Why Do People Create Works of Art?: Task 1 Essay Writing

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Task 1 Essay Writing

1. Why do people create works of art?

I believe in arts that were done because it was intended to be made and arts that
were done because it just was. With that said, I think people create works of art on
grounds that only themselves know. I can say that works of art are made to make
a person appreciate beauty, grace, and magnificence – but that won’t be wholly
true because people create works of art based on their individual experiences,
feelings, and beliefs. Nevertheless, I have to say that it’s more than that because it
can come from the artist’s deepest desire, unwavering personality, and utmost
determination. To conclude, people create works of art solely on their own
personal reasons and justification. No other person beside them can truly
elaborate on their behalf.
2. Is creativity necessary in artmaking?
In my own experience, creativity is necessary in making art. Why? Creativity is
defined as “the use of imagination or original ideas, especially in the production
of an artistic work”. During the pandemic, I have learned to immerse myself in
embroidery and coloring. If I wasn’t planning to be creative, I don’t think I would
ever buy lots of cross-stitch kits and coloring books. In my own way since I can’t
draw or paint, I did my best to channel my creativity to other contemporary arts.
Nonetheless, I think creativity can exist without art but not the other way around.
To conclude, artmaking exists because of creative minds that fuels creativity to
come to life.
3. If you were an artist, what kind of artist would you be?
To be utterly honest, I would love to be a painter. As I am thinking about it, I
realized that if I am given a chance to acquire a new hobby or skill – I would love
to learn how to paint. Specifically, a painter that practices restoration painting
because I like history as well. Moreover, I would want to be an artist who doesn’t
only paint beautiful or nice things, I would want to make someone feel something
(anything, really) while looking at my paintings. A person could say an art is
beautiful but if that person didn’t feel anything about it – the art would be easily
forgotten. I’m one of the people who believes that art is void if it doesn't contain
anything worth going back for.

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