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20E Model Question Paper Biological Science Part-A and B: Time:1.35 Hrs

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Biological Science
Part-A and B
Class: X Max.Marks:40
Time:1.35 hrs.
General Instructions:
i. Read the question paper carefully and understand.
ii. Answer the questions under Part-A in the answer sheet provided
iii. Write the answer to the questions under Part-B in the space provided and attach it to the
Part-A answer sheet.
iv. Part-A contains 3sections
v. Write the answers following the instructions given in the each section.

Section – I
3 X 2 = 6 Marks

i. Answer any 3 of the following questions
ii. Write the answers in 1-2 sentences.
iii. Each question carries 2 marks

1. What would happen if plants do not perform photosynthesis?

2. What change is observed in the lime water when kept in a glass jar with sprouted seeds?
what do we know by this?
3. Mention two evidences which prove the theory of evolution proposed by Darwin.
4. Write the differences between veins – arteries.
5. Write two questions that you ask a doctor to find out complete information about kidney
6. Classify the following words and arrange in a table with appropriate titles.
Nimbin, Pepsin, Resin, Ptyalin.
Section – II
2 X 4 = 8 Marks
i. Answer any 2 of the following questions
ii. Write the answers in 4-5 sentences.
iii. Each question carries 4 marks
7. Draw a neat labelled diagram of nephron and write the functions of glomerulus.
8. What would happen if insulin production stops?
9. What are the parts of hind brain? Write their structure and functions.
10. Write down four steps to be followed in your daily life to prevent malnutrition.

Section – III
2 X 8 = 16 Marks
i. Answer any 2 of the following questions
ii. Write the answers in 8 -10 sentences.
iii. Each question carries 8 marks

11. Explain the procedure followed to dissect the internal structure of heart and write the
observations made.
12. Describe the Mendel’s mono hybrid cross based on any one character.
13. Explain four asexual modes of reproduction that take place in organisms. Giving two
examples for each.
14. Observe the table below.

Endocrine Gland Hormone Effect

Adrenal Adrenalin Emotions
Pituitary LSH Growth
Ovary Estrogen Secondary Sexual Characters
Testis Testosterone Secondary Sexual Characters

Answer the following questions based on the above information.

i. Which of the above hormones are found only in women?

ii. Which of the above hormones are responsible for the secondary characters in
iii. Which of the above endocrine glands are found both in male and female?
iv. What is the significance of pituitary gland?
Biological Science
Part - B
Class: X Marks:10
i. Answer all the questions
ii. Choose the correct answer from the given options and write the corresponding letter
(A/B/C/D) in the capital letters in the space provided
iii. Each question carries 1 mark
iv. Marks will not be given for over writing/ re-writing / erased answers.

1. The scientist who discovered “Photolysis” reaction. ( )

A. Hill B. Engelman C. Van Neil D. Ingenhousz

2. The muscular flap which directs the food, while you eat, to flow into the digestive
system and not into respiratory system. ( )
A. Oral Cavity B. Pharynx C. Epiglottis D. Microvilli

3. In osmosis, the following process occur. ( )

A. Flow of solvent from low concentration to high concentration solution
B. Flow of solvent from high concentration to low concentration solution
C. Flow of solvent from low concentration to still more lower concentration solution
D. Not related to concentration

4. Parts of renal tubule ( )

A. PCT, DCT, Bowman’s capsule B. Bowman’s capsule, Loop of Henley
C. Glomerulus, Bowmans’s capsule D. PCT, Loop of Henley, DCT

5. Phytohormone which promotes ageing of leaves ( )

A. Ethylene B. Abscisic acid C. Auxins D. Gibberellins

6. Contraceptive method for males ( )

A. Vasectomy B. Tubectomy C. Copper – T D. Loop

7. The part of the brain concerned with thinking, memory and perception ( )
A.Cerebrum B. Diencephalon C. Midbrain D. Cerebellum
8. An example for nastic moment ( )
A. Growth of plants towards sunlight
B. Growth of roots towards water
C. Folding of leaves in mimosa plant on touch
D. Growth of pollen tube towards ovule

9. Identify the indicated part in the diagram ( )

A. Cristae B. Matrix C. Stroma D. Grana

10. Identify the below picture ( )

A. Sensory neuron B. Motor neuron C. Mixed neuron D. Artery

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