Ls Lecfu/R Vko' D Lwpuk: Online Counselling
Ls Lecfu/R Vko' D Lwpuk: Online Counselling
Ls Lecfu/R Vko' D Lwpuk: Online Counselling
I.A.S. Association Building, Near Patna Airport, Patna-14.
(9) bUVjusV O;o/ku ds fy, i"kZn mÙkjnk;h ugha gksxkA vr% vH;FkhZ vafre frfFk;ksa dk bartkj ugha djsaxs ,oa mlds iwoZ lHkh
izfØ;k iwjh dj ysaxsA
(10) Document Verification gsrq izek.k i=kksa @ vfHkys[kksa dh lwph (tks ykxw gks) _
i. Original Admit Card of NEET(UG)-2021.
ii. Rank Card of UGMAC-2021.
iii. Print out of Choice Slip.
iv. Downloaded print of Provisional Allotment Order in 3 copies
v. Passing Certificate / Marks Sheet / Admit Card of Matric / equivalent Examination.
vi. Passing Certificate / Marks Sheet / Admit Card of Intermediate Sc / equivalent Examination.
vii. Certificate for Residence of Bihar duly issued by Concerned C.O. / Revenue Officer of permanent residence.
viii. Caste Certificate duly issued by Concerned C.O. / Revenue Officer.
ix. Six copies of the passport size Photograph which was pasted on the Admit Card NEET(UG)-2021.
x. Copy of Aadhar Card.
xi. Downloaded print of Online filled Application Form (Part-A & Part-B) UGMAC-2021.
xii. The Check Slip (tk¡p&iphZ) 2 (two) copy as downloded alongwith Biometric Identification Report Form 1 (one)
xiii. Any other documents required (if any) such as DQ (PH) / EWS Certificate etc.
xiv. The Certificates in original as per the requirements of the Prospectus of UGMAC-2021 (if applicable).
(11) vH;FkhZ] vius Reporting / Nodal Centre ij tkdj Document Verification djkus ds i'pkr~ vxj vxys round dh
dkWmUlsfyax ds fy, Upgradation gsrq bPNk O;Dr fd;s gSa rks os viuk ewy izek.k i=k ,oa gLrk{kfjr Document Verification Slip ys ysaxsA
;fn 2nd round esa mudk lhV upgrade gksrk gS rks 2nd round esa vkoafVr lhV ij ukekadu gsrq fu/kZfjr frfFk esa Provisional Allotment
Order ij vafdr Reporting / Nodal Centre ij vH;FkhZ izFke pØ ds Document Verification Slip ,oa ewy izek.k i=kksa ds
lkFk fu/kZfjr vof/ esa fuf'pr :i ls mifLFkr gksaxs ,oa lHkh ewy izek.k i=k Reporting / Nodal Centre ij tek dj ukekadu ysaxs] vU;Fkk
bl 2nd round esa vkoafVr lhV dks fjDr eku fy;k tk;sxk ftlds iQyLo:i iwoZ (1st round) dh vkoafVr lhV Hkh fjDr gks tk;sxkA
;fn vH;FkhZ dk izFke pØ dk lhV gh Retain jg tkrk gS rks Hkh os fu/kZfjr frfFk esa Provisional Allotment Order ij vafdr
Reporting / Nodal Centre ij izFke pØ ds Document Verification Slip ,oa ewy izek.k i=k ds lkFk fu/kZfjr vof/ esa fuf'pr :i
ls mifLFkr gksaxs ,oa lHkh ewy izek.k i=k Reporting / Nodal Centre ij tek dj ukekadu ysaxs] vU;Fkk mudk izFke pØ dk mDr vkoafVr lhV
jí gks tk;sxkA
ijh{kk fu;a=kd