Rox (Passive Reference Dye)

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ROX dye

ROX passive reference dye for

troubleshooting real-time PCR
Real-time PCR—also called quantitative polymerase run due to non–PCR-related artifacts, assisting in
chain reaction (qPCR)—is one of the most powerful troubleshooting questionable data, and normalizing
and sensitive gene analysis techniques available. differences within a run (Table 1). In an ideal reaction
Real-time quantitation of DNA and cDNA requires with perfect samples and reaction mix, reference dye
monitoring of a fluorescent signal that reports on the normalization would have no impact on results, since
progress of the amplification reaction at each cycle. there would be no effects from non–PCR-related
(For more information, see qPCR education resources events (Figure 2).
Table 1. Appropriate uses for ROX passive
A number of conditions may influence real-time reference dye.
PCR results: pipetting errors create variability in • Help diagnose evaporation
volume; evaporation or condensation within each problems
well may change the concentrations of components; • Help diagnose pipetting problems
and bubbles or droplets may produce spikes in a What ROX dye
can be used for • Help diagnose the presence
fluorescent signal at various time points (Figure 1). of droplets
These events can affect the fluorescent signal from
• Normalize spurious signals arising
the reporter dye and result in unreliable data. To from bubbles
compensate for common artifacts, researchers might
What ROX dye • Fix bad data
typically include larger numbers of replicates to help
can’t do • Correct for pipetting errors
ensure statistically robust data and plan for additional
time and reagents to repeat questionable results.
Applied Biosystems™ ROX™ dye is a proprietary
passive reference dye introduced in the 1990s. ROX
detection dye is inert and does not interfere with the fluorescence
emission of the reporter dyes commonly used in real-
Condensation time PCR. Today all Applied Biosystems™ real-time PCR
or droplets
systems are designed to take advantage of the benefits
Figure 1. Common sources Bubble
of including a passive reference dye, which are outlined
of process errors that can
Volume in this paper. In addition, ROX dye is used in all Applied
compromise real-time
PCR data. Biosystems™ real-time PCR master mixes to help make
troubleshooting real-time PCR experiments easier.

The role of an optional passive reference dye in

real-time PCR
A passive reference dye is an independent, inert dye
that exhibits no change in fluorescence within a PCR
amplification reaction. This tool offers a number of
benefits: correcting for changes in signal within a
Despite a decade of use and A
With ROX dye
Without ROX dye
widespread scientific acceptance,
the role of ROX dye as a passive
reference in real-time PCR is
confused by several commonly
held misconceptions, including
an erroneous belief that ROX dye
is required for PCR analysis with
Applied Biosystems instruments.
Figure 2. Real-time PCR amplification plots of RNase P serial dilutions, with ROX dye (A) and without
ROX dye–capable real-time PCR ROX dye (B) normalization. Standard deviation of replicates with ROX dye normalization is 0.02, without ROX
instruments are compatible with normalization is 0.03.

PCR reagents with and without

the passive reference dye (Figures Dynamic range on Bio-Rad CFX384 Dynamic range on Applied Biosystems
system, without normalization option instrument, without ROX dye normalization
2 and 3). Moreover, the Applied
Biosystems™ real-time PCR
STD = 0.028
analysis software allows users to STD = 0.04

ignore the ROX dye signal during

analysis, if desired. It is also
important to understand that ROX
dye is not intended to correct for
instrument limitations or make an
instrument more sensitive, nor
does it serve as a fix for “bad” data. Dynamic range on Applied Biosystems
instrument, with ROX dye normalization
Additionally, ROX dye does not
compensate for improper pipetting Figure 3. ROX dye normalization tightens standard
deviation of replicates. A cDNA dilution series was
techniques (Table 1). amplified on the CFX384™ system (Bio-Rad) and an
STD = 0.01

Applied Biosystems instrument, with 5 replicates per

Multicomponent plot view dilution. SsoFast™ Probes Supermix was used on the
CFX384 system, and TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master
in Applied Biosystems Mix was used on the Applied Biosystems instrument
instruments (in a 384-well block, with and without ROX dye).
Master mixes were used as recommended by the
The multicomponent plot screen manufacturers.
(Figure 4) displays the complete
spectral contribution of each dye proceeds during the exponential passive reference, on the Applied
in a selected well over the duration phase and a flattening when Biosystems™ ViiA™ 7 instrument
of the PCR run. To compute the reaction plateaus (Figure and on the Bio-Rad CFX384™
the normalized amplification 4, blue line). If any non-PCR instrument. The data clearly
curves (Rn) typically shown in the related events arise in a well (e.g., demonstrate that ROX dye has
amplification plots, the reporter dye evaporation, droplets, bubbles) the no impact on average Ct but
signal is divided by the ROX dye multicomponent plot will present effectively tightens the standard
(passive reference) signal (Figure 5). spikes, dips, or other abnormal deviation of replicates (Figure 3).
behavior in both the reporter dye This means that users can run
When expressed in a signal as well as in the ROX dye fewer replicates and still have
multicomponent plot, the ROX dye signal. confidence in the resulting data.
fluorescence level should remain Irregularities in fluorescence signal
relatively constant throughout the ROX dye tightens standard can occur in real-time PCR, and for
real-time PCR process (Figure deviation of replicates and that reason ROX dye has immense
4, red line), while the reporter facilitates quality control value as a troubleshooting tool.
dye fluorescence level displays a Figure 3 shows the analysis of two
flat region corresponding to the plates—set up using TaqMan™ If a reaction fails, analysis
baseline, followed by a rapid rise chemistry for a dynamic range— of the ROX dye signal in the
in fluorescence as the amplification with and without ROX dye as a multicomponent plot may help
discriminate potential causes of
abnormal data. A lack of a ROX = FAM

dye signal would clearly indicate = ROX

that master mix was not added or

the well was empty, whereas large
signal discrepancies would indicate
Figure 4. Multicomponent
a possible double-volume reaction. plot using ROX reference
dye. Example of expected
The following are examples of amplification (blue line) and
passive reference (red line)
simulated situations in which a curves.
common experimental error or
data artifact was forced in the
experiment along with the resulting A B
data plots. The quality control Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Rn = Normalization = Reporter / Reference
capabilities of ROX dye can help FAM dye
reduce analysis time and increase

Rn FAM dye

confidence in results for all users, ROX dye


from novice researchers to the
ROX dye



most experienced users. Well 1 Well 2 Well 1 Well 2
Rn =
Common problem 1: bubbles Passive Reference
Bubbles in reaction wells
Figure 5. Calculation for ROX dye–enabled normalization. (A) Dividing the reporter signal by the ROX dye
commonly occur when plates are signal gives a normalized value (Rn). (B) Using Rn values, signals from two different wells can be compared.
improperly centrifuged. Bubbles
can generate an abnormal jump in A
the fluorescent signal(s) when they Without ROX dye as passive reference

expand and burst during cycling. In

Figure 6, air bubbles were forced
into wells by injecting air with a
pipette below the reaction mix
surface. If no ROX dye is used to
normalize the data, amplification
plots display spurious signals in
wells containing the forced bubbles
(Figure 6A). Without ROX dye,
the multicomponent plot (Figure With ROX dye as passive reference

6A) shows the same spurious

signal, but the results from these
two curves cannot be properly
interpreted. Using the passive
reference dye to normalize the data
(Figure 6B), the software is able to
properly compute the amplification
curve using the FAM™ reporter and
Figure 6. Including ROX dye allows the user to distinguish PCR-related aberrations from non–PCR-
ROX dye passive reference signals related aberrations. (A) When air bubbles were intentionally forced into the wells with a pipette, the amplification
to provide acceptable normalized plots without ROX dye normalization showed grossly variable Ct values for replicates in the experiment. On the
multicomponent plot, the intentionally created irregularities of some of the replicate wells can be seen, but in the
data. The abnormal jump remains absence of ROX dye it is not possible to determine if the source of the irregularity is PCR-related or not. This makes
visible in the multicomponent plot it difficult to determine if the results are valid. (B) The same amplification plot—analyzed with ROX as passive
reference—shows good amplification. The multicomponent plot shows both FAM and ROX dye signals increasing
(Figure 6B), but the results from all suddenly, indicating a non–PCR-related event. Because ROX dye was used as passive reference, the data can be
amplification curves can now be normalized to account for the jump in fluorescence, and accurate amplification values can still be obtained.

interpreted with confidence.

Common problem 2: evaporation and droplets Conclusion
Evaporation problems may arise when plates are The simulated conditions described in this paper
improperly sealed with an optical cover (e.g., when the represent examples of common situations that may
sealing cover is misaligned on the plate, the adhesive arise in any laboratory’s real-time PCR experiments.
cover is wrinkled, or not enough pressure is applied). Given the prevalence of slight variations and artifacts
To illustrate the effect of evaporation on qPCR results associated with real-time PCR systems, there is value
and how helpful ROX dye is for troubleshooting, a hole in using ROX dye as a normalizing and troubleshooting
was purposely punched in the adhesive cover on one agent when analyzing real-time PCR data. All Applied
of the 16 replicate wells (Figure 7) on two identical Biosystems real-time PCR instruments have the
plates. These plates were then run on an Applied capability to run and analyze experiments with or
Biosystems instrument (Figure 7A) as well as another without ROX dye, and even allow the ROX dye signal
instrument (Figure7B) that does not use ROX dye for to be removed from the analysis post-run, if desired.
normalization. On the amplification plot of the plate Without ROX dye or the multicomponenting capability
run on the Applied Biosystems instrument, we can see of Applied Biosystems real-time PCR instruments,
differences in the curves. The multicomponent plot many sources of error may go undetected and, as
view of the same plate shows an increase in the ROX a result, data may be misinterpreted or discarded
dye signal, characteristic of an evaporation problem. altogether. ROX dye enables users of Applied
The amplification plot of the plate run on an another Biosystems instruments to run fewer replicates and
vendor’s instrument shows an aberration (Figure have higher confidence in the resulting real-time
7B), but there is no way for the user to determine if PCR data.
the abnormal signal is related to the PCR reaction
or not. ROX dye normalization enables scientists to
more easily track down the source of the problem
by visualizing and deducing the source of the trouble
in the multicomponent plot. With this knowledge,
the user can choose whether or not to disregard the
results from one well rather than rerun the reaction.

Applied Biosystems instrument, Other vendor’s instrument, without
with ROX dye normalization option ROX dye normalization option

Figure 7. ROX dye makes it easier to distinguish between PCR-related and non-PCR-related events, such as evaporation in a well. (A) On the Applied Biosystems
instrument, evaporation in one well (in this case, caused by a punctured plate cover) can be visualized. With ROX dye normalization the system calculates an approximate
amplification curve, but the multicomponent plot shows that there is a problem with the well and can be used for troubleshooting. (B) The same experimental setup run on
another vendor’s instrument that lacks the capability of normalizing data with ROX dye results in indecipherable data.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks
are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. TaqMan is a trademark of Roche Molecular
Systems, Inc., used under permission and license. CFX384 and SsoFast are trademarks of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. CO016741 0915

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