20E Model Question Paper Biological Science Part-A and B: Time:1.35 Hrs
20E Model Question Paper Biological Science Part-A and B: Time:1.35 Hrs
20E Model Question Paper Biological Science Part-A and B: Time:1.35 Hrs
Section – I
3 X 2 = 6 Marks
i. Answer any 3 of the following questions
ii. Write the answers in 1-2 sentences.
iii. Each question carries 2 marks
Section – III
2 X 8 = 16 Marks
i. Answer any 2 of the following questions
ii. Write the answers in 8 -10 sentences.
iii. Each question carries 8 marks
11. Explain the procedure followed to dissect the internal structure of heart and write the
observations made.
12. Describe the Mendel’s mono hybrid cross based on any one character.
13. Explain four asexual modes of reproduction that take place in organisms. Giving two
examples for each.
14. Observe the table below.
2. The muscular flap which directs the food, while you eat, to flow into the digestive
system and not into respiratory system. ( )
A. Oral Cavity B. Pharynx C. Epiglottis D. Microvilli
7. The part of the brain concerned with thinking, memory and perception ( )
A.Cerebrum B. Diencephalon C. Midbrain D. Cerebellum
8. An example for nastic moment ( )
A. Growth of plants towards sunlight
B. Growth of roots towards water
C. Folding of leaves in mimosa plant on touch
D. Growth of pollen tube towards ovule