66083 125.62861 3.058 Jan 1, 1951 – Closed starting Apr
Mar 31, 1987 1, 1987
11.66004 125.44228 2.4 Jan 1, 2001 – Re-opened here in
present 2001
41 98546 Catarman Northern Samar 12.50537 124.62851 5.78 Jan 1, 1951 –  
42 98548 Catbalogan Western Samar 11.77502 124.88425 5.0 Jan 1, 1951 –
43 98558 Guiuan Eastern Samar 11.04558 125.75549 60.0 Aug 1, 1973 –  

Philippine Journal of Science Villafuerte et al.: Online Platform for Climate
Vol. 150 No. 1, February 2021 Data Acquisition

No WMO Station name Administrative Latitude Longitude Elevation Available record Documented
index province (°N) (°E) (masl) changes/remarks
44 98648 Maasin Southern Leyte 10.13900 124.86040 72.0 Jul 18, 1972 – No data from Oct
present 1, 1976 to Dec 31,
45 98550 Tacloban Leyte 11 . 2 2 5 5 5 125.02500 2.7 Jan 1, 1951 – Relocated to its
Nov 2013 current location
after Yolanda’s
devastation in Nov
11.24348 125.00784 2.7 Aug 1, 2014 –
46 98741 Dipolog Zamboanga del 8.59957 123.34372 3.7 Jan 1, 1981 –  
Norte present
47 98836 Zamboanga Zamboanga del 6.91709 122.06631 6.9 Jan 1, 1951 –  
Sur present
48 98747 El Salvador Misamis 8.53570 124.55794 8.902 Nov 01, 2013 – Relocated to its
Oriental present current location
from Lumbia,
Misamis Oriental
49 98751 Malaybalay Bukidnon 8.15142 125.13385 689.3 Jan 1, 1951 –  
50 98753 Davao Davao Del Sur 7.12757 125.65496 18.0 Jan 1, 1951 –  
51 98851 General Santos South Cotabato 6.05734 125.10314 132.199 Jan 1, 1951 –  
52 98752 Butuan Agusan Del 8.94708 125.48229 17.7 Jan 1, 1981 –  
Norte present
53 98755 Hinatuan Surigao Del Sur 8.36746 126.33850 3.0 Jan 1, 1951 –  
54 98653 Surigao Surigao Del 9.78279 125.48935 39.27 Jan 1, 1951 – Temporarily closed
Norte present from Jan 1, 1979 to
Jan 7, 1984
55 98746 Cotabato Maguindanao 7.16172 124.21480 44.900 Feb 01, 1986 –


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