Widgb4 - Test Unit 5 Group A

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4 UNIT 5 Test


Name: ________________________ 3. If you don’t eat, you get sick.

Class: ________________________
a) first conditional b) second conditional
VOCABULARY c) zero conditional
4. If you feel sick, you to the
Choose a word or phrase from the box to doctor.
complete the sentences. There is one extra word.
a) goes b) to go c) go
astronauts comet Earth galaxy 5. I would be very frightened if somebody pointed a
orbit planetarium space station gun at me.
a) first conditional b) second conditional
0 What colour is Earth from space? c) zero conditional
1 We’re going to the _________________ this 6. If she has enough money next year,
weekend to learn about space. she__________a car.
2 The scientists on the _________________ are a) will buy b) won’t buy c) would buy
helping us to learn a lot about space.
7. If I a word, I look it up in
3 We saw the tail of a(n) _________________ as it my dictionary.
went across the sky last night. It was really exciting.
a) doesn’t know b) not know c) don’t know
4 The _________________ we live in is called the
8. I’m sure Sue would understand if
Milky Way.
you_________the situation.
5 My father has met one of the _________________
a) explain b) explained c) explains
who went to the Moon.
/5 9. If we told them the truth, they_________us.

2 Complete the sentences with words from the a) believed b) will believe c) would believe
box. There are more than you need. /9

and away does from hour 4 Third conditional. Complete the sentences
hundreds limit long takes wide with the correct forms of the verbs in
0 How long is the bookshelf? 1 If she_____________________________ (see) the
1 Did you know that it _____________ ten hours to ball, it____________________________ (not/hit)
fly there? her on the head.
2 The speed _____________ is 50km. You’re 2 If he_________________________________(go)
driving too fast.
to art school, he___________________(become)
3 You can’t drive more than 35km per
a painter.
_____________ in town.
3 They______________________________(be) late
4 Two hundred _____________ fifty people went to
if they___________________________(not take)
the party.
a taxi.
5 The museum is five miles _____________ here.
4 We_______________________________(come) if
GRAMMAR 5 If the__________________________(not/take)
3 Zero, first and second conditionals. Choose the job, he_______________________(not go)
the correct option in each sentence.
to Ireland.
1. If I didn’t go to their party, they______offended.
a) will be b) would be c) to be
2. If he the truth, she will forgive
a) tells b) tell c) told

4 UNIT 5 Test

5 [WIDGB4_Utest_5_Dictation.mp3] Listen and 6 [WIDGB4_Utest_5_Listening.mp3] You will hear
write the sentences that you hear, including an interview with an astronaut about living on
the punctuation. a space station. Complete the notes with one
word in each gap.
First problem is lack of 1 _________________
Usually wash with a 2 _________________
_______________________________________ The 3 _________________ and blood in the body
_______________________________________ move upwards.
Food comes in 4 _________________
Salt and pepper could hurt an astronaut’s
_______________________________________ 5
_______________________________________ They have to check 6 _________________ systems
_______________________________________ Need to wait in airlock for 7 _________________
hours before going outside

4 UNIT 5 Test

READING Space tourism

7 Read the text opposite about travelling into Guy Laliberté, the Canadian founder of Cirque
space as a tourist. Choose the correct du Soleil, went into space in 2009. He did it
answers, A, B, C or D.
because he wanted to make people aware of
1 Guy Laliberté went into space to
the drinking water problems facing all humans
A encourage artists to go into space. on planet Earth. He was able to spend a few
B work as a scientist on the space station. days with scientists on the International Space
C video the scientists on the space station. Station and he did a webcast from the station
D inform people about water issues. with himself and other artists who were
working in different cities around the world.
2 What does he say about the training?
He had to travel to the station on a Russian
A It sometimes made him sick.
spacecraft and he paid around $40 million for
B It was very expensive.
this flight. Although he is a very fit man, he
C It was easier than he expected. found some of the training very difficult. For
D He wasn’t fit enough to do it. example, he had to sit on chair and go round
and round for ten minutes and it can make you
3 Guy believes that
feel really sick. But when he finally got into
A the training was not suitable. space, he understood why all the training had
B it takes too long to get into space. been necessary. He would have found it even
C he would have had problems without training. more difficult if he hadn’t had training at all.
D the take-off was very difficult.
The take-off was absolutely fantastic and it
only took 8.5 minutes to get from Earth to
4 What does he say about zero gravity?
space, which was amazing. The hardest thing
A Astronauts don’t like it.
for him was dealing with zero gravity, but
B He found it difficult to cope with.
that’s why the training had been so important
C Astronauts are not allowed to take medicine.
and they also gave him medicine which the
D He thought the training did not help with this. astronauts take to deal with that problem.
5 What does he say about the landing? The landing was really exciting and very hot
A He was afraid during the landing.
and when the parachutes opened, everything
was shaking and going round, a bit like being
B The parachutes gave them a soft landing.
in a car accident. The final landing wasn’t soft,
C It stopped him wanting to go into space again.
but if he had the opportunity, he would do it all
D It was similar to a car crash.
over again.
6 What does he say about the future? He took lots of photos looking back at Earth
A Money from his book will help people travel while he was on the space station and, after he
into space. returned, he published them in a book and
B He will write another book to help the gave all the money to the One Drop
environment. Foundation. Being in space made him see
C More people will be able to travel into space. much more clearly why we need to look after
D People won’t be able to protect the the environment and he thinks that in the
environment. future anyone will be able to buy a ticket to
/12 travel into space.

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