An Analysis of Intra-Sentential Switching Used by A Youtuber: Livjunkie

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ISSN 2355-1828

Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

An analysis of intra-sentential switching used by a youtuber: Livjunkie

Meza Andika1,a, Merry Rullyanti1,b

1. Dehasen University of Bengkulu


Article History Abstract

1. Submitted date 23rd
August 2021 Code switching can be produced by bilingual users including a
2. Reviewed date 26th August Youtuber. The researcher analysed the switching by a bilingual
2021 Youtuber namely Livjunkie. Within the title of “An Analysis of Intra -
3. Accepted date 29th August
Sentential Switching Used by a Youtuber: Livjunkie”, the discussion
4. Published date 29th August of this research deals with the number of utterances. The objectives of
2021 this research are to find out types of word included as intra-sentential
switching used by Livjunkie, the most frequently occuring word
included as intra-sentential switching used by Livjunkie, and the
meaning of the word frequently used by Livjunkie included as intra-
sentential switching. This research was designed to use descriptive
qualitative method. This research was carried out by taking steps to
collect data, classify data, analyze data, and make conclusions. The
data analysis technique that was used is based on Spradley’s theory.
The researcher found 9 types of words appreared in intra-sentential
switching used by Livjunkie in her selected Youtube videos. They are
Noun, Adjective, Conjunction, Adverb, Verb, Exclamation,
Preposition, Numeral, and Determiner. There are 707 nouns found in
this research. The percentage is 57.71 %. It is the highest value of all.
There is only 1 determiner found in this research. The percentage is
0.08 %. It is the lowest value of all. It was also found that there are
1223 data that have denotative meanings and there are 2 data that
have connotative meanings. It was analyzed that Livjunkie used
English words within a clause or sentence in Bahasa Indonesia. The
results also show that the kinds of meaning found are mostly included
in denotative meaning instead of connotative meaning. Beside that,
the videos themselves show the phenomenon of bilingualism. It is
hoped that the results will be useful for the development of linguistics
especially in English letters or Sociolinguistics.

Keyword: Sociolinguistics, code switching, Livjunkie, word class,


How to cite this article

Andika, Meza. Rullyanti, Merry. (2020). An analysis of intra-sentential switching used by a
youtuber: Livjunkie. Literary Criticism, 06(02), 50-59.

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

A. Introduction
Code switching is a part of Sociolinguistic concern that can be produced by bilingual users of
languages in any situation. They have the reasons of using their languages, the method of using the
languages, the location and time when using the languages, and the problems related to the languages.
In some situation, they also involve the use of codes in order to make the language, as well as the
meaning, more understandable or more interesting.
A code is a system that is used by people to communicate with each other. When people want to talk
each other, they have to choose a particular code to express their feeling. According to Stockwell (2002),
a code is a symbol of nationalism that is used by people to speak or communicate in a particular
language, or dialect, or register, or accent, or style on different occasions and for different purposes.
Similarly, Wardhaugh (2006) also mentions that a code can be defined as a system used for
communication between two or more parties used on any occasions. When two or more people
communicate with each other in speech, the system of communication that they employ is called a code.
Therefore, people are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and
they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes, sometimes in very short
utterances and it means to create a code.
Furthermore, as social beings, people tend to expand the knowledge and insights that become the
mandate of globalization, pushing the global community to compete to maximize their potential,
especially in language acquisition. This has also led to the development of the phenomenon of language
contact which is no longer limited to national languages and regional languages, but also between
national languages and foreign languages, regional languages with foreign languages, even contact
among three languages either national, regional or foreign languages in a communication. This event
ultimately leads to the linguistic phenomenon in the form of code switching.
Code switching appears between different languages and dialects (Brown and Attardo, 2000). For
examples, when a bilingual user develop a conversation with another bilingual user in Bahasa Indonesia,
they use another language that they are also fluent, namely English. Both of them understand each
other eventhough they change the topics from one to another, from economic growth in Indonesia
to living in Australia, for instant.
There are several previous studies related to the use of code switching. The first related research is
from Upasaluba (2018). The tittle of the research is “Code Switching Used by Cinta Laura in Ini Talk
Show and Good Afternoon on Net TV”. The result shows that the types of code-switching found in both
sources are intra-sentential code-switching, inter-sentential code- switching and establishing continuity
toward previous speaker emblematic or tag-switching. The code-switching functions used in both data
sources cover the difficulty of speaking Bahasa Indonesia by minimizing or avoiding the face and
increasing the reputation of being seen as a learned person and covering the inability to speak in Bahasa
Second related research that is from Dewi & Ekalaya (2014) is “An Analysis of Outer Code
Switching and Code Mixing in Indonesian Lawyers Club”. In this research, the researchers found two
kinds of code switching, namely inter sentential switching and emblematic switching, while for code
mixing, the researcher found intra lexical code mixing and also contextual reasons, such as quoting
somebody else, being emphatic about something/express solidarity, interjection, repetition, intention of
clarifying the speech content for interlocutor, and expressing group identity.
The third research that was previously reviewed is from Suhadi & Taufik (2013) which entitled
“Code Switching and Code Mixing found in Selected Fan Pages on Facebook”. The writers concluded
that the use of code switching and code mixing are 44 posts of code switching and 74 posts of code
mixing. The results also consist of 31 posts of intra sentential, inter sentential, and tag code switching,
2 posts of intern code switching, 7 posts of inner code mixing, and 54 posts of outer code mixing in the
first fan page “Sahabat PCMI Bengkulu”. In the second fan page “The Corner of Conversation Sponsor
by KITA”. There are 13 posts of intra, inter, and tag switching, 2 posts if intern code switching, 12 posts
of outer code mixing, and there is only 1 post of inner code mixing.

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

The fourth previously reviewed research is from Putranto (2018) who has analyzed the types of code
switching used by Rangga in 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa movie. The researcher found that the code
switching types used by Rangga in 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa movie are Intra-sentential code
switching, Inter-sentential code switching, and tag code switching. There are 20 usages of code
switching with clarification. They consist of 11 (55%) inter-sentential code switching, 6 (30%) Intra-
sentential code switching, and 3 (15%) extra-sentential or tag switching.
And the last research being reviewed is from Fitriyani (2013) whose title is “Code- Switching Used
by Students in a Speaking Class Activity (The Case at Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang)”.
The result indicated that the total occurrences of code-switching produced by the 13 students are
73 times. For intra-sentential code-switching, it was found 39 utterances or 53.42 % and for inter-
sentential code-switching, it was found 34 utterances or
46.58 %. The most critical feature of code-switching is that the message with the highest
percentage is emphasized: 32.05 %. The most critical code-switching element is the repetition used for
clarity that carries the highest percentage altogether: 34.25 %. Finally, it can be concluded that
the most important factor triggering the occurrence of code-switching was the repetition used for clarity.
This aspect was likely to occur because it was created to prevent confusion and to highlight it.
From the previous researches above, there are several similarities and differences that made the
researcher of this study interested in conducting this research. For the similarities, there are, first, several
previous researches used the same theories that used by one researcher to another, such as the type of
code switching and code mixing. It made easier for researcher to search and add theories that can
support the researches. Second, the data collection techniques used by previous researchers are in the
form of listening and reading. Like the previous researchers, the researcher of this study also wrote
everything into a piece of paper related to this research. The researcher could more easily understand
the contents of the Youtube video and could write down the conditions that was occurring at that time.
In addition, in data analysis techniques, the researchers also used a qualitative method.
Meanwhile, there are also some differences among the previous researches compared to the current
research. They are, first, the researcher of this study used the recorded youtuber‟s contents as the media
of research and Livjunkie as the object of the research. Second, for the object of research, in this case
the researcher focused on analyzing Livjunkie‟s utterances because she has a multicultural
background and a talented make-up artist on Youtube. She married with a foreigner that English is his
native language. On the other hand, also in this research, the researcher analyzed the intra-sentential
code switching that was occuring during Livjunkie‟s five videos on Youtube that were not found in the
previous studies. Moreover, from the results of reviewing the five journals above the writer of this
research initially concluded that the five journals are more dominant about general code switching and
code mixing. There is no discussion about intra-sentential code switching, especially in Livjunkie‟s
utterances on Youtube videos.
Within the title of “An Analysis of Intra-Sentential Switching Used by a Youtuber: Livjunkie”, the
discussion of this research deals with the number of utterances. Any codes heard are the data. While
analyzing the data qualitatively, the researcher of this study explained the discussion descriptively.
Through this research, the researcher found the types of word included as intra-sentential switching
used by Livjunkie in her Youtube videos and the most frequently used words, whether they are nouns,
verbs, adjectives, adverbs or else that have meaningfully significant relationship with makeup tutorial
videos. It is hoped that the results will be useful for the development of linguistics especially of English
letters or Sociolinguistics.

B. Methods
This research was designed to use descriptive qualitative method. It makes real and factual
descriptions of the facts. According to Farkhan (2011), descriptive methods are used to describe
phenomena related to other phenomena. In qualitative research, descriptive data are generated in the
form of written or oral words from people and behaviors observed in this study.
This research was carried out by taking steps to collect data, classify data, analyze data, and make
conclusions. Therefore, before doing the research, the researcher doing observations that aimed to
collect data and select data related to research problems. This research belongs to ethnographic research.

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

C. Result
This chapter presents the research findings and discussion of the utterances based on Halliday‟s
theory of types of words (2004) and Chaer‟s theory of kinds of lexical meaning (2007). All of
Livjunkie‟s utterances in her selected Youtube videos are the data of this research.
The researcher found 9 types of words apprearing in intra-sentential switching used by Livjunkie in
her selected Youtube videos. They are shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Taxonomy Analysis for Types of Words

Category Types of Word Number of Data Percentage

Noun 707 57.71 %

Adjective 169 13.80 %
Conjunction 99 8.08 %
Adverb 91 7.43 %
Verb 89 7.27 %
Intra-sentential switching Exclamation 55 4.49 %
Preposition 12 0.98 %
Numeral 2 0.16 %
Determiner 1 0.08 %
Total 9 1225 100 %

The above table shows the taxonomy analysis of each type of word occuring mostly as intra-
sentential switching. The type of word number 1 namely Noun has the highest number that is 707 data.
Thus, it has the highest percentage as well that is 57.71 %. Whereas the lowest number or percentage is
shown by type of word number 4 namely Determiner that is 1 data (0.08%).

D. Discussion
1. Types of Words Which Included as Intra-sentential Switching Used by Youtuber Livjunkie
The following is the explanation of all types of word which included as intra-sentential switching
used by Youtuber Lvjunkie found in this research.
a. Noun
Based on Halliday (2004), a noun is a word that the function is to name a person and a thing. The
noun is not only proper nouns like cat, pen, and grape, but also pronouns like he, she, and they. In this
research, there are 707 nouns that were found. They are shown and explained as the following:
Data 2
“Hello, everyone, hi, apa kabar kalian semua?”
The word everyone in the utterance refers to a person, every person to be exact. In this situation,
Livjunkie addressed her viewers by saying the word. The word has the same meaning as the noun
everybody or setiap orang „everyone in Bahasa Indonesia‟.

b. Adjective
Halliday (2004) defines that adjective names the quality of nouns or process. The words like
beautiful, black, and tall are adjectives. There are 169 adjectives that were found in this research. The
following is the explanation:
Data 38
“wajib banget pake sunscreen kulit gua kan oily.”
The word oily refers to a quality of a noun namely Livjunkie‟s skin. Livjunkie told her viewers
about her skin characteristic by saying the word. It has a similar meaning to the adjective greasy or
berminyak „oily in Bahasa Indonesia‟.

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

c. Conjunction
It was found that there are 99 conjunctions in the data of this research as they were classified by
Halliday‟s theory (2004). The words such as and, but, or, so, etc are conjunctions. The following is the
Data 4
“Anyway, di video ini seperti dari title-nya sudah ketahuan mau ngapain, tutorial, of course!”
Data 15
“Oke, selama ini gua gak pernah buat tutorial make up tanpa foundationand I think you guys know
Data 24
“somehow semakin bertambahnya umur lebih bias”
Data 60
“so jadi gua nggak perlu pakai banyak product”
Data 76
“jadi nggak perlu banyak buang waktu make up daily or make up natural of course”
The words anyway, and, somehow, so, and or in the utterances (Data 4, 15, 24, 60, 76) refer to
conjunctions. In these cases, Livjunkie told her viewers about connectors by saying the words.

d. Adverb
Based on Halliday (2004), adverb is divided into adverb of time (now, yesterday), place (there, here),
manner (slowly, fast), frequency (always, never), and quality (very, so). It is also the word that modifies
adjectives. The words like extremely and interestingly are also the examples of adverbs. It was found
that there are 91 adverbs in the data of this research. The following is the explanation:
Data 23
“Now gua wanita dewasa ya sekarang jadi...”
The word now in the utterance refers to an adverb. Livjunkie told her viewers about a moment by
saying the word. It has the same meaning as the adverb at this very moment or sekarang „now in Bahasa

e. Verb
Halliday (2004) states that a verb serves as a process or a predicator. In this research, there are 89
verbs that were found. The following is the explanation:
Data 40
“...dimana dia berasa moisturizing, udah cukup moisturizing.”
The word moisturizing in the utterance refers to a verb. Now, Livjunkie explained to her viewers
about a process by saying the word. The word has a similar meaning to the verb hydrating or menguap
„moisturizing in Bahasa Indonesia‟.

f. Exclamation
Exclamation is a minor speech or minor clause (Halliday, 2004). The same as what Halliday
classified about exclamation, the exclamations in this research were found namely 55 data. The
following is the explanation:
Data 1
“Hello, everyone, hi, apa kabar kalian semua?”
Data 3
“Hello, everyone, hi, apa kabar kalian semua?”
Data 121
“semua product ini bakal pakai product ini bakal pakai lokal yes”
Data 372
“wanginya itu oh my god namanya Orgasm”

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

The underlined words in Data 1, 3, 121, 372, and 474 are exclamations. In this situation, Livjunkie
addressed her viewers (as in Data 1 and 3) or exlaimed (as in Data 121, 372, and 474) by saying the
words. The words in Data 1 and 3 have the same meaning as the exclamations halo „hello in Bahasa
Indonesia‟, the one in Data 121 means ya in Bahasa Indonesia, and the one in Data 372 means Ya,
Tuhan in Bahasa Indonesia. Whereas, there is no word in Bahasa Indonesia that can be used to substitute
bla bla bla in the utterance.

g. Preposition
Halliday (2004) explained that preposition is the attributes such as in, on, to, etc. In this research,
there are 12 prepositions that were found. The following is the explanation:
Data 158
“Semuanya rata jadi pucet banget perfect for kantor, untuk daily ni bagus banget.”
Data 638
“jadi basicly itu adalah hari istirahat for my skin kebiasaan ntar kalo sering fitness but istilahnya
seperti itu ya”
Data 681
“yeah why to untuk cleansing balm cleansing balm yang gue pakai adalah si Banila”
Data 913
“untuk 3 10 w ini warnanya pas banget buat my face but gak pas with my body”
Data 1196
“untuk concealer nya sendiri I‟m not really a fan of dia lumayan cepat creasing on me”
The words for, to, with, and on in the utterances are included as prepositions. The words such as
for, to, and with in the utterances have the same meaning as the Indonesian preposition untuk.
Meanwhile the word on means di in Bahasa Indonesia.

h. Numeral
Numeral is numerative like one, third, and many (Halliday, 2004). In this research, there are 2
numerals that were found. They are first and two. The following is the explanation:
Data 19
“karena first of all gue suka banget foundation.”
choice 2 persen, BHA liquid exfoliant dan juga si Stridex maksimum two percent oke maksimum”
The words first in Data 19 and two in Data 746 refer to numerals. In this situation, Livjunkie told
her viewers about a number of reasons and percentage by saying the words. The first word has the same
meaning as the numeral number one or pertama-tama „first of all in Bahasa Indonesia‟. Whereas the
second word has the same meaning as the numeral dua in Bahasa Indonesia.

i. Determiner
Determiner is used to introduce things (Halliday, 2004). In this research, there is 1 determiner that
was found, namely this. The following is the explanation:
Data 559
“Sebagai seorang yang enggak terlalu suka scrub, in general I never thought I would like this
product, this much!”
There are two words of this in the utterance. The first one is known as inter-sentential switching
because it occurs in a complete English clause. It is not the focus of this research. The second one is the
intra-sentential switching because it occurs within a switched sentence of data 559. In this situation,
Livjunkie said a complete sentence that consist of two languages. Firstly, she said a clause in Bahasa
Indonesia. After that, she switched the language into English. The word has the same meaning as the
Indonesian determiner ini „this‟. The Most Frequently Occuring Word of Intra-sentential Switching
Used by Livjunkie
The taxonomy analysis was also done to find the most frequently occuring words of intra- sentential
switching used by Livjunkie in the selected videos. In this analysis the researcher focused on the forms
of intra-sentential switching in percentages. By this part of analysis, the researcher studied about the
number of data in percentages. The researcher found that the most frequently occuring words of intra-
sentential switching in this researchis in the form of Noun, namely 707 data (57.71 %). Among the

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

nouns, the word product is the most frequently used, namely 295 times (41.72 %), the word foundation
is in the second position, namely 140 times (19.81 %), the word make-up is the third most frequently
used, namely 74 times (10.47 %), and the word vlogger is the least frequently used namely once (0.14
2. The Lexical Meaning of Intra-sentential Switching Used by Livjunkie
The researcher also found and classified 2 kinds of lexical meaning in the videos. The kinds of
lexical meaning are shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Taxonomy Analysis for Kinds of Meaning

Category Kinds of Meaning Number of Data Percentage

Denotative 1223 99.84 %

Intra-sentential switching 2 0.16 %

The above table shows the taxonomy analysis of each kind of meaning in the intra- sentential
switching. Denotative meaning has the highest number that is 1223 data. Thus, it has the highest
percentage as well that is 99.84 %. Whereas the lowest number or percentage is shown by connotative
meaning that is 2 data (0.16 %).
Denotative meaning is the meaning of what it was (Chaer, 2007). The examples of words having
denotative meaning are the word “banana” that shows a kind of fruit and the word “pen” that shows a
kind of writing tools.
Meanwhile, connotation refers to the personal aspect of meaning, the emotional association
that the word arouses (Chaer, 2007). The examples of words having connotative meaning are the words
“head and shoulder” and “The bird” in the following sentences:
a. He is the head and shoulder in the team (He is the best in the team).
b. The bird says you are sick (Any sources, not specific, inform that you are sick).
Furthermore, in this research, there are 1223 words that have denotative meanings. They are shown
and explained as the following:
Data 1
“Hello, everyone, hi, apa kabar kalian semua?”
Data 2
“Hello, everyone, hi, apa kabar kalian semua?”
All words underlined in the data above were classified as the words that have denotative meanings.
What Livjunkie meant by the words are the same as what they mean truly in English and as what they
refer to in Bahasa Indonesia. For example, Data 1 hello has the same meaning as „hi‟ in English and
„halo‟ in Bahasa Indonesia. Whereas Data 2 everyone means „everybody‟ in English (Cambridge
dictionary online, 2021) and „tiap orang, kesemua‟ in Bahasa Indonesia (Kamus net, 2021).
Meanwhile, in this research, there is 1 group of words found that was mentioned twice and have the
same connotative meaning. The words are shown and explained as the following:
Data 1186
“...walaupun cepet creasing di bagian ini smile line.”
Data 1190
“smile line nya agak mengganggu sih but the concealer cepat banget garis-garis halusnya muncul”
Data 1186 as well as 1190, namely the group of words smile line was classified as the words that
have connotative meaning. It is not a real line drawn around someone‟s smile. In fact, it is wrinkle that
forms like a line when someone is smiling.
The last part is doing the componential analysis by comparing two results of taxonomy. Thereby,
the researcher focused on comparing the two results of taxonomy analysis in percentages. The highest
and the lowest values determined the result of the research. Below is the analysis table.

Table 3. Componential Analysis

Category Persentage
Types of Words Maximum: Noun 57.71 %
Minimum: Determiner 0.08 %

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

Kinds of Meaning Maximum: Denotative 99.84 %

Minimum: Connotative 0.16 %

The above table shows a componential analysis where Noun emerging as code switching has
maximum level and denotative meaning has the same level that is maximum. There are 707 nouns found
in this research. The percentage is 57.71 %. It is the highest value of all. Livjunkie mentioned the words
included in Noun 707 times. There is no more noun that is included in intra-sentential switching
mentioned in the selected videos. There is only 1 determiner found in this research, namely this. The
percentage is 0.08 %. It is the lowest value of all. Livjunkie only mentioned the word once. There is no
more determiner that is included in intra-sentential switching mentioned in the selected videos.
Meanwhile, There are 1223 data that have denotative meanings found in this research. The
percentage is 99.84 %. It is the highest value of all. There is no more word having a denotative meaning
that is included in intra-sentential switching mentioned in this research. There are 2 data that have
connotative meanings found in this research. They are actually a group of words yet mentioned twice,
namely smile line. The percentage is 0.16 %. It is the lowest value of all. There is no more word having
a connotative meaning that is included in intra-sentential switching mentioned in this research.
Based on the theory from Hamers and Michek (2003), the intra-sentential switching occurs within a
clause or sentence boundary. From the data that were found, it was analysed that Livjunkie used English
words within a clause or sentence in Bahasa Indonesia. Livjunkie tends to use the words that refer to
the things often used in make-up world. The videos themselves were indeed made for tutoring how to
do make-up.
The results also show that the kinds of meaning found are mostly included in denotative meaning
instead of connotative meaning. The highest value of the meaning relates to the types of words Livjunkie
tries to express to her female viewers. She wants her viewers, especially her subscribers that mostly
Indonesian women, understand easily the make-up tutorial by saying words that are simply refered to
the things she is using in her videos. Therefore, she does not need to say words that has connotative
meaning or the words that are somehow difficult to understand by her viewers.
The using of words refered to make-up were found maximum in Livjunkie‟s Youtube videos. The
words are mostly in the form of Noun and among them, the word product are the most frequently used.
There are 590 words of product mentioned in the videos. Where the least frequently occuring word of
intra-sentential used by Livjunkie is in the form of determiner that is this. There is only 1 word of this
mentioned in the video that is included as intra-sentential switching. This result is not found in the
previous non-tutorial literary work and analyses that the researcher of this study has reviewed in Chapter
Beside the prominent use of make-up product terms in the contents, the videos themselves
show the phenomenon of bilingualism. Since that Livjunkie got married with an American guy which
could probably lead her to involve both Indonesian and English terms in her daily conversation.
It is quite clear that Livjunkie wants to tell her viewers about her ability of make-up products,
including the terms that mostly classified as noun, and how to use it. By using English words which are
mostly simple nouns or referential things, Livjunkie makes her Indonesian viewers amazed not only by
her appearance, but also by her performance and ownership of such things.

E. Conclusion
According to the analysis, it is concluded that there are 9 types of word included as intra-sentential
switching used by Livjunkie in her Youtube videos. The words are in the forms of noun, adjective,
numeral, determiner, verb, preposition, adverb, conjunction, and exclamation.
It is also concluded that the most frequently occuring word included as the intra- sentential switching
is in the form of Noun. It was used so because Livjunkie referred to the things that suggest her make-
up activity. Whereas, the lowest frequently used word is in the form of Determiner. This type of words
was absolutely used to point at something that, in this case, is also commonly heard and easy to
Meanwhile, it can be inferred that the words used in the videos mostly mean denotatively. Lifjunkie
made her videos as tutorial which means she does not need to use difficult words to understand like
metaphors. Thus, her viewers can do the same things as she is doing in her videos.

Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

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Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu
ISSN 2355-1828
Volume 06 Number 02 Year 2020, 50-59 eISSN 0000-0000

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Literary Criticism, Fakultas Sastra Program Studi Sastra Inggris UNIVED Bengkulu

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