People: A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For
People: A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For
People: A Church in Pursuit of God, With A Passion For
PO Box 491150
Leesburg, FL 34749
Office: (352) 365-2594 Fax: (352) 365-2594
Randy Gideons . Lead Pastor . Warehouse Church
After the floors are finished including
carpet in the offices
Nursery/Toddler rooms, all the baseboard
building program for over two years. has to be installed. Juan Leiva will put the
What appeared to be a small task and a bathroom partitions in and any touching
short trip turned into a mammoth journey up to the paint will be done. That pretty
for all of us. much concludes the building's interior.
It is good to bring this update and to The rest: concrete driveways finished,
share with you that the parking lot is well irrigation installed, plants and mulch put in
under way, the irrigation is soon to follow place...and then the final inspection.
and the landscape plants are safe and
sound waiting to be planted. The interior Can you say Hallelujah with me!!!!
doors are being stained and next week
the floors will be stained and sealed. Please continue to pray that everything
What a difference to walk in day by day continues to go smoothly and no surprised
and see all the work that has been done. pop up.
This day that I am writing this article, John
and Julie Macrae and team put the last of
the ceiling tiles up concluding a very huge
undertaking. Check out Randy’s blog on the
They had to paint each one of the 2'x4' Warehouse website.
tiles black, place them in the ceiling grid
and put insulation over each one.
In Luke 21:1-4, the Bible reads; Folks, I want you to think about that
As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich for a minute. In your day to day stuff, how
putting their gifts into the temple treasury. often do you give of your time, money,
He also saw a poor widow put in two very goods, services……until it impacts you
small copper coins. “I tell you the truth,” personally? It isn’t hard to give someone
he said, “this poor widow has put in more $10 when you have $150 in your wallet.
than all the others. All these people gave It isn’t hard to give someone an hour,
their gifts out of their wealth: but she out when you are on vacation for the next
of her poverty put in all she had to live week. It isn’t hard to give someone a
on.” pound of hamburger, when you have 50
want to tell you a story that happened pounds in your freezer.
to me. Most of you know, I help Could we possibly be cheating ourselves
coach Abbie’s softball team. That out of additional blessings by short
team’s color is VERY PINK (breast cancer changing the gifts that we give? Folks,
awareness color). It is a funny topic of that family didn’t have to give up their
conversation around the complex that the time. It wasn’t just one representative. It
coaches wear pink also. As a was the entire family. They all
joke, I invited a lot of folks to showed up. I know what that
come and see me in my VERY family needed to be doing that
PINK uniform. I honestly didn’t day. They gave till it hurt that
expect anyone to show up. day.
Realistically, who would How many opportunities do
honestly give up their Saturday you pass up because of our own
afternoon for something like selfishness? Would it mess up
that? Even if it meant your dinner plans? Could it
supporting Abbie in her game, make you change the weekend
in my eyes it was unrealistic to plans? Would it mean that you
think someone would show up didn’t stop for lunch on the way
that didn’t have to be there. home and had to sit at your own
Just before the game started, I looked table to eat dinner? Folks, I am not trying
over and there was a family that had to be the person that makes you feel
shown up to support our team. Honestly, guilty. I just want you to ponder; just how
they probably had the least amount of much of yourself are you REALLY giving,
available time to share than anybody I when you give of yourself?
knew. I was totally shocked and humbled Here’s your challenge:
that they gave up one of their most GIVE TILL IT HURTS-NO PAIN, NO
precious assets (time) to come and watch GAIN!
that game. You see, they actually gave to
a point that it hurt.
by Brenda Petersen
After reading this, I knew this was a message for all women. I love my sisters in Christ at the
Warehouse Church, so I wanted to share it.
taining doors in the warehouse In Matthew Chapter 1, starting at the
gives you lots of time on your beginning, Matthew describes Jesus'
knees! It also gives you lots of family tree. Here he makes it plain that
time to reflect on why things are as they the man we know as perfect not only had
are. humble beginnings but many of his
Take the wooden doors I was ancestors had very blemished characters.
staining. They're all different and we have Traditionally a person's lineage at the time
kept them in their natural state – for good was described in terms of the male
reason! lineage but Matthew, in particular, he goes
First of all there's the beauty of the to great lengths to describe some of the
natural wood. Some are plain, some women involved too. Rahab (the
patterned and you can only wonder at the prostitute) and Bathsheba (who slept with
beauty of the veneer and how the David and subsequently married him). Of
richness of the wood grain pattern was course David murdered Uriah, her
created. previous husband. Not perfect ancestors
But these doors reflect who we are as by any means!
a church! Y'all know, as a church, we are So what's the point here? Matthew is
made up of individual people, each of pointing out that Jesus' lineage, just like
whom is beautiful in their own way. We're ours, was imperfect. But He was born
all individuals each with our own character perfect and in His perfection and by His
– after all, how boring would it be if we all grace He accepts us irrespective of our
came out of the same mold painted white parentage and even though we often
with imitation wood grain effect? Where grieve Him with our behavior. We, the
would our character be? Life would be individuals in the church, the chosen body
pretty uninteresting if we were all the of Christ, are imperfect but our sin has
same! (Yes I know, they broke the mold been forgiven by His sacrifice at the cross.
after some of us were born!) All He asks is that we seek Him and keep
In the same way as our doors reflect His commands – the greatest of which is
our differing characters, they also have to love each other – in our imperfection.
blemishes that make them even more So our doors are our daily reminder
interesting. Some are plain but some that although we can easily find blemishes
have a few dark patches – who can with each other when we're looking for
identify with that? We've left them in their them, our challenge is to love each other
natural state as a reminder that none of us and extend grace to one another so that
is without blemish (or sin). Of course we can see the beauty with which each
some are perfect looking – until you look one of us was created.
round the back where sometimes when
you look closer you discover such a deep,
rich grain in the same way as we Stay updated with our friends
sometimes do when we get to know John & Julie Macrae as they travel
someone better. But sometimes when you and spread the news of Jesus Christ!
look really close you discover cracks too.
Choose This Day
keep us from doing what we are capable
here have been times in my life of excelling in, then he has succeeded.
that I have lost sleep because of The voice that condemns keeps dragging
something that I have either said up the past and telling you that you can’t
or done. My spirit becomes move into the future. The difference is the
restless and I just can’t get settled. It is condemning voice says you are no good
that gentle voice that is deep inside you at anything. The convicting voice says,
that just won’t quiet down until you have correct and move on.
made the correction. It is that last thought Hopefully when conviction occurs, we
just before you put your head down on the correct the mistake, make the best of it
pillow that you need to correct something. and go forward. Hopefully when
This voice doesn’t drag up everything that condemnation occurs, we open the bible
you have done wrong in the past. The and start quoting scriptures to the enemy,
key here is making the correction both explaining the end of the book to him…
with God and with whom ever or whatever again.
it may be. That voice doesn’t call you
stupid; it doesn’t say that you are going to
burn in hell and that you will never be
what God called you to be. It says: “If you
will just handle this, you can have the
peace that has been robbed from you and
you can go on.” While it is a shame of
sorts, it isn’t the kind of shame that is
meant for condemnation. It is meant for
correction to move on. Of course I’m
referring to things that we have ability to
take control of or responsibility for, things
we have no control over isn’t our
Flying II!
n my last article in the Warehouse The voice of the Lord comes with
Newsletter I was talking about my such power that even satan knows the
first flying lesson. Does anyone game is over. That’s the end of the
remember that? This month I worthlessness that the enemy has been
want to follow up on the purpose. speaking over all the wrong things, or less
I had a vision, and in this vision the than perfect things that I have done.
Lord had taken me to the edge of a cliff. It I’m prepared for my next flying lesson
was dangerous just to be standing there, whilst yet in the nest: “My ways are not
and I had been standing in this place, your ways”, sayeth Lord. In order for my
even living from this place for a long perspective to become like His, I had to
season. One might even say that I had get rid of mine! I’m grounded otherwise.
become comfortable perched upon this I think seeing into the soul of one man is
cliff. different than seeing from the advantage
The Lord came to me and said, “I high above. Here there may be
want you to catch the wind and fly with me recognition of spiritual warfare over a city
into the expanse. I want you to “see” My or at least an entire area. Here it is more
perspective.” Most of you reading this atmospheric than individualized. Here we
Newsletter know that I am pretty big on may have the opportunity to broaden our
the “eye” gate. Somehow He lets me prospective to the larger picture. Maybe
“see” His perspective when I look into my tent pegs must be loosened to be able
your eye when praying. This generally to fly.
occurs however, when my feet are both
flat on the ground, not flying in the
expanse above. What could this mean,
and why would He desire this of me? Sandra Lindsay
Upon returning to Bahrain recently, I had P.O. Box 702015
less than one week to get my household Saint Cloud, FL
in order before the Brocks were to arrive 34770-2015
on May 16th. Getting things in order is Phone: (813) 714-8999
mostly about “me” because there is a 7 Website:
hour time zone difference from Florida to email:
the Middle East. It generally takes me 3-4
days to recover (sometimes a week). This
is commonly called jet lag. You’re up
when you shouldn’t be and sleeping mid
Jet lag generally comes with a bit of
warfare for me. When you are destabilize
by jet lag, the enemy seems pleased to
further upset my emotional condition with
a barrage of what I’m not. Just about the
time I begin to buy into this negative,
stink’n think’n (my weak moment) I heard
the unmistakable voice of the Lord saying,
“That’s not my perspective”.
Dear Pastor Randy and the Vineyard Please pray for Turkey:
believers: • Divine alignment and
unity among the churches and
Thank you for sowing into the move HOP in each city.
of the Spirit in Turkey! God is doing • That the Lord would reveal himself
amazing things here. We worshipped in to the Turkish people (not easy to
the glory realm in Istanbul and just become a believer here).
completed a 7 hour day of worship in the • Grace for church / HOP leaders to
capital city of Ankara (Galatia). enter into His rest (Heb 4). Turkish
The leaders of the HOP (House of Prayer) are very busy people and get
and the Turkish churches are crying out easily worn out.
for prophetic musicians to come and help • Special prayer for the Church of
train the Turkish believers in preparing for Antioch, key church and Church of
the coming revival. Ankara (capital city).
• Divine alignment, spirit of
humility and creativity.
We didn't realize the rich prophetic
history of Turkey: Each country has a part to play in the
• Home of the 7 churches in end time revival. As we prefer one
Revelation 2, another and sow into other countries, our
• Birth place of Paul (Taursus) & country will be blessed as well.
Paul's ministry to Gentiles,
• Location of the church of Antioch The boys are doing great. They love
• Haran, where Abraham lived the Turkish food and the bus rides.
before going tot he promise land,
• Headwaters of the Tigris and We love you. Thank you!
Euphrates River-part of Garden of Tim and Melody, Samuel, John, Stephen
Eden location? and Joseph
averagejoe’s Café
1st Sunday of the month we will collect the
"Change Cups". For those of you who
Free continental breakfast served from need to pick up one of our "red" cups we
10:00am to 10:20am will have some on Sunday.
Contact: Renee Stoffel @ 253-2465 Your spare "change" helps
those in need in our church
and our community.
Contacts: Aaron Symonds @ 330-1928
Mela Striker @ 365-1006 2nd & 4th Sunday ~
S T A T U R E Youth Group @ 1:00pm
Community Center West Room
WAREHOUSE NURSERY & PRESCHOOL Contact: Neal Hayes 365-1496
We believe in ministering to the needs of Next Meeting: Jun 22
even our littlest members. Our qualified
teachers create a positive experience that 1st Friday ~
introduces nursery and preschool children
to the love of Jesus early on.
READER’S Book Group @ 6:30pm
Contact: Jill Porvaznik @ 793-1326 New this year in Reader’s Group!
We will be picking a book from the Bible
each month to read. Hope you can join us
WAREHOUSE KID’S for the discussion!
Warehouse Kid’s is for all boys and girls in Brenda Sims Home
Kindergarten through 6th grade. We 600 Bidwell St, Fruitland Park
provide a combination of games, interactive Summer Reading:
characters, and fun filled songs capture The Book of Song of Solomon
kid’s attention while showing them that Contact: Brenda Sims (352) 787-5266
living for God is the best way to live! Next Meeting: After Summer Break, will
Contact: Ron Sellers @ 787-0385 be announced.
2nd & 4th Friday ~
Harp & Bowl - Worship & Intercession elev
The Harp & Bowl theme is from Rev. 5 Young Adults of 18 to 29 years old gather
where the 24 elders and the 4 living for fellowship and different activities.
creatures are giving the Father and Son Ultimately, Elevation's vision is to give
the glory that's due them. The harp young adults a platform to fellowship, to
represents music and worship and the serve, to do life together.
bowls are described as the prayers of the Contact: Vance Harbaugh (941) 720-3912
saints. Our goal is to worship God as
vertically, directly, and interactively as CREATIVE ARTS
possible and to pray the heart of Jesus in Drama! Dance! Pantomime! Sign
every situation that God leads us to. language! Flags! Children's ballet! These
Cochran Home are just a few venues that have been
3233 Indian Trail, Eustis, 32726 incorporated into the Creative Arts
Snacks at 6:30; Harp & Bowl at 7:00 Ministry at the Warehouse Church. The
Contact: Cliff Cochran @ 483-3140 message of salvation through Jesus
Next Meeting: Jun 10 & 24 Christ and the ministry of worship are key
factors in the foundation of our Creative
Arts Ministry. Many people are blessed
through the visual arts and this is why this
ministry exists. Look for future
4th Friday ~ opportunities that will allow community
Older Gents @ 11:30am oriented theater and dance.
Contact: Barbara Smith @ 315-1400
Older Gents is an opportunity for men
over 50 to meet for lunch and enjoy great
conversation over a variety of topics that
affect all of us.
Golden Corral, North Leesburg
Check out the web page at
Contact: Leo Lenschow 429-2563
Next Meeting: Jun 24
for everything on the
calendar this month.
M any years ago, I cut this poem out of a miraculous is seeing and believing He is Jesus.
newspaper. In fact, today as I pick it out The Holy Spirit must be allowed to function at this
of my journal it is yellow and fragile. I time to work things out of you and work things into
would say by the style of the writing that it might you. Then discipleship is coming along side of a
well have been written in the early Twentieth person and working with them, loving on them,
Century. Life is not always, as it appears to be not challenging them and if absolutely all else fails then
even back then. (Did I hear someone say there they might need discipline of some sort. God is in
would have been a different out come if he were a the business of loving on you and me and in
Christian?) maturing us.
In the Christian Church, we live an We had a young man (you are all young to
appearance that is not real. We tell only part of the me) sing in Spanish to our congregation a few
story so to impress people of our religious depth. Sundays ago. He did a superb job. He shared
“Stop lying to each other; tell the truth for we are very little, no showmanship but sang with the Spirit
parts of each other and when we lie to each other of God in his heart. In passing, he mentioned his
we are hurting ourselves” (Ephesians 4:25, LB). struggles in supporting his wife and children by
I was privileged to hear Gene Edwards best walking forty miles a day to and from work just to
know for his book, “A Tale of Three King’s” speak exist.
at a conference in the early 1980s. He spoke of
I would like to meet with him not to share war and what he had heard. He told them about these
stories or have a pity party but to hear what all God three amazing creatures: “Robert Blaire, the man
has done to change his heart and to excite him as who showed me all of my heart; and, finally, a little,
he is now. May I be so bold as to tell you that is the fair man, Samuel Rutherfurd, who showed me the
normal Christian walk! loveliness of Christ.”
Much of my Christian maturity (God is not The wealthy merchant introduced Dickson,
finish yet, aren’t you glad) has been in the fire Rutherfurd and Blaire with great enthusiasm to
(meat grinder). Most of the revelations or London hearers. He pondered their messages on
illuminations I have received of my Lord Jesus the depravity of the human heart, the majesty of
Christ has been in the Refiner’s Fire. “...For He is God, and the forgiving, wonderful, loving Saviour.
like a refiner’s fire...and He shall purify the sons of These thoughts captivated him until he fell prostrate
Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they before the God of majesty; until he groaned over
may offer unto the Lord and offering in his depravity. And then he fled to Christ for refuge
righteousness...” (Malachi 3:2, 3) I challenge you and found deliverance.
to read C. H. Mackintosh, H. Foster, T. Austin-
Sparks, Lilias Trotter, Watchman Nee, William
Gurnall and Leonard Ravenhill. The prayers of the What we need is a disciple of Christ
late Leonard Ravenhill, author of “Why Revival (a friend) who loves Jesus and has walked in
Tarries”, would that God’s people would be open to difficult situations but has been cleansed,
being awaken, purged, and to be shaken; to cry for readjusted and most
a hunger of a fuller revelation of Christ. of all knows God’s voice.
Leonard Ravenhill wrote on the inside of the
front cover of his book “The Refiner’s Fire; Volume
II”, “Robert Woodrow is a fascinating biographer.
He tells of a wealthy merchant who, in the reign of Just as that merchant introduced the Scottish
Charles II, took a stagecoach journey of about 400 giant preachers of his day, so we pray that this
miles from London to Edinburgh. It was a issue of The Refiner’s Fire will stir your spirit until
hazardous trip: the roads were precarious, with you will also fall prostrate before our holy God in
miles of long ruts; the stagecoaches – cumbersome heaven, gaze upon His majesty, and worship Him.
things made of heavy English oak – were generally Then with your own spiritual needs, flee to Christ
in poor condition; and marauding highwaymen for refuge. We’re convinced that if every preacher
roved the long, lonely stretches of open road. The in the nation would preach four Sundays on the
journey to Scotland and back customarily took majesty of God, another four Sundays on the
three and a half weeks, but there were delays, corruption of the human heart, and then another
which could never be calculated. The axles and four Sundays on the marvelous power of the gospel
wheels of the overloaded coaches would break. that Christ is able to save to the uttermost all who
Often, crossing rivers, the stages became stuck in come unto God by Him – this would at least be a
the mud. To ride the coaches the upper deck was prelude to revival.
to roast in summer and freeze in winter; to ride So our prayer is that we may through this
inside was to cough and sneeze from the fumes of journal bring to you spiritual giants who have
the heavy tobacco used at that time. passed on, but who have left a vision of the fullness
When at last he arrived in Scotland, the of Christ. It is our privilege and our responsibility to
merchant went first to St. Andrews in Fife, where he rediscover God’s majesty, bow before His holiness,
heard the great and worthy Mr. Blaire preach. As weep for the condition of the sinful world and lazy
he left the sanctuary, he turned to a friend and said, church, and pray with renewed passion for revival
“This Mr. Blaire has shown me the majesty of God.” in our day.
The next Sabbath he heard a man by the ...We shall be pleading for every reader to get a
name of David Dickson. He left saying, “This new intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ; to get so
preacher showed me all my heart.” cleansed and readjusted until we are all seated with
On the following Sabbath, the merchant was Him in heavenly places; until He can give us our
asked to go hear a man by the name of Rutherfurd. birthright, which would be an endorsement of power
“As he preached, he showed me the loveliness of to shake our generation.”
Christ,” he later confirmed. An infinitely and immanently Holy and
Upon returning from Edinburgh to London, Righteous God has redeemed us. His desire is for
the man’s friends asked what sights he had seen us to get to know Him intimately. There are so
many aspects of God; none of us has a real handle Be open to him or her to give you Godly input
on any of them. We come into a personal and to love no matter which of your personalities
[individual, unusual, extraordinary, unique, and shows up. I am very fortune that I have a number
distinctively different] relationship with God through of friends that give input into my life. They love me
the Holy Spirit; we no longer are spoken to as a and speak to me truthfully. Ouch!
nation, domination, a church or a group nor do we
need a religious leader to be the go between.
What we need is a disciple of Christ (a friend)
who loves Jesus and has walked in difficult
situations but has been cleansed, readjusted and
Check out Leo’s blog
most of all knows God’s voice.
on the Warehouse
Look for someone who is a servant, is
website at
desperate for God, knows deep within his soul his
depravity, senses the majesty of his Father and
knows the forgiving, wonderful, loving Saviour.