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Revit ®

Architecture 2009
Simply a Better Way of Working

Revit Architecture software works the way you think.


The innovative building design and documentation system

helps you work naturally, design freely, and deliver efficiently.

Building information Building Information Modeling

Revit Architecture software is purpose-built
information is reflected throughout your model,
while parametric components offer an open,
modeling and Revit for building information modeling (BIM), so it graph­ical system for conceptualizing and express-
Architecture are key mirrors the real world of buildings, and helps you ing detailed design intent. More precise conceptual
accurately capture your early design concepts. design better informs design decision making and
components of our Drive your vision to reality through innovative enhances client understanding, while supporting
larger strategy to design, accurate documentation, and efficient more efficient and sustainable production, construc-
provide a much more construction. Integrated bidirectional associativity
helps to ensure that any change to your project
tion, and fabrication.

comprehensive and
integrated service to
our clients.
—Riaan de Beer
Senior Project Manager Owners
Reno C. Negrin Architects

Builders Information Architects

MEP Systems Engineers Civil and Structural


Building information modeling is the creation and use of coordinated, consistent, computable information about a building
project in design—information used for design decision making, production of high-quality construction documents, predicting
performance, cost estimating, construction planning, and, eventually, for managing and operating the facility.
Design Thinking, Without Compromise

Revit Architecture helps you stay true to your creative

and practical vision and accurately share it with others.
Your design looks the way you want it to, even as it evolves.

Ever feel like it takes too long to find the right Design Visualization Interface to Energy Analysis
solution to your design problem? With Revit The new design visualization feature in Revit Export building information, including materials
Architecture 2009, you can enhance your design Architecture helps you better experience your archi- and room volumes, to green building extensible
efforts with software that helps you gain better tectural projects, even before they are built. A prov- markup language (gbXML). Perform energy analysis
insight earlier in the process. Get timely feedback en, powerful tool with roots in the entertainment and study building performance using services from
on project design, scope, schedule, and budget. world—the mental ray® rendering engine—is avail- Green Building Studio, Inc., and IES Ltd.
Support smarter, more sustainable design through able for your architectural projects. The advanced
the accurate analysis of materials, quantities, sun capabilities of mental ray in Revit Architecture enable
position, and solar effects. Provide vital BIM data accurate visualizations through the Autodesk® FBX®
for clash detection, construction analysis, and even file format and easy interoperability with Autodesk®
fabrication—and avoid costly design mistakes and 3ds Max® Design 2009 software.
wasted efforts.
Swept Blend
Building Maker Extending the range of what is achievable during
Access a better workflow for routine conceptual conceptual design and family creation, swept blend
and schematic tasks. Easily create expressive functionality offers more opportunity to express
forms to produce an overall massing study. Import complex forms.
conceptual massing from applications such as
form-Z, Rhino, Google™ Sketchup,™ and AutoCAD®
2008 software, or other ACIS®- or NURBS-based
applications. Turn them into mass objects in Revit
Architecture. Then select faces to design walls, Design Review
roofs, floors, and curtain systems. You can even Accelerate reviews with the free* Autodesk®
use tools to extract important information such Design Review software, the all-digital way to
as gross area per floor. review, measure, mark up, and track changes to
2d and 3d designs without the original design
creation software. Because the Design Review
Autodesk 3d UI markup cap­abilities combine with Revit Architecture
The Autodesk 3d UI includes ViewCube™ and navigation and revision management capabilities,
SteeringWheels™ technology, two intuitive, interac- tracking changes is easy. There is no need to reenter
tive scene navigation tools that offer a familiar expe- information. This capability provides high-impact,
rience across multiple Autodesk 3d design products. dynamic communication of design information in a
The 3d UI enables you to navigate 3d scenes easily lightweight format. It is great for including nontech-
and effectively, regardless of your level of experi- nical participants in the project review process.
ence. Your extended team can apply the same soft-
ware skills across different products and disciplines.
Better for Your Business

Clients never expect less—they always want more.

Exceed client expectations with Revit Architecture Site Terrain Surfaces Material Takeoff
software’s timesaving workflow. Streamline your Provide site context for the building and create Calculate detailed material quantities with the
individual and team processes and deliver more all contour lines and hatch patterns in sections Material Takeoff tool. Appropriate for applications
complete documents and higher-quality designs. and elevations, saving time and minimizing such as sustainable design, and for checking mate-
Win more business with clear and complete pres­ tedious hatching chores. rial quantities in cost estimates, Material Takeoff
entations. Integrate better with other Autodesk simplifies the tracking of material quantities. As a
products in your workflow. With Revit Architecture, project evolves, the Revit Architecture parametric
you keep your clients coming back. change engine helps to ensure that material takeoffs
are always up-to-date.
Schedules are just another view of the Revit Worksharing Monitor (Available Through
Architecture model. Changes to a schedule view Autodesk Subscription—English Only)
are automatically reflected in every other view, Manage team collaboration by gaining crucial
and vice versa. Functionality includes associative visibility into the Revit platform’s model sharing
split-schedule sections and conditional filtering. and synchronization process. The Revit workshar-
ing monitor helps to bring remote model instances
Interference Check back into the central file, enabling project teams to
Use interference checking to scan your model for choose the best way to synchronize and collaborate
collisions between elements. in order to meet project requirements.

Take advantage of the extensive detail library and
detailing tools provided in Revit Architecture.
Presorted to align with the CSI format, detail
libraries can be tailored to accommodate your office
standards. Create and share your own detail library.

Batch Printing (Available Through Autodesk

Subscription—English Only)
Deliver printed document sets with greater ease and
avoid costly, time-consuming printing errors. Revit
Architecture software’s new batch printing utility
offers better management and improved document
control to help ensure that your information is
published on time, as expected.

Coordination Monitor
Coordinate changes across models. Work smarter
with engineers from other disciplines. Monitor
changes to grids, levels, columns, walls, and slabs.
Approve or reject changes, and attach comments
for review.
On Your Screen, the Way You Think

Revit Architecture helps drive your building designs

forward, without getting in the way.

Work in any view. Design throughout the diff­­er- Sun Studies Dimension Improvements
ent phases of your process, and revise even major Revit Architecture sun studies enable you to quickly Dimension improvements offer new flexible
design elements as you progress. Create compre- analyze sun positions and solar effects while inform- options for expressing dimension text by convey-
hensive design proposals faster. Use intuit­ive 3d ing and influencing design strategy. Choose a spec- ing more than just length values in the dimension
views and instant shadows to realize your ideas as ific date and time, or time frame, to generate a still string. New dimension text enables you to add a
they evolve. Every change you make is automatically or animated sun study. variety of supplemental text to a dimension string
and instantly updated across all plans, schedules, without damaging the integrity of the building
and construction documents, helping to make information model by overriding dimension values.
versioning errors a thing of the past.

Stacked Walls
This wall type is ideal for walls of varying thickness
and vertical materiality. Use Revit Architecture
to stack different wall types and control them as
one entity.

Family Editor
A graphical editing mode for the creation of
Parametric Components, the Family Editor enables
easy creation, customization, and direct loading
of doors, windows, annotation types, and virtually Graphic Overrides
anything else. Graphic overrides provide the ability to modify the
graphic representation for a single element, there-
Revit Groups by offering additional options for how elements
Revit groups provide a modular design technique appear in views. Graphic overrides also provide a Revision Schedules
ideal for building types comprising many rooms of visual method for hiding or revealing single ele- Enhancements give added flexibility and control to
similar size, shape, or configuration such as hospi- ments or groups of elements by view. Settings are the display of revision schedules. New attributes
tals, hotels, and apartment buildings. visually retained from session to session, reducing enable you to reverse the direction of schedules
setup time in anticipation of plotting and printing. and to control whether the schedule should build
dynamically or be of fixed size. In addition, a new
Issued By property has been added and schedules
can be rotated on title blocks to achieve the various
needs of individual firms.

Room Tag Improvements

Enhancements to the behavior of room tags offer
new flexibility to project documentation, as well
as tighter integration between rooms and tags. The
ability to move room tags based on their proximity
to the room origin and to tag all rooms that have not
been previously tagged saves time, while free rota-
tion of room tags invites new document­ation styles.
In Revit Architecture every schedule, drawing
sheet, 2D view, and 3D view is a direct presentation
of information from the same underlying database.
As you and your team work on the same building
information, Revit Architecture automatically
coordinates changes across all other
representations of the project.

AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite

AutoCAD® Revit® Architecture Suite is a bundle consisting of Revit Architecture and AutoCAD
software with a single serial number and a single authorization code. This combination enables
you to maintain your investment in technology and training, while offering the competitive
advantage of building information modeling, and provides the flexibility to move to a new
technology platform when you are ready. For more information, visit

Learn More or Purchase

Access specialists worldwide who can provide product expertise, a deep understanding of your
industry, and value that extends beyond your software purchase. To purchase Revit Architecture
or AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite, contact an Autodesk Premier Solutions Provider or
Autodesk Authorized Reseller. To locate the reseller nearest you, visit

To learn more about Revit Architecture software, visit

To learn more about Autodesk Architecture Solutions, visit

Autodesk Services and Support

Accelerate return on investment and optimize productivity with innovative purchase methods,
companion products, consulting services, support, and training from Autodesk and Autodesk
authorized partners. Designed to get you up to speed and keep you ahead of the competition,
these tools help you make the most of your software purchase—no matter what industry you
are in. To learn more, visit

Autodesk Subscription
Get the benefits of increased productivity, predictable budgeting, and simplified license man-
agement with Autodesk® Subscription. Customers get the latest release of Autodesk software
by electronic download or physical shipment, incremental product enhancements, and exclusive
license terms that are available only to Subscription members. A range of community resources,
including web support direct from Autodesk technical experts and self-paced training to extend
user skills, make Autodesk Subscription the best way to optimize the Autodesk software invest-
ment. To learn more, visit

*Free products are subject to the terms and conditions of the end-user license agreement that accompanies download of the software.

Cover image architectural design by Ryder Architecture Limited

Autodesk, AutoCAD, FBX, Revit, SteeringWheels, ViewCube, and 3ds Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc.,
in the USA and/or other countries. mental ray is a registered trademark of mental images GmbH licensed for use by Autodesk, Inc.
All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product
offerings and specifications at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in
this document. © 2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. 0000000000001118308

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