002 DemandSupply
002 DemandSupply
002 DemandSupply
• Parle-G
Accessibility • On the Shelf
• Availability of Substitutes
Driving Factors and Impact on Supply
Number of
Other Factors
Demand and Supply Equilibrium
Types of Elasticity
Perfectly Elastic Price Increase = Demand Becomes Zero (Not all Entire Market Quantity
but for that product or Service (E.g. Flight Tickets, Amazon products)
Examples of Relatively Elastic Demand
Examples of Perfectly In-Elastic Demand
Examples of Relatively In-Elastic Demand
Income Elasticity
• Divide CIQ/CIP %
• Salt • Fuel
Price Change in in
Price (P0) Change in Price Change is Demand(D0) Demand (D1) Change is in Price Elasticity Type
(P1) Demand Demand
40 45 5 Positive 80 70 -10 Negative -12.50% 12.50% -1.00 Unitary Elastic
40 42 2 Positive 80 70 -10 Negative -12.50% 5.00% -2.50 Relatively Elastic
40 48 8 Positive 80 70 -10 Negative -12.50% 20.00% -0.63 Relatively Inelastic
40 45 5 Positive 80 80 0 No Change 0.00% 12.50% - Perfectly Inelastic
40 45 5 Positive 80 0 -80 Total Demand Lost -100.00% 12.50% -8.00 Perfectly Elastic
Note In Price Elasticity of Demand, because of inverse relationship, one of the factor (either price or demand change) will always negative
Practical Applications of Elasticity Concepts
Trade Unions- The bargaining power of the trade unions in raising the
wages of a group of labour in a particular industry also depends, among
other things, on the elasticity of demand for their services to the
employer. A trade union usually succeeds in raising wages when the
demand for the services of labour to the employer is inelastic: because,
in such a case the employer cannot easily dispense with their services.
On the other hand, it may not succeed when demand for labour is elastic
Arc Elasticity
Given - Price of a product decreases from $10 to $8, leading to an
increase in quantity demanded from 40 to 60 units
Point Elasticity Arc Elasticity
As changes happen over a period of Time and not at once, a better
computation should consider Mid Point instead of Extremes
2 In real life situations there are many exceptions to the Law of Demand and Supply
3 5 Variations of Elasticity- Perfectly Elastic, Perfectly Inelastic, Relatively Elastic, Relatively Inelastic,
Unitary Elastic
7 Number of Market Forces team up along with Price Changes. Subjective Aspects e.g. Culture
8 Combo Quiz