The document contains a list of Hindi words along with their English translations and indications of gender (male, female). The words include nouns like "man", "window", "car"; pronouns like "you", "this"; adjectives like "good", "small"; verbs like "to do", "to say"; and other parts of speech like conjunctions, interrogatives. The gender associations provided could help an English speaker learn whether a Hindi word referring to a person or object is traditionally masculine or feminine.
The document contains a list of Hindi words along with their English translations and indications of gender (male, female). The words include nouns like "man", "window", "car"; pronouns like "you", "this"; adjectives like "good", "small"; verbs like "to do", "to say"; and other parts of speech like conjunctions, interrogatives. The gender associations provided could help an English speaker learn whether a Hindi word referring to a person or object is traditionally masculine or feminine.
The document contains a list of Hindi words along with their English translations and indications of gender (male, female). The words include nouns like "man", "window", "car"; pronouns like "you", "this"; adjectives like "good", "small"; verbs like "to do", "to say"; and other parts of speech like conjunctions, interrogatives. The gender associations provided could help an English speaker learn whether a Hindi word referring to a person or object is traditionally masculine or feminine.
The document contains a list of Hindi words along with their English translations and indications of gender (male, female). The words include nouns like "man", "window", "car"; pronouns like "you", "this"; adjectives like "good", "small"; verbs like "to do", "to say"; and other parts of speech like conjunctions, interrogatives. The gender associations provided could help an English speaker learn whether a Hindi word referring to a person or object is traditionally masculine or feminine.
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अँग्रेज़ English person male/female
अच्छा good, nice; really?, o I see! (adj/interj)
अमरीकन American adjective अलमारी cupboard female आदमी man, person male आप you (formal) pronoun आशा hope female एक one, a (#) और and conjunction कमरा room male काफ़ी quite adverb कु रसी chair female क्या yes/no question marker interrogative ख़ाली empty, vacant adjective खिड़की window female गाड़ी car female गुजराती Gujarati female चाचा paternal uncle male चिड़िया small bird female छोटा small adjective जनवरी January female ज़रूर of course, certainly adverb जर्मन German adjective जापानी Japanese adjective जी नहीं no interjection जी हाँ yes interjection ठीक all right, ok adverb तुम you (familiar) pronoun तू you (intimate) pronoun दादी grandmother female दूसरा other, second adjective दोनों both adjective नमस्ते hello; goodbye interjection नहीं no adverb पंखा fan male पंजाबी Punjabi adjective पत्थर stone male पलंग bed male पाकिस्तानी Pakistani adjective पिता father male पुराना old (of things) adjective प्रति copy female बग़ीचा garden male बच्चा child male बड़ा big adjective बहुत very (adj/adv) बहू daughter-in-law female बूढ़ा elderly adjective भारतीय Indian adjective भाषा language female मकान house male माता mother female मानव human being male मारुति Maruti (car make) female मूर्ति statue, image female मेज़ table female मैं I pronoun यह this, he/she/it (proximate) pronoun यहाँ here adverb ये these, he/she/it (formal) pronoun रविवार Sunday male राजा king male रूसी Russian adjective लड़का boy male लड़की girl female लाल red adjective लोग people (m pl) वह that, he/she/it pronoun वे those, they, he/she/it (formal) pronoun शुक्रिया thank you interjection सफ़े द white adjective साइकिल bicycle female साफ़ clean adjective सिर्फ़ only adverb सुन्दर beautiful adjective हम we pronoun हवादार airy adjective हाँ yes interjection हिन्दुस्तानी Indian adjective हिन्दू Hindu adjective हूँ am verb है is verb हैं are verb हो [you] are verb अख़बार newspaper male अध्यापक teacher male अभी right now, at the moment adverb आज today adverb काग़ज़ paper, piece of paper male कितना how much / many (interrog. adj.) किताब book female कृ पया please adverb कै सा of what kind, what like, how (interrog. adj.) कौन who interrogative क्या what interrogative क्यों why interrogative क्योंकि because conjunction ख़राब bad adjective ख़ुश happy adjective गंदा dirty adjective चप्पल sandal female चिट्ठी letter female छात्र student (male) male छात्रा student (female) female जवाब answer male जूता shoe male ज़्यादातर mostly, most adverb दिल्ली Delhi female दुबला thin adjective दुबला-पतला thin, slight of build adjective धन्यवाद thank you (interj.) नमस्कार hello, goodbye (interj.) नया, नए/नये, नई/नयी new adjective नाराज़ angry, displeased adjective पतला thin adjective पर but conjunction परेशान troubled, distressed, upset, worried ( adj/adv) पागल crazy adjective प्रदूषण pollution male बहिन sister female बात matter, thing female बिलकु ल entirely, completely; quite adverb बिलकु ल नहीं not at all adverb बीमार ill, unwell adjective बुरा bad adjective बेटा son male बेटी daughter female भाई brother male भी too, also (particle) महँगा expensive adjective मालूम नहीं (I) don't know (phrase) मेहरबानी kindness female मैडम madam female मोटा fat adjective मौसम weather male या or conjunction रामायण Ramayan male लंबा tall, high adjective विद्यार्थी student male/female शब्दकोश dictionary male श्री Mr, Lord (with deity) (m. hon.) श्रीमती Mrs (f. hon.) सख़्त strict adjective सब all, everything adverb सर sir (hon) सवाल question male सस्ता cheap adjective साहब Mr male सोमवार Monday male हलो, हेलो hello interjection हवा air female हाल condition, state male हिन्दी Hindi female अब now adverb आपका your, yours (poss pron) आराम rest, comfort male आराम से comfortably, easily adverb ओ oh! interjection कपड़ा cloth; garment male क़लम pen female काला black adjective को to, on, at (pp) ख़ैर well, anyway interjection गाँव village male घर house, home male चश्मा glasses male चीज़ thing female तक up to, as far as, until (pp) तबियत health female तस्वीर picture female तुम्हारा your, yours (poss pron) दरवाज़ा door male दराज़ drawer female दरी floor rug, mat female दीवार wall female पति husband male पत्नी wife female परदा curtain male परिवार family male फ़र्श floor male बस bus female बहुत-सारा lots of adjective बाथरूम bathroom male भारत India male में in (pp) में से from among, out of (pp) मेरा my, mine (poss pron) रसोईघर kitchen male रात night female रे eh, hey interjection लंदन London male वग़ैरह etc., and so on adverb वहाँ there pronoun शहर city, town male शायद perhaps adverb समय time male सामान things, furniture, luggage male सारा all, whole adjective सुबह morning female से by, since, from, with (pp) अके ला alone adjective अके ले alone adverb अफ़सोस regret male अरे oh! What! interjection उम्र age female एकदम completely adverb और more; and (adj/conj) कम less, little adjective कल yesterday, tomorrow (recent past, near future) (n/adv) काम work male कालेज college male कि that conjunction कु छ नहीं nothing (adv/pron) क्लास class male/female खाना food male ख़ुशी happiness, pleasure female ख़ूबसूरत handsome, beautiful adjective गरम warm, hot adjective गोली pill, tablet female घर पर at home adverb चाँदी silver female चाय chai, tea female ज़ुकाम cold male ज़्यादा more, very (adj/adv) ठंडा cold adjective तो so, etc. (conj/particle) दफ़्तर office male दाल daal, lentils female दुकान shop female दोस्त friend male पड़ोसी neighbor male पसंद adjective liked, approved; female approval (adj/n) पहले previously adverb पहाड़ mountain, hill male प्यारा adjective dear, beloved; male darling (adj/n) प्रिय dear, beloved adjective बंद closed, shut adverb बाज़ार market male बाल-बच्चे children (m pl) बाहर out, outside adverb बुख़ार fever male मज़बूत strong adjective मतलब meaning male महल palace male माँ mom female मालूम known adverb मित्र friend male मेहनती hardworking adjective रिश्तेदार relative male वाराणसी Varanasi, Banaras female विदेश foreign country; abroad male समोसा samosa male सोना gold male सौ hundred (#) होशियार clever, intelligent adjective आना to come verb इधर here, over here (adj/adv) उधर there, over there (adj/adv) ऋषि sage, seer (m ) कं बल blanket male करना to do verb (से) कहना to say (to) verb का/के /की (indicating possession) (poss. post-p) कॉफ़ी coffee female कु त्ता dog male कु रता kurta male कौनसा/सी/से which? (interrog.) ख़त letter male ख़याल opinion male ख़ान मार्के ट Khan Market (prop n) खाना to eat verb खिलाना to give to eat, to serve verb खिलौना toy male घोड़ा horse male चलना to move, to walk verb चाबी key female छू ना to touch verb जगाना to cause to be awake, to rouse verb ज़रा just, a litte (adj/adv) जल्दी quickly, soon, early adverb जाना to go verb झगड़ा quarrel, row male झगड़ा करना to quarrel verb ठहरना to stop, wait, stay verb ढूँढ़ना to look for, find verb तैयार ready adverb थैला bag, cloth bag male दूध milk male देखना to see, look verb देना to give verb देवर husband's younger brother male धोना to wash verb धोबी dhobi, washerman male ध्यान attention male ध्यान से attentively adverb न don't (in command); not, is it not so? adverb नारा slogan male नौकर servant male पड़ा lying adverb पढ़ना to read, study verb पहनना to wear verb पान paan male पानी water male पापा papa, father male पीना to drink, smoke verb (से) पूछना to ask (of) verb पेड़ tree male पैसा money male फल fruit male बंद करना to close verb बताना to tell verb बुलाना to call, invite verb बैठना to sit verb बोलना to speak verb भैया brother male मत don't (in command) adverb मारना to beat, hit, kill verb रखना to put, keep verb रहना to stay, remain, live verb लाना to bring verb लिखना to write verb लेना to take, receive verb शैतान devil male सचमुच really adverb सरल simple adjective साफ़ करना to clean verb सिग्रेट cigarette female सुनना to listen, hear verb होना to be, become verb