Excavation Procedures 22-02-2022

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 JOB NO: B329



Rev no Issued Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

0 21-02-2022 GV S.PRASAD S.RAO


1). 6-82-2700 Rev.3 (ITP No: 2704)

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Table of Contents
1. EARTH WORKS................................................................................................................5
1.1. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................5
2. CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS.........................................................................................6
2.1.1. All kind of soils:.....................................................................................................6
2.1.2. Ordinary rock:.........................................................................................................6
2.1.3. Hard rock:................................................................................................................6
2.1.4. Hard rock (blasting prohibited):..........................................................................6
3. ANTIQUITIES AND USEFUL MATERIALS...............................................................6
4. PROTECTIONS..................................................................................................................7
5. SITE CLEARANCE............................................................................................................7
6. SETTING OUT AND MAKING PROFILES.................................................................8
7. EARTH WORK BY MECHANICAL MEANS...............................................................9
7.1. Excavators....................................................................................................................9
7.2. Tractor-based Equipment........................................................................................10
7.3. Transporting Equipment.........................................................................................11
7.4. MEASUREMENTS...................................................................................................12
8. Recording Measurements for Earth Levelling Work.................................................13
8.1. Final Levels................................................................................................................14
9. SURFACE EXCAVATION..............................................................................................14
9.1. ROUGH EXCAVATION AND FILLING.............................................................14
10. EXCAVATION OVER AREA (ALL KINDS OF SOIL)..........................................14
10.1. EXCAVATION OVER AREA (ORDINARY/ HARD ROCK).......................14
(ALL KINDS OF SOIL).......................................................................................................15
(ORDINARY/ HARD ROCK)............................................................................................15
10.5. Width of Trench....................................................................................................15
10.6. Refilling.................................................................................................................16
10.7. Measurements.......................................................................................................16

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11. PLANKING AND STRUTTING...............................................................................17
11.1. Close Planking and Strutting.............................................................................17
11.2. Open Planking and Strutting.............................................................................18
11.3. Measurements.......................................................................................................18
12. EXCAVATION IN WATER. MUD OR FOUL POSITION...................................19
12.1. Classification.........................................................................................................20
12.2. Measurements.......................................................................................................20
13. EARTH WORK FOR MAJOR WORKS....................................................................21
14. FILLING IN TRENCHES, PLINTH, UNDER FLOOR ETC..................................22
14.1. Earth........................................................................................................................22
14.2. Filling.....................................................................................................................23
14.3. Measurements.......................................................................................................23
14.4. Measurements.......................................................................................................23
15. SCOPE FROM TENDER..............................................................................................24
16. CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL.....................................................................................24
16.1. Ordinary Soil........................................................................................................24
16.1.1. Soft Soil/ Loose Soil........................................................................................24
16.1.2. Hard/ Dense Soil..............................................................................................24
16.2. Soft Rock...............................................................................................................25
16.3. Hard Rock..............................................................................................................25
16.3.1. Hard Rock (Not Requiring Blasting)...........................................................25
16.3.2. Hard Rock (Requiring General Blasting)...................................................25
16.3.3. Hard Rock (Requiring Controlled Blasting (Explosive/ Non-explosive)
16.3.4. Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited)..................................................................25
17. BACKFILLING MATERIAL.....................................................................................26
17.1. Suitable Materials:..............................................................................................26
17.2. Unsuitable Materials..........................................................................................26
18. SETTING OUT............................................................................................................27
18.1. Tolerances............................................................................................................27
19. EARTHWORK IN EXCAVATION.........................................................................28
20. Blasting with Gun Powder........................................................................................30

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20.1. Precautions............................................................................................................31
20.2. Blasting with Dynamite or any other High Explosive.........................................32
20.3. Controlled Blasting (Explosive/ Non-explosive)..................................................33
20.4. Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only)...........................................34
21. SHORING AND STRUTTING................................................................................36
21.1. Sheet Piling...........................................................................................................37
21.2. Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only)..........................................37
22.1. `Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only).........................................38
23. TRANSPORTATION OF SURPLUS EARTH.......................................................39
24. PROTECTION OF PROPERTY AND PERSONNEL...........................................39
25. CLEAN UP....................................................................................................................40
26.1. Excavation..............................................................................................................41
26.2. Tool Box Talks (TBT)...........................................................................................42
27.1. Excavation.............................................................................................................43

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 Deadmen or Tell Tales: Mounds of earth left undisturbed in pits
dug out for borrowing earth

 Burjis: Short pillars of brick/s tone having top surface finished with
cement plaster for marking etc.

 Formation or Profile: Final shape of the ground after excavation or

filling up.

 Foul condition: Filthy and unhygienic conditions where physical

movements are hampered such as soil mixed with sewage or night

 Lead: All distances shall be measured over the shortest practical

route and not necessarily the route actually taken. Route other than
shortest practical route may be considered in cases of unavoidable
circumstances and approved by Engineer-in-charge along with
reasons in writing.
Carriage by manual labour shall be reckoned in units of 50 metres
or part thereof.
Carriage by animal and mechanical transport shall be reckoned in
one km. unit. Distances of 0.5 km. or more shall be taken as 1 km.
and distance of less than 0.5 km. shall be ignored. However, when
the total lead is less than 0.5 km., it will not be ignored but paid for
separately in successive stages of 50 metres subject to the condition
that the rate worked on this basis does not exceed the rate for
initial lead of 1 km. by mechanical/animal transport.

 Lift: The vertical distance for removal with reference to the ground
level. The excavation up to 1.5 metres depth below the ground level
and depositing the excavated materials up to 1.5 metres above the
ground level are included in the rate of earth work. Lifts inherent in
the lead due to ground slope shall not be paid for.

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 Safety rules: Safety rules as laid down by the statutory authority
and as provided in General Conditions of Contract shall be
The earthwork shall be classified under the following categories
and measured separately for each category:
2.1.1. All kind of soils:
Generally any strata, such as sand, gravel, loam, clay, mud, black
cotton murrum, shingle, river or nallah bed boulders, siding of roads,
paths etc. and hard core, macadam surface of any description (water
bound, grouted tarmac etc.), lime concrete mud concrete and their
mixtures which for excavation yields to application of picks, shawls,
jumper, sacrifices, ripper and other manual digging implements.
2.1.2. Ordinary rock:
Generally any rock which can be excavated by splitting with crow
bars or picks and does not require blasting, wedging or similar
means for excavation such as lime stone, sand stone, hard laterite,
hard conglomerate and un-reinforced cement concrete below ground
level. If required light blasting may be resorted to for loosening the
materials but this will not in any way entitle the material to be
classified as ‘Hard rock’.
2.1.3. Hard rock:
Generally any rock or boulder for the excavation of which blasting is
required such as quartzite, granite, basalt, reinforced cement concrete
(reinforcement to be cut through but not separated from concrete)
below ground level and the like.
2.1.4. Hard rock (blasting prohibited):
Hard rock requiring blasting as described under (2.1.3) but where the
blasting is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried
out by chiselling,
wedging, use of rock hammers and cutters or any other agreed


Any finds of archaeological interest such as relics of antiquity, coins,
fossils or other articles of value shall be delivered to the Engineer-in-
Charge and shall be the property of the Government.
Any material obtained from the excavation which in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge is useful shall be stacked separately in regular stacks

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as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be the property of the
Excavation where directed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be securely
barricaded and provided with proper caution signs, conspicuously displayed
during the day and properly illuminated with red lights and/or written
using fluorescent reflective paint as directed by engineer in charge during the
night to avoid accident.
The Contractor shall take adequate protective measures to see that the
excavation operations do not damage the adjoining structures or dislocate the
services. Water supply pipes, sluice valve chambers, sewerage pipes,
manholes, drainage pipes and chambers, communication cables, power
supply cables etc. met within the course of excavation shall be properly
supported and adequately protected, so that these services remain functional.
However, if any service is damaged during excavation shall be restored in
reasonable time.
Excavation shall not be carried out below the foundation level of the adjacent
buildings until underpinning, shoring etc. is done as per the directions of the
Engineer-in-Charge for which payment shall be made separately.
Any damages done by the contractor to any existing work shall be made
good by him at his own cost. Existing drains pipes, culverts, overhead wires,
water supply lines and similar services encountered during the course of
execution shall be protected against damage by the contractor. The contractor
shall not store material or otherwise occupy any part of the site in manner
likely to hinder the operations of such services.

Before the earth work is started, the area coming under cutting and filling
shall be cleared of shrubs, rank vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and
saplings of girth up to 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above
ground level and rubbish removed up t o a distance of 50 metres outside the
periphery of the area under clearance. The roots of trees and saplings shall be
removed to a depth of 60 cm below ground level or 30 cm below formation
level or 15 cm below sub grade level, whichever is lower, and the holes or
hollows filled up with the earth, rammed and levelled.
The trees of girth above 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above
ground shall be cut only after permission of the Engineer-in-Charge is
obtained in writing. The roots of trees shall also be removed as specified

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above payment for cutting such trees and removing the roots shall be made
The trees of girth above 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above
ground shall be cut only after permission of the Engineer-in-Charge is
obtained in writing. The roots of trees shall also be removed as specified
above payment for cutting such trees and removing the roots shall be made
In case of archaeological monuments within or adjacent to the area, the
contractor shall provide necessary fencing all-round such monuments as per
the directions of the Engineer-in-Charge and protect the same properly
during execution of works. Payment for providing fencing shall be made
Disposal of Earth shall be disposed of at the specified location or as decided
by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor has to take written permission
about place of disposal of earth before the earth is disposed of, from


A masonry pillar to serve as a bench mark will be erected at a suitable point
in the area, which is visible from the largest area. This bench mark shall be
constructed as per Fig. 2.1 and connected with the standard bench mark as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Necessary profiles with strings
stretched on pegs, bamboos or ‘Burjis’ shall be made to indicate the correct
formation levels before the work is started. The contractor shall supply
labour and material for constructing bench mark, setting out and making
profiles and connecting bench m ark with the standard bench mark at his
own cost. The pegs, bamboos or ‘Burjis’ and the bench mark shall be
maintained by the contractor at his own cost during the excavation to check
the profiles.
The ground levels shall be taken at 5 to 15 metres intervals (as directed by the
Engineer-in Charge) in uniformly sloping ground and at closer intervals
where local mounds, pits or undulations are met with. The ground levels
shall be recorded in field books and plotted on plans. The plans shall be
drawn to a scale of 5 metres to one cm or any other suitable scale decided by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
North direction line and position of bench mark shall invariable be shown on
the plans. These plans shall be signed by the contractor and the Engineer-in-
Charge or their authorized representatives before the earth work is started.

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The labour required for taking levels shall be supplied by the contractor at
his own cost.
grade shall be properly shaped to the required elevations and parallel to the
required surface.


Earth work by mechanical means involves careful planning keeping in view
site conditions i .e. type of soil, nature of excavation, distances through
which excavated soil is to be transported and working space available for
employing these machines. The earth moving equipment should be
accordingly selected.

The earth moving equipment consists of excavating and transporting

equipment. Excavating equipment may be further classified as excavators
and tractor based equipment.

7.1. Excavators
Excavators generally used at site are as follows:
 Dipper-shovel: It is used for excavating against a face or bank consisting
of open-top bucket or dipper with a bottom opening door, fixed to an arm
or dipper stick which slides and pivots on the jib of the crane. It is suitable
for excavating all clay chalk and friable materials and for handling rock
and stone. However, it is not suitable for surface excavation for which a
skimmer is used.

 Backhoe: It is similar to face shovel except that the dipper stick pivots on
the end of the jib and the dipper or bucket works towards the chassis and
normally has no bottom door but is emptied by swinging away from the
chassis to invert the bucket. It may be designed to carry both a front
mounted bucket loading mechanism and a rear mounted backhoe. It is
mainly used to excavate trenches and occasionally used for the excavation
of open areas such as small basements.

In the backhoe mode the bucket lifts, s wings and discharges materials while
the under carriage is stationary. When used in the ‘loader’ mode, the
machine loads or excavated through forward motion of the machine, and
lifts, transports and discharges materials.

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 Skimmer: This arrangement is similar to the face shovel except that in this
case the bucket slides on rollers directly along the jib and thus has a more
restricted movement. It is used for surface excavation and levelling in
conjunction with transport to haul away the excavated material.

 Dragline: It is usually fitted with a long slender boom or jib and the
bucket, which in operation faces towards the machine and has no door, is
supported by cable only as on a crane. It works from the side of the
excavation at normal ground level and is used for excavating large open
excavations such as basements when the depth is beyond the limit of the
boom of a backhoe. It is commonly used for open cast mining operations.
 Clamshell: It consists of two hinged half-buckets or jaws pivoted to a
frame which is suspended by cable from a long jib of an excavation. The
grab is used for deep excavations of limited area on all types of soil except
rock. Crane and Grab is a variant of this type of equipment.

7.2. Tractor-based Equipment

It is a self-propelled crawler or wheeled machine used to exert a push or pull
force through mounted equipment. It is designed either as attachments to
normal t racked o r w heeled tractors or as machines i n which the earth
moving attachments and the tractor are designed as a s ingle integrated unit.
A tractor, which is hydraulically operated, can be rigged as

 Loaders: It is used for loading, light dozing, scraping and grabbing

operations, lifting and transporting the materials (loose earth, rubble,
sand, gravel aggregate etc) at various sites through forward motion of the

 Tractor Shovel: This consists of a tipping bucket at the front attached by

strong pivoted arms or booms to the frame of the machine. It is used for
stripping top soil, excavating against a face, bulldozing and for loading
spoil or loose materials. It is similar to crawler dipper-shovel.

 Trench Digger: It operates on the same principle as a backhoe excavator

except that the bucket is controlled by hydraulic rams instead of cables
and pulleys.

 Scraper: Scrapers provide unique capability to excavate, load, haul and

dump materials.
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Scrapers are available in various capacities by a number of manufacturers
with options such as self - loading with elevators, twin engines or push-pull
capability. They are cost effective where the haul distance is too long for
bulldozers, yet too short for trucks. This distance typically ranges from 120
m to 1200 m; however, the economics should be evaluated for each project.

Scraper has an open bowl with a cutting edge positioned bet ween the axles,
which cuts, loads, transports, discharges and spreads through forward
motion of the machine. Loading through forward motion of the machine can
be assisted by a powered mechanism (elevator) fixed to the scraper bowl.

 Bulldozer and Angle-dozer: The most common equipment used for

clearing and levelling activities is a bulldozer. The terms bulldozer is used
to define a tractor mounted with a dozing blade.

The bulldozer consists of a rectangular steel blade with renewable cutting

edge set at right angles (capable of only tilting but not ang ling) to the
direction of travel and attached by s teel arms to the s ide frames o f a crawler
tractor. It m ay be us ed for excavating natural soil or for moving loose soil or
debris, which is pushed forward as the tractor forces it ahead.

Angledozer is capable of both tilting and angling

7.3. Transporting Equipment

This implies horizontal movement primarily but it can involve some vertical
movement too.
Dumpers: These are self-propelled wheeled machines, having an open body.
It is designed for the transport of excavated materials and consists of a
shallow tipping hopper or skip mounted on a wheeled chassis, such as,
power barrow, dumper, multi-skip dumpers, high discharge dumpers,
dump truck, etc. These can be rear dump, side dump or bottom dump.
Vibratory Roller: It is a single Drum Vibratory Roller for compaction of
embankments, etc. The smooth drum version is for compaction of granular
and mixed soil. The sheeps foot Roller consists of a hallow cylindrical steel
drum or drums on which projecting feet are mounted. These feet penetrate
into the fill as a roller moves forward and cause compaction. The geometry
of the foot may be sheep, club pyramid, cone or cylinder foot. Such rollers

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are employed for compaction (densification) of cohesive and semi-cohesive

The length and breadth of excavation or filling s hall be measured with a
steel tape correct to the nearest cm. The depth of cutting or height of filling s
hall be measured, correct to 5 mm, by recording levels before the start of the
work and after the completion of the work. The cubical contents shall be
worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in cubic metres.

In case of open footings up to the depth of 1.5 metres, all-round excavation

of 30 c m. beyond the outer dimension of footing shall be measured for
payment to make allowances for centring and shuttering. Any additional
excavation beyond this limit s hall be at the risk and cost of the contractor
and shall not be measured for payment.

In case of open footings/Rafts at a depth of more than 1.5 metre, all-round

excavation of 75 cm shall be measured f or payment to make allowance f or c
entering and shuttering. Additional excavation beyond this limit shall be at
the risk and cost of the contractor and shall not be measured for payment.

In case the ground is fairly uniform and where the site is not required to be
levelled, the Engineer-in-Charge m ay permit the measurements of depth of
cutting or height of filling with steel tape, correct to the nearest cm. In case of
borrow pits, di agonal ridges, cross ridges or dead-men, the position of which
shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-Charge, shall be l eft by the contractor to
permit accurate measurements being taken with steel tape on the completion
of the work Deduction of such ridges and dead men shall be made from the
measurements unless the same are required to be removed later on and the
earth so removed is utilized in the work. In the latter case nothing extra will
be paid for their removal as subsequent operation.

Where ordinary rock and hard rock is mixed. The measurement of the
excavation shall be made as specified. The two kinds of rock s hall be s
tacked s separately and m measured in stacks. The net quantity of the two
kinds of rocks shall be arrived at by applying deduction of 50% to allow for
voids in stacks. If the sum of net quantity of two kinds of rocks e exceeds the
total q quantity of the excavated material, then the quantity for each type of

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rock shall be worked out from the total quantity in the ratio of net quantities
in stack measurements of the two types of rocks. If in the opinion of the
Engineering-in-charge stacking is not feasible, the quantity of ordinary and
hard rock shall be worked out by means of cross-sectional measurements.

Excavated materials c comprising hard rock and ordinary rock shall be

stacked separately, measured, and each reduced by 50% to allow for voids to
arrive at the quantity payable under hard rock and ordinary rock. The
difference between the entire excavation and the sum of the quantities
payable under hard rock and ordinary roc k shall be pa id for as excavation
in ordinary soil or hard soil as the case may be.

Where it is not possible or convenient to measure the depth of cutting by

recording levels as specified above, quantity of excavation s hall be worked
out from filling. The actual measurements of the fill shall be calculated by
taking levels of the original ground before start of the work after site
clearance and after compaction of the fill as specified and the quantity of
earth work so computed shall be reduced by 10% in case of consolidated fills
and by 5% in case the consolidation is done by heavy mechanical machinery
to arrive at the net quantity of excavation for payment. No such deduction s
hall, however, be made in case of consolidation by heavy mechanical
machinery at optimum moisture content, or when the consolidated filling is
in confined situations such as under floors.

8. Recording Measurements for Earth Levelling Work

 Level Books: In case of levelling operations and earthwork,

measurements are required to be recorded in level books in addition
to Measurement Books. The Level Books should be numbered,
accounted for and handled like Measurement Books.
 Preparatory Works: Before starting the earth work, following steps
should be taken Original ground levels should be recorded in the
Level Book in the presence of the contractor or his authorized
representative, and should be signed by him and the site engineer who
records the levels. Plans showing initial levels, location of bench
marks and reduced levels, should be prepared and signed by both the
parties and attached to the agreement before commencement of the

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8.1. Final Levels
(1) On completion of work, the levels should again be recorded in the Level
Book and the contractor’s signatures obtained.
(2) The formation levels as per final execution of the work should be
compared with the proposed formation levels and the work got rectified
within permissible tolerance.

Excavations exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm. on plan but not exceeding
30 cm. in depth in all types of soils and rocks shall be described as surface
The length and breadth s hall be measured with a steel tape correct t o t he
nearest cm. and the area. worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in
square metres.


Excavation for earth from borrow pits, cutting hill side slopes etc. s hall be
described as rough excavation.
Wherever filling is to be done, the earth from excavation shall be directly
used f or filling and no payment for double hand ling of earth shall be
admissible. Filling of excavated earth shall be done. In case of hill side
cutting, where the excavated materials is thrown down the hill slopes,
payment for filling excavated earth shall not be admissible.


This shall comprise:
 Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan and
exceeding 30 cm in depth.
 Excavation for basements, water tanks etc.
 Excavation in trenches exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan.
This shall comprise:
(a) Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan and exceeding
30 cm in depth.
(b) Excavation for basements, water tanks etc.
(c) Excavation in trenches exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan.

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This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on
plan and to any depth in trenches (excluding trenches for pipes, cables,
conduits etc.)


This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 sqm. On
plan and to any depth in trenches (excluding trenches for pipes, cables,
conduits etc.)


This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5 mts in width or 10 sqm in
plan and to any depth trenches for pi pes. Cables etc. and returning the
excavated material t o f ill the trenches after pipes, cables etc. are laid and
their joints tested and passed and disposal of surplus excavated material up
to 50 m lead.

10.5. Width of Trench

 Upto one metre depth the authorized width of trench for excavation
shall be arrived at by adding 25 cm t o t he external diameter of pipe
(not socket/ collar) cable, conduit etc. Where a pipe is l aid on concrete
bed/ cushioning layer, the authorized width s hall be the external
diameter of pipe (not socket/ collar) plus 25 cm or the width of
concrete bed/ cushioning layer whichever is more.
 For depths exceeding one metre, an allowance of 5 cm per metre of
depth for each side of the trench shall be added to the authorized
width (that is external diameter of pipe plus 25 cm) for excavation.
This allowance shall apply to the entire depth of the trench. In firm
soils the sides of the trenches shall be kept vertical up to depth of 2
metres from the bottom. For depths greater than 2 metres, the
excavation profiles shall be widened by allowing steps of 50 cm on
either side after every two metres from bottom.
 Where more than one pipe, cable, conduit et c, are laid, the diameter
shall be reckoned as the horizontal distance from outside to outside of
the outermost pipes, cable, conduit etc.

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 Where the soil is soft, loose or slushy, width of trench shall be suitably
increased or side sloped or the soil shored up as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to
take complete instructions in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge
regarding increase in the width of trench. Sloping or shoring to be
done for excavation in soft, loose or slushy soils.

10.6. Refilling
Filling in trenches s hall be commenced soon after the joints of pipes, cables,
conduits etc. have been tested and passed. The space all-round the pipes,
cables conduits etc. shall be cleared of all debris, brick bats etc. Where the
trenches are excavated in hard/ soft soil, the filling shall be done with earth
on the side and top of pipes in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth. Each
layer shall be watered, rammed and consolidated. All clods and lumps of
earth exceeding 8 cm in any direction shall be broken or rem oved before the
excavated earth is used for filling. I n case of excavation trenches in
ordinary/ hard roc k, the filling up to a depth of 30 cm above the crown of
pipe, cable, conduits etc. shall be done with fine material like earth, moorum
or pulverized/ decomposed rock according to the availability at site. The
remaining filling shall be done with boulders of size not exceeding 15cm
mixed with fine material like decomposed rock, moorum or earth as available
to fill up the voids, watered, rammed and consolidated in layers not
exceeding 30 cm. Excavated material containing deleterious material, salt
peter earth etc. shall not be used for filling. Ramming s hall b e d one with
iron rammers where feasible and with blunt ends of crow bars where
rammers cannot be u sed. Special care shall be taken to ensure that no da
mage is caused to the pipes, Cables, Conduits etc. laid in the trenches.

10.7. Measurements
Trenches for pipes, cables, conduits etc. s hall be measured in running metre
correct to the nearest cm in stages of 1.5 m depth and described separately as
 Pipes, cables, conduits, etc. not exceeding 80 mm dia.
 Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding
300mm dia.
 Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 300 mm dia.

Where two or more categories of each work are involved due to different
classification of soil within the same stage of trench depth or w here the soil
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is soft loose or slushy requiring increase in the width of trench or s loping
sides or shoring, trenches for pipes, cables, conduits, etc. shall be measured in
cubic metres. Extra excavation, if any, on account of collar/ socket of pi pes s
hall neither be measured nor paid for separately.


When the depth of trench in soft/loose soil exceeds 2 metres, stepping, s
loping and/or planking and strutting of sides shall be done. In case of loose
and slushy soils, the depths at which these precautions are to be taken, shall
be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge according t o t he nature of soil.
Planking and strutting shall be ‘close’ or ‘open’ de pending on the nature o f s
oil and the depth of trench. The type of planking and strutting shall be
determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be the responsibility of the
contractor to take all necessary steps to prevent the sides of trenches from
collapse. Engineer-in-Charge should take guidance from IS: 3764 for
designing the shoring and strutting arrangements and specifying the profile
of excavation.

11.1. Close Planking and Strutting

Close planking and strutting s hall be done by completely covering the s ides
of the trench generally with short upright, members called ‘poling boards’.
These shall be 250x38 mm in section or as directed by the Engineer-in-

The boards shall generally be placed in position vertically in pairs. One

boards on either side of cutting. These shall be kept apart by horizontal
wallings of strong wood at a maximum spacing of 1. 2 metres cross strutted
with ballies, or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. The length and diameter
of the ballies strut shall depend upon the width of the trench. Typical sketch
of close timbering is given in

Where the soil is very soft and loose, the boards s hall be placed horizontally
against the sides of the excavation and supported by vertical ‘wallings’
which s hall be strutted to similar timber pieces on the opposite f ace of the
trench. The lowest boards supporting the s ides shall be taken in the g round
for a minimum depth of 75 mm. No portion of the vertical side of the trench
shall remain exposed.

Page 17 of 46
The withdrawal of the timber members shall be done very carefully to
prevent collapse of the trench. It shall be started at one end and proceeded
systematically to the other end. Concrete or masonry s hall not be dam aged
while re moving the planks. No claim s hall be entertained f or any timber
which cannot be withdrawn and is lost or buried, unless required by the
Engineer-in-Charge to be l eft permanently in position.

11.2. Open Planking and Strutting

In case of open planking and strutting, the entire surface of the side of the
trench is not required to be covered. The vertical boards 250 mm wide & 38
mm thick, shall be spaced sufficiency apart to leave unsupported strips of 50
cm average width. The detailed arrangement, sizes of the timber and the
distance apart shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. In
all other respect, specifications for close planking and strutting shall apply to
open planking and strutting. Typical sketch of open planking and strutting is
given in fig. 2.2.

11.3. Measurements
The dimensions shall be measured correct t o t he nearest c m and the area o f
the face supported shall be worked out in square metres correct to two places
of decimal.

Works shall be grouped according to the following:

 Depth not exceeding 1.5 m.
 Depth exceeding 1.5m in stages of 1.5 m.

Planking and strutting to the following shall be measured separately:

 Trenches.
 Areas- The description shall include use and waste of raking shores.
 Shafts, walls, cesspits, manholes and the like
 Where tightly driven close but jointed sheeting is necessary as in case
of running sheeting is necessary as in case of running sand the item
shall be measured separately and packing of cavities behind sheeting
with suitable materials included with the item.
 Planking and strutting required to be left permanently in position
shall be measured separately.


Page 18 of 46
Rates shall include use and waste of all necessary timber work as mentioned
above including fixing and subsequent removal.


All water that may accumulate in excavations during the progress of the
work from springs, tidal or river seepage, broken water mains or drains
(not due to the negligence of the contractor), and seepage from subsoil
aquifer shall be bailed, pumped out or otherwise removed. The contractor
shall take adequate measures for bailing and/or pumping out water from
excavations and/or pumping out water from excavations and construct di
version channels, bunds , sumps, coffer dams et c. as m ay be required. P
umping shall be done directly from the foundation trenches or from a
sump out side the excavation in such a manner as to preclude the possibility
of movement of water through an y fresh concrete or masonry and washing
away parts of concrete or mortar. During laying of concrete or masonry and
for a period of at least 24 hours t hereafter, pumping shall be done from a
suitable sump separated from concrete or masonry by effective means.

Capacity and number of p umps, location at which the pumps are to be

installed, pumping h ours etc. shall be decided from time to time in
consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge.

Pumping shall be done in such a way as not to cause damage to the work or
adjoining property by subsidence etc. Disposal of water shall not cause
inconvenience or nuisance in the area or cause damage to the property and
structure nearby.

To prevent slipping of s ides, planking and strutting may also be done with
the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

12.1. Classification
The earth work for various classification of soil shall be categorised as under:
 Work in or under water and/or liquid mud: Excavation, where water
is met with from any of the sources shall fall in this category. Steady

Page 19 of 46
water level in the trial pits before the commencement of bailing or
pumping operations shall be the sub-soil water level in that area.
 Work in or under foul position: Excavation, where sewage, sewage
gases or foul conditions are met with from any source, shall fall in this
category. Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge whether the work is in
foul position or not shall be final.
12.2. Measurements
The unit, namely, metre depth shall be the depth measured from the level of
foul position/ subsoil water level and up to the centre of gravity of the cross
sectional area of excavation actually done in the conditions classified in
Metre depth shall be reckoned correct to 0. 1 m, 0. 05 m o r m ore s hall be
taken as 0.1 m and less than 0.05 m ignored. The extra percentage rate is
applicable in respect of each item but the measurements shall be limited only
to the quantities of earth work actually executed.

In case earth work in or under foul position is also in or under water and/ or
liquid mud, extra payment shall be admissible only for the earth work
actually executed in or under foul position.

Pumping or bailing out water met within excavations from the sources where
envisaged and specifically ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge
shall be measured separately and paid. Quantity of water shall be recorded
in kilolitres correct to two places of decimal. This payment shall be in
addition t other payment under respective items of earthwork and shall be
admissible only when pumping or bailing out water has been specifically
ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing.

Planking and strutting or any other protection work done with the approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge to keep the trenches dry and/or to save the
foundations against damage by corrosion of rise in water levels shall be
measured and paid for separately.

Bailing or pumping out water, accumulated in excavation, due to rains is

included under respective items of earthwork and is not to be paid
The rates for respective items described above s hall include cost of all the
operations as may be applicable.

Page 20 of 46

Excavation shall be undertaken to the width of the Basement/Retaining wall

footing including necessary margins for construction operation as per
drawing or directed otherwise. Where the nature of soil or the depth of the
trench and season of the year, do not permit vertical s ides, the contractor at
his own expense shall put up the necessary shoring, strutting and planking
or cut slopes with or without steps, to a safer angle or both with due regard
to the safety of personnel and works and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Measurement of plan area of excavation for payment shall be per mitted

All the major excavation shall be carried out by mechanical excavator. No

extra payment shall be made for that.

The contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary arrangements for
maintaining water level, in the area where works are under execution low
enough so as not to cause any harm to the work shall be considered as
inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required, for which no extra
payment s hall be made. This will include water coming from any source,
such as rains, accumulated rain water, floods, leakages from sewer and water
mains, subsoil water table being high or due to any other cause whatsoever.
The contractor shall make necessary provision of pumping, edging bailing
out water coming from all above sources and excavation and other works s
hall be kept free of water by providing suitable system approved by the

Sub-soil water table at work site is reported to be about approx. 6. 5 m. below

the general ground level as observed in the month of April. The water level
is likely to rise up to 1 to 2 m. during rainy season. In order to avoid
possibility of basement floor of main building being getting
uplifted/damaged due to water pressure, the contractor s hall lower the
ground water t able below the proposed foundation level by boring tube
wells all around the proposed building using well point sinking method or
any suitable method as approved by Engineer-in-charge. Sub soil water
table shall be maintained at least 50 cm. below the P.C.C. level during laying
of P.C.C. waterproofing treatment, laying of basement raft and beams
including filling of earth/sand under the basement floor. The water table
shall not be allowed to rise above base of raft level until completion of outer

Page 21 of 46
retaining walls including water proofing of vertical surface of walls and back
filling along the walls up to ground level and until the structure attains such
height to counter balance the uplift pressure. However, the contractor
should inspect the site and make his ow n assessment about sub-soil water
level likely to be encountered at the time of execution and quote his rates
accordingly. Rate of all items are inclusive of pumping out or bailing water,
if required. Nothing extra on this account whatsoever shall be paid to him.
The sequence of construction shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-

The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic
during construction and provide, erect and maintain such barricades
including signs, markings, flags, lights and flagman, as necessary at either
end of the excavation/embankment and at such intermediate points as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge for the proper identification of
construction area. He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents
caused due to negligence on his part.

The contractor shall provide suitable barricading with suitably painted s

ingle row of G.I Sheets about 3’- 0” wide (90 cms) nailed or bolted with
wooden poles spaced 2 to 3 metre apart and each pole 1.6 m to 2 m long 8 cm.
to 10 cm. dia. The poles will be embedded in mobile iron pedestal rings
suitably framed for giving stable support as per direction of the Engineer-in-
charge. All management (including watch and ward) of barricades shall be
the full responsibility of the contractor. The barricades shall be removed only
after completion of the work or part of the work. The contractor’s rate shall
include all above items of work and nothing extra shall be paid to the
contractor over and above his quoted rates.


14.1. Earth
Normally excavated earth from same area shall be used for filling. Earth used
for filling shall be free from shrubs, rank, vegetation, grass, brushwood, stone
shingle and boulders (larger than 75m m in any direction), organic or any
other foreign matter. Earth containing deleterious materials, salt peter earth
etc. s hall not be used for filling. All clods and l umps of earth exceeding 8 cm
in any direction s hall be broken or removed before the earth is used for

Page 22 of 46
14.2. Filling
The space around the foundations and drains in trenches shall be cleared of
all debris, brick bat s etc. The filling s hall be done in layers not exceeding
20 c m in depth. E ach layer s hall be watered, rammed and consolidated.
Ramming shall be done with iron rammers where possible and with blunt
end of crow bars where rammers cannot be used. Special care shall be taken
to ensure that no damage is caused to the pipe s, d rains, masonry or concrete
in the trenches. In case of filling under floor, the finished level of filling shall
be kept to the slope intended to be given to the floor.

14.3. Measurements
Filling Side of Foundations: The cubical contents of bed concrete levelling
course and masonry/ concrete in foundations up to the ground level s hall be
worked out and the same deducted from the cubical contents of earthwork in
excavation f or foundations already measured under the respective item of
earth work to arrive at the quantity for filling sides of foundation. The
quantity shall be calculated correct to two places of decimal.

Filling in Plinth and under Floors: Depth of filling s hall be the consolidated
depth. The dimensions of filling shall be on the basis of pre-measurement
correct to the nearest cm and cubical content worked out in cubic metres
correct to two places of decimal.
14.4. Measurements
Length and breadth of the dressed ground shall be measured correct to the
nearest cm and the area worked out in square metres correct to two places of


This specification deals with earth work in excavation and filling.
Page 23 of 46
16.1. Ordinary Soil
16.1.1. Soft Soil/ Loose Soil
Generally any soil which yields to the ordinary
application of pick and shovel, or to phawra, rake or other
ordinary digging implements such as:

 Sand, gravel, loam, clay, mud, black

cotton soil
 Vegetables or organic soil, turf, peats, soft shale or
loose murrum
 Mud concrete below ground level
 Any mixture of soil mentioned
16.1.2. Hard/ Dense Soil
Generally any soil, which requires close application of picks or jumpers or
scarifies and rippers to loosen the same, such as:

 Stiff heavy clay, hard shale or compact murrum requiring grafting

tool and/ or pick and shovel
 Shingle and river or nallah bed
 Soling of roads, paths etc. and
hard core
 Macadam surface of any description (water bound,
grouted tarmac etc.)
 Lime concrete, stone masonry in lime or cement mortar
below ground level
 Soft conglomerate when the stone can be detached from the matrix
with picks and shovels

16.2. Soft Rock

This is fissured/ disintegrated rocky strata, boulders (volume more than
0.028 m' and less than
0.400 m) and also which cannot be quarried/ excavated by using above
manual tools but can
Page 24 of 46
be quarried/ excavated manually by using crow bars is classified as soft
rock. Soft rock shall
include all kinds of stiff and stratified rock, such as shales, thinly bedded
philites, laterite hard conglomerate, lime stone, sand stone and unreinforced
cement concrete below ground level. Soft rock may be quarried or split with
crow bar or picks and can also be excavated by rippers, dozers and other
mechanical equipment, but without the aid of blasting. If required and
permitted, light blasting may be restored to, for loosening the materials,
but this will not, in any way entitle the material to be classified as "Hard
16.3. Hard Rock
16.3.1. Hard Rock (Not Requiring Blasting)
This shall include all types of hard and compact rock, having closely spaced
fissures or joints, on account of which blasting is not considered necessary
and shall not be resorted unless permitted by the Engineer-in charge.
16.3.2. Hard Rock (Requiring General Blasting)
This shall include all types of hard and compact rock occurring in unfissured
masses or similar foundations, boulders (volume more than 0.4 m) for
excavation in which blasting is
considered necessary such as quartzite, granite, basalt stones, reinforced
cement concrete (reinforcement to be cut through but not separated from
concrete) below ground level and the like.
16.3.3. Hard Rock (Requiring Controlled Blasting (Explosive/ Non-
This type of excavation becomes necessary when excavation is done in
formations, mentioned in Clause 2.3.2, in the vicinity of existing
foundations/ structures. Mode of blasting shall be decided by Engineer-in-
Charge, keeping in view the sensitivity of structures.
16.3.4. Hard Rock (Blasting Prohibited)
Hard rock requiring blasting as described in clause 2.3.2 above, but where
blasting is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried
out by chiseling, wedging, pneumatic/ hydraulic/ electro-mechanical
breaking by using splitter or by chemical means or any other agreed

Page 25 of 46
The use of excavation shall not be considered as a reason for classification
under hard rock requiring blasting unless clearly found necessary in the
opinion of Engineer-in-Charge.
17.1. Suitable Materials:
 Back filling suitable material shall be approved by the Engineer-in-
charge. Additionally, they shall be free from refuse, large stones or
rocks or other material which might prevent proper compaction or
cause the compacted fill or embankment to perform inadequately or
to have insufficient stability or bearing capacity for the superimposed
loads to which it is likely to be subjected. Back filling of excavation in
trenches, foundations and elsewhere shall consist of one of the
following materials as shown on drawing, or directed by the Engineer-
 Soil
 Selected earth from heaps or brought from
borrow areas.
 In case i) or ii) are not available, the Engineer-in-charge may
approve use of any of the following:
 Stone/
 Sand
 The material shall be free from refuse, debris, roots, hard lumps and any
other foreign organic material.
17.2. Unsuitable Materials
Unsuitable material shall include particles in excess of 75 mm size and
that which is:

 Organic material, logs, stumps and

perishable materials.
 Material susceptible to spontaneous
 Materials with undefined
 Materials having a moisture content greater than the
maximum specified

Page 26 of 46
 Building rubble and domestic and industrial wastes Soils
and rock susceptible to deterioration/ change of their
 Clay, silt and other loose or soft soils not in accordance with
compaction criteria.
 Dredged material
 Material containing gypsum or other
soluble salts.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out
of the work in relation to original points, lines and levels of
reference and for the correctness of the levels, dimensions and
alignment of all parts of the work. If at any time during progress of
the work any error appears or arises in the position of level,
dimension, or alignment of part of the work, the Contractor at his
own expense shall rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The checking of any line or level by the
Engineer-in-Charge shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his
18.1. Tolerances
The grade shall be properly shaped to the required elevations and parallel
to the required surface. The elevation of any point and the line of any edge
or center of the earthworks shall conform to that shown on the drawings
within the tolerances stated below:
True Line Tolerances from True Level Tolerances from

Basic Grading -25mm -75mm

Embankments +75mm +75mm

-0mm -75mm

Page 27 of 46
 Excavation shall be carried out in any material met on the site to the
lines, levels and contours shown on the detailed drawings and the
Contractor shall remove all excavated materials to spoil heaps on site
or transport for use in filling on the site or stack them for reuse as
 Excavated material shall not be deposited within 1.5 m from the top
edge of the excavation.
 The sides of the excavation may be cut sloping, or shored and strutted
to hold the face of earth as per site requirements and as directed by the
Engineer-in- Charge.
 Foundation pits/ trenches shall not be excavated to the full depth
unless construction is imminent. The last 15 cm depth of the
excavation shall not be done until concreting work is imminent. The
full depth may at the discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge be
excavated and the bed covered with a 50 mm (minimum) thick (or
as indicated on drawing) layer of lean concrete I :5: IO mix (1
cement: 5 coarse sand: IO crushed stone aggregate) or as specified in
schedule of rates/ shown on drawing, after watering if required, and
consolidating the bed.
 If the bottom of any excavation has been left exposed by the
Contractor and in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, that has
become badly affected by the atmosphere or by water, then the
Contractor shall remove such portions of the deteriorated material
as the Engineer- in-Charge may direct and shall make good with lean
concrete I :5:10 mix (I cement: 5 coarse sand : l O crushed stone
aggregate). All expenses for such additional concrete and excavation
shall be borne by the Contractor.
 Where excavation is made in excess of the depth required, the
Contractor shall, at his own expense, fill upto required level with lean
concrete l :5: l O mix ( l cement : 5 coarse Sand : l 0 crushed stone
aggregates ) or as decided by Engineer-in-Charge.
 The Contractor shall provide suitable drainage arrangement to prevent
surface water from any source entering the foundation pits at his own
 The Contractor shall make all arrangements for dewatering during
excavation and subsequent works, the accumulated water from any
source (including subsoil water) in the excavated pits/trenches and
keeping the excavated pits/ trenches dry for subsequent works.

Page 28 of 46
 The Contractor shall make necessary arrangements for lighting,
fencing and other suitable measures for protection against risk of
accidents due to open excavation.
 Where the excavation is to be carried out below the foundation level
of an adjacent structure, the precaution to be taken such as under
pinning, shoring and strutting etc. shall be determined by the
Engineer- in-Charge. No excavation shall be done unless such
precautionary measures are carried out as per directions of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The payment for such precautionary measures
shall, however, be made separately.
 Loose or soft bed ground encountered in excavation at the
required depth shall on the Engineers-in-Charge's instructions be
excavated to a firm bed and difference made up to the required level
with lean concrete l :5: l O mix ( l cement : 5 coarse Sand : 10 crushed
stone aggregates).
 In those cases where during excavation, side slips occur for reasons
not attributable to the Contractor (e.g. side slips which take place on
their own but not due to surcharge of earth kept near the edge of
excavation and cracking of excavation top strata due to clay drying
out leading to collapse of excavation sides), the Engineer-in-Charge
shall admit payment at his discretion.5.13 Any obstacle
encountered during excavation shall be reported immediately
to the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be dealt with as instructed by
him. Removal of buried pipes or cables shall not be done without
prior permission of the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor shall
provide all measures to protect the same. Cost of such protective
measures are deemed to be included in the rates for various items of
 The Contractor shall not undertake any concreting in foundation until
the excavation pit/trench is approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
 The specification for earth work shall also apply to excavation in rock in
 In case of hard rock requiring blasting, the provisions mentioned
below shall be strictly followed.
 Blasting operations shall be carried out under the careful
supervision of a responsible authorised and licensed blaster of the
Contractor (referred subsequently as "blaster" only) during
specified hours, as approved in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The blaster shall be fully conversant with the rules of blasting.

Page 29 of 46
 Proper precautions for safety of persons shall be taken. Red flags
shall be prominently displayed around the area to be blasted and
all the people on the work except those who actually light the
fuses, shall withdraw to a safe distance of not less than 200 m from
the blast. Precautions as per Explosive Rules 2008 with amendment
shall be followed.
 Fuses
All fuses shall be cut to the lengths required before being inserted into
the holes. Joints in fuses shall be avoided. Where these are unavoidable, a
semicircular niche shall be cut in one piece of fuse about 2 cm. deep from
the end and the end of other piece inserted into this niche, and the two
pieces then wrapped together with a string. All joints exposed to dampness
shall be wrapped with rubber tape. Fuse and detonators shall be kept
separated from the explosives.
20. Blasting with Gun Powder
 Blasting shall normally be done with gun powder. Dynamite,
gelatine or any other high explosive shall only be used in special
cases with the written permission of the Engineer• in-Charge.
 In case of blasting with gun powder, the position of all bore holes to
be drilled shall be marked out in circles with white paint. The bore
holes shall be jumped or drilled in the rock face. The depth of bore
hole shall be about the same as that of the line of least resistance
and its size shall be such that the cartridges can easily pass down to
the bottom. The bore holes must be dried before being charged and
these shall be inspected by the Contractor's agent.
 Gun powder may be used in the form of pellet blasting cartridges
or as powder or granules. Cartridges are provided with tapered
central hole. One end of fuse is passed through the narrow end of
the hole and a sufficient length of the fuse is doubled back so that
when the fuse is pulled, it is held tight in the tapered hole of the
cartridge. Other cartridges are then inserted in the fuse to make up
the required charge. The cartridge along with the fuse is lowered
down in the bore hole, placed in position and gently filled and
pressed home with dry hay or turf. The rest of the bore shall then be
filled with dry clay, which shall be tamped with copper or brass rod
until it becomes compact. Care shall be taken to avoid any possibility
ofan air space around the fuse. The safety fuses shall be taken to
the required distance so as to allow the blasting to take place after
the person lighting the fuse has withdrawn to a safe distance.

Page 30 of 46
 Where hard rock is met with and blasting operations are considered
necessary, the Contractor shall intimate about the same to the Engineer-
in-Charge, and obtain his approval in writing for resorting to blasting
 The Contractor shall obtain license from the district authorities for
undertaking blasting work as well as for obtaining and storing the
explosive as per the Explosive Rules 2008, corrected upto date. He
shall purchase the explosives, fuses, detonators etc. only from a
licensed dealer. He shall be responsible for the safe custody and
proper accounting of the explosive materials. The Engineer-in-
Charge or his authorised representative shall have the access to
check the Contractor's store of explosive and his accounts.
 In case where explosives are required to be transported and stored
at site, relevant clauses of the Explosive Rules, 2008 as amended
subsequently, shall apply.
 The Contractor shall be responsible for any accident to workmen,
public or property, due to blasting operations.

20.1. Precautions
 Where gun powder is used in the fonn of powder or granules it shall
be introduced in the bore hole by means of funnel or copper tube. The
bore holes shall be loaded with two thirds of the quantity of charge
required, and safety fuse then directly introduced over the charge.
Remaining one third charge shall then be introduced, and gently filled
and pressed home with dry hay or turf. The rest of the bore hole shall
be filled with dry clay in the same way as for cartridges, and the
safety fuse taken to the required distance.

 The charges shall be fired by igniting the fuse. The number of

charges to be fired and the actual number of shots heard, shall be
compared, and the Contractor's blaster shall satisfy himself by
examination that all the charges have exploded, before workmen are
pennitted to approach the site. The charge which has not exploded,
shall not be permitted to be withdrawn. The tamping and charge shall
be flooded with water and the holes marked with a red cross (X) over it.
Another hole shall be jumped at a distance of about 45 cm from the
old hole and fired in the usual way. This operation shall be
continued, till the original and any subsequent unfired charges are
Page 31 of 46
20.2. Blasting with Dynamite or any other High Explosive

In case of blasting with dynamite or any other high explosive the position of
all bore holes to be drilled shall be marked out in circle with white paint.
These shall be inspected by the Contractor's blaster. Bore holes shall be of a
size that the cartridge can easily pass down. After the drilling operation, the
blaster shall re-inspect the holes to see that the holes marked out by him have
been drilled. The Blaster shall then prepare all charges necessary for the bore
holes. The bore holes shall be thoroughly cleaned before a cartridge is
inserted. Wooden tamping rods (not pointed but cylindrical throughout) shall
be used, in charging holes. Metal rods shall never be used for tamping. One
cartridge shall be first placed in the bore hole, gently pressed and not
rammed down. Other cartridges shall then be added as may be required to
make up the necessary charge for the bore hole. The top most cartridge shall
be connected to the detonator which shall in turn be connected to the safety
fuse of required length.

The maximum of eight (8) bore holes shall be loaded and fired on each
occasion. The charges shall be fired successively and not simultaneously.

Immediately before firing a blast, due warning shall be given and the blaster
shall see that all persons have retired to a place of safety. The safety fuses of
the charged holes shall be ignited in the presence of the blaster, who shall see
that all the fuses are properly ignited.
Careful count shall be kept by him and others of each blast as it explodes.
After the blast the blaster shall inspect the work and ascertain that all the
charged holes have been exploded. In case of misfired holes, the Blaster
shall inspect the same after half an hour and mark red crosses (X) over the
holes. During this interval of half an hour, no body shall approach the
misfired holes. None of the drillers shall work near such holes, until one of
the two following operations has been done by the blaster.

a) Either the Contractor's blaster shall very carefully (when the tamping is
of damp clay) extract the tamping with a wooden scraper and withdraw the
fuse, primer and detonator, after which a fresh detonator, primer and fuse
shall be placed in the misfired holes and fired. OR
Page 32 of 46
b) The hole shall be cleaned for 30 cm of tamping and its direction
ascertained by placing a stick in the hole. Another hole shall then be drilled
15 cm away and parallel to it. This hole shall be charged and fired. The
misfired hole should also explode along with the new one.
Before leaving the work, the blaster of one shift shall inform another blaster
relieving him for the next shift, of any cases of misfire, and shall point
out their positions denoted by red crosses and also state the action, if any,
to be taken in the matter.

The Engineer-in-Charge shall also be informed by the blaster of all cases

of misfire, their causes and steps taken in that connection.

20.3. Controlled Blasting (Explosive/ Non-explosive)

 Whenever required by the Engineer-in-Charge, rock blasting shall be
carefully controlled so that vibrations generated during the blasting
do not cause damage to the buildings and installation around.
Similarly, the rock pieces should not fly off and endanger the
buildings and installations around. Apart from the general precautions
mentioned in the preceding paragraphs, following protective
measures and limits for use of explosive are suggested as
guidelines. Bidders are requested to carefully check the site
conditions and submit details of the scheme they propose to adopt for
controlling the blast.
 Following protective measures shall be adopted while carrying

out blasting operations. The hole shall be covered with mild

steel plate of minimum 12 mm thickness.

 Reinforcement rod mesh not less than 20 mm dia. at 150 mm centre in

both directions shall be placed over the steel plates.
 Steel plate and reinforcement shall be inspected after every blasting
operation and all twists shall be removed before reuse to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

 Sand filled bags of 6 to 8 layers shall be placed over the mesh

suitably covering the whole region under blasting operation.

Page 33 of 46
 The thickness of covering plate and the kind of dead weight is to
be duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

 Hard rock requiring blasting as described under Clause 2.3 .2

above, but where blasting is prohibited for any reason(s), breaking
up of rock can be done by using Splitter and/or chemical
substances of approved manufacturer mixed in an appropriate
proportion. The method involves drilling holes into rock and then
inserting Splitter (hydraulic/ pneumatic/ electro-mechanical) or
injecting Chemical solvents into the holes. The breaking-up of rock
takes place in a controlled fashion without much noise and spark.
Any other method as agreed with Engineer-in-Charge may also be

 Excavation in areas where existing under ground cables are

envisaged, to be carried out carefully by manual means taking
proper safety precautions.

 The earth work machinery be deployed after ensuring from the

trial pits that no cable is crossing the proposed area of excavation.

20.4. Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only)

The payment clause shall be operated only if the earthwork is to be measured
separately as per relevant tender item.
 Payment for earth work in excavation shall be made on cubic
meter (m') basis on the measurement of volume of pit/ trench of
excavation with working space as per relevant Indian Standards (IS:
1200) and slopes/ steppings as permitted by the Engineer-in-
Charge. The rate shall include cost of all the operations of blasting
with explosives & accessories, making of allarrangements for
dewatering the accumulated water from any source in the excavated
pit or trench, removal and disposal of surplus excavated soil
within a lead of 100 m from construction areas. The rate shall also
include setting out and line out work required for the excavation.

Page 34 of 46
 The following works shall not be measured separately and
allowance for the same shall be deemed to have been made in the
description of main item:
 Setting out works, profiles,
 Site clearance, such as cleaning grass and
 Unauthorized battering or benching of
 Forming (or leaving 'dead men' or 'tell-tales' in borrow pits and their
removal after measurements;
 Forming (or leaving) steps in sides of deep excavation and
their removal after measurements;
 Excavation for insertion of planking and
 Unless otherwise specified, removing slips or falls in
 Bailing out or pumping ofwater in excavation
from rains;
 Bailing out or pumping of water in excavation from sub-
soil water, and j) Slinging or supporting pipes, electric
cables, etc, met during excavation.
 Special pumping other than what is included in 5.18.3 (h and i) and
well point dewatering where resorted to, shall each be measured
separately, unless otherwise stated, in Kilo Watt Hour against
separate specific provision(s) made for the purpose.
 The Contractor shall intimate to the Engineer-in-Charge as soon as
different classification of soils are met with. The measurements of
various soil classifications then shall be worked out by either of the
following alternatives in the order oftheir decreasing importance.
 Joint levels shall be taken as to the levels of different soil
classifications and volume worked out on the basis oflevels only.
 Where levels of different strata cannot be clearly marked and
defined, the Contractor shall stack different soils of various
classifications separately for measurement purpose and then dispose
it off.

 Ifthe quantum of work involved in

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 above is extensively large & time consuming, then the total area may
be divided into various zones and reasonably representative samples
as in
 above may be taken and quantities of soils of various classifications
finalized for the entire zone based on the representative.
 If soil of any classification other than that specified in the Schedule
of Rates is met with during excavation, the decision of the Engineer-
in-Charge as to the classification of soil, levels ofthe strata of
different classifications and their location shall be binding.
 In above case, the total quantity of excavation shall be computed
from the measurement of the pit/ trench excavated. The hard rock
and soft rock shall be measured separately from the relevant stacks
and each shall be reduced by fifty percent for voids, and paid under
the relevant items. The balance, that is the total quantity of
excavation minus the reduced (for voids) quantity of excavation for
rocks shall be paid as soft/ hard soil as per the direction of the
Engineer-in-Charge (However, the maximum payment shall be
limited to the volume of the excavated pit/ trench as approved by


 The shoring and strutting of the sides to withhold the face of

excavation pits/trenches shall be done when approved or directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.

 The shoring shall be of close or open timbering type or by Sheet

Piling, Soldier Piling, etc. depending upon the site requirements
and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge whose decision shall
be final and binding as to the type of shoring to be used.

 The arrangement of the shoring and strutting shall be sound and safe
and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before
installation. The approval shall not absolve the Contractor of his
responsibilities of safety and any other requirements of the contract.

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 The shoring and strutting shall be kept in position till all the
relevant work in the excavated area is completed and approved. It
shall be dismantled and removed only after the permission to do so
is obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

21.1. Sheet Piling

The contractor shall design, supply and install hot rolled steel sheet
piles including all associated structural steel members viz. waler &
runner beams, strut, cross ties, vertical members, guide frames, suitable
interlocks, suitable comer sections, splicing & cutting of sheet piling.
The contractor shall also apply recommended sealant for complete
water tightness (as required) and ensure pre-drilling for installation into
bedrock (as necessary), etc. as per site conditions.
The contractor shall mobilize/ demobilize all necessary tools & tackles,
hammer (vibratory/ impact), crane(s) etc., shifting plant/ machinery and
carryout all ancillary works (as required) and ensure subsequent removal
of entire arrangement after completion of works.

21.2. Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only)

Payment for shoring and strutting by close and open timbering shall be
made on square meter (m) basis as separate items. In both the cases, the
measurement shall be done on the basis of the surface area of the sides of
the excavation actually shored and strutted.

The rate shall include all labour, materials, erection of the poling boards,
wales, struts, ballies etc., fixing and keeping the same in position as
required, dismantling and removing the same after the work is over as

Payment for shoring and strutting by sheet piling shall be made on the basis
of shoring area of sheet pile exposed after complete excavation.

The rate shall include all labour, design, supply and installation of hot
rolled steel sheet piles including all associated structural steel members,
Page 37 of 46
application of recommended sealant, pre• drilling for installation into
bedrock etc., mobilization/ demobilization of all necessary tools & tackles,
hammer, crane(s) etc., shifting plant/ machinery & all ancillary works,
fixing and keeping the sheet piling in position, dismantling and removing
the same after the work is over, etc. all complete as directed by the

No extra payment shall be made for cost of extraction and replacement for
installing of sheet pile deviating the specification or rejected by Engineer-
in-charge. Extracted sheet piles shall be contractor's property and
contractor shall remove the same from site without any extra cost to client.
 Back filling around completed foundations, structures, trenches and
in plinth shall be done to the lines and levels shown on the drawings
including any trimming of the surfaces, as may be necessary. This
shall be done with selected and approved earth from excavation or
otherwise with suitable materials described under Clause 3.1 as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where sufficient suitable
material is not available from the excavation, the Engineer-
in-Charge may direct to import suitable earth from other sources. The
filling shall be done in layers of thickness not exceeding I5 cm
with watering, rolling and ramming by manual methods/
mechanical compactors to grade and level as shown on drawings to
obtain 90% laboratory maximum dry density.
 The Contractor shall not commence filling in and around any work
until it has been permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge.
 Backfilling around liquid retaining structures and pipes shall be
done only after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge is obtained.

22.2. Payment (applicable for item rate tenders only)

Payment for backfilling with earth shall be based on volume in cubic

meters (m) of consolidated fill. This volume shall be derived from the
difference between the volume of excavation and the structure or trenches
as the case may be. The rate shall include cost of extracting suitable
approved earth from available excavated soil from spoil heaps within a lead
of I 00 m, placing, watering, rolling, ramming compacting in layers,
Page 38 of 46
trimming and dressing finished surface and disposal of surplus material
upto a lead of I 00 m.

However, backfilling done with materials other than earth shall be paid
separately under relevant items.


 Surplus earth and soil from excavation shall be removed from

construction area to the area demarcated by the Engineer-in-Charge.
 Payment shall be made only for the lead beyond initial 100 m from
construction area Rate shall include re-excavation, loading,
transportation, dumping, stacking or spreading (as per directions of
the Engineer-in-Charge) the surplus earth and the soil in the area
demarcated by the Engineer-in-Charge. Payment shall be made on
cubic metre (m) basis on the difference of measurements of the
volume of the excavated pits and the measurement of the back
filling. Quantity generated due to voids in back filled volume of earth
shall also be removed by the Contractor at no extra cost and this
disposal of earth shall not be measured and paid under any item.
 In exceptional circumstances the Engineer-in-Charge may direct the
Contractor to remove surplus earth, concrete debris or any other
waste material from site to the areas of disposal on the basis of truck
measurement. In such cases volume of material shall be calculated
on the basis of truck volume reduced by 30% for voids in case of
soft/hard soils and 50% for soft/ hard rock. All other provisions of
disposal such as spreading, levelling, grading shall apply in this case


 The Contractor shall protect alt active utility lines shown on the
drawings or encountered during the excavation. If he damages those lines,
the Contractor shall repair or replace them. If existing utilities interfere
with his work, the Contractor shall inform to the Engineer-in-charge and
secure written instructions for further action.

Page 39 of 46
 The Contractor shall barricade open holes and depressions which he creates
or exposes as part of this, and he shall post warning signs and lights on
property adjacent to or with public access. He shall operate warning
lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise
required for safety.

 The Contractor shall protect structures, utilities, pavements, and other

facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, washout,
and other hazards created by his operations.

 The Contractor shall plan and execute all aspects of the earthwork so
that the safety of personnel, the work and adjacent property is
guaranteed and such that a minimum of inconvenience is caused.


 Upon completion of work. the Contractor shall leave the project site
clear of debris and surplus materials off plant limits in a manner meeting
all location authority requirements.


 The CONTRACTOR shall obtain license from the District authorities for
undertaking blasting work as well as for obtaining and storing the
explosive as per Explosive Rules1940, corrected/amended up to date.
He shall purchase the Explosives, fuses, detonatorsetc. only from a
licensed dealer. He shall be responsible for the safe custody and proper
accounting of the explosive materials. The Engineer-in-Charge and his
authorized representative shall have the access to check the
CONTRACTOR's store of explosives and his accounts. In case where the
explosive are required to be transported and stored at site, relevant
clauses of the Explosive rules 1940 as amended subsequently shall apply.
The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for any accident to workman,
public or property, due to blasting operations. Bidder at their own cost
shall obtain license/statutory approval from all concerned agencies for
use of explosives for blasting for the purpose of drill and blast of
cavern rock, surface excavation etc. The license/statutory approval
obtained shall be for round the clock blasting operation/24 hrs blasting.
Land for storage of bulk explosives shall be arranged by the bidder
at their own cost outside the plant premises and explosives shall be
transported to site as and when blasting is scheduled, necessary safety
regulations laid down by statutory authorities for storage of explosives
will be complied by the Bidder. Disposal/de-energizing of the un-
Page 40 of 46
detonated/partially detonated explosive if any shall be carried out in a
safe area designated by Owner inside the plant. If safe area is not
available inside the plant bidder at his own cost shall dispose/de-
energize the explosive at a safe location.
26.1. Excavation

 The Contractor shall obtain permission from competent authorities

prior to excavation wherever required.

 The Contractor shall locate the position of buried utilities (water line,
cable route, etc.) by referring to project / plant drawing / in
consultation with EIL/Owner. The Contractor shall start digging
manually to locate the exact position of buried utilities & thereafter use
mechanical means.

 In case of non-availability of sufficient data/drawings, underground

services i.e.underground cable/ pipe shall be checked by cable
detector/pipe locator by the contractor.

 The Contractor shall keep soil heaps at least 1.5 M away from edge or
a distance equal to depth of pit (whichever is more)

 All excavated pits greater than 10 Sq.M plan area and depth more than
1.5M shall have at least two access routes for ingress and egress. Also,
additional access routes shall be provided such that distance between
any two access routes shall not be more than 20M.

 The Contractor shall maintain sufficient “angle of repose” during

excavation – shall also provide slope or suitable bench as decided by
EIL / Owner.

 The Contractor shall arrange “battering” or “benching” wherever

required for preventing

 collapse of edge
of excavations.
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 Avoid vertical wall of less than 2mtrs between two adjacent deep
excavated pit/area. Further deep excavation should not be kept open
for a longer duration.

 The Contractor shall identify & arrange de-watering pump or well-

point system to prevent earth collapse due to heavy rain / influx of
underground water.

 The Contractor shall arrange protective fencing/hardbarricading with

warning signal around excavated pits, trenches, etc. along with
minimum 2 (two) entries, exits / escape ladders. The Contractor must
avoid “underpinning” / under-cutting to prevent collapse of chunk of
earth during excavation.

 The Contractor shall use “stoppers” to prevent over-run of vehicle

wheels at the edge of excavated pits / trenches. Vehicles
movement should be restricted to minimum three meters away from
the excavated pit.

 The Contractor shall arrange strengthening of “shoring” & “strutting”

proactively to avoid collapse of earth / edges due to vehicular
movement in close proximity of excavated areas / pits/ trenches, etc.

26.2. Tool Box Talks (TBT)

 Contractor shall conduct daily TBT with workers prior to
start of work and shall maintain proper record of the
meeting. A suggested format is given below. The Job specific
TBT is to be conducted by the immediate supervisor of the

 The Contractor shall conduct TBT before start of every

morning or evening shift or night shift activities, for alerting
the workers on specific hazards and their appropriate dos &
don’ts. The Contractor shall provide sufficient rests to the

Page 42 of 46
site workmen and their foremen to avert fatigue & thereby
endangering their lives during the course of site works.


27.1. Excavation
 Plant, machinery and equipments for excavation shall be selected
and deployed to provide optimum mechanization in excavation of
trenches and pits. The selection for excavation and earth movement
machinery etc. shall take into account type of materials to be
excavated, method of excavation, prevailing weather conditions and
type of transport to be used.
 The excavation of area of cut shall be so timed that the bottom level
is not exposed to the deteriorating influence of the weather for longer
 Excavation and earth moving equipment shall be deployed such
that minimum damage is caused to the natural sub-soil structure of
exposed formations.
 The monitoring of soil deformations, ground water levels
during and possibly after construction work shall be taken into
 In the event, when excavation works are carried out in the vicinity
of structures of any importance, the above monitoring shall be
carried out within a distance, from the edge of the excavation of 5 to
I5 times the excavation depth, depending upon the subsoil conditions
and the stability of the neighboring structures.
 Trenching work shall be carried out in all classes of soil including
soft rock and excluding hard rock and shall be for all depths.
 The trench shall be cut true to the line and level as per drawings.
 If the trench is excavated below the required level than that indicated
in the drawing, the extra depth shall be filled with concrete l :5: l O or
approved equivalent materials, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge,
at no extra cost to the owner.
 In case of pressure piping, the trench shall be excavated generally as
to provide a cover of l 000 mm or dia of pipe whichever is more. In
case of gravity sewers/ pipes, the trench shall be excavated to
conform to invert levels as per drawings. However in certain cases,
the pipes may run at shallower levels or at deeper levels depending
upon drawing, site condition etc.
Page 43 of 46
 No rebate for lesser excavations, nor extra payment due to deeper
excavations, shall be admissible in those cases where pipeline laying
rates are inclusive of earthwork items. The rates quoted shall be
deemed to cover all works connected with trenching, whether
trenches are with single pipeline or have multiple pipelines in common
trenches including road cutting and making good the same.

 The width of the trench shall be sufficient to give free working

space of personnel, equipment, supports and ancillaries on each side
of the pipe. The free working space shall conform to IS: 783.
Generally it shall not be less than 150 mm on either side or 1/3 dia
of outer diameter of the pipe, whichever is greater.
 When pipelines are running parallel, whether the trenching shall be
individual or common, shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge
and such decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. No
extra shall be payable for common excavations.
 All earthwork involved in excavations of all types of manholes,
catch pits, valve chambers, inspection chambers, chambers for
instrumentation tapping etc., which are coming on the alignment of
U/G piping or as defined by drawing as a part of U/G piping work,
shall be paid extra under Earth work in excavation, back filling and
removal of surplus earth etc. under relevant clauses of the SOR.
 Aspects such as variations in the soil conditions and the geological
structure, depth of excavation, the existence of ground water and
surface water, the type and extent of excavation, the topography
of site, the proximity of items such as roads, buildings and buried
services, construction traffic and activities near the excavation eg.
Stock piling shall be taken into account when determining whether
the sides of excavation should be free standing, sloping or
temporary supported.
 Suitable drainage and/ or dewatering system like Well Point method
I Bore well method etc. shall be provided to prevent or limit ingress of
surface or sub surface water into excavation.
 Serviceable materials intended for reuse should be used as soon as
possible after excavation otherwise they should be stock piled at a
location beyond I .Sm from the top edge of the excavation or beyond
a distance equal to the depth of the excavation whichever is higher at
a location approved by the Engineer-in-charge. If excavated
serviceable material is not possible to be stacked within the limits
specified above, due to some constraint, it shall be stacked away at a
Page 44 of 46
location approved by Engineer-in-Charge and paid separately under
relevant item.

 Areas used for temporary stockpiling of excavated material shall be

kept clean and orderly, with excavated material kept by the side of
road to avoid traffic movement. Excavated areas shall be restored to
their original condition before completion of works.
 All types of shoring and strutting, wherever necessary, shall be
adopted to with hold the face of earth or cutting in slope, as per site
requirements and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Supports shall be
maintained such that the integrity of the sides of the excavation is
not impaired.
 Any obstacle encountered during excavation shall be reported
immediately to the Engineer in-Charge and shall be dealt with as
 The contractor shall maintain all excavated trenches and pits, in a dry
and trim condition.
 Necessary barricading and protection of slopes against slips due to
traffic movement shall be provided to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-
Charge. Necessary warning flags and lights shall be provided to
caution traffic in the areas where trenches and/ or pits are provided.
 In case of road cutting, all road material i.e. metal etc., shall be taken
out carefully and kept separately for reuse and road work shall be
redone up to the original level, as it was prior to cutting the road, with
the excavated road materials after laying and testing of the pipeline,
within IO days from the date of starting this work, at the cost of the
contractor. The contractor shall provide suitable warning signs and
barricades to prevent accidents.
 Contractor shall also provide reasonable bye pass at his own cost when
a road is cut for laying pipeline. Tankage dykes cut due to laying of
the pipes, shall be redone conforming to the original specifications,
by the Contractor at his own cost. Secondary dykes, to take care of
any eventuality during construction, shall be provided by the
Contractor at his own cost.
 Dewatering shall be done in advance of the installation of the
pipe to allow adequate inspection of padding of the bottom, if
required. Dewatering shall be continued throughout during
installation and backfilling.

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 The trench shall follow the gradient of pipeline as specified in the
drawing. The contractor shall keep the trench in good condition, until
the pipe is laid and tested. No extra claim shall be entertained due to
its caving or setting down, either before or after the pipe is laid.

 In case, pipe is lowered in caved trench and backfilled before

being inspected by the Engineer-in-Charge, the Contractor shall re-
excavate the trench for inspection and backfill it at his own cost.

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