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November-December 2015

Hydro Review Worldwide






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Volume 23, No. 6 November-December 2015




Pumped Storage Hydropower Round-up

By David Appelyard

In this snapshot of global pumped hydropower development, it is

evident that the technology is attracting significant investment. The
benefits pumped storage capacity has to offer are such that its value is
soaring, with even smaller developments attracting interest.



2 Viewpoint:
Hydro: Giant among Its Peers
4 World News
28 Tech Notes
30 Dams & Civil Structures
31 Small Hydro
32 Marine Hydrokinetics
36 Index to Advertisers

Creating Smarter Control Systems

with Trip Multiply Functionality
By Ryszard Nowicki

By providing better monitoring with regard to turbine-generator

conditions, operators can save time by eliminating unnecessary
alarms over the course of normal unit operation.


From the Board Room: Maryse Franois-Xausa, Alstom

By Elizabeth Ingram

As a global hydroelectric power industry equipment provider, Alstom

is well-situated to understand the challenges and issues facing this
industry. Maryse Franois-Xausa discusses future development potential and where governments need to be investing their money.
Asset Management is Key to Operations
for Landsvirkjun in Iceland
By Unnur M. Thorvaldsdottir and Boudewijn Neijens

With an average service age of 40 years for company power stations,

and the oldest approaching 80, Landsvirkjun in Iceland needed to
improve its asset management practices.

H. Irfan Aker
Dolsar Engineering Co.,
Emmanuel Antwi-Darkwa
ETAD Consult Ltd., Ghana
Enrique Cifres
eWATER Consultant SL,
Ian M. Cook
ICCL, United Kingdom
Jean-Louis Drommi
Electricite de France,
Maryse Francois-Xausa
Alstom Renewable Power
Hydro, France
Roger Gill
Sustena Partners,


1511hrw_1 1


Fernando de Menezes
e Silva
Itaipu Binacional, Brazil
Peter Mulvihill
Pioneer Generation,
New Zealand

Kanchit Ngamsanroaj
Electricity Generating
Authority of Thailand,
Christian Dalosto Pase
Tractebel Energia, Brazil
Doan Ke Ruan
Power Engineering Consulting Company, Vietnam
Leon Tromp
Lesotho Highlands Water
Commission, Lesotho
Christine van Oldeneel
Hydro Equipment Association, Belgium
C.V.J. Varma
Council of Power Utilities
and The Dams Society,
Raghunath Gopal
(R.G.) Vartak
Consultant, India
Luis C. Vintimilla
Consulting Engineer,
James Yang, PhD
Vattenfall Research and
Development AB, Sweden

November-December 2015 / HRW 1

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Hydropower: A Giant among

Its Renewable Energy Peers

Publisher Marla Barnes

+1 918 832 9353 marlab@pennwell.com
Chief Editor David Appleyard
+44 1992 656659 davida@pennwell.com
Managing Editor Elizabeth Ingram
+1 816 214 5629 elizabethi@pennwell.com
Editor Michael Harris
+1 918 832 9363 michaelh@pennwell.com

In the run-up to the vital Conference of the Parties (COP 21) climate

change talks taking place in Paris and starting later this month, the UKs
Met Office has issued a report revealing that global temperatures this
year are already set to rise by more than 1o C above pre-industrial levels.
This is more than half way towards the 2.0o C limit seen as critical in
the fight against global warming.

Associate Editor Gregory B. Poindexter

+1 918 832 9330 gregp@pennwell.com
Production Manager Daniel Greene
+1 918 831 9401 danielg@pennwell.com
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+1 918 831 9554 kermitm@pennwell.com
Audience Development Manager Emily Martin
V.P. of Audience Development & Marketing June Griffin
Production Director Charlie Cole

Although there is evidence this average temperature change has been

enhanced by this years strong El Nino, as Stephen Belcher, director

of the Met Office Hadley Centre, explains: Its clear that it is human influence driving our
modern climate into uncharted territory.
The Met Office report comes on the heels of a new Technology Roadmap from the Hydro

Equipment Association (HEA), which presents the merits of hydro and the services it provides
to the energy system.
Hydropower, the worlds leading source of renewable energy, can not only help free a nation
from fuel imports but, because it is storable and flexible, can also play a key role in integrating
other variable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, into national electrical grids,
says HEA. Indeed, among its recommendations for policy makers, the trade group says that
hydropower should be rewarded for the full value of the ancillary services it can provide, for
example its fast reaction time or its ability to provide voltage control. Remuneration of these
services would improve the business case for new hydro investment, HEA argues.
The report also makes clear that the improvement of computer tools remains a topic of intense

research and likely further improvements in efficiency for hydropower techology. Among those
areas being modelled are turbulence models; pressure pulsation; rotating stall; and dynamic

behaviour and resonance between the various systems.

HRW Hydro Review Worldwide
PennWell Corp.
PennWell Global Energy Group
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Senior Vice President,
Finance and Chief Financial Officer Brian Conway

Perhaps most significant though are the latest estimates for hydropowers technical

potential. Excluding pumped storage, HEA estimates a potential of around 4,400 GW

worldwide, of which close to 1,100 GW has been installed to date - leaving some 75% of

the total technical potential available for development and still more energy production given

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projected efficiency improvements.

As the need for a clean energy system for the future becomes steadily more evident, the role

Reprints Rhonda Brown

+1 866 879 9144 pennwellreprints@fosterprinting.com

that hydropower can play, not just in primary generation but also in facilitating other forms of
renewables, becomes ever more clearly defined, as does its vast potential. Hydropower is indeed

a giant among its peers. As Dr. Roland Mnch, President of HEA, says: Mature yet modern,
proven yet innovative, established yet full of potential, this is hydropower as we know it.

Chief Editor

The views expressed by contributing authors are those of the individuals

concerned and do not necessarily reflect those of HRW or the publishers.
HRW (ISSN 1072-9542) is published six times in January, March, May, July,
September, and November by PennWell Global Energy Group, The Water
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11/11/15 11:51 AM

Voith electries water

Water is essential for life. It provides
both vitality as well as enormous potential for generating energy. Hydropower
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11/11/15 11:51 AM

winter and spring precipitation by more than a


Consortium selected to build

Upper Cisokan pumped-storage

quarter. Lower precipitation amounts occurred

in the north and east, but overall, September
was the third driest September on record. The

bureau thinks the remainder of the year will

be warmer and drier than normal, which it

partly attributes to this years El Nino.

An international consortium has been selected to build the 1,040 MW Upper Cisokan

USA: Temperature and precipitation

pumped-storage hydropower plant in Indonesias West Java province. Led by South

impacts from El Nino will likely be seen

Korean builder Daelim Industrial Co., the group also includes Italian construction

during the next few months, according to

firm Astaldi SpA and Indonesias Wijaya Karya (WIKA). The deal is worth about

the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

US$323 million.

Administration. Outlooks favor below-average

The project is being developed by Indonesian utility PT PLN Persero. It will

temperatures and above-median precipitation

consist of an underground powerhouse containing four 260 MW reversible Francis

across the southern USA, and above-average

pump-turbines, two roller-compacted-concrete dams impounding upper and lower

temperatures and below-median precipitation

reservoirs, and transmission lines connecting with the Java-Bali power system.

over the northern part of the country.

Financing is coming in large part from the World Bank, whichapproved a

US$640 million loanto assist with the development of Upper Cisokan in 2011.

News on further hydro,


effects of Hurricane Patricia

eastern Indian Ocean, and vice versa.

Canadas Innergex Renewable Energy and

El Nino causes drought here and

Effects in different countries include:

Mexicos Comision Federal de Electricidad

heavy rain there

Indonesia: Drought affecting its south-

have signed a memorandum of understanding

Weather patterns associated with El Nino,

ern regions is being attributed to El Nino,

to study renewable energy project opportuni-

combined with Southern Oscillation an

according to local reports. Drinking water

ties in Mexico, including hydropower.

irregularly periodical climate change are

wells in Wonigiri, central Java, are dry after no

The main purpose of the agreement

causing interesting effects across the globe.

rain for nearly six months. The western mon-

signed on Oct. 13 is to coordinate efforts

In an El Nino-Southern Oscillation event,

soon rains, which normally occur December to

and develop activities allowing Innergex and

El Nino represents the oceanic property in

March, are expected to start two months later.

CFE to define their joint participation in

which sea surface temperatures are the main

Vietnam: According to Nguyen Van

the development of prospective renewable

factor and Southern Oscillation refers to

Dam, director of the Ho Chi Minh City

energy projects, particularly hydro plants with

the atmospheric component. The Southern

Irrigation Service, Low rainfall as an impact

a capacity of less than 200 MW.

Oscillation is a seesaw of atmospheric pressure

of El Nino has significantly lowered the water

Innergex develops, owns and operates

between the eastern equatorial Pacific and

level of Dau Tieng Reservoir. Dau Tieng

run-of-river hydro facilities, wind farms and

IndoAustralian areas closely linked with El

Dam impounds the Saigon River in southern

solar photovoltaic farms in Quebec, Ontario

Nino, according to the National Drought

Vietnam, creating the 1.58 billion m3 capacity

and British Columbia in Canada and Idaho

Mitigation Center in Lincoln, Neb., USA.

reservoir. The rainy season is predicted to

in the USA. Its total portfolio has a capacity

During an El NinoSouthern Oscillation

end one month earlier than in previous years

of 687 MW and includes 26 hydro facilities.

(ENSO) event, the Southern Oscillation is

and this will exacerbate the problem, he said.

CFE is a government enterprise that produces

reversed. Generally, when pressure is high over

Australia: The Australian Bureau of

and distributes electricity for more than 38.5

the Pacific Ocean, it tends to be low in the

Meteorology said past El Nino years have cut

4 HRW / November-December 2015

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million customers.

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Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. (SMBC)


is issuing $500 million through the sale of

Comment period begins for EPAs

controversial Clean Power Plan

green bonds. It is the first Japanese entity to

issue green bonds in dollar form, according to

a report from Finance Asia. The Development

Bank of Japan was the first Japanese green

bond issuer, which raised 250 million ($316

The Environmental Protection Agencys Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal

million) through a euro-denominated three-

Register Oct. 23, marking the beginning of a 90-day comment period and likely opening

year bond in September 2014, the report said.

the door for a round of lawsuits from those opposing the controversial document.

SMBC said the five-year bonds will carry

The plan unveiled by President Barack Obama and the EPA in August is

a 2.45% coupon rate. The organization said,

designed to reduce carbon emissions in the USA by more than 30% from 2005 levels

Through this issuance of green bonds, we

by 2030. The plan sets emissions reductions goals for fossil fuel generating plants and

expect to obtain funding from investors with

will require individual states to establish plans for reducing their own emissions by

a strong interest in the environment and soci-

September 2016. States must then comply with their own mandates by 2022.

ety in order to finance environment-related

EPA said the plan is a necessary response to alarming trends regarding global

business where further growth is expected.

climate change, with 14 of the 15 warmest years on record having occurred since 2000.

According to SMBC, it will issue the

The Clean Power Plan was met with near-immediate opposition from 16 states,

dollar-denominated debt with the funds

led by West Virginia, which argued that the program unlawfully exploits Section

allocated for financing renewable-energy

111(d) of the Clean Air Act in a letter dated Aug. 5. The state of Colorado announced

projects. Funds from this issue could help

in September it too would file suit against the plan once the plan was published in

finance other hydroelectric projects.

the Federal Register.

The Clean Power Plan is available at http://1.usa.gov/1Q5ld7b.

Alstom wins contract for second unit
rehab at Markersbach pumped-storage

Regarding Hurricane Patricia, in late

the 136 MW Nuble hydro plant in Chile.

Alstom has received an order from Vattenfall

October Servicio Meteorolgico Nacional

Puntilla cited differences between the two

Europe Generation AG to overhaul a

(SMN), Mexicos national weather service,

firms with regard to the contract, in a securities

synchronous generator at the 1,050 MW

forecast heavy rain in Chiapas, Mexico,

filing. The contract, reportedly valued at $257

Markersbach pumped-storage plant on

home to the 2,400-MW Manuel Moreno

million, involves construction of the intake,

Germanys Mittweida River.

Torres facility at Chicoasen Dam. CFE owns

penstock, powerhouse and other works nec-

Chicoasen Dam, which impounds the Grijalva

essary for the plants commissioning.

River, creating the Chicoasen Reservoir that

has 1.3 million acre-feet of capacity.

Puntilla will be seeking a new company to

take over construction of the US$350 million

The work calls for Alstom to deliver a new

stator, bearings, bearing bracket and starting
motor, in addition to disassembly, reassembly

and commissioning services.

But there were no reports of unusual

run-of-river plant, on the Nuble River in

The contract is the second such contract

activity at the facility with regard to precip-

central-southern Biobio region. The project

for Alstom, which was offered the first in

itation in the dams catchment as a result of

is expected to generate 620 GWh of electricity

August 2014. The company said a contractual

Hurricane Patricia. Patricia is the Category 5

annually. The plants estimated startup date

storm system SMN forecast to produce a total

has been extended to May 2018 from 2017.

rainfall accumulation of 6 to 12 in.

Mexico had 11,632 MW of hydro capacity

in 2013.

The Andritz Group was awarded a

US$57.4 million contract in February 2015

to supply equipment for the project.



Construction contract terminated for

Green bond market could affect

At the Markersbach pumped-storage facil-

136 MW Nuble hydro plant

hydro project investment

ity, the generators in the powerhouse are

A contract between Electrica Puntilla and Vial

Japan, the third-largest global bond player,

being overhauled due to reaching the end of

y Vives-DSD has been terminated, meaning

is using green bonds to have an effect on

their service lives. The plant was commis-

Vial y Vives-DSD will no longer be building

renewable energy that will likely include hydro.

sioned in 1979.

6 HRW / November-December 2015

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11/11/15 11:51 AM

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1511hrw_7 7

When pumps, turbines, generators, compressors, and electric motors are essen



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11/11/15 11:51 AM


powerhouse on the left abutment.


The facility is about 94 miles downstream

RusHydros commissions
Gotsatlinskaya, continues
upgrade on Zhigulevskaya

of the powerhouse for 420 MW Gilgel Gibe

II and is the third plant on the Gibe-Omo

hydroelectric cascade. The 184 MW Gilgel

Gibe project is also upstream of Gibe III.

In addition to the first three facilities, the

Ethiopian government said plans to build

two additional facilities on the Omo River

In early October, RusHydro commissioned the 100 MW Gotsatlinskaya project on

1,450 MW Gibe IV and 660 MW Gibe V.

the Avarskoye Koisu River in Dagestan. The project also has been permitted to sell

High-voltage transmission lines are being

electricity to the wholesale market.

constructed from Wolyta Sodo, Ethiopia, to

Work on the project, developed by RusHydros wholly-owned subsidiary JSC Sulak

the Suswa substation near Naivasha, Kenya,

Hydrocascade, began in January 2007. The plant includes a 69 m-tall rockfill dam,

and the project should be complete by 2018.

491 m-long spillway tunnel, water intake, conduit, 453 m-long construction tunnel,
turbine building, bypass canal and two 50 MW Francis turbine-generator units.

HydroWorld.com reported in October 2006 that UES hydropower subsidiary

HydroOGK hadallocated US$9 million to finance workon the project. The plant

Gibe III is expected to supply about half

of its electricity to Ethiopia, with 500 MW
being exported to Kenya, 200 MW to Sudan
and 200 MW to Djibouti.

is intended to help reduce regional power shortages which, according to RusHydro,


amounted to 1.8 TWh in 2014.

In addition, upgrades at the 2,300-MW Zhigulevskaya plant on the Volga River continue

510 MW Zangmu facility is online

as 14 of the projects 20 turbine-generator units have now been replaced. Rehabilitation of

At more than 10,800 feet above sea level, the

the plant is part of the Russian utilitys comprehensive modernization program.

510 MW Zangmu Hydropower Station

The newest five-bladed turbine, manufactured by OJSC Power Machines, was designed

the largest in Tibet and one of the highest

for a higher water flow rate. Components within the generator and new control, vibration

elevation hydroelectric facilities in the world

monitoring and diagnostic systems have also been provided. When complete in 2018,

is fully operational. Constructed at a cost

the renovation will increase Zhigulevskayas capacity to about 2,488 MW.

of US$1.5 billion, the facility is located in

Gyaca County, Shannan Prefecture on the

Yarlung Zangbo River (Brahmaputra River)

that flows into India and Bangladesh.
According to China Gezhouba Group, the

facilitys contractor, structures include:

Concrete gravity dam 381 feet high

and 1,276 feet long;
Upgrade work is ongoing at RusHydros Zhigulevskaya facility, with 14 of the 20
units having been replaced to date. When work on all is complete, plant capacity

Spillway, plunge pool and bottom

outlet on the right bank;

Retaining dam section 262 feet in

will have grown by 188 MW.

height on the left bank;

70,208 acre-feet reservoir at 10,860 ft

option covers the overhaul of Markersbachs


above sea level; and

four remaining generators at a rate of one

Power generation begins at

unit per year. Work from the first contract

1,870 MW Gibe III project

is expected to be completed in the coming

On the lower course of the Omo River and

It will alleviate the electricity shortage in

spring, with the second contract to be finished

built at a cost of US$1.8 billion, the 1,870

central Tibet and empower the development

by February 2017.

Powerhouse that has six 85 MW

Francis turbine-generators.

MW Gibe III hydropower project has begun

of the electricity-strapped region. It is also

Markersbach was commissioned in 1979.

generating electricity. Gibe III consists of a

an important energy base in central Tibet,

Alstom said the rehabilitation project is neces-

roller-compacted-concrete dam 797 ft high;

the company said.

sary due to a number of machine components

a reservoir that has the potential to hold

reaching the end of their service lives.

14,700 million m3 of water; and a 10-unit

8 HRW / November-December 2015

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The facility is about 200 miles south of

Lhasa, Tibets capital city.

11/11/15 11:51 AM

The people of Pakistan are

proactively solving their energy
needs with the creation of the 969
MW Neelum-Jhelum Hydropower
Project in the hills of Kashmir. For
over 50 years, MWH has been
pairing with the government
of Pakistan to find sustainable
energy sources for the nation
and is committed to their energy







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Pumped storage hydropower round-up

The benefits pumped storage has to offer are such that its value is soaring
as energy systems move toward cleaner forms of electricity generation.
Pumped hydro is consequently attracting significant global investment.
By David Appleyard

n May this year the International

build and refurbishment and replacement of

11 hydro projects including Markersbach.

Hydropower Association (IHA) released

electromechanicals and uprating civils.

Most recently, Vattenfall sought bids to

its 2015 Key Trends in Hydropower report,

For example, global technology manufac-

showing that 1.46 GW of new pumped stor-

turer Alstom recently received an order from

age capacity was put into operation in 2014.

Vattenfall Europe Generation AG for the

Elsewhere in Germany, March saw a unit

upgrade and repair pump-turbines and other

equipment in March 2014.

It is clear that the advantages of pumped

overhaul of a synchronous generator at the

of European utility Statkraft invite applica-

hydro in terms of voltage and frequency

1,050 MW Markersbach pumped-storage

tions to expand the water storage capacity of

regulation of the grid and reserve capacity

plant on Germanys Mittweida River.

the 200 MW Erzhausen Pumped-Storage

capabilities make the technology increas-

A contractual option covers the overhaul

ingly attractive, particularly in the face of

of Markersbachs four remaining generators

the increasing influence of variable output

at a rate of one unit per year.

renewables such as wind and solar.

The IHA says in Europe, pumped storage

continues to be a focus, with new facilities

totalling 8,600 MW in the planning and

construction stages.

project in Germany, built in 1964.

Work would involve the crest of the ring
dam and intake structure of the upper reser-

Markersbach was commissioned in 1979

voir, the overflow threshold at the pumping

and is the second-largest pumped-storage

station and the water side embankment slope

project in Germany.

of the lower reservoirs main dam.

Vattenfall Europe Generation, the

In 2014, Voith announced that it had been

German unit of Sweden-based Vattenfall AB,

awarded a contract by E.ON Kraftwerke

Developments in variable-speed technol-

has performed numerous modifications to

GmbH involving the replacement, assembly

ogy are expected to be a key component of

Markersbach since it was put into operation.

and commissioning of the stator and rotor

this new capacity, the IHA adds.

In 2013, it took bids to expand the upper

of the generator in unit 6 at the Waldeck

Europe is pushing forward with a swathe

and lower reservoirs of the project. In 2012,

2 pumped storage power plant, in North

of new pumped storage projects with new

the utility took bids for concrete work at

Hesse, Germany. The contract includes an

option for the modernization of a further
machine. Construction of the original power
plant took place in 1970.
The project should ensure an increase of

about 10% in efficiency of the machine unit.

This year Voith has also been commissioned to modernize four motor-generators at

the 1,290 MW Vianden pumped storage plant

in Luxemburg. The project includes design,

construction and installation of four rotors.

Vianden is located close to the border

between with Germany and feeds directly

into the German power network. The plant is

owned by Societ Electrique de lOur S.A. and

A swathe of new pumped storage development is underway. Source: Vattenfall.

10 HRW / November-December 2015

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is marketed and used by RWE Generation.


11/11/15 11:51 AM

The plant was first set into operation in 1964. After expansions in 1976
and 2014, the total installed pump capacity is 1045 MW.
Germanys pumped-storage power plants have a combined capacity
of about 7 GW, but a recent study by the Rheinisch-Westflische

Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University and Voith indicates there is potential to add to nearly 24 GW of new pumped-storage

capacity in the states of Baden-Wrttemberg and Thuringia.

Dr. Andreas Schfer, chief engineer at the Institute for Electric

Plants and Energy at RWTH Aachen, commented: Pumped-storage

plants would offer important systems services, especially for control

reserves, but also for the provision of secured outputs. In this way,
pumped-storage systems can make a contribution to the success of

the energy transition.

The study shows that with a 60% share of renewables, about 2 TWh

Refurbishment of pumped storage can significantly increase capacity.

Source: Vattenfall.

of renewable electricity can be additionally utilized if pump storage

capacity in Germany is increased to a total capacity of 15 GW.

delivery of a spherical valve to be installed at the 383 MW Frades 2

Stephan Kohler, Chairman of the Board of Deutsche Energie-

pumped-storage hydro plant. The 170 tonne component is one of two

Agentur (dena), argues that more should be done to recognise the

that will control flows through the Frades 2 plants pair of reversible

ancillary services potential of pumped hydro: Pumped storage power

pump turbines on the left bank of the Cavado River.

plants should be given first priority, because they are the only existing

industrial-scale power storage systems and, beyond that, also make

The Americas

many valuable contributions to the power grid. We have to adapt

Although only Argentina is the only South American country to have

the framework conditions in such a way, that this added value is also

installed significant pump storage capacity to date, the technology

adequately remunerated.

is certainly under consideration. In a novel application, for example,

In neighbouring Austria, this year saw the civil engineering contract

for a new 940 MW pumped-storage plant.

proposals have been put forward that would see a 600 MW solar plant

coupled with a 300 MW pump-storage facility in Chile. According

Pumpspeicherkraftwerk Koralm GmbH has selected ILF Consulting

to the proposals from developer Valhalla Energy and submitted to

Engineers and AF-Consult to provide engineering services for the

Chiles environmental regulatory authorities (Servicio de Evaluacin

Koralm project in Austria.

Ambiental, SEIA), the hydroelectric pumped-storageplant set for the

The Koralm plant will include an upper and lower reservoir, headrace,

penstock and tailrace, surge tank, cavern powerhouse and access tunnel,
transmission line and switchyard. The plant is expected to have a head
of about 650 m and will the largest hydroelectric plant in Austria upon

its completion.

northern Tarapaca region will use seawater.

The so-called Mirror of Tarapaca project is expected to require an
investment of some US$1 billion.

While South America has seen very limited pumped-storage development to date, North America is on a roll, with a raft of announcements

Austria is also home to the new Ober-vermuntwerk II and Rellswerk

suggestive of a buoyant market for additional pumped storage capacity.

pumped storage projects, which are located in Montafon, Vorarlberg.

In September, for example, GB Energy Park LLC and Alstom

Voith will supply the energy provider Vorarlberger Ill-werke AG with

announced an agreement for equipment supply for the 400 MW

two pumps and a pump turbine for the two projects under the terms

Gordon Butte project.

of a contract announced in December 2014. The Obervermuntwerk II

A closed-loop pumped storage facility in south central Montana, it

pumped-storage power plant is being constructed between the Silvretta

will consist of upper and lower reservoirs connected by an underground

and Vermunt reservoirs at an altitude of around 1700 m.

concrete and steel-lined hydraulic shaft. The head between the two

For the Obervermuntwerk II, Voith is to supply, assemble and

reservoirs if 1,025 feet. The powerhouse will contain four pump-turbine

commission two 170 MW storage pumps. For the new Rellswerk

units with total installed capacity of 400 MW and expected annual

project, Voith Hydro will supply a 13 MW, 3-stage pump turbine.

energy generation of 1,300 GWh.

Over in Portugal EDP Gesto da Produo de Energia, S.A.,

This followed news that San Diego is to pursue a two-year, $900,000

awarded an ANDRITZ HYDRO-led consortium an order for the

study of the proposed San Vicente pumped-storage hydropower project

supply and erection of the complete electromechanical equipment for

that would involve the construction of a 240 to 500 MW hydroelectric

the pumped storage project Foz Tua.

plant using the existing San Vicente Dam and reservoir.

The contract includes two reversible pump turbines of 120 MW

This year also saw United Power Corp. file an application to study

each and the station will be erected on the river Tua, a tributary of the

development of the 30 MW South Maui Pumped-Storage project on

Douro River in the north of Portugal.

the south coast of Maui Island, Hawaii. This project would also use

Portuguese pumped storage also got a boost in 2015 with the


1511hrw_11 11

seawater from the Pacific Ocean.

November-December 2015 / HRW 11

11/11/15 11:51 AM

The proposed project includes an upper

reservoir composed of four concrete storage

The project is expected to have a capacity

of up to 1,300 MW.

include the 1,000 MW Drakensberg in the

mountains of the Northern Drakensberg of

KwaZulu Natal and the 400 MW Palmiet,

tanks and a powerhouse containing three 10

MW variable-speed pumps and two 15 MW

Africas pumped hydro ambitions

2 km upstream of Kogelberg Dam on the

variable-speed Pelton turbine-generators.

Although a vast tranche of Africas con-

Palmiet River near Cape Town.

Estimated annual generation is 5.2 GWh.

ventional hydropower potential has yet to

A third pumped-storage site, the

be developed, pumped storage projects are

1,332 MW Ingula project, is being con-

nonetheless underway.

structed 55 km from Ladysmith, within the

And, in a recent development, an affiliate

of Eagle Crest Energy has agreed to buy the
Kaiser Eagle Mountain mine near Desert

In South Africa, incumbent utility Eskom

Drakensberg range, on the border between

Center, California, as part of a plan to create

is increasing its pumped storage capacity with

the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal provinces.

a new pumped storage hydropower plant from

a new project set to be commissioned this year.

The scheme is being built on a 9,000 ha site

two of the iron ore mines vacant pits.

Eskoms operational pumped-storage schemes

at a cost of RND8.9 billion.

Development of the pumped storage scheme was first proposed in 2002.


Construction encompasses two dams for the

upper and lower reservoirs; a powerhouse, two


tunnels, access roads and transmission lines.

The underground powerhouse contains four


333 MW pump turbines.

And, in July this year, the Lesotho

Highlands Development Authority (LHDA)



issued a tender call for economic studies and

development arrangements for the 1200 MW

Kobong Pumped-Storage project.

South Africas Cabinet agreed in 2008
to invest US$712 million in the Lesotho

Highlands Water Project (LHWP) Phase

2, which includes construction of Kobong

Pumped-Storage project, Polihali Dam as

upper reservoir for Kobong, a Polihali-Katse

transfer tunnel, roads and associated environmental and social programs.

A contract was recently awarded to Maleka,

Ntshihlele, Putsoa Joint Venture for 8 million
maloti (US$648,397) for demarcation of

Polihali Reservoir.
Asia expands PS projects
Asia, too, is seeing its share of development.
Recently, a consortium led by South Korean
your challenge, weve got the
people, skills and products to meet it head
on. Were a company steeped in experience
and rich in innovation. We are WEIR American
Hydro. Speak to our skilled team and set a
performance challenge for us.

builder Daelim Industrial Co., was selected to

build the 1040 MW Upper Cisokan pumped

storage hydropower plant in Indonesias West

Java province.
The consortium also includes Italian con-

struction firm Astaldi SpA and Indonesias

Wijaya Karya (WIKA). Being developed on
behalf of Indonesian utility PLN, the deal is
worth about US$323 million.

Financing for the project is coming in large

part from the World Bank.
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In July, Nepal advanced the development


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of its first pumped storage hydro project, as

pumped-storage hydropower plant, proposed

including pump turbines, motor generators

Tanahu Hydropower Ltd awarded contracts

for construction in North Queensland,

and other equipment.

to engineering firm Lahmeyer International

Australia, at the site of the Kidston Gold

GmbH and sub-consultant Manitoba

Mine. The project includes two large adjacent

Outlook for pumped storage hydro

Hydro International. The contracts relate to

pits that would act as the plants upper and

According to the IHA, the worlds total

the development of the 140 MW Tanahu

lower reservoirs [see box panel].

pumped storage capacity now stands at some

pumped-storage project.

In a nod to further development in the

142 GW, increasing by something north of

Tanahu will be located on the Seti River

eastern hemisphere, August saw Russias PJSC

10% during 2014 alone. Clearly, there is a

about 100 km from Kathmandu. The proj-

RusHydro and the Korean Water Resources

strong appetite not just for new build pumped

ects upper reservoir will be impounded by a

Corp. jointly look to develop a pumped-stor-

storage, but also refurbishment and reha-

140-meter-tall gravity dam.

age hydroelectric plant in Russias Far East.

bilitation. This push for additional pumped

More recently, in September, Voith was

RusHydro and K-Water will create a

storage capacity has a number of drivers,

awarded a new contract to supply electro-

working group to study the feasibility of

but chief among them is the headlong rush

mechanical equipment for a pumped storage

the Primorsky Energy and Water Resources

for more solar and wind power, renewable

plant in Thailand. The order is for the exten-

Complex (PEWC), including the Primorskaya

energy technologies that require back-up if

sion of the Lam Ta Khong plant and includes

pumped storage plant.

security of energy supply is to be maintained.

the supply of two motor-generators and two

Of course, China cannot be ignored

Pumped storage is an ideal solution, if not

when it comes to pumped storage. Last year

the only realistically economical one. As such,

Located on the Lam Ta Khong River

Hainan Pumped Storage Power Generation

demand for its ample utility in service is likely

200 km northeast of Bangkok, the extension

Co. Ltd. awarded a US$71.14 million contract

to grow in the coming decades as the global

project will double the capacity to a total of

to Alstom to equip the 600 MW Hainan

economy inexorably shifts toward a clean

1000 MW.

Qiongzhong pumped-storage plant.

energy system.

255 MW vertical pump turbines.

Australia, too, is looking to expand its

Hainan Provinces first pumped-storage

pumped storage capacity as Genex Power has

project operations are due in December 2017.

appointed consulting firm Entura to provide

Under the terms of the deal, Alstom

a feasibility study for the 330 MW Kidston

will provide three 200 MW turbine units,

David Appleyard is Chief Editor of HRW Hydro Review

Worldwide magazine

Glyn Rhonwy quarry pumped storage

Although the nearby 1800 MW pumped storage plant Dinorwig
has been operating since the 1980s, development of pumped

Snowdonia Pumped Hydro is a subsidiary of Quarry Battery

storage capacity is still being actively pursued in Snowdonia, the

Company, which together with AECOM developed a preferred

mountainous region of north Wales, in the UK.

design, including the dams and a cut and fill pen stock.

If plans proceed to construction, two abandoned slate quarries,

Glyn Rhonwy and Chwarel Fawr, are set to be the basis of the
UKs first new pumped storage capacity for several decades.

First mooted in 2012, in April this year, the UKs Crown Estate
agreed to lease 13 Ha of land to Snowdonia Pumped Hydro for its
100 million (US$155 million) project. This followed the granting

of planning permission in September 2013.

Construction is anticipated to take 3 to 5 years with the upper

reservoir holding some 1.1 billion litres.

The developers see a strong business case for a multitude of such

brownfield sites, with their relatively low additional infrastructure
costs and minimal visual and environmental impact.
By continuing to utilize unconventional sites such as the
abandoned quarry on The Crown Estates land, Britain can realize

The project includes the construction of a 20-metre-high dam

an additional 15 GW of grid-scale storage using pumped hydro

on the upper reservoir at Chwarel Fawr and a 15-metre-high dam

technology alone, said Peter Taylor, chairman of Quarry Battery.

on the lower reservoir at Glyn Rhonwy.

Originally, the Glyn Rhonwy plant had been planned as a

49.9 MW capacity installation, that proposal was increased by a
further 50 MW in December last year, pushing the application
to the UK Planning Inspectorate.

The proposed change in output, involves installing larger

turbines and associated equipment within the powerhouse,

14 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_14 14

now expected to be operational by 2019.

The company is proposing a new generation of small-scale

pumped storage facilities, arguing that they are economically

viable and environmentally more acceptable.
Last year it secured a further 3 million (US$4.8 million) in
private funding for initial work at the site, near Llanberis and it
is in negotiations to secure five further sites from a short list of
30 identified potentials.


11/11/15 11:51 AM

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1511hrw_15 15


11/11/15 11:51 AM


Creating smarter condition management

systems with Trip Multiply functionality
By providing better monitoring over turbine-generator conditions,
operators can save time by eliminating unnecessary alarms over the
course of normal unit operation.
By Dr. Ryszard Nowicki

very hydro turbine generator has vary-

as best practice. Instead, another approach to

functionality because they present another type

ing vibration frequencies, which can

prevent alarm overloading is the use of Trip

of resonance behavior for partial load operation.

be impacted by specific processes and

Multiply functionality.

environmental variables. Vibration measure-

Trip Multiply (TM) functionality is

ments including mechanical, electrical and

defined in the monitoring system by the max-

RPM transient conditions

hydraulic provide the most important data

imal multiplier (TMMax) that can be applicable

Vibration is influenced by the speed of rotat-

about the health and condition a turbine gen-

for alarm values, and by a resolution (TMRes)

ing equipment during operation, and many

erator and can also reveal what other variables

with which it can execute for values that are

machines operate at running speeds above the

may be impacting the operating environment.

lower than the maximum values.

rotor systems critical speeds if they are in a good

Level of vibration change in

For example, an increase in vibrations could

Improving the TMRes gives operators a

technical condition. Therefore, under transient

indicate an oversized guide bearing clearance

more precise monitoring configuration, and

operating conditions, operators can observe

or a change in power. Changes in vibration

consequently, allows more sensitive system

increasing and decreasing vibration levels.

measurements can also result from water flow

reaction in the case of technical condition

conditions. The causes for water pulsation are

changes in a turbine generator.

This typically occurs when the speed of the

machine is increased from a stopped condi-

divided into two categories forced vibra-

The functionality, indicated as ALERTNORM

tion to its operating speed (RPMNOM). This

tions and self-excited vibrations which can

and DANGERNORM, is designed to tempo-

transitional condition is not the same for all

be observed for:

rarily elevate alarm set points by a preconfig-

generators because many of them operate with

ured multiple. The TM has been previously

nominal rotor speed RPMNOM below rotor

limited to rotor resonance effects and radial

RPMRES. However, due to some technical con-

Steady conditions when there is no

change in flow over a period of time;
Periodic flow when the variations in

vibration while allowing the asset to ramp

dition changes, such as coupling bolt cracking

flow are repeated at a fixed time interval; and

through phases of operation where a resonance

with the rotor system, a turbine can slowly

Unsteady flow when flow conditions

exists, defined as the frequency band pass from

change its operating mode. Additionally, some


generators increase vibration levels during the

can vary with time particularly with regard

to velocity and pressure.

This works well for mid- and high-speed

transient operation condition due to other

By adjusting their condition monitoring

rotating machines that produce vibration

and protection systems, project operators

at a frequency equal to shaft and rotational

The occurrence of resonances and the

can decrease instances in which alarms are

speed. The unbalanced force produces serious

consequent effects on vibration magnitudes

falsely triggered by equipment operating under

vibrations when the rotor passes through is

is one of the most common problem sources

normal operating conditions.

balance resonance, but it is not a frequent

for turbine bearings and foundation. This is

scenario for turbine generators.

largely due to a faulty model design based on

environmental variables.

Many low-speed turbines operate in normal

improper estimation of design parameters, such

While an overload of false alarms can be

technical conditions well below the first rotor

as model stiffness, modal mass of supporting

managed in ways ranging from bypassing or

resonance frequency (RPMRES). However, it

structures and excitation frequency of forces in

inhibiting them, this is generally not accepted

can still be useful for them to use the TM

the machine. For example, a high groundwater

Asset condition alarm management

16 HRW / November-December 2015

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Figure 1 Possible Zones of Operation

the turbine structure and concrete foundation for some turbine types.
For this particular turbine, the smallest level of rotor vibrations are


observed for nominal head, and the guide bearing vibrations are positively

correlated with head on average. This signifies that the smallest seismic
vibrations were observed for the minimal head and the highest ones for




Not advocated


Not allowed



the maximum head. Additionally, the lowest vibration levels are around
nominal power, and for this unit, they present similar magnitudes.
In these conditions, the entire structure of a plant would begin to vibrate

whenever a turbine operated in a certain load range, even if the turbine were

in good technical condition from a mechanical integrity standpoint. This


vibration known as Rheingans Influence is caused by spiral vortex

filaments that rotate at a speed lower than the rotational speed of the turbine,

Nominal Power

and can vary with changes of the upstream and downstream water levels.
A model for a Francis-type turbine unit shows the relationship be-

A vibration test may be carried out during unit commissioning to

determine the frequencies of the real dominant excitations, answering

tween head and power.

questions about the turbine-supporting structure and resonances of

table in barrage powerhouses could be responsible for excessive vibration

the water flow system. It can be treated as a signature analysis allowing

transmission to the entire powerhouse building and structure.

better monitoring of dynamic unit behaviors, and easier recognition

of some technical condition changes. Such changes are usually visible
as a decrease in mechanical resonance frequencies.

Changes of turbine generator dynamics during loading

Using a Francis-type turbine as a model, Figure 1 shows the relationship

between head (vertical axis) and power (horizontal axis), and indicates

Analyzing the data

four zones of possible operation. Only Zone 1 and 3 are for operation.

Figure 2 presents a velocity trend of guide bearing vibrations over a

In the optimum operation area, Zone 3, there would be no developed

period of one week. The data is from one of six turbines running in

vortex belt in the draft tube. Consequently, the pressure pulsation is small.

a hydro plant each around 120 MW. The figure also shows two

Zone 2 should be crossed as quickly as possible because it lies between

thresholds for Alert and Danger, and the data reveals the unit runs

the two operational zones, but it is not approved for operation of its own.

approximately two times per day.

Some vibration components of turbine assembly structures result

During steady state operation, vibrations measure around 6 mm/s,

from the hydrodynamic properties of the flow. Therefore, this destructive

which is about 25% below an alert. During both transient operation

zone is determined by intense pressure fluctuations caused by the

and steady state operation the unit experiences vibration levels higher

growth and collapse of bubbles during intensive cavitation conditions.

than those configured for the danger setup.

In addition, a correlation can be observed between the excitations

resulting from cavitation phenomena and the natural frequencies of

A quick analysis leads to the following conclusions:

Vibration increases are observed systematically during each

turbine startup and shutdown; and

Figure 2 Guide Bearing Vibration Velocity Trend

Short-time irregularities during the units stop conditions and

in its steady state operation.


The problem of control monitoring system sensitivity and its proper

Magnitude: 2 mm/s Peak/div

operation can be solved for this plant using the TM functionality.

Having the danger defined here as a HIGH-HIGH level set


12 mm/s
(Danger Level)

up to 12 mm/s, it would be enough to put the TM coefficient as 3.5

8 mm/s
(Alert Level)


and then the danger changes to 42 mm/s.

For only one of six units at this plant, the operator is seeing the

HIGH-HIGH alarm 20 times per week. This means that operators

will see 120 alarms per week and nearly 7,000 alarms per year with all

units having a similar behavior even though all the alarms generated


come from units running in normal technical condition.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Time: 8 Hours/div

Trip multiply functionality is an important feature of condition monitoring and protection systems used for turbine monitoring, and it can

Data from one-of-six 120 MW turbines in a hydro plant shows the

significantly decrease operator alarm

velocity trend of guide bearing vibrations over a week-long period.

overloading. It can be important to

18 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_18 18

Continued on page 36

11/11/15 11:52 AM

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From the Board Room:

Maryse Franois-Xausa, Alstom
As a global hydroelectric power industry equipment provider, Alstom
is well-situated to understand the challenges and issues facing this
industry. Maryse Franois-Xausa discusses future development
potential and where governments need to be investing their money.
By Elizabeth Ingram

lstom provides a variety of equipment

perfect complement to a grid being fed with

Franois-Xausa: One of the challenges is

for the hydroelectric power industry,

large quantities of intermittent energy, which

linked to the opinion of the people. There are

from water to wire. In fact, the com-

is the case in North America and Europe.

not enough electricity consumers and officials

pany says its turbines and generators installed

In addition, energy storage, which

who recognize that hydro is a renewable

worldwide represent more than 25% of the

hydropower provides, is very important.

source of energy, and there is a lot to do with

total hydropower capacity today. The company

And of course, in new markets, local energy

respect to this in the hydropower industry. It is

has been operating for more than 100 years

production is needed. The availability of

important to communicate to consumers and

and is headquartered in France.

energy contributes to the growth of countries

policy makers alike that hydro is the leading

economies, as well as to their energy indepen-

renewable energy source and that there is

HRW-Hydro Review Worldwide recently sat

down with Maryse Franois-Xausa, senior

great hydro potential still to be developed.

vice president, global R&D with Alstom

The second point is that we must be

Renewable Power and vice president of

able to explain to all people that hydro is a

global R&D and product management

possibility to help integrate other renew-

with Alstom Hydro. In 2014, Franois-

able energy sources because hydro is really

Xausa received a Women with Hydro Vision

flexible. It has quick start capabilities and

award from PennWell in the category of

can operate at partial load, which helps

research and development, in recognition

accommodate the variations associated

of her tremendous influence and impact on

with wind and solar energy.

the hydroelectric industry. The following is

Q: What are the innovative

approaches you would put forward
and use as an example of hydropower
as a modern, evolving technology?

a transcript of that discussion.

Q: What does the term modern

hydropower mean to you?
Franois-Xausa: Hydro is modern and

Maryse Franois-Xausa

Franois-Xausa: There is a lot to say about

new technology but there is one point

this is something we need to explain, to

everybody. Its not just an energy of the past,

dence. Finally, hydroelectric power can help

in particular I want to make. Variable speed

it will be an energy of the future. Worldwide

decrease a countrys environmental footprint

pumped storage is a technology that will help

there are more and more intermittent renew-

by decreasing its dependence on fossil fuels

us with more flexibility in both pumping mode

ables (such as wind and solar) being developed.

Hydro is a technology that is very modern.

the power absorbed in pumping mode can

There is a need to introduce this intermittent

energy into the grid, and hydropower can help

in this respect. Hydro is flexible and is the

20 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_20 20

and turbine mode. With variable speed units,

Q: What is the main challenge for hydro

development around the world?

be varied by about 30% over a certain range,

depending on the head. This enables the power

11/11/15 11:52 AM

station operator to regulate grid frequency

An example of such a project for us is

from Tianjin, where we celebrated 20 years

in pump mode and deliver services such as

the 2,620-MW Chief Joseph facility on the

of Alstom Hydro in China. During this trip,

frequency regulation to the grid operator

Columbia River in Washington State in the

I heard first hand from customers and con-

while filling the upper reservoir. Conventional

USA. It worked perfectly. In addition, with

sulting engineers about their ambitions and

pumped-storage plants can only deliver this

the new materials, we can complete the work

the challenges they face. China needs more

service while in generation mode. Use of vari-

[of installing the extensions] in three days

electricity and it needs a greater proportion of

able speed technology allows us to achieve a

instead of three weeks.

it from renewable sources. China continues to

lot of segregation in terms of load generation.

build very high installed capacity hydropower

Q: Could you identify key hydro markets

and explain why they are attractive?

plants, such as Xiangjiaba, equipped with

variation also enables sites with a wide head

variation to be equipped.

Franois-Xausa: For new hydro, China

generator units at 800 MW/889 MVa. These

remains the leading market. I recently returned

units were supplied by Alstom. China is also a

The additional flexibility provided by the speed

Alstoms first variable speed machine

the worlds most powerful hydro turbine and

installed is at the 1,450-MW Linthal plant

in Switzerland, which is a high-head site.

This plant is being extended through the

installation of four 450-MW units, and it will

be commissioned soon. We also are designing

Measurement & Control

and manufacturing variable speed equipment

for three other facilities, Nant de Drance in

Switzerland, Tehri in India and Le Cheylas
in France.

Q: What is the most striking change you

have witnessed for hydropower recently?
Franois-Xausa: Improvements in flexibility.

Traditionally, hydro was used mainly as a

baseload power source. Operators would set

Hydro Condition Monitoring

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GEs Bently Nevada product line offers comprehensive
solutions to optimize hydro operations by increasing
uptime and reducing unplanned downtime. GE is leading
a new era of power generation that connects machines,
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their machines at the best operating point at

the beginning of the year and 20 years after
you would see them operating the same way.
Today, this is not the view that we have. We
use hydropower with a lot of flexibility in

order to move the load. It can have a lot of

variability. We have to design completely new

machines that can operate safely in a wide

range of operation, and that means a lot of

development. This is a big change.

And there is a smaller change, which is


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materials. New materials are really key to build-

ing machines today. We see a lot of evolution

with regard to use of new material in hydro. In

the USA, for example, stay vane extensions are

being accomplished using composite materials.

Extending the stay vanes allows the shape of

the stay vane to be modified to reduce losses
caused by turbulence, which in turn increases

plant efficiency. Alstom uses a technique to

For more information please

visit www.gemeasurement.com

make stay vane extensions with a composite

material layup shell that is bonded to the stay

vane and filled with an epoxy casting. This

technique greatly reduces the lead time for

creating stay vane extensions.

1511hrw_21 21

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European Commission. This is a research

project that includes Alstom and the utility

Electricite de France (EDF), as well as Elia,
DNV GL and Imperial College London. The

focus is the industrys first upgrade of fixed

speed pumped storage to variable speed.

Q: What single change would you

like to see that could enhance the
role of modern hydropower?
Franois-Xausa: I would like to see changes
to government policy, with more government

support for hydro. And more government

support for research. Governments need to

accept and promote this energy source, which
is carbon-free and renewable.
An 800 MW turbine runner, supplied by Alstom and destined for the Xiangjiaba facility in
China, is being delivered.

Q: Any final thoughts/comments

on the future of hydropower?
Franois-Xausa: I want to leave you with

major market for pumped storage, and Alstom

flexibility of these plants.

recently won the contract for the Qiongzhong

three points.
1. Hydro has huge potential for growth. Only

significant development potential as well. We

Q: What is the main challenge

for hydropower development
around the world?

see quite a lot of hydro projects on the horizon

Franois-Xausa: Investment will be very

2. Pumped storage is the only way to answer

there. Turkey is a strong market and Africa has

important for hydroelectricity globally. We

to needs of flexibility with regard to new

enormous potential. Latin America is perenni-

need more support for research in particular.

intermittent renewables.

ally a good market for building new projects.

Hydro is at a critical point. There has been a lot

3. More and more, hydro project owners are

Finally, Europe and North America have

of evolution with regard to flexibility, and we

turning to companies, such as Alstom, to

quite a lot of existing plants, and there is a need

need to do significant research on this aspect.

provide service, operation and management

to upgrade these plants to the new needs of

One example of research being performed

the market, to improve efficiency and mainly

is the eStorage consortium supported by the

pumped storage project.

Many countries in southern Asia have

a third of the potential sites worldwide

have been equipped, and we need to ensure

everybody knows this point.

for their hydropower plants.

Elizabeth Ingram is managing editor of HRW-Hydro

Review Worldwide.

GE acquires Alstom
GEs recent acquisition of Alstoms

power and grid businesses, including

Alstoms hydro business, is an important step in GEs transformation to a

digital industry company. Alstom and

GEs power and grid technology and

geography combined will enable many

new opportunities to create value for
customers. GE plans to grow its hydro

business, which already accounts for

more than 25% of the total hydropower

The 1,450 MW Linthal plant in Switzerland is the site of the first Alstom variable speed ma-

capacity worldwide.

chine being installed.

22 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_22 22


11/11/15 11:52 AM

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1511hrw_23 23

11/11/15 11:52 AM


The 270 MW Burfell hydroelectric facility,

originally commissioned in 1969, is on the
River Thjorsa in southern Iceland.

Asset Management is Key to Operations for

Landsvirkjun, National Power Company of Iceland
With an average service age of 40 years for company power stations,
and the oldest approaching 80, Icelands Landsvirkjun, National Power
Company needed to improve its asset management practices.
By Unnur M. Thorvaldsdottir and Boudewijn Neijens

andsvirkjun, National Power Company

Landsvirkjuns role is to ensure electricity

system to manage investment planning, but

of Iceland is Icelands largest electricity

generation and delivery is secure and efficient,

increased organizational demands began

producer and it offers 100% renewable

and fulfils the terms of the agreements signed

outpacing the home-grown system, which

energy. Landsvirkjun operates 14 hydropower

with our customers, said Einar Mathiesen,

was originally designed only for short-term

stations, two geothermal stations and two

executive vice president of Landsvirkjuns

planning. The company needed an updated,

wind turbines. It delivers energy wholesale

Energy Division.

robust, system-wide asset management

Even with effective maintenance practices,

program to support infrastructure invest-

assets need to be renewed or refurbished

ment decision planning processes, develop

before they reach the end of their useful life.

a strategy to help prioritize projects and

Correct decisions at the correct time

The company needed a more holistic asset

manage potential risk.

Sustaining and monitoring existing assets,

management strategy one that could help

and investing in new infrastructure requires

us make the right decisions at the right time,

Initial challenges

efficient systems. In 2012, Landsvirkjun

to maximize the value of the assets, as well

The newly formed Asset Management

established an Asset Management Group to

as the natural resources with which we have

Group began by documenting the companys

develop 3-year short-term and 20-year long-

been entrusted.

current asset position versus future goals.

both to distribution companies and directly

to large industrial customers.

term investment plans for equipment renewal.

24 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_24 24

Landsvirkjun had been using an internal

Although equipment condition assessments


11/11/15 11:52 AM

were conducted, the assessments were not based on numerical

index scores that quantified general asset condition. Landsvirkjun

needed a company-wide standardized process to capture investment

data, evaluate projects and document decisions. The challenges

included getting buy-in from internal and external stakeholders

within or connected to Landsvirkjun and clearly conveying the

long-term goal of everyone working toward prioritizing projects

while managing risk.

Additionally, Landsvirkjun could no longer continue to invest in an

internal system that neither provided needed visibility to manage critical

asset risks nor defined and selected the measures to mitigate risks. All
of these factors combined led to seeking external Asset Investment

Planning and Management (AIPM) guidance, to guide the company

through the exercise and remain on track.
Phased approach

It began with a workshop in 2012 where the Landsvirkjun Asset

Management Group started evaluating the companys current asset
investment planning processes, and mapping out where they wanted
to go in the future. After taking some time to digest and analyze the

outcomes from these discussions, Landsvirkjun decided to move forward

with an AIPM solution from a private consulting firm.

Vancouver, Canada-based consulting firm Copperleaf developed its

C55 AIPM (C55) proprietary technology as a platform to develop asset
management systems for large utility companies to integrate real-time
data to identify and analyse alternative long-term investment strategies.

The system Landsvirkjun used includes a tracking system, an

investment decision optimization and predictive analytics.

Landsvirkjun implemented the system in two phases:
Replacing the legacy in-house project tracking system with the
C55 platform; and
Established a new process to capture consistent business case

solutions for

information from project to project, across the organization.

Assessing investment scenarios
After standardizing a means to evaluate projects in place, Landsvirkjun

wanted the ability to analyze how different levels of investment would

Air Gap
Magnetic Flux

affect future risk factors.

To accomplish this, Landsvirkjun implemented C55s Investment
Decision Optimization capability to help select the optimal set of

projects based on the available budget, and overall value of each project

Brel & Kjr Vibro, the worldwide leading

independent supplier of machine condition
monitoring solutions.

to the company. The focus in phase 2 was to implement predictive

analytics to provide a long-term view of spend requirements to sustain

the infrastructure and assist in the strategic and long-term financial

company planning.
A core team of people with extensive experience running the companys power plants held three workshops with representatives from


finance, operations and other departments across the Landsvirkjun

organization to ensure all stakeholders had a say in defining the new



The company has been using the system since installing the software
in April 2013.

1511hrw_25 25

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The results

The benefits that an Asset Investment Management Platform solution

brings to an organization include a combination of both tangible

and intangible benefits. For Landsvirkjun, the biggest benefit is that

the company now has greater oversight on all investments under

consideration than ever before, whereby:
Long-term investment needs are identified on the basis of risk,
age and condition. Critical risks are clearly identified so that activities
can be undertaken to mitigate those risks before an unplanned outage
occurs, and the company can see the extent to which the investment
plan will address those risks;
Short-term investment needing proposals are collected in a

comprehensive database and assembled in portfolios which are then

optimized based upon risk assessments, the objectives of the company

and the budgetary and resource constraints at any given time. Project

owners can easily present their budget proposals to internal stakeholders

in a transparent and well-structured way.
Better, faster, decisions
With more complete data that includes recording all types of spend and

more accurate data by eliminating version control issues, Landsvirkjun

can make better decisions on how to control spend for the entire
Energy Division.

Having the ability to compare different investment scenarios enables

the company to conduct sensitivity and what-if analysis easily for

Landsvirkjun headquarters building located in Reykjavk, Iceland.

informed decision-making.

Moving from multiple Microsoft Excel-based spreadsheets to a

single, centralized, multi-user system has enabled more interaction

between departments than ever before.

Having one source of accurate data ensures employees are using

the correct information and are not wasting time searching for data.
Documentation has improved considerably because all project owners

have to provide data to support their arguments for the need and

timing of each investment.

By placing a big focus on change management, and taking extra

measures such as translating the system into Icelandic, the rollout and
adoption has been a success.
Powerful drivers for AIPM

Landsvirkjuns experiences in adopting AIPM techniques are not unique.

Some of the most commonly heard benefits include better decisions,
compelling business cases and improved execution.

Better decisions
Comparing dozens or hundreds of candidate projects and options can

be daunting. Programmatic optimization generally leads to higher value

portfolios, unlocking up to 30% in extra value.

Compelling business cases

Building well documented, bottom-up, transparent investment

plans improves the probability of acceptance by regulators and other

http://hrw.hotims.com RS #16

26 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_26 26

stakeholders. Being able to demonstrate the cost of not investing has


11/11/15 11:52 AM

rewarded some utilities with budget increases

in the order of 20%.

Improved execution
Most plans and budgets are out of date the
very moment they are approved. The ability
to quickly adjust project portfolios based on

external or internal changes has allowed utili-

ties to improve their overall project execution

rate up to 10%.

Higher productivity
Much time is wasted searching for informa-

Vatnsfellsstod hydroelectric power station, located in the Highlands of Iceland, at the south

tion and updating spreadsheets but enterprise

end of lake risvatn.

class AIPM solution users report they have

experienced productivity gains of up to 20%.

both short-term and long-term planning to

very well. It helped Landsvirkjun identify a

Quantifying the benefits in terms of hard

help us make the best use of our resources.

quantifiable starting point and measurable,

numbers is not an easy task. How exactly can

Overall, its given us greater confidence in

definable future goals. It is very important to

you measure how much risk has been avoided?

our decision making, and our ability to plan

keep on developing, and continuously improve

Mathiesen asks.

for the future.

and review the processes and tools with which

Landsvirkjun works.

What we do know is this: Weve aligned

our procedures with best practices outlined

Lessons learned

in the ISO 55000 asset management stan-

Having an external, specialized consultant

dard. We now have a transparent picture

firm review Landsvirkjun processes, goals and

Unnur M. Thorvaldsdttir is asset manager for Landsvirk-

of all of our major asset classes, and can

financial plans and guide the company through

jun National Power Company of Iceland. Boudewijn Nei-

compare different investment scenarios for

process-mapping was a concept that worked

jens is chief marketing officer at Copperleaf Technologies.

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1511hrw_27 27

November-December 2015 / HRW 27

11/11/15 11:52 AM


HEA releases global energy roadmap

The Global Energy Roadmap released in late October by the

Facilitating development through public-private partnerships;

Hydro Equipment Association is intended to serve as a roadmap

Rewarding hydro for the ancillary services it provides; and

Embracing the International Hydropower Associations

for hydropowers place in the global energy mix.

HEA said it hopes decision makers and policy makers will use

Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol.

the tool, as they are under increasing and seemingly contradictory

Mature yet modern, proven yet innovative, established yet full

pressures to decrease the cost of electricity, increase the share of

of potential: this is hydropower as we know it, says Dr. Roland

renewable sources of energy and ensure a secure supply of energy.

Munch, president of HEA. Hydropower has a key role to play in

The roadmap outlines several steps that must be taken to unlock

helping national leaders supply their citizens with clean, sustainable

hydropowers full potential:

and reliable electricity.

Exploiting untapped sources to develop low-cost, renewable

and almost emissions-free sources of power;

HEAs roadmap, available for download at: www.thehea.org/

GTR, also emphasizes the role of pumped storage in integrating

Establishing a framework that ensures a level playing field

for all power technologies;

other renewables. HEA was formed in 2001 and represents electromechanical equipment suppliers from around the world.

Global Energy Storage Database

storage projects around the world. Search

now available online

options for specific projects include:

Advanced search, which includes proj-

ect name, service/use cases, ownership model

The U.S. Department of Energy offers a

Basic search with a variety of filters

and more search options (such as construction

Global Energy Storage Database to provide

(including technology type, country, rated

date, commissioning date, utility type and

free information on grid-connected energy

power, status and grid interconnection);

O&M contractor).

davis Fotolia.com

Sauer Compresso rs

established | consistent | genuine

Dependab le u p t o 5 0 0 b a r an yw her e, any t i m e .
http://hrw.hotims.com RS #18

28 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_28 28


11/11/15 11:52 AM


A data visualization option provides charts

recognizes sustainable development in all our

marketplace while examining their relative

such as global project installations over time,

activities, said Brian Molefe, acting chief exec-

strength amongst users and relative attraction

maps with project sizes marked, and a table on

utive of Eskom. Environmental compliance

amongst non-users.

technology type. Pumped storage hydropower

impacts operational sustainability. It is critical

is by far the largest technology in terms of

to maintaining our licence to operate, thereby

megawatts of power, with more than 178,000

ensuring security of supply. It also underpins

MW listed from 343 projects.

our principle of zero harm to the environment.

Those who have user accounts can add

The Sunday Times Top Brands Survey

information to the database on specific proj-

looks at brands penetration in the

For more technical news, check out the

Technology and Equipment tab at

ects or policies.
Per the website, at www.energystorageexchange.org, all information is vetted through
a third-party verification process and data can
be exported in Excel or PDF format.
Etalin company in India wins
sustainability award
The Etalin Hydro Electric Power Company
Ltd. received a Global Sustainability Award
2015 - Gold Winner from the Energy and
Environment Foundation.
The award recognizes the companys outstanding achievements in sustainability management and was given during the 2015 World

Renewable Energy Technology Congress.

Etalin Hydro Electric Power is a joint venture of Jindal Power Ltd. and the Hydro Power
Development Corporation of Arunachal
Pradesh Ltd., a state government-owned

enterprise. The company is developing the

All of your assets need investment

If only life were that simple
Asset Investment Planning & Management

3,097 MW Etalin and 22 MW Anonpani

projects, both in the Dibang Valley.

Eskom wins award for preserving
environment, harnessing resources
Eskom won the Green Grand Prix Award at
the 17th annual Sunday Times Top Brands

Executives in asset intensive organizations are expected by their board and stakeholders
to fully understand the risks and opportunities related to their asset base. Yet information
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greatest return to the organization.

Awards for preserving the environment and

harnessing the countrys natural resources.

This is the second year in a row Eskom has

won this award, which is given to companies
that have embarked on environmentally

friendly initiatives.
Eskom was recognized for its work in

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We continue to promote a culture that

1511hrw_29 29

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November-December 2015 / HRW 29

11/11/15 11:52 AM


US$294 million funds emergency repairs

at 1,830 MW Kariba hydroelectric facility
In the last quarter of 2015, the Zimbabwean and Zambian govern-

Dam plunge pool - to limit scouring and erosion that could

ments signed agreements for US$294 million with the European

potentially undermine the dams foundations - and refurbishing

Union (EU), the World Bank, the African Development Bank

the spillway and associated infrastructure to improve the dams

and the Swedish government to finance emergency dam repairs

stability and operations.

at the 1,830 MW Kariba hydroelectric facility, according to the

World Bank.

The report IRM released earlier this year warns that 181 billion

cubic meters of water from the facilitys reservoir would careen

At its commissioning in 1960, the water was only 10-meters-

downstream if the dam fails. During a period of 8 to 10 hours,

deep [33 ft] at the foot of Kariba Dam, but erosion of this plunge

until the flow dissipates, the report posits a wall of water would

pool has increased the depth to 90 m [295 ft] and has been wearing

hit and likely destroy the dam at the 2,075 MW Cahora Bassa

away rock near the dams foundations, according to Impact of

hydroelectric project downstream in Central Mozambique.

the Failure of the Kariba Dam, a report released by the Institute

Published reports indicate Moises Machava ,Technical Director

of Hidroelectrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), the company that

of Risk Management (IRM) of South Africa.

Located on the Zambezi River about 260 miles downstream of

Victoria Falls in southeran Africa, the Zambezi River Authority

(ZRA) operates the project. IRM, along with the EU, said repairs
are urgently needed.

operates Cahora Bassa Dam, said HCB has been aware of the

risk to Kariba Dam.

According to Machava, the latest information is that the risk
exists, but is not imminent. It wont happen tomorrow, or next

It was considered an emergency and the EU decided to

mobilize funds as it was important to start the rehabilitation as

soon as possible, said Philipe Van Damme, the EU ambassador

year, he said. But if nothing is done, then it will happen, but not
for another couple of years at least.

The repairs could take up to a decade to complete, according to

Charity Mwansa, ZRA chairperson. Reshaping of the plunge pool

to Zimbabwe.
Kariba Dam, at a height of 397 ft (128 m) and a crest length

will take three years, while the rehabilitation of the spillway gates

of 2,024 ft (617 m), impounds Lake Kariba, the worlds largest

will take six years with minimal disruptions to normal operations.

manmade reservoir. The Kariba hydroelectric project has been

Machava said HCB does not know when these repairs will

central to regional energy security and economic development,

begin, but given the urgency of the situation, he expected that date

the report said.

to be later this year or in early 2016. HCB expects to be briefed on

Repair and rehabilitation will include reshaping the Kariba

this at the next meeting of the dam operators in early December.

ACTs Icon Water in Australia will manage

forming the Corin Reservoir, which has a

1998, Australian dam safety officials found a

the US$3 million Corin Dam rehabilitation

surface area of about 780 acres. Water from

50-mm-wide gap between Corin Dams clay

State-owned Icon Water Ltd. is managing the

Corin Reservoir eventually reaches Australias

core and the spillway bridge right abutment.

Corin Dam rehabilitation project.

capital city, Canberra. Canberra sources major

According to published reports, during a

Located on the Cotter River in Namadgi

amounts of its water from three dams on the

dam assessment in 2007, Corin Dam officials

National Park in the Australian Capital

Cotter River Corin, Bendora (upstream)

determined conditions at the gap promoted

Territory (ACT), Australia, the projected

and Cotton (further upstream); and Googong

a piping risk. In terms of dam walls, piping

cost of the rehabilitiation to the Corin Dam

Dam on the Queanbeyan River.

occurs when water seepage causes dam wall

is around US$3 million.

ACT is an enclave within New South

The work will ensure integrity of the dams

Wales in southeast Australia and the gov-

spillway, the crest of its upstream wall and the

ernment of ACT owns Icon Water Ltd.

road atop the dam.

Icon Water hired Melbourne-based GHD

Corin Dam is 243 ft high and 925 ft

long. The earthen dam wall is built on a rock

foundation and impounds 71 billion liters
30 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_30 30

material to erode.

For more dams and civil structures news,

see the Hydro Project Activity tab at

to investigate and design improvements to

substantially mitigate the identified risks.

During construction of a crest wall in

11/11/15 11:52 AM


plant, including the addition of a 250 kW

Archimedes Screw begins

operation near Kilnhurst

StreamDiver unit manufactured by Voith.

StreamDiver units consist of a permanent

magnet generator embedded in an oil-free

bulb unit and have few moving parts, making it
attractive from an environmental perspective.

A 260 kW plant near Kilnhurst, England, has been put into operation.

Developed by Barn Energy and Yorkshire Hydropower, the plant is located on the
River Don and generates power using a pair of Archimedes Screws.

Reunion Island seeks to link irrigation

systems, add hydropower

The small hydropower project also includes a number of measures intended to

Reunion Island, a French overseas depart-

improve eel and fish passage, with the ultimate goal of increasing wildlife populations

ment off the east coast of Africa, is looking

that have been hampered for more than a century by weirs along the waterway.

to add turbines to an interconnection of two

U.K.-based Barn Energy said it is currently working to develop additional small

hydroelectric projects near Kirkthorpe and Knottingley. Both are located in the West

irrigation works.

The 100 kW plant would be located on

the connection of the west coast irrigation

Yorkshire area of England.

network with the network of the Cilaos Arm

of the Saint-Etienne River.
More small hydro slated for Africa

installed capacity of 200 MW and an invest-

Hydroneo Afrique and African Infrastructure

ment of US$500 million over the next five years.

Investment Managers are partnering to

develop a pipeline of small hydropower plants

Voith installs StreamDiver in Sweden

across Africa.

Swedish utility Skelleftea Kraft AB has

These projects are expected to represent an

For more small hydro news,

see the Hydro Project Activity tab at

completed its rehabilitation of the Bruksfors

The Power Of Water Energy


The Litostroj Power Group provides integrated solutions for hydroelectric power
generation equipment with unit output up to 350 MW.
http://hrw.hotims.com RS #20


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November-December 2015 / HRW 31

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Strukton was responsible for project

ITP on second-generation floating tidal tur-

installed in the Netherlands

management, working with Mammoet

bine platform design that, if successful, would

Tocardo Tidal Turbines has installed its com-

and Zeeland companies Istimewa

allow site-specific deployment in coastal and

mercial demonstrator 1.2 MW tidal array

Elektrotechniek, Van der Straaten and

inland marine environments.

of five T2 turbines in the Eastern Scheldt

Hillebrand on the installation.

Oosterschelde tidal turbine array

Said ITP Offshore Group Manager, Joe

storm surge barrier (Oosterschelde barrier) in

Measuring nearly 8 km in length,

Hussey: Designing a floating platform for

the Netherlands. At a cost of about US$12.4

the Oosterschelde barrier connects the

Instreams vertical axis turbine opens up vast

million, Tocardo said this installation is the

Zeeland Islands of Schouwen-Duiveland and

market potential in the UK and further afield.

largest tidal energy project in the Netherlands

Noord-Beveland and can be closed against

This is a significant project within the tidal

as well as the worlds largest commercial tidal

storm surges.

stream industry.

NRC to fund inland and offshore

HZ Windpower MHK study approved

directional rotor blades, generating electricity

MHK turbine development

Chinas Chongqing Haizhuang Windpower

from the ebb and flow of the tide through the

The National Research Council of Canada,

Equipment Co. Ltd has received approval

storm surge barrier. The turbines consist of a

through its Industrial Research Assistance

from the Ministry of Science and Technology

permanent magnet direct drive generator and

Program, is providing financial support to

of Chongqing Municipality for its study on

patented reversible rotor blade design.

array installation.
The T2 turbines are fitted with bi-

Canada-based Instream Energy Systems,

key technology and model testing for marine

The 50 meter-long by 20 meter-wide tidal

and IT Power Consulting (ITP), based in

hydrokinetic power.

power plant was placed on a floating pontoon

Bristol, UK, to develop a floating platform

designed and built by Netherlands-based

for tidal turbines.

According to the company, the study


Huisman. The array is combined with lifters

Instream Energy Systems scalable vertical

and installed between pillars in place under

axis hydrokinetic turbines, was co-developed

the Oosterschelde barrier.

with BAE Systems. Instream is working with

The working principal of a MHK generator and its development road map;
Hydrodynamic simulation and blade


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1511hrw_32 32

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11/11/15 11:52 AM


design; and,
Tests of a scaled model, vertical axis drag

force blade that has a top suspension support.

Indonesias PLN signs agreement

of additional power requirements, especially

to develop commercial tidal

on remote islands, PLN president director

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and

Sofyan Basir said.

SBS Intl. Ltd. have signed a memorandum

France inaugurates Le Croisic test site

of understanding for a tidal stream project.

France has officially inaugurated the Site d

To be built in phases beginning with an

Experimentation en Mer (SEM-REV) at Le

initial 12 MW plot and scaling up to 140

Croisic, Brittany, on the countrys west coast.

MW at a total cost of US$350 million, the

The site will test marine hydrokinetic (MHK)

project will contribute toward the fulfillment

For more ocean/tidal/stream news,

see the Hydro Project Activity tab at

energy systems and floating wind turbines in

open sea conditions.
Beginning this September, three different

MHK energy technologies are scheduled for

testing at the site, located 12 nautical miles

off Le Croisic.
SEM-REV offers a restricted area connected to the mainland grid via an 8-MW

cable and a set of environmental monitoring

instruments. Four test slots are connected to
a central subsea hub.
Engineering university Ecole Centrale
de Nantes (ECN) monitors SEM-REV

operations from a station in Le Croisic, in

coordination with France Energies Marines,

through Frances National Centre for Scientific

Research (CNRS).
According to SEM-REV, the site would
also test materials and equipment for mooring, umbilical and monitoring systems for

use by MHK technologies. The sites specific

research programs focus on environmental

impact, safety and security assessments, and

could also be used to test deployment and

maintenance procedures.
UK Crown Estate launches smallscale MHK leasing program
The Crown Estate, owners of the United

Kingdom seabed, has launched a program

of offshore leasing for small-scale marine

hydrokinetic (MHK) testing and demonstration projects of less than 3 MW.

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5.67 in
(144 mm)

Sian Wilson, technology manager for

introduction of new leasing for small-scale

Find out how the SEL-787-3/-4 is all the differential

transformer protection you need.

test and demonstration, we hope to support

Visit www.selinc.com/787-hrw11.

the Crown Estate, explained: With the

the industry in making the step up to larger

commercial scale array deployment and unlock

value over the long term.


1511hrw_33 33

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November-December 2015 / HRW 33

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1511hrw_35 35

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November-December 2015 / HRW 35

11/11/15 11:52 AM








Andritz Hydro GmbH www.andritz.com



International Marine Renewable Energy Conference

(IMREC)/Marine Energy Technology Symposium (METS)


Bruel & Kjaer Vibro GmbH www.bkvibro.com




CopperLeaf Technologies Inc www.copperleafgroup.com



Nord-Lock www.nord-lock.com


3rd Dam-Hydropower Plant and Hydraulic Structures

Construction, Production Operation, Automation,
Technology and Equipment Fair www.powernextfair.com



Oiles Corporation www.oiles.co.jp



Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc www.selinc.com



GE Measurement & Control www.gemeasurement.com



Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon www.gilkes.com



Smagon www.smagon.com.br


HCS Hydro Component Systems LLC




Sotek and Belrix Industries Inc www.sotek.com


Hydro Tech Inc www.hydrotech-inc.ca

Sulzer Management Ltd www.sulzer.com

Ingeteam S A www.ingeteam.com



Tes Vestin SRO www.tes.cz



Sauer Compressors www.sauercompressors.com


Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation




Koncar Generators and Motors Inc www.koncar-gim.hr


Voith Hydro www.voithhydro.com


Litostroj Power www.litostrojpower.eu



Wasserkraft Volk AG www.wkv-ag.com


MWH www.mwhglobal.com

Weir American Hydro www.weirpowerindustrial.com


*IFC=Inside Front Cover, IBC=Inside Back Cover, and OBC=Outside Back Cover

Continued from page 18
have condition monitoring systems for units
with TMMax levels greater than three.
There are available on the market control
systems that offer better TM functionality

for hydro applications with a TMMAX of five

and TMRES 0.1 and 0.25. Improving of the

TMRES allows for more precise monitoring

configurations, and consequently, assures

more sensitive system reactions in the case of

technical condition changes in a hydro turbine.

Hydro Turbines
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Benesov, CZ
+420 317 728 483

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+1 617 242 2204

Using control systems with better TMRes

Place your
among other
on this page
Call +44-1992-656641

ensures the monitoring system has higher

exposure to real changes of an assets condition. The elimination of false alarms generated by typical asset condition vibrations

and symptoms greatly improves an operators

actions during real problems with a turbine

generators mechanical integrity.

Ryszard Nowicki is a mechanical engineer for General

Electrics Measurement and Control division.

36 HRW / November-December 2015

1511hrw_36 36


11/11/15 11:52 AM

April 25-27, 2016

Capital Hilton Washington, D.C.

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Produced by:

1511hrw_C3 3

Flagship Media Sponsor:

11/11/15 11:52 AM

Large Hydro
Storage meets the peak

ANDRITZ HYDRO is a global supplier

Francis unit are installed in a 60 m deep pit

of electromechanical equipment and

on the right river bank, not far from the ex-

services (from water-to-wire) for hy-

isting powerhouse. With a runner weight of

dropower plants. The hydropower plant

almost 100 tonnes and a large generator

Bemposta is located in the middle section

diameter, this turbine generator set is one

of the Rio Douro in Portugal. The existing

of the largest of its type in Europe.

dam and the Bemposta I powerhouse were

We focus on the best solution from

built in the early 1960s. The new 193 MW



Eibesbrunnergasse 20, 1120 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 50805 0, Fax: +43 50805 51015

http://hrw.hotims.com RS #25

1511hrw_C4 4


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