Iso 7203-1-2019
Iso 7203-1-2019
Iso 7203-1-2019
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 7203-1:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
ISO 7203-1:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative re ferences ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Grades and uses o f foam concentrates .......................................................................................................................................... 4
4. 1 Grades ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 Use with sea water............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Tolerance o f foam concentrates to freezing and thawing .......................................................................................... 4
6 Sediment in foam concentrates ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
6.1 Sediment before ageing ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Sediment after ageing ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7 Determination o f viscosity ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.1 Newtonian foam concentrates ................................................................................................................................................... 4
7.2 Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates ......................................................................................................................................... 5
8 pH o f foam concentrates ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
8.1 pH limits........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
8.2 S ens itivity to temp erature ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
9 Surface tension o f the foam solution ............................................................................................................................................... 5
9.1 Before temperature conditioning ........................................................................................................................................... 5
9.2 .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Temp erature s ens itivity
1 2 .2 .................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
E xp ans io n limits
Annex A (normative) Preliminary sampling and conditioning o f the foam concentrate ............................... 9
Annex B (normative) Determination o f tolerance to freezing and thawing ............................................................. 10
Annex C (normative) Determination o f volume percentage o f sediment ................................................................... 12
Annex D (normative) Determination o f viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates .......................... 13
Annex E (normative)
Determination o f surface tension, interfacial tension and spreading
coe fficient ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Annex F (normative) Determination o f expansion and drainage time .......................................................................... 16
Annex G (normative) Determination o f test fire performance .............................................................................................. 22
Annex H (informative) Description o f a radiation measurement method ................................................................. 28
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
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organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the di fferent approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules o f the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso .org/directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
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Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
www.iso .org/iso/foreword .html.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 21, Equipment for fire protection and fire
fighting , Subcommittee SC 6, Foam and powder media and firefighting systems using foam and powder
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7203-1:2011), which has been technically
The main changes compared to the previous edition are:
— addition o f Part 4 containing specifications for Class A foam concentrates;
— extension o f Clause 2 ;
— modification o f Clause 12 to run two tests instead of one and take the average of both values instead
o f having just one datum;
— correction o f figures;
— extension o f Annex G by a scheme o f a decision tree, and modification o f the acceptable temperature
range for testing fire per formance;
— removal of Annex J: “Typical anticipated performance for various types of foam concentrate”.
A list of all parts in the ISO 7203 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso .org/members .html.
Firefighting foams are widely used to control and extinguish fires o f Class B (flammable liquids) and/or
Class A fuels (solid materials, usually o f an organic nature) and for inhibiting reignition.
Foams can be used in combination with other extinguishing media, in particular halons, carbon dioxide
and powders which are the subject o f other International Standards, including, ISO 6183, ISO 7201-1,
ISO 7201-2 and ISO 7202. A specification for foam systems can be found in ISO 7076.
Attention is drawn to Annex I, which deals with the compatibility of foam concentrates, and the
compatibility o f foams and powders.
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e ci fie s the e s s enti a l prop er tie s and p er forma nce o f l iquid fo am concentrate s u s e d
to ma ke low- exp a n s ion fo am s for the control, the ex ti nc tion a nd the i n h ibition o f reign ition o f fi re s o f
T he s e fo a m s a re s u itable for top appl ic ation to fi re s o f water-i m m i s c ible l iqu id s . T he fo am s that con form
T he fo a m concentrate s c an b e s u itable for u s e i n non-a s pi rati ng s prayers or for s ub s u r face appl ic ation to
l iqu id fi re s , but the re qu i rements s p e ci fic to tho s e appl ic ation s are outs ide the s cop e o f th i s do c u ment.
2 Normative re ferences
T he fol lowi ng do c uments a re re ferre d to i n the te xt i n s uch a way that s ome or a l l o f thei r content
con s titute s re qui rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition c ite d appl ie s . For
u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c u ment (i nclud i ng any amend ments) appl ie s .
I S O 3 0 4, Surface active agents — Determination o f surface tension by drawing up liquid films
I S O 3 10 4, Petroleum products — Transparent and opaque liquids — Determination o f kinematic viscosity
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/
characteristic value
va lue de clare d by the fo am concentrate s uppl ier for the chem ic a l a nd phys ic a l prop er tie s and the
25 % drainage time
ti me for 2 5 % o f the l iqu id content o f a fo am to d rai n out
ratio of the volume of foam to the volume of the foam solution from which it was made
expansion (3.3
) in the range 1 to 2 0 , a s appl ie d to fo a m and to a s s o c iate d e qu ipment, s ys tem s a nd
expansion (3.3
) i n the ra nge 2 1 to 2 0 0 , a s appl ie d to fo am and to as s o c iate d e qu ipment, s ys tem s a nd
expansion (3.3
) gre ater tha n 200, as appl ie d to fo am and to as s o c iate d e qu ipment, s ys tem s a nd
< fi refighti ng> aggre gate o f a i r-fi l le d bub ble s forme d from an aque ou s s olution o f a s u itable fo am
< fo am> l iqu id th at, when m i xe d with water i n the appropri ate concentration, give s a fo am s olution
protein foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8 ) derive d from hyd rolys e d pro tei n materia l s
fluoroprotein foam concentrate
protein foam concentrate (3.8 ) with adde d fluori nate d s ur face -ac tive agents
synthetic foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8 ) b as e d on a m i x tu re o f hyd ro c arb on s ur face -ac tive agents and wh ich c an conta i n
alcohol-resistant foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) resistant to breakdown when applied to the surface of alcohol or other water-
miscible solvents
aqueous film- forming foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) based on a mixture of hydrocarbon and fluorinated surface-active agents with
the ability to form an aqueous film on the sur face o f some hydrocarbons
film- forming fluoroprotein foam concentrate
fluoroprotein foam concentrate (3.8 ) that has the ability to form an aqueous film on the sur face o f some
foam solution
solution of foam concentrate (3.8) and water
force ful application
application o f foam such that it falls directly onto the sur face o f a liquid fuel
gentle application
application o f foam indirectly to the sur face o f a liquid fuel via a backboard, tank wall or other sur face
insoluble particles in the foam concentrate
spreading coe fficient
value calculated from the measured sur face and inter facial tensions to indicate the ability o f one liquid
to spontaneously spread across the sur face o f another
temperature for use
maximum and minimum temperatures claimed by the manu facturer between which the foam
concentrate is ready for use
fluorine- free foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) which does not form an aqueous film on hydrocarbon fuels, but which targets
Class B per formance at force ful application and which does not contain any fluorochemicals
Class A foam concentrate
foam concentrate (3.8) for use on Class A fires (3.23)
Class A fire
fire involving solid materials, usually o f an organic nature, in which combustion normally takes place
with the formation of glowing embers
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO 3941:2007, Clause 2.
Note 2 to entry: Class A fires involve solid materials, usually o f an organic nature (such as vegetation, wood, cloth
and paper), rubber, and some plastics, in which combustion can occur at or below the sur face o f the material,
with or without the formation of glowing embers.
4.1 Grades
According to its test fire per formance (see Clause 13 ), a foam concentrate shall be graded
— as Class I, II or III for extinguishing per formance, and
— as Level A, B, C or D for burn-back resistance.
8 pH o f foam concentrates
8.1 pH limits
The pH o f the foam concentrate, be fore and a fter temperature conditioning in accordance with A.2 ,
shall be not less than 6,0 and not more than 8,5 at (20 ± 2) °C.
10.1 General
Inter facial tension shall only be tested on foam agents which are declared by the manu facturer to be
aqueous film- forming.
12.1 General
Either of the following tests shall be conducted twice with potable water and if appropriate twice with
synthetic sea water, and the average o f both series shall be recorded.
14.1 Marking
WARNING — It is extremely important that the foam concentrate, a fter dilution with water to
the recommended concentration, shall not, in normal usage, present a significant toxic hazard
to li fe in relation to the environment.
The recommended storage temperature and temperature of use are the same if the product is marked
“D o no t fre e ze”.
14.1.4 Fo am co ncentrates in acco rdance with I S O 7 2 0 3 - 2 s hall als o b e marked “medium- exp ans io n” o r
14.1.5 Fo am co ncentrates in acco rdance with I S O 7 2 0 3 - 3 s hall als o b e marked “alco ho l res is tant”.
14.2 Packaging
The packaging of the foam concentrate shall ensure that the essential characteristics of the concentrate
are pre s er ve d when s tore d a nd hand le d i n accordance with the s uppl ier's re com mendation s .
14.3.1 I f reques ted by the us er, the s up p lier s hall p rovide a lis t o f the characteris tic values .
14.3.2 I f the fo am co ncentrate is N ewto nian and the vis co s ity at the lo wes t temp erature fo r us e is mo re
than 200 mm2 /s when meas ured in acco rdance with I S O 3 1 0 4, it s hall b e marked with the wo rds , “This
14.3.3 I f the fo am co ncentrate is p s eudo - p las tic and the vis co s ity at the lo wes t temp erature fo r us e is
greater than o r equal to 1 2 0 mPa s at 3 7 5 /s , it s hall b e marked, “This co ncentrate can require s p ecial
Annex A
Preliminary sampling and conditioning o f the foam concentrate
A.2.1 I f the s up p lier claims that the co ncentrate is no t advers ely a ffected by freezing and thawing,
co nditio n the co ncentrate s amp le thro ugh fo ur cycles o f freezing and thawing, generally as des crib ed
in B.2 , b e fo re co nditio ning in acco rdance with A.2.2 . I f the fo am co ncentrate is advers ely a ffected by
freezing and thawing, it s hall b e co nditio ned acco rding to A.2.2 without prior freezing and thawing.
A.2.2 C o nditio n the co ncentrate in the s ealed co ntainer fo r 7 d at (6 0 ± 2 ) °C , fo llowed by 1 d at
(2 0 ± 5 ) °C .
Annex B
Determination o f tolerance to freezing and thawing
B.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following:
B.1.1 Freezing chamber, capable o f achieving the temperatures required in B.2.
B.1.2 Polyethylene tube , approximately 10 mm in diameter, approximately 400 mm-long and sealed
and weighted at one end, with suitable spacers attached.
Figure B.1 shows a typical form.
B.1.3 Measuring cylinder, glass, o f 500 ml capacity, approximately 400 mm-high and approximately
65 mm in diameter, with a stopper.
B.2 Procedure
Set the temperature of the freezing chamber (B.1.1) to at least 10 °C below the freezing point of the
sample, measured in accordance with BS 5117-1.3, excluding 5.2.
To prevent the glass measuring cylinder ( B.1.3 ) from breaking due to expansion o f the foam concentrate
on freezing, insert the tube ( B.1.2 ) into the measuring cylinder with the sealed end downward, weighted
i f necessary to avoid flotation, the spacers ensuring it remains approximately on the central axis o f the
cylinder. Fill the cylinder and fit the stopper.
Place the cylinder in the freezing chamber, cool it and maintain at the required temperature for 24 h.
At the end o f this period, thaw the sample for not less than 24 h and not more than 96 h in an ambient
temperature o f (20 ± 5) °C.
Repeat three times to give four cycles o f freezing and thawing be fore testing.
Examine the sample for stratification and non-homogeneity.
1 spacers (e.g. plastic cable strap)
2 mass at sealed end
Figure B.1 — Typical form o f polyethylene tube
Annex C
Determination o f volume percentage o f sediment
C.1 Sampling
Use a sample prepared in accordance with A.1 . Ensure that any sediment is dispersed by shaking the
sample container. Take two samples, testing one immediately and the other a fter ageing for (24 ± 2) h at
(60 ± 2) °C in a filled container without access to air.
C.2 Apparatus
C.2 .3 Sieve , o f nominal aperture size 180 µm, complying with ISO 3310-1.
C.3 Procedure
Centri fuge each sample o f the concentrate for (10 ± 1) min. Determine the volume o f the sediment and
record it as a percentage of volume of the centrifuged sample volume.
Wash the contents of the centrifuge tube (C.2.1) onto the sieve (C.2.3) and check whether or not the
sediment can be dispersed through the sieve by the jet from the plastic wash bottle (C.2.4).
Annex D
Determination o f viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates
D.1 General
This annex specifies the procedure for determining the viscosity for pseudo-plastic foam concentrates.
The procedure is described in ISO 3219.
NOTE Pseudo-plastic foam concentrates are a particular class of non-Newtonian foam concentrate and have
a viscosity that decreases with increasing shear rate at constant temperature.
D.2.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and the following:
D.2.1.1 Rotational viscometer, in accordance with ISO 3219, with the following parameters:
M e a s ure the s he ar s tre s s at a m i n i mu m o f eight d i fferent s he ar rate s over the range 0/s to 6 0 0/s , e . g.
75/s , 1 5 0/s , 2 2 5/s , 3 0 0/s , 3 75/s , 45 0/s , 5 2 5/s and 6 0 0/s . C a lc u late the app arent vi s co s ity, v, expre s s e d
D.2.4 Results
Rep or t the re s u lts as a table i nclud i ng te s t temp eratu re, e xpre s s e d i n de gre e s C el s ius , the s he a r rate,
expre s s e d in re cipro c a l s e cond s , the s he a r s tre s s , e xpre s s e d in re c ipro c a l s e cond s , and app arent
Annex E
Determination o f surface tension, interfacial tension and
spreading coe fficient
E.1.1 Solution o f foam concentrate , at the reco mmended co ncentratio n fo r us e in fres hly made
analytical water co mp lying with grade 3 of ISO 3 69 6: 1 987 and with s ur face tens io n no t les s than
70 mN/m.
NO TE T he s olution c a n b e m ade up i n a 10 0 m l volu me tr ic fl a s k, u s i ng a p ip e tte to me a s u re the fo a m
E.1.2 Cyclohexane , o f p urity no t les s than 9 9 % , fo r interfacial tens io n and s p reading co e fficient o nly.
Yf i s the s u r face ten s ion o f the fo am s olution, e xpre s s e d i n m i l l i new ton s p er me tre;
Yi i s the i nter facia l tens ion b e tween the fo am s olution and c yclohexane, expres s e d i n mi l l i newtons
per metre.
Annex F
Determination o f expansion and drainage time
F.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and, in particular, the following:
F.1.1 Collecting vessel , plastic, cylindrical, o f volume known to ±1 %, equipped with a bottom
discharge facility, as shown in Figure F.1.
F.1.2 Foam collector, for expansion and drainage measurement, as shown in Figure F.2.
Stainless steel, aluminium, brass and plastic are suitable materials for the collection sur face.
F.1.3 Foam-making nozzle , as shown in Figure F.3 , which, when tested with water, has a flow rate o f
11,4 l/min at a nozzle pressure o f (630 ± 30) kPa [(6,3 ± 0,3) bar].
F.3 Procedure
Check that the pipework and hose from the foam solution tank (F.1.4) to the nozzle (F.1.3 ) is completely
full o f solution. Set up the nozzle horizontally, directly in front o f the foam collector ( F.1.2 ), with the front
o f the nozzle (3 ± 0,3) m from the top edge o f the collector. Wet the collecting vessel ( F.1.1) internally
and weigh it; record the mass as m 1 . Set up the foam-making nozzle and adjust the nozzle pressure to
give a flow rate o f 11,4 I/min. Discharge foam and adjust the height o f the nozzle so that the discharge
strikes the collector centrally. Keep the nozzle horizontal. Stop foam discharge and rinse all the foam
from the collector. Check that the foam solution tank is full. Start discharging foam and, a fter (30 ± 5) s
to allow the discharge to stabilize, place the collecting vessel, with the discharge outlet closed, below
the collector. As soon as the vessel is full, remove it from the collector, strike the foam sur face level with
the rim and start the clock. Weigh the full vessel; record the mass as m 2 .
Calculate the expansion, E, as given in Formula (F.1):
m2 − m1
V is the volume, expressed in litres, o f the collecting vessel (F.1.1);
m1 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, of the empty vessel;
m 2 is the mass, expressed in kilograms, of the full vessel.
Assume that the density o f the foam solution is 1,0 kg/l.
Open the drainage facility (see F.1.1) and collect the foam solution in a graduated measuring cylinder to
measure the 25 % drainage time. Adjust the drainage facility such that the drained foam solution can
flow out but the passage o f foam is prevented.
NOTE This can be achieved by controlling the level o f the liquid/foam inter face in the plastic tube at the outlet.
1 collecting vessel
2 stand
3 trans p arent tub e, 3 0 mm to 5 0 mm- lo ng, 6 mm to 8 mm b o re
s ide o f the d i s ch a rge outle t clo s u re 4, c a n e ffe c tivel y s ep a rate fo a m fro m d ra i n i ng l iqu id hence pro vide more
stable results.
Figure F.1 — Collecting vessel for determination o f expansion and drainage time
1 collecting vessel
Figure F.2 — Foam collector for expansion and drainage measurement
Dimensions in millimetres
a) General arrangement
1) 2) 3)
4) 5) 6) 7)
9) 10-11) 11)
b) Details
NOTE The numbers underneath the figures re fer to the numbers in Figure F.3 a).
Figure F.3 — Foam-making nozzle
Annex G
Determination o f test fire performance
G.1 General
T h i s a n nex s p e c i fie s the pro ce du re for de term i ni ng the te s t fi re p er forma nce for low- e xp an s ion fo am
concentrate s . T he te s ts de s c rib e d i n th i s a n ne x a re more e xp en s ive and ti me - con s u m i ng than the o ther
te s ts de s crib e d i n th i s do c u ment. I t i s re com mende d th at they b e ca rrie d out at the end o f the te s t
neither is successful). The concentrate conforms to Clause 13 if two tests are successful.
G.2.1.2 Foam concentrates compatible with sea water
C onduc t one te s t with p o table water (te s t 1) a nd the o ther (te s t 2 ) with s ynthe tic s e a water o f the
composition given in G . 5 . I f b o th are s ucce s s fu l , rep e at the te s t with the gre ater o f the two ex ti nc tion
ti me s (te s t 3 ) . I f the e xti nc tion ti me s are identic a l, rep e at the s e a water te s t. I f the rep e at te s t i s
I f the rep e at te s t i s u n s ucce s s fu l, c a rr y out a fu r ther rep e at te s t (te s t 4) . I f that te s t then fai l s , term i nate
that series.
I f one o f the fi rs t two te s ts (te s t 1 or 2 ) i s no t s ucce s s fu l, rep e at th at te s t. I f th i s rep e at te s t i s s ucce s s fu l,
conduc t a s e cond rep e at te s t; o ther wi s e term i nate the te s t s erie s . T he concentrate con form s to
Figure G.1 — Decision tree for fire per formance test on water-immiscible fuels
— ai r temp erature: (5 − 4 0) ° C;
G.2.3 Records
a) lo c ation;
b) ai r temp erature;
d) water temperature;
e) foam solution temperature;
f ) wind speed;
g) 90 % control time;
h) 99 % control time;
i) extinction time;
j) 25 % burn-back time.
NOTE 90 % control time and burn-back time can be determined either visually by an experienced person or
from thermal radiation measurements. Annex H gives details of a method suitable for low-expansion foams.
G.2.4 Foam solution
Prepare a foam solution following the recommendations from the supplier for concentration, maximum
premix time, compatibility with the test equipment, avoiding contamination by other types o f foam, etc.
Use potable water to prepare the foam solution and, i f the supplier claims that the concentrate is
suitable for use in sea water, make a second foam solution at the same concentration using synthetic sea
water in accordance with G.5 .
G.2.5 Fuel
Use an aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture having physical properties according to the following
a) distillation range: 84 °C to 105 °C;
b) maximum di fference between initial and final boiling points: 10 °C;
c) maximum aromatic content: 1 % mass fraction;
d) density at 15 °C: (700 ± 20) kg/m 3 .
NOTE 1 The normal value o f sur face tension o f the aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture measured in accordance
with G.2.1 is 21 mN/m to 22 mN/m.
NOTE 2 Typical fuels meeting this specification are certain solvent fractions sometimes re ferred to as
commercial heptane.
G.3.1 Apparatus
The usual laboratory apparatus and the apparatus listed in G.4.1, except that the tray does not have a
G.3.2 Procedure
Set up the tray and nozzle generally in accordance with G.4.2 but position the nozzle so that the central
part o f the foam discharge falls directly on the fuel sur face at a point (1 ± 0,1) m from the edge o f the
tray furthest from the nozzle (see Figure G.1).
Ignite the fuel not more than 300 s a fter adding it and allow to burn for (60 ± 2) s a fter full involvement
o f the sur face o f the fuel. Apply foam for (180 ± 2) s. I f the fire is extinguished prior to the end o f foam
appl ic ation, re cord the e xti nc tion ti me as the p erio d from the s tar t o f fo a m appl ic ation u nti l the ti me
(3 0 0 ± 10) s a fter s toppi ng fo am appl ication, place the bu rn-b ack p o t contai n i ng (2 ± 0 ,1) l o f fuel i n the
centre o f the tray a nd ignite . Vi s ua l ly e s ti mate when 2 5 % o f the tray i s covere d by s u s ta i ne d flame s or
b y “flare up” fla me s (s e e NO T E ) , ignori ng any fai nt, b arely vi s ible, or tran s ient fl ame s . Re cord the ti me
If the burn-back at forceful application is less than 10 min the burn-back rating shall be evaluated in a
s ep arate fi re te s t with gentle appl ic ation .
Dimensions in metres
1 water
2 fuel
3 foam-making nozzle
4 tray
G.4.1 Apparatus
T he u s ua l lab orator y app a ratu s a nd, i n p ar tic u lar, the fol lowi ng.
G.4.1.1 Circular fire tray, stainless steel grade X5CrNi18-10 (ISO 3506-1: A2; ASTM: 304304; UNS:
S30400), with dimensions as follows:
— internal diameter at rim: (2 400 ± 25) mm;
— depth: (200 ± 15) mm;
— nominal thickness o f steel wall: 2,5 mm.
G.4.1.2 Backboard , vertical, stainless steel grade X5CrNi18-10 (ISO 3506-1: A2; ASTM: 304304; UNS:
S30400), (1 ± 0,05) m high and (1 ± 0,05) m long and 2,5 mm thick, fitted as closely as possible along the
top o f the tray wall, or formed by an extension o f the tray wall.
NOTE The tray has an area o f approximately 4,52 m 2 .
Place the tray directly on the ground and ensure that it is level. Set up the foam nozzle horizontally,
(1 ± 0,05) m above the fuel level, in a position where the central part o f the foam discharge strikes
the centre axis o f the backboard (0,5 ± 0,1) m above the fuel level (see Figure G.2). Clean the tray. Add
approximately 90 l o f water and check that the base is completely covered. Add (144 ± 5) l o f fuel, to give
approximately 150 mm between the fuel sur face and the top o f the tray wall.
Ignite the fuel not less than 3 min, and not more than 5 min, a fter adding it. Start foam application
(60 ± 2) s a fter full involvement o f the sur face o f the fuel. Readjust the nozzle to ensure that the jet
continues to hit the centre o f the backboard. Apply foam for (300 ± 2) s. I f the fire is extinguished,
record the extinction time as the period from the start o f foam application and until the time when all
flames are extinguished.
NOTE 1 I f a foam has achieved a burn-back resistance Level A at extinguishing per formance Class I or II on the
force ful application test, it is not necessary to test it using gentle application.
NOTE 2 Extinction is not required for foams that have success fully extinguished the force ful application test
of G.3 without achieving burn-back resistance level A.
NOTE 3 Foams that do not extinguish the gentle application test o f this clause can have a reduced burn-back
resistance level because o f flames remaining a fter foam application.
I f the fire is not extinguished within (300 ± 2) s and the foam has not achieved extinguishing
per formance Class I or II, terminate the test.
A fter an additional (300 ± 10) s, place the burn-back pot, containing (2 ± 0,1) l o f fuel, in the centre o f
the tray and ignite. Record the 25 % burn-back time.
Dimensions in metres
1 b ackb o ard (no n- integral typ e s hown)
2 foam-making nozzle
3 fuel
4 water
5 tray
Annex H
Description o f a radiation measurement method
H.1 Evaluation
Rad i ation me as u rement i s a conven ient a nd obj e c tive way to monitor the p er formance o f a fo am du ri ng
the fi re p er formance te s t. I t re duce s the re qu i rement for vi s ua l ob s er vation s (excep t for fl ame fl ickers
T h i s an nex de s crib e s the e qu ipment and pro ce du re u s e d i n a s erie s o f te s ts i n one te s ti ng lab orator y,
and the me tho d s u s e d to i nterpre t a nd pre s ent the re s u lts . S e e Re ference [ 7 ] for add itiona l de ta i l s . T he
me tho d i s s u itable for low- and me d iu m- e xp an s ion fo a m s but no t for h igh- exp a n s ion fo am s .
Rad i ation level s s hou ld b e re corde d conti nuou sly or with i nter va l s no t exce e d i ng 1 s .
Dimensions in metres
1 radiometer
2 circular fire tray
Figure H.1 — Location o f radiometers for recording heat radiation during fire per formance tests
H.4 Procedure
Correct the output from the two radiometers by deducting the background radiation recorded from 5 s
to 10 s a fter the moment o f complete extinction.
Determine the average value of the two radiometers.
Determine the average value of time of recorded radiation during the 25 s period beginning at 30 s
before the start of the foam application and ending 5 s before the start of the foam application (see
Figure H.2).
Determine the relative radiation by dividing the output by the average value obtained in accordance
with the preceding paragraph.
The instantaneous radiation values are subject to random fluctuation. A smoother curve, which
facilitates interpretation, can be obtained by plotting radiation values averaged over a period o f ±5 s for
each time value.
The adjusted relative radiation is shown for the extinguishing test in Figure H.3 and for the burn-back
test in Figure H.4. A control of 90 % is equivalent to the relative radiation 0,1.
The description above implies that computer-controlled measuring practices should be applied.
1) The Medtherm Series 64 supplied by Medtherm Corp., PO Box 412, Huntsville, AL, USA is an example o f a
suitable product (apparatus) available commercially. This in formation is given for the convenience o f users o f this
document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO o f this product (apparatus).
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 29
ISO 7203-1:2019(E)
X time, exp res s ed in minutes
NOTE Foam application starts at 1 min and stops at 5 min. The burn-back test starts at 15 min.
Figure H.2 — Typical absolute radiation levels throughout a test
X time, exp res s ed in minutes
NOTE Foam application starts at 0 min and stops at 4 min. 90 % control is achieved at about 1 min 8 s.
Figure H.3 — Typical relative radiation levels during extinction
X time, exp res s ed in minutes
Annex I
Annex J
Small-scale fire test
J.1 General
Annex G describes large-scale fire tests for type approval. This annex describes a small-scale fire test
which can be suitable for quality control purposes.
The test should not be run outdoors as the results are very sensitive to any kind o f air flow.
To analyse the compatibility between foams and dry chemical powder, this test should be repeated
according to the procedure given in J.3 .
J.2 Apparatus
J.2.1 Fire tray, circular, brass, as shown in Figure J.1, with a turned-over rim and a drain point with
valve at the centre o f the conical base, with dimensions as follows:
— internal diameter at rim: (565 ± 5) mm;
— height o f vertical wall: (150 ± 5) mm;
— height o f conical base: (30 ± 5) mm;
— thickness o f vertical wall: (1,2 ± 0,2) mm.
NOTE The tray has an area o f approximately 0,25 m 2 .
The fire tray is supported approximately 1 m above the ground on a steel frame with four legs. The
tray is normally placed beneath a suitable fume extraction hood that can extract the smoke without
inter fering with the fire.
J.2.2 Burn-back pot, brass, with a turned-over rim, fitted with four studs at the base to give an overall
height o f (96 ± 2) mm, with dimensions as follows:
— internal diameter at rim: (120 ± 2) mm;
— internal depth: (80 ± 2) mm;
— thickness o f wall: (1,2 ± 0,2) mm.
A chain fitted to the rim allows li fting o f the burn-back pot using a metal rod.
J.2.3 Foam-making nozzle , as shown in Figure J.2, which has a nominal flow rate o f 5,0 l/min at
700 kPa (7 bar) when tested with water.
It is fitted with an adjustable collar to allow ejection o f the foam from the side o f the nozzle and, thus,
variation o f the foam flow rate through the outlet. The foam flow rate can also be controlled by adjusting
the pressure applied to the foam solution.
J.2.4 Fuel , consisting o f an aliphatic hydrocarbon mixture as specified in G.2.5 .
Dimensions in millimetres
1 burn-back pot 4 adj us tab le b o s s
1 no zzle with fo am diverter (s ee Figure K. 3 ) 6 o rifice p late G (s ee Figure K. 8 )
5 venturi (s ee Figure K. 7 )
1 H
3 ho les ∅
2 16 threads
a Knurled.
a Coarse-knurled.
Figure J.4 — Item 2 — Coupling
NO TE 1 E nd face s to b e at 9 0 ° to a xi s .
NO TE 2 T he th re ad i s W h itwor th , 16 tp i .
1 4 ho les , ∅ 6 at 9 0 ° in the s ame p lane
Dimensions in millimetres
a Slight radius.
NO TE 1 Face s p a ra l lel to with i n 0 , 0 2 m m .
Dimensions in millimetres
a Slight radius.
NO TE 1 Face s p a ra l lel to with i n 0 , 0 2 m m .
[1] I S O 2 2 8 -1 , Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads — Part 1:
safe handling and transfer procedures o f halon 1211 and halon 1301
[6] I S O 7 2 02 , Fire protection — Fire extinguishing media — Powder
[7 ] I S O 70 76 (a l l p ar ts) , Fire protection — Foam fire extinguishing systems
[8] NORD T E S T M e tho d N T Fi re 02 3 , Fi re E xti ngu i s h i ng Fo am C oncentrate s
ICS 13.220.10
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