LO1 Every Question 2019
LO1 Every Question 2019
LO1 Every Question 2019
• Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Please write clearly and in capital letters.
• Use black ink. HB pencil may be used for graphs and diagrams only.
• Answer all the questions, unless your teacher tells you otherwise.
• Read each question carefully. Make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.
• Where space is provided below the question, please write your answer there.
• You may use additional paper, or a specific Answer sheet if one is provided, but you must clearly show your candidate
number, centre number and question number(s).
Which of the following best describes the purpose of a processor component in a computer?
2. Put a tick (✓) in the box next to the one correct answer.
(d) Microwave signals are not effective beyond a range of 1800 metres.
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
Each store has Point of Sale (POS) terminals, connected to a wired local area network (LAN), which the staff
use to serve customers as well as report sales to the Head Office. A separate wireless network is provided for
customers use while they are in the store.
POS terminals in each of the stores feature the same computer components.
Graphics card
Each store has Point of Sale (POS) terminals, connected to a wired local area network (LAN), which the staff
use to serve customers as well as report sales to the Head Office. A separate wireless network is provided for
customers use while they are in the store.
Each store is connected to the company’s data centres in Manchester and London via a leased line connection
with a backup link using an ADSL connection.
Identify and describe two pieces of hardware needed to create this wide area network (WAN) connection.
RGIS runs a central help desk to provide support for customers. This can be accessed via a web-site, email or
over the telephone.
Customers connect to the data centre using a router rather than a hybrid device.
When updating the equipment’s user manual, the engineer mistakenly used a decimal value instead of
Convert the decimal number 244 to hexadecimal. You must show your workings.
The leisure centres feature the latest fitness technology including ‘connected’ fitness equipment that
automatically uploads workout information to the customer’s personal profile.
AMEC Leisure’s IT staff are responsible for the maintenance of the ‘connected’ fitness equipment as well as the
company’s computer systems.
When maintaining the ‘connected’ fitness equipment, IT staff use a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
Describe the difference between a mebibyte and a megabyte and explain why mebibytes are used.
Item Tick
giga, kilo, mega, tera
kilo, giga, mega, tera
kilo, mega, giga, tera
tera, giga, kilo, mega
(b). Put a tick in the right hand column of the table to show the correct answer.
How many bits in 1 kibibit?
(c). Put a tick in the right hand column of the table to show the correct answer.
Which device is needed to connect a computer to an ADSL line?
Device Tick
Item Tick
(e). Put a tick in the right hand column of the table to show the correct answer.
Convert 66 in decimal to 8 bit binary.
Item Tick
(f). Put a tick in the right hand column of the table to show the correct answer.
Which of these is not a wireless technology?
Item Tick
Progress Mutual is opening a new branch 50 miles away. It wants to create a network to connect the new branch
to its IT systems. It could use ADSL or a leased line.
Compare the use of ADSL with a leased line for connecting the two locations.
The bank has been open for nearly 100 years and has over 500 000 customers. Many of these customers use a
passbook that lists all of their transactions and is updated every time they visit a branch. A new online banking
system has recently been launched and a number of customers have started to use this.
As well as a mainframe, the bank has a number of other servers housed in a data centre in its head office. It
also has a back-up data centre in an off-site location.
Explain one reason why Progress Mutual uses a mainframe to process customer information.
Total 1
Total 1
Total 1
4 c 4 1
Examiner’s Comments
Total 1
5 a Two marks what it does e.g. 4 Max 1 mark for each component for
describing a characteristic of that
Solid State Drive component
b Two marks for each point and suitable 4 Answer could cover:
expansion e.g. Why use LAN as opposed to stand alone
Why use LAN as opposed to wireless LAN
Connects devices together (1) over a Why use LAN as opposed to WAN
small area (1)
Can share data (1) to increase
efficiency (1) Do NOT accept answers related to
Can share peripherals (1) to reduce increased speed/quicker
cost (1)
Increased security (1) as wireless can Examiner’s Comments
be easily intercepted (1).
Increased throughput (1) as wired This question asked candidates to explain
network has more bandwidth/than two reasons why Progress Jewellers would
wireless (1). use a LAN. Many candidates gave generic
Increase performance (1) as each answers, or answers relating to the use of
device connects using its own a LAN in a school. Centres are reminded to
cable (1). ensure candidate use the supplied context
Any other valid suggestion. to answer questions in this section.
Total 8
6 Two marks for each description, max four 4 Allow examples of real troubleshooting
e.g. techniques
Identify the problem (1) by asking user
a series of questions about the
issue (1). Restart the computer (1) by switching it
Establish a theory (1) about the cause off and on (1)
of the problem (1). Check cables/power (1) to ensure they
Test the theory (1) to see if the issue is are connected (1)
identified (1). Check the manual (1) for common
Create a plan (1) to follow (1). faults/look up error codes (1)
Check the system is working (1) after Check logs/event viewer (other tools)
implementing the plan (1). (1) to see if any error messages are
Document finding (1) for future displayed (1)
reference (1). Run self-tests (1) to perform diagnosis
Any other valid suggestion. (1)
Examiner’s Comments
Total 4
7 One mark for identification of hardware, 4 Must identify the hardware (1st) before
one mark for description e.g. description can be awarded
Router (1st) routes packets/traffic/data CSU – Channel Service Unit, DSU – Data
between networks/provides ports to Service Unit
connect lines to (1).
Modem (1st) converts analogue signals Do NOT accept:
to digital signals/connects to ADSL line Cables
(1). Network Card/NIC
CSU/DSU (1st) provides termination of Hub
carrier’s line (1). Switch
Firewall (1st) provides filtering of traffic
entering/leaving network (1).
Any other valid suggestion. Examiner’s Comments
Total 4
8 Up to two marks for each of three [6] 1 mark for each memory type (max 3) for
explanations. describing the characteristic of the memory
RAM Do not accept a definition (e.g. Ram is
Random Access Memory – 0 marks)
Stores parts of the operating
system/running programs (1) for
access by the CPU/so data can be
processed (1)
Store data from programs (that are
open) (1) providing fast access to data
Any other valid suggestion Reference to web cache should not be
Examiner’s Comments
Holds the boot program/BIOS (1) that
is used to start the server/that executes Candidates were asked to explain the
before OS loads (1) purpose of RAM, ROM and Cache
Any other valid suggestion memory. Some candidates were able to do
this successfully, although a number of
Cache candidates described characteristics of the
memory types, rather than explaining the
Stores data that is accessed frequently purpose. Many candidates described the
(1) to allow faster access to the data caching if web-sites rather than cache
(1) memory. This may be down to poor
Any other valid suggestion examination technique; not reading the
question correctly, or a lack of subject
Total 6
Total 7
Examiner’s Comments
Candidates were asked to convert the
decimal number 244 to hexadecimal and
show their workings. Good responses were
able to show their workings and provide an
accurate hexadecimal conversion to
achieve full marks. Most candidates that
attempted the question achieved at least
one mark for their workings. Other
candidates provided no response for this
Examiner’s Comments
Total 16
Total 6
Total 14
13 Mainframes are reliable (1) and have [3] Points marking approach.
been around for a long time (1).
Customers expect to have access to One mark for correct identification plus up
their money (1). to a further two marks for a valid
Can process many transactions at the explanation.
same time (1). Bank has a lot of
customers (1) so mainframe provides
the performance needed (1).
Any other valid suggestion.
Total 3