OOT PulsFrac Input Request - OEF-1000-001 TPN-211
OOT PulsFrac Input Request - OEF-1000-001 TPN-211
OOT PulsFrac Input Request - OEF-1000-001 TPN-211
12001 CR 1000
76044 PHONE: 1-
Formation Information
Formation Type Sand Formation Pres. (BHP) 381.43 psi
Porosity 18.97 % Formation Temp 129.807 °F
Permeability 2.1 (avg model) md Location for above 2108.04 ft
Skin Factor Not Meassured Gas/Oil Oil
Conveyance Information
Conveyance Method WL, SL, TCP Diameter in
(Wireline, Slickline, Coil Tubing, TCP) Weight and Grade
Perforation Information
Existing Perforations Proposed Perforations
Perforator Used Perforator Desired
Gun OD Size in Gun OD Size in
Explosive Weight gms Explosive Weight gms
Shot Density Shot Density
Shot Phasing Shot Phasing
Hole Size in Hole Size in
Penetration in Penetration in
Individual Gun Length ft Individual Gun Length ft
# of Guns # of Guns
Interval Top ft Interval Top ft
Bottom ft Bottom ft
Stimulation Information
Propellant Type Diameter in
Location Interval ft Amount/Length
Miscellaneous Hardware
Bridge Plug y/n Packer model
Location ft Location ft
Notes: Please provide a detailed well schematic with hardware being used, deviation survey, etc.
KB :3.30 m
GL : - m
Problem/Action :
-DHP Problem
Tubing String :
-2-3/8" Bull Plug +
-1 jts 2-3/8" tbg As MA + GA +
-2" st.niple +
-1 jts 2-3/8" tbg + x/o +
-76 jts 2-7/8" tbg
csg colap di 406.14 mKB -Set PSN @ 732.99 mKB. EOT @ 744.32 mKB
Rod String :
-2" RWBC + 92 jts 7/8" s.rod +
-16' x 7/8" pony rod +
-1-1/4" x 22' polished rod
Perforation :
(639-645 m), B/600(23-08-2013)
(645-651 m), B/600(23-08-2013)
Perforation :
(695.0-701.0 m), B/600, sqz
(735.5 -m 640.5), B/600
PBTD : 824.26 mKB
7" Csg.K-55, 23# @ 857.00 mKB
TD : 860 mKB
@ 744.32 mKB
: TWBS-209.XLS