EJFS-Volume 48-Issue 2 - Page 245-258
EJFS-Volume 48-Issue 2 - Page 245-258
EJFS-Volume 48-Issue 2 - Page 245-258
245-258 (2020)
T HE impact of adding mango peel extract (MPE) on lipid oxidation, color deterioration,
microbial stability and sensory properties of beef burgers stored at 4 ± 1 °C for 12 days
was investigated. The MPE was incorporated into beef burger mix at 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%, and
compared with 0.01% butylatedhydroxyanisole (BHA)/butylatedhydroxytoluene (BHT) (1:1;
positive control) and control (without any antioxidants; negative control).The results showed
that mango peel powder contained high total phenolic content (TPC) (45.17 mg/g GAE) and
antioxidant activity (92.05%). Also, the results showed that pH and color (L*, a* and b*) values
of MPE-containing burgers were lower than those of both controls. By the end of storage
time, the (0.3%) MPE-containing burgers showed the lowest pH (6.03) and color (L*, a* and
b*) values (49.95, 11.51 and 10.38, respectively). Also, the (0.3%) MPE-containing burgers
had higher TPC (121.85) and lower TBARS values (0.18) compared to the controls (29.57-
60.65 mg GAE/100g and 0.19-0.20 mg malondialdehyde/kg, respectively). Consequently,
adding the MPE enhanced the antioxidant activity and resulted in a significant inhibition of
total aerobic count in comparison to both controls. The results obtained from sensory analyses
revealed that adding the MPE to beef burgers was effective with regard to retarding color and
taste deterioration, and rancid odor formation. The (0.1%) MPE-containing burgers had the
highest overall sensory scores. The results obtained from this study showed that MPE can be
an effective additive with regard to retarding deterioration of quality characteristics during the
cold storage of beef burgers.
(SAP Meat Mincer TC22. Italy) through a 10 (2016). Five readings were taken and averaged for
mm steel plate and then through a 4 mm steel each replicate.
plate. The minced meat (87.5%) was mixed with
Determination of ascorbic acid concentration
minced fat (12.5%) for 5 min using a meat mixer
The ascorbic acid content of MPP was determined by
(Classic Chef-KM353, Kenwood Ltd., Havant,
a titration method using 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol
UK). Sodium chloride, seasoning and sodium
dye solution (method No. 967.21) and according to
tripolyphosphate were added in rations of 1.5,
AOAC (2005).
0.65 and 0.015 g/100 g of meat mixture. After
mixing well, the final meat mixture [moisture Determination of total phenolic content
(59.87 %), crude protein (19.03 %), crude fat The total phenolic content (TPC) of the
(19.79 %) and ash (1.29 %)] was divided into five methanolic extracts of MPP, MPE and beef burger
equal portions. The first portion did not include samples was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu
any natural or synthetic antioxidant as a negative colorimetric method as described by Osorio-
control (T1). The second portion included BHT/ Esquivel et al. (2011). The obtained phenolic
BHA (1:1, w/w) at a concentration of 0.01 % contents were expressed as milligrams of gallic
as a positive control (T2). Mango peel extract acid equivalents per gram MPP and MPE (mg
(MPE) was added to the last three portions at a GAE/g MPP or MPE) and as milligrams of gallic
concentration of 0.1% (T3), 0.2% (T4) and 0.3% acid equivalents per 100 gram burger samples
(T5). All portions were formed into burgers (mg GAE/100 g burger).
(60±1 g) using a manual burger former (Italmans,
Italy). The burgers were laid on Styrofoam trays, Determination of antioxidant activity
covered with polyethylene pouches and stored in a Antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts
refrigerator at 4±1ºC for 12 days. Burger samples of MPP and beef burger samples was determined
were subjected to analyses before starting the cold on the basis of their scavenging activites against
storage (day 0) and then at intervals of three days DPPH (2,2diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) according
during the cold storage. to the method described by Ravichandran et al.
(2013). The mixture of MPP or burger extract and
Proximate analysis of mango peel powder and 0.1 mM DPPH in methanol was allowed to react
beef burger mixture for 30 min in a test tube at room temperature. The
The moisture content was determined using a absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically
hot air oven at 100 °C (method No. 925.10). The at 517 nm.
crude protein content (N x 6.25) was determined
by Kjeldahl’s method (method No. 978.04). The Determination of lipid oxidation
crude fat content was determined by a Soxhlet The extent of lipid oxidation was assessed
extracting method using petroleum ether (60-80 through the determination of the 2-thiobarbituric
°C) (method No. 930.09). The ash content was acid reactive substance (TBARS) using a
determined by dry ashing of the dried samples at distillation method described by Tarladgis et al.
550°C in a muffle furance (method No. 930.05). (1960) and modified by Shahidi et al. (1987).
All of these determinations were carried out Five mL distillate of 10 g of the burger sample
according to the guidelines of Association of was reacted with TBA reagent (0.02 M of
Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC, 2005). 2-thiobarbituric acid) in tightly tubes. Tubes were
Carbohydrate content was calculated by heated in a water bath at 100 °C for 35 min.The
difference. absorbance of the resultant color was measured at
532 nm using a spectrophotometer (T80 UV/VIS,
Determination of pH PG Instruments Ltd, UK). TBARS values were
The pH values were monitored by blending expressed as mg malondialdehyde equivalent/kg
10 g burger sample with 90 mL distilled water burger sample (mg MDA/kg).
for 2 min. Values were taken with a Jenway pH
meter (Jenway 3510, Bibby Scientific Ltd., Stone, Determination of microbiological quality
Staffs, UK). For determing the total aerobic count (TAC),
25 g of burger samples were aseptically taken
Measurement of instrumental color and transferred into a sterile pestle contained
Color parameters (CIE L*, a*, and b*) of 225 mL of sterile 0.1 % peptone water. Samples
MPP and beef burger samples were taken by the were homogenized with peptone water for 2 min
color reader CR-10 (Konika Minolta, Inc., Osaka, at room temperature. The appropriate dilutions
Japan) according to the method of Özvural et al. were prepared and plated on nutrient agar. The
Egypt. J. Food Sci. 48, No. 2 (2020)
inoculated plates were incubated at 37 ± 1 °C for results obtained either by the present study or by
48 hr, and the TAC were expressed as log10 colony previous studies (Ajila et al., 2010; Dorta et al.,
forming units (CFU)/g (Özvural et al., 2016). 2012 and Kadakadiyavar et al., 2017) showed that
Sensory evaluation mango peel may have higher TPC and antioxidant
Burger samples were evaluated according activity than those found in peels from other fruits
to the method described by Rodríguez-Melcón such as orange, pomegranate and tomato (Nassar
et al. (2017). Panelists were chosen from the et al., 2016).
staff members of Food Technology Department, With regard to color values (L*, a*and b*),
Suez Canal University, based on their previous the measurements using CIELAB color reader
experience and familiarity in sensory analysis showed a lower a* value in comparison to b*
of meat products. Preparatory training sessions value (Table 1). The a* axis and b* axis in the
were provided to the panelists before the sensory CIELAB system denote intensity in the green to
evaluation for ensuring that each panelist could red and blue to yellow spectrum, respectively.
completery identify and clarify each sensory While possitive and negative values of a* value
attribute incooked burgers. Ten selected trained indicates redness and greenness, the possitive and
panelists evaluated the cooked burgers on the negative values of b* indicates yellowness and
days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 during the cold storage. blueness, respectively. L* is a measure of lightness
The burger samples were grilled at around 180 ranges from 0 for black to 100 for white. MPP
°C for 3 min on each side using an electric grill exhibited a slight brightness, low redness and
(WA-BBQ 01, White Whale, China). The grilled high yellowness values of 64.70, 2.53 and 26.55,
burgers were Kept warm and tested within 5-10 respectively (Table 1).
min after grilling. A structured nine-point hedonic
scale for evaluating the color, odor, taste and pH value and color parameters of beef burgers
overall acceptability (1 = extremely undesirable, Changes in the pH and color (L*, a*and b*)
9 = extremely desirable) and the juiciness (1 = values of beef burger samples during the cold
extremely dry, 9 = extremely juicy) of the burger storage at 4 ± 1 °C are illusturated in Fig. 1 and
samples was applied. 2. The pH values of the freshly prepared burgers
ranged between 5.86 for (T5) and 5.91 for (T1).
Statistical analysis Increasing the addition level of MPE caused
All measurements were done in triplicate and a derease in the pH values of the prepared beef
data are presented as mean values ± SD. Analysis burgers with a negative correlation (r = -0.289).
of variance (ANOVA) accompanied with Similarly, Turgut et al. (2017) reported that
Duncan’s multiple range test for determining the adding pomegranate peel extract decreased the
significance at (p < 0.05) level between treatment pH values of beef meatball samples. Results
means, and further, Pearson’s correlation between presented in Fig. 1 revealed that though pH
MPE concentration and each of pH, TPC, values of all burger samples gradually increased
antioxidant activity and TBARS values were during the cold storage, the MPE-containing
performed. Analysis were carried out using SPSS burgers exhibited the lowest values (6.03-6.06)
software (version 17.0 for Windows, SPSS Inc., in comparison to negative control (6.08). This
Chicago, USA). increase in pH values of all burger samples that
Results and Discussion occurred during the cold storage might resulted
from the production of some alkaline by-products
Physicochemical properties of mango peel powder such as trimethylamine and ammonia as a result
Results presented in Table 1 showed that of a probable microbial growth and a deamination
mango peel powder (MPP) has high contents of of proteins (Amiri et al., 2019). An increase in pH
ascorbic acid (120.83 mg/100 g) and TPC (45.17 values during storage in ground beef patties was
mg GAE/g). Total phenolic content in mango reported by Amiri et al. (2019).
peels from different verities ranged from 16.14
to 98 mg/g (Vergara-Valencia et al., 2007 and Color is an important organoleptic quality
Dorta et al., 2012). As a consequence, mango characteristic which contributes in determing the
peel powder (MPP) exhibited a high antioxidant overall acceptance of meat or processed meat
activity, 92.05% of the DPPH scavenging activity products by consumers. Results presented in
was inhibited by the mango peel extract (MPE) Fig. 2a-c showed that the negative control (T1)
after 30 min of starting the reaction (Table 1). The exhibited L*, a* and b* values of 51.72, 12.75
and 11.23, respectively. Adding the synthetic
Egypt. J. Food Sci. 48, No.2 (2020)
antioxidants (T2) did not cause a significant 2018). However, this decrease might be a result
change in the color (L*, a* and b*) values, while of biochemical reactions (e.g. oxidation) occurred
all addition levels of MPE (T3-T5) significantly for components of beef burgers such as red
decreased all color values of the negative control meats’ natural pigments. Gahruie et al. (2017)
(T1) (Fig. 2a-c). and Amiri et al. (2019) reported that the color of
stored meat becomes dark red-brown as a result of
The decrease steadily occurred in the L* values metmyoglobin formation, surface drying and low
by increasing the addition level of the MPE might light reflection.
be due to the dark green color of the MPE. With
regard to impact of storage time on color values, Redness (a*) is important parameter for
results showed that all color values decreased evaluating the extent of oxidation occurred in
significantly in all treatments by progress of meat or meat products. Results presented in Fig
storage time. A similar decrease in color values 2b showed that adding synthetic antioxidants
was observed by adding some plant extracts such (BHA/BHT, T2) maintained the redness of
as artichoke, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme, mango prepared burgers in comparison to the negative
seed and pomegranate peel extracts to different control (T1) during the storage time. A similar
meat products (Pereira et al., 2011; Gahruie et impact was achieved by adding the MPE even at
al., 2017; Turgut et al., 2017 and Ergezer et al., the lowest level of addition (T3). Similar results
were recorded with regard to b* values (Fig. 2c).
Constituents Valuea
Fig. 1. Effect of mango peel extract and BHA/BHT on pH values of beef burger during 12 days storage at 4 ± 1 °C.
T1 (control), T2 (0.01% BHA/BHT; 1:1), T3 (0.1% MPE), T4 (0.2% MPE) and T5 (0.3% MPE). Results
represent mean value of triplicate determinations ± SD.
Fig. 2. Effect of mango peel extract and BHA/BHT on L* (a), a* (b) and b* (c) values of beef burger during 12 days
storage at 4 ± 1 °C. T1 (control), T2 (0.01% BHA/BHT; 1:1), T3 (0.1% MPE), T4 (0.2% MPE) and T5
(0.3% MPE). Results represent mean value of five determinations ± SD.
By end of storage time, both the 0.1% positive control (T2). As a consequence, the 0.1%
MPE-containing burgers (T3) and BHA/BHT- addition level of MPE functioned in retarding
containing burgers (T2) exhibited similar higher the oxidation occurred in beef burgers as well as
L*, a* and b* values in comparison to the negative the addition level of BHA/BHT with regard to
control (T1) which exhibited the lowest values at TBARS values (Fig. 3c). However, the results
all. However, the lowest rate of decrease in the showed a high positive correlation between the
color values was achieved by 0.3% addition of addition level of MPE and both of TPC (r = 0.961)
MPE (T5) in comparison to negative control at and antioxidant activity (r = 0.924) of stored beef
the end of storage time (Fig. 2a-c). burgers. These results agree with those reported
in beef burgers and patties (Abdeldaiem and
Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and Ali, 2012; Nassar et al., 2016 and Ergezer et al.,
TBARS of beef burgers 2018). Further, Nor Adilah et al. (2018) observed
The phenolic compounds can be considered as an increase in TPC and free radicals scavenging
predominant primary antioxidants in mango peels activities of fish gelatin films at (3-5%) addition
(Ajila et al., 2007). Results presented in Table level of mango peel extract.
1 showed that MPP had a high TPC (45.17 mg
GAE/g). As a consequence, the extract produced By progress of storage time at 4 ± 1 °C, both
from MPP had a high TPC (206.33±0.577 mg of TPC and antioxidant activity significantly
GAE/g).The impact of adding mango peel decreased in all samples from the five treatments
extract (MPE) on the TPC, antioxidant activity (T1–T5). These results agreed with those obtained
and TBARS values of the prepared beef burger by Ergezer et al. (2018) who reported a significant
samples (T3 – T5) in comparison to either decrease in TPC and antioxidant activity during
negative or positive controls (T1 and T2) during the cold storage of artichoke extract containing
the cold storage at 4 ± 1 °C is illusturated in Fig. beef patties. Also, Nassar et al. (2016) reported a
3. The phenolic compounds are widely distributed similar decrease in beef burgers incorporated with
in fruits and contribute to the overall antioxidant orange peel powder, pomegranate peel powder or
activities of these fruits(Aziz &Karboune, 2018). tomato pomace powder by progress of the storage
Some polyphenolic compounds such as flavonols time. But results presented in Fig. 3a-b showed a
accumulate in the peels of different fruits and better retention of TPC and antioxidant activity in
boost their antioxidant properties (Ajila et al., all MPE-containing burgers (T3–T5) and positive
2007 and Sivankalyani et al., 2016). Gallic acid, control (T2) in comparison to the negative control
mangiferin, ellagic acid, quercetin, ferulic acid (T1). By the end of storage time, the highest
and catechin are examples of the predominant decrease in TPC (48.12%) and antioxidant
phenolic compounds found in mango peels (Ajila activity (52.34%) was occurred in the negative
et al., 2007; Dorta et al., 2014 and Sivankalyani control (T1). In contrast, only a decrease of 25.93
et al., 2016). The results presented in Fig 3a-b and 13.06% in TPC and antioxidant activity,
showed significant differences (p< 0.05) in TPC respectively, occurred by adding 0.3% MPE (T5).
and antioxidant activity between the investigated This resulted in retarding lipid oxidation occurred
beef burger samples. in burgers produced from these four treatments
(T2–T5) in comparison to negative control (T1).
The MPE-containing burgers (T3-T5)
exhibited higher levels of TPC and antioxidant Determination of TBARS values is one of
activity than the BHA/BHT positive controls the main measurements of inspecting the lipid
(T2) and the negative controls (T1). At starting oxidation. The TBARS values of all burger
of storage time, 0.3% MPE-containing burgers samples were very low at the start of storage
(T5) exhibited the highest TPC (121.85 mg time and ranged between 0.18 and 0.20 mg
GAE/100g) and DPPH scavenging activity malondialdehyde/kg. Hasty et al. (2002) reported
(62.85%) in comparison to the negative control that TBARS value ranging between 0.202 and
which exhibited the lowest values, 29.57 mg 0.664 mg malondialdehyde/kg is an indicator
GAE/100g and 32.21%, respectively. Ajila et al. of the freshness of meats. Opposite to TPC and
(2007) reported a superior antioxidant activity of antioxidant activity, the TBARS values (Fig.
mango peel extract in comparison to the synthetic 3c) increased in all burger samples by progress
phenolic antioxidant BHA. Results showed that of storage time. The highest increase of TBARS
0.1% MPE-containing burgers (T3) had TPC and values from 0.20 to 0.95 mg malondialdehyde/kg
antioxidant activity similar to that found in the was recorded for the negative control (T1).
Fig. 3. Effect of mango peel extract and BHA/BHT on total phenolic content (a), antioxidant activity (b) and
TBARS values (c) of beef burger during 12 days storage at 4 ± 1 °C. T1 (control), T2 (0.01% BHA/BHT;
1:1), T3 (0.1% MPE), T4 (0.2% MPE) and T5 (0.3% MPE). Results represent mean value of triplicate
determinations ± SD.
In contrast, the lowest increase from 0.18 to 0.34 that frozen storage decreased the formation rate of
mg malondialdehyde/kg was recorded for the 0.3% oxidation products in the beef meatballs.
MPE-containing burgers (T5). However, all MPE-
containing burgers (T3 – T5) exhibited lowest Microbiological analysis of beef burgers
Changes in the total aerobic count (TAC) of
TBARS values during storage time in comparison
beef burger samples during cold storage at 4±1°C
to either BHA/BHT-containing burgers (positive are presented in Table 2. The resuts showed that
control, T2) or negative control (T1). Increasing the initial TAC of all beef burger samples ranged
the addition level of MPE caused a suppression of between 3.85 and 3.94 log cfu/g with no significant
the development of lipid oxidation by progress of differences (p> 0.05) between the negative
storage time whereas the TBARS values recorded control (T1) and all other treatments (T2 – T5).
for beef burgers from T4 and T5 were below 40% Similarly, Özvural et al. (2016) reported that there
of that recorded for the negative control (T1) at end was no significant difference at the beginning of
of storage time (Fig. 3c). A negative correlation storage time between green tea extract-containing
(r = -0.570) was found between the concentration hamburger patties and control. In the present study,
of MPE and TBARS values in the produced beef during the storage period, there were no significant
differences between MPE-containing burgers,
burgers. As mentioned above the antioxidant
with the lowest TAC, and BHA/BHT-containing
properties of bioactive compounds such as phenolic burgers. By the end of storage time, an increase of
compounds accumulated in the mango peel may about 3 log cycles was detected in the samples of the
contribute in retarding the oxidation of lipids and negative control, while about 2 log cycles increase
other sensitive substances suciptable to oxidation was detected in the samples of all other treatments.
occurred in meat products. A similar positive Adding MPE at 0.3% level (T5) resulted in the
impact of mango seed extract on retarding the lipid lowest TAC detected in burgers even after 12 days
oxidation in mortadella was reported by Pereira of storage time. It might be due to the antimicrobial
et al. (2011). Also, Wang et al. (2019) observed properties arising from occurring of phenolic
that lipid oxidation of Cantonese sausages was compounds in MPE. Also, Tseng &Tseng (1995)
effectively inhibited by the addition of fresh or dried reported that both synthetic phenolic antioxidants
BHA and BHT have also an antimicrobial effect
mashroom rich in phenolic content, whereas lower
against Penicillium islandicum. Several studies
TBARS values were obtained by increasing the reported antimicrobial properties of natural
addition level of this fungus. 4 °C is a temperature extracts from some plants such as artichoke,
recommended by Forsythe (2020) and different Callistemon leaves, thyme, cinnamon, rosemary
food safety authorities for cold storage of ground and green tea (Özvural et al., 2016; Gahruie et
beef meats. Changing this storage temperature may al., 2017; Fayemi et al., 2017 and Ergezer et al.,
produce results differ from those obtained by this 2018). These evidences may explain the positive
recent study. However frozen storage is expected impact of BHA, BHT and MPE on suppression the
to decrease the rate of lipid oxidation and microbial developing of the microbial growth by progress of
growth in comparison to the cold storage. The storage time in comparison to burgers of negative
results illustrated by Turgut et al. (2017) showed control (T1).
TABLE 2. Effect of mango peel extract and BHA/BHT on total aerobic count (log cfu/g) of beef burger during 12
days storage at 4 ± 1 °C.
Sensory properties of beef burgers study, similar scores were attributed to all samples
Organoleptic quality characteristics of color, after three days of storage except for the taste
taste, odor, juiciness and overall acceptability of negative control (T1) which significantly
were evaluated in cooked burger samples from decreased. Sensory evaluation from the 6th day of
all treatments (T1 – T5) during the cold storage storage time showed that scores of the organoleptic
period (Table 3). The results showed that all burger characteristics, except juiciness, of all samples
samples exhibited a high overall acceptability from all treatments significantly decreased.
ranging between 8.7 and 8.8 with no significant However, the burger samples of treatments (T2–
difference between all treatments at starting of the T5) exhibited high scores of sensory attributes
storage time (Table 3). Similar results for overall in comparison to the negative control (T1).
palatability in chicken nuggets incorporated Furthermore, no significant differences (p>
with 0.25 and 0.75 mg MPE/kg were reported 0.05) were found between the samples from
by Kadakadiyavar et al. (2017). Also Price et al. either BHA/BHT-containing burgers (T2) and
(2013) mentioned that grape seed and green tea MPE-containing burgers (T3-T5). Also, MPE-
extracts did not modify the sensory characteristics containing burgers had higher taste (7.89-8.00) and
except for the color of meatballs. In the present odor (8.00-8.10) scores compared to BHA/BHT-
TABLE 3. Effect of mango peel extract and BHA/BHT on sensory characteristics of beef burger during 12 days storage
at 4 ± 1 °C.
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مت دراسة تأثير اضافة مستخلص قشور املاجنو ( )%0.3 ،0.2 ،0.1 ،0باملقارنة بـ – 1:1(BHA/BHT %0.01
كنترول موجب)على اكسدة الدهون ،تدهور اللون ،الثبات امليكروبى واخلواص احلسية لبرجر اللحم البقرى
اخملزن على ° 1 ±4م 12 /يوم .أظهرت النتائج انخفاض قيم الـ pHواللون لعينات البرجر احملتوية على
مستخلص قشور املاجنو باملقارنة بالكنترول .في نهاية فترة التخزين احتوت عينات البرجر احملتوية على %0.3
مستخلص قشور املاجنو على القيم األقل للـ pHواللون ( )*L*, a*, bمبستويات 11.51 ،49.95 ،6.03و
10.38على التوالي ،كما احتوت نفس العينة على املستويات األعلى من الفينوالت الكلية ( )121.85واألقل من
الـ )0.18( TBARSباملقارنة بعينات الكنترول ( 60.65-29.75ملجم 100/GAEجم) و ( 0.20-0.19ملجم
مالونالدهيد/كجم) على التوالي .أدى اضافة مستخلص قشور املاجنو إلى حتسني النشاط املضاد لألكسدة
وخفض العدد الكلى للميكروبات الهوائية مبعنوية باملقارنة بعينات الكنترول.أوضحت نتائج التقييم احلسى
أن إضافة مستخلص قشور املاجنو لبرجر اللحم البقرى كان فعال في فيما يخص كال من تدهور اللون والطعم
وتكوين النكهة الزنخة ،وسجلت العينة احملتوية على %0.1القيم األعلى للخصائص احلسية .من النتائج
املتحصل عليها ميكن استخدام مستخلص قشور املاجنو كمادة مضافة فعالة في خفض تدهور خصائص
اجلودة لبرجر اللحم البقرى خالل التخزين املبرد.