EMR Standard #3 2017

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EMR Standard 3: Calibration of

Std Continuous Emission Monitoring

Devices for Dust
Corporate Cement Industrial Performance & Sustainable Development
Version 1.0 November 2017

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© LafargeHolcim Corporate Cement Industrial Performance – November 2017


1. Annual Calibration of the Dust Monitor .....................................................................................3

1.1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Requirement.........................................................................................................................3
2. Dust Monitors used in LafargeHolcim Cement Plants .............................................................3
2.1 Transmission Monitors .........................................................................................................3
2.2 Scatter Light Monitors ..........................................................................................................4
3. Calibration of Dust Monitors .......................................................................................................4
3.1 Gravimetrical Reference Methods .......................................................................................5
3.2 Calibration Measurement .....................................................................................................6
4. Document Information & Revisions ........................................................................................ 10

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© LafargeHolcim Corporate Cement Industrial Performance – November 2017

1. Annual Calibration of the Dust Monitor

1.1 Introduction

A continuous emission monitoring equipment for gaseous compounds can be controlled in

regular intervals with calibration gases (a maintenance item). This is not possible for a dust
monitor; here the instrument can only be controlled with a comparative measurement.
Therefore, a regular calibration against gravimetrical standard reference measurements is

1.2 Requirement

It is prescribed to calibrate the EMR dust monitor annually with the dust measurements
performed during "Test House Measurement Campaign".

2. Dust Monitors used in LafargeHolcim Cement Plants

For the measurement of the dust concentration at the main stack of LafargeHolcim cement
plant only optical instruments are used. These instruments measure the interaction of dust
particles with a light beam.

2.1 Transmission Monitors

An intense light beam with a large diameter (approximately 50 mm) passes through the
channel to a reflector, which sends it back to the transmitter unit. The light is weakened by
absorption and scattering. In agreement with the Lambert-Beer law, the intensity reduction of
the light (extinction) is proportional to the dust concentration.

I  I0  e k  c  L Reflector Source Transmitter

Intensity I0

I = Received Intensity Received

Intensity I
I0 = Source Intensity
k = (Extinction) coefficient
c = Concentration
L = Measuring path

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2.2 Scatter Light Monitors
A laser diode directs a beam of modulated light (in the visible range) at the dust particles in
the gas flow. A highly sensitive detector records the light scattered by the particles. The point
of intersection between the transmitted beam and the detector aperture defines the measuring
volume in the gas duct. The measured scattered light intensity is proportional to the dust

3. Calibration of Dust Monitors

Photometric measuring devices for dust emission measurements always merely deliver
extinction or stray light values as a measuring signal. Since these signals, apart from
concentration and measuring path lengths as described, strongly depend on the prevailing
particle properties, a relation to the dust concentration in mg/m³ can only be established plant-
specifically by a calibration under the conditions of the given plant. To that end, a gravimetric
reference method is applied to determine the dust concentrations.
To establish a linear correlation between the dust concentration (in mg/m3), measured with the
reference method and the monitor output signal a parallel measurement of the dust monitor
and the test house is carried out.

Discontinuous Dust
Measuring Device

Reflector Transmitter


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3.1 Gravimetrical Reference Methods
As a rule, it cannot be assumed that the dust
distribution in the gas flow is constant. Therefore, a
grid measurement covering the cross section of the
flue gas channel is necessary (matrix
measurement). The mean dust content in the
measured cross section of the stack is obtained
from the measurements at all spots (4-20 spots).

For a representative measurement it is required that

at each measurement spot the stack gas velocity
equals the velocity of the gas entering the nozzle of
the sampling device. Maintaining this principle is called “isokinetic measurement”.

The (gravimetric) reference method consists of the following steps:

 Sampling of a gas flow portion V with the help of a replaceable probe
 Separation of the solid particles on a filter element.
 Conditioning of the gas flow in the sampling device (heating, cooling, and drying).
 Measuring and regulation of the extracted flow portion (isokinetic extraction) with a flow
meter and a gas-volume counter.
 Gravimetric determination of the extracted dust mass m after completion of the
 The dust concentration c of the gas flow portion will then result from the relation of dust
mass m to the volume V suctioned off.

1: Nozzle
2: Filter holder
3: Pitot tube
4: Temperature sensor
5: Temperature indicator
6: Static pressure
7: Dynamic pressure
8: Support tube
9: Cooling and drying system
10: Suction unit and gas
metering device
11: Pressure gauge

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The standard reference methods are described in:

STANDARD 7: Measuring Methodology for Test House Measurements

STANDARD 7-1: List of EN Standards and VDI Guidelines
STANDARD 7-2: List of USEPA Methods

3.1.1 The Standard Reference Methods in Europe 1

EN 13’284-1: Stationary source emissions - Determination of low range mass concentration of
dust - Part 1: Manual gravimetric method

3.1.2 The Reference Methods of the US Environmental Agency (USEPA) 2

Method 5: Determination of particulate matter from stationary sources
Method 17: Determination of particulate matter emissions from stationary sources
Method 5i: Determination of Low Level Particulate Matter Emissions from Stationary

3.2 Calibration Measurement

Optical measuring devices for dust content measurements always deliver extinction or stray
light values as a measuring signal. These signals are proportional to the dust concentration at
stack conditions3 (pressure, temperature). During several time intervals the dust emission is
measured with one of the reference methods. During these time intervals the output of the
dust monitor as well as all other relevant parameters (e.g. stack temperature, stack pressure,
etc.) are determined.

3.2.1 Calibration Procedure

 A correlation between the measured dust concentration data at stack conditions and the
data from the dust monitors at stack conditions (i.e. raw data as downloadable from data
acquisition system or a raw analog signal (e.g.4-20 mA) taken directly from the dust
 The correlation shall be forced through the zero point.
 For transmission monitors the zero point must be adjusted prior to the gravimetrical
calibration. This is done by the CEM supplier in a smoke free test path. For scatter light
analyzers the zero point can be determined by an automatic zero point check.

or countries using the European guidelines and standards
or countries using the USEPA methods
In the supplier's handbook it is very seldom mentioned that the monitor creates a signal at
stack conditions and not at normal (or standard) conditions

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To establish the calibration function following data must be used:
 From the CEM data handling system:
Dust Concentration (raw data in minute values) in mg/m3 at stack conditions
(temperature, pressure, humidity) or alternatively mA signal from the dust monitor.
 The test house provides following data:
Dust concentration in mg/Nm3 at 0 C, at 1013 mbar, dry gas condition
This data has to be converted into the raw data conditions of the dust analyser (i.e. stack

3.2.2 Measuring Conditions

 The measurements must be related to the kiln operating mode (e.g. direct and compound
 The sampling period is generally 30/60 minutes, unless longer periods are necessary due to
technical reasons.
 The recommended number of measurements is laid down in the following table.

Kilns with Number of Measurements

Electrostatic Preheater kilns: 3 each in direct and compound
precipitator operation
Lepol or long kilns: 6 measurements
Bag filters Preheater kilns: 6 measurements in compound
or direct operation *)
Lepol or long kilns: 6 measurements

*) The dust emission behind a bag filter is in both operation modes approximately
the same. Therefore it can be measured only during one operation mode.

 The measured and calculated values, the measuring methods used and the operating
conditions of the kiln (stack temperature, stack pressure, moisture, etc.) shall be recorded
in a measuring report.

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3.2.3 Example of a Calibration Measurement

Average of signals "Dust Monitor mA, mg/m3", "Stack temperature °C" and "Moisture %"
during manual extraction of dust sample by the test house
"Ref. Method" = Measured dust concentration by the test house at stack conditions

Date and Operation Dust Dust Ref. Ref. Stack Mois-

Time Mode Monitor Monitor Method Method Temp.
3 3 3
mg/m mA mg/m mg/Nm °C %

Stack Stack Stack Normal

Conditions Conditions Conditions Condi-
tions, dry

Zero point 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0

19.08.11 Direct 6.15 4.12 5.07 8.98 133 14.83


19.08.11 Direct 6.97 4.14 5.50 9.70 134 14.24


19.08.11 Direct 9.02 4.18 8.11 14.21 140 12.34


20.08.11 Com- 11.42 4.23 11.29 18.02 112 10.52

10.00-11.00 pound

20.08.11 Com- 8.25 4.17 7.15 11.33 109 10.57

12.00-13.00 pound

20.08.11 Com- 10.88 4.22 9.11 14.41 111 9.89

13.45-14.45 pound

Stack pressure: 999 [mbar

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3.2.4 Calculation of Analysis Function

Two options exist. Option 1 is often easier to proceed. Option 1: Calculation of the Analysis Function from the Raw Signal in mg/m3
In many cases it is convenient to use the CEM signal in mg/m3 at stack conditions from the
data handling system. This signal is readily available and can be downloaded from the data
acquisition system and provided to the test house to perform the calibration evaluation. The
dust monitor values must be correlated to the reference method values at stack conditions.
The correlation must be forced though the zero point at 0 mg/m3.

Dust Ref.
Monitor Method
(x) (y)
mg/m3 mg/m3
0.0 0.0
6.15 5.07
6.97 5.50
9.02 8.11
11.42 11.29
8.25 7.15
10.88 9.11

As generally the previous calibration factor is programed in the data handling system, the new
calibration factor is calculated as follows:

New Calibration Factor = Slope × Old Calibration Factor

Attention: The formula applies only when you plot (see figure above):
On X-axis the dust monitor data.
On Y-axis the Test House data.

Program the new calibration factor at a defined place (either in the analyzer or data handling

The concentration at stack conditions must be converted to the LafargeHolcim standard or the
local conditions in the data handling system (see EMR Standard 8).

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© LafargeHolcim Corporate Cement Industrial Performance – November 2017 Option 2: Calculation of the Analysis Function from the Raw Signal in mA
Normally dust monitors indicate a 4-20 mA signal proportional to the dust concentration at
stack conditions. The dust monitor values must be correlated to the reference method values
at stack conditions. The correlation must be forced though the zero point at 4 mA.

Dust Ref.
Monitor Method
(x) (y)
mA mg/m3
4.0 0.0
4.12 5.07
4.14 5.50
4.18 8.11
4.23 11.29
4.17 7.15
4.22 9.11

The relation between the monitor values (x) and the dust concentration (y) is given by the
following equation:

 mg 
y  3   44.424  x  mA  177.78
m 

The calibration equation must be programmed in the data handling system. The concentration
at stack conditions must be converted to the LafargeHolcim standard or the local conditions in
the data handling system (see EMR Standard 8).

4. Document Information & Revisions

Content owner Corporate Cement Industrial Performance & Sustainable Development

Author(s) Konrad Stemmler

Reviewed by Florian Läng, Helene Baron

Validated by CIP Standards and Tools

Revisions Version Date Main changes

1.0 November First version


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© LafargeHolcim Corporate Cement Industrial Performance – November 2017

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