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Discuss the respective format of class a of MYCESMM and section b of SMM2, with

emphasis on the particulars/requirements laid down between two SMM.

MYCESMM2 Class A is the general item for civil engineering works. General items
deal with the general requirements that do not fall into any specific class of work but are
required for the contractor to price to fulfil his obligations under the contract. MYESMM2
Class A is divided into 6 divisions.

The first division is the A1 contractual requirement. In the contract, the contractor
must fulfil and comply with the 4 main items before commencing the project, which are bond
items, insurances, statutory requirements, and stamp duty. Firstly, a bond item is a bank
guarantee to the employer so that the employer can make up for the loss if the contractor
abandons the project and is lost. An example of a bond item is a performance bond. When a
design and build contract is used, the bond is called a design guarantee bond. Secondly,
insurance can protect employers from any accident, damages, death claims caused by
unforeseen events during the construction process. For example, a contractor must purchase
and maintain the Contractor’s All Risk to ensure protection from loss and damage caused by
fire, lightning, and explosion. Thirdly, statutory requirements are those enforced by
legislative bodies such as CIDB. For example, the contractor is required to pay a CIDB levy,
for every contract exceeding RM 500,000, a fee of RM 5 for every RM 1,000 is levied.
Lastly, the contractor must pay stamp duty under the Stamp Duty Act of 1949. For example,
the contractor must pay RM5 for the contract amount of RM1,000.

The second division is the A2 Engineer/SO/PD/ER’s requirements. It refers to the

facilities that the main contractor needs to provide to use the consultant team so that they can
supervise the progress of the project and ensure that all the work done by the contractor meets
the drawings and specifications in the contract. One of the requirements is facilities and
equipment requirements such as on-site offices, computers, and printing machines for
resident engineers who are on duty and working on site every day. Another requirement is
services and attendance. Services are transportation that enables engineers to easily transport
from the office to the site, and attendance is what the engineer needs to assist him in
completing certain tasks. For example, an engineer who does not own a car needs a Honda
CRV to travel, and it is stated in the contract. While for attendance, the engineer needs to
conduct site surveys that cannot be done alone, so the engineer needs an assistant to help him.
Lastly, submission of documents and miscellaneous are also required. Submission of
documents, such as working progress reports, so that the engineer can inspect the work done
based on the report. For example, engineers can learn from the report the problems faced by
the contractor and the solutions used in piling work. Examples of miscellaneous items are
those project signboards, hoardings, and temporary fences on construction sites.

The third division is the A3 Project Requirement. The contractor must conduct a
survey and set out before construction begins. This requirement is to ensure that the
construction is carried out within the scope of the law to prevent disputes such as disputes
with the right of use. Besides, Quality Control (QA) is required to ensure that all materials

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used in the project are obliged to authority standards. For example, all method statements,
work procedures, checklists, and methods of inspection should be submitted and approved by
the engineer. The contractor must also carry out operation & maintenance of the plant. The
contractor is responsible for inspecting and ensuring that all equipment and factories are
always in good condition to prevent construction accidents. Furthermore, road condition
needs to be maintained throughout the construction period. It is necessary to ensure that the
road is clean every day to prevent complaints from neighbouring sites. As an example,
contractors need to spray water on the bituminous street to avoid dusting the environment and
affecting public health. Last but not least, site clearance needs to be carried out after
completion. For example, the project needs to meet the requirements of Indah Water
Konsortium (IWK) and must be inspected by relevant parties.

The fourth requirement is the A4 Authorities’ Requirement. The contractor has the
right to appoint a professional safety and health officer (SHO) to ensure that the work
performed on-site is sufficiently safe for site staff, site visitors, and the public. Safety and
health officials are obliged to prevent any unforeseen risks that could cause harm to the health
of others. The contractor must ensure all workers wear long pants, boots, and other personal
protective equipment when on the construction site. To build a building, permission from the
authorities must be obtained. Developers need to pay the necessary fees and obtain
permission from the competent authority to start construction. Other than that, authorities also
required the contractor to do some ‘deposit’ or ‘condition precedent’ work before
construction begins. We can take the contractor's commitment to resurface a specific road
with the agreement of both parties as an example.

The fifth requirement is the A5 contractor requirement. The contractor is required to

have sufficient knowledge on site so that he or she can start work. For example, as a
contractor, he or she must ensure that there is a place for him to conduct on-site meetings and
store important documents or materials and equipment at the site. The contractor shall
provide workers with accommodation so that they can have a better rest place and have a
better working spirit to carry out their work. Next, site management is important because it
is a key element of integrated projects on the site and also the key to avoiding excessive
storage on the site. Site management can control the delivery and the acceptance of materials.
This is because if there is no material, workers will not be able to start any on-site work. In
this situation, the contractor proficient in site management, as it is critical to the success and
completion time of any construction project. When workers are doing temporary work such
as formwork and scaffolding, they must be provided with services such as safety. Formwork
and scaffolding with support are needed to carry out higher-level concrete work throughout
the construction project. The support must be stable to ensure the safety of workers when
they rise to a higher level to perform any work.

The last requirement is the A6 design and builds requirements. Before starting any
work, engineers need to participate in preliminary engineer research to better understand the
growing needs of the construction and have technical competencies. Next, the engineer will

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conduct an engineering survey, the purpose of which is to determine the location of natural
and man-made objects on the surface of the earth and record them for future planning.
Therefore, the appropriate design will be carried out for the construction project to ensure
that the project can proceed smoothly and improper design is avoided. At the same time,
when it is necessary to obtain certain approval from an authority, the chance of rejection will
be reduced. Besides, consultant fees were paid, including design work and supervision fees.
Then, the fees paid for independent inspectors include structural works, geotechnical works,
and road safety works. The following two expenses are paid in a lump sum.

SMM2 Section B is the preliminaries for building works. This part contains items that
cannot be measured and are difficult to quantify but must be priced by the contractor in any
project, and these items are put under preliminaries. The tenderer will price it on a lump sum
basis. SMM2 Section B is divided into 5 headings.

The first heading is Preliminaries particulars. It comprises 3 sub-heading. Firstly, B.1

Project, parties, and consultants. It requires the contractor to state the name, nature, and
location of the project, a general description of the project, and the names and addresses of
parties involved in the contract. The purpose is to make the contractor have clear information
about each project. The contractor can also consider whether there is enough information to
tender for the project. Secondly, B.2 Description of the site. It comprises the information
indicating the boundaries of the site, access, and position of the work. If there are any
problems with the access, it will be stated in the preliminaries particulars. The description
should include any known or existing drainage, water, natural gas, and other mains or power
services, as well as any adjacent or abutting buildings. For example, when the project is
located in the centre of a residential area, the contractor cannot carry out construction after
6.00 pm. Thirdly, B.3 Drawings and other documents. It should include a list of drawings
for which a bill of quantities has been prepared. This is to ensure that the contractor can
check the quantity in the BQ.

The second heading is Contract. It comprises 4 sub-heading. Firstly, B.4 Form, type,
and conditions of the contract. The contractor will know which contract type and form the
project uses, such as PAM 2018 or PWD. There are two types of contract conditions. The
contract conditions are standard and can be used universally or non-standard, and can be used
universally. Secondly, B.5 Contractor’s liability. Unless it is already covered by the
timetable specified in clause B.4, it must be given. It stipulates the contractor’s
responsibilities and obligations for risks, injuries, and damages to property. Therefore, the
contractor must purchase Workmen Compensation, Contractor’s All Risk insurance,
Insurance against Personal Injuries, and property damage insurance. If the employer intends
to reduce the contractor’s liability for such risks, the contractor must be able to provide
relevant details. Thirdly, B.6 Employer’s liability stipulates that when the contract amount
should include the cost of providing insurance for any liability of the employer, the cost

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should be treated as a provisional sum. Fourthly, B.7 Obligations and restrictions imposed
by the Employer. This clause includes restrictions on working space, access to and
possession or use of the site, limitations of working hours, etc. For example, laborers can
only work up to 8 hours a day. Another example is that unless permission is obtained, only
parties involved in the contract can access the site. If necessary, certain restrictions will
restrict the contractor, such as restriction upon the employment of labour, restriction of felling
trees, etc. For example, if the project happens to be in the middle of a residential area, the
contractor will be restricted to work overtime after 6:00 pm to prevent residents from

The third heading is work, good, material which has 4 subheadings. B8 describes the
works of the nominated sub-contractor. Once the work is nominated, the contractor must
have a prime cost sum, and the contractor’s profit and attendance rate must be high, as the
contractor needs to supply them with goods, services, and facilities. Since they are nominated
by the architect, the contractor must know the firm’s name together with the description of
the sub-contract work so that the contractor can manage their work according to the
contractor’s progress. Next, B9 describes the goods and materials from nominated
suppliers. Same as the nominated subcontractor, it requires the Prime Cost sum, profit, and
attendance. B10 is the works by government or statutory authorities. The provisional or
prime cost sums should be given separately for the project. The work shall be described,
stipulating the scope or timing of the work, and its effect on the Contractor’s operations. B11
is the works or goods and materials by the employer. The employer shall provide the
contractor with a description of the project or description of the goods and materials.

The fourth heading is General facilities and obligation. In B12, there are many items
in preliminaries to price the contractor conveniently and avoid losing items that the customer
may need. The customer can list the item (if applicable to the price), such as maintenance
temporary work, maintenance of public and private roads, etc.

The fifth heading is Contingencies. In B13, the item that is provided or contingencies
during tender should be given as a provisional sum. After all the items are ascertained and
finalized, the sum will be adjusted. For example, variation work, excavation, etc.

As a conclusion, MYCESMM2 is a measurement of civil engineering work, and

SMM2 is a measurement of overall building. Most of the work in MYCESMM2 is risky,
uncertain, and can only be determined before the work starts. For example, the rock under the
earth layer. In SMM2, more precisely, very detailed work is involved during the tender stage.
Therefore, most items need to be reused in MYCESMM2. This means that SMM2 will give

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the contractor the mindset to plan the overall work, while MYCESMM2 will give the
contractor the mindset to start civil engineering work and know which method or material is

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