Introduction: We present a novel airway simulation tool that recreates the dynamic challenges associated
with emergency airways. The Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy Assisted Decontamination (SALAD) simulation
system trains providers to use suction to manage emesis and bleeding complicating intubation.
Methods: We modified a standard difficult-airway mannequin head (Nasco, Ft. Atkinson, WI) with hardware-
store equipment to enable simulation of vomiting or hemorrhage during intubation. A pre- and post-survey
was used to assess the effectiveness of the SALAD simulator. We used a 1-5 Likert scale to assess
confidence in managing the airway of a vomiting patient and comfort with suction techniques before and
after the training exercise.
Results: Forty learners participated in the simulation, including emergency physicians, anesthesiologists,
paramedics, respiratory therapists, and registered nurses. The average Likert score of confidence in
managing the airway of a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient pre-session was 3.10±0.49, and post-session
4.13±0.22. The average score of self-perceived skill with suction techniques in the airway scenario pre-
session was 3.30±0.43, and post-session 4.03±0.26. The average score for usefulness of the session was
4.68±0.15, and the score for realism of the simulator was 4.65±0.17.
Conclusion: A training session with the SALAD simulator improved trainee’s confidence in managing
the airway of a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient. The SALAD simulation system recreates the dynamic
challenges associated with emergency airways and holds promise as an airway training tool. [West J Emerg
Med. 2017;18(1)117-120.]
Volume XVIII, no. 1: January 2017 117 Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
The SALAD Simulation System DuCanto et al.
The Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy Assisted Table 1. Components and approximate associated costs of
Decontamination (SALAD) simulation system pushes the the Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy-Assisted Decontamination
boundaries of traditional mannequin-based simulations to (SALAD) simulation system.
present the trainee with the experience of using suction to SALAD component Price
control emesis and/or bloody secretions during an airway Nasco airway head $895
management scenario. An airway mannequin is adapted Vinyl tubing $19
using simple hardware-store equipment to allow pumping Quick connect hose kit x 2 $6
of simulated vomit (simulated airway contaminant, or SAC) Drill pump $12
into the airway. Trainees are presented with two airway
Corded electric variable speed drill $20
scenarios, one in which they must clear a static pool of vomit
contaminating the glottic view, and one in which they must Remote control switch $15
contend with continuous flow rates of SAC to suction the Rheostat $10
glottis and pass an endotracheal tube. This model has been 5 gallon reservoir $10
pioneered among various trainee groups, including physicians, Total simulator cost $987
medical students, paramedics, nurses, and respiratory therapists. 1 gallon white vinegar $3
The objective of this study was to pilot an innovative airway
8 oz xantham gum $10
management simulator and demonstrate learner satisfaction and
self-reported comfort with difficult airways. Total SAC cost $13
Total cost $2000
METHODS SAC, simulated airway contaminant
Institutional review board exemption was sought and
granted. The Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy Assisted Airway
Decontamination (SALAD) simulation mannequin was built Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) during both intubations. The
from commercially available materials. We modified a C-MAC was chosen because it allows the instructor to view
standard difficult airway mannequin head (Nasco, Ft. the oropharynx on the video screen and provide feedback to
Atkinson, WI) to enable simulation of vomiting or hemorrhage the learner.
during intubation. The modifications involved fitting clear We used a pre-and-post session survey to collect
vinyl 5/8 inch I.D. x 7/8 inch O.D. (1/8 inch wall) tubing to information on learner perceptions of confidence in
the existing esophagus of the mannequin, and using clear managing the airway in a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient
acrylic glue to secure this tubing. Quick connect hose parts on a 1-5 Likert scale, with 1 being “not at all” and 5 being
were used to link the esophagus to a self-priming drill- “extremely.” Self-perception of skill in using suction devices
powered fluid pump, which was connected via vinyl tubing to and techniques during the management of emergent airways
a large plastic reservoir that contained the SAC. The flow of was assessed on a similar 1-5 Likert scale. We also collected
SAC is controlled using a variable rheostat, which the drill is learner prior experience using simulation to learn airway
plugged into. A simple on/off switch mechanism with wireless management. and their prior experience using simulation to
radio control permits the instructor to control the timing and learn airway management in a vomiting or hemorrhaging
flow of SAC that the trainee must clear from the oropharynx. patient. Learner perception of realism of the simulator and
We created the SAC by mixing white vinegar with usefulness of the session was also assessed using a 1-5 Likert
xanthan gum powder, in a ratio of 10 ml of xanthan gum scale after the session.
powder to 1L of white vinegar. Food coloring, either red or
green, is added to the mixture to simulate either vomit or RESULTS
hematemesis. If a different consistency of vomit is desired, Forty learners participated in the simulation, including six
more xanthan gum powder could be added for thicker vomit, paramedics, five respiratory therapists, six registered nurses,
and less for thinner vomit. For the purposes of the study, we seven certified registered nurse anesthetists, one nurse
kept the mixture consistent. Vinegar is used to add an practitioner, six emergency physicians, seven
olfactory component to the vomit and also to help prevent the anesthesiologists, and two medical students. Thirty-four (85%)
growth of mold in the system. Table 1 lists components of the had used simulation in the past to learn airway management
SALAD simulator system and approximate associated costs. skills, but only one (2.5%) had used simulation to learn airway
Learners were run through two scenarios – one in which management in a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient.
they must decontaminate a static pool of vomit in the airway The average Likert score of confidence in managing the
prior to intubation, and one in which there is continuous airway of a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient pre-session was
vomiting that must be actively suctioned during the intubation. 3.10±0.49, and the post-session score was 4.13±0.22. The
Students used a video-assisted laryngoscopy device (C-MAC, average score pre-session of self-perceived skill with suction
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 118 Volume XVIII, no. 1: January 2017
DuCanto et al. The SALAD Simulation System
Table 2. Pre-and-post survey results regarding simulation training system for difficult airways.
Mean Likert score (1-5)
Pre course
I am confident in my ability to manage the airway of a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient. 3.10±0.49
I am skilled with various suction devices and techniques during the emergent airway. 3.30±0.43
Post course
I am confident in my ability to manage the airway of a vomiting or hemorrhaging patient. 4.13±0.22
I am skilled with various suction devices and techniques during the emergent airway. 4.03±0.26
I plan to apply the SALAD technique in the future with vomiting patients. 4.53±0.19
How useful was this session for you? 4.68±0.15
Was the simulator sufficiently realistic to challenge your skills? 4.65±0.17
SALAD, Suction-Assisted Laryngoscopy Assisted Decontamination
devices and techniques in the emergent airway was 3.30±0.43, and inserting the laryngoscope blade, will see the oropharynx
and the post-session score was 4.03±0.26 (Table 2). filling rapidly with simulated vomit. Students must learn to
The average score for usefulness of the session was grip the suction catheter, clear the airway of vomit, visualize
4.68±0.15, and the score for realism of the simulator was the glottic structures, and pass the endotracheal tube. In the
4.65±0.17. airway scenario with continuous vomiting, we instruct learners
to position the suction catheter directly into the esophagus
DISCUSSION after clearing the glottic field to prevent additional
Blood, secretions, and active vomiting have all been contamination of the airway. This requires use of the non-
identified as predictors of difficult intubation.8,9,10 Current dominant forearm to keep the suction catheter lodged in
airway training models use traditional airway mannequins position, while the non-dominant hand holds the laryngoscope
and intubations in the controlled setting of the operating blade and the dominant hand manages the endotracheal tube.
room. Trainees are then expected to apply these basic airway This requires manual dexterity, which can be quickly learned
skills in the more complicated, real-life airway emergencies in the training sessions.
involving emesis, blood, and secretions contaminating the The SALAD simulation training system also allows
glottic view. These true airway emergencies occur relatively monitoring of the learners’ progress. Skill acquisition can
infrequently in clinical practice, so even seasoned providers be easily measured and documented, as students master
often do not feel comfortable in these scenarios, adding to endotracheal tube placement while contending with low
the stress of an already very challenging situation of a flow rates of simulated vomiting, and must demonstrate
critically ill patient.11, 12, 13 We believe the SALAD system these same skills at higher flow rates. Residency and
adds value to traditional airway teaching models by fellowship training programs can track the progression
providing learners with unlimited opportunity to master the of their learners, and this can be correlated with airway
most challenging of airway skills. milestone acquisition per Accreditation Council for
While our study did not evaluate retention of skill or Graduate Medical Education requirements.17
real-world clinical outcomes, prior research suggests that
simulation is an excellent method to teach procedural LIMITATIONS
competence. Simulation has been shown to be superior to The primary limitation of this study is that the outcome
non-simulation based methods of instruction in skill measure was self-reported confidence with managing
acquisition and retention,14 and also to generate a similar the airway of a vomiting patient. Additional research
stress response in learners to real-world resuscitations,15 is needed to evaluate whether this subjective outcome
preparing learners to perform in high-stress situations. translates to improved patient-oriented outcomes, such as
Retention rates of complex procedural skills after simulation time to intubation or success of first-pass intubation in a
training is also high,13 and simulation-based airway vomiting patient. The data show a very highly statistically
management training has been shown to improve clinical significant increase in self-reported confidence for the airway
metrics such as first-pass success.16 management of a vomiting patient. However, the post-test was
The SALAD system teaches a complex set of tasks taken immediately after the training, and the possibility of
required to manage an airway contaminated with vomit or skill decay is real. The duration of this improved confidence
secretions. The trainee, upon opening the mannequin’s mouth level is unknown. Additionally, this study is limited by a
Volume XVIII, no. 1: January 2017 119 Western Journal of Emergency Medicine
The SALAD Simulation System DuCanto et al.
relatively small number of participants. Furthermore, the endotracheal intubation. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:1372-8.
training exercise was multidisciplinary in nature, including 4. Combes X, Jabre P, Jbeili C, et al. Prehospital standardization of
emergency physicians as well as medical students, nurses, medical airway management: Incidence and risk factors of difficult
respiratory therapists, and nurse anesthetists. A minority airway. Acad Emerg Med. 2006;13:828-34.
of participants were emergency physicians, the providers 5. Gaither J, Spaite D, Stolz U, et al. Prevalence of difficult airway
arguably most likely to encounter the difficult airway in predictors in cases of failed prehospital endotracheal intubation. J
clinical practice. Emerg Med. 2014;47:294-300.
6. Mosier J, Stolz U, Chiu S, et al. Difficult airway management in the
CONCLUSION emergency department: GlideScope videolaryngoscopy compared to
In summary, we feel the SALAD simulation system holds direct laryngoscopy. J Emerg Med. 2012;42:629-34.
promise as an educational tool to provide experience in 7. Burns B, Habig K, Eason H, et al. Difficult intubation factors in
managing difficult airways. Participants’ self-reported prehospital rapid sequence intubation by an Australian helicopter
confidence in managing the airway of a vomiting patient
emergency medical service. Air Med J. 2016;35:28-32.
improved with the training session, and trainees shared
8. Gaither J, Spaite D, Stolz U, et al. Prevalence of difficult airway
anecdotal reports that the training session helped them in a
predictors in cases of failed prehospital endotracheal intubation. J
subsequent clinical encounter. Further research is needed to
Emerg Med. 2014;47:294-300.
evaluate whether training with the SALAD simulator
9. Combes X, Jabre P, Jbeili C, et al. Prehospital standardization of
improves patient-related outcomes in the management of
emergency airways. medical airway management: Incidence and risk factors of difficult
airway. Acad Emerg Med. 2006;13:828-34.
10. Burns B, Habig K, Eason H, et al. Difficult intubation factors in
prehospital rapid sequence intubation by an Australian helicopter
emergency medical service. Air Med J. 2016;35:28-32.
Address for Correspondence: Ryan J. Thompson, MD, University
11. Crosby E, Cooper R, Douglas M, et al.The unanticipated difficult
of Wisconsin, Department of Emergency Medicine, 800 University
Bay Drive, Suite 310, Madison, WI 53705. Email: RThompson@ airway with recommendations for management. Can J Anaesth.
medicine.wisc.edu. 1998;45:757-76.
12. Mort T. Emergency tracheal intubation: Complications associated with
Conflicts of Interest: By the WestJEM article submission agreement, repeated laryngoscopic attempts. Anesth Analg. 2004;99(2):607-13.
all authors are required to disclose all affiliations, funding sources
13. Sakles J, Laurin E, Rantapaa A, et al. Airway management in the
and financial or management relationships that could be perceived
as potential sources of bias. The authors disclosed none. emergency department: A one-year study of 610 tracheal intubations.
Ann Emerg Med. 1998;31:325-32.
Copyright: © 2016 DuCanto et al. This is an open access article 14. Kennedy C, Cannon E, Warner D, et al. Advanced Airway
distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons
Management Simulation in Medical Education: A Systematic Review
Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License. See: http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by/4.0/ and Meta-Analysis. Brit Care Med. 2014;42(1):169-78.
15. Daglius D and Scalabrini N. Stress levels during emergency care:
A comparison between reality and simulated scenarios. J Crit Care.
16. Mosier J, Malo J, Sakles J, et al. The Impact of a Comprehensive
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