Wanging'Ombe Profile Final
Wanging'Ombe Profile Final
Wanging'Ombe Profile Final
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Jointly prepared by
August, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The goals of Tanzania’s Development Vision 2025 are in line with United
Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.Among the major
goals includesachieving highquality livelihood for the people;to achieve
food security;to develop a strong and competitive economy; to
combatinequality and empower all women and girls. To manage
monitoring the progress in achieving these goals, there is need
foravailability of timely and accurate statistical information at all levels.
Problems occurring in both urban and rural areas are many and challenging. Experience shows that
delivery of quality social and economic services requires a continuous and sustainable improvement
of strategies through community participation from time to time. Indeed, it must be admitted that,
high primary school enrolment rates recently attained have to be sustained by using available
resources and so is the policy of making sure that all pupils who pass standard seven examinations
join Form One. The food situation is still precarious; infant and maternal mortality rates while
showing signs of decline continue to be high.Unemployment in rural areas triggers mass migration
of youths to the already overcrowded urban centres.
Health problems due to HIV/AIDS pandemic have been quite severe among the economically
active population which hinders efforts to advance smoothly into the 21st century of science and
technology. The pandemic has left an increasing number of orphans, broken families and
considerable suffering. AIDS together with environmental deterioration are the new developmental
problems which cannot be ignored.
Efforts by the District Council to meet both the new and old challenges are hampered by many
factors including ill prepared rural development programs followed by weak implementation, as
well as monitoring and supervision of these programs. The shortcomings in policy formulation,
project identification, design and implementation due to lack of reliable and adequate data and
information on the rural development process have to be addressed appropriately. The availability
of reliable, adequate and relevant qualitative and quantitative data and information at district level is
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Council has prepared this Socio-Economic profile by using its own funds.
The publication of the Wanging’ombe District Council Social-Economic Profile series by the
District Management Team with technical backstopping from the National Bureau of Statistics
should be viewed as a step forward towards finding feasible solutions to the existing problem of
data and information gap at district level.
The District Council Profile covers a wide range of statistics and information on geography,
population, social-economic parameters, social services, economic infrastructure, productive sectors
and cross cutting issues. It is believed, such data are vital to many policy makers, planners,
researchers, donors and functional managers.
This Wanging’ombe District Council Socio Economic Profile has taken advantage of the
cumulative experience gained in the production of the Regional and District Socio Economic
Profiles covering the whole country. It provides valuable information to our clients. Constructive
views and criticisms are invited from stakeholders and various readers to enable this profile become
a better tool in the formulation and implementation of the country’s policies.
Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge with thanks, the contribution made by the Office of
the Director of Wanging’ombe District Council, National Bureau of Statistics and other staffof the
District Council who devoted their time and efforts to ensure the successful completion of this
Amina Kiwanuka,
District Executive Director,
August, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................... iii
Acronyms ...........................................................................................................................................v
List of Table ................................................................................................................................... xiii
List of Figure ....................................................................................................................................xx
List of Map .................................................................................................................................... xxii
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
References ......................................................................................................................................202
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
List of Table
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3.5 b: Type and Quantity of Improved Seeds (Kgs) Distributedto Farmers,
Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012-2016 ............................................................. 54
Table 3.5 c: Availability of Farm Implements by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016............... 55
Table 3. 6: Irrigation Prospects by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2016 ...................... 56
Table 3. 7: Livestock Population, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2016 .................................. 58
Table 3. 8: Estimated Area forGrazing byDivision and Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016 ... 60
Table 3. 9: Distribution of Livestock Infrastructure by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .... 62
Table 3. 10: Nine Common Cattle Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality,
Wanging’ombe Distrcit; 2014 and 2016 ............................................................... 63
Table 3. 11: Five CommonGoat Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality,
Wanging’ombeDistrcit; 2014 and 2016 ..................................................................... 64
Table 3. 12: Five CommonSheep Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality,
Wanging’ombeDistrcit; 2014 and 2016 ..................................................................... 65
Table 3. 13: Six CommonPoultry Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality,
Wanging’ombe Distrcit; 2014 and 2016 .................................................................... 66
Table 3. 14: Number of Livestock Hides and Skins Marketed by Type; Wanging’ombe DC;
2014– 2016 ................................................................................................................. 67
Table 3. 15: Status of Natural and Planted Forest by Ward; Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ................ 69
Table 3. 16: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised byWard, Wanging’ombe District; 2012– 2016 ... 71
Table 3. 17: Number of NGOs and Development Partners Involved inEnvironmental
Conservation by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .............................................. 72
Table 3. 18: Number of Traditional Beehives by Ward; Wanging’ombe District; 2012 - 2016 .... 73
Table 3.18 a: Number of Modern Beehives by Ward; Wanging’ombe District; 2012 - 2016 ......... 73
Table 4. 1: Length of Road Network by Ward and Grade, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ................ 84
Table 4. 2: Road Network Surface Condition by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 .................... 85
Table 4. 3: Passability of Road Network in kilometers, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016..................... 86
Table 4. 4: Major Road Connections and Road link, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ......................... 87
Table 4. 5: Railway Services by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council, 2012, 2013 and
2016 ............................................................................................................................ 87
Table 4. 6: Air Services by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC, 2016 ...................................................... 88
Table 4. 7: Telecommunications Services inWanging’ombe DC; 2016 ...................................... 88
Table 5. 1: Relating Health Facilities to the Ward and Village by Division, Wanging’ombe
District, 2016 .............................................................................................................. 92
Table 5. 2: Relating Health Facilities (Dispensaries) to the Village by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District, 2016 .............................................................................................................. 93
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 43: Number of Pupils Who Selected and Joined Form I in Public Secondary Schools
by Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2014, 2015 and 2016 ........................................... 142
Table 5. 44: Number of Pupils Who were Selected and Joined Form I in Public Secondary
Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016 ..................................................... 142
Table 5. 45: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary
Education in Public Secondary Schools by Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2014 -
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 143
Table 5. 46: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary
Education in Public Secondary Schools by Ward andSex, Wanging’ombe
District; 2014 ............................................................................................................ 144
Table 5. 47: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary
Education in Public Secondary Schools by Ward and Sex, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 145
Table 5. 48: Availability of Classrooms in Primary Schools by Division, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 146
Table 5. 49: Availability of Classrooms in Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District; 2012 ............................................................................................................ 147
Table 5. 50: Availability of Pit Latrine in Primary Schools by Division and Sex,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .................................................................................. 148
Table 5. 51: Availability of Pit Latrine in Primary Schools by Ward and Sex, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 149
Table 5. 52: Availability of Primary School Teachers' Houses by Division, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 150
Table 5. 53: Availability of Primary School Teachers' Houses by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 150
Table 5. 54: Availability of Desks in Primary Schools by Division, Wanging’ombe District;
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 151
Table 5. 55: Availability of Desks in Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District;
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 151
Table 5. 56: Accessibility of Water in Public Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
DC;2014 and 2016 .................................................................................................... 152
Table 5. 57: Availability of Primary School’s Teachers (Grade A, B, Diploma and Degree) by
Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016 ....................................................................... 153
Table 5. 58: Number of Secondary Schools by Ownership and Ward, Wanging’ombe District,
2012, 2014 and 2016 ................................................................................................ 155
Table 5. 59: Form I Enrolment by Division, Wanging’ombe District 2012, 2014 and 2016 ....... 156
Table 5. 60: Form I Enrolment by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and 2016 ........... 157
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 61: Form I Enrolment by Sex and Division, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 158
Table 5. 62: Form I Enrolment by Sex and Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 158
Table 5. 63: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2012 and 2013 and Completed Form
IVin 2015 and 2016 by Sex, Wangingombe District Council .................................. 159
Table 5. 64: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2012 and Completed Form IV in 2015,
Wangingombe District Council ................................................................................ 160
Table 5. 65: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2013 and Completed Form IV in 2016,
Wangingombe District Council ................................................................................ 161
Table 5. 66: Number of Students Who Sat for Form IV and Pass in Public Secondary Schools
by Wards, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012 ................................................... 163
Table 5. 67: Number of Students Who Sat for Form IV and Pass in Public Secondary Schools
by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council, 2016 ..................................................... 165
Table 5. 68: Availability of Public Secondary School Teachers by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District, 2016 ............................................................................................................ 166
Table 5. 69: Number of Science and Arts Teachers in Public Secondary Schools by Ward and
Sex; 2016 .................................................................................................................. 168
Table 5. 70: Availability of Teachers' Houses in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .................................................................................. 169
Table 5. 71: Availability of Classrooms in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District, 2016 .................................................................................. 170
Table 5. 72: Availability of Students’ Toilets in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016......................................................................................... 171
Table 5. 73: Availability of Tables and chairs in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016......................................................................................... 172
Table 5. 74: Availability of Administration Blocks in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .................................................................................. 173
Table 5. 75: Availability of Dormitories in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District, 2016 .................................................................................. 174
Table 5. 76: Availability of Laboratories in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016 .................................................................................. 175
Table 5. 77: Availability of Electricity in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016 ............................................................................................................ 176
Table 5. 78: Accessibility of Water in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
DC; 2014 and 2016 ................................................................................................... 177
Table 5. 79 Number of Students at Kidugala Education Training College by Program and
Sex, Wanging’ombe District, 2014, 2015 and 2016 ................................................ 178
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 80: Number of Students by Program Pursuing and Sex, Wanging’ombe VTC,
Wanging’ombe District, 2014, 2015 and 2016......................................................... 178
Table 5. 81: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Ward, Wanging’ombe District
Council; 2016 ........................................................................................................... 181
Table 5. 82: Number and Type of Technology Used in Rural Water Schemes by Ward;
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016......................................................................................... 182
Table 5. 83: Percentage of Rural Population Served with Clean Water by Ward,
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016......................................................................................... 183
Table 5. 84: Number of Village Water Committees and Village Water Funds by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District, 2016 .................................................................................. 184
Table 5. 85: Number of Staff Establishment of Water Supply, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ......... 184
Table 5. 86: Number of Households with Sanitation Facilities (Toilet) by Type and Ward;
Wanging’ombe District, 2016 .................................................................................. 185
Table 6. 1: Distribution of Day Care Centers by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and 2016 ... 188
Table 6. 2: Number of Women Economic Groups by Ward; Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 190
Table 6. 3: Participation in Managerial, Political, Professional and Technical Personnel by
gender by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC, 2016 ............................................................. 191
Table 6. 4: Youth Economic Groups and Total Money Loaned by Ward, Wanging’ombe
DC, 2016................................................................................................................... 192
Table 6. 5: Active SACCOS by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC, 2016............................................. 195
Table 6. 6: Village Community Bank (VICOBA) by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ........... 196
Table 6. 7: Number of Motorcycle Operators (BodaBoda) by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC;
2016 .......................................................................................................................... 197
Table 6. 8: Total Number of Crimes reported in Police Stations and the number of people
jailed from January to December 2016, Wanging’ombe District Council. ............. 198
Table 6. 9: Total number of theft cases reported in the Police Station and number of people
jailed,Wanging’ombe DC; 2016 ............................................................................... 199
Table 6. 10: Total number of accidents reported in the Police Station,and the number of
people injured/died from January to December 2016, Wanging’ombe District
Council ..................................................................................................................... 200
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
List of Figure
Figure 1. 1: Population Pyramid for Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012 Census ............ 13
Figure 2. 1: Percentage Distribution of Employed Population of Age 10 Yearsand Above by
Main Industry, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012 ........................................................... 20
Figure 2. 2: Percentage Distribution of Employed Population Aged 10 Yearsand Above by Main
Occupation, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012 ........................................... 20
Figure 2. 3: Levels of Indicators of Economic Activity of the Population by Current
andUsualCategory, Wanging’ombe District, 2012 Census ................................. 21
Figure 2. 4: Percentage of Households Reporting Prevalence of Food Insecurity, ................ 22
Figure 2. 5: Percentage Distribution of Rural Agricultural Households by Meals Taken per Day,
Wanging’ombe DC; 2007/08 .............................................................................. 23
Figure 2. 6: Percentage Distribution of Rural Agricultural Households by Frequencyof Protein
(Meat and Fish) Consumption per Week by Households,Wanging’ombe DC,
2007/08 ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2. 7: Percentage Distribution of Orphans by Sex, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012 ............. 25
Figure 2. 8: Comparison of Literacy Rates for Persons Aged 15 Years andAbove by Sex;
Wanging’ombe DC, 2002 and 2012 Censuses .................................................... 25
Figure 2. 9: Percentage Distribution of Population Aged Five Years and Above byLiteracy
Status, Wanging’ombe District;2012 Population Census ................................... 26
Figure 2. 10: Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012Census .... 27
Figure 2. 11: Percentage of Households by Type of Roofing Material,Wanging’ombe
District;2012Census ............................................................................................ 28
Figure 2. 12: Percentage of Households by Type of Wall Material, Wanging’ombe District; 2012
Census.................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 2. 13: Percentage of Households by Type of Flooring Material, Wanging’ombe DC;
2012Census.......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 2. 14: Percentage of Households by Main Source of Energyfor Lighting, Wanging’ombe
District; 2012 Census .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 2. 15: Percentage of Households by Main Source of Energy for .................................. 30
Figure 2. 16: Percentage of Households by Improved Water Source, Wanging’ombeDistrict;2012
Census.................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 2. 17: Percentage of Households byUnimproved Water Source for Drinking,Wanging’ombe
DC, 2012;Census ................................................................................................. 32
Figure 2. 18: Percentage of Households Owned Communication Facilities by Type,
Wanging’ombe District;2012Census................................................................... 33
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
List of Map
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
1.0 An Overview
Chapter One gives information about the geographical location, land area, administrative units,
climate and agro-ecological zones of Wanging’ombe District Council. Information about ethinic
groups, population distribution, size and other demographic characteristics is also given.
Historically, Wanging’ombe District Council in Njombe Region was formally established when it
was gazetted in March 2012. It was created out of the old Njombe District Council that had prior to
this period been in Iringa Region. In 2007, Njombe district’s area was divided by establishing
Njombe Town council and later Makambako Town council in 2012 and Wangingómbe District
council in 2013. The District Council shares borders with Makambako Town Council and Njombe
District Council in the East, Mufindi District,Iringa Region in the North , Njombe Town Council
on the South, and Makete District Council to the West.
The administrative seat or head quarter of the Council is in Igwachanya. In terms of international
identification, the district lies between latitudes 8o.8’ and 9o.8’ south of the Equator and between
longitudes 33o.5’ and 35o.8’ east of Greenwich.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Council has a total surface area of 3,570 sq. kms out of which 226 sq.kms
is covered by water bodies making a total of 14.3 percent of the total surface area of Njombe
Region. Most of its surface area is a continuation of the Southern highlands that form the undulating
topography with plateaus, very few scatteredhills and valleys. Almost all the area is habitable.
Wanging’ombe District Council with a land area of about 3,344sq. Kms which is equivalent to
334,400 hectares is further subdivided into four broad classes according to utilization. These areas
are natural areas, forest plantations, arable land and areas for settlements.On the other hand, Table
1.1 further shows that Uhambule ward covers about 7.8 percent of the total land area of the council
followed by Igima ward with about seven percent of the total land area. Wangama ward has the
smallest land area in the council constituting only two percent of the total council land area.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The District is divided into three divisions which are Imalinyi which has 7 wards; Mdandu has 5
wards and Wanging’ombe which has 9 wards. The 21 wards have a total of 108 villages and 525
hamlets distributed unevenly as shown in Table 1.2. Wanging’ombe ward has a higher number of
villages compared with others while Igosi, Wangama and Malangali wards each has smaller number
of villages as shown in table below.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
No. of
Name of Division Ward No. of Hamlets
Ulembwe 4 25
Kipengere 5 21
Igosi 3 17
Imalinyi Makoga 7 33
Imalinyi 5 25
Kidugala 5 24
Wangama 3 15
Total 32 160
Mdandu 5 25
7 35
Mdandu 7 29
Itulahumba 4 14
Usuka 5 25
Total 28 128
Wanging’ombe 9 42
Ilembula 5 27
Kijombe 5 25
Saja 5 25
Wanging’ombe Udonja 5 25
Uhenga 4 18
Uhambule 6 30
Malangali 3 15
Luduga 6 30
Total 48 237
Total 108 525
Source: Wanging’ombe DC, Land, Natural Resources and Environment Department, 2017
The climate varies with altitude and is closely associated with two distinctive landscape zones
namely the highlands and the lowlands.
This is the continuation of the Southern highlands that form the undulating topography with
scattered mountains and plateaus at an altitude of above 1,800 meters above sea level. This covers
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
areas of Imalinyi division and some part of Mdandu division. The zone is humid and temperature
lies below 150 C.The amount of rainfall in the zone lies between 900 and 2000mm per annum. The
highlands zones have planted trees and natural forest, fruit trees, scattered shrubs and grasslands
cover most of the remaining area.
Most of the soils in this zone is suitable for a wide range of food and cash crops and therefore have
the potential for profitable cultivation. The main crops grown in this zone include maize which is
widely cultivated; bananas, garden peas (green peas), beans, wheat, sweet potatoes and Irish
potatoes as well as temperate fruits such as avocado and apples. The zone is also suitable for
livestock keeping including dairy cattle, pigs and goats.
The zone borders the Great Rift Valley that covers mostly Wanging’ombe division. This division
has low rainfall and is covered by sandy soils. However, the area has good grasslands and contains
many livestock. Generally the whole district is between 800 and 2,000 meters above sea level. The
lowlands experience warm and fairly dry weather conditions with moderate rainfall. Thorny bushes
mainly used for firewood and building materials cover the land.
The Zone which comprises of Saja, Kijombe, Wanging’ombe, Ilembula, Uhambule, Usuka,
Igwachanya wards and parts of Luduga ward, lies between altitudes 1,000 meters and 1,600 meters
above the sea level. Its mean rainfall ranges from 600 mm – 900 mm. It is relatively warm with
temperatures ranging between 15oC – 25oC, of which higher temperatures are experienced from
September to November.
The zone has very rich soils suitable for agriculture and agricultural production level is good.
Crops grown in this zone include maize, beans, sweet potatoes, sunflower, groundnuts, garden and
pigeon peas and fruits such as water melon, guavas, mangoes, pawpaw and citrus. Livestock
keeping includes cattle and dairy farming, sheep, pigs and goats.
Like climate, there are 2 agro-ecological zones associated landscape zones. The main economic
activities in these zones are determined by the topography, vegetation, climate, altitude and soils.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
1.4.1 Topography
Wanging’ombe District Council is generally dominated by Kipengere mountain ranges in the South
Western part. The council receives rainfall of between 600mm and 2000mm annually, falling
between the months of November or December and the rains then tail off in April or sometimes
Wanging’ombe District Council forms part of the vast northern plateau of Njombe Region, an area
of flat and gently undulating plains broken in places by small hills. Most parts of the district lie
between 1,000 meters and 2,000 meters above sea
level.They form the main watershed separating rivers
flowing from south westward into the Ruaha River to
the north east. There are however small rivers like
Mbukwa, Halali, and Mtitafu that contributes the Great
Ruaha River that flows to the Rufiji basin and finally to
the Indian Ocean.
1.6 Population
The main ethnic group in Wanging’ombe District Council is Bena. They constitute almost 85
percent of the entire population. Other ethnicity groups found in the district include the Kinga, and
Hehe mainly found in and around large tea plantations
owned by Cooperatives and some individual settlers in
the north, central and south eastern parts of the district
which covers Wangama, Kipengere and Saja wards.
Their major occupation is farming while livestock
keeping is practiced on a small scale. Table 1.3 portrays
ethnicity of indigenous people by wards in
Wanging’ombe District Council.
A Bena tribe traditional ngoma
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The population of Wanging’ombe District Council has experienced decreasing of growth but closer
to the regional figure, as indicated in Table 1.4. Population increase decreased from 19.5 percent
during the 1988 - 2002 intercensals to 6.5 percent in 2002 -2012 intercensal period. According to
the 2012 Population and Housing Census the district had 161,816 people in 2012 compared to
151,938 inhabitants counted in 2002 Population Census. The increase of the council’s population,
among other factors, was due to the establishment in [year] of Ilembula satellite town which has
attracted many people to settle and establish business there. The 2012 population census results put
the Wanging’ombe District Council population at 161,816 persons out of which, females account
for 53.4 percent of the population or 86,389 persons and males account for 46.7 of the population.
Table 1.4 shows the population sizes growth rates for Njombe region and its councils for the 1988,
2002 and 2012 censuses. Compared to other councils of Njombe Region, Wanging’ombe District
Council was the leading populous council in the region followed by Ludewa District Council,
contributing 28.2 percent of the regional population. Between 1988 and 2002 the council had a
population increase of 19.5 percent compared to the regional population increase of 26.7 percent
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
whereas between 2002 and 2012 the council had a population increase of 6.5 percent compared to
the regional population increase of 7.2 percent.
Table 1. 4: Population Size and Increase by Council, Njombe Region; 2002- 1988 and 2012 -2002 Censuses
Land 1988 Pop.Census 2002 Pop.Census 2012 Pop.Census Pop. Increase (%)
District/Council Area 2002 - 2012 -
(Sq.kms) Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
1988 2002
Njombe TC 3,212 79,789 15.44 113,969 17.91 130,223 18.55 42.8 14.3
3,344 127,125 24.6 151, 938 23.2 161,816 23.05 19.5 6.5
Makete DC 4,850 102,614 19.85 106,061 16.67 97,266 13.85 3.4 -8.2
Njombe DC 3,154 70,210 13.58 89,433 14.05 85,747 12.21 27.4 -4.1
Ludewa DC 6,325 100,216 19.39 128,520 20.2 133,218 18.97 28.2 3.7
Makambako TC 287 36,867 7.13 65,008 10.22 93,827 13.36 76.3 44.3
Total 21,172 516,821 100 654,929 100 702,097 100 26.7 7.2
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Computed Data from 1988, 2002 and 2012 PopulationCensuses Reports.
Contrary to the trend of population density of the region, the average population density of
Wanging’ombe District Council increased from 38 persons per sq. km in 1988 to 45 persons per sq.
km in 2002 before rising slightly to 48 in 2012 (Table 1.5). Wanging’ombe District Council is the
second highest densely populated council in Njombe Region and is above the regional average
population density of 33 persons per sq. km. In fact it is the highly densely populated district
council in Njombe Region. Among other reasons, the relatively high population density of
Wanging’ombe District Council has been caused by its relatively large land area being used for
settlements of people growing potatoes and establishment of the Ilembula satellite town.
Table 1. 5: Population Density by Council, Njombe Region; 1988, 2002 and 2012 Censuses
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 1.6 gives the population density at ward level for the census years of 2002 and 2012. In 2002,
Ulembwe ward with a population density of 99 persons per sq. km was the most densely populated
ward in the council, followed by Mdandu ward with 62 persons per sq. km. Uhambule ward was the
least densely populated as it had only 21 persons per sq. km. In 2012, Ulembwe ward continued to
be the most densely populated ward with population density of 106, followed again by Mdandu
ward (63). Uhambule ward remained the least populated with 23 persons per sq. km.
Table 1.7 shows that from 2002 to 2012 the district population increased by about 9,878 people
from 151,938 in 2002 to 161,816 in 2012. At ward level, there were insignificant differences in the
level of population change ranging from -13.4 percent of Usuka ward to +25.0 percent in
Igwachanya ward.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 1. 7: Population Trend by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2002 and 2012 Censuses
The Age Dependency Ratio gives the number of persons aged 0 – 14 years and those aged 65 years
and above for every 100 persons aged 15 – 64 years. Table 1.8 shows that in Wanging’ombe
District Council the number of dependants for every 100 persons of the active age group decreased
significantly from 107 in 2002 to 92 in 2012. This means that while there were 100 people in age
15-64 to support 107 people in age groups 0-14 and 65 years and above in 2002, in 2012 such 100
people supported only 92 people. This means that the burden for the economically active population
had decreased from 107 persons to 92 persons. Similar trend has been experienced by each council.
As far as development is concerned, one indicator of this progress is the reduction of the
dependence ratio as indicated in Table 1.8.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 1. 8: Dependency Ratio by Council, Njombe Region; 2002 and 2012 Censuses
Change in number of
2002 Population 2012 Population Dependants and Ec.Active
Number of Number of
Total Population
Total Population
Njombe TC 61,911 64,308 96 126,219 55,979 74,244 75 130,223 5,932 -9,936
DC 78,465 73,473 107 151,938 77,451 84,365 92 161,816 6,881 -5,486
Makete DC 51,672 54,103 96 105,775 45,155 52,111 87 97,266 6,517 1,992
Njombe DC 39,592 44,214 90 83,806 45,275 40,472 112 85,747 -5,683 3,742
Ludewa DC 64,453 63,702 101 128,155 64,549 68,669 94 133,218 -96 -4,967
Makambako TC 37,716 38,568 98 76,284 41,701 52,126 80 93,827 -3,985 -13,558
Regional Total 339,676 343,774 99 683,450 330,110 371,987 89 702,097 9,566 -28,213
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Computed Data from 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports.
The populations of Wanging’ombe District Council of 2002 and 2012 are categorized as broad
based population pyramid indicating high fertility with the decline or constant mortality rates. The
2012 census report reveals that Wanging’ombe has Sex Ratio of 87 males for every 100 females.
This means that, few males in Wanging’ombe District Council are mobile. Currently, few of the
males have migrated outside Wanging’ombe District Council to look for employment in industries
and other businesses. Figure 3 shows the age and sex population pyramid of 2012 population.
Source: Data from the 2012 Population and Housing Census, Population Distribution by Age and Sex
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Furthermore, the 2012 population of Wanging’ombe District Council as depicted by its pyramid
above, is considered as young population, made up of children under 19 years who were 82,580
(41,579 males and 41,001females) or 51.0 percent of the total population, followed by the young
population aged between 20 – 34 years estimated to be 33,852 persons (14,730 males and 19,122
females) or 20.9 percent of total population. Persons aged 60 years and above were 11,961 (4,645
males and 7,316 females) or 7.4 percent of the total population.
At ward level, the 2012 population of Wanging’ombe District Council indicated that Ilembula ward
was the most populous rural ward in the council, by having 15,642persons (9.7 percent of the total
council population) followed by Igima ward 8.9 percent having 14,363 persons and Mdandu ward
with 8.0 percent having 12,886 persons of the council population. The least populous ward was
Wangama with a total number of 4,098 inhabitants or 2.5 percent. Uneven distribution of
Wanging’ombe District Council residents is mostly influenced by the availability of natural
resources including arable land that is suitable for cultivation as well as the accessibility of
infrastructure and social services. Table 1.9 gives the population distribution by ward according to
the 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 1. 9: The Population Distribution by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2002 and 2012 Censuses
2002 Population 2012 Population
S/No. Ward Percent Share of Percent Share of
Number Number
Population Population
1 Saja 10,039 6.6 11,469 7.1
2 Kijombe 6,524 4.3 8,025 5
3 Wanging’ombe 12,063 7.9 12,115 7.5
4 Ilembula 12,621 8.3 15,642 9.7
5 Uhambule 5,553 3.7 6,028 3.7
6 Usuka 7,094 4.7 6,146 3.8
7 Igwachanya 9,653 6.4 12,067 7.5
8 Mdandu 12,720 8.4 12,886 8
9 Igima 13,496 8.9 14,363 8.9
10 Imalinyi 9,330 6.1 8,529 5.3
11 Ulembwe 10,213 6.7 10,883 6.7
12 Makoga 8,321 5.5 8,303 5.1
13 Kipengere 7,131 4.7 7,273 4.5
14 Igosi 7,241 4.8 7,204 4.5
15 Wangama 3,655 2.4 4,098 2.5
16 Kidugala 4,129 2.7 4,838 3
17 Luduga 12,155 8 11,947 7.4
Council Total 151,938 100 161,816 100
Source: NBS, the 2002 Village/Street Statistics Report for Iringa Region, and the 2012 Age and Sex Distribution
Population Report
Table 1.10 shows the distribution of households and the average household size by council in
Njombe Region. With a population of 161,816 according to the 2012 census, there were 40,454
private households in Wanging’ombe District; equivalent to 23.6 percent of the total 171,536
private households in the region became the leading council in terms of the number of households.
The council had the second smallest average household size of 4.0 persons per household just above
Makete District Council with 3.7.
Table 1. 10: Distribution of Households and Average Household Size by District, Njombe Region; 2002 and
2012 Censuses
2002 Census 2012 Census
Council Total Number of Average Total Number of Average
Population Households Household size Population Households Household size
Njombe TC 113,968 26,300 4.3 130,223 31,762 4.1
Wanging’ombe DC 151,938 36,470 4.2 161,816 40,454 4
Makete DC 106,061 27,672 3.8 97,266 26,288 3.7
Njombe DC 89,433 20,128 4.4 85,747 20,416 4.2
Ludewa DC 128,520 27,729 4.6 133,218 30,277 4.4
Makambako TC 65,008 15,927 4.1 93,827 22,340 4.2
Total Region 654,928 154,226 4.2 702,097 171,536 4.1
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: National Bureau of Statistics, Computed Data from 2002 and 2012 Population Censuses Reports.
Table 1.11 shows the distribution of households and average household size by ward for
Wanging’ombe District Council based on the 2012 census data. At ward level Kijombe and Igosi
wards, with 1,911 and 1,715 households respectively hadthe highest average household size of 4.2
persons. Further, seven other wards also had their average household size above the district figure
of 4.0. These include Saja, Ilembula, Igwachanya, Mdandu, Ulembwe, Wangama and Kidugala
wards. Wangama ward with 4.1 persons per household had the smallest number of households
(999) while Uhambule ward with 1,586 households had the smallest average household size in of
Table 1. 11: Population, Households and Average Household Size by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012 Census
S/No. Ward Total Population Total Households
Household Size
1 Saja 11,469 2,797 4.1
2 Kijombe 8,025 1,911 4.2
3 Wanging’ombe 12,115 3,029 4
4 Ilembula 15,642 3,815 4.1
5 Uhambule 6,028 1,586 3.8
6 Usuka 6,146 1,536 4
7 Igwachanya 12,067 2,943 4.1
8 Mdandu 12,886 3,143 4.1
9 Igima 14,363 3,591 4
10 Imalinyi 8,529 2,132 4
11 Ulembwe 10,883 2,654 4.1
12 Makoga 8,303 2,129 3.9
13 Kipengere 7,273 1,818 4
14 Igosi 7,204 1,715 4.2
15 Wangama 4,098 999 4.1
16 Kidugala 4,838 1,180 4.1
17 Luduga 11,947 3,063 3.9
Total 161,816 40,041 4
Source: NBS Computed Data from 2012 Population Censuses Report.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Council Economy
2.0 Introduction
Chapter Two highlights the socio-economic performance of Wanging’ombe District Council and its
poverty status. The economic indicators used include the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Per
Capita Gross Domestic Product and the main sources of income for the residents of Wanging’ombe
District. The non-income indicators cover food security, health and education development, housing
conditionsand its amenities inside and outside the main dwelling.
Wanging’ombe DC, like other Councils of Njombe Region, are on the process of updating their
GDP and per Capita GDP. However, as stated in the previous profile, the economy of
Wanging’ombe continues to be dominated by the agriculture sector. This sector employs more than
85 percent of thepopulation. Both traditional cashcrops as well asfood crops are produced with the
latter dominating. According to the results of the 2008 Iringa Regional Gross Domestic Product
Survey, sector contribution to the Njombe district of which Wanging’ombe was part of the council,
agriculture sector contributes close to 88 percent of the Region’s GDP, of which crop production
sub sector contributed about 86.7 percent followed by livestock (1.0 percent) while while the
balance was accounted for by hunting and forestry. Services and industry sectors account for almost
11 percent and 0.9 percent respectively.
Looking at the per capita GDP, its computation has been affected by its population size. Njombe,
including Wanging’ombe council had the highest populated district in the region. With a population
of 161,816 persons according to the 2012 population; its per capita GDP was estimated to be TZS
753,102 per annual.
As stated earlier, beside GDP and per capita GDP, there are indicators that portray the level of
development of the District. These indicators include main source of cash income, food security and
consumption patterns, education attainment, adult literacy rate, health indicators and as well as
housing conditions and its amenities inside and outside dwellings, such as access to safe drinking
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
water, household’s assets, toilet facilities and sources of energy for lighting and cooking. Housing
conditions include types of construction materials for roofing, walling and flooring.
The 2012 Population and Housing Census and Njombe Region Profile, 2016 reports show that
Wanging’ombe District Council, like other rural councils of Njombe Region,the dominating
industrial activities was commercial agriculture, food crops and forestry. These were reported to be
the main source of income in the council and engaged 86.2 percent of Wanging’ombe residents. It
was followed by education (3.8 percent), trade and commerce (3.4 percent), domestic services (2.3
percent), and manufacturing (1.3 percent). The rest of the services - industries such as restaurants,
hotels and lodges, selling of raw food items, haulage and storages, administration and security
services and other socio-economic industries accounted for 3.0 percent of persons aged 10 years
and above in the District (Figure 2.1).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Results, Njombe Region Profile, 2016
Lack of diversification of the economy of Wanging’ombe District was also evidenced by limited
number of main occupations on which residents spent most of their working time in the process of
the production of goods and services. The 2012 population census shows that farming was the main
occupation in Wanging’ombe District, which employed almost 85.4 percent of residents aged 10
years and above in 2012 (Figure 2.2). It was followed by elementary occupation (4.9 percent),
technicians and associate professionals (1.9 percent), crafts and related workers (1.1 percent),
service workers (1.1 percent) and professionals (1.0 percent). Others are crafts and related workers
(1.4 percent) and street vendors (1.3 percent). Rest of occupations such as legislators, administrators
and managers, shop and stall sales workers, clerical officers, etc employed 4.6 percent of
Wanging’ombe residents in 2012 (Figure 2.2).
Figure 2. 2: Percentage Distribution of Employed Population Aged 10 Yearsand Above by
Main Occupation, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Results, Njombe Region Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The limited number of both social and economic activities has resulted to a small difference of
employment levels between levels of indicators of economic activity by current and usual category
by residents of Wanging’ombe District as revealed by the 2012 population census report.
According to census definition this refers to the 12 months prior to the census night, while current
status has the same definition but with reference period of seven days prior to the census night.
Figure 2.3 shows that current unemployment rate was slightly higher (1.1 percent) than for usual
unemployment (0.9 percent). Significant variations are also observed on employed persons, full
time students and those persons who were doing home maintenance mainly due to season
differences. This means that there was an insignificant different of involvement of people between a
week reference period or a year reference period in doing economic activities in Wanging’ombe
district council.
Source: NBS, Computed data from 2012 Population and Housing Census Results, 2016
Ther has been a high level of food security at Wanging’ombe DC. According to the 2007/2008
National Sample Census of Agriculture, Iringa Region, at most two percent of households said they
always experience food insufficiency, while 70 percent of the total households in the Council said
they have never experienced problems in satisfying the household food requirements and 19 percent
seldom experienced problems in satisfying the household food requirements. The report also
revealed that five percent and three percent said they sometimes or often experienced problems in
satisfying the household food requirements respectively (Figure 2.4).The situation is still the same
to date due to adequate rainfall experienced in the past three years.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2007/08 National Sample Census of Agriculture, Iringa Region Report, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2007/08 National Sample Census of Agriculture, Iringa Region Report, 2016
The observation is slightly different for fish consumption; more than half (56 percent) of
households in Wanging’ombe Districthad never consumed fish during the week preceding the
census. However, a significant proportion of households also consumedfish (33 percent) once and
those who consume fish twice and three or more during the week preceding the census were 10
percent and 2 percent of households respectively (Figure 2.6).
The results show that large proportion of residents of Wanging’ombe District had never consumed
protein fromfish or meat (33 percent) a week prior night of the census, while 46 percent and 10
percent of households reported consuming once and twice a week respectively. One general
observation from the data is that majority of Wanging’ombe residents showed to be apathetic on
eating fish or meat much as both were available in the marketand at reasonable prices.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2007/08 National Sample Census of Agriculture, Iringa Region Report, 2016
The residents of Wanging’ombe District have relatively good access to social services such as
health facilities, education infrastructures and water supply. However, the HIV/AIDS pandemic
with associated diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and diarrhea are among the diseases that have
had a negative impact to the health of its resident’s resulting in high rate of morbidity, mortality,
number of orphans as well asnumber of widows. The health situation of the residents can also be
observed through other proxy health indictors include average population per health facility and
number of people per doctor.
The impact of HIV/AIDs pandemic have resulted in the increase in the number of orphans as
evidenced in the 2012 population census results. The District is among councils in Njombe Region
with the highest average rate of orphans for both males (12.9 percent) and females (12.4 percent)
(Figure 2.7). There is a need for the District management to conduct a survey in order to know the
current status of orphan-hood and factors contributing to have higher rates of orphan-hoodwith the
intention of coming up with solutions.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS; 2012 Population Census Results; Njombe Region Report. 2016
The quality and wellbeing of people can also be examined by the education status. The 2012
Population Census results show that Wanging’ombe was the second least council with the lowest
literacy rate of persons aged 15 years and above in Njombe region. However, the district improved
the literacy rate from 76.9 percent in 2002 to 78.3 percent in 2012. While the figures show a
decrease in percent male literate(86.6 down to 85.3) there was an increase in percent female literate
from 69.5 to 72.7 percent (Figure 2.8).
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
With regard to literacy in different languages, Figure 2.9 shows that the literacy rate was highest in
Kiswahili only (65.9 percent) followed by those literate in both Kiswahili and English (9.2 percent).
Literacy was very low English only (0.7 percent) and other languages at 0.1 percent. One general
observation from the data is that illiteracy rate is still high (24.1 percent) in the council (Figure 2.9).
Figure 2. 9: Percentage Distribution of Population Aged Five Years and Above byLiteracy
Status, Wanging’ombe District;2012 Population Census
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Education is one of the most important aspects of social and economic development of residents
and the council. Therefore, prosperity of the council in terms of human resource depends on how
far the young residents have been educated. The enrolment rate of the council is one of the
indicators of sustainable development of human capital. Figure 2.10 shows that, in 2012, net
enrolment rate was overall 89.2 percent in the district.It was 88.9 in rural areas and 95.4 in urban
areas. In each area there is no significant difference between girls and boys. (Figure 2.10).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Figure 2. 10: Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012Census
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016.
Housing condition is a key non-income indicator of poverty of households based on the durability
and quality of the houses in terms of the building materials used for the main elements of houses,
namely, the roof, the walls and the floor. The availability of social amenities in or around the house
such as water supply, toilet facilities and ownership of assets are also considered. It is evident from
the census results that great improvement in housing condition has been made in Wanging’ombe
District between 2002 and 2012.
The 2012 population and housing census results show improvement on the use of modern roofing
materials, although there is still significant proportion of households still using traditional roofing
materials. A total of 73.7 percent of households have modern roofing materials with iron sheets
(73.6 percent) and other modern roofing materials (0.1 percent). Poor roofing materials included
grassthatch (23.5 percent) and 2.3 percent thatched by mud and leaves. (Figure 2.11).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe region, 2016
Wall Materials
Material used to construct walls of the main dwelling is another notable feature concerning the
quality of dwellings and at the same time the poverty status of the households. There was a
remarkable shift to the use of modern wall materials in 2012. In 2012, 0.5 percent of households in
Wanging’ombe District had walls of their houses built using cement bricks, 12.6 percent used
sundried bricks, while baked brick was a leading material (80.9 percent) in Wanging’ombe district.
Thus, the declining use of tradition materials for building walls such as poles and mud, grass or
leaves and others (Figure 2.12).
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, NjombeRegion, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Flooring Materials
The status of floor materials can easily be used to quantify any evidencedto show that the district
has made great achievement going by what residents have invested to improve their dwellings as
shown in 2012 census report. Figure 2.13 shows that has been an increased use of modern materials
for flooring private dwellings of household in Wanging’ombe District where 38.3 percent used
cement and 0.1 percent used modern materials such ceramic and or tiles. However, the use of earth
or sand is still prominent materials for flooring (61.3 percent) households in Wanging’ombe district.
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, NjombeRegion, 2016
Social amenities inside or outside dwellings are also considered as proxy-indicators for measuring
poverty of private households, including energy sources for lighting and cooking, water supply, toilets
and ownership of modern assets.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
However, the council had very largeproportions (24.1 percent)of households still depending
onunimproved source of water for drinking including, unprotectedsprings (9.3 percent), unprotected
shallow wells (8.8 percent), surface water (5.7 percent) and others such asbolted water and rain
water harvesting that accounts for 0.3 percent (Figure 2.17). More efforts are needed to establish
improved water sources for drinking water for this group of households.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report,Njombe Region, 2016
Wanging’ombe District, like other rural councils in the country, has households with both improved
and unimprovedtoilets facilities.The 2012 population and housing census report shows the District
has smaller proportion of households with improved toilet facilities (15.2 percent) than those with
un-improved toilet facilities (84.5 percent) while about only 0.3 percent of households still have no
toilets facility (Figure 2.18). The most common improved toilet was improved pit latrine (10.4
percent) followed by flush toilet (4.1 percent), ventilated pit latrine (0.4 percent) and ecoson latrine
(0.3 percent). However, the district has largest proportion of households still used unimproved pit
latrine (59 percent) followed by open or tradition pit latrine (25.5 percent).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Household ownership of specified assets is one of the indicatorsof economic status of the
council. Great achievements on ownership of modern home appliances have been observed.
The 2012 population censusresults show significant proportion of ownership by households of
modern home appliances such as electric or gas cooker (0.4 percent of households), fridge or
refrigerators (0.5 percent) and electric iron (1.4 percent). However, about 92.8 percent of
households were owners of the dwelling and 96.3 percent of households own land in the
district (Figure 2.20)
Source: NBS, 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Means of transport is another proxy indicator of poverty status. Figure 2.21 shows that 42.7 percent
of households in Wanging’ombe district own bicycle followed by motorcycle (6.0 percent) while
only 1.2 percent of households owned motor vehicle in 2012. On the other hand, large proportion
(50.1 percent) of households in the district does not own any transport facility.
Source: NBS, the 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Land use planning and surveying are key aspects for development of both urban and rural areas in
the Council. The land needs in urban areas are dominated by the demand for building plots for
residential, commercial, institutional and industrial purposes. In rural areas agricultural and other
production activities are the major needs for land for instance forestation and grazing. Since
Wanging’ombe DC has few trading centres and no urban area as such, this report is not going to
look at this factor; instead we will concentrate on rural Village land use plan in the rural areas.
In the planning of farms, grazing areas and human settlements in rural areas, the village is the
principle administrative first starting level. By the end of 2012 all the 98 villages in Wanging’ombe
DC had been surveyed out of which 44 villages (45 percent) were offered their village land
certificates (Table 2.1). More efforts should be directed at issuing certificates to the already
surveyed villages so that the villagers can organise themselves in the use of land efficiently and
obtain loans from financial institutions.
Table 2. 1: Village Land Use Planning in Rural Areas by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Productive Sectors
3.0 Overview
Chapter three explains the performance of productive sectors in the district. These sectors include
agriculture, livestock, natural resources, mining, industrial development and the land sector
3.1 Agriculture
Like other district councils of Njombe Region, agriculture continued to be the predominant
economic sector in Wanging’ombe District Council. Small scale agriculture holders, who employ
very little capital, the main inputs being labour and land, dominate the agriculture sector in the
district. Likewise, weather condition continues to be the major determinant of agriculture
performance in the district with maize being the major food crop which ensures food
security.Factors limiting performance of agriculture sector in the district are;
i) Soil exhaustion,
ii) Difficulties to access credit facilities for agricultural inputs by peasant farmers,
iii) Poor transport network in the rural areas for the haulage of agricultural produce,
iv) Unreliable market outlets and low prices offered to farmers for their produce.
Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1 show that Wanging’ombe District Council has a total land area of 334,400
ha of which 208,954 ha (62.5 percent) were classified as arable land which is suitable for crop
farming. Arable land planted with crops has 194,391.0 ha which is equivalent to 93.0 percent of the
total arable land of the district. Table 3.1 further indicates that larger part of Igima ward (88.8
percent) were arable land followed by Kijombe 72.7 percentand Uhambule (71.2 percent).
Moreover, four wards, Kijombe (69.0 percent), Igima (68.2 percent), Ulembwe (60.0 percent) and
Makoga (65.8 percent) managed to utlilize more than fifty percent of their respective arable land. In
this regards, the arable land of each of these four wards are said to be under pressure compared to
the remaining wards which utilized less than fifty percent of their respective arable land.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3.1: Distribution of Arable Land by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2016
Arable land
Total land Total Arable Percent of Ward Under Percent of Arable land under
Area (ha) land (ha) Arable land Cultivation cultivation
Igwachanya 20,900 14,407 68.9 6,584.0 45.7
Usuka 17,200 8,291 48.2 2,329.8 28.1
Mdandu 20,500 10,755 52.5 4,335.3 40.3
Igima 23,900 21,221.70 88.8 14,473.2 68.2
Itulahumba* - 6,325 - 2,093.6 33.1
Saja 26,500 9,108 34.4 2,705.1 29.7
Uhenga* - 9,606 - 3,650.3 38.0
Kijombe 16,600 12,070.60 72.7 8,328.7 69.0
Wanging’ombe 22,000 11,194 50.9 2,798.5 25.0
Ilembula 33,200 9,496 28.6 4,311.2 45.4
Udonja* - 8,418 - 3,914.4 46.5
Uhambule 26,200 18,651 71.2 1,723.4 9.2
Luduga 27,200 10,135 37.3 4,124.9 40.7
Malangali* - 13,856 - 7,528.0 54.3
Imalinyi 16,800 6,544 39.0 2,624.1 40.1
Kidugala 18,900 10,852 57.4 5,928.4 54.6
Ulembwe 10,300 6,180 60.0 3,708.0 60.0
Igosi 13,600 6,173 45.4 1,358.1 22.0
Makoga 20,100 7,990 39.8 5,257.4 65.8
Kipengere 13,700 5,453.00 39.8 1,417.8 26.0
Wangama 6,800 2,227.50 32.8 439.7 19.7
Total 334,400 208,954 62.5 194,391.0 93.0
* New wards.Land area not survyed
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Figure 3. 2: Percentage Share of the District Land Area Planted with Major FoodCrops;
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 2: Estimated Area (ha) under Major FoodCrops; Wanging’ombeDistrictCouncil; 2012 – 2016
Estimated Land Area (ha) Annual
Crop Total Area
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Average
This is not only the major staple food for Wanging’ombe district but also forms an important and
desirable food crop with the highest per capita consumption in local diet. It is possible to cultivate
maize in all areas of the district although in some areas the comparative advantage may be greater
than in other parts of the district depending on varying climatic conditions and soil fertility.
As shown in Table 3.2 above, from 2012–2016, maize was planted on an annual average area of
38,124 ha. This was equivalent to 68.4 percent of the annual average area planted with all major
food crops in the district (55,717 ha). Maize is the first food crop in terms of cultivated area.
Moreover, the yearwith highest land area under maize cultivation was 2016 with annual average
cultivated land area of 44,205 ha. The worst year was 2012 when 35,492 ha were planted. Over the
reference period shown in Table 3.2, Kijombe was leading in maize cultivation asthe ward hadan
annual average land area planted with maize of 5,344.7 ha. It was followed by Igima (3,876.3 ha),
Ulembwe (2,913.8 ha) and Igwachanya ward (2,881.9 ha).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Beans are the most popular leguminious or pulse crop grown in Wanging’ombe district with
relatively high per capita consumption in the district.Beans are interplanted randomly with other
crops such as maize. In terms of planted area, beans are the second dominant food crop (Table 3.2).
Over the period of 2012-2016, the crop was planted on an annual average land area of 11,807 ha
equivalent to 21.2 percent of the district’s land area planted with major food crops. Likewise, over
the reference period shown in Table 3.2, Kijombe ward was leading in beans cultivation as it had an
annual average land area planted with beans of 2,400.1 ha. It was followed by Malangali (1,121.5
ha), Kidugala (883.0 ha) and Luduga ward (745.9 ha).
Cow peas
In terms of cultivated land area, cow peas were the third major food crop in the district (Table 3.2).
Under the reference period, cow peas were planted on an annual average area of 3,268 ha which
was equivalent to 5.9 percent of the land area planted with major food crops in the district.Kijombe
ward is leading in an annual average area planted with cow peas of 1,030.6 ha. It was followed by
Igwachanya (555.7 ha) and Luduga (320.3 ha).
Favoured by the climate and soil texture, wheat was the fourth major food crop in Wanging’ombe
District. Over the period of 2012- 2016 shown in Table 3.2, 3.0 percent (an annual average area of
1,660 ha) of the districts’ land area planted were under wheat cultivation. Wheat is planted in four
wards of the district namely Igosi, Kipengere, Makoga and Wangama. Among the wards, Kipengere
was leading with an annual average planted area of 439.7 ha followed by Wangama (305.5 ha) and
Makoga (225.9 ha).
Sweet potatoes
In terms of cultivated land, sweet potatoes rankedas the fifth major food crop in the district (Table
3.2). For five crop seasons, 2012 - 2016, the crop accounted for 1.0 percent of all district’s landarea
planted with major food crop. However, during the crop seasons given in Table 3.2, an annual
average of 548 ha was planted with sweet potatoes. Luduga and Malangali are the two wards which
significantly growing sweet potatoes.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Climate and soil texture of Wanging’ombe district are not so much favaurable for cassava
cultivation. Because of this, cassava was the sixth and the last major food crop grown in
Wanging’ombe district. Under the reference period shown in Table 3.2, only 0.6 percent of the
districts’ planted land area was planted with cassava. The best three wards in cassava cultivation
were Kijombe with an annual average area planted with cassava of 195.5 ha. It was followed by
Udonja (59.2 ha) and Mdandu (52.6 ha).
Figure 3. 3: Percentage Share of the District Land Area Planted with Major
CashCrops; Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3.2 a: Estimated Area (ha) under Major Cash Crops; Wanging’ombeDC; 2012 – 2016
Estimated Land Area (ha) Annual
Crop Total Area
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Average
This is an oil seed crop which serves both as food and cash crop. It is grown in larger parts of the
district. About 43.8 percent of the district’s area planted with major cash crops is under sunflower
cultivation (Table 3.2a). For the five crop seasons, 2012 - 2016, sunflower was planted on an annual
average area of 14,553 ha and was the first cash crop in terms of area planted with major cash
crops. With an annual average area of 3,242.5ha, Kijombe ward was leading in sunflower
cultivation followed by Igwachanya (1,748.3 ha), Kidugala (1,193 ha) and Luduga (1,007.7 ha).
Irish potatoes
For five seasons, 2012-2016, Irish potatoes accounted for 32.7 percent of all district’s area planted
with major cash cropsand was the second major cash crop (Table 3.2a). Likewise, Irish potatoes
were planted on an annual average area of 10,875 ha. With an annual average area of 2,280.1 ha,
Igima ward was leading in Irish potatoes cultivation in the district. The second was Igosi (1,714.0
ha), the third was Malangali (1,469.1 ha) and the fourth ward was Wangama (1,093.4 ha).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
This is an oil bearing crop used as both food and cash crop. Groundnuts accounted for 20.1 percent
of the the district’s total area under cash crops (Table 3.2a). In terms of planted area, groundnuts
ranked third major cash crop in the district.It is mainly grown in eight wards. The best three wards
in groundnuts cultivation were Kijombe (2,382.9 ha), Luduga (740.6 ha) and Udonja (720.9 ha).
Accounting for 2.3 percent of the districts’ total land area planted with cash crops, tomatoes ranked
the fourth cash crop in Wanging’ombe district (Table 3.2a). From crop season of 2012 – 2016, an
annual average of 778 ha was planted with tomatoes. With an annual average area of 152.7 ha,
Kidugala ward was leading in area planted with tomatoes. It was followed by Udonja (125.6 ha)
and Luduga ward (129.0 ha).
Table 3.2a shows that 0.2 percent of the districts’ land area was planted with onions. Under the
reference period shown in Table 3.2a, onions ranked the fifth and the last cash crop in terms of land
size planted with cash crops. Moreover, over the given period, an annual average of 76 ha was used
to grow onions in the district. Onions are mostly grown in Kidugala and Imalinyi wards.
Regarding to the production trend, food crops production in the district was at the peak in the crop
season of 2013 at 173,464 tonnes which was above the annual average production by 21.4 percent
or37, 140 tonnes. The worst harvests of 127,875 tonnes were observed in the crop season of 2012
which was below the annual average production by 6.6 percent or 8,449 tonnes.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Table 3. 3: Estimated Production in Tonnes of Major Food Crops, Wanging’ombe DistrictCouncil; 2012 – 2016
Estimated Production (Tons) Annual
Crop production
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Production
Maize 144,229 155,768 83,934 98,191 108,218 590,340 118,068
Beans 6,368.6 5,265.6 4,074.4 12,746.9 13,690.4 42,146 8,429
Cow peas 2,294 2,478 2,676 3,826 3,082 14,354 2,871
Cassava 1,373 1,483 865 1,140 1,162 6,022 1,204
Sweet potatoes 1,087.41 1,174.40 1,512.70 1,274.90 1,398.6 6,448.01 1,290
Wheat 13,298.06 7,296.3 814.40 578.00 323.6 22,310 4,462
District Total 168,650 173,464 93,876 117,756 127,875 681,620 136,324
Percentage of the Total Production(Annually)
Maize 85.5 89.8 89.4 83.4 84.6 86.6 86.6
Beans 3.8 3.0 4.3 10.8 10.7 6.2 6.2
Cow peas 1.4 1.4 2.9 3.2 2.4 2.1 2.1
Cassava 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
Sweet potatoes 0.6 0.7 1.6 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.9
Wheat 7.9 4.2 0.9 0.5 0.3 3.3 3.3
District Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Production of Maize
Maize ranked the first food crop in the district. Reffered
from Table 3.3, maize accounts for about 86.6 percent of
total tonnage of 681,620 of all major food crops produced
in Wanging’ombe district. The same table reveals that
crop season of 2013 was the best as maize production
reached the peak at 155,768 tonnes which was above the
annual average production by 24.2 percent or 37,700
tonnes. The worst production of maize of 83,934 tonnes
was recorded in the crop season of 2014. The best five wards in maize production were Kijombe which
had an annual average production of 16,224.8 tonnes followed by Igima (11,767.1 tonnes), Ulembwe
(8,845.3 tonnes), Igwachanya (8,748.5 tonnes) and Kipengere ward (8,119.1 tonnes).
Production of Beans
Beans were the second major food crop in the district. Over the reference period shown in Table 3.3,
beans accounts for about 6.2 percent of total tonnage of 681,620 of all major food crops produced in
Wanging’ombe district. Table 3.3 further shows that crop season of 2016 was the best as beans
production reached the peak at 13,690.4 tonnes which was above the annual average production by
38.4 percent or 5,261.2 tonnes. The worst production of beans of 4,074.4 tonnes was observed in the
crop season of 2014. On the other hand, the best five wards in beans production were Kijombe which
was leading with an annual average production of 2,362.2 tonnes followed by Malangali (1,103.9
tonnes), Kidugala (869.1 tonnes), Ilembula (649.2 tonnes) and Mdandu ward (635.7 tonnes).
Production of Wheat
Wheat was the third major food crop in the district. Over the reference period shown in Table 3.3,
wheat accounts for about 3.3 percent of total tonnage of 681,620 of all major food crops produced in
Wanging’ombe district. Table 3.3 further shows that crop season of 2013 was the best as wheat
production reached the peak at 7,296.3 tonnes which was above the annual average production by 38.8
percent or 2,834.2 tonnes. The worst production of wheat of 323.6 tonnes was observed in the crop
season of 2016. Furthermore, district records show that only five wards in Wanging’ombe district are
known for wheat production. The list of the respective wardswith their average annual production of
wheat were Ulembwe (6,065.7 tonnes), Kipengere (5,567.2 tonnes), Wangama (3,868.8 tonnes),
Makoga (2,860.6 tonnes) and Igosi (2,659.6 tonnes).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Over the reference period of 2012 to 2016 shown in Table 3.3,cow peas were the fourth major food
crop in Wanging’ombe district. Bumper harvests of cow peasof 3,826 tonnes were registered in the
crop season of 2015 which was above the annual average production by 24.9 percent or 955 tonnes. On
the other hand, cow peas wereproduced at the lowest tonnage of 2,294 in crop season of 2012 which
was below the average annual production by 25.1 percent or 577 tonnes. The best three wards in cow
peas production were Kijombe (835.0 tonnes), Igwachanya (450.2 tonnes) and Luduga (259.5 tonnes).
Regarding to the production trend, district production of cash crops was at the peak in the season of
2016 at 172,760 tonnes which was above the annual average production by 37.6 percent or 64,888
tonnes. The worst harvests of 75,942 tonnes were in 2012 which was below the annual average
production by 42.0 percent or 31,931 tonnes.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Table 3.3 a Estimated Production in Tonnes of Major Cash Crops, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2012 –
Estimated Production (Tons) Total
Crop production
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (Tons)
Sunflower 10,317 11,790 12,219 18,790 21,373 74,488 14,898
Avocadoes 494.8 534.3 1357.3 1464.2 1731.8 5,582 1,116
Irish potatoes 59,091 63,818 104,464 55,054 141,103 423,529 84,706
Groundnuts 3,145 3,396 5,680 3,823 4,076 20,120 4,024
Watermelon 16.4 17.7 190.9 721.4 853.3 1799.7 360
Tomatoes 2047 2210.9 1021.2 2503.4 2961.2 10,744 2,149
Onions 831.4 897.9 146.8 560 662.4 3098.5 620
District Total 75,942 82,665 125,079 82,916 172,760 539,362 107,872
Percentage of the Total Production(Annually)
Sunflower 13.6 14.3 9.8 22.7 12.4 13.8 13.8
Avocadoes 0.7 0.6 1.1 1.8 1.0 1.0 1.0
Irish potatoes 77.8 77.2 83.5 66.4 81.7 78.5 78.5
Groundnuts 4.1 4.1 4.5 4.6 2.4 3.7 3.7
Watermelon 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.3
Tomatoes 2.7 2.7 0.8 3.0 1.7 2.0 2.0
Onions 1.1 1.1 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.6
District Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Production of Groundnuts
The third cash crop in the district was groundnuts. It accounts for about 3.7 percent of total tonnage of
539,362 of all major cash crops produced in Wanging’ombe district (Table 3.3a). Averaged annually at
4,024 tons, groundnuts production reached the peak at 5,680 tonnes in 2014 and the production was
worse at 3,145 tonnes in 2012. The best four wards in groundnuts production were Kijombe with an
annual average production of 1,100 tonnes followed by Wanging’ombe (749.1 tonnes), Udonja (428.1
tonnes) and Luduga (404.3 tonnes).
Production of Tomatoes
Tomatoes are the fourth cash crop produced in the district. It accounts for 2.0 percent of total tonnage
of all major cash crops produced in Wanging’ombe district (Table 3.3a). Over the reference period
shown in Table 3.3a, production of tomatoes reached the peak at 2,961.2 tonnes in 2016 which was
above the annual average production by 27.4 percent or 812 tonnes. The best four wards in tomatoes
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
production were Malangali with an annual average production of 1,354.2 tonnes followed by Kidugala
(1,066.2 tonnes), Luduga (900.7 tonnes) and Udonja ward (876.8 tonnes).
Production of Avocadoes
In terms of production, avocadoes ranked the fifth cash crop in the district. It accounts for 1.0 percent
of total tonnage of 539,362 of all major cash crops produced in Wanging’ombe district (Table 3.3a).
Over the reference period shown in Table 3.3a, production of avocadoes reached the peak at 1,731.8
tonnes in 2016 which was above the annual average production by 35.5 percent or 615 tonnes.The least
production of 494.8 tonnes of avocadoes were seen in the crop season of 2012 which was below the
average annual production by 125.6 percent or 622 tonnes. The best four wards in avocadoes
production were Igima with an annual average production of 286.1 tonnes followed by Ulembwe
(215.0 tonnes), Kipengere (197.6 tonnes) and Wangama ward (137.4 tonnes).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3.3 b: Production per Hectare of Major Food and Cash Crops, Wanging’ombe District;2012, 2014 and
2012 2014 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2013
Table 3. 4: Contribution of Wanging’ombe District Council to Njombe Region’s Selected MajorFood and Cash
crops Production; 2009/10 and 2011/12
Njombe Region Percentage Contribution of
Wanging’ombe District
Production the District to Regional
Crop Production (tonnes)
(tonnes) Production
2009/10 2011/12 2009/10 2011/12 2009/10 2011/12
Wanging’ombe district is endowedwithadequate size of arable land suitable for cultivation of crops.
Thishad attracted foreign investors to establish large scale farming.Kibena Tea Company is the
leading foreign investor in agriculture sector in the district. The company is dealing with tea
production, processing and exporting. Moreover, basing on the favourble rainfall and topograph of
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
the district, opportunities are still available for large scale farming on other crops such as round and
irish potatoes, maize,wheat, avocadoes, groundnuts as well as horticultural crops. Introduction
Reducing rural poverty by delivering appropriate agricultural inputs and improving output markets
for Tanzanian farmers are among the objectives of "Kilimo Kwanza" (Agriculture First) policy in
Tanzania. In Kilimo Kwanza, priority is given to transforming traditional agriculture which depends
on hand hoe to mechanised agriculture and improving agriculture extension services through
employing more extension officers. Moreover, distribution of chemical fertilizers including
establishing credit facilities for farmers, and setting up storage through a warehouse receipt system
were introduced to reinforce crops production.
Since there is no tangible evidence (statistical data) that showsthe impact of ‘Kilimo Kwanza’
policy in improving availability of agricultural inputs/implements and increasing food and cash
crops yield in the district, opportunity is available for researchers to investigate the extent to which
the said policy has improved inputs/implements availability and also how far cropyield has
increased as a consequence of the policy.
Table 3.5 shows chemical fertilizers distributed to farmers in Wanging’ombe district. From 2012 –
2016 the supply of chemical fertilizers was in increasing trend and the highest distribution of
10,184 kg was recorded in the crop season of 2014. The lowest distribution of 9,488 kg was
recorded in the season of 2016. Of the seven types of chemical fertilizers listed in Table 3.5, UREA
was supplied in largest quantity compared to other fertilizers. It was followed by DAP, TSP and
CAN. Having supplied in lowest quantity than any other chemical fertilizer, Minjingu was the
fertilizer of the least importance in the district.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 5: Type and Quantity of Chemical Fertilizers (Kgs) Distributed to Farmers; Wanging’ombe District
Council; 2012-2016
Fungicides in poweder form were distributed in largest quantity than fungicides in liquid form
(Table 3.5a). The distribution of both types of fungicides was in fluctuating trend. Powder
fungicides distribution reached the peak at 2,400 kg in 2014 while liquid fungicides were at the
peako of 1,840 kg in 2016.
Table 3.5 a: Type and Quantity of Fungicides (in Litres) Distributedto Farmers; Wanging’ombe District
Council; 2012-2016
Type of Fungicides 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Powder Fungicides
2,320 2,330 2,400 2,412 2,308
Liquid fungicides (lts) 1,630 1,643 1,700 1689 1,840
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department),Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3.5 b: Type and Quantity of Improved Seeds (Kgs) Distributedto Farmers, Wanging’ombe District
Council; 2012-2016
Type of
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent
Improved seed
Hybrids (maize) 870 910 910 987 990 4667 3.7
OPV (maize) 230 230 233 232 205 1130 0.9
Wheat 54 60 64 81 - 259 0.2
Beans 72 80 82 88 60 382 0.3
Sunflower 42 43 44 213 188 530 0.4
Others; Vegetable,
23,400 24,410 24,420 23,987 23,200.00 119,417 94.5
potatoes,cassava ect
Total 24,668 25,733 25,753 25,588 24,643.00 126,385 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
District Total 49 100 77 100 8,495 100 349 100 9,098 100 9,493 100 26 100 46 100 17 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Agriculture Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
3.1.6 Irrigation
Wanging’ombe district is estimated to have 1,949 ha under irrigation (Table 3.6). Table 3.6 further
shows that maize, horticultural crops, potatoes as well as sugar cane are the main crops under
irrigation. With 38.5 percent of the district total land area under irrigation, Igima has the largest
irrigable land followed by Kidugala (11.2 percent), Mdandu and Igwachanya (each with 8.8
percent), Igwachanya (8.6 percent), Malangali (6.3 percent) and Igosi (5.4 percent). Other wards
having less than five percent of the district total land area under irrigation are Imalinyi (4.1
percent), Luduga (3.6 percent), Wangama (3.0 percent) and Kipengere (1.7 percent).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Large scale farming on cash crops: As some foreign investment already made on tea large
scale farming, further investment can also be made on wheat as both food and cash crop,
Supply of farm inputs at affordable prices such as fertilizers, insecticides, improved seeds and
farm implements (i.e tractors and power tillers) and
Construction of irrigation infrastructures, harvest rain water and drilling of borehole wells
for irrigation.
Maize flour processing and packaging small and medium scale industries investment is
suitable in Wanging’ombe because of its significant production of maize annually.
3.2 Livestock
3.2.1 Introduction
Livestock keeping is the second most important economic activity after agriculture.Figure 3.7 and
Table 3.7 shows distribution of estimated livestock by species in eachward of Wanging’ombe
district council in 2016. Cattle (44,886) were leading in numbers for large and medium size
livestock followed by goats (13,835), pigs (9.508) and sheep (4,671) (Table 3.7). Figure 3.6 and
Table 3.7 further show dominance of indigeneous chicken (185,065) compared to improved chicken
(broilers and layers) at 22,695.
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Livestock Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Igima 1245 2.8 394 2.8 89 1.9 64 10.7 1360 14.3 18600 10.1 4560 20.1
Igosi 376 0.8 160 1.2 58 1.2 5 0.8 341 3.6 2700 1.5 400 1.8
Imalinyi 832 1.9 134 1 67 1.4 0 - 211 2.2 12845 6.9 1583 7
Ilembula 1078 2.4 243 1.8 89 1.9 46 7.7 79 0.8 6549 3.5 652 2.9
Igwachanya 3616 8.1 1642 11.9 265 5.7 47 7.9 1508 15.9 37110 20.1 9500 41.9
Luduga 1089 2.4 231 1.7 24 0.5 32 5.4 234 2.5 654 0.4 - -
Makoga 908 2 1215 8.8 122 2.6 12 2 642 6.8 1584 0.9 134 0.6
Wanging’ombe 9535 21.2 2670 19.3 1623 34.7 32 5.4 645 6.8 20410 11 500 2.2
Kijombe 1763 3.9 671 4.9 321 6.9 79 13.2 156 1.6 6549 3.5 - -
Uhambule 3325 7.4 671 4.9 416 8.9 100 16.8 301 3.2 5012 2.7 704 3.1
Udonja 894 2 546 3.9 341 7.3 14 2.3 415 4.4 3211 1.7 232 1
Usuka 2300 5.1 667 4.8 48 1 27 4.5 271 2.9 8311 4.5 260 1.1
Itulahumba 1261 2.8 250 1.8 15 0.3 40 6.7 760 8 1541 0.8 140 0.6
Uhenga 3532 7.9 544 3.9 420 9 60 10.1 235 2.5 9135 4.9 - -
Saja 7466 16.6 1509 10.9 309 6.6 17 2.8 273 2.9 13695 7.4 - -
Mdandu 2051 4.6 119 0.9 98 2.1 0 - 92 1 19532 10.6 1218 5.4
Malangali 889 2 211 1.5 36 0.8 3 0.5 265 2.8 4788 2.6 132 0.6
Wangama 258 0.6 945 6.8 117 2.5 15 2.5 327 3.4 2125 1.1 1255 5.5
Kipengere 425 0.9 141 1 81 1.7 0 - 682 7.2 4532 2.4 472 2.1
Ulembwe 864 1.9 161 1.2 60 1.3 0 - 401 4.2 3471 1.9 700 3.1
Kidugala 1179 2.6 711 5.1 72 1.5 4 0.7 310 3.3 2711 1.5 253 1.1
Total 44,886 100 13,835 100 4,671 100 597 100 9,508 100 185,065 100 22,695 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Livestock Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Poultry Population
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Poultry industry in Wanging’ombe district comprises of both indigenous and improved chicken
(broilers). Table 3.7 shows that indigeneous chicken at 185,065 was the most populaous chicken
compared to broilers (22,695). Igwachanya ward lead in both indigenous (20.1 percent) and broiler
chicken (41.9 percent). The least number of indigenous chicken (654) and broilers (132) were
observed in Luduga and Malangali ward respectively.
Cattle Population
After poultry, cattle were the second populaous livestock in Wanging’ombe District (Table 3.7).
According to Table 3.7, 21.2 percent of all cattle population in the district was in Wanging’ombe
and was the leading ward. The next ward with highest cattle population was Saja (16.6 percent)
followed by Uhenga (7.9 percent) and Uhambule ward (7.4 percent). Wangama ward with 425
cattle (0.6 percent) had the least number of cattle.
Goat Population
With a total population of 13,835, goatsranked third populaous livestock in the district (Table 3.7).
Most of goat population was concentrated in Wanging’ombe ward (19.3 percent) followed by
Igwachanya (11.9 percent) and Saja (10.9 percent). Mdandu ward had the least concentration of
goat (119) or 0.9 percent of all goat population in the district.
Pig Population
With a total population of 9,508, pigs were the fourth populous livestock in the district in 2016
(Table 3.7). Likewise, with 15.9 percent of the total pig population in the district, Igwachanya lead
in pig population followed by Igima (14.3 percent) and Kipengere ward (7.2 percent). Ilembula
ward had the lowest number of pig population (79 pigs) or 0.8 percent of the total district pig
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Sheep Population
With a total population of 4,671, sheep was the fifth populous livestock in the district (Table 3.7).
They are available in all wards but in different population. Three wards with the largest sheep
population were Wanging’ombe (1,623 sheep, 34.7 percent), Uhenga (420 sheep, 9.0 percent) and
Uhambule ward (416 sheep, 8.9 percent). Itulahumba ward had the least number of sheep (15 sheep,
0.3 percent).
Donkey Population
Donkey with a total population of 597 was the sixth and the least populous livestock in the district
(Table 3.7). Their lowest population compared to other livestock justifies donkeys are the least
important livestock in Wanging’ombe District.
Since there are no proper arrangements of allocating grazing land, the Wanging’ombe District
Authority only managed to estimate grazing land as is provided in Table 3.8.Table 3.8 futher shows
that 29 percent of the district’s total land area was fit for grazing. Proportion of grazing land at
division level was Wanging’ombe (40 percent), Imalinyi (13 percent) and Mdandu (29 percent). As
all divisions/wards utilized 100 percent of their grazing land, this implies that grazing land in the
district is under pressure and immediate interversions need to be implemented. Possible
interversions that can be taken are promoting zero grazing and creating awareness among
pastoralists on proper management of grazing land.
Table 3. 8: Estimated Area forGrazing byDivision and Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Livestock quality improvement is limited by access to preventive and curative facilities capable of
controlling or preventing their morbidities and mortalities. Diseases affect animal health and reduce
both meat and milk production in terms of quality and quantity are prevented by the availabilities of
livestock infrastructure including dips and vertenaries while crushes, abattoirs, hides and skin sheds,
slaughter slabs, livestock market or auctionsand accessibility of water improve the quality of livestock
products. Table 3.9 indicates that out of 26 dips available in the district, 25 dips, equivalent to 96.2
percent are working. The highest number of working dips is observed in Saja, Wanging’ombe and
Luduga wards which each ward had three dips.Igosi, Itulahumba, Uhenga, Wangama and Malangali
wards had no dips.Moreover, the district is facing a serious shortage of veterinary centres as it is shown
in Table 3.9. Table 3.9 further highlights availability of other types of livestock facilities; crushes (35),
hides/skin sheds (2), abattoirs (1), slaughter slab (69), livestock market/auction (2) and charco dams
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The success of any type of livestock operation is closely related to the disease level of the animals.
In that sense, the quality of livestock and their products to a large extent is determined by the level
at which diseases are controlled.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 10: Nine Common Cattle Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, Wanging’ombe Distrcit; 2014 and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 11: Five CommonGoat Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, Wanging’ombeDistrcit; 2014 and 2016
Morbidity cases Mortality cases
2014 2016 2014 2016
Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of
% % % %
Cases Cases Cases Cases
Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth
31 5.7 30 5.6 15 20 2 5.3
Disease Disease Disease Disease
Mange 157 29.0 Mange 165 30.8 Mange 23 30.7 Mange 10 26.3
Foot rot 85 15.7 Foot rot 60 11.2 Foot rot 4 5.3 Foot rot 6 15.8
Helmithiasis 189 34.9 Helmithiasis 143 26.7 Helmithiasis 11 14.7 Helmithiasis 13 34.2
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 12: Five CommonSheep Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, Wanging’ombe Distrcit; 2014 and 2016
Morbidity cases Mortality cases
2014 2016 2014 2016
Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of
% % % %
Cases Cases Cases Cases
Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth Foot and Mouth
145 14.9 218 23.1 61 43.3 25 40.3
Disease Disease Disease Disease
Mange 354 36.3 Mange 276 29.3 Mange 20 14.2 Mange 6 9.7
Helmithiasis 190 19.5 Helmithiasis 238 25.2 Helmithiasis 13 9.2 Helmithiasis 8 12.9
Foot rot 128 13.1 Foot rot 113 12.0 Foot rot 27 19.1 Foot rot 9 14.5
Contagious caprine Contagious caprine Contagious caprine
caprine 157 16.1 98 10.4 20 14.2 14 22.6
pleuropneumonia pleuropneumonia pleuropneumonia
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 13: Six CommonPoultry Diseases Causes of Morbidity and Mortality, Wanging’ombe Distrcit; 2014 and 2016
Morbidity cases Mortality cases
2014 2016 2014 2016
Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of Disease No. of
% % % %
Cases Cases Cases Cases
New castle 2,251 31.9 New castle 1,219 24.4 New castle 802 46.5 New castle 837 48.7
Fowly cholera 1,146 16.2 Fowly cholera 548 11.0 Fowly cholera 322 18.7 Fowly cholera 278 16.2
Coccidiosis 1,153 16.3 Coccidiosis 804 16.1 Coccidiosis 241 14.0 Coccidiosis 209 12.2
Salmonelosis 1,025 14.5 Salmonelosis 1,267 25.4 Salmonelosis 179 10.4 Salmonelosis 168 9.8
Fowly typhoid 914 12.9 Fowly cholera 892 17.9 Fowly cholera 75 4.3 Fowly cholera 115 6.7
Infectious coryza 578 8.2 Infectious coryza 263 5.3 Infectious coryza 107 6.2 Infectious coryza 112 6.5
Total 7,067 100.0 4,993 100.0 1726 100.0 1,719 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Livestock Department), Wanging’ombe District Council, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Marketing hides and skins has been facing a number of problems in Wanging’ombe district as well
as the country at large. Among others, lack of official markets, lack of public hides and skins sheds,
inadequate number of veterinary officers and falling of prices of livestock products has an adverse
impact on the flow of reliable data from the grassroots to the district council. Nevertheless, Table
3.14 shows an indicative number of livestock hides and skins marketed in Wanging’ombe district
from 2014 to 2016. Generally, there was an increasing trend of units marketed. The number of units
marketed increased from 1,755 in 2014 to 4,622 in 2016. By accounting for 54.2 percent of the total
units marketed in the district, Cattle hides/skins was the most sold units followed by goat skins
(45.8 percent).
Table 3. 14: Number of Livestock Hides and Skins Marketed by Type; Wanging’ombe DC; 2014– 2016
Type of unit 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent
Cattle hides/skin 1021 2111 2311 5443 54.2
Goat skin 734 1561 2311 4606 45.8
Sheep skin 0 0 0 0 0
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
2. Water for livestock: There are no charco dams for livestock drinking water
especially in dry seasons. Hence, construction of dams is important for sustainability
of livestock industry in the district.Capacitating pastures on rain water harvesting
technology is also important to curb water shortage for livestock.
3. Animal services and pharmaceuticals: This is another area where the district
has critical shortage.Investment is needed onlivestockveterinary shops and veterinary
centres where qualified veterinary and livestock officers can offer consultancy
services especially in remote areas of the district.In addition, available number of dips
also has to be increased for improving accessibility of the livestock health services,
Natural resources sector is comprised of various sub-sectors including forestry, bee-keeping, fisheries
and wildlife. The sector plays an important role in promoting climate stability, conservation of water
sources, soil fertility, controlling land erosion, and providing source of wood fuel, and industrial
3.3.1 Forest
Wanging’ombe is among the districts in Njombe Region which is rich in both natural and planted
forests. Large area of the district specifically in Wanging’ombe and Mdandu divisions are covered
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
with natural forests. Planted forests are observed mostly in Imalinyi division. Due to population
increase, forest cover in the district is at risk of depletion as the demand of fuel wood and
agriculture activities increases. With reference to Table 3.15, natural forests covers about 97,324.5
ha equivalent to 29.0 percent of the district’s total land area of 334,400 ha. Planted forests cover
21,305.0 ha which is 6.4 percent of the district total land area. Looking at ward level, Luduga is
leading in natural forest (11,289.2 ha, 11.6 percent) followed by Saja ward (8,968.5 ha, 9.2
percent). On the other hand, Kipengere ward is leading in planted forest (5,502 ha, 25.8 percent)
followed by Makoga (3,915 ha, 18.4 percent).
Table 3. 15: Status of Natural and Planted Forest by Ward; Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Forest plantation
Ward Natural forest reserve area (ha) Percent Percent
area (ha)
Igwachanya 8,036.0 8.3 206 1.0
Wanging’ombe 2,988.3 3.1 4 0.0
Makoga 400.5 0.4 3915 18.4
Ulembwe 121.0 0.1 3205 15.0
Kipengere 4,700.0 4.8 5502 25.8
Saja 8,968.5 9.2 1.5 0.0
Uhambule 340.0 0.3 7 0.0
Kidugala 7,265.5 7.5 862 4.0
Luduga 11,289.2 11.6 5 0.0
Ilembula 3,600.0 3.7 17 0.1
Mdandu 5,223.4 5.4 730 3.4
Igima 1,800.5 1.8 225 1.1
Itulahumba 3,200.0 3.3 180 0.8
Imalinyi 6,186.1 6.4 1615 7.6
Wangama 4,900.0 5.0 1982 9.3
Malangali 8,200.0 8.4 3 0.0
Uhenga 8,131.4 8.4 1.5 0.0
Usuka 6,200.0 6.4 6 0.0
Udonja 3,400.0 3.5 2 0.0
Igosi 230.0 0.2 2831 13.3
Kijombe 2,144.1 2.2 5 0.0
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
i) Forest Products
Table 3.16 indicates that in five years period from 2012 to 2016 the district raised a total of 13,761,526
tree seedlings which averaged annually at 2,752,305. A remarkable number of tree seedlings counted at
3,704,899 (26.9 percent of all tree seedlings raised in the district) was raised in 2015. The lowest
number of tree seedlings counted at 1,842,376 (13.4 percent of all tree seedlings raised in the district)
were raised in 2016. By raising a total of 3,480,913 tree seedlings (25.3 percent of the total tree
seedlings raised in the district), Kipengere was number one ward followed by Makoga ward (2,786,426
seedlings, 20.2 percent), Ulembwe ward (2,097,384 seedlings, 15.2 percent), Wangama ward
(1,481,845 seedlings, 10.8 percent) and Imalinyi ward (1,150,921 seedlings, 8.4 percent).Over the five
years period from 2012 to 2016, Uhenga ward raised the least number of tree seedlings (270).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 16: Number of Tree Seedlings Raised byWard, Wanging’ombe District; 2012– 2016
Ward 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Percent
Igwachanya 6,871 21,932 5,856 22,229 0 56,888 11378 0.4
Table 3.17 shows the number of NGOs and Development Partners that have been involved in
environmental conservation through different approaches in the district. The only NGO available is in
Igwachanya ward where the district office is located.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 17: Number of NGOs and Development Partners Involved inEnvironmental Conservation by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Igwachanya 1 3
Igima 0 5
Wangama 0 4
Igosi 0 3
Makoga 0 3
Ulembwe 0 3
Kipengere 0 1
Imalinyi 0 2
Kidugala 0 1
Mdandu 0 3
Luduga 0 4
Wanging’ombe 0 2
Kijombe 0 2
Total 1 36
Source: District Executive officer, Natural resources department, Wanging’ombe District; 2017
3.3.3 Beekeeping
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 3. 18: Number of Traditional Beehives by Ward; Wanging’ombe District; 2012 - 2016
Change in number of beehives from 2012 - 2016
Ward 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number Percent change
Wanging'ombe 1,814 1,909 2,010 2,116 2,227 413 22.8
Imalinyi 192 202 213 224 236 44 2.4
Ulembwe 11 11 12 12 13 2 0.1
Makoga 20 21 22 23 24 4 0.2
Kipengele 9 9 10 10 11 2 0.1
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 264 278 292 308 324 60 3.3
Saja 116 123 129 136 143 27 1.5
Igosi 24 26 27 29 30 6 0.3
Mdandu 220 231 244 257 270 50 2.8
Igwachanya 116 122 128 135 142 26 1.4
Itulahumba 83 87 92 97 102 19 1.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Ilembula 42 45 47 49 52 10 0.6
Igima 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Total 2,911 3,064 3,226 3,396 3,574 663 36.5
Source: District Executive officer, Natural resources department, Wanging’ombe District; 2017
Table 3.18 a: Number of Modern Beehives by Ward; Wanging’ombe District; 2012 - 2016
Change in number of beehives from 2012 - 2016
Ward 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Number Percent change
Wanging'ombe 387 407 429 475 500 113 29.2
Imalinyi 180 189 199 220 232 52 28.9
Ulembwe 192 202 213 236 248 56 29.2
Makoga 271 285 300 333 350 79 29.2
Kipengele 8 8 9 10 10 2 25.0
Wangama 49 51 54 60 63 14 28.6
Kidugala 112 118 124 138 145 33 29.5
Luduga 56 59 62 68 72 16 28.6
Saja 36 38 40 45 47 11 30.6
Igosi 40 42 45 49 52 12 30.0
Mdandu 129 136 143 159 167 38 29.5
Igwachanya 39 42 44 48 51 12 30.8
Itulahumba 97 102 107 119 125 28 28.9
Malangali 15 16 17 19 20 5 33.3
Ilembula 57 60 63 70 74 17 29.8
Igima 37 39 41 46 48 11 29.7
Total 1,705 1,794 1,890 2,095 2,204 499 29.3
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive officer, Natural resources department, Wanging’ombe District; 2017
3.3.4 Fishery
Fishing is not an economic activity in the district.Besides, small scale fishing is being done by very
few individuals for consumption. Lihogosa dam in Igima ward and man made dams owned by
individuals are few sources of fishing in Wanging’ombe. On the other hand, to meet fish demand,
fish from Lake Nyasa (Ludewa), Lake Rukwa (in Rukwa region) and Mbalali (in Mbeya region) are
regularly imported to the district.
3.3.5 Wildlife
Wildlife is among the natural resources products which the district has endowed. Mpanga-
Kipengere is the only game reserve seen in Wanging’ombe district. It lies partly in Wanging’ombe
and Makete districts. The reserve covers an area of 1,574 at an altitude of 1,800 to 2,300
meters above sea level and is very rich in both fauna and flora. Twenty eight species of indigenous
mammals representing 17 families in woodland are among the species living in the reserve. Apart
from mammals, a large number of birds, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies and tree species are also
found in the reserve.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Mpanga-Kipengere Game Reserve being the source of many rivers that feed into the Great Ruaha
River and Usangu wetlands, several initiatives have been taken to ensure the reserve’s natural
biodiversty is protected. This is mainly done by Tanzania wildlife authority by conducting an
inventory of the reserve’s biodiversity, developing reforestation activities as well as working with
local communities to create community awareness on the importance of natural resources
conservation and management.
Though Wanging’ombe district is rich with flora and fauna in Mpanga-Kipengere game reserve,
little has been done to promote wildlife tourism. Regading to this, it is important for the District
Authority in collaboration with TANAPA to take initiatives of promoting tourist atractions
available in the district.
Historical places are other tourists’ attractions which upon promotion would attract both local and
foreign tourism to the district. The district has a number of historical places such as Nyumbanyitu
natural forest, Lwivala rock, Fulanyingi Mountain, Mdandu historical site and old Lutheran church
at Kidugala.
Nyumbanyitu natural forest (traditionally known asblackhouse).The forest was established 300
years ago as burial place for early ancestors (Tegeta-Bena). Historically, thelocation of the forest
carries the history of almost all the major ethnic groups of southern highland of Tanzania. Big caves
that can be seen in the forest had a capacity of accommodating about 100 people during traditional
rituals and other important events. During colonial era, the caves were also used by the chiefs as
hiding place during the wars. Different tree spicies as well as black chicken associated with rituals
living in this forest make the area potential for cultural and photographic tourism, walking safaris
within the caves as well as potential for research undertakings.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Nyumbanitu (black house) reserved forest and big cave within the forest
Lwivala rock: This is located in Igodivaha village in Imalinyi ward. The rock has unique shape
with structure that bears the shape of the African map.However, it is not known who structured the
Lutheran church: This is in Kidugala village and is more than 100 years old. The church attracts
many tourists particulary Germans. Within the church, Germans discovered documents detailing the
history of Bena people during German colonial era in Tanzania as well as involvement of Bena
people during Maji Maji war.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Mdandu cultural historical centre: Mdandu was the collection point for people who were
captured as slaves in Njombe district (now Wanging’ombe district). From this point slaves started
journey through Wanging’ombe and Saja divisions to Malangali (Mufindi district) then to East
African Coast town of Bagamoyo for shiping to European countries. Potential historical site
viewings in Mdandu areGerman boma, old German court, slave route, Bena residence market and
Mdzombe treewhich make the origin of the name ‘Njombe’.
Fulanyingi Mountains: Fulanyingi Mountains which are part of Mpanga Kipengere Game Reserve
are located in Wangama ward. The highlands mark the highest point for both Wanging’ombe and
Njombe Districts and constitute important catchments and biodiversity value. It is believed that
there are about 198 water sources. Apart from catchment’s value, one can make a panoramic view
of most places in the district.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
i) Agro-forestry
Sustainable agro-forestry is an area the district can take advantage of. Afforestation programmes
can be established for environmentalconservation in the district.
ii) Beekeeping
Presence of miombo woodlands provides the district with a great range of beekeeping potentials.
People organized in groups can make beekeeping a part-time activity and an alternative source of
income for low income earners in the district. However, investments in this sub-sector can be
made as follows:
Medium scale investors; these are private companies or individuals with adequate resources who
can invest profitably in this sub sector by using modern technology. These kind of investors should
be encouraged so as to tap the full potential of this sector; and
Small scale bee keepers; these include individual households in the district. They could be
developed by being trained in modern bee-keeping, a practice which involves the use of modern
beehives instead of the traditional ones. Likewise, the Government and other development partners
in the district should think of introducing micro-credit schemes to bee-keepers so as to enable them
purchase modern beehives and other necessary gear for this important economic activity.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Initiaves of promoting tourists attractions in the district should go hand in hand with improvement
of road infrastructures, investment in accommodation facilities (guest houses, lodges and hotels) as
well as banking services (by the end of year 2016, CRDB were the only bank operating in the
district). Nevertheless, tarmac road from Dar es Salam to Tunduma (Mbeya) then to Zambia which
crosses in the district as well as Tanzania Zambia Railway line, all provide reliable means of
transport between the Wanging’ombe district with neighbouring districts, regions and also big cities
like Dar es Salam.
v) Environmental conservation
Investment in the planting and supply of seedlings is essential in the district in order to balance the
state of afforestation and deforestation that is going on in the district. Wanging’ombe districtto
some extent faces the problem of depletion of forest cover due to firewood and charcoal burning.
Investment is also needed in providing education in agro forestry and forest resource management.
vi) Fisheries
Though there is no adequate number of natural water bodies in Wanging’ombe that can facilitate
fishing activities, establishment of man made dams would increase fishing activities in the district
as well as income of the people. Therefore, dynamic and well-funded fisheries programs are needed
for fishers in Wanging’ombe district to transform the income and nutrition status of those
3. 6 Mining Sector
No minerals have been spotted in Wanging’ombe district other than sand and quarries.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Industry sector is very important in the economy. It is a foreign exchange earner and the main
source of employment. Figure 3.9 and Table 3.19 show that by 2016 Wanging’ombe district had a
total of 263 small scale industries. Of the total industries, maize milling accounted for 70.0 percent
and was the dominant industry followed by carpentry (19.4 percent) and sunflower processing
industry (8.0 percent). At ward level, majority of industries were concentrated in Ilembula ward (42
industries) or 16.0 percent of all industries in the district. With a total of 31 industires or 11.8
percent of the district total industries, Igwachanya was the second ward whilst Wanging’ombe the
third (21 industries, 8.0 percent). Furthermore, Kibena Tea Company is the only large scale industry
available in the district.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: Wanging’ombe District Executive officer, Trade and Industry Department; 2017
Table 3.19: Number of Small Scale Industries by Type and Ward; Wanging’ombeDC; 2016
Maize Groundnuts
oil Total
Ward Garage Carpentry Milling Pilling Welding Percent
processing Industries
machines Milling
Igima - - 4 15 - - 19 7.2
Igosi - 1 - 15 - - 16 6.1
Usuka 2 - 1 22 - - 25 9.5
Ilembula 9 - 11 18 - 4 42 16.0
Kijombe - - 2 24 - - 26 9.9
Kipengere - - 9 12 - - 21 8.0
Malangali - - 2 12 - - 14 5.3
Uhenga 3 - 2 13 - - 18 6.8
Wanging'ombe 3 - 3 15 - - 21 8.0
Saja - - 5 2 - 7 2.7
Udonja - - 3 10 - - 13 4.9
Luduga - - 4 6 - - 10 3.8
Igwachanya 4 - 10 17 - - 31 11.8
Total 21 1 51 184 2 4 263 100.0
Percent 8.0 0.4 19.4 70.0 0.8 1.5 100.0
Source: Wanging’ombe District Executive officer, Trade and IndustryDepartment; 2017
It was observed that agriculture activity is the main economic base and also the source of
establishment of many industries in the district. This means that improvement of agriculture sector
through ‘Agriculture First Policy’ will have direct impact on industrial sector development in
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The basis for industrial development in Wanging’ombe district council has been agriculture
products. There is still room for establishment of small and medium scale agro-based industries
such as milling, sunflower oil processing and sawmilling of forest timber and the establishment of
carpentry and joinery workshops. On the other hand, presence of adequate natural and planted
forests provide condusive environment for beekeeping. Therefore, promotion of commercial honey
production is another area of investment.On top of that, the district council can be a potential area
for industrial development as is connected with other regions of the country with railywaline and
tarmac roads which can facilitate easy transportation of rawmaterials, goods and services to/from
the council. Tanzania Zambia Railway Line (TAZARA) which crosses the council from Dar es
Salaam to Mbeya and Zambia, trunk roads from Dar es Salaam to Mbeya, Malawi and also to
Zambia and the other from Dar es Salaam to Ruvuma Region which also crosses in Wanging’ombe
DC provide better opportunity for transportation of goods and services to/from the Wanging’ombe
District Council to other regions in the country. Nevertheless, Wanging’ombe District Council is
also easily accessed to Dodoma (the capital city of Tanzania) and other central and western regions
of Tanzania via tarmac road which crosses the council from Mbeya/Ruvuma via Iringa to Dodoma
which extended to other central and western regions of Tanzania like Singida, Shinyanga, Mwanza
and Tabora.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Economic Infrastructures
4.0 Introduction
Chapter four describes the existing economic infrastructure in Wanging’ombe DC. It covers the
road network in terms of road classification, type of road
surface condition and passability. Others include
telecommunication; which covers postal services,
internets, mobile phones, radio stations and television
facilities. In the energy sector developments, hydro-
electricity services, biogas, solar panels, fuel wood and
fossil fuels are examined.
Roads like blood arteries in the body are very instrumental in stimulating social and economic
development of any district council. Thus, for a successful council economic management, the
District Council Authority and the Government in particular, need to place more emphasis on roads
In Wanging’ombe DC, road transportation is the major type of transportation for people and goods
within and outside the council. It is one of the key sub-sectors that are responsible for sustainable
development and poverty reduction initiatives in the council.Wanging’ombe DC is served by trunk
roads, regional roads, district/urban roads and feeder roads. Table 4.1 shows the length of road
network by ward and by type of which there was a total road network of 1,707.5 km in 2016
compared to 1,595.5 in 2013 (an increase of 112 km).
The roads that are maintained by the central government are classified as trunk or regional roads,
while those that are maintained by the district council are called district orurban roads; the rest of
the roads are called peripheral roads or feeder roads and are mostly maintained by Village/Mitaa
communities. Table 4.1 shows that about 239 km (14 percent of total road network) were
trunk/regional roads, district roads were 271.4 km (16 percent). Feeder roads which are the true
arteries of the economy constituted 1,197 km or 70 percent of cumulative total length of all roads in
the council.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 4.1 further reveals that Saja ward had the longest kilometers (158.5 km), equivalent to nine
percent of the total road length in the councilfollowed by Kipengere (114.4 km) and Kijombe
(120.2 km) while Uduga ward had the shortest kilometers (42 km or two percent).
Table 4. 1: Length of Road Network by Ward and Grade, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Grade (km)
Trunk Regional District/Urban Feeder Total
Ilembula 10.0 0.0 18.0 46.6 74.6
Malangali 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.8 51.8
Wangama 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.3 89.3
Makoga 0.0 6.7 11.0 36.2 53.9
Igima 12.7 17.0 0.0 38.8 68.5
Luduga 0.0 30.2 0.0 43.4 73.6
Kidugala 0.0 0.0 52.6 41.2 93.8
Saja 0.0 0.0 36.0 122.5 158.5
Itulahumba 3.0 0.0 12.0 42.0 57.0
Kipengere 0.0 23.0 21.0 70.4 114.4
Imalinyi 0.0 0.0 16.0 80.8 96.8
Usuka 0.0 5.0 0.0 56.0 61.0
Igwachanya 0.0 16.4 0.0 56.8 73.2
Uhenga 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.9 73.9
Udonja 0.0 0.0 32.0 10.0 42.0
Ulembwe 0.0 8.5 22.4 57.4 88.3
Uhambule 7.9 43.0 6.0 17.0 73.9
Kijombe 0.0 0.0 38.0 82.2 120.2
Wanging’ombe 20.0 11.0 0.0 46.7 77.7
Mdandu 0.0 16.0 0.0 83.3 99.3
Igosi 0.0 8.8 6.4 50.4 65.6
Total 53.6 185.6 271.4 1,196.9 1,707.5
Source: Wanging’ombe DC Council (Infrastructure Department), 2017
The grade of road surface to a large extent examines the improvement of the road to guarantee the
durability and passability in all seasons. Under this aspect,
further analysis has been made on surface condition of the
roads in terms of tarmac, gravel and earth. Table 4.2
shows the length of road network by grade of road surface
in Wanging’ombe DC. The table reveals that
Wanging’ombe DC has only about 68 km of tarmac road.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
About 301 kilometers (17.6 percent) are gravel roads and 1,338 kilometers (78.4 percent) are earth
roads. Since more than three quarters of the roads in Wanging’ombe DC road network are earth
roads we can therefore say that most of the roads are poor. The responsible authority is therefore
alerted to take immediate measures to improve the road condition to enable reliable communication
within the council and its neighbors.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Roadworthiness during the rainy season is the measure of the effectiveness of the road network. By
having more than half (1,502 km or 88 percent) of its road network passable throughout the year,
Wanging’ombe DC has managed to achieve a near
satisfactory improvement (Table 4.3). However,
based on the data in Table 4.3, improving condition
of road network should focus first in the most
disadvantaged wards (i.e. wards which have less than
fifty percent of their road networks passable
throughout the year). Unfortunately there is no ward
which has less than 50 percent of its road network
passable throughout the year. Eleven wards have
their entire road network passable throughout the year (i.e. 100 percent), which are: - Ilembula,
Makoga, Liduga, Itulambula, Usuka, Igwachanya, Uhenga, Udonja, Uhambule, Mdandu and Igosi.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 4.4 highlights road connections and road links which connect the Wanging’ombe DC with the
vicinity. As the table depicts most of the roads are in good condition which are easily passable in all
seasons. In this respect, the roads need to be taken care of to ease transportation of goods and
services to the rural population in the council.
Table 4. 4: Major Road Connections and Road link, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Major Inter - District Road Length of Road link in Quality of road
Type of Road
Connections kms. surface
Igwachanya -Njombe 45 Good Regional /district- Gravel
Igwachanya - Makambako 42 Good Regional - Gravel
Source: Wanging’ombe District Council (Works Department), 2017
Table 4. 5: Railway Services by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council, 2012, 2013 and 2016
Railway Services
No. Stations Cargo Services (Tons) No. of Passengers
2012 2013 2016 2012 2013 2016
Wanging’ombe 1
170 164 154 1,429 1,789 2,346
Total 1 170 164 154 1,429 1,789 2,346
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Infrastructure Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 4.6 below shows the air services by ward in Wanging’ombe DC. The table shows that there is
no airport in the council but there is only one airstrip which is located in Ilembula ward. In general,
it can be said that air service is not active in this council since though there is one airstrip, there are
no scheduled service performed. Most of the aircrafts that land there are those used by flying
doctors who come to Ilembula Lutheran Hospital for assigned duties.
4.4 Telecommunications
The council does not enjoy internet services but telephone services (cellular phone services) and
sub-postal services (Table 4.7). Peripheral areas access only cellular phone services though with
difficulties in network coverage. Unfortunately, there is no radio station operating in the district
council and there are no television stations in the council as well. The estimated network coverage
by different mobile telephone operators can be seen in Table 4.7.
Various sources of energy are being used in the district for domestic and commercial purposes.
These include electricity, solar, firewood and charcoal. Electricity is available in very few wards
that have semi-urban characteristics.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
4.5.1 Electricity
Electricity as energy is very important and much needed for economic development and where it is
lacking, it becomes very difficult to engage in meaningful industrial development. TANESCO has
been the sole supplier of electricity in the council. There are only 13 wards in Wanging’ombe DC
which benefit electricity energy from TANESCO though not in every village compared to six in
2013.Even in the villages where there is electricity not all households are connected. A plan is
underway to expand the coverage in more wards and villages with the help of the Rural Energy
Agency (REA). There are no data available concerning the number of TANESCO customers or
villages with electricity for Wanging’ombe DC but data from the 2012 Population and Housing
Census show that about 3.8 percent of the population was using electricity for lighting.
Fuel wood is a dominant source of energy for domestic consumption. The main use of fuel wood
has been for cooking and lighting and this makes wood
consumption very high in the district. The 2012 Population
and Housing Census Njombe Region profile revealed that
about 83.4 per cent of the households were using firewood
as their main source of energy for cooking in Njombe
region. The census data also show that about 95.3 percent of
the households in Wanging’ombe DC used firewood as the
main source of energy for cooking while 1.4 percent was
using it for lighting. This is may seem hard to believe.
These consumption levels given by the 2012 Population and Housing Census threaten the existence
of forests since it seems to exceed the regenerative capacity of existing forests. Alternatives to fuel
woodneed better be found soon if the council forests are to be saved from depletion on a
progressive scale.
There is no usage of biogas in the district council, but can be used as an alternative source of energy
for cooking in order to reduce the excessive use of fuel wood. Likewise, solar energy is now used as
alternative source of energy in some parts of Wanging’ombe DC. To date there is no accurate data
on the number of solar and generator users, however, it is estimated that there was at least a solar
panel or privately owned generator in a few wards in the district council in 2016 especially wards
like Igima, Kijombe, Makoga, Kipengere, Imalinyi, Saja, Ulembwe and Mdandu. Nevertheless, the
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
district council should continue encouraging people to use these sources of energy as alternatives to
fuel wood and charcoal in order to reduce the pressure being exerted on forests by the local people.
The 2012 Population and Housing Census Njombe Region report indicated that 0.5 percent of the
households in Njombe region used kerosene/paraffin for cooking in the region while about 0.4
percent used it in Wanging;ombe DC. The results further revealed that the percentage of households
that used the various sources of energy for lighting in the council was categorized as follows:
electricity (3.8 percent), hurricane lamp (47.7 percent), wick lamp (27.4 percent), and acetylene (1.9
percent), firewood (1.4), torch (12.4 percent) and solar (4.4 percent).
With only 88 percent of total road length of the district council being passable throughout the year,
more improvement of road infrastructures is recommended. The improved road will have multiplier
effect such as increase transportation of goods and social services and improve social welfare of the
Wanging’ombe DC people. Moreover, as the majority of Wanging’ombe DC population use
firewood and charcoal for cooking and with only about four percent using electricity for lighting,
initiatives are needed to find alternative source of energy for cooking and lighting so as to reduce
destruction rate of forest cover. In addition to that, REA should be supported in the distribution of
electricity so as to reduce the cost of connection and sales especially in rural areas in order to
increase the number of electricity users.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Social Services
5.0 Introduction
This chapter discusses the status of social services that are available in Wanging’ombe district and
cover the development of health sector in terms of preventive and curative measures through
morbidity, mortality, and reportable communicable diseases. It also covers measures taken on
HIV/AIDS prevalence, communicable diseases, mother and child health as well as the existing
health infrastructure and practitioners.
Education is the second sector discussed in this chapter. It highlights education performance based
on the increase of school facilities; pre-primary, primary and secondary educations infrastructure
including classrooms, teachers, desks, teachers’ houses, toilets, dormitories, library and
laboratories. It also discusses the quality of education on intake rates, completion rates, pass rates
and literacy rates and others related quality aspects.
Water supply and sanitation is also discussed in this chapter. Performance of water supply of
Wanging’ombe district highlighted in terms of sources, technology and capacity of water supply.
However, sanitation level at Wanging’ombe district is also briefly explained.
The status of public health services in any district can be visualised through the health
infrastructure, availability and commitments of health practitioners, implementation of preventive
and curative measures and availability of medicine and equipment.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
of the health facilities are publicly owned is an indication of poor participation of private sector in
the provision of health service in the district (Figure 5.1).
Figure 5. 1: Distribution and Trend of Health facilities by Type,
Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
The available health facilities in Wanging’ombe district, according to WHO standards and national
health policy, falls below both International and National Standards as well as Policy requirement.
In 2016, the district had only 2 public health centres as well as 39 dispensaries.With a total of 108
villages this resulted to a ratio of one dispensary per 2 villages, while the Health Policy requires
each dispensary to serve a village. The situation was worse on health centres policy which requires
each ward to have a health centre facility. Only 2 out 21 wards had health centres which resulted to
have a ratio of 5 wards per each health centre (Table 5.1).
Table 5.1 shows that Imalinyi division had the best ratios of 2.3 wards per health centre and 2
villages per dispensary followed by Mdandu with only 2 villages per dispensary, while
Wanging’ombe though has a district hospital was poorly endowed with health facilities since it had
only a health centre per 9 wards and 4.8 villages for each dispensary. As a result the District had
ratios of at most 11 wards per health centre and 3 villages per dispensary. This is an indication of
significant deficit on curative and preventive measures in most areas of Wanging’ombe district.
Table 5. 1: Relating Health Facilities to the Ward and Village by Division, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 2: Relating Health Facilities (Dispensaries) to the Village by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
The available official health facilities were not enough to serve the ever growing population of
Wanging’ombe district; the council has made significant efforts in the establishment of primary
rural health centres to complement the existing facilities in all wards. Table 5.3 shows that the
District has recognised 57 traditional medical practitioners allocated in Imalinyi (10), Mdandu (16)
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
and Wanging’ombe (31) divisions which makes an average of 2 villages per practitioner and
establish 209 village health workers with an average of 2 health workers per village.
Table 5. 4: Relating Health Facilities to the Population by Division, Wanging’ombe District, 2010 and 2012
2010 2012
Mean Mean
Division h.f.s. per h.f.s. per
Total Total No Average Total Total No Average
10,000 10,000
Pop. of h.f.s Population Pop. of h.f.s Population
People People
per h.f.s per h.f.s
Wanging'ombe 66,417 12 5,535 1.8 65,226 12 5,436 1.8
Mdandu 50826 14 3,630 2.8 45462 14 3,247 3.1
Imalinyi 59,174 18 3,287 3 51128 18 2,840 3.5
Total 176,417 44 4,009 2.5 161,816 44 3,678 2.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.5 shows that Wangama ward had best coverage of health facilities which accounted for
2,162persons per facility with average of 4.6 facilities per 10,000 people in 2010 while
Wanging’ombe had the worst coverage with 21,988 people per facilty or 0.5 facility per 10,00,000
persons in 2010. The rest of the wards had ratios ranging from 3,989 persons per facility to 19,812
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
persons per facility. The District had done improvement by reducing average population per
facility. Makoga had the best average population per facility (1,661) followed by Igima (2,872
people per facility with an average of 7.2 facilities per 10,000 people) and Mdandu (3,222 people
per facility with an average of 5.2 facilities per 10,000 people), while Wangama, Kidugala, Usuka,
Kipengere and Kijombe wards had worse average of less than a facility per 10,000 people (Table
Table 5. 5: Relating Health Facilities to the Population by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2010 and 2012
2010 2012
Ward Total Mean h.f.s. per h.f.s. per
Total No Average
Total Pop. No of Average Pop. 10,000 Total Pop. 10,000
of h.f.s Pop. per
h.f.s per h.f.s People People
Ilembula 18,174 3 6,058 1.7 15,642 3 5,214 4.7
Waging’ombe 21,988 1 21,988 0.5 12,115 1 12,115 1.2
Saja 11,876 3 3,959 2.5 11,469 3 3,823 3.4
Kijombe * 1 ** ** 8,025 1 8,025 0.8
Uhambule * 2 ** ** 6,028 2 3,014 1.2
Luduga 14,379 2 7,190 1.4 11,947 2 5,974 1.2
Mdandu 31,014 4 7,754 1.3 12,886 4 3,222 5.2
Usuka 19,812 1 19,812 0.5 6,146 1 6,146 0.6
Igwachanya * 4 ** ** 12,067 4 3,017 4.8
Igima * 5 ** ** 14,363 5 2,873 7.2
Imalinyi 28,004 3 9,335 1.1 8,529 3 2,843 2.6
Kidugala * 2 ** ** 4,838 2 2,419 0.5
Ulembwe * 2 ** ** 10,883 2 5,442 1.1
Igosi 26,846 3 8,949 1.1 7,204 3 2,401 2.2
Kipengere * 1 ** ** 7,273 1 7,273 0.7
Makoga * 5 ** ** 8,303 5 1,661 4.2
Wangama 4,324 2 2,162 4.6 4,098 2 2,049 0.4
Total 176,417 44 4,009 2.5 161,816 44 3,678 2.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2014
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
divisions. The ratio is more significant when compared to medical doctors since the district had 5
doctors, 10 Assistant medical officers and 23 clinical officers by 2012.
Table 5. 6: Distribution of Doctors among Population by Division, Wanging’ombe District, 2010 and 2012
2010 2012
Table 5. 7: The Number of Hospital Beds and Average Population per Bed by Division, Wanging’ombe District, 2010 and
2010 2012
Division Total No. of Population per Total No. of Population per
Population Beds Bed Population Beds Bed
Wanging'ombe 66,417 314 212 65,226 316 206
Mdandu 50,826 6 8,471 45,462 7 6,495
Imalinyi 59,174 6 9,862 51,128 7 7,304
Total 176,417 326 541 161,816 330 490
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
was in 2012, Table 5.8 shows that besides medical attendants (at 34.7%), health personnel were
dominated by trained nurse and midwives (27.6 percent) followed by assistant clinical officers (7.1
percent) and clinical assistants (4.6 percent) in 2016. There was still a shortage of specialized
carders including specialized medical doctors, pharmacists, radiographers, laboratory technicians
and health officers. As a result, most of complicated disease cases are referred to the Regional
Hospital in Njombe.
Table 5. 8: Type and Number of Medical Personnel by Sex, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Male Female
Medical Personnel Male Female Total Percent
Percent Percent
Specialist Doctors 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Medical doctors 4 100.0 0 0.0 4 1.7
Ass. Medical Officers 2 100.0 0 0.0 2 0.8
Clinical Officers 6 54.5 5 45.5 11 4.6
Ass. Clinical Officers 11 64.7 6 35.3 17 7.1
Dental Surgeon 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Ass. Dental Officer 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Dental Therapist 2 100.0 0 0.0 2 0.8
Pharmacists 0 0.0 1 0.0 0 0.0
Pharmaceutical Technicians 2 66.7 1 33.3 3 1.3
Pharmaceutical Assistant 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Laboratory Technicians 2 100.0 0 0.0 2 0.8
Laboratory Ass. 2 28.6 5 71.4 7 2.9
Radiologist 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Radiographer 1 100.0 0 0.0 1 0.4
Radiographic Assistant 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Nursing Officers 4 16.0 21 84.0 25 10.5
Trained Nurse/NM/PHN 7 10.6 59 89.4 66 27.6
MCHA 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Medical Attendants 8 9.6 75 90.4 83 34.7
Health Officers 1 100.0 0 0.0 1 0.4
Health Assistants 7 87.5 1 12.5 8 3.3
Health Secretaries 0 0.0 2 100.0 2 0.8
Other Medical Carders 4 80.0 1 20.0 5 2.1
Total 63 26.4 177 74.1 239 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
5.1.2 Morbidity
The health sector aims at solving the problem of morbidity or sicknesses along with mortality and
these are the key targets of any health service development effort. In order to take care of morbidity,
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
the government must have an inventory of these health problems. The inventory shows that the ten
most commonly reported causes of illnesses are those given in Table 5.9.
Out of the 1,296,350 out-patients recorded in 2014, 73.0 percent were suffering from one or the
other of the first five illnesses. In 2016 the first five causes of morbidity accounted to 83.5 percent
of recorded 1,385,917 out-patients. In 2014 ARI ranked first as a cause of morbidity in
Wanging’ombe District. Malaria ranked second and the third disease in ranking was UTI. The
fourth and fifth diseases were upper respiratory infections and intestinal worms respectively (Table
Observations made in 2016 were slightly different to those of 2014 as regards ranking and rates to
the first five diseases. The report reveals that upper respiratory infections ranked first with a total of
399,552 (28.8 percent) of out-patients, followed by Malaria (22.9 percent) and UTI (19.2 percent)
ranked third. Fourth and fifth diseases were intestine worms (6.6 percent) and pneumonia (6.0
percent) respectively (Table 5.9). One general observation from the data is a mushrooming of
modern diseases such as hypertensions and GIT.
Table 5. 9: List of the Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (Out Patients), Wanging’ombe District, 2014
and 2016
2014 2016
S/No. Number of Percent Number of Percent
Disease Disease
Cases Cases Cases Cases
1 ARI 260,429 20.1 Upper Respiratory Infection 399,552 28.8
2 Malaria 237,916 18.4 Malaria 316,784 22.9
3 UTI 177,275 13.7 UTI 266,555 19.2
4 Upper Respiratory Infection 167,256 12.9 Intestinal Worms 91,481 6.6
5 Intestinal Worms 103,298 8.0 Pneumonia 83,473 6.0
Sub Total 946,174 73.0 1,157,845 83.5
6 Diarrhoea, Acute 103,010 7.9 Surgical Condition 49,938 3.6
7 Pneumonia 101,442 7.8 Hypertension 49,414 3.6
8 Surgical Condition 55,110 4.3 GIT other Non-Infection 46,652 3.4
9 Skin Infection, Fungal 55,097 4.3 Skin Infection, Non - Fungal 45,970 3.3
10 GIT other Non-Infection 35,513 2.7 Skin Infection, Fungal 36,098 2.6
Total 1,296,350 100.0 1,385,917 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medicals Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5.10 shows that the dominant cause of morbidity for inpatients of all ages in 2016 as it was in
2014, was Malaria. Table 5.10 also shows that out of 646,990 reported cases in 2014, 77.0 percent
were caused by the first five diseases and Malaria was ranked number one with 35.9 percent of total
cases. It was followed by pneumonia (12.3 percent), UTI (11.2 percent), acute diarrhea (9.8
percent) and anaemia (7.8 percent).
In 2016, with 41.9 percent out of 59,066 occurrences, again, malaria was the first disease that
causes morbidity for in-patients of all ages in Wanging’ombe district. It was followed by UTI (10.7
percent), diarrhoea (8.5 percent), pneumonia (8.0 percent) and anaemia (6.4 percent). The rest of
reported diseases for in-patients in Wanging’ombe accounted for only 18.6 percent (Table 5.10).
Table 5. 10: List of the Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Morbidity (In patients), Wanging’ombe District, 2014
and 2016
2014 2016
S/No. Number Percent Number Percent
Disease Disease
of Cases Cases of Cases Cases
1 Malaria 232,563 35.9 Malaria 24,778 41.9
2 Pneumonia, Non Severe 79,393 12.3 UTI 6,341 10.7
3 UTI 72,571 11.2 Diarrhoea 5,012 8.5
4 Diarrhoea, Acute 63,249 9.8 Pneumonia 4,722 8.0
5 Anaemia, Non Severe 50,209 7.8 Anaemia, Severe 3,793 6.4
Sub Total 497,985 77.0 Sub Total 44,646 75.6
6 Anaemia, Mild/Moderate 42,723 6.6 Hypertension 3,714 6.3
7 Pneumonia, Severe 40,496 6.3 Upper Respiratory Infection 3,177 5.4
8 Hypertension IPD 33,322 5.2 Neonatal Septcemia 2,964 5.0
9 Upper Respiratory Infection 30,017 4.6 HIV Infection Symptomatic 2,380 4.0
10 Fracture IPD 2,447 0.4 Gastro Intestinal Diseases 2,185 3.7
Total 646,990 100.0 Total 59,066 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
5.1.3 Mortality
According to the district medical office, causes of deaths in Wanging’ombe has shifted from
traditional diseases such as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhea and other related diseases to modern type
of diseases, including heart failure, hypertension and clinical AIDS. Table 5.11 shows that a
dominant cause of mortality for in-patients of all ages in 2010 was heart failure. Table 5.11 also
shows that out of 131 reported deaths in 2014, 101 (equivalent to 77.1 percent) were caused the first
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
five diseases, of which heart failure accounted for 21.4 percent, followed by Malaria (20.6 percent),
pneumonia (16.8 percent), seticaemia (10.7 percent) and clinical AIDs (7.6 percent).
In 2016, mortality for in-patients of all ages again was mainly heart failure (23.7 percent) followed
by pneumonia (21.1 percent), Encephalitis (10.5 percent), Malaria (7.9 percent) and Tuberculosis
(7.9 percent). Lack of information on hospital records at ward level have given limitation of
analysis at grass – root level which is advocated by the Decentralization by Devolution Policy (D
by D Policy) and limit the sector department to understand the performance of health sector on
curative and preventive measures done at grass – root level. Therefore, there is a need of
strengthening the data collection system of health (MTUHA).
Table 5. 11: List of the Ten Most Commonly Reported Causes of Mortality (In Patients Only), 2014 and 2016
2014 2016
S/No. Number of Percent Number of Percent
Disease Disease
Cases Cases Cases Cases
1 Heart Failure 28 21.4 Heart Failure 18 23.7
2 Malaria 27 20.6 Pneumonia 16 21.1
3 Pneumonia 22 16.8 Encephalitis 8 10.5
4 Septicemia 14 10.7 Malaria 6 7.9
5 HIV/AIDS 10 7.6 TB 6 7.9
Sub Total 101 77.1 Sub Total 54 71.1
6 Encephalitis 11 8.4 Diarrhoea 6 7.9
7 TB 9 6.9 HIV/AIDS 6 7.9
8 Diarrhoea 5 3.8 Hypertension 4 5.3
9 Acute Flaccid Paralysis 3 2.3 Head Injury 3 3.9
10 Tumour 2 1.5 UTI 3 3.9
Total 131 100.0 Total 76 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
HIV/AIDS Infections
Though there are a number of ways that can be used to measure the extent and trend of the HIV
prevalence among the people, until recently, Wanging’ombe district was able to examine the
prevalent rate of HIV by using VCT approaches, testing blood donors who volunteered and
expectant mothers participating in the PMTCT service. However, the district had not managed to
come up with accurate prevalence rates of HIV/AIDS from all approaches due to lack of health
facilities in each village.
Though data gathered through all three approaches are not reliable means of measuring the
HIV/AIDS prevalence, they give us indicative situation of the problem. Table 5.12 shows the
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 4: Number of Expectant Mothers Participated in the PMTCT and Reported with HIV/AIDS Cases by
Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 12: Number of Expectant Mothers Participated in the PMTCT and Reported with HIV/AIDS Cases
by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
No. of AN
Ward No. Screened No. HIV+ Percent of HIV+
Ulembwe 344 311 27 17.1
Kipengere 181 160 12 9.9
Igosi 202 196 17 8.7
Makoga 237 231 10 19.0
Imalinyi 268 260 20 17.9
Kidugala 202 167 6 4.3
Wangama 137 134 2 2.6
Mdandu 227 219 10 13.1
Igwachanya 442 425 10 10.3
Igima 384 370 17 4.6
Itulahumba 114 109 1 0.9
Usuka 115 115 5 4.3
Wanging’ombe 261 236 5 2.1
Ilembula 659 639 38 10.0
Kijombe 179 164 5 3.1
Saja 199 197 4 3.4
Udonja 110 109 1 2.1
Uhenga 98 81 2 2.5
Uhambule 165 165 1 1.0
Malangali 84 84 2 2.4
Luduga 141 141 5 3.6
Total 4,749 4,513 200 4.4
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Table 5.13 shows that the magnitudes of voluntarily screened persons who are HIV positive differ
from year to year in Wanging’ombe district. This though has been influenced by the number of
VCT centres. In 2012, Wanging’ombe district had a rate of 12.3 percent of HIV positive of 3,792
voluntarily screened persons in the health facilities. Table 5.13 also shows that males had the higher
rate of 12.9 percent compared to females (12 percent). In 2014, again prevalent rate for males was
higher (11.1 percent) than females (9.4 percent) and prevalent rate of HIV infection was higher for
female (3.4 percent) than male (2.9 percent) while the proportion of those treated differs from year
to year. These variations were among other things, attributed to by the level of awareness on the
importance of using ARV from persons reporting to the health facility and absence of services in
each ward.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 13: Number of Persons Voluntary Screened HIV/AIDs and Reported with HIV/AIDS Cases and Those
Receive ARV by Sex, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and 2016
No. of Percent With No. Treated
Year Sex No. Screened Treated with
HIV+ HIV+ with ARV
Male 1,120 145 12.9 106 73.1
2012 Female 2,672 320 12.0 250 78.1
Both Sexes 3,792 465 12.3 356 76.6
Male 3,968 442 11.1 329 74.4
2014 Female 5,930 559 9.4 558 99.8
Both Sexes 9,898 1,001 10.1 887 88.6
Male 27,513 786 2.9 559 71.1
2016 Female 30,115 1,034 3.4 840 81.2
Both Sexes 57,628 1,820 3.2 1,399 76.9
Male 31,481 1,228 3.9 888 72.3
Cumulative Total Female 36,045 1,593 4.4 1,398 87.8
Both Sexes 67,526 2,821 4.2 2,286 81.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
The socio-economic assessment of Wanging’ombe district is not complete without discussing the
extreme challenges caused by HIV/AIDS and the outcome of efforts so far made by various local
and international organisations in combating the epidemic. HIV/AIDS is highlighted in this
document, because it is a major health problem and a leading cause of mortality since its advent at
the end of 1983. The other reason for discussing the epidemic stems from the role it plays in
impoverishing families and generating widows, orphans and vulnerable children due to the loss of
bread-winers in respective families.
The report from the District Medical Office (DMO) qualifies Wanging’ombe as among few districts
with ever increasing rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence in the region. There are socio-economic factors
that account for the rapid spread of the epidemic. Economically, Wanging’ombe people are migrant
labourers and very industrious, who do business in various parts of the country, which makes it easy
for them to engage in sexual relationships. Other reasons include the traditional practice of
prolonged drinking and unsafe sexual practices, polygamy as well as poverty. The poor, especially
young girls who migrate to urban centres end up being domestic workers for sometime before
resorting to prostitution for survival.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
One of the indication of the high prevelance rate in the district is the incidence of widowhood and orphans.
The data gathered in 2012 population census show that Wanging’ombe district was the second highest
council after Makete district with 4.2 percent of its residents reporting being widows while Makambako
town was the least with only 2.5 percent widows. The proportion of the widows was higher than the region
average (Figure 5.2). However, there is a need of conducting a study that will gather current information of
widowed and their problems and causes in order to come up with appropriate measures and solutions.
Source: NBS, the 2012 Population and Housing Census Report, Njombe Region Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, Population Census Reports, the 2012, Njombe Region Socio-Economic Report, 2016
Figure 5.4 shows variations of orphan hood among sexes by survival of parents. The highest incidence of
orphan hood observed to those who lost their fathers (7.7 percent) than those who lost their mothers (2.5
percent) or both parents (2.3 percent). One general observation experienced in these data is that the
proportion of deaths for fathers is higher mother and causes high rates of orphans in the council (figure 5.4).
Unfortunately, the dstrict do not have current data on magnitude and distribution of orphan hood and
particularly, vulnerable children. Therefore, there is a need of conducting a survey to identify the number
and actual status of the most vulnerable children in the district as it has been done in other councils in the
country. Understanding the status of orphans and most vulnerable children will enable the district authority
to adopt policies and strategies that will reduce street children and improve their welfare.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: NBS, Population Census Reports, the 2012, Njombe Region Socio-Economic Report, 2016
5.1.6 Child Nutrition
Children, from the stage of foetus to the age of under - five years and their mothers are the most
vulnerable group in the society. Therefore, reproductive and child health services are the most vital
services in the district. Besides vaccination programme, children are also weighed to reveal how
prevalent is underweight among them and hence the extent of child malnutrition. Nutritional food
intake is associated with child health and therefore, poor diet can result into severe malnutrition
which in turn manifests itself in high infant and child mortality rates.
At division level, Wanging’ombe division had the highest percent of vaccinated expectants mothers
in all referred years, 55.7 percent, 67.7 percent and 73.8 percent in 2012, 2014 and 2016
respectively (Table 5.14). It was followed by Imalinyi (48.6 percent in 2012, 53.8 percent in 2014
and 70.1 percent in 2016). Mdandu division had the lowest coverage of expectant mother who were
vaccinated, with less than a half of targeted expectant mothers in all three years (Table 5.14).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 5: Percent of Expectant Mother Vaccinated TT2 by Division, Wanging’ombe DC, 2012 and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Imalinyi 1,766 859 48.6 2,416 1,301 53.8 2,114 1,482 70.1
Mdandu 1,668 775 46.5 2,026 899 44.4 1,829 905 49.5
Wanging’ombe 2,321 1,293 55.7 2,776 1,879 67.7 2,636 1,945 73.8
Total 5,755 2,927 50.9 7,218 4,079 56.5 6,579 4,332 65.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Variations on percentage of expectant mothers who were vaccinated werealso experienced at ward
levels. With the influence of Ilembula Hospital, a designated district hospital, Ilembula ward had
exceeded the targeted expectant mothers by 93.6 percent (193.6 percent), 43.2 percent (143.2
percent) and 39 percent (139.0 percent) in 2012, 2014 and 2016 respectively. The rest of the wards
managed to vaccinate expectant mothers ranging between 14.3 percent (Kijombe) and 93.3 percent
(Ulembwe) in 2010. In 2012, coverage ranged between 15.5 percent at Uhambule to 78.2 percent at
Ulembwe ward (Table 5.15).
The success of immunisation depends mostly on the awareness of its benefits by women. The
district authority need to put more efforts on sensitization campaigns to motivate voluntary
immunisation of expectant mothers in all wards in order to have good coverage in future.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 15: Percentage of Expectant Mothers Vaccinated TT2 by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Ulembwe 385 301 78.2 491 244 49.7 454 463 102.0
Kipengere 261 101 38.7 283 149 52.7 304 149 49.0
Igosi 236 89 37.7 263 133 50.6 257 250 97.3
Makoga 276 117 42.4 474 307 64.8 370 248 67.0
Imalinyi 285 115 40.4 445 138 31.0 286 154 53.8
Kidugala 199 73 36.7 340 225 66.2 272 149 54.8
Wangama 124 63 50.8 120 105 87.5 171 69 40.4
Mdandu 238 44 18.5 310 82 26.5 330 152 46.1
Igwachanya 496 220 44.4 604 287 47.5 473 271 57.3
Igima 470 365 77.7 662 365 55.1 598 258 43.1
Itulahumba 185 74 40.0 199 89 44.7 207 120 58.0
Usuka 279 72 25.8 251 76 30.3 221 104 47.1
Wanging’ombe 481 164 34.1 436 226 51.8 505 332 65.7
Ilembula 469 908 193.6 804 1151 143.2 661 919 139.0
Kijombe 293 49 16.7 306 78 25.5 335 83 24.8
Saja 453 91 20.1 446 149 33.4 160 93 58.1
Udonja n.a n.a 0.0 111 57 51.4 176 137 77.8
Uhenga n.a n.a 0.0 n.a n.a 0.0 207 58 28.0
Uhambule 200 31 15.5 300 131 43.7 252 197 78.2
Malangali 77 16 20.8 132 47 35.6 111 66 59.5
Luduga 348 34 9.8 241 40 16.6 229 60 26.2
Total 5,755 2,927 50.9 7,218 4,079 56.5 6,579 4,332 65.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
The trend of BCG vaccination for children less than one year old show an increase in the number of
children vaccinated between 2012 and 2016. At district level the number of targeted children under
one year who were vaccinated in 2012, 2014 and 2016 were 3,990, 5,669 and 6,360 respectively.
Similarly, there was an increase in percentage of targeted vaccinated children from 101.1 percent in
2012 to 123.4 percent in 2014 but slightly dropped to 119.9 percent in 2016. In 2012,
Wanging’ombe division had the highest coverage with 114.7 percent of targeted children followed
by Imalinyi (91.8 percent) while Mdandu was the least division in the district (Table 5.16). Again,
Wanging’ombe had highest coverage with 149.4 percent of children under one being vaccinated in
2014 followed by Mdandu (101.7 percent) and Imalinyi had the lowest coverage (89.5 percent). In
2016, the best coverage was again done by Wanging’ombe division (151.0 percent) while Imalinyi
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
and Mdandu were the second and least divisions with coverage of 83.0 percent and 82.0 percent
respectively (Table 5.16).
Map 6: Percentage of Children Under One Year Vaccinated BCG by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012, 2014
and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Imalinyi 1,066 979 91.8 1,297 1,161 89.5 1,131 939 83.0
Mdandu 773 594 76.8 875 890 101.7 901 739 82.0
Wanging’ombe 2,108 2,417 114.7 2,422 3,618 149.4 2,439 3682 151.0
Total 3,947 3,990 101.1 4,594 5,669 123.4 4,471 5,360 119.9
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, Table 5.17 reveals that Ilembula ward had the highest proportions of targeted
vaccinated children in 2012, 2014 and 2016. The second, third and fourth wards in 2012 were
Kidugala (129.6 percent), Imalinyi (121.1 percent) and Wangama (117.7 percent). Table 5.17 also
reveals that Saja had the lowest proportion of vaccinated children (15.5 percent) in 2012. In 2014,
the second, third and fourth highest wards in 2014 were Utulahumba (149.7 percent), Kidugala
(133.3 percent), Usuka (123.0 percent) and Wangama (118.5 percent) while Makoga ward had the
lowest proportion of targeted vaccinated children (50 percent). Similar experience was also
observed in 2016, the vaccination rates among wards ranged from 43 percent (Itulahumba) to 173.3
percent at Undoja ward (Table 5.17).
Table 5. 17: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated BCG by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Ulembwe 192 166 86.5 221 166 75.1 227 178 78.4
Kipengere 261 183 70.1 255 244 95.7 152 133 87.5
Igosi 118 69 58.5 119 74 62.2 128 91 71.1
Makoga 92 58 63.0 142 71 50.0 124 77 62.1
Imalinyi 142 172 121.1 200 134 67.0 143 151 105.6
Kidugala 199 258 129.6 306 408 133.3 272 253 93.0
Wangama 62 73 117.7 54 64 118.5 85 56 65.9
Mdandu 211 113 53.6 140 89 63.6 165 105 63.6
Igwachanya 165 159 96.4 181 130 71.8 158 111 70.3
Igima 118 118 100.0 149 125 83.9 150 99 66.0
Itulahumba n.a n.a 0.0 179 268 149.7 207 89 43.0
Usuka 279 204 73.1 226 278 123.0 221 335 151.6
Wanging’ombe 481 235 48.9 392 273 69.6 505 307 60.8
Ilembula 469 1745 372.1 724 2489 343.8 661 2248 340.1
Kijombe 293 180 61.4 275 240 87.3 335 311 92.8
Saja 453 70 15.5 401 203 50.6 146 147 100.7
Udonja n.a n.a 0.0 100 72 72.0 76 132 173.7
Uhenga n.a n.a 0.0 n.a n.a 0.0 207 190 91.8
Uhambule 200 76 38.0 194 125 64.4 169 134 79.3
Malangali n.a n.a 0.0 119 84 70.6 111 72 64.9
Luduga 212 111 52.4 217 132 60.8 229 141 61.6
Total 3,947 3,990 101.1 4,594 5,669 123.4 4,471 5,360 119.9
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
There has been a decrease in the number of children under one year who receive DPT3/HB3
vaccination in the district. The number of vaccinated children increased from 3,095 in 2012 to
5,868 children in 2014 before dropped to 3,249 in 2016. At district level, target vaccination
coverage increased from 78.1 percent in 2012 to 127.7 percent in 2014 but significantly dropped to
74.7 percent in 2016. At division level, rates of vaccination coverage were about the same ranging
from 86.2 percent in Imalinyi division to 87.4 percent in Wanging’ombe division in 2012. Again,
Wanging’ombe division had the best coverage of 157.6 percent of targeted children followed by
Mdandu (101.7 percent) while Imalinyi with coverage of 89.5 percent was the least division in 2014
(Table 5.18). In 2016, Imalinyi division with 82.7 percent of vaccinated children became the best
division in the district followed by Wanging’ombe (77.3 percent) and Mdandu was the least
division, vaccinated only 59.6 percent of targeted children (Table 5.18).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 7: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated DPT3/HB3 by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012,
2014 and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 18: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated DPT3/HB3 by Division, Wanging’ombe District, 2012,
2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Imalinyi 1,265 863 68.2 1,297 1,161 89.5 1,074 888 82.7
Mdandu 784 560 71.4 875 890 101.7 956 570 59.6
Wanging’ombe 1,912 1,672 87.4 2,422 3,817 157.6 2,318 1,791 77.3
Total 3,961 3,095 78.1 4,594 5,868 127.7 4,348 3,249 74.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, Ilembula had the best coverage in the first two years; 168.9 percent in 2012 and
343.8 percent in 2014 while Ulembwe had the best coverage (108.3 percent) in 2016. Other wards
ranged from 41.6 percent (Ulembwe) to 150.9 percent (Wangama) in 2012, while vaccination in
2014 ranged from 50.0 percent (Makoga) to 149.7 percent (Itulahumba). In 2016, the second
highest coverage rate was 102.7 percent (Ilembula ward) and the least rate was 55.6 percent
observed in Wanging’ombe ward (Table 5.19).
Table 5. 19: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated BPT3/HB3 by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014
and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Ulembwe 418 174 41.6 221 166 75.1 216 234 108.3
Kipengere 235 168 71.5 255 244 95.7 144 110 76.4
Igosi 106 87 82.1 119 74 62.2 122 97 79.5
Makoga 132 70 53.0 142 71 50.0 117 104 88.9
Imalinyi 127 137 107.9 200 134 67.0 136 99 72.8
Kidugala 192 144 75.0 306 408 133.3 258 163 63.2
Wangama 55 83 150.9 54 64 118.5 81 81 100.0
Mdandu 295 141 47.8 140 89 63.6 157 100 63.7
Igwachanya 109 116 106.4 181 130 71.8 150 99 66.0
Igima 106 121 114.2 149 125 83.9 142 97 68.3
Itulahumba n.a n.a 0.0 179 268 149.7 197 112 56.9
Usuka 274 182 66.4 226 278 123.0 210 162 77.1
Wanging’ombe 430 278 64.7 392 273 69.6 480 268 55.8
Ilembula 444 750 168.9 724 2489 343.8 628 643 102.4
Kijombe 262 208 79.4 275 240 87.3 318 190 59.7
Saja 405 201 49.6 401 302 75.3 140 110 78.6
Udonja n.a n.a 0.0 100 72 72.0 173 107 61.8
Uhenga n.a n.a 0.0 n.a n.a 0.0 196 162 82.7
Uhambule 180 97 53.9 194 125 64.4 161 79 49.1
Malangali n.a n.a 0.0 119 84 70.6 105 96 91.4
Luduga 191 138 72.3 217 232 106.9 217 136 62.7
Total 3,961 3095 78.1 4594 5868 127.7 4348 3249 74.7
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Coverage of OPV3 vaccination in the region for under one year children depicts similar trend
portrayed by other medicines.It decreased in magnitude but increases their proportions of
vaccinated children. In 2012, 2,832 (71.5 percent) out of 3,961 targeted children were vaccinated
but significantly increased to 3,332 (72.6 percent) in 2014 but dropped to 2,835 (76.8 percent) in
2016 (Table 5.20). At division level,Table 5.20 also shows that with coverage of 77.7 percent and
81.4 percent, Wanging’ombe was the best division in 2012 and 2016 respectively, while Mdandu
was the best division in 2014 which vaccinated 76.9 percent of targeted children in the council. The
worst Division in all three years was Imalinyi which vaccinated only 64.7 percent, 67.8 percent and
71.6 percent in 2012, 2014 and 2016 respectively of targeted children (Table 5.20).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Imalinyi 1,265 818 64.7 1,297 880 67.8 1,495 1,070 71.6
Mdandu 784 529 67.5 875 673 76.9 1,076 853 79.3
Wanging’ombe 1,912 1,485 77.7 2,424 1,784 73.6 1,120 912 81.4
Total 3,961 2,832 71.5 4,596 3,337 72.6 3,691 2,835 76.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, the coverage for both targeted and vaccinated defers among and wards and specified
years. In 2012, the proportion of vaccinated children, ranged from 38.8 percent (Ulembwe) to 132.7
percent (Wangama), in 2014 vaccination ranged between 46.5 percent in Luduga to 114.8 percent in
Wangama ward. In 2016, the best performer was Wanging’ombe with coverage of 107.7 percent
and the worst performer was Igima with coverage of 58.9 percent of targeted children (Table
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5.20 a: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated OPV3 by Ward, Wanging’ombe District;
2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Ulembwe 418 162 38.8 221 182 82.4 208 217 104.3
Kipengere 235 163 69.4 255 219 85.9 149 100 67.1
Igosi 106 88 83.0 119 79 66.4 208 151 72.6
Makoga 132 65 49.2 142 81 57.0 135 86 63.7
Imalinyi 127 136 107.1 200 114 57.0 133 122 91.7
Kidugala 192 131 68.2 306 143 46.7 318 190 59.7
Wangama 55 73 132.7 54 62 114.8 344 204 59.3
Mdandu 295 124 42.0 140 103 73.6 387 370 95.6
Igwachanya 109 109 100.0 181 118 65.2 170 110 64.7
Igima 106 122 115.1 149 114 76.5 124 73 58.9
Itulahumba n.a n.a 0.0 179 158 88.3 258 163 63.2
Usuka 274 174 63.5 226 180 79.6 137 137 100.0
Wanging’ombe 430 260 60.5 394 195 49.5 78 84 107.7
Ilembula 444 579 130.4 724 701 96.8 59 81 137.3
Kijombe 262 214 81.7 275 239 86.9 215 181 84.2
Saja 405 204 50.4 401 270 67.3 135 110 81.5
Udonja n.a n.a 0.0 100 55 55.0 181 141 77.9
Uhenga n.a n.a 0.0 n.a n.a 0.0 106 78 73.6
Uhambule 180 91 50.6 194 132 68.0 48 49 102.1
Malangali n.a n.a 0.0 119 91 76.5 180 115 63.9
Luduga 191 137 71.7 217 101 46.5 118 73 61.9
Total 3,961 2,832 71.5 4,596 3,337 72.6 3,691 2,835 76.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Measles vaccination for children less than one year old in Wanging’ombe district, like in other
districts in the country, was performed to protect them against measles. At district level coverage
did increase from 56.5 percent in 2012 to 105.9 percent in 2014 but significantly dropped to 75.7
percent of targeted children in 2016 (Table 5.21). As with other vaccinations the best performer at
division level was Wanging’ombe at 70.1 percent, 112.2 percent and 82.1 percent in 2012, 2014
and 2016 respectively. Whist, Mdandu had the lowest coverage of 38.2 percent in 2012 and
Imalinyi was the least division which vaccinated 97.2 percent and 64.4 percent in 2014 and 2016
respectively (Table 5.21).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 9: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated Measles by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012, 2014
and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Imalinyi 1,067 497 46.6 1,297 1,260 97.2 1,267 816 64.4
Mdandu 774 296 38.2 875 890 101.6 843 642 76.2
Wanging’ombe 1,808 1,268 70.1 2,422 2,717 112.2 2,158 1,772 82.1
Total 3,649 2,061 56.5 4,594 4,867 105.9 4,268 3,230 75.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.22 shows that again Ilembula ward vaccinated the largest number of children in first two
years although the proportion of children vaccinated was higher (535.8 percent) in 2012 than (205.7
percent) in 2014. In terms of proportion of coverage, Ulembwe was the second best ward which
vaccinated 78.2 percent of targeted children in 2012 followed by Igima (77.4 percent) and
Wangama (51.0 percent) while Luduga was the least ward which vaccinated only 11.8 percent of
targeted children. In 2014, the second, third and fourth best wards were Itulahumba, Kidugala and
Usuka which vaccinated 149.6 percent, 133.4 percent and 123.0 percent of targeted children
respectively. The worst performance was in Makoga ward which vaccinated only 50.4 percent of
the targeted population in 2014 (Table 5.22). Table 5.22 also shows that Usukaward was the best in
2016, which vaccinated 111.4 percent of targeted children followed by Ilembula (102.4 percent)
and Wangama (100 percent) while Kipengere was the worst ward which vaccinated only 34.6
percent of targeted children. One general observation from these data is the poor performance on
vaccination process in the district. Among other factors, lack of awareness among lactating mothers
and shortage of health facilities in each village attributed to poor performance on vaccination that
protect child from getting measles.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 22: Percentage of Children under One Year Vaccinated Measles by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and
2012 2014 2016
Ulembwe 192 151 78.2 221 166 75.1 196 162 82.7
Kipengere 261 101 38.6 255 244 95.7 318 110 34.6
Igosi 118 45 37.7 119 74 62.0 122 97 79.5
Makoga 92 39 42.4 142 71 50.2 217 104 47.9
Imalinyi 142 58 40.4 200 234 116.8 136 99 72.8
Kidugala 199 73 36.7 306 408 133.4 197 163 82.7
Wangama 62 32 51.0 54 64 117.6 81 81 100.0
Mdandu 211 59 27.9 140 89 63.8 105 100 95.2
Igwachanya 165 73 44.3 182 130 71.6 150 99 66.0
Igima 118 91 77.4 149 125 83.6 142 97 68.3
Itulahumba n.a n.a 0.0 179 268 149.6 136 112 82.4
Usuka 279 72 25.8 226 278 123.0 210 234 111.4
Wanging’ombe 481 164 34.1 392 273 69.6 480 268 55.8
Ilembula 169 908 535.8 724 1,489 205.7 628 643 102.4
Kijombe 293 49 16.7 275 240 87.3 258 190 73.6
Saja 453 91 20.1 401 302 75.3 157 110 70.1
Udonja n.a n.a 0.0 100 72 72.0 140 107 76.4
Uhenga n.a n.a 0.0 n.a n.a 0.0 161 79 49.1
Uhambule 200 31 15.5 194 125 64.4 173 141 81.5
Malangali n.a n.a 0.0 119 84 70.6 117 98 83.8
Luduga 212 25 11.8 217 132 60.8 144 136 94.4
Total 3,649 2,061 56.5 4,594 4,867 105.9 4,268 3,230 75.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (District Medical’s Office), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Provisions of health services in Wanging’ombe district is still below the nation and WHO
standards. The district still has inadequate number of health practitioners, infrastructure and
facilities. Moreover, inadequate number of doctors limited provision of curative and preventive
services such as operations, professional assistance and advices, mother and child health facilities,
diagnosis of illness due to shortage or lack of medical machines and equipment, to mention a few.
This is evidenced by high rates of infant and child mortality as well as maternal mortality rate.
However, health services can be improved through formulating policies which will motivate doctors
and other health workers to work in rural areas. Likewise, the policy of constructing dispensaries in
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
every village and one health centre in every ward by both public and private sectors should be
adhered to for increasing accessibility of health services to rural population.
This sub-sector faces many problems including prevalence of diseases such as pneumonia,
malaria, diarrhea, clinical Aids; the shortage of workers and drugs. Investment is needed withregard
to the construction of more health facilities, provision of instruments/drugs and training of
health/medical personnel.
5.2.1 An Overview
Development of Education sector calls to examine the quantity and quality of entire education system
covering pre-primary, primary, secondary, tertiary education which includes vocational education, colleges,
and higher learning institutions as well as adult education. Therefore, the development of the sector in
Wanging’ombe district involves improvements in all the above mentioned areas. This understanding has
been evidenced by steps so far taken by individuals and the local government authorities to increase the
intake of children to pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary schools in recent years.
As Table 5.23 shows, the district managed to fulfill the education policy of establishing a pre-
primary school in each primary school. The distribution of pre-primary schools was consistent,
division with large populations like Wanging’ombe and Imalinyi reported more such schools.
Wanging’ombe being also the most urbanized ward of the district had the largest number of pre-
primary schools (44) followed by Imalinyi (34), while Mdandu which have rural characteristics had
the least number of pre-primary schools accounting for 29 in 2014 (Table 5.23). Table 5.23 also
shows that contribution of the private sector as elaborated in the policy is not yet significant since
only one out of (108) pre-primary schools established in 2016 was owned by private sector while
the rest of schools are annexed to public primary school compounds. The council authority should
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
use the private public partnership dialog to encourage them to fully participate in the establishment
and managing pre-primary schools and other education services in the District.
Table 5. 23: Pre-Primary Schools by Division,Wanging’ombe District Council, 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Public Private Public Private Public Private
Imalinyi 34 0 34 0 34 1
Mdandu 29 0 29 0 29 0
Wanging’ombe 44 0 44 0 45 0
Total 107 0 107 0 108 1
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Table 5.24 show that only Wanging’ombe division had less pre-primary schools than number of
villages (44 schools against 48 villages), while the rest of the divisions have more schools than the
number of villages (Table 5.24). This implies that one pre-primary school in Wanging’ombe
division is servicing more than one village (Figure 5.8). As a result, children in those villages either
do not attend schools or they walk long distances in order to attend school.
Table 5. 24: Number of Villages and Pre-Primary Schools by Division,Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
At Ward level, Table 5.25 shows that Igima ward had highest number of pre-primary schools (8)
followed by Makoga, Igwachanya, Wanging’ombe and Luduga (7 schools each) and Ulembwe (6
schools). However, Malangali ward had the least number of schools (2 schools) in the district
followed by Wangama (3 schools) and those with 4 schools were Igosi, Kidugala and Itulahumba.
One general observation from these data is that all pre primary schools are publically owned.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 25: Distribution of Pre-Primary Schools by Ward and by Ownership, Wanging’ombe District, 2012,
2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Public Private Public Private Public Private
Ulembwe 6 0 6 0 6 0
Kipengere 5 0 5 0 5 0
Igosi 4 0 4 0 4 0
Makoga 7 0 7 0 7 0
Imalinyi 5 0 5 0 5 0
Kidugala 4 0 4 0 4 0
Wangama 3 0 3 0 3 0
Mdandu 5 0 5 0 5 0
Igwachanya 7 0 7 0 7 0
Igima 8 0 8 0 8 0
Itulahumba 4 0 4 0 4 0
Usuka 5 0 5 0 5 0
Wanging’ombe 7 0 7 0 7 0
Ilembula 5 0 5 0 5 0
Kijombe 5 0 5 0 5 0
Saja 5 0 5 0 5 0
Udonja 5 0 5 0 5 0
Uhenga 3 0 3 0 3 0
Uhambule 5 0 5 0 5 0
Malangali 1 0 1 0 2 0
Luduga 7 0 7 0 7 0
Looking at Schools Village Ratio as stipulated in the Education Policy, Wanging’ombe division had
the worst distribution of pre-primary schools since it has a ratio of 0.9 schools per village, meaning
that the division had more villages than the number of schools (Table 5.26). It was followed by
Mdandu division (one school per village), while Imalinyi had the best ratio of 1.1 schools per
village (Table 5.26). Nevertheless, the district had a ratio of a school per village (Table 5.26).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 10:Pre-Primary Schools Enrolment by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012, 2014 and 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 27: Pre-Primary Schools Enrolment by Division, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012, 2014and 2016
Change in Enrolments (2012 -
Number of Pupils
Division 2016)
2012 2014 2016 No. Percent
Imalinyi 1,646 1,749 2,406 760 46.2
Mdandu 1,301 1,378 1,903 602 46.3
Wanging’ombe 2,318 2,295 2,757 439 18.9
Total 5,265 5,422 7,066 1,801 34.2
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Significant variations on enrolment observed at ward level as shown in Table 5.28. The highest
increase of enrolment was recorded in Kipengere ward with 297.2 percent followed by Malangali
(269.2 percent), Itulahumba (143.3 percent) and Saja (86.2 percent). The lowest decrease of
enrolment (8.6 percent) was recorded in Luduga ward followed by Udonja (13.1 percent) and
Mdandu (16.1 percent). Contrary to the expectation, Ilembula and Uhambile wards had negative
increase of 57.8 percent and 13.8 percent respectively in enrolment of pre primary schools. District
Authority should find out why there is such a decreasein enrolment in these wards.
Table 5. 28: Pre-Primary Schools Enrolment by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012 - 2016
Change in Enrolments (2012 -
No. of Pupils
Ward 2016)
2012 2014 2016 Number Percent
Ulembwe 403 539 491 88 21.8
Kipengere 72 82 286 214 297.2
Igosi 172 222 285 113 65.7
Makoga 348 299 417 69 19.8
Imalinyi 332 321 502 170 51.2
Kidugala 187 147 225 38 20.3
Wangama 132 139 200 68 51.5
Mdandu 242 239 281 39 16.1
Igwachanya 357 407 533 176 49.3
Igima 422 401 530 108 25.6
Itulahumba 104 119 253 149 143.3
Usuka 176 212 306 130 73.9
Wanging’ombe 364 479 534 170 46.7
Ilembula 301 294 127 -174 -57.8
Kijombe 341 265 429 88 25.8
Saja 195 223 363 168 86.2
Udonja 283 271 320 37 13.1
Uhenga 161 191 224 63 39.1
Uhambule 320 211 276 -44 -13.8
Malangali 39 67 144 105 269.2
Luduga 314 294 340 26 8.3
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
According to Table 5.29, all primary schools in the district were owned by the public. By having
the total number of primary schools less than villages in 2016 the district showed it was yet to fulfil
the desire of giving every child of school going age a chance of being enrolled into standard one as
the district had 108 villages and 107 primary schools in 2016. Furthermore, Table 5.29 reveals that
Wanging’ombe division had the lowest ratio of primary schools per village (0.9) whilst Imalinyi
and Mdandu divisions had at least one school for each village.
At ward level, Table 5.30 reveals that Ulembwe ward had the best Primary schools Village Ratio
(1.5 schools per village) followed by Igosi (1.3 schools per village), Luduga (1.2 schools per
village) and Igima (1.1 schools per village). Kidugala, Wanging’ombe, Uhenga and Uhambule
wards had the least each with a ratio of less than a school per village. Nevertheless, the District
managed to build one primary school between 2012 and 2016.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 30: Distribution of Public Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and 2016
Number of Schools Change of School
No. of
Ward Schools 2012 - Village
Villages 2012 2014 2016 2016 Ratio
Ulembwe 4 6 6 6 0 1.5
Kipengere 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Igosi 3 4 4 4 0 1.3
Makoga 7 7 7 7 0 1.0
Imalinyi 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Kidugala 5 4 4 4 0 0.8
Wangama 3 3 3 3 0 1.0
Mdandu 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Igwachanya 7 7 7 7 0 1.0
Igima 7 8 8 8 0 1.1
Itulahumba 4 4 4 4 0 1.0
Usuka 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Wanging’ombe 9 7 7 7 0 0.8
Ilembula 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Kijombe 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Saja 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Udonja 5 5 5 5 0 1.0
Uhenga 4 3 3 3 0 0.8
Uhambule 6 5 5 5 0 0.8
Malangali 2 1 1 2 1 0.7
Luduga 6 7 7 7 0 1.2
Total 108 106 106 107 1 1.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Map 11: Standard 1 Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012, 2014 and
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
In regard to enrolment trend at ward level, Table 5.32 shows that Malangali ward did well in 2016
as the standard one enrolment increase of 57.3 percent was the highest among wards. Likewise,
Igwachanya ward did well in absolute numbers with an increase of 148 children or an increase of
38.6 percent in enrolment. With an enrolment decrease by 23.0 percent, Itulahumba had the worst
enrolment in 2016. Other wards registering a decrease in enlolment were Imalinyi (5.0 percent) and
Makonga (3.9 percent).
Table 5. 32: Standard I Enrolment in Public Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012, 2014 and
No. of Number of Pupils (Form I) Enrolment Change 2012 - 2016
Ward Schools,
2016 2012 2014 2016 Number Percent
Ulembwe 6 427 391 432 5 1.2
Kipengere 5 173 194 227 54 31.2
Igosi 4 200 175 230 30 15.0
Makoga 7 284 274 273 -11 -3.9
Imalinyi 5 302 250 287 -15 -5.0
Kidugala 4 171 164 189 18 10.5
Wangama 3 140 197 177 37 26.4
Mdandu 5 237 235 289 52 21.9
Igwachanya 7 383 384 531 148 38.6
Igima 8 425 450 479 54 12.7
Itulahumba 4 217 142 167 -50 -23.0
Usuka 5 210 239 304 94 44.8
Wanging’ombe 7 394 413 480 86 21.8
Ilembula 5 325 384 414 89 27.4
Kijombe 5 284 272 346 62 21.8
Saja 5 267 188 322 55 20.6
Udonja 5 160 103 196 36 22.5
Uhenga 5 202 226 233 31 15.3
Uhambule 3 215 219 269 54 25.1
Malangali 2 82 67 129 47 57.3
Luduga 7 277 330 396 119 43.0
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 33: Standard I Enrolment by Age Group, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014and 2016
No. of Pupils Enrolled at Age
Year Sex 7 Years 8 - 10 Years
Number Percent Number Percent
Boys 2,362 87.9 324 12.1 2,686
2012 Girls 2,420 90.0 269 10.0 2,689
Total 4,782 89.0 593 11.0 5,375
Boys 2,507 91.3 238 8.7 2,745
2014 Girls 2,365 92.7 187 7.3 2,552
Total 4,872 92.0 425 8.0 5,297
Boys 2,984 90.9 300 9.1 3,284
2016 Girls 2,835 91.9 251 8.1 3,086
Total 5,819 91.4 551 8.6 6,370
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.34 indicates that total enrolment in primary schools in Wanging’ombe district dropped
slightly by 0.1 percent in the last five consecutive years, 2012 - 2016. Looking between years,
significant drop out was experienced in 2014 with a decrease of 838 pupils, equivalent to 2.5
percent of 2013 and 2015 (554 pupils or 1.7 percent). With reference to Table 5.34, the decline in
total enrolment was so on for girls than that of boys in the referred years, though cumulative total
shows an increase for girls but a decline for boys.
Table 5. 34: Total (Std I - VII) Enrolment by Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2012 - 2016
Total Enrolment Enrolment Change Percent Change
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2012 16,379 17,179 33,558
2013 16,388 17,367 33,755 9 188 197 0.1 1.1 0.6
2014 15,844 17,073 32,917 -544 -294 -838 -3.3 -1.7 -2.5
2015 15,768 16,595 32,363 -76 -478 -554 -0.5 -2.8 -1.7
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
2016 16,277 17,258 33,535 509 663 1,172 3.2 4.0 3.6
Cum. Total 80,656 85,472 166,128 -102 79 -23 -0.6 0.5 -0.1
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.35 shows the total primary school (Std l-VII) enrolment between boys and girls at ward
level. One general observation experience from these data is the average proportions of enrolled
girls were higher than boys in all three years was the fruit of the district’s effort to implement
national objective of ensuring girls get equal opportunity as boys in primary school education. At
ward level, only 5 out of 21 wards enrolled more boys than girls in 2012 (Table 5.35). The number
of wards with more boys than girls dropped to 2 in 2014, before rose to 4 wards again in 2016
(Table 5.35).
Table 5. 35: Total (Std I - VII) Enrolment by Sex and Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Ward Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent
Total Total Total
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Ulembwe 46.4 53.6 2,344 47.4 52.6 2,261 46.6 53.4 2,676
Kipengere 48.7 51.3 863 45.1 54.9 1,084 49.7 50.3 1,091
Igosi 46.8 53.2 1,210 48.3 51.7 1,260 47.5 52.5 1,121
Makoga 50.0 50.0 1,748 50.0 50.0 1,667 51.1 48.9 1,647
Imalinyi 49.2 50.8 1,802 47.9 52.1 1,740 50.9 49.1 2,062
Kidugala 49.1 50.9 1,128 48.8 51.3 1,040 49.3 50.7 1,096
Wangama 49.4 50.6 818 48.9 51.1 975 45.6 54.4 916
Mdandu 51.6 48.4 1,755 49.1 50.9 1,783 50.0 50.0 1,817
Igwachanya 45.9 54.1 2,623 45.6 54.4 2,582 47.1 52.9 2,425
Igima 48.9 51.1 2,881 48.3 51.7 2,828 47.8 52.2 2,722
Itulahumba 50.4 49.6 1,157 47.6 52.4 1,001 48.7 51.3 942
Usuka 48.7 51.3 1,478 50.1 49.9 1,408 50.0 50.0 1,557
Wanging’ombe 50.0 50.0 2,797 50.1 49.9 2,599 47.6 52.4 2,550
Ilembula 50.8 49.2 1,826 47.1 52.9 2,003 48.2 51.8 2,132
Kijombe 47.2 52.8 1,929 47.0 53.0 1,794 48.1 51.9 1,725
Saja 48.2 51.8 1,493 48.4 51.6 1,365 49.9 50.1 1,271
Udonja 50.1 49.9 932 49.4 50.6 974 51.7 48.3 943
Uhenga 47.1 52.9 1,055 47.6 52.4 987 43.2 56.8 889
Uhambule 50.5 49.5 1,375 49.0 51.0 1,249 50.4 49.6 1,671
Malangali 47.2 52.8 494 46.0 54.0 478 44.9 55.1 385
Luduga 49.6 50.4 1,850 48.6 51.4 1,839 48.9 51.1 1,897
Total 48.8 51.2 33,558 48.1 51.9 32,917 48.5 51.5 33,535
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Figure 5.5 shows that completion rate has been fluctuating in primary schools in all wards of
Wangig’ombe district. Performance of primary schools in terms of completion rate was slightly
improved in the education cyle 2008 - 2014 than the previous one of 2007 - 2013. The proportion of
pupils who completed primary school education cycle in 2014 reached 83.4 percent compared to
82.9 percent in 2013. Girls who completed both education cycles were higher than that for boys.
The completion rates for girls in 2013 and 2014 circles were 86.4 percent and 88.1 percent
compared to 79.4 percent and 78.3 percent for boys (Figure 5.5). This indicates that school drop out
problem was more serious for boys than for girls in the district. Therefore, the district needs to find
out why boys dropout has increased in the district.
Figure 5. 5: Completion Rates (Percent) by Sex, Wanging’ombe District, 2013 and 2014
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, in 2013, Table 5.36 shows that Makoga ward had the lowest completion rate of 54.9
percent followed by Malangali (65.9 percent), Ulembwe (71.3 percent) and Uhenga (71.6 percent).
The situation of low completion rate was generally more for boys than girls. Ilembula ward had the
largest proportion of pupils (103.9 percent) who completed primary school education cycle in the
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
district (Table 5.36). Poor completion rate observed in most wards should be observed as a stepping
stone for the district council in the provision of education and should find out reasons why pupils
have been dropping out from schools.
Table 5. 36: Number of Pupils Enrolled Std I in 2007 and Completed Std VII in 2013 by Ward and Sex,
Wanging’ombe District, Njombe Region
Enrolled in 2007 Completed in 2013 Completion Rate
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 207 197 404 129 159 288 62.3 80.7 71.3
Kipengere 92 88 180 78 99 177 84.8 112.5 98.3
Igosi 104 79 183 91 80 171 87.5 101.3 93.4
Makoga 169 170 339 84 102 186 49.7 60.0 54.9
Imalinyi 113 119 232 108 117 225 95.6 98.3 97.0
Kidugala 71 91 162 72 88 160 101.4 96.7 98.8
Wangama 69 69 138 57 58 115 82.6 84.1 83.3
Mdandu 112 150 262 97 146 243 86.6 97.3 92.7
Igwachanya 213 228 441 154 173 327 72.3 75.9 74.1
Igima 216 253 469 183 233 416 84.7 92.1 88.7
Itulahumba 62 90 152 78 67 145 125.8 74.4 95.4
Usuka 86 102 188 70 98 168 81.4 96.1 89.4
Wanging’ombe 210 193 403 163 150 313 77.6 77.7 77.7
Ilembula 110 149 259 117 152 269 106.4 102.0 103.9
Kijombe 148 161 309 98 126 224 66.2 78.3 72.5
Saja 129 114 243 83 83 166 64.3 72.8 68.3
Udonja 81 54 135 64 45 109 79.0 83.3 80.7
Uhenga 51 58 109 29 49 78 56.9 84.5 71.6
Uhambule 91 103 194 89 100 189 97.8 97.1 97.4
Malangali 42 40 82 24 30 54 57.1 75.0 65.9
Luduga 119 111 230 112 107 219 94.1 96.4 95.2
Total 2,495 2,619 5,114 1,980 2,262 4,242 79.4 86.4 82.9
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Performance of primary schools in terms of completion rate was better in 2014 than the 2013
cohort. Proportion of pupils who completed primary school education cycle in 2014 exceeded those
of 2013 year. This was 83.4 percent of 4,846 total pupils who enrolled in primary schools in 2008
compared with 82.9 percent of 5,114 pupils enrolled 2007. Again, more girls (88.1 percent)
completed education cycle than boys (78.3 percent) in 2014.
At ward level, Kijombe ward had the lowest proportion (64.4 percent) of pupils who completed
primary school education cycle in the district. It was followed by Uhenga (67.4 percent), Makoga
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
(68 percent) and Ulembwe (68.5 percent). Again, Ilembula ward had the highest rate of pupils who
completed primary school education who enrolled in 2008 and complete 2014 cycle. One general
observation from these data is a great improvement of retention as well as variations of retentions
between boys and girls at ward level (Table 5.37).
Table 5. 37: Number of Pupils Enrolled Std I in 2008 and Completed Std VII in 2014 by Ward and by Sex,
Wanging’ombe District, Njombe Region
Enrolled in 2008 Completed in 2014 Completion Rate
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 207 193 400 128 146 274 61.8 75.6 68.5
Kipengere 91 78 169 90 78 168 98.9 100.0 99.4
Igosi 94 100 194 83 94 177 88.3 94.0 91.2
Makoga 172 169 341 107 125 232 62.2 74.0 68.0
Imalinyi 78 108 186 74 105 179 94.9 97.2 96.2
Kidugala 75 68 143 75 66 141 100.0 97.1 98.6
Wangama 74 65 139 60 47 107 81.1 72.3 77.0
Mdandu 92 123 215 89 116 205 96.7 94.3 95.3
Igwachanya 144 166 310 100 174 274 69.4 104.8 88.4
Igima 198 239 437 162 228 390 81.8 95.4 89.2
Itulahumba 85 99 184 79 85 164 92.9 85.9 89.1
Usuka 104 89 193 79 89 168 76.0 100.0 87.0
Wanging’ombe 228 218 446 168 178 346 73.7 81.7 77.6
Ilembula 125 152 277 128 154 282 102.4 101.3 101.8
Kijombe 126 149 275 73 104 177 57.9 69.8 64.4
Saja 94 88 182 78 78 156 83.0 88.6 85.7
Udonja 47 60 107 42 54 96 89.4 90.0 89.7
Uhenga 67 71 138 40 53 93 59.7 74.6 67.4
Uhambule 82 101 183 71 90 161 86.6 89.1 88.0
Malangali 40 35 75 28 28 56 70.0 80.0 74.7
Luduga 107 145 252 70 125 195 65.4 86.2 77.4
Total 2,330 2,516 4,846 1,824 2,217 4,041 78.3 88.1 83.4
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 38: Drop Outs by Reasons, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2013 - 2016
Reason for Drop Out Total
Total Percent
Year Sex Drop-
Truancy Pregnancy Death Other Enrolment Drop Out
Boys 128 3 196 327 16,593 2.0
2013 Girls 108 0 2 141 251 16,259 1.5
Total 236 0 5 337 578 32,852 1.8
Boys 131 8 179 318 16,066 2.0
2014 Girls 80 0 0 142 222 17,269 1.3
Total 211 0 8 321 540 33,335 1.6
Boys 113 3 121 237 16,098 1.5
2015 Girls 74 1 2 73 150 16,758 0.9
Total 187 1 5 194 387 32,856 1.2
Boys 100 2 157 259 16,277 1.6
2016 Girls 89 2 1 106 198 17,258 1.1
Total 189 2 3 263 457 33,535 1.4
Boys 472 16 653 1,141 132,578 0.9
Cumulative Total Girls 351 3 5 462 821 181,019 0.5
Total 823 3 21 1,115 1,962 232,304 0.8
Source:District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Looking at causes of drop outs, besides other reasons such as transfer, illness, etc, truancy happened
to be the most serious problem for primary school pupils in completing standard seven. Table 5.39
shows that 40.8 percent of dropout was caused by truancy followed by deaths (0.9 percent). A
multiplicity of other reasons including illness, transfers and so forth accounted for the rest of
theproblem for primary school pupils in completing standard seven. Table 5.39 also shows that
boys were the most affected (2.0 percent) than girls (1.5 percent).
Table 5. 39: Primary School Drop Outs by Reasons and Sex; Wanging’ombe DC; 2012
Boys Girls Total
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Truancy 128 39.1 108 43.0 236 40.8
Pregnancy 0 0.0 0 0.0
Death 3 0.9 2 0.8 5 0.9
Other 196 59.9 141 56.2 337 58.3
Total dropouts 327 2.0 251 1.5 578 1.8
Total Enrolment 16,593 50.5 16,259 49.5 32,852 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Similar trend on causes and rate of drop outs were observed in 2016. Out of the total 33,535 pupils enrolled
into standard I-VII in all primary schools in Wanging’ombe, about 1.4 percent of pupils dropped out due to
truancy, pregnancy, death or other reasons. Dropouts for boys were still higher than for girls (Table 5.40).
A general observation from the data is the observance this year of dropout due to pregnancy. The district
authority should start looking for preventive measures in order to prevent this problem in the future.
Table 5. 40: Primary School Drop Outs by Reasons and Sex; Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Boys Girls Total
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Truancy 100 38.6 89 44.9 189 32.7
Pregnancy 2 1.0 2 0.3
Death 2 0.8 1 0.5 3 0.5
Other 157 60.6 106 53.5 263 45.5
Total Dropouts 259 1.6 198 1.1 457 1.4
Total Enrolment 16,277 48.5 17,258 51.5 33,535 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Looking at ward level, Wangama ward had lowest pass rate of 27.1 percent followed by Igosi (45.5
percent) and Imalinyi (48.1 percent). Pass rates for the rest of the wards were above 50 percent,
ranging from 51.9 percent at Malangali ward to 86.7 percent at Igima ward. Sex wise, with
exception of Igosi, Kidugala and Udonja wards, the rest of the wards had higher pass rates for girls
than boys in 2014 (Table 5.41). The lower pass rate for boys is associated with the tendency of boys
spending most of their time doing farm jobs and selling nuts, second hand clothes and other
Table 5. 41: Number of Pupils Who Sat and Passed STD VII Examinations in Public Primary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2014
Pupils sat for STD VII Pupils Passed STD VII Percent Passed STD VII
Ward Examinations Examinations Examinations
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 128 146 274 83 107 190 64.8 73.3 69.3
Kipengere 85 90 175 41 56 97 48.2 62.2 55.4
Igosi 78 96 174 37 42 79 47.4 43.8 45.4
Makoga 107 125 232 81 113 194 75.7 90.4 83.6
Imalinyi 99 136 235 46 67 113 46.5 49.3 48.1
Kidugala 75 66 141 51 39 90 68.0 59.1 63.8
Wangama 60 47 107 10 19 29 16.7 40.4 27.1
Mdandu 76 97 173 52 68 120 68.4 70.1 69.4
Igwachanya 107 158 265 67 105 172 62.6 66.5 64.9
Igima 154 222 376 131 195 326 85.1 87.8 86.7
Itulahumba 34 70 104 20 66 86 58.8 94.3 82.7
Usuka 73 75 148 44 51 95 60.3 68.0 64.2
Wanging’ombe 167 172 339 105 134 239 62.9 77.9 70.5
Ilembula 128 154 282 84 132 216 65.6 85.7 76.6
Kijombe 93 118 211 47 69 116 50.5 58.5 55.0
Saja 77 77 154 38 50 88 49.4 64.9 57.1
Udonja 31 58 89 22 26 48 71.0 44.8 53.9
Uhenga 43 46 89 27 33 60 62.8 71.7 67.4
Uhambule 71 90 161 38 55 93 53.5 61.1 57.8
Malangali 28 26 54 15 13 28 53.6 50.0 51.9
Luduga 127 124 251 79 98 177 62.2 79.0 70.5
Total 1,841 2,193 4,034 1,118 1,538 2,656 60.7 70.1 65.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
In 2016, the district made great achievement on standard seven examination performances. Table
5.42 showed that the overall performance was 84.3 percent of 2,890 pupils who sat for standard
seven examinations in 2016. Again similar performance differences were observed between boys
and girls; 82.5 percent girls compared to 81.2 percent for boys. With exception of Kipengere,
Kidugala, Igima, Wanging’ombe, Ilembula, Kijombe, Uhenga and Uhembule, the rest of the wards
recorded higher performances for girls than boys (Table 5.42).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 42: Number of Pupils Who Sat and Passed STD VII Examinations in Public Primary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Pupils sat for STD VII Pupils Passed STD VII Percent Passed STD VII
Ward Examinations Examinations Examinations
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 112 153 265 86 121 207 76.8 79.1 78.1
Kipengere 76 71 147 59 43 102 77.6 60.6 69.4
Igosi 71 90 161 46 63 109 64.8 70.0 67.7
Makoga 113 103 216 80 86 166 70.8 83.5 76.9
Imalinyi 74 105 179 58 91 149 78.4 86.7 83.2
Kidugala 38 70 108 32 57 89 84.2 81.4 82.4
Wangama 42 59 101 26 40 66 61.9 67.8 65.3
Mdandu 68 75 143 57 70 127 83.8 93.3 88.8
Igwachanya 78 142 220 74 137 211 94.9 96.5 95.9
Igima 177 207 384 152 162 314 85.9 78.3 81.8
Itulahumba 34 51 85 28 35 63 82.4 68.6 74.1
Usuka 57 83 140 42 72 114 73.7 86.7 81.4
Wanging’ombe 134 153 187 117 129 246 87.3 84.3 131.6
Ilembula 125 117 242 114 101 215 91.2 86.3 88.8
Kijombe 64 113 177 59 90 149 92.2 79.6 84.2
Saja 58 74 132 45 65 110 77.6 87.8 83.3
Udonja 48 47 95 40 41 81 83.3 87.2 85.3
Uhenga 45 53 98 37 42 79 82.2 79.2 80.6
Uhambule 48 71 119 42 60 102 87.5 84.5 85.7
Malangali 15 32 47 5 22 27 33.3 68.8 57.4
Luduga 57 126 183 46 118 164 80.7 93.7 89.6
Total 1,534 1,995 3,429 1,245 1,645 2,890 81.2 82.5 84.3
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.43 also shows that of the selected pupils, the number and proportions of girls were higher
than boys in all respective years. Among other factors, income poverty forrespective
parents/guardians, results in some pupils, though selected to join form one, being forced by their
parents/guardians to participate in income generating activities in order to raise income of their
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 43: Number of Pupils Who Selected and Joined Form I in Public Secondary Schools by Sex,
Wanging’ombe District; 2014, 2015 and 2016
Number of Pupils Selected to
Pupils Joined Form I Percent Joined Form I
Year Join Form I
At ward level, all wards with exception of Wanging’ombe and Uhambule, all pupils who were
selected to join Form One were accommodated in secondary schools in 2016 (Table 5.44). It can be
further observed that Wanging’ombe and Uhambule wards had lowest absorption rates in the
district since they accommodated only 85.7 percent and 95.1 percent respectively of selected pupils.
Initiatives are however needed from these wards to increase number of classrooms or build more
secondary schools in order to provide chances for all selected pupils to joined Form One.
Table 5. 44: Number of Pupils Who were Selected and Joined Form I in Public Secondary Schools by Ward,
Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Number of Pupils Selected to Join
Pupils Joined Form I Percent Joined Form I
Ward Form I
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 86 121 207 86 121 207 100.0 100.0 100.0
Kipengere 59 43 102 59 43 102 100.0 100.0 100.0
Igosi 46 63 109 46 63 109 100.0 100.0 100.0
Makoga 80 86 166 80 86 166 100.0 100.0 100.0
Imalinyi 58 91 149 58 91 149 100.0 100.0 100.0
Kidugala 32 57 89 32 57 89 100.0 100.0 100.0
Wangama 26 40 66 26 40 66 100.0 100.0 100.0
Mdandu 57 70 127 57 70 127 100.0 100.0 100.0
Igwachanya 74 137 211 74 137 211 100.0 100.0 100.0
Igima 152 172 324 152 172 324 100.0 100.0 100.0
Itulahumba 28 35 63 28 35 63 100.0 100.0 100.0
Usuka 42 72 114 42 72 114 100.0 100.0 100.0
Wanging’ombe 134 153 287 117 129 246 87.3 84.3 85.7
Ilembula 114 101 215 114 101 215 100.0 100.0 100.0
Kijombe 59 90 149 59 90 149 100.0 100.0 100.0
Saja 45 65 110 45 65 110 100.0 100.0 100.0
Udonja 40 41 81 40 41 81 100.0 100.0 100.0
Uhambule 42 60 102 41 56 97 97.6 93.3 95.1
Uhenga 36 42 78 36 42 78 100.0 100.0 100.0
Malangali 5 22 27 5 22 27 100.0 100.0 100.0
Luduga 46 118 164 46 118 164 100.0 100.0 100.0
Total 1261 1679 2940 1243 1651 2894 98.6 98.3 98.4
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Great achievement has been made by the district authority to increase transition rate in the three
years. Table 5.45 shows that out of 4,034 pupils who completed primary education, 66.3 percent of
them join secondary education in 2014. The proportions of children who completed primary
education and joined public secondary education increased to 69.5 percent in 2015 and reached 84.4
percent in 2016. The remaining 33.6 percent, 30.5 percent and 15.6 percent of children most likely
enrolled into vocation training centres or joined the labour market (Table 5.45). One general
observation from the results is that the district should continue improving its transition rate in order
to reduce the number of children entering the labour market without having enough education.
Table 5. 45: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary Education in Public
Secondary Schools by Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2014 - 2016
Pupils Sat for STD VII
Pupils Joined Form I Transition Rate
Year Examinations
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
2014 1,841 2,193 4,034 1,134 1,541 2,675 61.6 70.3 66.3
2015 1,703 2,093 3,794 1,133 1,502 2,635 66.5 71.8 69.5
2016 1,534 1,995 3,429 1,243 1,651 2,894 81.0 82.8 84.4
Cumulative Total 5,078 6,281 11,257 3,510 4,694 8,204 69.1 74.7 72.9
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
In 2014, a total of 4,034 pupils who completed primary education only 66.3 percent joined
secondary education in public schools and the remaining 33.7 percent of children entered into the
labour market (Table 5.46). At ward level, Table 5.46 also shows Wangama ward had the lowest
proportion of children who joined secondary education in public schools (27.1 percent) followed by
Uhambule (37.3 percent) and Igosi (45.4 percent).The wards with 75 percent or more transition rate
included Uhenga, Igima, Makoga, Italahumba, and Ilembula.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 46: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary Education in Public
Secondary Schools by Ward andSex, Wanging’ombe District; 2014
Pupils Sat for STD VII
Pupils Joined Form I Transition Rate
Ward Examinations
In 2016, the council managed to improve its transition rate to 84.4 percentwith more for girls (82.8
percent) than boys (81.0 percent). Variations between sexes and among wards improved drastically
than it was in 2014. Transition rates among wards ranged from 57.4 percent (Malangali) to 131.6
percent (Wanging’ombe) while transition rates for girls ranged from 59.2 percent (Uhambule) to
105.7 percent at Uhenga ward and those for boys ranged from 33.3 percent at Malangali ward to
94.9 percent at Igwachanya ward (Table 5.47).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 47: Number of Pupils Who Completed Primary Education and Joined Secondary Education in Public Secondary
Schools by Ward and Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Pupils sat for STD VII
Pupils Joined Form I Transition Rate
Ward Examinations
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 112 153 265 86 121 207 76.8 79.1 78.1
Kipengere 76 71 147 59 43 102 77.6 60.6 69.4
Igosi 71 90 161 46 63 109 64.8 70.0 67.7
Makoga 113 103 216 80 86 166 70.8 83.5 76.9
Imalinyi 74 105 179 58 91 149 78.4 86.7 83.2
Kidugala 38 70 108 32 57 89 84.2 81.4 82.4
Wangama 42 59 101 26 40 66 61.9 67.8 65.3
Mdandu 68 75 143 57 70 127 83.8 93.3 88.8
Igwachanya 78 142 220 74 137 211 94.9 96.5 95.9
Igima 177 207 384 152 172 324 85.9 83.1 84.4
Itulahumba 34 51 85 28 35 63 82.4 68.6 74.1
Usuka 57 83 140 42 72 114 73.7 86.7 81.4
Wanging’ombe 134 153 187 117 129 246 87.3 84.3 131.6
Ilembula 125 117 242 114 101 215 91.2 86.3 88.8
Kijombe 64 113 177 59 90 149 92.2 79.6 84.2
Saja 58 74 132 45 65 110 77.6 87.8 83.3
Udonja 48 47 95 40 41 81 83.3 87.2 85.3
Uhenga 45 53 98 41 56 97 91.1 105.7 99.0
Uhambule 48 71 119 36 42 78 75.0 59.2 65.5
Malangali 15 32 47 5 22 27 33.3 68.8 57.4
Luduga 57 126 183 46 118 164 80.7 93.7 89.6
Total 1,534 1,995 3,429 1,243 1,651 2,894 81.0 82.8 84.4
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
i) Classrooms
According to Tanzania education system, the use
of each classroom in primary and secondary
schools should follow the national standard of
accommodating 45 pupils/students only. Contrary
to most rural district, Wanging’ombe district
managed to meet the requirement of classroom
pupils ratio of one classroom per 45 pupils (i.e
CPR 1:45). At CPR of 1:43 in 2016, the district
experienced a surplus of classrooms in primary
schools which led to the excess of classrooms. However, the district is looking for extra 182
classrooms or 23.5 percent of actual requirement in order to fulfill the future demand caused by the
increase of children below five years based on structure of its population pyramid. At division level,
Primary schools located in Wanging’ombe division were the only ones with CPR above the national
standard at CPR of 1:49. While, primary schools in Imalinyi and Mdandu divisions had best ratios
in the council at CPR of 1:41 and 1:40 respectively (Table 5.48).
Table 5. 48: Availability of Classrooms in Primary Schools by Division, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Variations in availability of classrooms are more significant at ward level (Table 5.49). According
to the national standard, nine out of 21 wards had shortage of classrooms ranging from one to 21.
Luduga ward experienced significant shortage of classrooms in primary schools which led to the
demand of 21 classrooms followed by Saja (20), Wanging’ombe and Uhambule (19 classrooms
each), Udonja (13), Ulembwe, Mdandu and Kijombe (12 classrooms each) and Usuka (10). Whist
Itulahumba had excess of classrooms with an extra of 2 classrooms while Wangama and Makoga
had equal number of classrooms as required (Table 5.49).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 49: Availability of Classrooms in Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2012
Classroom Deficit of Classrooms
No. of Total Available Required
Ward Pupils Ratio
Schools Pupils Classes Classrooms No. Percent
Ulembwe 6 2,676 49 55 61 12 24.5
Kipengere 5 1,091 42 26 48 6 14.3
Igosi 4 1,121 29 39 30 1 3.4
Makoga 7 1,647 49 34 49 0 0.0
Imalinyi 5 2,062 40 52 47 7 17.5
Kidugala 4 1,096 28 39 36 8 28.6
Wangama 3 916 23 40 23 0 -0.4
Mdandu 5 1,817 39 47 51 12 30.8
Igwachanya 7 2,425 56 43 56 0 0.0
Igima 8 2,722 72 38 80 8 11.1
Itulahumba 4 942 36 26 34 -2 -5.6
Usuka 5 1,557 34 46 44 10 29.4
Wanging’ombe 7 2,550 47 54 56 9 19.1
Ilembula 5 2,132 41 52 60 19 46.3
Kijombe 5 1,725 35 49 47 12 34.3
Saja 5 1,271 26 49 46 20 76.9
Udonja 5 943 22 43 35 13 59.1
Uhambule 5 1,671 25 67 44 19 76.0
Uhenga 3 889 24 37 28 4 16.7
Malangali 2 385 9 43 12 3 33.3
Luduga 7 1,897 47 40 68 21 44.7
ii) Pit-Latrines
All primary schools in the district had a total of
1,452 pit-latrines in 2016 (Table 5.50). Basing
on the standard set by the Government of
Tanzania, the standard pupils pit latrine ratio
(PPR) is 1:20 for girls and 1:25 for boys.Table
5.50 indicates that there was significant
shortage of pit latrines for girls in primary
schools as one pit latrine was used by 23 girls’
pupils in 2016 (as compared to 1:20). For boys pit latrines were in excess with only 23 boys per pit
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
latrine (as compared to 1:25). At division level, the most affected division was Wanging’ombe with
a shortage of 16.5 percent and 38.1 percent of required pit latrines (holes) for boys and girls
respectively. It was followed by Mdandu with percentage shortages of 1.3 percent and 2.6 percent
for boys and girls respectively. Whist, Imalinyi division had an excess of 3.5 percent of boys’ pit
latrines with shortage of 9.6 percent of girls’ pit latrine (Table 5.50).
Table 5. 50: Availability of Pit Latrine in Primary Schools by Division and Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
No. of Pupils Available Pit Latrine Pupils Pit latrine Ratio Required Pit Latrine Percent Deficit
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Imalinyi 5,169 5,440 230 265 22 21 222 293 -3.6 9.6
Mdandu 4,589 4,874 235 263 20 19 238 269 1.3 2.6
Wanging’ombe 6,519 6,944 237 224 28 31 284 362 16.5 38.1
Total 16,277 17,258 702 752 23 23 744 924 5.6 18.6
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Looking at ward level, Table 5.51 shows that 10 out of 21 wards experienced remarkable shortages
of boys’ pit latrines and 16 out of 21 wards had shortage of girls’ pit latrines in the district. This
analysis implies that the district has more shortage of girls’ toilets than boys’ toilets. The significant
shortage of boys’ pit latrines recorded at Malangali ward (40.0 percent) followed by Saja (35.7
percent), Uhenga (35.3 percent) and Usuka (34.3 percent), while Malangali, Uhenga, saja,
Wanging’ombe and Kijombe wards had significant shortage of girls’ toilets (Table 5.51). However,
Igosi, Makoga, Wangama and Itulahumba wards were better off than others since they have more
pit latrines for both boys and girls (Table 5.51). The District Authority through parents’ school
committees should motivate communities to construct more pit latrines according to the standard
ratios set by the government in order to protect children from communicable diseases such as UTI,
diarrhea, etc.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 51: Availability of Pit Latrine in Primary Schools by Ward and Sex, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
No. of Pupils Available Pit Latrine Hole Pupils Ratio Required Pit Latrine Percent Deficit
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Ulembwe 1246 1430 50 48 25 30 52 73 3.8 34.2
Kipengere 542 549 23 24 24 23 27 34 14.8 29.4
Igosi 532 589 37 46 14 13 23 32 -60.9 -43.8
Makoga 841 806 44 65 19 12 36 43 -22.2 -51.2
Imalinyi 1050 1012 35 38 30 27 42 54 16.7 29.6
Kidugala 540 556 17 22 32 25 24 32 29.2 31.3
Wangama 418 498 24 22 17 23 18 25 -33.3 12.0
Mdandu 909 908 42 53 22 17 42 53 0.0 0.0
Igwachanya 1141 1284 62 65 18 20 62 67 0.0 3.0
Igima 1301 1421 72 79 18 18 74 80 2.7 1.3
Itulahumba 459 483 36 37 13 13 25 32 -44.0 -15.6
Usuka 779 778 23 29 34 27 35 37 34.3 21.6
Wanging’ombe 1213 1337 35 35 35 38 49 65 28.6 46.2
Ilembula 1028 1104 36 43 29 26 48 53 25.0 18.9
Kijombe 830 895 28 29 30 31 36 50 22.2 42.0
Saja 634 637 18 15 35 42 28 36 35.7 58.3
Udonja 488 455 30 20 16 23 22 26 -36.4 23.1
Uhambule 842 829 24 26 35 32 29 34 17.2 23.5
Uhenga 384 505 11 11 35 46 17 27 35.3 59.3
Malangali 173 212 6 6 29 35 10 15 40.0 60.0
Luduga 927 970 49 39 19 25 45 56 -8.9 30.4
Total 16277 17258 702 752 23 23 744 924 5.6 18.6
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
required houses, whist Mdandu and Imalinyi had deficit of 34.9 percent and 27.7 percent
respectively of the required houses.
Table 5. 52: Availability of Primary School Teachers' Houses by Division, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Teacher Actual Deficit of Houses
No. of Available Available
Division House Required
Schools Teachers Houses No. Percent
Ratio Houses
Imalinyi 34 234 227 1 314 87 27.7
Mdandu 29 205 177 1 272 95 34.9
Wanging’ombe 44 296 173 2 430 257 59.8
Total 107 735 577 1 1,016 439 43.2
Source:District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, Table 5.53 shows that with exception of Igwachanya, Wanging’ombe, Ilembula,
Udonja and Uhambule wards, rest of wards had the standard teacher house ratio of one to one.
However, according to the actual demand of houses, all wards suffered from a critical shortage of
houses with a deficit ranging from 17.5 percent in Makoga to 82.2 percent in Ilembula ward.
Availability of housing facility in all wards to a great extent has motivated the retention of teachers
in Wanging’ombe district.
Table 5. 53: Availability of Primary School Teachers' Houses by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
House Actual Deficit of Houses
No. of Available Available
Ward Teacher Required
Schools Teachers Houses No. Percent
Ratio Houses
Ulembwe 6 56 48 1 61 13 21.3
Kipengere 5 32 27 1 48 21 43.8
Igosi 4 27 26 1 34 8 23.5
Makoga 7 47 52 1 63 11 17.5
Imalinyi 5 29 33 1 42 9 21.4
Kidugala 4 26 24 1 36 12 33.3
Wangama 3 17 17 1 30 13 43.3
Mdandu 5 31 29 1 44 15 34.1
Igwachanya 7 54 34 2 56 22 39.3
Igima 8 66 69 1 84 15 17.9
Itulahumba 4 23 21 1 42 21 50.0
Usuka 5 31 24 1 46 22 47.8
Wanging’ombe 7 62 23 3 76 53 69.7
Ilembula 5 63 13 5 73 60 82.2
Kijombe 5 31 28 1 47 19 40.4
Saja 5 27 20 1 45 25 55.6
Udonja 5 27 18 2 42 24 57.1
Uhambule 5 30 14 2 42 28 66.7
Uhenga 3 15 13 1 28 15 53.6
Malangali 2 5 4 1 14 10 71.4
Luduga 7 36 40 1 63 23 36.5
Total 107 735 577 1 1,016 439 43.2
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 54: Availability of Desks in Primary Schools by Division, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
No. of Total Available Pupils Required Deficit of Desks
Schools Pupils Desks Desk Ratio Desks No. Percent
Imalinyi 34 10,609 6,055 2 4,342 -1,713 -28.3
Mdandu 29 9,463 4,489 2 4,268 -221 -4.9
Wanging’ombe 44 13,463 6,685 2 6,871 186 2.8
Total 107 33,535 17,229 2 15,481 -1,748 -10.1
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
At ward level, Table 5.55 shows that all wards had exceeded the national standard of pupils desk
ratio of three pupils for each desk (PDR, 1:3). However, only Igwachanya and Kijombe wards,
according to district requirement, had shortage of desks in the District (Table 5.55).
Table 5. 55: Availability of Desks in Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
Pupils Deficit of Desks
No. of Total Available Required
Ward Desk
Schools Pupils Desks Desks No. Percent
Ulembwe 6 2,676 1,077 2 916 -161 -14.9
Kipengere 5 1,091 1,383 1 428 -955 -69.1
Igosi 4 1,121 528 2 403 -125 -23.7
Makoga 7 1,647 1,175 1 875 -300 -25.5
Imalinyi 5 2,062 826 2 711 -115 -13.9
Kidugala 4 1,096 532 2 532 0 0.0
Wangama 3 916 534 2 477 -57 -10.7
Mdandu 5 1,817 981 2 981 0 0.0
Igwachanya 7 2,425 1,001 2 1,108 107 10.7
Igima 8 2,722 1,331 2 1,193 -138 -10.4
Itulahumba 4 942 473 2 403 -70 -14.8
Usuka 5 1,557 703 2 583 -120 -17.1
Wanging’ombe 7 2,550 1,367 2 1,367 0 0.0
Ilembula 5 2,132 1,093 2 930 -163 -14.9
Kijombe 5 1,725 811 2 1,874 1,063 131.1
Saja 5 1,271 615 2 615 0 0.0
Udonja 5 943 648 1 345 -303 -46.8
Uhambule 5 1,671 663 3 530 -133 -20.1
Uhenga 3 889 409 2 323 -86 -21.0
Malangali 2 385 229 2 183 -46 -20.1
Luduga 7 1,897 850 2 704 -146 -17.2
Total 107 33,535 17,229 2 15,481 -1,748 -10.1
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
v) Accessibility of Water
Wanging’ombe district has managed to supply water to most of its primary schools through water
tanks, water wells and tap water. Table 5.56 shows that the number of schools with working water
facilities decreased from 96 in 2014 to 94 in 2016. At ward level, Wanging’ombe ward, due to its
ecological status, is endowed with springs and rivers which supply water through tape water to most
of primary schools. Table 5.56 also shows that with exception of Igosi ward, the rest of the wards
managed to establish water facility to most of their schools and the most common technology used
was pipedwater. It was followed by water tank while water wells were used by only 8 schools in
2014 and 7 scchools in 2016 (Table5.56).
Table 5. 56: Accessibility of Water in Public Primary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and 2016
2014 2016
No. of No. of Primary Schools with No. of
Ward No. of Primary Schools with Working
Schools Working Schools
Water Water Water Water
Tape water Tape water
Tanks wells Tanks wells
Ulembwe 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 6
Kipengere 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5
Igosi 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Makoga 7 1 2 7 7 1 2 7
Imalinyi 5 2 0 5 5 2 0 5
Kidugala 4 0 0 4 4 4 0 4
Wangama 3 2 1 3 3 2 0 3
Mdandu 5 4 0 4 5 4 0 4
Igwachanya 7 0 1 6 7 0 2 2
Igima 8 0 0 8 8 0 0 8
Itulahumba 4 0 0 1 4 0 0 1
Usuka 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5
Wanging’ombe 7 0 0 6 7 1 0 6
Ilembula 5 3 0 10 5 5 0 10
Kijombe 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5
Saja 5 3 1 2 5 7 0 4
Udonja 5 0 0 4 5 0 0 4
Uhambule 5 0 0 4 5 0 0 4
Uhenga 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3
Malangali 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 1
Luduga 7 3 2 7 7 3 2 7
Total 106 18 8 96 107 29 7 94
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
vi) Teachers
The Teacher to Pupils Ratio (TPR) is an important indicator which shows the quality of education
provided in schools. The standard requirement is that one teacher should serve a class of 45 pupils
(1:45).Wanging’ombe District has an average TPR of 1:46.
Table 5.57 shows that primary schools in 11 wards in 2016 exceeded the Tanzania National
Primary Standard of TPR of 1:45. The situation was critical in Malangali ward which had a
shortage of teacher with pupils teacher ratio of 77 pupils per teacher followed by Imalinyi (TPR of
1:71) and Uhenga (TPR 1:59). The best pupils teacher ratio was recorded in Kipengere and
Ilembula wards (PTR 1:34 each) followed by Makoga and Udonja (1:35 each) and Igima,
Italahumba and wanging’ombe (1:41 each). However, according to the actual requirement of
teachers, more teachers are needed in all wards to allayany fear of future shortage.
Table 5. 57: Availability of Primary School’s Teachers (Grade A, B, Diploma and Degree) by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016
Pupils Actual Shortage of Teachers
No. of Total Available
Ward Teacher Required
Schools Pupils Teachers No. Percent
Ratio Teachers
Ulembwe 6 2,676 56 48 61 5 8.2
Kipengere 5 1,091 32 34 48 16 33.3
Igosi 4 1,121 27 42 34 7 20.6
Makoga 7 1,647 47 35 63 16 25.4
Imalinyi 5 2,062 29 71 42 13 31.0
Kidugala 4 1,096 26 42 36 10 27.8
Wangama 3 916 17 54 30 13 43.3
Mdandu 5 1,817 31 59 44 13 29.5
Igwachanya 7 2,425 54 45 56 2 3.6
Igima 8 2,722 66 41 84 18 21.4
Itulahumba 4 942 23 41 42 19 45.2
Usuka 5 1,557 31 50 46 15 32.6
Wanging’ombe 7 2,550 62 41 76 14 18.4
Ilembula 5 2,132 63 34 73 10 13.7
Kijombe 5 1,725 31 56 47 16 34.0
Saja 5 1,271 27 47 45 18 40.0
Udonja 5 943 27 35 42 15 35.7
Uhambule 5 1,671 30 56 42 12 28.6
Uhenga 3 889 15 59 28 13 46.4
Malangali 2 385 5 77 14 9 64.3
Luduga 7 1,897 36 53 63 27 42.9
Total 107 33,535 735 46 1,016 281 27.7
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The development of secondary education in Wanging’ombe district is in the transition due to its
historical context, the remoteness of the district and lack of economic infrastructure. In 2010, the
district had only 14 public and 2 private secondary schools. The private ones are located at Mdandu
and Kidugala wards. The number of secondary schools remained constant upto 2012. The number
of schools increased to 20 in 2014 (16 public and 4 private schools) and reached 21 in 2016. Out of
the 21 schools, 5 schools were privately owned and the remaining 16 were owned by public (Figure
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Looking at ward level, out of 21wards in Wanging’ombe district 5 wards, including Kidugala,
Itulahumba, Uhenga, Udonja and Malangali had not succeeded in building a public secondary
school (Table 5.58). The Government campaign of establishing at least one secondary school in
each ward should continue to meet the demand for secondary school enrolment in the district.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 58: Number of Secondary Schools by Ownership and Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Public Private Public Private Public Private
Ulembwe 1 0 1 0 1 0
Kipengere 1 0 1 0 1 0
Igosi 1 0 1 0 1 0
Makoga 1 0 1 0 1 1
Imalinyi 1 0 1 0 1 0
Kidugala 0 1 0 2 0 2
Wangama 1 0 1 0 1 0
Mdandu 1 0 1 0 1 0
Igwachanya 1 0 1 0 1 0
Igima 1 0 1 0 1 0
Itulahumba 0 1 0 1 0 1
Usuka 0 0 1 0 1 0
Wanging’ombe 1 0 1 0 1 0
Ilembula 1 0 1 0 1 0
Kijombe 1 0 1 0 1 0
Saja 1 0 1 0 1 0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uhambule 1 0 1 0 1 0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luduga 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total 15 3 16 4 16 5
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
percent. Mdandu and Wanging’ombe divisions had an increase in form I enrolment in 2016 than
was in 2012 (Table 5.59).
Map 12:Form I Enrolment by Division, Wanging'ombe DC; 2012, 2014 and 2016
Table 5. 59: Form I Enrolment by Division, Wanging’ombe District 2012, 2014 and 2016
Form I Students Enrolment Change, 2012 - 2016
2012 2014 2016 Number Percent
Imalinyi 949 620 769 -180 -23.4
Mdandu 682 579 693 11 1.6
Wanging’ombe 814 679 923 109 11.8
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 60: Form I Enrolment by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and 2016
Form I Students Enrolment Change, 2012 - 2016
2012 2014 2016 Number Percent
Ulembwe 215 141 154 -61 -39.6
Kipengere 205 85 86 -119 -138.4
Igosi 0 70 86 86 100.0
Makoga 146 40 114 -32 -28.1
Imalinyi 205 196 166 -39 -23.5
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wangama 178 88 163 -15 -9.2
Mdandu 251 210 189 -62 -32.8
Igwachanya 214 182 158 -56 -35.4
Igima 217 187 249 32 12.9
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0.0
Usuka 0 0 97 97 100.0
Wanging’ombe 135 192 187 52 27.8
Ilembula 148 153 186 38 20.4
Kijombe 142 91 103 -39 -37.9
Saja 101 72 150 49 32.7
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0.0
Uhambule 138 43 115 -23 -20.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 150 128 182 32 17.6
Total 2,445 1,878 2,385 -60 -2.5
Source:District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Comparing enrolment between sexes in the last five years, form one enrolment of girl students was
more than that of boy students and the gap has remain constant. Table 5.61 shows that in 2012 the
girls account for 54.7 percent of the form I enrolment compared to 45.3 percent for boys. The girl’s
enrolment increased to 58.3 percent in 2014 before dropped slightly to 56.5 percent in 2016 (Table
5.61). The comparatively higher level of girl’s enrolment, among other reasons, has been influenced
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
by the rise of parents’ awareness and understanding on the importance of educating a girl in the
society compared to a boy.
Table 5. 61: Form I Enrolment by Sex and Division, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Division Percent Percent Percent
Boys Total Boys Total Boys Total
Girls Girls Girls
Imalinyi 402 57.6 949 238 61.6 620 297 61.4 769
Mdandu 341 50.0 682 230 60.3 579 307 55.7 693
Wanging’ombe 365 55.2 814 315 53.6 679 434 53.0 923
Total 1108 54.7 2445 783 58.3 1878 1038 56.5 2385
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Significant variations among wards on enrolment by sex were observed in reference period as more girls
were enrolled than boys (Table 5.62). In 2012, six out of 16 wards with secondary schools enrolled more
girls than boys. The number rose to 11 wards with more girl students than boys in 2014. Similar trend was
observed in 2016, of the selected pupils, more girls than boys joined form one in 12 wards. One general
observation from the data is, among other factors, poor performance of boys in standard seven
examinations and lack of awareness on the importance of education to some parents.
Table 5. 62: Form I Enrolment by Sex and Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2012, 2014 and 2016
2012 2014 2016
Ward Percent Percent Percent
Boys Total Boys Total Boys Total
Girls Girls Girls
Ulembwe 95 55.8 215 67 52.5 141 75 51.3 154
Kipengere 105 48.8 205 29 65.9 85 35 59.3 86
Igosi 0 0.0 0 27 61.4 70 40 53.5 86
Makoga 82 43.8 146 17 57.5 40 47 58.8 114
Imalinyi 120 41.5 205 98 50.0 196 100 39.8 166
Kidugala 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Wangama 0 100.0 178 0 100.0 88 0 100.0 163
Mdandu 125 50.2 251 62 70.5 210 78 58.7 189
Igwachanya 112 47.7 214 67 63.2 182 74 53.2 158
Igima 104 52.1 217 101 46.0 187 124 50.2 249
Itulahumba 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Usuka 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 31 68.0 97
Wanging’ombe 65 51.9 135 103 46.4 192 96 48.7 187
Ilembula 75 49.3 148 68 55.6 153 85 54.3 186
Kijombe 53 62.7 142 35 61.5 91 44 57.3 103
Saja 52 48.5 101 33 54.2 72 57 62.0 150
Udonja 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Uhambule 48 65.2 138 26 39.5 43 60 47.8 115
Uhenga 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Malangali 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Performance of secondary schools in terms of completion rate was better in 2015 than 2016.
Proportion of students who completed secondary school education cycle in 2015 was higher (65.4
percent) than for 2016(50.6 percent). Looking at sex difference, Table 5.63 shows that more girls
than boys completed both education cycles in terms of number and proportions. One general
observation from the data is that there is a sign of an increase of students who do not complete
secondary education in the district. The council should find out reasons that caused 49.4 percent of
students who were enrolled in 2013 not completing secondary education in 2016.
Table 5. 63: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2012 and 2013 and Completed Form IVin 2015 and 2016
by Sex, Wangingombe District Council
Enrolled Completed Completion Enrolled Completed Completion
2012 2015 Rate 2013 2016 Rate
Boys 1,108 617 55.7 1018 427 41.9
Girls 1,337 982 73.4 1,154 671 58.1
Total 2,445 1,599 65.4 2,172 1,098 50.6
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Variations were experienced at ward level. Luduga ward had the highest secondary school
completion rate in 2015 (104.0 percent) followed by Wangama, 93.3 percent) Ilembula (77.0
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
percent) and Ulembwe (76.7 percent). Kipengere and Makoga wards had the lowest completion
rates of 41.5 percent and 42.5 percent respectively. Table 5.64 also shows that boys had lower
completion rates than girls. At ward level, with exception of Igima ward, the rest of the wards had
more girls’ students who completed secondary schools than boys.
Table 5. 64: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2012 and Completed Form IV in 2015, Wangingombe
District Council
Total 1,108 1,337 2,445 617 982 1,599 55.7 73.4 65.4
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Table 5.65 shows the second cohort of students who were enrolled in 2013 and completed in 2016.
Poor achievement has been recorded when compared to the earlier cohort. Deliberate efforts need to
be done by the local government authorities in order to improve retention of students to complete
secondary education in the District. The completion rate decreased significantly from 65.4 percent
in 2015 (cohort one) to only 50.6 percent in 2016 (Table 5.65). At ward level, similar experience
was observed among wards, although variations occurred between them. One general observation
from Table 5.65 is that wards, including Wangama, Luduga, Wanging’ombe and Imalinyi had best
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
proportions of students who completed Form IV than the rest of wards. Again, variations observed
between sexes with higher rates for girls than boys in most of wards in the district.
Table 5. 65: Number of Pupils Enrolled in Form I in 2013 and Completed Form IV in 2016, Wangingombe District Council
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
examinations completely. Looking at sex difference, performance was better boys than girls in all
divisions. The District Authority should take this performance matter seriously.
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
In 2012, Figure 5.9 shows that only 0.4 percent, 2.0 percent and 5.3 percent of students out of 1,797
form four examinees attained division one, two and three respectively. Students who attained
division four and those failed were 37.6 percent and 54.6 percent respectively. Looking at pass rates
between sexes, the performances of boy students were higher than that of girls while more girls
failed their examinations than boys (Figure 5.9).
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The set criteria by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training recognize a student has
passed Form IV examinations if he or she will attain any division between one and four and fail if
he/she attained division zero. Table 5.66 shows that out of 1,797 examinees, only 45.4 percent
passed and 54.6 percent fail their Form IV examinations in 2012. At ward level, Imalinyi,
Wangama, Wanging’ombe and Luduga wards performed best in 2012 with 72.0 percent, 61.3
percent, 60.6 percent and 51.0 percent of their students passed their examinations. The rest of the
wards had pass rate less than 50 percent and Ulembwe ward had the worst pass rate of 27.2 percent
mostly attributed by poor performance of girls (18.7 percent) than boys (39.7 percent). Poor pass
rates observed in most wards should be seen as a challenge for the provision of secondary education
and the district council should find out reasons why students are not performing better in their
Table 5. 66: Number of Students Who Sat for Form IV and Pass in Public Secondary Schools by Wards, Wanging’ombe
District Council; 2012
Total Students Percent of Students Passed Exams Percent of Students Failed Exams
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 73 107 180 39.7 18.7 27.2 60.3 81.3 72.8
Kipengere 54 88 142 53.7 34.1 41.5 46.3 65.9 58.5
Igosi 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Makoga 76 70 146 39.5 15.7 28.1 60.5 84.3 71.9
Imalinyi 101 60 161 79.2 60.0 72.0 20.8 40.0 28.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wangama 0 124 124 0.0 61.3 61.3 0.0 38.7 38.7
Mdandu 116 118 234 45.7 25.4 35.5 54.3 74.6 64.5
Igwachanya 102 68 170 35.3 23.5 30.6 64.7 76.5 69.4
Igima 63 72 135 42.9 18.1 29.6 57.1 81.9 70.4
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Usuka 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wanging’ombe 66 76 142 65.2 56.6 60.6 34.8 43.4 39.4
Ilembula 79 81 160 41.8 27.2 34.4 58.2 72.8 65.6
Kijombe 52 61 113 36.5 19.7 27.4 63.5 80.3 72.6
Saja 26 29 55 65.4 17.2 40.0 34.6 82.8 60.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Uhambule 46 38 84 32.6 36.8 34.5 67.4 63.2 65.5
Uhenga 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Luduga 66 79 145 54.5 48.1 51.0 45.5 51.9 49.0
Total 926 871 1,797 48.5 42.0 45.4 51.5 58.0 54.6
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Great achievement was done by the district authority in the improvement on the 2016 examinations
performance in public schools of Wanging’ombe district. Figure 5.10 shows that out of 1,108
students who sat for form four examinations in 2016, only 13.3 percent of examinees failed their
examinations and 56.0 percent attained division four. Moreover, the proportion of students who
attained division one, two and three increased significantly to 2.0 percent, 9.9 percent and 18.9
percent respectively (Figure 5.10). Looking at sex difference, two scenarios can be recorded from
the data. The first scenario is boy’s performance which was higher for first and second divisions
when compared to that for girl’s performance.The second scenario is girl’s performance which was
higher for third and fourth divisions. One general observation from figures 5.9 and 5.10is the
decline of students who failed their examinations as it was in 2012 as compared to 2016.
Figure 5. 10: Pass Rates in Form IV Examinations in Public Secondary Schools by Sex,
Wanging’ombe District Council;2016
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe DC; 2017
Great achievement in examination performance was observed at ward level, although therewere
some variations among them. Table 5.67 shows that at ward level, all students in Wangama,
Wanging’ombe, Ilembula and Uhambule wards passed their examinations.Performance in the rest
of the wards ranged between 59.7 percent (Kijombe) and 96.6 percent (Igwachanya). Another
impressive feature observed from the data is insignificant differences in examination performance
between boys and girls within and among wards in the district (Table 5.67). Girls’ performances
ranged between 41.7 percent (Kijombe ward) and 100 percent while boys performances ranged
between 74.5 percent in Luduga ward and 100 percent (Table 5.67).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 67: Number of Students Who Sat for Form IV and Pass in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District Council, 2016
Total Students Percent of Students Passed Exams Percent of Students Failed Exams
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
Ulembwe 22 50 72 95.5 94.0 94.4 4.5 6.0 5.6
Kipengere 17 36 53 88.2 91.7 90.6 11.8 8.3 9.4
Igosi 20 15 35 90.0 93.3 91.4 10.0 6.7 8.6
Makoga 22 19 41 100.0 73.7 87.8 0.0 26.3 12.2
Imalinyi 75 34 109 84.0 85.3 84.4 16.0 14.7 15.6
Kidugala 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wangama 0 95 95 0.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mdandu 47 55 102 85.1 85.5 85.3 14.9 14.5 14.7
Igwachanya 35 52 87 97.1 96.2 96.6 2.9 3.8 3.4
Igima 44 41 85 86.4 68.3 77.6 13.6 31.7 22.4
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Usuka 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wanging’ombe 36 47 83 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ilembula 22 38 60 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Kijombe 26 36 62 84.6 41.7 59.7 15.4 58.3 40.3
Saja 20 25 45 85.0 76.0 80.0 15.0 24.0 20.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Uhambule 10 18 28 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Luduga 55 87 142 74.5 82.8 79.6 25.5 17.2 20.4
Total 447 661 1,108 88.4 85.6 86.7 11.6 14.4 13.3
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
i) Teachers
Expansion of secondary education should always go hand in hand with the increase in the number
of teaching staff. The national standard of the required teachers in secondary schools based on the
Standard Students Qualified Teacher Ratio (SQTR) is a teacher per 25 students (1:25). Table 5.68
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
shows that Wanging’ombe district had a total of 411 teachers distributed in 16 public secondary
schools in 2016. The SQTR was 1:19, below the national standard of 1:25. However, according to
actual demand of the teachers for future demand the District had a shortage of 23.8 percent of the
required teachers in 2016 (Table 5.68).
At ward level, all wards in Wanging’ombe district had a shortage of secondary teachers ranging in
number between 3 and 13. Looking at percentage level, Imalinyi ward had the biggest shortage of
48.1 percent followed by Luduga (45.5 percent) and Kipengere (36.0 percent). Ulembwe,
Igwachanya and Saja wards had lowest level of shortages of teachers, at11.1 percent, 12.5 percent
and 13.6 percent respectively (Table 5.68).
Table 5. 68: Availability of Public Secondary School Teachers by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Figure 5.11 shows that, out of 411 Public Secondary school teachers available in Wanging’ombe
district in 2016, 156 were diploma holders, 250 degree holders and only 3 teachers were masters’
holders as well as others qualifications. Looking at sex difference, male teachers were more than
females in all levels of qualifications. One general observation from the data is that the district has
more qualified teachers because more than half have degree and above than those with diploma.
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Campaigns for increasing the number of Science Teachers in Wanging’ombe should be enhanced
by the District Authority, since among 410 available teachers; only 53 are Science teachers and the
rest of them are arts’ teachers. Usuka ward was the most affected with only one teacher who taught
science subjects followed by Kipengere, Igosi and Saja with 2 science teachers (Table 5.69). The
most privileged ward was Igwachanya and Igima (5 each) followed by Makoga, Wangama, Mdandu
and Kijombe ward (4 each).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 69: Number of Science and Arts Teachers in Public Secondary Schools by Ward and Sex; 2016
Science Subjects Percent Arts Subjects Percent
Ward Science Arts
Male Female Total Male Female Total Teachers
Teachers Teachers
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The Local Authorities at ward level should take into account the fact that the provision of staff
houses is a basic incentive for teacher retention and promotion of effective teaching. Therefore,
more effort should also be directed towards building staff houses together with other facilities.
Table 5. 70: Availability of Teachers' Houses in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
iii) Classrooms
Construction of classrooms in all secondary schools through community participation to the great
extent has solved the problem of overcrowding of students in a class. According to national Class
Students Ratio of 1:40, the district had enough classrooms since the district average of 33 students
per class in 2016. However, according to the target set by the district authority, the required number
of classrooms was supposed to be 250 in 2016, as a result, there was a deficit of 18 percent (Table
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
At ward level, only 6 out of 16 wards with secondary schools had no shortage of classrooms while
the rest of wards had shortage which ranged between 5.0 percent and 50.0 percent (Table 5.71).
Igosi, Kipengere, Wangama and Luduga wards were the most affected with deficits of 50.0 percent,
41.7 percent, 37.5 percent and 36.8 percent, respectively (Table 5.71).
Table 5. 71: Availability of Classrooms in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Class Deficit Classrooms
No. of Available Required
Ward Students
Students Classrooms Classrooms No. Percent
Ulembwe 527 16 33 16 0 0.0
Kipengere 395 14 28 24 10 41.7
Igosi 192 4 48 8 4 50.0
Makoga 352 9 39 9 0 0.0
Imalinyi 800 19 42 20 1 5.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wangama 626 10 63 16 6 37.5
Mdandu 628 20 31 20 0 0.0
Igwachanya 491 10 49 13 3 23.1
Igima 695 13 53 18 5 27.8
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Usuka 307 11 28 11 0 0.0
Wanging’ombe 733 18 41 24 6 25.0
Ilembula 483 13 37 16 3 18.8
Kijombe 315 15 21 15 0 0.0
Saja 391 11 36 11 0 0.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Uhambule 341 10 34 10 0 0.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 683 12 57 19 7 36.8
Total 7959 205 39 250 45 18.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
iv) Toilets
All public secondary schools in the district had a total of 325 pit latrines (151 for boys and 174
girls) in 2016 (Table 5.72). Basing on the standard set by the education authorities, the standard
pupils pit latrine ratio is 1:20 for girls and (1:25) for boys .Table 5.72 indicates that there was a
shortage of pit latrines in secondary schools as it was for primary schools where one pit latrine was
used by 22 boys and 26 girls students in 2016. The table also shows that none of the wards had
enough toilets.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5.72 also shows that only 3 wards out of 16 wards with secondary schools had extra toilets
for both sexes in 2016. These wards were Ulembwe, Kipengere and Usuka, while Makoga,
Kijombe and Saja wards had excess boys’ toilets only (Table 5.72). Ilembula ward was the most
affected since the shortage of toilets are twice as much the available toilet facilities in their schools.
Table 5. 72: Availability of Students’ Toilets in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Available Pit Pit Latrine Required Pit
Total Students Percent Deficit
Ward Latrine Student Ratio Latrine
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Ulembwe 212 315 11 13 19 24 9 16 -18.2 23.1
Kipengere 220 175 13 15 17 12 9 9 -30.8 -40.0
Igosi 78 114 2 2 39 57 4 6 100.0 200.0
Makoga 182 170 14 6 13 28 8 9 -42.9 50.0
Imalinyi 406 394 12 14 34 28 17 20 41.7 42.9
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Wangama 0 626 0 8 0 78 0 32 0.0 300.0
Mdandu 265 363 7 10 38 36 11 19 57.1 90.0
Igwachanya 257 234 11 19 23 12 11 12 0.0 -36.8
Igima 332 363 16 20 21 18 14 19 -12.5 -5.0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Usuka 115 192 12 14 10 14 5 10 -58.3 -28.6
Wanging’ombe 369 364 10 5 37 73 15 19 50.0 280.0
Ilembula 239 244 5 5 48 49 10 13 100.0 160.0
Kijombe 118 197 7 8 17 25 5 10 -28.6 25.0
Saja 154 237 8 12 19 20 7 12 -12.5 0.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Uhambule 155 186 7 7 22 27 7 10 0.0 42.9
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Luduga 292 391 16 16 18 24 12 20 -25.0 25.0
Total 3,394 4,565 151 174 22 26 144 236 -4.6 35.6
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2014
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 73: Availability of Tables and chairs in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Required Available Deficit Percent Deficit
Tables Chairs Tables Chairs Tables Chairs Tables Chairs
Ulembwe 527 527 628 527 -101 0 -16.1 0.0
Kipengere 398 398 398 398 0 0 0.0 0.0
Igosi 215 215 268 268 -53 -53 -19.8 -19.8
Makoga 318 318 375 375 -57 -57 -15.2 -15.2
Imalinyi 718 718 718 731 0 -13 0.0 -1.8
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Wangama 560 560 570 560 -10 0 -1.8 0.0
Mdandu 602 602 652 652 -50 -50 -7.7 -7.7
Igwachanya 491 491 545 545 -54 -54 -9.9 -9.9
Igima 633 633 654 654 -21 -21 -3.2 -3.2
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Usuka 182 182 205 205 -23 -23 -11.2 -11.2
Wanging’ombe 620 620 664 620 -44 0 -6.6 0.0
Ilembula 438 438 444 438 -6 0 -1.4 0.0
Kijombe 303 304 335 310 -32 -6 -9.6 -1.9
Saja 365 378 365 378 0 0 0.0 0.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Uhambule 241 241 306 241 -65 0 -21.2 0.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
Luduga 621 621 633 633 -12 -12 -1.9 -1.9
Total 7,232 7,246 7,760 7,535 -528 -289 -6.8 -3.8
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 74: Availability of Administration Blocks in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe
District; 2016
Required Deficit of Admin. Block
No. of No. of Schools with
Ward Admin.
Schools Admin. Blocks Number Percent
Ulembwe 1 1 1 0 0.0
Kipengere 1 1 1 0 0.0
Igosi 1 0 1 1 100.0
Makoga 1 1 1 0 0.0
Imalinyi 1 0 1 1 100.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wangama 1 1 1 0 0.0
Mdandu 1 1 1 0 0.0
Igwachanya 1 0 1 1 100.0
Igima 1 0 1 1 100.0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0.0
Usuka 1 0 1 1 100.0
Wanging’ombe 1 1 1 0 0.0
Ilembula 1 1 1 0 0.0
Kijombe 1 0 1 1 100.0
Saja 1 1 1 0 0.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0.0
Uhambule 1 0 1 1 100.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 1 0 1 1 100.0
Total 16 8 16 8 50.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
vii) Dormitories
Construction of dormitories in rural areas is essential due to the geographic nature of
Wanging’ombe district and distribution of human settlements. The availability of dormitories can
help students solve the problem of walking long distances and reduce the rates of drop outs,
pregnancies and truancy. Unfortunately, all wards had shortage of dormitories ranging from 25
percent (Wanging’ombe) to 100 percent (Kipengere, Igosi and Usuka) in 2016 (Table 5.75). This
implies that the majority students are attending day school or are in rentedaccomodation near
respective schools.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 75: Availability of Dormitories in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
viii) Libraries
The library facility is considered as an essential but not a crucial facility for the development of
knowledge and skills of a student. According to the standards set by the Ministry of Education and
Vocation Training, every secondary school should have a library to enable students to borrow and
use supplementary books besides textbooks. Data from education department shows that no ward
had a library at the end of 2012. This implies that no supplementary books were available for
students to borrow in the whole district of Wanging’ombe.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
ix) Laboratories
The laboratory is a necessary facility for students taking science subjects. The specification set by
the government is that each school should have at
least three laboratories for physics, chemistry and
biology subjects. Data from education department
shows that all wards with exception of Igosi and
Wangama had successfully constructed all required
three laboratories in 2016 (Table 5.76). This implies
that particle exercise for science subjects are
performed in most of secondary schools within the district.
Table 5. 76: Availability of Laboratories in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
No. of Deficit
Ward Required Available
Schools Number Percent
Ulembwe 1 3 3 0 0.0
Kipengere 1 3 3 0 0.0
Igosi 1 3 0 3 100.0
Makoga 1 3 3 0 0.0
Imalinyi 1 3 3 0 0.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wangama 1 3 2 1 33.3
Mdandu 1 3 3 0 0.0
Igwachanya 1 3 3 0 0.0
Igima 1 3 3 0 0.0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0.0
Usuka 1 3 3 0 0.0
Wanging’ombe 1 3 3 0 0.0
Ilembula 1 3 3 0 0.0
Kijombe 1 3 3 0 0.0
Saja 1 3 3 0 0.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0.0
Uhambule 1 3 3 0 0.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 1 3 3 0 0.0
Total 16 48 44 4 8.3
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
x) Electricity
Table 5.77 shows various sources of electricity used by secondary schools in Wanging’ombe
district. About 68.8 percent of 16 schools had electricity and TANESCO continues to be the main
supplier of electricity in the district (11 out 16 secondary schools). Solar energy andgenerators are
used by two schools each while other sources are used by one school. One general observation from
the data is that the availability of national grid managed by TANESCO has enabled significant
number of public secondary schools to have electricity in most of wards in the district.
Table 5. 77: Availability of Electricity in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe District; 2016
No. of Source of Electricity Schools With Electricity
Schools TANESCO Solar Generator Others No. Percent
Ulembwe 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Kipengere 1 0 0 0 1 1 100.0
Igosi 1 0 0 0 0 1 100.0
Makoga 1 0 0 1 0 1 100.0
Imalinyi 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Wangama 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Mdandu 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Igwachanya 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Igima 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Usuka 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Wanging’ombe 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Ilembula 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Kijombe 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Saja 1 0 1 0 0 1 100.0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Uhambule 1 1 0 0 0 1 100.0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0
Luduga 1 0 1 1 0 1 100.0
Total 16 11 2 2 1 16 100.0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
xi) Water
Availability of adequate supply of clean and safe potable water for secondary school students is of
utmost importance. Table 5.78 shows that in 2014, the district had managed to establish 15 water
sources in 13 secondary schools. Out of those schools, none used water tanks, three used water
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
wells and 12 piped/tap water. In 2016, the number of schools getting water increased to 15 and tap
water continued to be the main source of water (14 schools) and water wells continues to be the
least used by only three schools (Table 5.78). At council level, variations can be observed in water
sources in secondary schools. One general observation portrayed by the data is that most of wards
use piped water as the main source of water supply to their schools (Table 5.78).
Table 5. 78: Accessibility of Water in Public Secondary Schools by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and 2016
2014 2016
No. of Schools with Working No. of Schools with Working
Ward No. of No. of
Water Water Schools Water Water Schools
Tap water Tap water
Tanks wells Tanks wells
Ulembwe 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Kipengere 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Igosi 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Makoga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Imalinyi 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wangama 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Mdandu 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Igwachanya 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Igima 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Usuka 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
Wanging’ombe 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Ilembula 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Kijombe 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Saja 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uhambule 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luduga 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Total 0 3 12 13 1 0 14 16
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe district is not well endowed with colleges and vocational training institutions. Until
2016, the District had manage to establish one training college and vocational training centre,
namely, Kidugala Teachers Training College and Igwachanya Vocation Training Centre located in
Kidugala and Igwachanya wards respectively.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Kidugala Teachers Training College offers courses of teaching at certificate and diploma levels.
Table 5.79 shows that number of students decreased from 78 in 2014 to 34 in 2016 and majority of
students attended certificate courses in both years.
Table 5. 79 Number of Students at Kidugala Education Training College by Program and Sex, Wanging’ombe District,
2014, 2015 and 2016
Igwachanya Vocation Training Centre provides vocational training on Carpentry and Joinery,
Tailoring, Electrical Installation and auto mechanics. Table 5.80 shows that the number of students
who joined in 2014, 2015 and 2016 were 28, 41 and 35 respectively. Nevertheless, more vocation
training centres are needed to enable primary and secondary graduates to acquire technical
education and increase self-employment to youths of Wanging’ombe district.
Table 5. 80:Number of Students by Program Pursuing and Sex, Wanging’ombe VTC, Wanging’ombe District, 2014, 2015
and 2016
2014 2015 2016
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Carpentry 7 0 7 8 0 8 4 0 4
Mechanics 4 0 4 15 0 15 9 0 9
Tailoring 0 4 4 0 2 2 4 0 4
Electricity 13 0 13 13 3 16 14 4 18
Total 24 4 28 36 5 41 31 4 35
Percent 85.7 14.3 100 87.8 12.2 100 88.6 11.4 100
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Education Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Although there is a recognizable development in both primary and secondary education, policy
intervention needs to take place to alleviate the challenges observed. The District need to put more
effort in reducing drop outs by introducing a school feeding progamme in both primary and
secondary schools since not all wards have these facilities. Construction of girls’ dormitories is
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
highly needed to prevent or reduce girls’ dropout due to pregnancy and also increasing pass rate for
girl pupils/students. In addition to that, for learning improvement in secondary schools, the
laboratories and teachers for science subjects are of paramount important.
Since both primary and secondary schools in the District have shortage of toilet holes, more toilet
holes should be constructed to satisfy the education policy of one toilet hole for 20 girls and one
toilet hole for 24 boys. Likewise, the number of desks in some of primary and secondary schools
should be increased to meet education policy of one desk per three pupils and a desk per student.
Other facilities to be considered by the district authority include, libraries, dormitories, staff
quarters and electricity to enhance learning environment.
The challenges facing the development of education sector include; inadequacy of pre-primary
schools, primary schools and secondary schools as well as school facilities like classrooms,
textbooks, laboratories, toilets, learning and teaching materials and inadequacy of teachers. Others
are vocation training centres, colleges and higher learning institutions. Therefore, investment in the
supply of textbooks, laboratory equipment and materials and building materials is highly needed.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
5.3.0 An Overview
Water Supply and sanitation sector covers rural and urban water supply in terms of water sources,
schemes and technology used to supply water. Therefore, the development of this sector in
Wanging’ombe district involves improving all the above mentioned areas.
Availability of adequate supply of clean potable water for the residents of Wanging’ombe district is
of utmost importance. This is because water is very useful for human beings, livestock and
agriculture. According to the report from district water engineer, water from pipe, protected springs
and shallow wells were the main source of drinking water in the district. It is important to note that
Wanging’ombe is a typically rural district, and thus it does not have urban water supply.
Since Wanging’ombe district is dominated by the rural population, most of the efforts in supplying
water are concentrated in the rural areas through the provision of shallow wells and piped water.
Table 5.81 shows that the main source of water for the rural population in Wanging’ombe district is
the river water followed by the rain water harvest tanks and shallow wells.
At ward level, river water, harvest rain water tanks and springs are the most common sources of
water. Most of the wards in the council use the river water as the main source of water supply
except Kijombe, Itulahumba, Malangali and Uhenga. The worst wards were Igosi, Imalinyi,
Wangama, Kidugala, Udonja and Kipengere with single source of water. The well-endowed water
sources were Saja ward with 11 rain water harvest tanks in good condition (Table 5.81).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 81: Number and Type of Rural Water Sources by Ward, Wanging’ombe District Council; 2016
Charcoal Shallow water Bore River Piped
Spring Dam
dams Well Harvest holes water Lake Scheme
Tanks water
Saja 0 2 1 0 0 1 11 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kijombe 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Ilembula 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wanging'ombe 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luduga 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Usuka 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igwachanya 0 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igima 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Itulahumba 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igosi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imalinyi 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malangali 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Makoga 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kipengere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uhenga 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ulembwe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 2 11 10 0 8 16 11 0 8 0 17 1 0 0 0 0 0
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Water Supply and Sanitation Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
In order to make sure that there is a fairly sufficient supply of water to the residents of
Wanging’ombe district, different types of water technologies are used. Table 5.82 shows that the
gravity piped is the leading technology used in the district followed by hand pump while wind mill
and electricity pump are not used in the council. Out of three technologies used in Wanging’ombe
district, the gravity piped is the most common technology (16) used to supply water followed by
hand pumps (14) and the last one is Diesel pump (1).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
At ward level, the gravity piped is the most used technology in supplying water in most wards. Most
of the wards having gravity piped technology except Mdandu, Uhenga, Ulembwe, Malangali and
Makoga are not using this technology. The second most important technology is the hand pump
used in the district.The leading ward for this technology is Makoga followed by Saja and Uhenga
wards (Table 5.82).
Table 5. 82: Number and Type of Technology Used in Rural Water Schemes by Ward; Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Type of Technology
Ward Wind Mill Diesel Pump Hand Pump Gravity Piped Total
Saja 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 3 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
Ilembula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Wanging'ombe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Mdandu 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Uhambule 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
Luduga 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
Usuka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2
Igwachanya 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 0 2 6
Igima 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 2 2
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 2
Igosi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Imalinyi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Kipengere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
Ulembwe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Makoga 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 0
Total 0 0 0 0 1 0 14 16 16 0 31 16
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Water Supply and Sanitation Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
In 2016, only 68 percent of the District population (161,811) had access to clean water in
Wanging’ombe district (Table 5.83). At the ward level, Igima ward had the highest percent of
population who were servedwith clean water at96.0 percent followed by Kidugala (90.3 percent),
Uhambule (85.3 percent), Kipengere (84.9 percent) and Ulembwe (84.4 percent).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 83: Percentage of Rural Population Served with Clean Water by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 5. 84: Number of Village Water Committees and Village Water Funds by Ward, Wanging’ombe District, 2016
Kidugala silu,Masage,Kidugala,Mkeha and 7 v v 2,251,250
Itulahumba Itulahumba 1 v v 0
Itulahumba Isindagosi 1 v v 0
Itulahumba Sakalenga 1 v 0
Igosi Ivigo 1 v v 0
Makoga Idunda 1 v v 0
Kipengere Mafinga 1 v 0
Kipengere Moronga 1 v v 0
Mdandu Mdandu 1 v v 430,000
Makoga Ng’anda/Uhekule 2 v v 0
Makoga Makoga/Mdasi 2 v v 0
Total 24 11,091,844
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Water Supply and Sanitation Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Staff Establishment
Table 5.85 shows the status of water supply personnel in Wanging’ombe district. In 2016, the actual
demand for water supply personnel in Wanging’ombe district was 9, but only 4 personnel were
available. So in actual fact there was deficit of 5 personnel equivalent to 56 percent. There is a
deficit for every profession and hence create havoc to the sector (Table 5.85).
Table 5. 85: Number of Staff Establishment of Water Supply, Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Ward/Professional Demand Actual
Number Percent
Engineers 1 1 0 0
Hydrogeologists 1 0 1 100
Hydrologist 1 0 1 100
Water Resources Technicians 6 3 3 50
Others 0 0 0 0
Total 9 4 5 56
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Water Supply and Sanitation Department),
Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
For good health and favourable living environment in any societies, sanitation facilities are
essential. The 2012 population and housing census results shows that over 85.3 percent of
households in Wanging’ombe use traditional pit latrines or non improved toilet facilities (59.0
percent) followed by covered pit latrine (25.5 percent) and Ventilated Improved Pit latrines - VIP
(1.5 percent). The District Authority of Wanging’ombe has the responsibility of advocating the
importance of toilet facilities so as to make sure that they get rid of communicable diseases like
diarrhoea and water borne diseases. At ward level, again the traditional pit latrine was dominant. It
was followed by the covered pit latrine while ventilated pit latrines and flush toilets were not
common. The percentage of households with toilets at ward level ranged from 76 percent in Igima
ward to 41 percent in Kijombe ward while the households without toilet facilities at ward range
from 59 percent at Kijombe ward to 24 percent lowest at Igima ward (Table 5.86).
Table 5. 86: Number of Households with Sanitation Facilities (Toilet) by Type and Ward; Wanging’ombe District, 2016
% of
Estimated Total Total Number of % of Total Number of
TOTAL Households
Ward Number of Households with Households Households
POP. without
Households Toilets with Toilets without Toilets
Igima 14,118 3,530 2682 76 848 24
Igosi 7,449 1,872 1217 65 655 35
Iwachanya 14,174 3,744 2209 59 1,535 41
Ilembula 14,356 3,411 1808 53 1,603 47
Imalinyi 7,084 2,177 1350 62 827 38
Itulahumba 5,141 1,285 617 48 668 52
Kidugala 6,743 1,686 826 49 860 51
Kijombe 8,300 1,993 817 41 1,176 59
Kipengere 10,253 1,824 1149 63 675 37
Luduga 5,672 2,340 1381 59 959 41
Makoga 8,590 2,286 1486 65 800 35
Malangali 2,746 769 389 51 380 49
Mdandu 8,186 2,047 1126 55 921 45
Saja 6,745 2,018 855 42 1,163 58
Udonja 3,937 1,240 633 51 607 49
Uhambule 6,241 1,560 858 55 702 45
Uhenga 5,127 1,282 756 59 526 41
Ulembwe 11,253 2,813 1474 52 1,339 48
Usuka 5,491 1,277 843 66 434 34
Wangama 4,237 1,059 519 49 540 51
Wanging'ombe 11,532 2,883 1528 53 1,355 47
Total 167,375 41,844 24523 59 17,321 41
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Water Supply and Sanitation Department), Wanging’ombe District, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Poor accessibility of clean and safe water is a very common problem in Waging’ombe district. Lack
of reliable and permanent water sources is believed to be the corner stone of the problem. To
alleviate the situation, extensive research is needed to make sure the problem is alleviated.
Wanging’ombe district is not well endowed with various types of water sources although it has the
potential of feeding the whole district with bore holes, rain water harvesting and piped water.
Investment is hence needed in regard to the supply of pipes, drilling and pumping equipment and
the increase of the capacity of water storage. Investment is also needed for the supply of electricity
to be used in running water pump schemes.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
6.0 Introduction
Chapter six discusses other development issues including gender empowerment such as day care
centers, women economic groups, youth economic groups, cooperative development (SACCOS) as
well as women’s participation in managerial, political, professional and technical fields.
In African culture it is known that women spend a lot of time in attending home activities which are
unpaid activities (household chores). In that aspect various measures are put in place to minimize
the time spent by women and girls in attending home activities. Gender empowerment aims at
empowering women to participate fully in policy and decision making as well as participate in
economic activities. Measures to be taken include the use of family planning, opening and operating
day care centers, establishment of women economic groups, participation in SACCOS, CBOs and
other cooperative activities. These initiatives are also being implemented in Wanging’ombe DC.
As mentioned earlier, various measures have been put in place to minimize time spent by women
and girls in attending home activities and so allow them more time to involve themselves in politics
and other socio-economic activities. The 2012 Population and Housing Census revealed that the sex
ratio of Wanging’ombe district council was 87 males for every 100 females as compared to the
regional sex ratio of 88 males for every 100 females. This is a significant observation which shows
that a large part of the population in the district council is composed of females. So running day
care centers enables mothers to contribute significantly to the socio-economic development of the
district council.
Day care centers have become an important institution not only because keeping children of age 3
to 4 at day care centers allows their mothers to participate fully in the production of goods and
services but it also allows the children to join pre-primary which is a prerequisite for joining
primary education.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 6.1 shows that in 2014 there were 29 centers in Wanging’ombe DC with 1,275 children
distributed in only eight wards out of the 21 wards of the council. Wanging’ombe ward lead with
nine centers followed by Igima ward (eight centers) and Ilembula ward (four centers), while
Kijombe ward had three centers, Uhambule ward two centers and Igosi, Makoga and Kipengere
wards had one center each. However, in 2016 there were 35 centers with 1,694 children distributed
in nine wards out of the 21 wards of the council. Wanging’ombe ward lead with 11 centers
followed by Igima ward (eight centers) and Ilembula ward (five centers) whereas Kijombe ward
had four, Igosi and Uhambule wards two centers each and Kipengere, Igwachanya, and Makoga
wards had one center each. There was no single operating day care centre in the remaining 12 wards
of the district council in 2016 and hence there is a call for the council authorities to oversee this
issue for the betterment of the council.
Table 6. 1: Distribution of Day Care Centers by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and 2016
2014 2016 Difference in Percent
Ward Number of Number of Number of Number of numbers of difference of
centres pupils centres pupils pupils pupils
Igima 8 413 8 506 93 22.5
Ilembula 4 149 5 205 56 37.6
Uhambule 2 198 2 232 34 17.2
Kijombe 3 161 4 262 101 62.7
Igosi 1 38 2 121 83 218.4
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0
Saja 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0
Odonja 0 0 0 0 0 0
Makoga 1 0 1 64 32 80.0
Igwachanya 0 0 1 57 57 0
Wanging’ombe 9 166 11 215 49 29.5
Kipengere 1 110 1 64 46 41.8
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0
Usuka 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ulembwe 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mdandu 0 0 0 0 0 0
Luduga 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0
Imalinyi 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 29 1,275 35 1,694 419 45.3
Source: District Executive Director’s Office, Wanging’ombe DC, 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Women in Wanging’ombe DC are industrious and a good number of them are engaged in various
economic activities. In order to respond to the need of
women emancipation in society, women economic
groups have been established to cater for women's
emerging needs. These women groups which are
engaged in various micro economic activities such as
small scale businesses, horticulture, agriculture, as
well as poultry and livestock keeping, will increase the
growth of the council’s economy. Women have
continued to receive loans from government and non
government organizations and religious institutions.
Table 6.2 show that Wanging’ombe DC had only nine women groups in 2014 and 27 groups in
2016 distributed in a few of its wards. Most economic groups in 2014 were in Makoga ward with
four groups, Usuka ward with two groups, Ulembwe Ward with one group, Imlainyi Ward with one
group and Luduga with one group. In 2016 however, Makoga ward had gained three groups and so
had seven groups while Ulembwe ward which had only one women group had increased six more
groups to make seven groups. In 2014 as well as 2016 all existing women economic groups were
assisted with loans, as a result in 2016 four new groups were formed in Kijombe ward while one
economic group was formed in Kidugala, Udonja and Saja wards. Table 6.2 also reveals that a total
amount of Tshs 4,500,000 was given as loans to the nine economic groups in 2014 as compared to
Tshs 30,000,000 loaned to 27 economic groups in 2016.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 6. 2: Number of Women Economic Groups by Ward; Wanging’ombe DC; 2014 and 2016
2014 2016
Ward Total no. of No. of Total Total no. of No. of Total
Total Total
registered groups loaned registered groups loaned
members members
groups assisted Tshs groups assisted Tshs.
Makoga 4 20 4 2,000,000 7 35 7 7,000,000
Ulembwe 1 5 1 500,000 7 35 7 8,500,000
Imalinyi 1 5 1 500,000 1 5 1 2,000,000
Luduga 1 5 1 500,000 4 20 4 4,000,000
Usuka 2 10 2 1,000,000 1 5 1 1,000,000
Kijombe 0 0 0 0 4 20 4 4,500,000
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1,000,000
Udonja 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1,000,000
Saja 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1,000,000
Uhambule 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igwachanya 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wanging`ombe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kipengere 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igima 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mdandu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igosi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ilembula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 45 9 4.500,000 27 135 27 30,000,000
Source: District Executive Director’s Office, Wanging’ombe DC. 2017
Table 6.3 reveals an encouraging level of women participation in professional, managerial and
political posts; though there was no significant increase in the number of women particularly in
managerial posts, which included head of departments, WEOs, and VEOs. Up to 2016, among 17
posts of managers, only 3 (17.6 percent) were filled by females so far. For professional/technicians,
the situation is not very bad as 46.1 percent of the professionals are women (759) while that of
Politicians only 38.7 percent (12) of the 31 posts were filled by females. This shows that
Wanging’ombe DC has failed reaching the MDG goal of 50/50 by 2015 although in totality about
46 percent of all posts were held by females in Wanging’ombe DC in 2016. Hence, more efforts
need to be done in order to reach the MDG of fifty percent which was not met.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 6. 3: Participation in Managerial, Political, Professional and Technical Personnel by gender by Ward,
Wanging’ombe DC, 2016
Politicians (MPs, DC,
Managerial Professionals/ Technicians Total
Ward Councillors)
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Makoga 1 0 57 45 1 0 59 45
Ulembwe 1 0 53 59 0 2 54 61
Imalinyi 1 0 42 35 1 1 44 36
Luduga 1 0 46 25 1 0 48 25
Usuka 0 0 31 21 1 0 32 21
Kijombe 0 0 37 27 1 0 38 27
Kidugala 1 0 18 21 1 0 20 21
Udonja 0 0 25 16 0 1 25 17
Saja 0 0 28 59 1 0 29 59
Uhambule 0 0 34 29 1 0 35 29
Igwachanya 1 0 123 76 2 1 126 77
Wangama 0 1 33 17 1 0 34 18
Itulahumba 1 0 16 14 1 0 18 14
Wanging`ombe 2 1 70 80 1 1 73 82
Kipengere 1 0 33 33 1 1 35 34
Uhenga 0 0 13 6 1 0 14 6
Malangali 0 0 8 4 1 0 9 4
Igima 0 0 57 74 0 1 57 75
Mdandu 0 0 35 33 1 2 36 35
Igosi 0 0 35 21 1 1 36 22
Ilembula 4 1 94 64 1 1 99 66
Total 14 3 888 759 19 12 921 774
Source: District Executive Director’s Office Wanging’ombe DC 2017
Youths in Wanging’ombe DC are mainly involved in small scale activities like horticulture,
agriculture, sawmilling, poultry as well as livestock keeping and other machinery activities
including Bodaboda operation. Employment of youths in these activities has helped to overcome
the problem of youth unemployment. However, self-employment even in these sectors needs some
preparation and some capital input. Accesse to entrepreneurship skills as well as credit are therefore
essential facilities if these youths are to develop their potential and contribute to the council
economy and poverty eradication. Availability of training and credit facilities depend on the
formation of mutually beneficial economic groups basically because many youths have no
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
collateral. Youths can be provided with entrepreneurial skills and access to credit through these
groups, which provide supervision and guarantee repayment of the loans.
Based on this paradigm of helping youths to generate income for poverty alleviation, youths have
initiated and formulated economic groups. By 2014, Wanging’ombe DC managed to have youths
organize themselves into several groups.
Table 6.4 shows that, at ward level, three out of the 21 wards in 2014 had youth economic groups.
These were Imalinyi, Saja and Igwachanya wards all with a total of nine groups. Igwachanya ward
was leading in the number of youth economic groups (five groups) followed by Saja (three).
Initiatives made by Wanging’ombe DC authority together with NGOs to encourage youths organize
themselves into economic groups as a condition of getting loans brought positive results whereby
five more wards formed youth economic groups by 2016; these were Makoga (two), Ulembwe
(one), Luduga (two), Kidugala and Kipengere one each. However, more education and mobilization
of youths to join groups is highly recommended. A total amount of Tshs 4,500,000 was issued as
loans in 2014 as compared to Tshs 21,000,000 in 2016.
Table 6. 4: Youth Economic Groups and Total Money Loaned by Ward, Wanging’ombe DC, 2016
2014 2016
Total no. Total no. Total
Ward Total members No. of amount of Total members No. of
of of amount of
groups funds groups
registered registered funds loaned
assisted loaned assisted
groups groups (Tshs)
Male Female Total (Tshs.) Male Female Total
Makoga 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 4 10 2 9,000,000
Ulembwe 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 5 1 3,000,000
Imalinyi 1 3 2 5 1 500,000 1 0 0 0 0 0
Luduga 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 6 4 10 2 3,500,000
Usuka 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kijombe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kidugala 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 5 1 3,500,000
Udonja 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Saja 3 10 5 15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Uhambule 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igwachanya 5 15 5 15 5 4,000,000 5 0 0 0 0 0
Wangama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Itulahumba 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wanging'ombe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kipengere 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 5 1 2,000,000
Uhenga 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Malangali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igima 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ilembula 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mdandu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Igosi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9 23 7 30 6 45,000,000 16 23 12 35 7 21,000,000
Source: District Executive Director’s Office Wanging’ombe DC; 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Vulnerability refers to the risk of adverse outcome, such as impoverishment, ill health and social
exclusion. All children and especially young children aged 0-17years are vulnerable simply because
of their age and depend on others to provide for their basic needs. Increasing physical and mental
maturity usually leads to growing capability for self-provisioning, but during the period of
childhood and adolescence children and young people continue to need special care and support.
While most children in Tanzania are cared for and protected by their families and communities,
many are not so fortunate. Aspects of child vulnerability include:
Child mortality and malnutrition
Orphan hood and HIV/AIDS
Children in households headed by children or households with elderly adults only
Education and child labour and
Gendered abuse.
Table 6.5 shows the number of the identified vulnerable population for Wanging’ombe DC of
which, out of 3,438 children aged 0-17 years, about 1,735 children (50. 5 percent) were orphans.
Incidence of orphan-hood was almost the same among male children (50.1 percent of all orphan
children) as among female children (49.9 percentof all orphan children).
Table 6.5 also shows that, at ward level, Uhambule ward had the highest number of vulnerable
children (11.1 percent with 10.7 percent orphans).The least number of vulnerable children were in
Uhenga ward (1.2 percent with 1.1 percent orphans). HIV/AIDS has focused much attention on the
plight of orphaned children in the council.However, in order to rescue the most vulnerable children,
Wanging’ombe DC in collaboration with community organizations like, COCODA (Community
Concern for Orphans Development Association), ADP Mbozi (Action for Development Program),
Boresha Afya Program, Sunrise Children Home of Uhembule village, PACT Tanzania, Faraja
Ilembula, Intra Health and SHICODA (Southern Highlands Community Development Association),
Kituo cha Watoto Yatima na Lishe Kipengere Mission, CUAMM (International Health
Corporation) and UNICEF have made initiative to save these children with necessary needs.
Poverty and generalized insecurity which was the condition of so many Wanging’ombe DC
residency, inevitably affects children. A council framework for social protection must address the
overwhelming facets of life for large numbers of children. Individuals who require special support
may be identified through a combination of community and local government systems, with
strengthened organized community groups to care for the most vulnerable children. Communities
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
are now being asked to identify the most vulnerable children in the context of programs of support
largely funded as a result of concern about the impact of HIV/AIDS. More complementary
qualitative work is needed to better inform conscious approaches to changing views of adults
towards their children and young people, who are not only the future of Tanzania, but the majority
of Tanzanians now.
Igosi 129 21 41.2 30 58.8 51 2.9 40 51.3 38 48.7 78 4.6 129.0 3.7
Kidugala 221 75 59.1 52 40.9 127 7.3 50 53.2 44 46.8 94 5.5 221.0 6.4
Kijombe 263 88 55 72 45 160 9.2 57 55.3 46 44.7 103 6.0 263.0 7.6
Kipengere 134 47 54.7 39 45.3 86 5.0 23 47.9 25 52.1 48 2.8 134.0 3.9
Makoga 160 33 52.4 30 47.6 63 3.6 50 51.5 47 48.5 97 5.7 160.0 4.6
Malangali 200 67 59.8 45 40.2 112 6.5 49 55.7 39 44.3 88 5.1 200.0 5.8
Udonja 249 87 58.4 62 41.6 149 8.6 66 60 44 40 110 6.4 259.0 7.5
Uhambule 383 88 47.6 97 52.4 185 10.7 98 49.5 100 50.5 198 11.6 383.0 11.1
Wangama 111 19 41.3 27 58.7 46 2.7 37 56.9 28 43.1 65 3.8 111.0 3.2
246 45 39.8 68 60.2 113 6.5 64 48.1 69 51.9 133 7.8 246.0 7.1
86 100. 87
Total 3,438 49.9 870 50.1 1735 51.1 838 48.9 1713 100.0 3448.0 100.0
5 0 5
Source: District Executive Director’s Office (Community Development unit), Wanging’ombe DC 2017
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
The Government and stakeholders encourage people to create SACCOS to alleviate poverty.
SACCOS are perceived as appropriate and micro financing outlets for rural and poor people
because they are simple form of financial institutions suitable for rural communities.
In 2016 a total of 14 registered SACCOS were reported, of which, three SACCOS were dormant.
Table 6.6 shows that Makoga ward had one SACCOS with about 1,064 members and accumulated
the highest loan of about 74.5 percent of the total loan received by all SACCOS in the district
council, followed by Imalinyi ward at 17.8 percent. Makoga ward, irrespective of having only one
SACCOS with 1,064 members, accumulated the highest share at 46.4 percent of all shares in the
district council, followed by Kipengere ward, also with one SACCOS at 11.1 percent of all shares
of SACCOS in the district council.
A total of Tshs 7,352,216,963 was loaned to members for the period January to December 2015,
and a total sum of TShs.4,754,244,644 (64.7 percent) was recovered by the end of 2015. This shows
that loan recovery is good in the district council, and this may be due to industrious nature of the
people in Wanging’ombe DC. However, Uhambule ward received the smallest loan during that
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Village community Banks (VICOBA) operates in Wanging’ombe DC. Table 6.7 shows that by
2016, there were a total of five VICOBA for the whole District Council. Igwachanya ward had four
while Ilembula ward had only one. It is encouraging to note that existing VICOBA indulge in
outstanding matters such as establishment of small business, impact of poverty and advocacy, as it
has been found that most of the wards in Wanging’ombe DC do not participate in VICOBA.
NMB and CRDB have been found to be the only banks operating in most district councils, but since
Wanging’ombe DC was newly formed, the CRDB bank,
is the only financial institution that has started to operate
in the district council fully while NMB has only agents.
Increasing economic activities and also the population
which reached 161,816 people in 2012, exert pressure to
the services rendered by banks in the neighbouring
councils of Njombe TC and Makambako TC. This gives
opportunity to other financial institutions and services
such as FINCA and PRIDE to operate in the district council.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Bodabodas have provided employment to youths in the municipal and raised their family income.
In 2012 one bodaboda operator earned between Tshs 120,000 – 300,000 per month which was a
good income for the operators. In 2016 however, the number of bodaboda operators increased to
495, about 40 percent increase and operated in all the 21 wards of Wanging’ombe DC and their
earnings were between Tshs 150,000 and 400,000 per month.
Table 6.8 also shows that, at ward level, in 2012 Ilembula ward had the highest number of
Bodaboda operators (33 operators) followed by Wanging’ombe ward (28 operators) and
Igwachanya ward (27 operators); while Wangama ward had the least number of Bodaboda
operators (8 operators). In 2016 however, Wanging’ombe ward lead by having 93 operators
followed by Ilembula at 60, Luguda at 41 and Igwachanya at 40. Uhenga ward had the least number
of operators (only six).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
6.9.1 Introduction
The growth of towns, population increase, and increase in the use of technology has increased the
erosion of morals in the country. The statistics on the rate of crimes and the type of offences
committed reveal that the erosion of morals within the society has been increasing day by day.
Wanging’ombe DC like other councils in the country also experiences an increase in crime as well
as erosion of morals.
A total of 298 crime cases were reported in Wanging’ombe DC at the end of 2016. The most
common crime was property crime with 55 percent of reported cases (164cases); violent crimes
reported were 40 percent (120cases) and drug crime accounted for 4.7 percent of the reported cases
(12cases). Out of the total of 145 persons jailed 87 (60 percent) were jailed due to property crimes,
53 persons (36.6 percent) were jailed due to violent crimes while five persons (3.4 percent) were
jailed due to drug crime cases (Table 6.9). It can be noted that there are only 73 police officers in
the whole district giving on average 2,217 people per police officer. This is as compared to the
Tanzania standard of about 1,550 people per police officer and the international standard of 450
people per police officer.
Table 6. 9: Total Number of Crimes reported in Police Stations and the number of people jailed from January to
December 2016, Wanging’ombe District Council.
Total number of Total number of people jailed due to
Total no. of
Police Officers in Property
Violent crimes Drug crimes Total Violent Property
the Council crimes Drug crimes
reported reported crimes crimes crimes
73 120 164 14 298 53 87 5
Source: District Police Commander’s Office, Wanging’ombe district, 2017.
Table 6.10 shows that a total of 20 theft cases were reported in Wanging’ombe District (District Police
Commander) in 2016. Livestock stealing happened to be the
most common theft case and accounted for 11 cases equivalent
to 55 percent of all theft cases in 2016. It was followed by
Motorcycles stolen (30 percent of all cases) while bicycles
stealing accounted for 15 percent of all cases and was the least
in the district. No motor vehicle theft cases were reported in
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Furthermore, Table 6.10 shows that out of the 20 theft cases, about 15 people were found guilty and jailed
in various prisons of Njombe region in 2016. Again, most of the thieves who were found guilty were
those that stole livestock (53 percent) followed by Motor cycles stealing (27 percent) and bicycles
stealing (20 percent).
Table 6.10: Total number of theft cases reported in the Police Station and number of people jailed,
Wanging’ombe DC; 2016
Total number of Total Number of people jailed due to stealing of
Total no. of
Police posts in Motor Motor
Bicycles Livestock Motor Motor
the District vehicles cycles Bicycles Livestock
stolen stolen vehicles cycles
stolen stolen
3 0 6 3 11 0 4 3 8
Source: District Police Commander’s Office, Wanging’ombe District, 2017
6.9.4 Accidents
Table 6.11 also shows the total number of people who were injured and those that died by cause of
accident in Wanging’ombe DC in 2016. Out of the 66 accidents that occurred in the district, there
were 54 casualties and 17 deaths in the district. Table 6.11 also shows that out of 54 casualties, 46
percent were caused by motor cycles only (32) followed by motor vehicles only ( 22 casualities or 33
percent), motor vehicles and motor cycles versus pedestrian ( 12 casualities or 17 percent) while
injured caused by motor vehicles versus motor cycles was the least with four percent of total injured
in 2016.
As for deaths, Table 6.11 shows that out of the 17 reported deaths in the district, the highest death toll
(7) was caused by motor cycles only followed by motor vehicles at four (23 percent) while the lowest
deaths were caused by motor vehicles versus motor cycles and motor vehicles and motor cycles
versus pedestrians (three deaths each).
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
Table 6.11: Total number of accidents reported in the Police Station , and the number of people injured/died
from January to December 2016, Wanging’ombe District Council
Total number of accidents involving Total number of people died/injured from accidents involving
Motor Motor vehicle vehicles and
Motor vehicles Motor vehicles Motor
Motor vehicle Motor versus motor motor cycles
and motor only cycles only
vehicles versus cycles cycles versus
cycles versus
only motor only pedestrian
15 5 34 12 4 18 3 2 7 25 3 9
The district council has identified sectors as potential areas for investment.These include
agriculture, livestock development, industrial development, tree nurseries and education.
6.10.1 Agriculture
The district council has great potential of arable land. Appropriate extension services to farmers as
well as education on proper methods of land utilization management will lead to increased food and
cash crops production. Analysis shows that, potential food crops calling for strategic investment
include maize, round and sweet potatoes and legumes; whereas cash crops include sunflower,
groundnuts and various fruit trees. Also irrigation schemes in the production of horticulture crops
such as onions and tomatoes are also of vital importance. This will enable the district council to
produce enough tomatoes and onions for its needs as well as surplus for exchanging with other
goods and services plus export.
The district council has a very low level of industrial development. For this reason investors are
invited to establish small, medium and large scale industries. Construction of tea factories and
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
cereal millings in the district council are another green area for investment. The area for
construction as well as raw materials is available e.g. oil seeds, leather, dairy products etc.
Private individuals are invited to establish tree nurseries to meet the requirement of seedling for
agro-forest programmes.
6.10.5 Education
The government education policy states clearly on the role for private sector participation in the
sector. Consequently, individuals, NGOs, Religious institutions are invited to invest in private
primary schools and secondary schools in Wanging’ombe DC.
Facilities for other ventures are available e.g. education and water supply are potential areas which
require investment. For instance, there is a need to increase the number of health facilities, to
increase the number of secondary schools with a focus on private ones. Rural water supply needs
further investment.
Wanging’ombe District Socio-Economic Profile, 2016
1. 2002 and 2012 Population and Housing Census, Age and Sex Distribution, Volume II,
Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, September, 2013;
2. 2002 Population and Housing Census, Village and Street Statistics, Age and Sex Distribution,
Iringa Region, Volume II, Central Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, June, 2005;
3. 2012 Population and Housing Census, Njombe Regional Profile, Volume VI, Central Census
Office, National Bureau of Statistics, December, 2014;
4. 1988 and 2002 Population and Housing Census General Report, Central Census Office,
National Bureau of Statistics;
5. 2002 Population and Housing Census, Volume IV, District Profile, Njombe District, Central
Census Office, National Bureau of Statistics, May, 2004;
6. National Sample Census of Agriculture 2002/03 and 2007/08, Njombe Regional Reports,
National Bureau of Statistics,
Wanging’ombe District Council
Is to provide high quality services through effective use of resources and adhering to
principles of good governance for improved livelihood of the community
Wanging’ombe District Council Socio-Economic Profile, 2016