Bentley Microstation Generative Components

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Product Data Sheet

Image courtesy of TVS, The Lagoons

Advanced design software for architects and engineers

GenerativeComponents enables designers to explore more possibilities, in less time, create better
designs and efficiently create and manage complex geometric relationships.
GenerativeComponents enables architects and engineers to pursue designs and achieve results
that were virtually unthinkable before.

GenerativeComponents is an associative and parametric relationships between them. This capability lets
modeling system used by architects and engineers to GenerativeComponents go beyond making geometry
automate the design processes and accelerate design explicit; it makes design intent explicit as well. Although
Component Membrane iterations. It gives designers and engineers new ways designers are working graphically, based on intuition
- AA Emergent Technologies and Design AA
to efficiently explore alternative building forms without and experience in architectural design, their work is
manually building the detail design model for each captured in logical form.
scenario. It also increases their efficiency in managing
conventional design and documentation. This unique generative design software captures and
exploits the critical relationships between design intent
and geometry. Designs can be refined by either dynami-
cally modeling and directly manipulating geometry, by
“Generative Components applying rules and capturing relationships among build-
brings the design, manufacture ing elements, or by defining complex building forms and
systems through concisely expressed algorithms.
Quad Meshes in Architecture
and construction processes
- Benjamin Schneider-TU-Wein together in an integrated way, To inform decisions, GenerativeComponents is inte-
grated with building information modeling, analysis,
a way that will change how and simulation software, providing feedback on building
AEC can be achieved with materials, assemblies, systems performance, and
environmental conditions. This integration also ensures
significant benefits in time
that intent becomes reality by enabling designs to
saving, communication and accurately and efficiently flow through to detailed
freedom to design and create.” production and fabrication.

-by Vector One GenerativeComponents is being used by many of today’s

Dostyk Project, Almaty leading design firms to embrace change. It is the design
- NBBJ with E/YE Design tool of choice for creative architects and engineers who
Empowered by computational methods, designers can appreciate that design is best when it emerges from a
direct their creativity to deliver inspired sustainable build- combination of intuition and logic.
ings that are freer in form and use innovative materials
and assemblies. GenerativeComponents facilitates this by GenerativeComponents is already enabling leading
allowing the quick exploration of a broad range of “what- architects and engineers around the world to deliver
if” alternatives for even the most complex buildings. inspired sustainable buildings. Among them are
Arup, Buro Happold, Foster + Partners, Grimshaw
GenerativeComponents captures and graphically Architects, HOK, Kohn Pedersen Fox, Morphosis,
presents both design components and abstract and SHoP Architects.
Setun Hills Business Park, Moscow
- Bothe Richter Teherani
Intel or AMD processor Unique Capabilities • Dynamics: Dynamic interaction with • Choose values using IntelliSense
3.0 GHz or greater • Built on a solid CAD platform, the values and algorithms defining for efficient and intuitive scripting
Operating System: and integrated with discipline- the form • Saves time by supplying: formulas,
Windows Vista, XP, and 2000 specific tools and technologies rules, algorithms, recipes
Parametric modeling
RAM: • Save time by using a system that is • Design approach options: Hybrid
• Complete control of parametric
256MB minimum, interoperable with many applications approach/environment of hands-
object attributes and the associative
512MB recommended and formats on manipulation and scripting/
network of relationships between
Hard Disk: • Generated Feature Types (aka programmatic
900MB free disk space (includes Components): Provides an extensible
• Saves time by propagating changes Automatic Replication
the 400MB install footprint for a toolkit to enable iterative design
complete installation)
through the model • Objects can flexibly represent either
Transactions • Intelligent parametric features the single or multiple case for highly
• Design the construction sequence of allow easy exploration of more efficient design representation. For
Graphics Card supported
by DirectX 9.0 the model and use it to mange and complex designs example, a single column object
explain the setup of a design • Design Options: Many efficient itera- can represent a whole column grid
• Communicate effectively with custom- tions of design options at all phases including its unique conditions.
ABOUT BENTLEY ers and colleagues. Reduce costs by • Open system allows different • Save time by preventing
designing the construction sequence approaches to add content to the duplicating work
Bentley Systems, Incorporated system: Changes to any parameter
• Flexible transaction management BIM Integration
is the global leader dedicated
• Use one model for different varia- value or relationship out of sequence
to providing comprehensive • Allow integration with Bentley®
software solutions for sustaining tions. You can reorder or re-sequence at any time
infrastructure. Architects, engineers, the transactions • Expressions: Using expressions
• Time saving by avoiding redundant
constructors, and owner-operators allows you to take advantage
are indispensable in improving our Associative modeling work and makes more sophisticated
of mathematics and conditional
world and our quality of life; the • Create active designs that react to designs practical
company’s mission is to improve changes within the model • Cost Estimating: The iterative design
the performance of their projects • Saves time by supplying: Symbolic Diagram process allows near-realtime creation
and of the assets they design, build, • Shows the relationship in the model, of documentation including drawings,
and operate. Bentley sustains the
relationships, “network”, “nodes”,
symbolic diagram, data round-trip how the pieces relate and see schedules and bill of materials
infrastructure professions by helping
to leverage information technology, • Relationships between objects propa- non-geometric objects like variables
Analysis Integration
learning, best practices, and global gate changes through the model or data inputs
• An open system that can connect to
collaboration – and by promoting • Encapsulation of design rules and • Saves time by displaying the relation-
careers devoted to this crucial work. other technical systems/tools such
intent within parametric forms ship of objects in the model through a
as energy and structural analysis
For more information, visit • You can make changes easily without symbolic representation as opposed
to just a geometric representation • Better designs by making critical having to manually edit the model decisions early in the process.
• Object References: Create a complex GCScript Cost savings through avoiding
network of relationships • Full featured, object oriented scripting duplicate models in different
BENTLEY OFFICES • Graph changes: Allows direct language with Integrated Develop- software packages
Corporate Headquarters interaction with the design logic ment Environment (IDE) and debugger.
685 Stockton Drive and exploration of changes in the Ubiquitously available within
Exton, PA 19341 USA design rationale GenerativeComponents interface
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000

Bentley Systems Europe B.V.

Wegalaan 2
2132 JC Hoofddorp
+31 23 556 0560

Bentley Asia
Unit 1402-06, Tower 1,
China Central Place,
No. 81 Jianguo Road,
Beijing, 100025, China
+86 108 518 5220

Lansdowne Road Stadium, Dublin The Lagoons

- HOK and Buro Happold - Thompson Ventulett Stainback and Associates

© 2008 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, and GenerativeComponents are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service
marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective
owners. All other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. TRN009990-1/0002 10/08

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