What Is A 'Sensitivity Analysis'

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Sensitivity analysis example

John is in charge of sales for HOLIDAY CO that sells Christmas decorations at a

shopping mall. John knows that the holiday season is approaching and that
the mall will be crowded. He wants to find out whether an increase in
customer traffic at the mall will raise the total sales revenue of HOLIDAY CO
and if so, by how much.

The average price of a packet of Christmas decorations is $20 and during the
previous year’s holiday season, HOLIDAY CO sold 500 packs of Christmas
decorations, resulting in total sales worth $10,000.

After carrying out a Financial Sensitivity Analysis, John determines that a 10%
increase in customer traffic at the mall results in a 7% increase in the number
of sales.

Using this information, John can predict how much money company XYZ will
generate if customer traffic increases by 20%, 40%, or 100%.

Based on John’s Financial Sensitivity Analysis, these will result in an increase in

revenue by 14%, 28%, and 70% respectively.

Sensitivity Analysis
What is a 'Sensitivity Analysis'
A sensitivity analysis determines how different values of an independent variable impact
a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions. This technique is
used within specific boundaries that depend on one or more input variables, such as the
effect that changes in interest rates (independent variable) have on bond prices
(dependent variable).

Read more: Sensitivity Analysis Definition |

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What are sensitivity analysis best practices?

#1 Layout in Excel

Layout, structure, and planning are all important for good sensitivity analysis
in Excel.  If a model is not well organized both the creator and users of the
model will be confused and the analysis will be prone to error.

The most important points to keep in mind for layout in Excel include:

 Place all assumptions in one area of the model

 Format all assumptions/inputs in a unique font color so they are easy to
 Think carefully about what to test – only the most important
 Understand the relationship (correlation) between dependent and
independent variables (linear, nonlinear?)
 Create charts and graphs that allow users to visualize the data
 Create a separate area for the analysis using grouping (see example


#2 Direct versus indirect methods

The direct method involves substituting different numbers into an

assumption in a model.

For example, if the revenue growth assumption in a model is 10% year over
year (YoY), then the revenue formula is = (last year revenue) x (1 + 10%). In the
direct approach, we substitute different numbers to replace the growth rate,
like 0%, 5%, 15%, and 20% and see what the resulting revenue dollars are.

The indirect method (as shown below) inserts a percent change into formulas

in the model, instead of directly changing the value of an assumption.
With the same example as above, if the revenue growth assumption in a
model is 10% year over year (YoY), then the revenue formula is = (last year
revenue) x (1 + 10%).  Instead of changing 10% to some other number, we can
change the formula to be = (last year revenue) x (1 + (10% + X)). Where X is a
value contained down in the sensitivity analysis area of the model.

To learn how to do this step by step launch our sensitivity analysis

course now!

#3 Tables, charts, and graphs

Sensitivity analysis can be challenging to comprehend even by the most

informed and technically savvy finance professionals, so it’s important to be
able to express the results in a manner that’s easy to follow.

Data tables are a great way of showing the impact on a dependent variable

by changing up to two independent variables.  Below is an example of a data
table that clearly shows the impact of changes in revenue growth
and EV/EBITDA multiple on a company’s share price.

Tornado Charts can be a great way of showing the impact of changes to
many variables at once.  They are called Tornado Charts because they are
sorted from the most impactful to least impactful in a way that shapes the
chart like a tornado cone.  To learn how to build these charts, launch
our sensitivity analysis in Excel course now!

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