Suturing Procedures Guidance: School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing

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School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing

Suturing Procedures

Suturing - Contents

Content Page No.

Introduction 4

Criteria for undertaking programme 4

Learning Outcomes 6

Practitioners’ Role in Suturing 7

Anatomy & Physiology of the skin 8

The healing process 10

Types of Wounds 12

Wound management & suturing 13

Suture Material & Needles 15

Tissue Adhesive 21

Infection Control 22

Pharmacology 24

Procedural Guidelines (general) 26

Advice to patients post-suturing 35

Guidelines for Good practice 37

Theoretical Assessment 38

Record of Supervised practice 40

Record of Completion of Programme 41

Practitioner’s Evaluation Questionnaire 42

References & Bibliography 44

Authors, Contributors & Reviewers 46

Appendix A (suturing check list) 47

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the clinical skills programme, the Registered Practitioner will be able to:

1) Discuss the role of the practitioner in suturing, in relation to:

a) Medico - legal aspects

b) Scope of Professional Practice
c) Risk management
d) Explaining the criteria enabling registered practitioners to suture

2) Assess the condition of the wound for suturing by:

a) Describing the normal anatomy of the wound.

b) Critically analysing factors which may delay healing.

3) Plan the suturing by:

a) Selecting the appropriate wound closure material.

b) Identifying infection risk factors and critically analysing interventions to reduce the
potential for infection.
c) Explaining the risk associated with local anaesthesia.

4) Implement the suturing by:

a) Demonstrating correct injection of local anaesthetic.

b) Demonstrating safe suturing technique.
c) Disposing of equipment appropriately.

5) Evaluate suturing by:

a) Analysing any difficulties, which may have occurred.

b) Discussing the risks associated with suturing.
c) Discuss how the identified risks can be minimised.

The Practitioner's role in suturing

Health care practitioners have become increasingly autonomous in anticipating and responding
to individual patient needs in the context of changing health care.

Practitioners need to consider methods of addressing needs in an innovative, flexible way but
must first consider the implications of acquiring, developing and maintaining new skills.

When developing new skills, it is not the activity that is the issue, but the context in which it is
undertaken that is important. Integral to this is accountability, which encompasses responsibility,
autonomy and authority.

Anatomy and physiology of the skin

Refer to an anatomy textbook and label this diagram of the skin.



This is composed of keratinised, stratified, squamous epithelium which varies in thickness in

different parts of the body, for example it is thick and heavily keratinised over the palms of the
hands and the soles of the feet. There are no blood vessels or nerve endings in the epidermis. It
consists of 5 layers of cells. The deeper layers contain interstitial fluid, which is drained away as
lymph. Damage repair occurs via the germinal cell layer at the base of the epidermis. Repaired
epidermis has normal cell structure and function.


This is the living part of the skin and is the only area that bleeds when cut. It is composed of
bundles of collagen which give it tensile strength, elastic which gives skin its elastic recoil and a
gel matrix in which the collagen bundles, tissue cells, blood vessels and nerves are embedded.
The following structures are contained within the dermis:

• Blood vessels

• Lymph vessels
• Sensory nerve endings
• Sweat glands and their ducts
• Hairs and their roots and follicles
• Sebaceous glands
• Arrectores pilorum.

Repair to the dermis requires granulation. Hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands do not
regenerate when granulation occurs. The nerve supply to the wounded area is also damaged.
The scar tissue that forms is therefore dry in nature and less sensitive to further injury.

Principle functions of the skin

1. Protection
It provides a barrier against aqueous, chemical or mechanical injury, viral or bacterial
invasion and environmental irradiation’s.

2. Thermoregulation
It does this by utilising the circulatory system and by sweating (2.43 joules of body heat
are lost for each programme of sweat evaporated from the body surface).

3. Sensation
It contains nerve receptors which are sensitive to the stimuli of pain, temperature,
pressure and touch.

4. Metabolisation
The biosynthesis of Vitamin D takes place in the skin and this is important for bone
structure and formation.

5. Communication
Scarring from damage to the skin can result in altered body image. This in
turn may alter the methods a person uses to communicate in order to compensate for
this change.(Benbow, 1995)

The Four Stages of the Healing Process

The same basic biochemical and cellular processes are involved in the healing of all soft tissue
injuries, whether they are chronic ulcerative wounds (leg ulcers, pressure sores), traumatic
wounds (lacerations, skin flaps, abrasions, burns) or surgical wounds. Each phase can overlap
and merge with the next.

Stage One:
• Inflammatory Stage
This stage begins within a few minutes of wounding occurring and lasts approximately 3 days in
a clean wound. This stage may be prolonged in an infected or necrotic wound.

Redness, swelling and local heat are all signs of the inflammatory stage but do not indicate the
presence of infection unless there are other clinical signs, e.g. pyrexia, excessive pain at the
site, odour, hardness of the surrounding tissue that may suggest a collection of pus under the
skin, or a yellow/green discharge from the wound.

Coagulation factors are activated and clot formation begins. Platelets at the wound site release
growth factors which attract the cells and chemicals necessary for wound healing. Damaged
cells release histamine which causes the surrounding capillaries to dilate and increase their
blood flow, hence the local swelling and heat.

Stage Two:
• Destructive Stage
This lasts from 2 to 5 days. There is huge cellular activity and enzymatic breakdown of
unwanted fibrin and dead cells. This activity by the white cells can be compromised in dry,
exposed wounds. Osmolarity to the areas is increased and water is thus attracted to the area
causing swelling. The debris produced is often mistaken for 'slough' and the wound treated as if

The two stages below are sometimes combined to become the 'regenerative phase'.

Stage Three:
• Proliferative Stage
Can last from 3 to 24 days. Strands of collagen are produced at this stage to rebuild the
damaged tissue (GRANULATION). Without vitamin C collagen synthesis is thought to be

Stage Four:
• Maturation Stage
May last from 24 days to 1 year. During this stage there is progressive decrease in the
vascularity of the scar. The skin tissue changes to pale, white scar tissue as this occurs. The
wound gains strength at this stage.
(Collier, 1996).

Healing by Primary Secondary and Tertiary Intention

1. Primary Intention:
The wound margins are very close together. Epithelialisation and the laying down of
collagen fibres takes place quickly due to this marrying of the wound edges.
Surgical incisions or clean, sutured trauma wounds heal in this fashion.

2. Secondary Intention:
The wound margins are not joined and granulation is needed to heal from the base of the
wound. More collagen is required to form new tissue and epithelialisation takes longer as
the cells have a greater distance to migrate over the wound surface. Leg ulcers and
pressure sores heal in this manner. (Emmet, 1992, Hollingsworth, 1994)

3. Tertiary Intention:
Occurs when a wound, which breaks down, is resutured at a later date, bringing two
opposing granulating surfaces together. This results in a deeper and more pronounced scar,
e.g. surgical debridement.

(Collier, 1996)

The Healing Environment

• Moisture:
A dressing that creates a moist healing environment may accelerate healing by up to 40%.
(Collier, 1996)

• Removal of Dead Tissue and Exudate

The presence of necrotic tissue, excess exudate and slough will delay wound healing. Excess
exudate will saturate the wound and cause maceration at the wound edges where
epithelialisation should be taking place. Hydrocolloids are good at debriding dirty wounds of this

• Wound Protection
There is a need to avoid any leakage that will link the wound with the outside environment and
lead to infection. The dressing also needs to be non-adherent to prevent damage to the wound
surface. The majority of occlusive dressings achieve good wound protection, but paraffin gauze
may remove granulation tissue when changed.

• Acidity
This is an area that the literature suggests requires further research. It has been put forward
that acidity improves the oxygenation of the wound and a less alkaline environment helps to
prevent infection. (Thomas, 1990). Hydrocolloids provide a healing environment of 5.6 - 6.7 pH.

• Oxygenation
Obviously a vital element in wound healing. The formation of new blood vessels takes place
more rapidly in a hypoxic environment, such as that provided by a hydrocolloid. The epidermis
repairs more effectively in an oxygen-rich environment, such as that provided by semi-
permeable film dressings.

• Temperature
The ideal wound interface temperature is 37c. Mitotic activity slows down when
wound temperature falls and takes 3 hours to return to normal, (Miller & Dyson 1997)

Types of wounds

Sheehy (1992) describes six types of wound:

a) Abrasions:
Commonly referred to as “brush burn” and caused by skin rubbing on hard surfaces, the
friction removes epithelial cells and possibly dermal. Healing is by secondary intention.

b) Abscess:
A cavity containing pus and surrounded by inflamed tissue formed as a result of
suppuration in a localised infection. Healing usually occurs when abscess is drained or

c) Avulsion:
This type of wound produces full thickness skin loss. Healing is by secondary

d) Contusion:
Collection of blood under the tissues without breaking the skin's integrity.

e) Laceration:
Two types of laceration
- Superficial (involves dermis/epidermis)
- Deep (extends through tissues)
repair is by primary intention

f) Puncture or Incision:
Penetration of the tissues by a sharp object. Healing is by
primary intention.

It is important for the practitioner to be able to identify types of wounds to enable appropriate
assessment and treatment.

Wound Management & Suturing

Accurate assessment of the patient and the wound is imperative. The wound should not be
treated in isolation but a holistic approach adopted in caring for the patient. (Castille 1998).

Obtain a clear history of how the wound occurred

• Establish the possibility of foreign material in the wound (Always x-ray if caused by glass)
• Depth of wound
• Is healing through primary closure appropriate
• Tetanus status (joint committee on vaccination / immunisation 1996)
• Allergies to drugs/dressing
• General health i.e. diabetic, anti-coagulation
• Patients’ age/physical condition/occupation/medical history
• When the wound was inflicted. Suturing a wound > than 6 hours old may increases the risk
of infection and be contraindicated

The type of wound will dictate the technique of suturing for example, closure of small fresh
wounds is best achieved using interrupted sutures

All Dog bites are “high risk” wounds and should not be sutured unless the failure to do so may
have cosmetic implications.

More serious injuries with tendon and nerve damage are often overlooked as the patient will not
complain so readily of pain (Purcell 2003).

Evaluate Wound for suturing:

• Determine where wound is - location can affect cosmetic appearance or mobility.

• Arrest and control bleeding (Wyatt et al 2003)
• A facial wound is best sutured by very experienced practitioners, or medical staff due to
increased risk of scarring
• Determine condition of surrounding skin (is wound jaggy/smooth).

Principles of Wound Management

There are four main principles of wound management

• deal with priorities first ABC.
• check area distal to wound for neurovascular + motor damage, skin colour temperature, and
distal pulses.
• Decrease likelihood of infection
• Promote optimal healing which may require suturing

Wound Cleansing

Wound cleansing is perhaps the most important aspect of wound management. All wounds will
heal eventually if infection is avoided and this is best achieved by thorough cleansing of the
Wounds which are not grossly contaminated should be thoroughly cleansed with warm sterile
solution of 0.9% sodium chloride.
Cleaning of a wound may be more of a physical than a clinical process and the need to irrigate,
clean or even scrub the wound should be considered. Wounds that are obviously contaminated
should be thoroughly irrigated, then cleaned with a broad-spectrum antiseptic solution. The
main aim of irrigation is to flush out small particles of dirt. Scrubbing with a sterile nail brush or

toothbrush may also be necessary to remove dirt which, if left in place, could cause infection or

Suturing Procedure

1. Selecting the suture material

Suture material should be flexible enough for use in any operation, the only variable being
determined by tensile strength.

There are two types of sutures:

a) Absorbable (temporary support)
b) Non-absorbable (permanent support).

A) Absorbable (catgut)
This type of suture is capable of being absorbed by living mammalian tissue. It is manufactured
from the submucosal layer of sheep intestine or the serosal layer of beef intestine, and is
available in plain or chromic.

Plain: looses half its strength in 10-14 days and all its effective strength in 21 days.
Complete absorption occurs within 30-50 days.

Chromic: looses half its strength in 11-14 days and all its effective strength in 28 days.
Complete absorption occurs within 45-90 days.

B) Non - absorbable

These sutures can be made from silk, polyester, polypropylene or stainless steel.

2. Selecting the Size of Suture Material

If the suture used for wound closure is too thick wound healing can be delayed.

Suture materials are gauged using metric figures however many individuals continue to refer to
the old BPC gauges when referring to the size of materials used in suturing.
In Metric, size 0.1 refers to the finest material, and 9 metric refers to the thickest.

The table below shows comparisons between metric & BPC gauges.

Metric 1 1.5 2 3 3.5 4 5 6 7 8

BPC 6/0 5/0 4/0 3/0 2/0 0 1 2 3 4

Figure 2. below lists the clinical application of different sutures

Tissue Type of Suture BPC

Ligature Catgut - coated vicryl 3/0 - 0
Silk - mersilk
Skin Ethilon 6/0 - 2/0
Subcuticular Coated Vicryl 2/0 - 1
Muscle Coated Vicryl 3/0 - 2
Stomach/Bowel Coated Vicryl 3/0 - 1
Tendons Prolene 8/0 - 2/0
Cornea Ethilon
Nerves Ethilon 10/0 - 5/0

Figure3. below provides an approximate guide for skin suture gauges in adults and children:

Location Size (adults) Size (Children)
Trunk / lower limbs 3/0 4/0
Scalp 3/0 - 4/0 4/0 - 5/0
Upper Limbs 4/0 5/0
Face 5/0 - 6/0 6/0 - 7/0

As a general rule of thumb - in children reduce gauge size by one.

Castille (1998) indicates that recent trends show a decrease in the use of silk as it may cause
tissue reaction and an increased preference for synthetic materials which have increased
biocompatibility and are less likely to cause reaction.

Thickness of suture suture material

Shape of needle Length of suture Type of needle

3. Selecting the surgical needles for suturing

1. Needle Types
• Round bodied: designed to separate tissue fibres rather than cut ~ used
for soft tissue cardiovascular / intestinal surgery.
• Conventional cutting: a cross section, cutting edges restricted to front section of needle
has three cutting edges.
• Reverse cutting: is particularly resistant to bending and reduces the
tendency for the suture to be pulled through the tissue
• Trocar point: has strong cutting head and ensures powerful penetration
when in dense tissue.
• Taper cut: contains initial penetration of cutting needle with
characteristics or round-bodied.

2. Needle Shape
For most applications, curved suture needles are used. The curve of the needle is governed by
the accessibility of the tissue to be sutured. The more confined the operative site, the greater
the curvature required.

3. Needle Strength
Diameter of the wire from which the needle is manufactured is a major factor in determining its
strength. A factor also to be considered is where the force is applied greater than that for which
it is designed.
The needle should bend, not break. When bending occurs, it is an indication that the critical
point has been passed, so the needle should be discarded rather than attempt to straighten it.

4. Use of Needle Holders

The needle holder should be carefully selected to match the size of needle used.
Needles should be held on flatted area, not at the needle point or attachment area.

(Benbow, 1995)

4. Selecting the type of suture

The following are the most common:

• Simple interrupted
• Vertical mattress
• Horizontal mattress
• Sub-cuticular.

Simple interrupted suture

This technique is usually applied to simple wounds, both traumatic and surgical, following
excision of a skin lesion, for example.
The needle is placed perpendicular to the wound on the opposite side approximately 3-5mms
away (depending on the size and position of the wound) from the wound edge. The needle is
passed preferably in a way so that it produces a pathway, which is wider at the base of the
wound than at its surface. The proximal side is dealt with a reverse fashion. This will result in a
“brandy” glass shape to the suture pathway. When the wound is approximated, eversion will

Demonstrates that equal bites are taken on either side of the wound.

(The depth of the bites is also equal)

It is important to ensure that the width and depth of the ‘bites” are similar on both sides to
prevent an overlap of the wound edges. Small bites will produce precise approximation of small
wounds, whereas larger bites are useful for eliminating dead space and for reducing tension in
larger wounds (preventing ischaemia of the wound edges).

The interval between sutures will vary with the particular wound. Too many sutures will lead to
ischaemia; too little may lead to a poorly approximated wound.
Continuous suturing instead of placing individual simple sutures is an alternative method.
However, in day-to-day closure of simple wounds it is rarely used. It can produce ugly
crosshatch marks and it may be difficult in making fine adjustments.

Mattress sutures

There are two different types of mattress sutures: vertical and horizontal.

Vertical mattress

A wide bite is taken on the opposite side of the wound and is passed as in a simple suture. A
wide bite is taken on the proximal side before passing the suture back, by taking smaller
proximal and distal bites.

Vertical mattress suture

Horizontal mattress
As above, the first part of the stitch is placed. However, the suture returns to the opposite side
by placing the stitch a short distance from the exit point so that it lies parallel to the first pass.
The knot is tied on the side where the needle was first inserted.

These stitches are useful in producing eversion, eliminating dead space and reducing tension.
However, it can lead to major cross-hatching marks.

Placement of horizontal mattress suture

Completion of horizontal mattress suture


Sutures are placed in the subdermis level in a horizontal fashion taking equal bites. The ends
are knotted so that they are also lying subcutaneously. Normally the intention is to leave the
suture in-situ so an absorbable suture is needed. The suture is useful where the dead space
and tension is minimal. If these situations exist, deep sutures are placed before inserting the
subcuticular stitch. As the stitch is placed in the subdermis, cross-hatching is prevented.

Subcuticular is placed longitudinally in the subcuticular plane

Advantages of interrupted sutures are:

• easier to insert
• alternate sutures can removed
• suture removal is simpler
• easier to achieve accurate alignment of the wound surfaces

Castille (1991)

Advantages of continuous sutures are:

• Less risk of scarring / tattooing from sutures
• Less irritation caused by suture knots.

Tissue Adhesive

Histoacryl glue can be used to close minor wounds and lacerations and is particularly suitable
for children, since the procedure is less traumatic and quicker than suturing. (Barnett 1998,
Richardson 2004)

When using glue it is important the child is told the wound may feel warm when the special glue
is applied. This prepares them for the exothermic reaction during polymerisation. The wound is
cleaned with prescribed solution using an aseptic technique, then dried.

Wound edges should be pushed and held together with your thumb and forefinger. A very thin
layer or several dabs of histocryl is then applied to the surface to close the wound. Maintain
pressure around the wound until the glue hardens - around 30 seconds.

Avoid placing fingers too close to the wound as accidental spillage may adhere your glove to
the patient.

Wounds which require expert advice:

• Lacerations with ragged edges
• Deep wounds with excessive haemorrhagia
• Wounds close to the eye
• Wounds around the mouth.

Preparation for suturing:

The aims of closing a wound by placing sutures are to:
• Eliminate any dead space ( Mackay-Wiggan et Ratner 2007)
• Support the wound until tensile strength is recovered, to prevent wound from dehiscing
• Allow skin edges to be accurately approximated to produce a cosmetically and
functionally acceptable wound. i.e. primary intention
• Prevent healing by secondary intention, which may result in an unacceptable scar
• Reduce bleeding and infection.

Explanation and consent

Ensure patient has understood what is happening and given consent.
Explain the procedure to the child and carer in language which is easily understood. Obtain
consent from a guardian. Ideally the child should sit or lie on the parent’s lap.

Infection Control Aspects of Suturing

Universal Precautions
The practice of Universal precautions is based upon the principle that all blood / body fluids
are assumed to be infected with bloodborne viruses.

Universal blood and body fluid precautions represent a standard of care which should be used
routinely with all patients to minimise the spread of bloodborne viruses and other bloodborne
infections, both from recognised and unrecognised sources of infection.

The most likely means of transmission of these viruses to health care workers is by direct
percutaneous inoculation of infected blood by a sharps injury or by blood splashing onto
broken skin or mucous membranes.

All health care workers should, as a matter of good practice, routinely use appropriate methods
to prevent contamination by blood / body fluids.

—Best practice statement 1:

All cuts and abrasions to any area of exposed skin should be covered with a waterproof
Evidence: local and national guidelines on hand hygiene and use of personal protective

—Best practice statement 2:

The use of gloves does not preclude the need for thorough “Surgical Handwashing” prior to
Evidence: local and national guidelines on hand hygiene and use of personal protective

Surgical handwashing is intended to remove or destroy transient micro-organisms and

substantially reduce detachable resident micro-organisms. It is achieved using an antiseptic
hand wash solution; however the Infection Control Nurses’ Association Guidelines on hand
hygiene emphasise that a defined handwashing technique is more important than the antiseptic
solution used.

(Benbow, 1995)

• Sterile gloves should be worn during this type of procedure.

Always wash and dry hands thoroughly after removing gloves.
Be aware of the risk of latex sensitisation - powdered latex gloves should be avoided wherever

• Disposable plastic aprons should be worn if there is a possibility of splashing by blood / body

—Best practice statement 3:

Protective eyewear or goggles should be worn if there is a risk of blood / body fluid splashes or
Evidence: local and national guidelines on hand hygiene and use of personal protective

Safe Disposal of Sharps
• The person actually suturing is responsible for the safe handling and disposal of all sharps
used in the procedure.
• Prepare equipment before starting the procedure, including a sharps container.
• Sharps container should be attached to the trolley and taken to the patient being sutured.
• Take a note of all sharps used in the procedure and make sure they are all safely disposed
of afterwards.
• Keep hands behind the sharps point or blade at all times.
• Dispose of used needles at the point of use.

Disposal of Clinical Waste

Any waste which is contaminated wholly or partly with body fluids will generally be placed in an
orange plastic bag which is marked “Clinical Waste”. Waste generated during a suturing
procedure is classified as clinical waste.

(Benbow, 1995)

Pharmacology Considerations related to Suturing

Pharmacological considerations in relation to suturing focus almost exclusively on local

anaesthesia and Tetanus prophylaxis.

Local anaesthesia
Lignocaine 1% without adrenaline is most commonly used.
It temporarily inhibits nerve impulses from the sensory nerves by stabilising neuronal impulses,
causing a reversible block. This endures for between 30-120 minutes. (Smithing 2002)
Safe doses: 3mg / Kg body weight.
Great care should be taken to avoid intravascular injection of Lignocaine. Any local anaesthesia
should not be injected into inflamed tissue or directly into the traumatised tissue, as this can
result in the Lignocaine being so rapidly absorbed that a systemic rather than a local reaction is

Adverse / side effects

As with any drug, side effects / reactions are possible. However, allergy to commonly used local
anaesthetics is extremely rare.

The following are potential symptoms and side effects of toxicity, which may occur as a result
of accidental intravascular injection of Lignocaine:
• Perioral tingling
• metallic taste
• restlessness
• dizzy
• slurred speech
• convulsions/coma
• bradycardia
• circulatory collapse.
(Brown 1992)

Clostridium tetani gram-positive, spore-forming anaerobic bacillus causes tetanus. Once
activated, it becomes highly resistant because of its ability to produce spores. Incubation ranges
from two days to two weeks. It exists in soil, garden moss and animal/human excreta and enters
the body through open wounds.

The bacillus attaches to cells in the CNS, causing respiratory depression in the medulla.

Signs & Symptoms

local joint stiffness generalised stiffness trismus seizures
trismus trismus back pain
difficulty swallowing tacchycardia
Tetanus Toxoid is used for Tetanus prophylaxis.
This is normally given as an IM injection followed by 2 booster injections at 4 weeks and two
The Tetanus status of any patient with a wound should be assessed and treated as outlined in
the table below:


Procedural Guidelines

The aim of suturing is to appose the edges of a wound together without tension.

Assess the wound and determine the most appropriate course of action. Refer to more
experienced practitioners or medical staff if wound is complicated or beyond your existing skill


Dressing Trolley Local Anaesthetic - Lignocaine 1%

Dressing pack Eye Protection
Appropriate suture Plastic Apron
Stitch set
Needle holder
Dissecting forceps
Suture scissors Sharps Box
Skin Cleansing Solution Disposal bag
Sterile Gloves Light source
Needle pad.


1. Explain the procedure to the patient.

It is good practice to determine the patient’s previous experience of needles i.e. suturing,
cannulation etc - some patients may faint or experience great anxiety.
2. Position the patient in a comfortable position on a trolley (A&E) or if a dialysis central line
– a reclining chair, flat if possible.
3. Prepare all equipment required on a sterile field.
4. Adjust lighting and make sure you are comfortable.
5. Expose the area to be sutured.
6. Wash hands with skin antiseptic, rinse thoroughly and dry with sterile towel.
Put on sterile gloves.
7. Draw up local anaesthetic and change to orange (24g) needle.
8. Clean area around wound and infiltrate with 1-% Lignocaine - no adrenaline!
9. Check effectiveness of anaesthesia by gentle pressure from a needle.
10. Clean wound and assess:
• Any foreign bodies? - if history suggests shattered or broken glass caused
damaged - x-ray
• Tendon or nerve damage.
11. Suture the wound
12. Apply dressing if necessary.
13. Provide discharge instructions to the patient.
14. Document procedure / complications / difficulties encountered.

Surgical Principles

• Good choice of incision. Follow Langer’s lines (figure 1) that follow natural tension-free
lines. Failure to follow this principle will lead to an unacceptable cosmetic appearance
and sometimes, poor function.
• Do not remove too much tissue, which may make closure difficult. Excessive
undermining of skin edges will not lead to tension-free closure. Ischaemia of the skin
edges and dehiscence of the wound and infection will follow.

• Gentle handling of tissue. Some aspects of this will be discussed later.

• Ensure eversion of wound edges. If the wound is inverted poor wound healing and an
ugly wound will ensue.

Figure 1: This drawing illustrates Langer's lines of the head and neck

The most important pieces of equipment (Figure 2) for suturing a skin wound are:
• Needle holder
• Dissecting forceps
• Suture scissors

Figure 2: This photograph shows a needle holder, dissecting forceps and suture scissors

It is important to choose the correct needle holder and dissecting forceps, which will allow
“control” of the needle and the wound. The finer the wound, the smaller the needle and suture

required. If too large a needle holder is used, the needle will be damaged and will not be held
correctly, resulting in loss of control.
If too small a needle holder is used the needle will not be held securely - again resulting in loss
of control.
The choice of dissecting forceps follows similar rules. i.e. the thicker the tissue, the larger the
forceps required and vice versa. Dissecting forceps can be either toothed or non-toothed. Which
one is preferred is often a personal choice. However it is important to realise that if the tissue is
handled roughly e.g. grabbing skin edges tightly with toothed forceps, the skin will be damaged
resulting in local ischaemia, infection and an unacceptable scar.

Handling the instruments

It is important to hold the instruments in a way which will allow for maximal “feel” and control.
This will allow for accurate placement of the suture and minimal damage to the tissue.

Inserting the thumb into one ring and the middle or ring finger into the other holds the needle
holder. The index finger should be positioned onto the area of the hinge of the needle holder.
(Figure 3) Alternatively the holder can be “palmed” (Figure 4)

Figure 3: The needle holder is held in this fashion to allow maximum control

Figure 4: This illustrates the needle holder being held in the palm ("palming”)

The suture scissors should be grasped in a similar fashion. (Figure 5)

Figure 5: Demonstrates how to hold the suture scissors

The dissecting forceps should be held as shown. (Figure 6) This position maximises “touch”
and control. If the forceps are held in the palm, these attributes are reduced. The forceps are
used to stabilise the edges of the wound by producing counter-pressure and it may not be
necessary to grasp the edges of the wound.

Figure 6: This illustrates how the dissecting forceps should be held to gain maximum
feel and control

Needle management
In order to gain control of the point of the needle and to ease the passage of the needle, the
needle needs to be held correctly. Figures 7 and 8 show the body of the needle being held
halfway to two-thirds away from the point of the needle. It is grasped by the tip of the needle
holder and the needle should lie vertically and horizontally perpendicular to the holder.
If the needle is placed incorrectly, the needle will be damaged and insertion through the tissue
will be difficult or impossible.

Figure 7: This photograph illustrates how the needle should be held

Figure 8: Demonstrates the positioning of needle.

It is advantageous to sew towards oneself i.e. from the far side of the wound to the nearest.
(Figure 9) Although there are occasions when the needle has to be placed differently or the
surgeon has to suture away from the operator, this situation would be unusual when suturing
skin wounds e.g. when placing a mattress stitch, the suture will be passed from the closest to
the opposite skin edge.

Figure 9: This illustrates the stitch being placed from "far to near".

The holder should be closed gently to engage the first ratchet as over-tightening could cause
damage to the needle.

Releasing the needle can be difficult for the novice. There is a tendency to try and simply pull
the rings of the holder in the opposite direction. This results in further engagement of the
ratchet. The ratchet can be disengaged by pushing the ring being held by the thumb towards
and out from the stabilised ring held by the ring finger.

“Instrument” knot tying

Tying knots using the needle holder i.e. instrument knot tying is used commonly. The main
features of this technique are shown below:
• The suture having been placed is pulled gently until a short length is left on the distal
side of the wound.
• For a right-handed surgeon, the dissecting forceps is placed on the operating table or is
held in the palm.
• The needle is released from the holder and is placed on the table.
• The long end of the suture attached to the needle is held in the left hand.
• It is then rotated twice around the needle holder in a clockwise direction.
• The needle holder picks up the short end of the suture, which is then pulled off the
needle holder. The first throw of the knot is gently tightened to approximate the wound
edges. The second throw is made in a similar way, except the suture is wrapped around
the holder in a counter-clockwise direction. It is slipped off the holder and the knot
• It is important to ensure that the throws lie “square” and not crossed, as a “granny knot”
will form.
• It is important not to over-tighten the knot. As the wound heals, it will become
oedematous and swell and if the suture is tied too tightly, it will cut into the edges of the
wound causing pain and necrosis.
Several extra throws may be required to ensure that the knot does not unwind. Certain sutures
such as nylon have this tendency. This is inherent to the suture’s “memory," which is dependent
on its molecular structure. C/f silk, due to its different memory, knots and handles easily.

The suture is cut in such a way that it does not interfere with the next suture or make removal

Figure 10: Demonstrates the first throw of the knot; the second throw is placed in the
opposite direction

Figure 11: The knot is gently tightened, producing a square knot

Figure 12: The knot is ready for cutting

Figure 13: Cutting the knot

Figure 14: The completed knot

Documentation / record keeping

The use of documentation should be the means by which the practitioner can demonstrate that
a safe standard of care has been provided.
Carson & Minard (1994) recommend that a suture treatment record be used to record the
• Time between injury and repair.
• Wound assessment regarding contamination.
• Wound cleansing / preparation / irrigation.
• Medications used (i.e. local anaesthetic / Tetanus booster)
• Suture size & material
• Identification of personnel performing procedure.

Advice to Patients post-Suturing

Patients must be provided with written information regarding care of their wound prior to
They should know how to care for their wound, when to return for suture removal and what
action to take and where to seek help, should something go wrong, e.g.
• wound opens up
• experiencing pain
• wound starts to ooze
• wound appears red and inflamed
• stitches fall out before removal time.

Removal of Sutures
Generally, sutures can be removed earlier from tissues with a good blood supply (i.e. face and
scalp); however sutures should be left in situ a little longer over particularly mobile skin.

The following list gives approximate durations of suture insertions:

Facial wounds: 5 days

Scalp wounds: 7 days
Arm/hand: 7-10 days
Lower limb or joints: 10-14 days

The main principles are:

• Use appropriate suture scissors or stitch cutter

• Cut below knot

• Pull the knot and suture towards the wound

• Remove the suture.

This technique will result in pulling a small amount of the suture and not the knot through the
wound. Any tension produced will not distract the wound.

The timing of removal of the sutures will vary. Where there is little tension and good blood
supply e.g. the face, the suture can be moved from 3-7 days. Where the wound is subjected to
increased tension e.g. over a joint, the suture should be left for 10-14 days.

Scissors cutting the suture

Suture removed

Sutures that are inserted too near wound edge - are likely to pull out causing more injury.

Practitioners’ Risks
• Needle stick injury
• Blood borne infection

Refer to: Local Joint Infection Control Guidelines.

Guidelines for Good Practice

• Maintain a safe environment for patient and practitioner by following guidelines on infection

• Provide a full explanation of the procedure to the patient

• Avoid using Lignocaine which contains adrenaline - this can cause vasoconstriction with
potential complications in areas of poor vascularity - i.e. fingers, toes, ears.

• Suturing of deep / facial, difficult or high-risk wounds should only be undertaken by expert
practitioners or medical staff according to local policy.

• Practise this skill on a regular basis and be aware of your limitations.

• Ensure accurate documentation of the procedure and any difficulties encountered.

• Provide the patient & family with wound care advice and information regarding suture


Barnette P (1998) Randomised trial of histoacryl blue tissue adhesive glue versus suturing in
the repair of paediatric lacerations.
Journal of Paediatric Child Health.34 (6) pp.548-50.

Benbow M. (1995): Extrinsic Factors Affecting the Management of Chronic Wounds. British
Journal of Nursing 4(9) Page 534-538.

Brown A. (1992): Accident + Emergency Diagnosis and Management, Butterworth Heinman Ltd.

Brownlee M G (1994) Synchronised Suturing MIDIRS Midwifery Digest 4 (1) 31 –2

Carson J.P., Minard G., (1994): Trauma Assessment Suture Treatment Record.
Journal of Emergency Nursing 20 (3) Page: 225 - 226.

Castille K. (1998): Suturing Nursing Standard 12(41) Page 41-46.

Castille K. (1991): Suturing Nursing Standard 10(51) Page 49-54.

Castille K. (1991a): Once Bitten Nursing Times 87(39) Page 26-28.

Enkin M, Keirse, MJNC Renfrew M 1995 a Guide To Effective Child Care in Pregnancy and
Childbirth 2 ed. Oxford Medical Publishers

Ethicon: Suture Material and Surgical Needles Ethicon Ltd.

Gemynthe A. Langhoff Roos J. Sahl. S. 1996. An improved method of perineal repair.

British Journal of Midwifery. Vol 4mNo 5. 230 –234.
Infection Control Nurses Association: Guidelines for Hand Hygiene.

Grant 1989 Choice of Suture Materials and Techniques for Repair of Perineal Trauma – An
overview of Controlled Trials. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 96. 1281 –9.

Johnstone, Wilkinson P, Bastible A, Ryan S. Humphrey H. O’Brien S. Johanson J(et al) 1993
Health after Childbirth – A comparison of normal and assisted vaginal delivery. Midwifery 9: 161

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (1996) Immunisation against Infections

Diseases. HMSO London.

Mackay - Wiggan J., Ratner D., (2007) Suturing techniques accessed March 2009

Purcell 2003 pain perception

Richardson 2004 deep and superficial wounds
Smithing 2002 lidocaine
Wyatt 2003 arrest of bleeding

Sheehy S. (1992): Emergency Nursing Principles + Practice. Mosby Year Book.

Thomas J. (1977): Emergency Nursing an Essential Guide for Patient Care WB Saunders.
UK Health Departments (1998) Guidance for Clinical Health Care Workers: Protection Against
Infection with Blood Borne Viruses, Recommendations of the Advisory Group on AIDS and the
Advisory Group on Hepatitis.

Appendix A

Suturing Checklist Mark

√ X N/A
Choose appropriate suture material
Organise dressing pack, gloves, suture kit, sterile solution, local anaesthetic,
needles and syringe on a clean trolley
Take sharps bin to bedside*
Introduce self to patient by name and title
Explain procedure to patient
Explain to patient that they will have a permanent scar
Gain informed consent from patient (verbal)
Ensure that patient is at appropriate height, lighting is good, and you have space
and are comfortable
Decontaminate hands*
Put on well-fitting disposable non powdered latex gloves (not vinyl)
Clean area with sterile solution using sterile swabs and forceps and allow to dry
Drape area if appropriate
Infiltrate area with local anaesthetic
Explore wound if appropriate
Suture placement
Mount needle on needle holder using dissection forceps – not with fingers*
Ensure needle is placed on holder approximately 1/3 from thread end
Enter skin on far border of wound
Enter approximately 5mm from wound edge
Fully pronate hand (so needle enters skin perpendicularly)
Supinate your hand to allow needle to pass through skin into centre of wound
Grasp needle 1/3 from tip with forceps and withdraw from wound
Re-mount needle on needle holder using dissection forceps - not using fingers*
Pass needle from centre of wound with hand pronated
Ensure needle exits on near border of wound at approximately 5mm
Pull suture through leaving approximately 5cm of suture material on the far
Remove needle from needle holder – do not touch needle with fingers*
Knot of suture
Hold long length in non-dominant hand
Holding needle holder in dominant hand place on top of long length
Wrap suture material around needle holder twice
Open needle holder and grasp short end of suture between jaws
Draw needle holder towards you and take non dominant hand away from you
with long length of suture
Pull first throw of knot down to approximate wound edges
Place needle holder on top of long length of suture
Wrap long length around needle holder once
Grasp short length of suture material in jaws of needle holder
Pull short length away from you and long length towards you
Place knot to one side of wound
Repeat steps *** to ***
Cut suture ends at a length of approx 1cm
Continue suturing equi-distance apart

Ensure wound edges completely apposed and not inverted
Dispose of needles safely into sharps bin*
Clean wound with sterile solution
Dress the wound as appropriately
Dispose of clinical waste into clinical waste bag
Advise patient on suture removal


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