Sector 16, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 4000708
Sector 16, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 4000708
Sector 16, Airoli, Navi Mumbai 4000708
1. Do you think the animals enjoyed their train journey? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: I think the animals enjoyed the train journey because they were allowed to do as they
pleased. Chips the squirrel, spent the whole time running through the train while Timothy
the tiger claimed a whole berth and spent the time sleeping on it.
2. Pick out a few humorous incidents from the story.
Ans: Humorous incidents from the story are – when the narrator opened the tiffin basket and
found the python, Popeye nipping the fingers of the vendors, Aunt Mabel opening the
basket and fainting at the sight of the python, etc.
3. The author attributes human qualities to the animals in the story. Pick out a few
examples of these. What does this show about the author’s feelings for the animals?
Ans: The author gave human qualities to the animals like – the python not liking apples, Popeye
objecting to vendors poking their hands through the window, Chips making friends with
children and adults etc. This shows that the author cares for the animals and shows
compassion towards them. He understands them and feels that they are a part of his
POEM 3: Cypress Street