Focus 2 Unit 6

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l wor kV ocP~~;~~~?

e'rm s an d condition
+ pr e s
Co n f usıng wo rd s _ 1·ob vs wo rk .
1 I ca n ta lk abo ut 1ob s an d wo
l- - - -
. lete the job s with the suf
in paırs , com p fixe s -er , -or, -ian · ist
doc ı
.d acc oun ' or ·an
bu ı l er t e 1
- - lect ric ·
fli ght a ıı e nd _ ha ı rd r ess _ sho p assıs t _ _
swi mm ı ng
re ce ptı o n _
sc ı e nt _ po l i ı ıc_ ı n struq
plu mb .__
2 Which job s wo uld you
like /no t like to do? Wh y?

3 1n paırs, 1oo k at the pho tos and rea d the job cha
rac teri stic s ı,n_
you think is hap py ( _ı), OK . . · "rıo d
( ) or unh app y ( J) ın theır job? Why ?o
4 C3-JfKı MP3•88 \ Listen and
che ck you r ide as. Acc ord
Albert, wh at is the sec ret ing to Lena
ofa hap py job ?
Choose a jo b yo u tove an
yo u wiU never have to wo
a da y in yo ur life. 1
CONFUCIUS (S5 1--4 79 BC)
Wh at is the ha pp ies t job
in the wo rld ? We wa nt to
l! ~ N
N1 rn ~i J
ı\'G 'E lind
ou t wh at ma ke s pe op le ha
pp y in the ir wo rk. Is ita big
AN D S l l! . LS sal ary ? A nic e office? Or
is it mo re tha n tha t?
Vo cab ul ary :
We ask ed six pe op le in dif
• Sho w what you kno w -
job s fer en t job s wh at the y like
wh at the y do n't lik e ab ou and
• wor k + pre pos itio ns t the ir job s.
• col loc atio ns - term s and
con diti ons
• con fus ing wo rds - job vs Lena
wor k
• com pou nd nou ns An na
• phr asa l ver bs
©@@ Q@Q

Gr am ma r:
• Sec ond Con diti ona l •
• moda! verbs for obligation
and per mission
Listening: ..L [ .
• a con ver sati on abo ut bec
om ing
an airline pilo t
• a tex t abo ut a ma n who
lived wit hou t
mo ney

Sp eak ing :
• ask ing far and giving adv
Wr itin g:
• an em ail/ a lett er of app lica a ha ird res se r
'_F.,0 C U S E X T R A
-- ·:. ~~;~· ~~~~ -~-~~;~ ............
....... .
a nu rse
• wo rks lon g hou rs
• is on her leet ali day
• Gra mm ar Foc us pag e 117
• doe s shi fts
• WO RD STORE boo kle t • is bad ly paid
pag es 12- 13 • hel ps peo ple
• Wo rkb oo k pag es 68- 79 • ma kes peo ple hap py
o r MyEnglish l ab
• MP3s - www.e ng lish .com • wo rks in a tea m
/foc us
• doesn· ı ear n much
Rf?CI I lıl e
h the peo ple in Exercise 3 With th
,v1atc 'd e thlngs Go to WORD STORE 6 page 13.
theY saı .
- }
--- -o(k for a co nstruction c~-rnpa- ny.
,~ / 7
( 2 l'rn a plurn~~- I • Complete WORD STORE 6A. Add
sentences from Exercise 5 as examples. Then listen,
check and repeat.
ıw~f;;:cıtibank . ""'-r-'
Complete the sentences wlth prepositions. Then decide
4 if they are true {T) or false (F).

-- 1 Albert works _ _ __ himself. O

2 Lena works - - - - Microsoft.
3 Eliza works banking. O

----- yfa~ er.

6 iw~ ~

in pairs, talk about what you think would make you

4 Justin works
5 Anna works - -
- -
his brother.
- the oi l industry.
6 Martin is _ _ __ marketing .

6 haPPY or unhappy in a job.

9 liJ•#if!MPHol Complete WORD STORE 6B. Complet e
the diagram with the wards in red in the text. Then
Eliza listen, check and repeat.

~.. g-. 1d ·•• ..
V - r,. 1O Chaose the carrect aptians .
v -
1 Who does / takes shifts?
2 Who doesn't take / work rnany days off?
3 Who earns / does low wages?
4 Who earns / does overtime?
5 Who gets / works a bonus?
6 Who works / takes flexible hours?
7 Who gets / works a pay rise every year?
8 Who does / is self-employed?

0 builder
a banker
········· ······ ····· ··················· ······ 11 Answer the questions in Exercise 1O abaut the people
- - - :·~~~~~~d·~·~;~;~~i-~~~k • gets/ear ns o high salary in the text.

, works with his hands • gets a pay rise every year

, works outside • gets a bonus 1
, gets/eams low wa ges • is responsi ble for o department
12 i3•f(ı MPJ.911 Complete WORD STORE 6C with
, does overtime • gets very few days off job ar work. Then listen, check and repeat.

Albert Justin 13 Complet e the questions with job ar work. Then, in pairs,
ask and answer the questians.
1 Do you have a part-time _ _ ?
2 What time do most people start _ _ in your cou ntry?
3 Have you ever applied fora holiday _ _ ?
4 Would you like to _ _ fora fore ign company?
5 Do either of your parents _ _ from home?
6 Do you know anybody who has a really good _ _ ?

~- ı. •

aplumbe r a compu ter program ~~~...

. .... ............... ....................
' is self-empl oyed
:·-~~;b ·;~-~~i~~- ;;;i·~~~~~rs
' works flexible haurs • gets/eam s an average salary

' Works at the weekend • gets five weeks' paid holiday

'deals with emergen cies • works from home

' ınakes people happy
~ Gr.::ımmaı 4 Com P lete th Q Se fcond Conditionaı
Seco n d Cond ition a l with the correc t orm of t h e verbsse rıt
in @rıc~ı

1 bracke ts .
i /' ' , , '• '•~ ~~111.lı \'_'-~~I~~.:__---- 1 lf ev e r yb o dı; - - - (go) to urı,ı,
e r ,,ı,
in p .:ı ir s, discuss how studen ts can earn rnoney .ın Your. country . obody - -- (wa nt) to do rrı ı.
/not Uke n - arı u aı
Ma ke a li st of part-tim e jobs. Which jobs would you lıke 2 Th ere - - (not be) so rnucf, ıcıf,ı
to do? Why? - trafl,c
rn o re p eop lc - - - - (work) frorn h ,1
2 Do the quiz . Choose the answer s that are best f or You and find 3 Farn ily r e l a tı o ns ıps _ _ __ (im O rı, e.
pa rents - - -- (ta e) more tırneProııeı ·ı
out what your ideal part-ti me job is . off ı
4 lf p eople - -- - (retire) at fifty, the,:'Cr~
.. .:.,~~-.. ·,----~---
frour ,ıdel¾!;ı<!rt-t~~ J,<>b ..
~~t . .
- - --
(be) more jobs for You
5 The wo rl d _ _ _ _ (be) a betterngPe
everybo dy (have) a job.
pi '";ıl.
ace ıf

1 .. .
lf I h ad a day off tomorrow, l'd s pc nct it with a frieo d .
5 Rewrite these real situations as irnagirıaıy
We 'd situations. Use the Second Conditi onaı.
B watch DVDs at home . C go shoppin g .
1 don 't have a part-tim e job, so ı don't
any money . earn
If I won the lottery, I'd give some money to a charity.
I'd choose 2 1don 't earn any money, so I don 't go ouı
A Free Sport for Everyone. C Love Eco Fashi on . 3 1don 't go o ut, so I don't meet new P"'
- 0 Ple
B Save the Childre n . 4 ı don't meet new people , so my life is b
5 My life is borıng, so I,m not happy Orı ng
If I had to describ e myself in six words, it would be easy.
I'd say 6 l'm not happy, so I need a part-tirne ı ob .
A I love walking by the sea . C I like spendin g time in shops . ~
B I want to help other people .
, ,. , .,
If I neede d money, I'd get apart-t ime job
A in a sports centre . B at home . C in a shop .

If I was super rich, I'd live in a big house

A near a beach . B with all my family. C in the city centre .

What your answers mean

Mainly As = Your ideal part-ti me job is outside, possibly somethin 6
g Compl ete the gaps with the correct form ol
connected with sport, e.g. a lifeguard ora skiing instructor.
the verbs in bracke ts. Then fınish the
Mainly Bs = You would be good at caring fo r people. e.g .
sentences to make them true for you.
a babysitter ora carer for elderly people .
Mainly Cs = Your ideal part-time job is in retail, e.g. a shop 1 lf I wı:ı 11\,tecl (want) advice about gettı ng
or a beautician . a job, l'cl ı:ısR. IM.l::j \,(.11\,cle .
2 lf 1 _ _ _ _ (need) to borrow rnoney, ı ..
3 Read the GRAM MAR FOCUS. Then complete the exampl 3 lf 1 _ _ _ _ (can) work anywhere in the
es with
the Second Conditional forms in blue in the quiz. world, 1

4 lf 1 _ _ _ _ (not have) a phone , 1 .

5 lf 1 _ _ _ _ (be) an animal, 1 .
Secon d Condi tional
• You use the Second Conditional to talk about the
6 lf 1 (not have to) study, 1 .
present or future
result of an imagina ry situatio n . 7 lf today (be) the \ast day of my
life, 1 .
imagin ary situatio n -+ result
lf + Past Simple, 7 in pairs, write questio ns about the
wou/d/ wou/dn 't + verb
situations in Exercise 6. Then ask and answer
tf 11 _ _ _ _ a day off tomorro w, 12 _ _ _ _ it with a friend. the questions.
(But I don't have aday off tomorrow, so I won 't spend it with
a friend .)
A: ıf ı::ıou wı:ıll\,tecl ı:ıclv~ce ı:ıbout ı_, etti ı,ı.,9
/{ I was super rich, l'd /iv e in a big house.
(But l'm not super rich , so I don't live in a big house.) ı:ı job, wlııo woulcl ı::ıou cı s R?
8: l'c;( GISR. ...
• 'd = would
Grammar Focus page 117
• tf //he/sh e/it were . . is m o re form a! than /f //he/she/it
was ...
/f he were rich, he wou/dıı't wo rk. lf I werc you.
/'d g c t a job .

ı -

J;ist ng 1


. le choi ce
~vlt'f',, .,, ııl ı .
.ı. 1 1 il 1 ... , ) )/ •
ı ı f'I il ı ' I .
~ ' ,ı ı ,, , ,, '

l 1''1 1l : 1

~ .- .,
·rs ıook at the phot os. Wha t kind of
. person do
1~ paı ' d h d' .
have to be to o t ese ıobs? Use th
e a Jectıves in
youboX or your own ideas .

, arrıbitious
carin g
prac tical
cleve r
respo nsibl ej
serio us

, ıs en .to three short record 'ıngs.

MP •
2 q for each
Choose the corre ct pıcture (A, B or
is the woman's job?
1 Wlıat

t airline pilots
4 in pairs, complete the sentences abou
the box. Then think of one more job
with the words in
for each of the characteristics.
he me o ff pe o p le train ing '
[ deg ree eyesigh t
2 Why did the girl's dad get a new job?
. , .::, \.;) . . <,>) •.} Airline pilots:
i _. .~ ~ 1 must do long and expensive _ _ _
·• •"'-: J
i' -~ 2 need a unive rsi ty _ _ __
·~~.~i»-. -, ·J j
3 have to get on we ll w it h _ _ __
~ .
Aı . ~"' . I]_.- "fi ·
• '-.<'/J 4 must have excellent _ _ __
-::::->-;&ne 5 have to spend a lot of time away fro m _
_ __
3 What do you need to do the woman's job 6 can't choose when they t ake t ime _ _ _ _


5 13-iifl MP3-94 IListen and repe at. Underline the
stres sed syllable in each word .
A receptionist spec ıali st
1 journalist
2 beautician electrician musician

3 carpenter instru ctor interp reter

a,,u MPJ-9 3 I Listen to a conv ersat ion betw een Sophie
(TI or false (F)? 4 engineer photo graph er secretary
and her aunt. Are the state ment s true
syllable than
me 6 Which word in each grou p has one more
1 Aunt Mary does n't want Soph ie to beco s?

the othe r word
an airline pilot .
2 Sophie hasn't been to university yet. □ WMtl•lii•Wl·i•»
3 Aunt Mary does n't enjoy her job and wants plete
ij•fHMPHSI Com plete WORD STORE 60. Com
to cha nge. □ 7
the diagram with the word s in the box to
make job
4 Aunt Mary is already a captai n. □ titles. Use your dictio nary if nece ssary . Then listen,
5 Aunt Mary does n't think it's a good career check and repe at.
for women with child ren. □ 75
Multi pl e choice ~ 1
·ı ~
C 0 ,

/ carı u n deıst ,ıııd t l ıc ıı ı J ııı po ınt s ,n s /ıor{ e rn a ı s,
notıccs ,;ınd advens .
I - - ---
in pairs, discuss these popular sayings about money.
Which ones do you agree or disagree with?

""-'E t\O
MONt l ~s ıı•

1 CJ0 ? 0 UJJ1J_
1 ftı'tıll»Jı:IB:f MAKES ttlE wıoı\fi,lV



Read a text about a man who lived for a year without

money. Which sayings do you think he would agree with?
• -Multi
-- le-choice
-- - -----
Read the three texts below and choose the correct
answer, A, B or C.
3 in pairs, find at least six changes Boyle made to his
lifestyle. Which changes would be possible or
1 A Angie sent the wrong website address.
impossible for you? Why? B Leo has read and likes the article.
C Leo can't check the website address in Ang ie's ernail
4 Read the text again . Are the statements true (TI or 2 A People should take food to a main Food Ban k.
false (F)?
B People can give food inside supermarkets
1 Mark Boyle discovered that he hated living C People should stop buying tins and pasta .
without money.
□ 3 in the leaflet there is advice about
2 He went to college in his own country, lreland .
3 He wants people to offer their time, knowledge
□ A throwing less food away.
B different types of energy.
and abilities ata cheap price.
□ C how to pay energy bills .
4 He solved the problem of how to manage the ~ -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- '•
basics of life.
□ 1 l ·ı

5 He lived in a tent, which was given to him for free . ...'..J To: ~g~ _
r--;;;;;m: Leo
6 He thinks that people unnecessarily throw away 1-subıect: Moneyless man artıcle
lots of food .
□ r could you resend me !he website lor !he artıcle you recom~ended?
copıed ıt down wrong and deleted your emaııı it sounds really ınterestıng'

5 Find words or phrases in the text to replace the J

underlined words and phrases in Exercise 4.

1 discovered - foLA.11\,cJ. oLA.t

2 own country - _ _ __
lnstead of buying food you
2.J ~
lake a leaflet to find out how YOU

don't use, why don't you
3 abilities - _ _ __ donate sorne tins and packets can waste less food and energy
4 solved the problem - _ _ __ of pasta to our Food Bank for Work out your daily energy bili usinı
5 was given - _ _ __ local people who need it? We
our easy calculations You ·ıı be
6 unnecessarily throw away- _ _ __ collect at all superrnarkets
in the area . You'II find us just amazed 1
6 Complete the sentences so they are true for you. I inside the main doors. l
Then compare with a partner.
1 My grandparents' native country is ...
2 l'd like to learn or improve the following skills: .. .
3 1find it difficult to work out .
4 1think people waste a lot of ...
8 JiM$ıt,ı MP3-9?]
Complete WORD STORE 6E. Add upor
5 lf I don't know something, 1find out the information by . out to make phrasal verbs from the article. Then listen,
check and repeat.
~ \ Jle uving· for a whole year With
ıııı"g . no ca s h, no credit card 0
JJeY· uld s,
100 ·ııg· }{ow wo you ınanage?
ootJJ\ would you live? What wo .ld
A- ,
,, .. ,.t? Busınessınan Mark B U
\le .. · oy1e
1•0 ·t a.nd he found out that it w ,
·dı f asn t so
dJ a.fter all. in act, he loved it
bıı.d •
did Mark Boy le decide
'O ı'll1Y
~ ·ve up money?
10 g1
~ning•s of 'Freeconomy·
~ t rnoney was not his original plan. At
u~ng ·n his native lreland he studied for a de
W' . g~
((1 ·ness Hıs plan was to get a good job and e
, Sııs ı · . . arn
eh nıoney as possıble . But durıng his final ye ar at
,, rııu
'"' he saw a fılm called Gandhi and heard the d
,Jııege . . . . wor s
anged hıs lıfe : Be the change you want to s .
1ııaı ch ee ın
tııe worid.'
rne change that Boyle wanted to see in the world
,vıs for people to be less dependent_on money. So
'" set up the Freeconomy Communıty. lts aim is for 21 A . h
,. year wıt out cash
. ple to share their time, knowledge and skills =-------------------------
::,out exchanging money. There are over 40,000 Then Boyle realised that if he wanted money to be less irnportant to
mernbers of the community, in more than people, he should try to live without it. So he decided to live for a year
ı60 different countries. without cash. He knew it wouldn't be easy, so he bought three things:
a solar panel . a wood-fıred stove and a bicycle. Then he worked out
how to manage the basics of life: food. shelter. washing. transport and
social life.
For food, he grew his own vegetables and picked wild fruit, leaves and
nuts in the forest. He alsa found food in bins outside superrnarkets .
For shelter, he lived in a caravan, which was donated by a rnernber of the
:ı!> Freeconorny Cornrnunity. He didn't have electricity, so he used candles in
the evening and read books that he borrowed frorn the library.
For washing, he used a solar-powered shower. He cleaned his teeth using
fenne! seeds frorn the forest and a pack of toothbrushes that he found
in a superrnarket bin. His toilet was a hole in the ground and he used old
,o newspapers as toilet paper.
He cycled everywhere and kept fit by doing push -ups every rnorning.
He didn't rniss television at ali: he found lots of ways to have fun without
spending any rnoney. He went to free art exhibitions. cinema nights
and rnusic events. He wrote a blog and answered emails on his solar-
•5 powered cornputer.

The Freeconomy philosophy

At the end of a year without rnoney. Boyle felt fıtter and happier than
ever. This quote frorn his book entitled The Moneyless Man surns up his

so 1f we all had to grow our own food, we wouldn't waste

forty percent of it as we do today. lf we made our own tables
and chairs, we wouldn't throw them out the moment we
chang·ed the interior decor. If we had to clean our own drinking·
water, we wouldn't contaminate it . 77
M od al ve rb s fo r ob MA R FO CU S. Th e n co mp let e the tab t e .
lig at io n and 4 Read t h e GRAM. blu e in Ex ercise 3.
pe rmission mo da l ver bs ın W ıth th

1 \ ,'r

' \ ''l ~ , --, !ı/ı, l,l/1 ()/1 ._ı,ıd r--ır

pai rs, loo k at the say ing

rıı ı ı~~- ~ 'J
Mo da l v e r
ı ,r• ~ :,
bs for o l.,ga t ion an d p e ~
and dis cus s wh at h ve to and can to exp
it me ans . Wh at kin d Yo u use mUst· ne ed to , a ress obligatiorı .
of job s do you th ink it dl'ld
de scr ibe s? pe rmi ssio n.
Necessary No t necessary Pe rm itte d No t Perrn·ıtt
• 3 ed
YOU D O N 'T HAVE TO hav e to l
do n't ha "e to /
_ ___
BE can' t
CR AZ Y TO WORI{ H h;ı s to • •
ERE, nco d tol do n 't nee d t o/
BUT IT HELPS. do es n 't ne e d
• mu st to/ ne ed n' t
2 MP3-9s \ Listen to thr
ee people talking No te:
ab ou t the ir jobs. Choo You usu ally use have to (no t must) and can 't (no t mu
se the correct option stn 't) to talk abo '
1 Jo nnie is in the foo rules or arr ang em e nts u,
d ind ustry / iT. :
2 Erica works for a fas / have t o (NO T ffH:ISt) wo rk /on g hou rs . BUT
hio n magazine /
a clo the s sho p. / mu st (N O T ~)
rem em be r to sha ve .
3 Sam works in an offi
ce / fro m ho me .
5 Complete t h e sen tences wit h mu stn 't or ne
3 C➔- Jiili MP 3-9 B \ Choose the edn 't.
correct options
ver b . Then listen aga 1 a You 11\,ee cı. ll\,'t rus h -yo u'v

•o -1.
in and check. e go t ple nty o f tim e
b You l'\,\. U St ll\,'t rus
h - it's imp ort ant to be
100 per cenı accurott
He 1 does~'t have t o 2 a You _ __ _ _ go _ you can st ay if
I \ you wa nt .
, --d has to wear the compa b You _ _ _ _ _ go
_ we hav en 't fin ish ed

• T-s hirt.
• He 2 can / can 't eat at
ny ,
l 3 a You _ _ _ _ _ t eli he r - it's a sec
b You
4 a You _ _ _ _ _
teli her - she alr ead y
yet .
ret b etw een you and me
knows everything
• de sk eat t hat - you can lea
ve it if you want.
• He 3 mu st / mu stn 't b You eat tha t - it's re ally ba
- -~ , , d far you .
t ake his lap top into the 6 Complete the question
~ ca nteen
s wit h ha ve to or can
. tha t are tru e for you . Then write answer;
, , Jonn: l
1t:>o ljO U vı ıı ve to we ar a
un ifor m ?
2 _ __ __ __ _ cal
i you r tea che rs by the ir firs
3 t name7
-------, use you r mo bil e ph on
e in class 7
ı° She 4 has to / do esn 4
't ha ve \ tak e en d of ter m tes
ts in each sub ject7
to wo rk ve ry lon g hou 5
rs . cha ng e cl assroo ms far
ea ch lesson 7
• Sh e 5 ne eds t o / do esn 1 6
't ı lea ve sch ool be for e
yo u are eighteen 7
nee d to wea r des igner 7 Write tw o sentences
, on e wit h has to an
clo thes or a su it. to for each job . Use d on e with doesn't have
the phrases in the bo x.

lb e fit be go od at
m ath s h av e a d eg
ha ve a dri vin g li ce nce
spe ak Englı sh we

1 p olic e off ice r

re e
ha ve go od e ye sig ht
ar a u n if orm w o rk
at t h e w eek end

A ~ol~ce offi.c er vııı s to

wecır a Ull\,t.fon'\A...
A ~ol ~ce ofF cer cı.o es ll\.'
• He 6 nee ds to / doesn t vıave t o be go od at l'\,\.ııt l-ı s .
't 2 sec ond ary sch oo l te
nee d to ge t up ear ly. ach er
3 bu s driver
• He 7 can / ca n 't go far 4 ai rl ine pilo t
a ru n wh en he wants
5 accou ntant
a b reak.
6 tourist g uid e
• He 8 mus t / mu stn 't
1 8
Think of thr ee pe op
rem em ber to have a sha
be for e his con fere nce
ve 1 se~tences ab ou t the
le you kn ow wit h dif
fer en t jobs and write _
cali ir jobs, lik e the ones
ton igh t . paırs, tak e turns to tell yo in Exercise 7. Then, ın
ur pa rtn er ab ou t eac
h person.
ı Gr am ma r Focus pa ge
ıı 7
j Sf~:dgiv: ;advice
· ,ıg
... \ 'ı ı
., ·" ıvı, c ,ı /Jrıuı / ı l 1I ' /{ \ı I
/ı , '), 1
m:'IID ~_nsi~youListheaenr.again and tick the
exp res sio
- - - -- th - - - - - --- - -
ad UK TO DA Y and discuss e question s.
3;rs, re . /ı•k ing fo, ;ıdvi c e
,~ p J ! is work exp e rı ence and
why is it use ful7 l
ı Whaı do you th ,nk I sho uld
do? ı
e wh at wou 1d·
1 ııftı ould do wor k exp e ri enc
' you do ancJ w h yı Do you have il ny ııps on how to ? LJ
2 ıf y
0u c

Do you ha ve any ıd eas abo

uı how to ,n
G ı •ıinq a d •ıic ,:,
ti (r ô DAY You sho uld .
sho uld
1 think you

think you sho uld ..

1 don 't
Wh y don 't you ... ?
My best advice wou ld b e
ıo ıJ
lt 's a goo d idea to .
lf I were you, l'd
Acc ept ing adv ice
Thanks , tha t's reall y hel pfu
l. Q
That's gre at adv ice. Thanks

Rej ect ing adv ice

ide a .
l'm not sure that's a goo d

to ma ke useful
4 Match the sentence halves
·tteen- or sixteen-year-old advice to somebody pre
par ing for a job
Did you know tha t ne ar Y a
erience before they leave interview.
sıudents in the UK do wo rk exp O
1 thin k you sho uld
2 1 don 't thin k you sho uld
What ;5 work experience? yer. O
g full -tim e for a local emplo 3 My bes t adv ice wo ul d
, H weeks off school wo rkin O
4 lt's a goo d ide a
What are the benefits of wo
rk experience?
5 lf I were you ,
, it teaches useful wo rk skil
t pos sible careers. a be ner vou s.
, ıt makes you thin k ab ou
com mu nic atio n skills. b do som e research .
, ıt develops sel f-co nfid enc e and
c be to be on tim e .
wo rk d l'd just be you rse lf.
k and Lisa talk ing abo ut
7 @•ilflMPJ-99/ Lis ten to Nic false (F)? e t o pre par e som e que
stio ns.
sta tem ent s tru e (T) or
experience. Are the che ck. Th en list en
5 ı3ıJHH MP3· 1oo I Listen and
and rep eat .

and thin k abo ut the

6 Look at the sta tem ent s es.
in each case. Ma ke not
advice you wo uld giv e
1 wan t to stay fit .

soo n .
2 lt 's my mo the r's birt hda y
but I hav en 't got
3 1nee d som e new clo th es
any mo ney .
film .
4 1wan t to wat ch a goo d
gs .
5 1can 't wak e up in the mo rnin
tru ctio ns.
7 in pairs, fol low the ins
b lem from Exe rc ise 6 an
Stu den t A: Ch oos e a pro
tel1 Stu den t B abo ut it.
t A som e adv ice Use
Stu den t B: Giv e Stu den
□ you r not es from Exe rcis
e 6 and the SP EA KIN G
1 Nick enj oye d do ing wo rk exp erie nce .
2 He doe sn' t thin k you can lea rn mu ch fror
n o the r ern plo yees □ FO CU S to hel p you

3 He isn't sur e tha t Lisa 's fath er will acc ept her pla ns


I' ~ W ri ti n g
An em ail / A le tte r of ap 4 Rea d th e lett er and che ck you r idea s in Exe .
pli ca tio n Then eros 5 out the three sen tenc es .ın the rcıse ~
1 ca n ap p ly (or a sum rn er . 1 <.
jo b . are not approprıate . ette r % ·
Rea d the job adv ert and
ans wer the questions . Dear Sir or Madam .
1 Wh at ki nd o f ı o b is it adv
e rt isin g 7 Wlth refe rence to your adv
2 Is it a perrn ane nt ı o b? ertisement i~ _Yesterday·s O
. es would like to apply for \
3 I s ıta well -paid ı o b ? Tım . I the posıtıon of Pa rı-ı· e~orıs,
. 1
4 Howold do yo u hav e to be ı o app he 1per At th e moment, 1am ın my final year at Sch ır1ıe Offıu 1
ly? will be available to start worl ooı a ·
5 Whaı c hara cteri stı cs sho < from 1 June. 1reaııy need ~d
uld th e cand id ate hav e 7 because I want to earn som ı '
e mon ey to go on holiday_ hıs
6 What are the wor kı n g
hours? ı:,_
articularly inte rested in you
-- -- - 1a m P
. . 1
r company becaus
1 dy architecture at unıv ersıty . enclose my ev fe ı ho
I' ı AR E YO U LO OK IN G FO . P'!

RA . f rmation As you wıll see , 1wor ked ona buıl. ding ~~
ın o
su m m er job? ·
summer. it was a bit hard,
but I gol a really good sunta
s· ur
n st

! 1
r Johnson's Bu ilders require
an office hel per - €1 O per
s 1 do not hav e much exp erie nce of offıce
work, but I arn
1ea rner • I have good communıca t·ıon s k-ılls and ı enı·o afasr
1 hour
s part ofa team . For these Ywo
1 •
Are you a reasons, 1feel ı would be r1ı1
~ a su,ı,,rv,
candidate for the job you are d . .
sixteen or over? • reliable and a vertısıng .
1 1 hard-working? ııı
1can be available for inte rvie w at any tim e. 1have

friendly and willing to learn?

1 listed

contact details on my CV .
/ I' 1
We offer
excellent conditions • flexible in the morning .
Ple ase don 't call me before
1enrnyo _ı::-~
a chance to learn office skills ı ıook forward to hearing from
you .

l No previous experience nec

Yours faithfully,

\2-ic.hard Da'ılr,on
,, 2 lf you saw this job advert
in your local paper, would Richard Dawson
ı' you be interested? Why?/W
hy not? Discuss in pairs.
3 lmagine you wan t to app
ly for the job. Tick five piec 5 Complete the WR ITIN G FOC
of information you should es US with the words in
include in your lett er of pur ple in the lett er.
1 Say where you saw the adv WRITING FOCUS
2 Say wha t you are doin g
ert. D An email/ A lett er of applica
3 Say how you inte nd to spe
D • Say where you saw the adv

4 Give reasons why you are

nd your salary. D 1am writ ing in response to

5 Men tion your CV and any

interested in the job . D you r adv erti sem ent in/

6 Say why you like d or didn

relevant work exp erience .
D Wit h 1 refereııı,ce to you r adv
erti sem ent in .
7 Say whe n you are availab
't like previous jobs .
D • Say why you are writ ing
8 Warn the m not to cali you
le fora n interview.
O 1am writ ing to express my
inte res t in the position of/
at certain times . O 1wou ld like to 2 _ _ _ _
the pos iti on of .. .
• Say wha t you are doi ng
Currently, 1am /At 3_ _ _
_ , ı am ..
• Give reasons why you are
inte res ted in the job.
1fou nd you r adv erti sem ent
very inte res ting because/
1am 4 _ _ _ _ you r com
pan y bec aus e ...
• Men tion you r CV and any
rele van t wor k experience .
My exp erie nce includes/1
wor ked for ... as .. ./
1 _ _ _ _ for you r info rma
tion . As you will see,
1wor ked ...
• Give reasons why you are
suit able for the job.
1wou ld be a suit able can did
ate for the job because
- - - - , 1feel I wou ld
be a suit able can dida te
for th e job you are adv erti
sing .
• Say whe n you are ava ilab
le for an inte rvie w.
1can be ava ilab le for inte rvie
lete the sente nces fron, a

corııP f h 1etter of
hrases rom t e WRITING FQ applicar
ı~ith p CUs.
rn wrıtın g wıth - 1

1 J ı ------ o n o u, scho o 1 'ı

ıvebsı te .

1 1 - - - - - -- intervi ew aft
Writing task 1
ı er 17 J .
weekend .
u Y o r any You have see n t h d
e a ve rtıse m ent in Ex ercise 7 in

t h e fnte .
for t he .rr;;ı tıon_a l Student Times and wa nt t o apply
_ _ _ _ _ _ working in a
3 ~~y
re staurant 1
nıonths last sum me r. or tw 0 job. Jo · Wr ı te a lette r of ap p licatio n fo r t he
_ _____ interesting be
d cau se I Wo uld ı ·ı k e to A Write your ı tt .
wOrk outsi e . . e er ın 80-130 words. lnclude these
Poınts .
5 - -- - - - ca ndid ate f or the . b
Jo beca use ı

ıearıı very quickly. • Say wh ere you sr1w th e adve rt ise ment.

6 1a
ın writing t o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th • Say whil t you are doıng now il nd gıve reasons why
receptio nist.
e P0sition o f you are ı nt e re s t ed in the job
• M .
en t ı on your CV and any relevant work expe r ıence .
e didates. Are the people right (R)
R ad the advert and some sentence s rom d'ff
1 erent
• Say whe n yo u are ava il able for an ınterview
ca . ? or Wrong (W) B Use the ideas in the WRITING FOCUS and the
for the ıob.
model to help you.

C Check.


Have you menti oned ali the poi nts in the question?
Have you used the correct opening and closı ng fo r
SIJMMER CAMPS a formal letter?
require ✓ Have you used phrases from the WRITING FOCUS?

CAMP SUPERVISORS ✓ Have you divided you r letter into paragraphs?

✓ Have you used linking words where appropriate?
Do you love outdoor life and camping? ✓ Have you checked your grammar and spe lling?
we need friendly, outgoing young people with lots of energy
and some knowledge of English.
You must know how to swim.
Experience with children
and knowledge of first aid an advantage.



P1ease apply to Ross Fleld,

1 1 enjoy outdoor sports and games.

2 1 got good results in my English exams .
3 1 like the countryside , but I don't particularly like
sleeping in tents!
4 l'd like a job in March or April.
5 swim five times a week and l'm very fit.

6 haven't worked with children before , but I th in k


l'd be good at it. .

7 1• m good at planning t h .ıngs, a lthough l'm a bıt

shy with people .



'l'L\\,,.~~~~-,ı:, ')f.'Tı.:~•---

il NGU AGE iN USE =-........- - - - - -

rect answer, A , B or C.
5 Choose the cor .
1 Complete the sentences with words about work. The and he's tireci ı n the eve nın gs
first letter of each word is given. Alan - C k .
.lh his hand s wor part-tım e
A works w ı
1 My sister is an o _ __ a _ _ _ . She answers phones
/ B works short hou rs .
and takes messages. .. the advertısement on your webs
2 l'rn wrıtıng - ı te .
2 My dad is a c . He loves work in g with wood .
- - - A beca use
B t o app ly for C in re sporı
3 M y parents usua lly take some t _ _ _ o _ _ _ ·ın the .
o rk in the garden ıf _ __ sunny.
se ıo
summer so we ca n all go on holiday together. 3 We cou ld w . .,
B itwıllb e C ıt s
4 People who earn a h_ _ _ s_ __ should give more A it wa s ,
. fe guard but this summer he s going to work
money to charity. 4 John ı sa 1ı ·
1 1 5 M y brother has started a p _ _ _ -t _ _ _ job in the asa ca mp _ · .
A carer B b abys ıtte r C supervisor
evenings to ea rn seme extra money.
. . r desk but you
5 Thıs ıs you , - - - come to the office
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the _ 1 OK to work from ho me sometimes.
every d ay ·t's
words in capitals.
A shouldn't B needn't C mu strı't
1 ünce a year the company pays a bonus to its best
_ _ _ . EMPLOY 6
Read the text and choose the correct answer, A, B, c
2 Tim is a _ _ _ _ - he plays the guitar in a band . or O.
/ 3 _ _ _ _ work with their hands. They need to be fit and JACOB'S DREAM JOB
strong . BUILD
4 My sister is doing a course on make-up. She wants to Is it really possible to find your dream job? Jacob Wllder,
• t en has done ı·ust that. Jacob has always loved music, so
become a _ _ __ . BEAUTY nıne e ,
he was very happy when he got the opportun ity to work 1__
5 A taxi _ _ _ _ has to know the city well. DRIVE a music company. it is three years later now and he wor1ıs
full-time as a music promoter.
3 Complete the Second Conditional sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets. 'lf ı 2 choose any job in the world , it would be the job ı
1 lfTom _ _ _ _ (earn) low wages, he _ _ __ have right now,' says Jacob. · ı am well-paid and the people 1
work with are great. Plus, 13 _ _ dress smartly. 1can wear
(look) for a new job.
what I want.'
2 lf you _ _ _ _ (can) work for any company, which
company _ _ _ _ (you/like) to work for 7 There are disadvantages to his job, of course . Jacob needs
to travel around the world . it is exciting, but also tiring and it
3 lf 1_ _ _ _ (be) you , 1_ _ _ _ (take) this job.
means Jacob often works 4 _ _ • sometimes until three or
4 She _ _ _ _ (give) lots of jobs to young people if she
four o'clock in the morning.
/ 1 _ _ _ _ (be) a successful businessperson.
At the age of nineteen, Jacob already has three years' work
5 lf 1_ _ _ _ (wear) these glasses, everyone 5
_ _ . But does he mind not going ta university? 'Not really,'
_ _ _ _ (laugh) at me. he says. ·ı have worked hard, and I have my own car and my
4 Complete the second sentence using the word in own flat. lf I was at university, 16 _ _ have all that now.· 1
capitals so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Do _J
not change the word in capitals.
1 A ta B for
1 1'11 let you take an extra day off. CAN C on
2 A will B would
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an extra day off. C could
3 A mustn't B shauldn't C don't have to
2 Don't buy Zara a gift - we've sent her some flowers .
4 A shifts B lang hours
NEEDN'T C from home
5 A experience B travel C education
You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - we've sent her some flowers .
6 A wouldn't B don't
3 1mustn 't forget my mum's birthday this year. C won't
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ my mum's birthday this year.
4 1have to getto work on time this morning. LATE
1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ for work this morning.
5 Go out for awalk - don't just study ali day. SHOULDN'T
1il 1 Go out fora walk - you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ali day.
6 Is it necessary to have a degree to be a computer

programmer7 HAVE
1, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have a degree to be a computer

jl ı programmer?
, lı'
" !l 82
~ E~ KIN G
. ıı,1P J · 101 Listen to a conversation b
, ' e girl and her uncle. Are the st etwee n 1O Conıplete th e .
' teerıa9 f I e (F)? atenıents The questıons with the words in the box.
~ en or as
re are two
h extra words . Then, in pairs, ask and
ır~ 8 er t e questions.
uııa on
ly knows one ma le nurse .
1 , f ends have always taken hi s
o 1boss ever k,.nd office overti me_j
Jorı s rı never
2 fessıon se riously .
· d · h h.ı s sa 1ary.
·oro sa t i sfı e w ı t
o Whaı .
of ı ob do yo u hope to get in th e fu ture

Jorı ıs o Wh y?
4 soıne
tirırıes Jon starts wo rk at night .
o 2 Have yo u _ __ worked7 Wh y7/Wh y not 7
, been promo ted to nurse man
5 JOil 1lo 5 ager. o 3 Wou ld you like to wo rk in an _ __ 7 Why7/ Wh y no t 7
4 Doy ou t h'ın k you coul d be a good _ _ _ 7 Wh y7/
Wh y not?
11 The photos show people in situations at work. in
photo . Then
t~ke turns to say what you can see in your
re going to write a story. Read the t· 1
h ıt e of the dıscuss the questions about each photo .
. y0ua .
ı and thınk about w. at you are goin 9 t o write ı
sıory · n
. discuss the questıons.

~ --~--~ ., __..,,
job 7
1 What's your
When was the terribl e day?
ned first?
3 What happe
4 What happe ned next?
5 How did you feel?
6 Did you learn anythi ng from this day7 What7
1 How is the woman in the photo feeling7 Why7
ı Write your story in about 100 words . 2 What would you do if you were late for an impor tant
exam7 Why7
3 Talk about a situation when you or someo ne you know
were late for an import ant event.

1 in your opinion , why is the woman in the photo sleepin
2 What would do you if you sudde nly felt very tired/s leepy
during a lesson
3 Talk about a situation when you or someo ne you know
felt bored during an impor tant event.


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