BAL Prosedur
BAL Prosedur
BAL Prosedur
Specimen Brushing
Pre-procedure evaluation:
During performance of any bronchoscopic procedure, several steps must be taken to minimize risk of complications:
• Estimate ability to maintain oxygenation and ventilation during and after procedure
o Peep < 14 cm H 2 O
o Ability to tolerate decreased minute ventilation
o Low FIO 2 requirements prior to initiating procedure
• Absence of elevated ICP
o Acute change in minute ventilation and airway pressures will acutely elevate ICP
• Minimal coagulopathy
o INR < 1.5
o Platelet count > 20,000
• ET tube or tracheostomy size ≥ 7.5 mm diameter
Parameters not within these recommendations suggest increased risk and should be discussed with attending.
Patients must be monitored to ensure adequate hemodynamics, minute ventilation and oxygen saturations are maintained
throughout procedure with standardized documentation:
• Continuous pulse-oximetry
• Continuous ECG monitoring
• Continuous or q5 minute blood pressure monitoring
• Completion of documentation for sedation/paralysis surrounding procedure. (Must be signed by MD)
Equipment preparation:
Bronchoscopy cart should be brought to bedside and all equipment examined and verified to be in working order.
All flushes and equipment needed should be prepared before beginning procedure.
• Bronchoscope and light source
• Swivel adapter, biopsy and suction valves for scope
• Bite block
• Gauze and water-soluble lubricant
• Wall suction and tubing
• Saline for irrigation and clearing/cleaning suction port on scope
IF performing bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) ensure saline
o Must be non-bacteriostatic saline
o Use non Luer-Lock (Luer-Slip) 20 ml syringes
o 5 total aliquots
• Sterile bowl for saline
• Sputum trap if BAL needed
• Sterile drape and towels covering patient to prevent contaminating respiratory tract with new or resistant pathogens
• Gloves, gown, hat and mask with face-shield to prevent contamination
Ventilator adjustments:
To ensure continued minute ventilation and adequate oxygenation, the ventilator must be adjusted accordingly.
Contact respiratory therapist (or appropriate faculty/fellow) to make changes:
• 100% FIO 2
• Mode with mandatory minute ventilation – usually volume control /AC to allow continued minute ventilation
despite relative airway obstruction
o High RR
o Small TV
o Decreased flow-rates (can be achieved by lengthening inspiratory time)
o Adjust “high-pressure” limits and alarms
• Settings should be adjusted to maintain at least the pre-procedure minute ventilation that was being delivered to
patient before changing the ventilator or medicating patient
Patients may require frequent interruption of procedure to maintain ventilation
Medication for procedure:
Patients must be adequately sedated for procedure to ensure tolerance and comfort.
• Sedation with some combination of opiod, benzodiazepine or propofol
• Supplemental sedation for increased BP and heart rate
• Select patients may need small bolus of pressor support
• Inhaled non-bacteriostatic lidocaine may be administered via ETT/trach (do not administer via IV route)
Patients in whom the bronchoscope is passed through an ETT must receive paralytics as well to prevent damaging the scope.
Other patients may also require paralysis as adequacy of the procedure is markedly enhanced by their use.
• Paralytic agent (vecuronium if hepatic insufficiency suspected or cisatracurium if renal insufficiency suspected)
Post-bronchoscopy procedures:
• Clean the suction port by suctioning enzymatic detergent solution
• Wipe the outside with the enzymatic detergent solution soaked sponge
• Place bronchoscope in plastic tub container, then into a clear biohazard bag with a patient label
• Obtain post-bronch chest x-ray
Karole Davis, MD SCC Fellow
Raeanna Adams, MD SICU PI Chair
Christy Thomas, RN SICU Procedure Nurse
Addison May, MD SICU Director