Epicor905 NewInstallGuide 905700 SQL

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Epicor 9.

05 Installation Guide
New Install 9.05.700 - SQL
This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its
date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a
particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage
of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements
in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws
and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly
Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred
to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also
stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible
with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or
product compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and
Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs
released by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/or
trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other
trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2012.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of
Epicor Software Corporation.

New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Revision: October 12, 2012 9:40 a.m.
Total pages: 61
Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Contents


Part I: Getting Started......................................................................................7

Chapter 1: Verify Prerequisites...................................................................7

1.1 Verify Access to EPICweb....................................................................................................................7
1.2 Verify Epicor 9.05 Install Guide Version...............................................................................................7
1.3 Review Epicor 9.05 Functionality.........................................................................................................8
1.4 Review Software Requirements...........................................................................................................8
1.5 Verify SQL Server 2008 Installation......................................................................................................8
1.6 Review Hardware Sizing Guide...........................................................................................................9
1.7 Verify Windows Server 2008 Compatibility..........................................................................................9
1.8 Verify Temporary Files Do Not Exist...................................................................................................10

Chapter 2: Perform Pre-Installation Steps...............................................11

2.1 Disable Error Reporting.....................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 Using Windows Server 2008 R2..............................................................................................11
2.1.2 Using Windows 7...................................................................................................................11
2.2 Set Up SQL Collation for Epicor 9.05.................................................................................................11
2.3 Determine Web Service Type: WSE or WCF.......................................................................................12

Part II: Installation..........................................................................................13

Chapter 3: Install Progress OpenEdge.....................................................13

3.1 Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A......................................................................................................13

Chapter 4: Install the Epicor 9.05 Server..................................................16

4.1 Install or Upgrade Epicor 9.05 Server Software..................................................................................16

Chapter 5: Install Latest Updates.............................................................20

5.1 Download Latest Updates.................................................................................................................20
5.2 Install Epicor 9.05 Patch on the Server..............................................................................................20
5.3 Install Epicor 9.05 Help Content Pack................................................................................................21

Part III: Post-Installation.................................................................................22

Chapter 6: Configure Application Server.................................................22

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Contents Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

6.1 Establish Security for Progress AppServer..........................................................................................22

6.1.1 Establish an Administrative Account........................................................................................22
6.1.2 Establish Local Security Policy..................................................................................................22
6.1.3 Establish the AdminService Setting..........................................................................................23
6.1.4 Configure Security for Multiple Servers...................................................................................23
6.2 Setup Full-Text Searching on MS SQL Server......................................................................................24
6.2.1 Review the Process - Building Full-Text Catalogs......................................................................24
6.2.2 Starting the MS SQL Search Service.........................................................................................24
6.2.3 Defining the Catalogs.............................................................................................................25
6.2.4 Changing Database Schema...................................................................................................25
6.2.5 Initial Population of Catalogs..................................................................................................26
6.2.6 Setting Up the Catalogs to Update Incrementally....................................................................26
6.2.7 Testing Server Impact for each Job..........................................................................................27
6.3 Setup Progress OpenEdge Manage Tool............................................................................................27
6.4 Update Parameter File for Multi-Server Configuration.......................................................................29
6.5 Verify Parameter File Settings............................................................................................................29
6.6 Configure the Euro Currency Symbol................................................................................................31

Chapter 7: Prepare Your Database...........................................................33

7.1 Initialize or Convert Your Database...................................................................................................33
7.1.1 Before You Begin...................................................................................................................33
7.1.2 Prerequisites for Upgrading Posting Rules...............................................................................33
7.2 Add Epicor and Application Server Connections................................................................................34
7.3 Import License Codes........................................................................................................................35
7.4 Add Company..................................................................................................................................36
7.5 Stop Main AppServer........................................................................................................................36
7.6 Run Conversions Using Epicor Admin Tools.......................................................................................37
7.7 Stop and Start AppServers................................................................................................................37

Chapter 8: Install Epicor 9.05 Client on a Workstation...........................38

8.1 Install Microsoft Tools .NET 3.5 and WSE or WCF Runtime (Client)....................................................38
8.2 Install Epicor 9.05 Client Software....................................................................................................38
8.3 Uninstall Previous Versions of Crystal Runtime...................................................................................39
8.4 Install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime.................................................................................................39

Chapter 9: Log in the First Time...............................................................41

9.1 Import Posting (Booking) Rules.........................................................................................................41
9.2 Verify System Agent for Printing.......................................................................................................42
9.3 Test System and Repeat Installation..................................................................................................42

Chapter 10: Restore Demonstration Database........................................43

10.1 Download Demonstration Database File..........................................................................................43

4 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Contents

10.2 Verify Prerequisites.........................................................................................................................43

10.3 Restore the Demonstration Database..............................................................................................43
10.4 Start Main AppServer......................................................................................................................45
10.5 Import License Codes and Enable Modules.....................................................................................45
10.6 Run Manual Conversions................................................................................................................46
10.7 Set Up System Agent for Printing (Demo Database).........................................................................46
10.8 Start Remaining Appservers............................................................................................................47
10.9 Test Demonstration Database Update.............................................................................................47

Chapter 11: Configure Windows Admin Workstation............................48

11.1 Install ODBC Driver (Native Client 10)..............................................................................................48
11.2 Install ODBC Driver (Native Client 11) for SQL Server 2012..............................................................48
11.3 Install Progress OpenEdge...............................................................................................................49
11.4 Install Epicor 9.05 Client.................................................................................................................49

Chapter 12: Troubleshooting....................................................................50

12.1 Share the Epicor Folders..................................................................................................................50
12.2 Verify Specific Folders are Not Read-Only........................................................................................50
12.3 Review Configuration File Settings..................................................................................................51
12.4 Verify Time Synchronization on Client and Server............................................................................53
12.5 Known Issue with Turkish Format Culture Display...........................................................................53
12.6 Configure Environments for Test and Pilot......................................................................................53
12.7 Progress Client Has Stopped Working.............................................................................................54
12.8 Change or Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Application...................................................................................55
12.8.1 Add or Remove Programs and Features................................................................................55
12.8.2 Repair or Reinstall Epicor 9.05 Application............................................................................56
12.8.3 Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Application..........................................................................................56
12.8.4 Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Client...................................................................................................57

Part IV: Supplemental Installations...............................................................59

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Contents Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

6 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Getting Started

Part I: Getting Started

Welcome to the Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide - Version 9.05.700. This comprehensive guide explains how to
install the Epicor 9.05 application system for new customers.
This part of the guide explains how to verify the prerequisites and perform pre-installation steps prior to installing
your Epicor 9.05 installation. You can use the following process flow to track your path through the installation.

Chapter 1: Verify Prerequisites

This part of the guide explains how to verify the prerequisites prior to installing or upgrading your Epicor 9.05 installation.

1.1 Verify Access to EPICweb

Use the following instructions to verify you have appropriate permissions to access the EPICweb site.

1. Verify you have Internet access at your workstation.

2. Verify you have a valid User ID and Password for Epicor's Customer Portal (EPICweb). To create an account
go to: http://support.epicor.com

1.2 Verify Epicor 9.05 Install Guide Version

Use these steps to verify that you are using the correct version of the Epicor 9.05 installation guide. Be sure to
always use the installation guide with the latest Revision date.

1. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
Note You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads

2. Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700.

3. In the Available Downloads list, locate and download the installation guide for your platform, either SQL,
Progress, or Linux/UNIX. Note that specific guides are available for different installation types, including:
New installation, Upgrading from Epicor 9.04, or Service Pack upgrade from 9.05.60x.
Note If you are upgrading from Vantage 8.03.40x to 9.05.70x, you must download and follow the
Epicor Data Upgrade Utility Guide.

4. Open the file. On the Disclaimer page, verify that the Revision Date is the same as the revision date on the
installation guide you are using.

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Getting Started Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

1.3 Review Epicor 9.05 Functionality

It is recommended that you become familiar with the features available in the Epicor 9.05 release prior to installing
the Epicor 9.05 application.

1. Review the Epicor 9.05 Feature Summary to learn about the features in the Epicor 9.05 release. To access
the 9.05 Feature Summary, log onto the EPICWeb Documentation site and click the Feature Summaries link.
Note that you can also view the Feature Summary using the online help system.

2. If desired, contact the Services group to learn more about upgrading or migration to Epicor 9.05.
Note To request assistance from Services, fill out the Services Request Form available on the EPICWeb
Services site. You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/services/Pages/default.aspx.

1.4 Review Software Requirements

Software requirements have been updated for this release. Use the following information to update your system.
• Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 must be installed on the server.
• If you use a Windows XP workstation, you must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 installed.
• You must have the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) installed in order to use several features of
the Epicor application, including Embedded Education Courses, and Epicor Web Access. If you do not have
IIS installed, refer to your operating system documentation for instructions.
• You must have the ASP.NET module of your Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) installation enabled
in order to use several features of the Epicor application, including Epicor Web Access, Epicor Mobile Access,
or Epicor Embedded Education.
• Verify you have Microsoft .NET 3.5 installed on your server. Use the instructions on the Microsoft Download
Center site to download and install the application. Note that the .NET 3.5 installation includes the .NET
Service Pack when you download .NET 3.5 from the Microsoft Download Center website.
• If you are hosting an Epicor Web Access site on the Epicor application server, the IIS Server name must not
include the underscore character. If the IIS Server name has an underscore, the user won't be able to log in.
• To use a SQL or SQL Unicode database with the Epicor 9.05 application, you must have SQL Server 2008 or
SQL Server 2008 R2 installed on your database server. Use the installation instructions that came with SQL
Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2.
• To run the Epicor Administration Console, you must have the latest Microsoft Management Console (MMC)
3.0 or later installed. See the MMC 3.0 download site for download information.
• If you have Customer Connect, the service pack for that product must be installed on your system.
• If you have SQL installed and you are using that SQL database for your transactional database, and you plan
to use Epicor Enterprise Search, you do not need to install Epicor Replication because you can use your SQL
database. See more detail in the Supplemental Installation section for Replication.

1.5 Verify SQL Server 2008 Installation

Verify that SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2 is installed on your database server and Windows Admin
Workstation. If necessary, use these steps to install SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2. Note that SQL Server
2008 Express or SQL Server 2008 Express R2 can be installed on the Windows Admin Workstation.
Note It is recommended that you review the SQL Books Online information in order to become familiar
with the SQL Server administration functionality. The documentation is typically installed with the SQL

8 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Getting Started

Server application. To access it, navigate to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 >
Documentation and Tutorials > SQL Server Books Online

1. On your database server, install SQL Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008 R2. To do this, use the instructions
that came with your SQL installation. Be sure to install any Microsoft service pack and patch updates related
to your SQL version.

2. On your Windows Admin Workstation, install SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008 Express
or SQL Server 2008 Express R2. To do this, use the instructions that came with your SQL installation. Be sure
to install any Microsoft service pack and patch updates related to your SQL version.

1.6 Review Hardware Sizing Guide

Use these steps to download and review the Epicor Hardware Sizing and Configuration Guide. Note that Hardware
requirements may change based on the specific release. It is recommended that you have an understanding of
the hardware requirements prior to installing.

1. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
Note You can use this link:https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads

2. Navigate to Utilities > Hardware Sizing Guide.

3. Download and extract the Epicor905700_HardwareGuide.zip file. Note that this zip contains two files:
Hardware Guide (PDF) and Sizing Spreadsheet (XLS)

4. Open the Epicor905700_HardwareGuide.pdf file. Review the entire guide, including these sections:
• Introduction (how to use the guide)
• Application Load Profile (usage and patterns)
• Server Hardware Sizing (Standard, Medium, Large)
• Epicor 9.05 Scenarios (based on user count)
• Other Hardware Requirements
• Appendix (SAN, CPU, RAM, RAID, UPS)

5. Open the Epicor9SizingSpreadsheet.9057xx.Template.xls file. Review the entire template, including

these tabs: Summary, Software Purchased, and Workload. Note that you may already have a completed
version of this sizing spreadsheet.

6. Use the two documents to assist in understanding your hardware requirements.

1.7 Verify Windows Server 2008 Compatibility

If you have Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 installed on your server, use the following steps
to verify the compatibility with the Epicor Application.

1. If you use Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, note that to open an executable file, you do
not double-click the file. Instead, you right-click and select the Run as Administrator option.

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Getting Started Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

2. If you use Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, you also need to install Application Server
and IIS with V6 compatibility.

3. With Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, a firewall is installed. The firewall must be disabled
in order for connectivity from other machines to allow for administering of the Epicor 9.05 Appservers.
Based on your company practices, you can enable your firewall after the installation process is complete.

1.8 Verify Temporary Files Do Not Exist

Prior to installing the upgrade, use the following steps to clear out any existing temporary folders and files related
to install aware processing. These temporary folders and files may exist due to prior upgrades that were not fully
completed and they may cause your current upgrade to not install properly.

1. Go to your system Temp folder. The location of the Temp folder differs based on your operating system.
To find the location of this folder, you can do one of the following:
• Select Start > Run. In the command window, type: %temp%. Click OK. The Temp folder location
opens in a browser. For example, the browser could open to C:\Users\[UserId]\AppData\Local\Temp.
• Select Start and right-click on Computer. Select Properties. Click the Advanced System Settings link
or the Advanced tab. Click Environmental Variables. In the User variables section, record the value
for the Temp variable.

2. In the Temp folder and subfolders, delete the following:

• folders that start with MIA*
• files that end with *.TMP

10 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Getting Started

Chapter 2: Perform Pre-Installation Steps

This part of the guide lists the steps to perform before installing or upgrading Epicor 9.05.

2.1 Disable Error Reporting

Use the following steps to disable error reporting on your workstation. This step is recommended in order to
save processing time by not automatically reporting software issues during installations. Based on your company
practices, you can enable error reporting after the installation process is complete. Note that the steps differ
based on your operating system.

2.1.1 Using Windows Server 2008 R2

1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > System and Security.

2. Select Action Center. Select the Change Action Center Settings link.

3. Open Maintenance and then select the Problem reporting settings link.

4. Select Never check for solutions button. Click OK.

2.1.2 Using Windows 7

1. Verify that you have administrator privileges.

2. Open the Local Group Policy Editor. To do this, open Start > Search. Type gpedit.msc and press Enter.

3. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Internet Communication
Management > Internet Communication Settings.

4. From the main window, select Turn Off Windows Error Reporting.

5. On the dialog, select the Enabled check box. Click OK. The change takes place immediately.

2.2 Set Up SQL Collation for Epicor 9.05

A typical SQL installation sets the default database collation to be dependent on the Regional Settings of the SQL
Server. This collation must match the collation of the individual Manufacturing databases in order for queries to
operate properly. For example, if the collation does not match, searches on Parts Entry or Sales Order Entry will
not work. This collation is not related to full text indexing; other full text indexed table searches will run fine. This
is an issue only when the SQL server is not localized for English (US).
Use these steps to verify your SQL database collation.

1. Review the list of collation settings that are dependent on Regional Settings. To do this, click on the following
SQL 2008 link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143508.aspx
The correct collation setting for Manufacturing databases is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, which is
the default for English (US) localized systems.

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Getting Started Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

2. If the collation does not match, you must reinstall SQL Server and select custom to allow a collation setting
to be selected. Simply changing the databases to match a different system collation setting does not resolve
the issue.
The SQL installer does not show the codes, it only shows descriptions. The required selection is under
Collation Settings > SQL Collations. An example is Dictionary Order, Case-Insensitive, 1252 codepage.
This produces the required matching SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation.

3. Change the Compatability Level to SQL 2008 (100) for all databases that will run in the Epicor 9.05 application.
The Epicor 9.05 application does not support SQL 2005.

2.3 Determine Web Service Type: WSE or WCF

Use this information to determine which type of Web Service you will install. Epicor 9.05 is compatible with two
types of Web Services: WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) and WSE (Web Service Enhancements).

1. Determine which type of Web Service you want to install.

• If you are a new customer, you can choose to start using WSE or WCF. It is recommended you use the
WCF version. Note that WCF is included into the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, which is a part of Epicor 9.05
For more information on WCF, click the following link to read the article What is WCF: http://msdn.mi
• If you are an existing customer using WSE, and you have already invested resources and time in Epicor
Service Connect workflows or custom coding that use WSE, you can choose to continue using WSE and
then start to transition over to the WCF version. Note that based on Microsoft development, WSE will
be replaced with WCF.

2. If you want to install Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime, use the following steps:

a. In an Internet browser, search for "Web Services Enhancements WSE 3.0 Runtime".

b. From a trusted site, download the latest version of Microsoft WSE 3.0 Runtime to your server and
Windows Admin workstation.

c. Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

12 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Installation

Part II: Installation

This part of the guide explains how to install or upgrade the Epicor 9.05 application.

Chapter 3: Install Progress OpenEdge

Use this section to verify and install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A and the required OpenEdge Service Packs and OpenEdge
Service Pack Hot Fixes on your server.

3.1 Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A

Use these instructions to install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A, SP 03 and SP Hot Fix 23 on your server and/or Windows
Admin workstation. You will need to reboot the server after completing this section. Note that if you already
have OpenEdge 10.2A, SP 03 and SP Hot Fix 23 installed, you can skip this section.
Note If you are using Windows Server 2008, the Progress Explorer Tool is not available. Instead, you must
set up a workstation to act as the Windows Admin Workstation. A remote Progress Explorer Tool connection
must be made from this Windows Admin Workstation to the server running Windows Server 2008 in order
to monitor AppServers and database status using Progress Explorer Tool.

1. Insert your OpenEdge 10.2A for Epicor 9.05.700 DVD in the server's DVD-ROM drive (D:\). The autorun
feature should launch the Installation wizard. If not, choose Start > Run and enter the command:

2. The OpenEdge Installation option window appears. It may look similar to the following:

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Installation Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

3. Click the OpenEdge button to begin the installation.

4. The Welcome window appears. Click Next.

5. The installation wizard verifies if the required Progress OpenEdge components are installed on the server.
Review the Current Status of the components and whether an update is required. Click Next to continue.

6. The OpenEdge Install Type window appears. It is highly recommended that you select the Open Edge
Typical/Automatic Install option. Using this method, the install automatically specifies settings and
Note If you want to install OpenEdge 10.2A using the Advanced/Manual method, select the
OpenEdge Advanced/Manual option and then use the Supplemental Installations section for

7. If you need to install files for the web service, select the Install Files for Web Service check box. Click

8. On the OpenEdge Version window, it is recommended that you select the 64 Bit Open Edge option. Click
Note If you are installing OpenEdge on an Admin Workstation, select the 32 Bit Open Edge option.
If you are installing OpenEdge on a 32 Bit operating system, this window is not displayed.

9. On the OpenEdge Location window, select the OpenEdge folder location for the Progress OpenEdge software
directory. The default directory is C:\Epicor\oe102a. Click Next.

10. The installation begins. The Progress Install Wizard runs in the background and is displayed in the bottom
task bar. Based on the current status of your system, the following components are installed:
• OpenEdge 10.2A
• OpenEdge Service Pack

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Installation

• OpenEdge Service Pack Hot Fix

Note If you have a 64-bit operating system and you selected to install 32-bit Open Edge, you may
be prompted with several compatibility and security messages. The messages are warnings caused by
incompatibilities between Progress Open Edge and Microsoft. It is recommended you click Run Program
to continue through to a successful installation.

11. When the installation is complete, click Exit.

12. You are returned to the OpenEdge Installation Option window. Click Exit to close the installer.
Note After you have completed your upgrades, you can use the Post-Installation section of this guide
to setup the Progress OpenEdge Explorer Tool and the Supplemental Installation Guide to install Sonic,
if needed.

13. In order to successfully install the Progress OpenEdge Explorer Tool, you need to disable the Admin Service
for OpenEdge service. The service will be automatically re-enabled after the installation is complete. To
disable the service:

a. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Right-click on AdminService for
OpenEdge and select Properties.

b. On the General tab, use the drop-down menu for Startup type to select Disabled. Click OK.

14. Reboot your server.

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Installation Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

Chapter 4: Install the Epicor 9.05 Server

This installation creates the application directory on your server, so you only need to install once. You must install the
application on the server before you install the client on any workstations.
Note Do not reference mapped drive letters in these instructions. Only use physical drive letters or UNC paths.
If you use mapped drive letters, the server installation will not work. For example, these instructions use C:\ drive
but you can use any physical drive of your choice.

4.1 Install or Upgrade Epicor 9.05 Server Software

Use the following steps to install or upgrade your Epicor 9.05 server software. During the installation you are
prompted to select the type of installation: Complete, Standard, Minimum, or Custom. Note that based on the
type selected, different components are delivered (not installed) as executable files to a folder on your server.

1. Insert your Epicor 9.05.700 DVD in the server's DVD-ROM drive (D:\). The autorun feature should launch
the Epicor 9.05 Menu. If not, choose Start > Run and enter the command: D:\905Menu.exe.
Note If you do not have access to the DVD, you can download the required files from EPICweb
Support Downloads.

2. The Epicor 9.05 Menu window appears. The menu looks similar to the following:

Note that if you need information on Epicor products or technical assistance, you can click the Website or
Support button to go to those sites.

16 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Installation

3. Based on your environment, select one of the following options: Progress, SQL, or SQL Unicode.
After selecting your platform, the InstallAware wizard verifies that the setup package content is compatible
with your environment and prepares for your installation. This may take several minutes.

4. The Welcome window appears for installing the Epicor 9.05 server software. Click Next.

5. On the Installation Type dialog, select the type based on which features you want to install. The default
option is Complete. Options include:

Type Server Client Client Admin Delivers Delivers Delivers

Server Console Utilities EXE Server Web EXEs
Complete X X X X X X X
Standard X X X X X
Minimum X X X X
Custom n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Note The components for the Utilities, Server Add-On, and Web Add-On features are delivered as
executable files to a folder on your server. The components are delivered, but they are not installed.
After your installation, you can use the Supplemental Installation section of this guide for instructions
on installing these additional features and programs.

Note The Server Add-On features include BPM Server, Enterprise Search, Epicor Education, Information
Worker, Replication, SSRS. The Web Add-On features include Epicor Mobile Access, Epicor Sharepoint
Publisher, Epicor Web Access, WCF Services, Web Services.

6. If you selected a Custom installation, you are prompted to select the specific features to install and deliver.
Select the features by clicking the down-arrow next to the X and selecting Install. The screen looks similar
to the following:

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Installation Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

Note The selected features default from the Standard option.

7. After selecting the installation type and features (if selecting a Custom install), click Next.

8. The Application Folders window appears, prompting for the path for the application server and printer work
path. Keep the default folder locations or click Browse to search and specify another folder. Click Next.
Note It is highly recommended that you keep the default folder locations and paths.

9. The UNC Path Name window appears, prompting for the UNC path name for the Share directory. The default
uses the folders specified in the previous step. For example, if you kept the default folders and shortened
the path, the UNC path is \\<servername>\Epicor905\ and \\<servername>\EpicorData where \\<servername>
is the machine name of the server. Click Next.
Note The Share folders will be created with Everyone having Full Control. After your install, use the
Post Installation section of the guide to configure your shared folders to your environment.

a. On that same window, select a location where you want the SQL databases (.mdf) files installed. Browse
to find a location or select the default which is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data. Click

10. The SQL Instance window appears. The instance name is used to define the ODBC connection to your SQL
Database. The default is the SQL 2008 instance name for your domain. Click Next.
Note If you want to install your initial SQL database on a different SQL server than where your Epicor
9.05.700 application is being installed, click the down-arrow and select a different SQL instance name.

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If you select a different instance name, after your installation, use the Post-Install instructions to
manually restore the SQL Database in that environment.

11. The Testing Connection window appears. The SQL Connection to the instance name you selected is tested.
• If the test is successful, a message appears stating the SQL Connection test was successful. Click OK.
• If the test was not successful, a message appears stating the SQL Connection failed. When asked to try
again, select Retry. If it fails again, click Cancel and verify the instance name you selected. You may
have selected an instance name that is not SQL 2008 or later.

12. The Ready to Update window appears. Verify the server install directory. Verify the other components you
selected to install and deliver. For a Complete type installation, the screen may look similar to the following:

13. After verifying the components to install and deliver, click Next.

14. The installation begins. Informational messages appear. The installation process may take several minutes.
Note that when the empty databases are installed, a command box opens and processing messages may
display. This is normal.
Note If prompted with a message that a folder does not exist or cannot be accessed, verify that the
folder is shared and is not Read Only and then click Retry.

15. The Setup Complete window appears when the installation is complete. Click Finish. If prompted to confirm
exiting the setup program, click OK.
Note The two environments configured by the installation are under ports 9401 and 9411. If you
want to configure additional environments, such as for a Test or Pilot database, use the "Configure
Environments for Test and Pilot" instructions located in the Post Installation > Troubleshooting section.

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Installation Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

Chapter 5: Install Latest Updates

Use these steps to install the latest updates on your server. Updates can include Epicor 9.05 service packs, patches,
and help system patches.
In these instructions, drive C: refers to a local hard drive. If your local hard drive is assigned to a different letter, substitute
that letter during these instructions. Some of the instructions are based on using Windows Server 2008. If you use a
different operating system you may need to make slight adjustments to the instructions.

5.1 Download Latest Updates

Use these steps to download the latest service pack, patch, and help files that will be installed later in the
installation process.

1. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
Note You can use this link:https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads

2. Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700.

3. Download the latest Epicor 9.05 application patch related to this installation, if one is available. For example,
select one of the following files, based on your environment:
• SQL Server: PA90570xx-S.EXE
• SQL Unicode: PA90570xx-SU.EXE
Note Be sure to also download the Release Notes document for this specific release. The Release
Notes for a patch is called Epicor905_ReleaseNotes_90570xx.pdf.

4. Download the latest Epicor 9.05 help content pack related to this installation. For example, download the
HELP90570x.EXE file.

5.2 Install Epicor 9.05 Patch on the Server

Use these instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 patch on the server, if a patch is available.

1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the patch file.

2. Double-click on the file to run it. The InstallAware wizard verifies that the setup package content is compatible
with your environment and prepares for your installation. This may take several minutes.

3. A Welcome window appears. Click Next.

4. Enter the directory where your Epicor program files are located. Click Next.

5. You may be prompted to verify your server name, operating system or database type. If prompted, select
the appropriate option and click Next. Note that this prompt is only displayed if your mfgsys.ver file is

6. The Start Installation window appears. Click Next.

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Installation

7. A message appears, stating that the application patch installation is complete. Click Finished.

The Epicor application patch is now installed.

5.3 Install Epicor 9.05 Help Content Pack

Use these steps to install the Epicor Help Content Pack on your system. The Help Content Pack contains the
updated online help system available with this release.

1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the latest Epicor 9.05 Help Content pack file.

2. Double-click on the file to run it. A Welcome window appears. Click Next.

3. Enter the directory where the Epicor 9.05 program files are located on the application server. Click Next.
The Start Installation window appears. Click Next.

4. A completion message appears. Click Finish.

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Part III: Post-Installation

The following procedures explain the steps you perform after installing or upgrading Epicor 9.05, right up to
logging into the application client.

Chapter 6: Configure Application Server

Use the following instructions to configure your application server after installation.

6.1 Establish Security for Progress AppServer

Use these instructions to setup security and allow necessary privileges for the Progress AppServer software. These
steps can be used anytime, not just after installation, to keep your company's security requirements current.

6.1.1 Establish an Administrative Account

1. Create an account, or use an existing account, as an administrator. The account can be local (only to the
server) or a domain account (usable anywhere).

2. Verify that the account has administrative rights on the server where Progress OpenEdge 10.2A is installed.

6.1.2 Establish Local Security Policy

Use the following instructions to establish the local security policy.

1. Using the admin logon account specified above, select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Local
Security Policy.

2. On the left pane, select Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.

3. In the right panel, double-click each of the following Policies, and add the domain User Account of the
user or group with system administrative rights for the server. You will connect these accounts through
Progress Explorer.
• Act as part of the operating system
• Adjust memory of quotas for a process
• Create a token object
• Create permanent shared objects
• Log on as a batch job
• Log on as a service

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• Replace a process level token

6.1.3 Establish the AdminService Setting

Use the following instructions to establish the AdminService setting.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to verify that your appservers and databases are
not running.

2. Using the admin logon account specified above, select Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

3. Verify that the AdminService is stopped. To do this, right-click AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A and
select Stop if the service is running.

4. To set up the service account, right-click AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A and select Properties.

5. In the Log On section, click This Account, and specify the same user or group as with the Local Security
Policy settings. Again, the user or group must have administrative rights for the whole server.

6. Click OK. Then exit the Services window.

7. Click Start to start the service.

6.1.4 Configure Security for Multiple Servers

Use the following instructions to configure your security settings if your Epicor 9 environment includes more than
one application server with SQL Server hosted on a remote machine. For example, you need to set up a specific
domain account if you plan to set up your Application server as Server #1 and your SQL Server as Server #2.

1. Create a domain account that has domain user rights. The domain must be the domain where Server #1
and Server #2 will be located. For example, create a domain account for Domain1\Epicor9ServiceUser.

2. On both Server #1 and Server #2, add the domain account to the administrators group so that the account
has local administrator rights. For example, add the domain account Domain1\Epicor9ServiceUser.

3. Add the domain account as a SQL login user that has rights to the Epicor 9 database on Server #2 (SQL

4. Configure OpenEdge and your SQL Server services to be run using the domain account you just created.
For example, configure both to use the domain account Domain1\Epicor9ServiceUser.

5. Verify your ODBC Connection is set up using Windows Authentication.

6. Log into the Application Server (Server #1) using the domain account you configured. For example, log in
using Domain1\Epicor9ServiceUser. Using this domain account you will be able to run any processes including
the SQL Schema upgrade.

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6.2 Setup Full-Text Searching on MS SQL Server

To emulate the Progress database engine on Microsoft SQL Server, the need for keyword searches on certain
fields is required.
However, SQL Server does not allow the same, less featured, quicker searches that Progress natively allows. In
order to fulfill this need, you are required to use the more fully featured and resource-intensive Microsoft Search
The Microsoft Search Service uses Full-Text Catalogs to perform word searches on specific fields in the database.
The Full-Text Catalogs are separate files of proprietary data structures, established for the purpose of evaluating
Contains and FreeText queries.
These files are not automatically updated along with the rest of the database. Full-Text Catalogs must be refreshed
on a periodic basis for them to reflect current data. The following information reviews the approach to keeping
these Catalogs up-to-date while minimizing the impact of the refresh process on the overall server performance.

6.2.1 Review the Process - Building Full-Text Catalogs

Populating Full-Text Catalogs requires a great deal of processing power and substantial writes to the Disk subsystem
on the server.
Due to this, you benefit greatly from moving the catalogs to separate disks to avoid contention for the disk when
writing the catalogs. More than one Catalog being built onto a disk results in Catalogs competing for space. The
server's resources will dictate how well you can avoid this bottleneck.
Another variable in the creation of the Catalogs is the Noise files used. Noise files contain any words or characters
to be skipped in the creation of the Catalogs. Since our description fields largely do not contain actual text, the
noise files are blank since this allows searching on most everything. The noise file feature is targeted more at the
evaluation of text where there are many filler words that are unimportant for searching.
SQL Server allows two Refresh options: Full Population which refreshes the entire catalog from the metadata
in the database; and Incremental Population which refreshes only the parts that have been changed. Results
vary based on the placement of the catalogs on the disks, server resources, and the number of changes. However,
Incremental populations take on average about one-third the time of Full populations.
Since populating (refreshing) the Catalogs is done on a regular basis and since the process can be intensive,
optimizing performance is an important part of optimizing the overall database server.

6.2.2 Starting the MS SQL Search Service

1. To verify that MS Search Service is running on the server, select Start > Control Panel > Administration
Tools > Services.

2. Confirm that the following Services are set:

• SQL Server > Started > Automatic
• SQL ServerAgent > Started > Automatic
• SQL Full-Text Filter Daemon Launcher > Started > Automatic
For any services that are not started, start the service and change the startup configuration if needed.

3. You may need to register a new SQL Server. To do this, open SQL Server Management Studio. Register
the server by selecting SQL Server Group. Right-click and choose New SQL Server Registration. Follow
the prompts to set this up.

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6.2.3 Defining the Catalogs

After enabling full-text search on the database, you need to enable the full-text searching on the specific database,
tables, and columns. To do this, you need to define the Catalogs.
The Catalogs are separate files, so you need to determine where to place the files. For performance reasons,
locating the Catalogs on separate drives avoids contention for disk resources during the regular populations of
the Catalogs. Consider this, along with the times that you will run the jobs. If you choose to change the locations,
you need to perform step 3 in the following steps to drop the catalogs then you can re-edit the scripts and jobs
to reflect the new strategy.
Note The MSSQL Full Text scripts are available in the Epicor905\server\sql folder on the server where
your Epicor application is installed. For example, in a standard installation the path is

1. This is an optional step to change location. To drop the existing metadata and Catalogs, run the
FullTextCatalogDrop.sql script. If you choose to perform this step, you will need to perform the above
steps in the previous Starting the MS Search Service section again to re-setup the Catalogs, before you

2. In SQL Management Studio, go to File > Open > File and navigate to the Epicor905\server\sql folder.
Select the script file FullTextCatalogCreate.sql. Click OK.

3. Scroll to the USE statement and change the database name between the brackets to your Epicor database
name. Click Execute on the toolbar. When completed, the results window should read Query batch
completed at the bottom of the window. Confirm that the catalogs are created by opening SQL Server
Management Studio then your server, Databases. Select the Epicor905 Database, then select Storage and
drill down to Full-Text Catalogs. All 32 Catalogs should appear in this list. You may need to refresh the
display or open and close SQL Server Management Studio to get it to reflect the new Catalogs.

6.2.4 Changing Database Schema

In order to run the Incremental population, the tables with the column used in a Full-Text population must contain
a Timestamp column. The SQL Server can use this column to determine whether columns have been changed
since the last Refresh.

1. Back up your MSSQL database before proceeding.

2. In SQL Management Studio, go to File > Open > File and navigate to the Epicor905\server\sql folder.
Select the script file FullTextSchemaChange.sql and click OK.

3. Scroll to the USE statement and change the database name to your Epicor database name. In the toolbar,
click Execute. When completed, a Timestamp field is available on each of the tables to allow MSSQL Server
to know whether a record has changed since the last population.
Note If the Timestamp column already exists in the table due to a previous script run, the "Column
name in each table must be unique" message is displayed in the Results pane. This message indicates
that the Timestamp field has already been successfully added to the table.

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6.2.5 Initial Population of Catalogs

At this point, the MSSQL Server database is prepared and the Catalogs are created. You now need to add data.
You do this by initially fully populating them.

1. In SQL Management Studio, go to File > Open > File and navigate to the Epicor905\server\sql folder.
Select the script file FullTextCatalogFullPop.sql. Click OK.

2. Scroll to the USE statement and change the database name between the brackets to your Epicor database
name. Click Execute on the toolbar. This may take several minutes to several hours depending on the size
of your database and the speed of your server. This step needs to be run only once.
When running the this initial population of the catalogs, you can use the Windows Task Manager to help
you determine when the populations have completed. To do this, open the Windows Task Manager and
click on the Performance tab. Review your CPU usage. Once your CPU usage returns to a less utilized status,
then the Catalog Initial Population should be complete.

3. To test that the Catalogs have been populated, log onto the Epicor application. Check that the keyword
searches function is based on the data currently in your database. The preferred testing method is to use
the Where Part Description Contains field for the Part Search component.

If your search returns appropriate data, then your Full-Text configuration is complete.

6.2.6 Setting Up the Catalogs to Update Incrementally

After you have finished the initial population of your full-text catalogs, you may want to set your catalogs to be
updated incrementally so they reflect the most current information.
Each Full-Text enabled column has been split into its own separate Catalog to allow the flexibility of being run
independently. Certain Catalogs will not be changed often enough to warrant running the refresh jobs on a daily
basis (such as langorg). Use the following steps to configure an incremental schedule.

1. Log into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Expand the SQL Server Agent.

2. Right-click the Jobs folder and select New Job.

3. On the General page, enter a name for the schedule. For the category, select Full-Text. Enter a brief
description of the schedule task.

4. Select the Steps page. Click the New button. Enter the name for the step. Verify that Transact-SQL script
(TSQL) type is selected. Select the database on which you want this job to run. Click Open.

5. Select the FullTextIncremental.sql script. Click Open. You should see the contents of the script displayed
in the window. Verify that the USE statement contains the name of your database. If necessary, update the
USE statement. Click OK.

6. Select the Schedules page. Click the New button.

7. Enter the desired days and times you want the schedule to run. Click OK. Click OK on the Job Properties

You have now configured your catalogs to be incremented automatically on a schedule.

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6.2.7 Testing Server Impact for each Job

After building the full-text catalogs and setting up the schedule, each Administrator should review the overall
impact of the process and determine a strategy to balance timeliness and server performance.

1. At the server, go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools and open the Performance program.
Right-click on the Counter column and select Add Counters. For Performance Object: Processor, add %
Processor Time. For Performance Object: Memory, add Pages/sec.

2. Run each job individually.

3. In the Performance monitor, review the Processor and Memory values. Verify they are low enough to see
the effect of the populations, such as Processor Time: 25% or under and Pages/sec: 10 or under. This process
may need to be the only activity running against the server in order to view the real effect.

4. You can also confirm the current status of the Catalog using Enterprise Manager > Databases >
Manufacturing > Full-Text Catalogs. The listing of the Catalogs with their Status and Last Population are
included. Note that this screen does not refresh easily.
You can also run sp_help_Fulltext_Catalogs in the Query Analyzer to determine the current status. See
the BOL (SQL Server books online) for detail.

5. Adjust the individual schedules of the Catalog Refreshes to optimize timeliness and server performance.

6.3 Setup Progress OpenEdge Manage Tool

If you want to use the OpenEdge Manage tool instead of the Progress Explorer Tool, use these steps to setup
the OpenEdge Manage tool. If you already have the Progress OpenEdge Manage Tool installed and setup, you
can skip this section.

1. Verify that the AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A is not running. To do this:

a. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

b. Right-click on AdminService for OpenEdge and select Properties.

c. On the General tab, verify the Service status is Stopped. Click OK.

2. Insert your Progress OpenEdge 10.2A for Epicor 9.05.700 DVD in the server's DVD-ROM drive (D:\). The
autorun feature should launch the OpenEdge Installation wizard. If not, choose Start > Run and enter the
command: D:\OEMenu.exe.
Note If you do not have access to the DVD, you can download the required files from EPICweb
Support Downloads.

3. The OpenEdge Installation option window appears. Click the OpenEdge Manage button to begin the

4. The OpenEdge License Code window appears. It looks similar to the following window. Note that you will
need to enter the Serial Number and Control Number in the next step during the installation. This window
will remain open during the installation so that you can copy the text from the fields into the installer. If
desired, you can also record the license codes. Click Next.

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5. The OpenEdge Progress Software installer runs. On the Welcome window, click Next.
Note If you are installing OpenEdge Explorer Management for 64-bit on a Windows 64-bit machine,
you may be exited from the installation. This is a known issue with the Progress OpenEdge Explorer
Management installation. To resolve the issue, close all applications and restart the OpenEdge Explorer
Management installation.

6. Enter the Serial Number and Control Number. You can copy and paste the text from the OpenEdge Install
window that is minimized on your status bar. Be sure to copy the data for your platform.

7. Click Accept. Click Next.

8. On the Destination and Working Path Directories window, click Next to use the default paths.

9. On the Program Folder window, click Next to select the OpenEdge Explorer.

10. On the Summary window, click Next. The files are installed.

11. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

12. You are prompted to reboot your computer. Click Yes. If you click No you are returned to the OpenEdge
Installation option window. Click Exit.

13. Change the starting method for the AdminService for OpenEdge. To do this:

a. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

b. Right-click on AdminService for OpenEdge and select Properties.

c. On the General tab, use the drop-down menu for Startup type to select Manual. Click OK.

14. Start the AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A . To do this:

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Post-Installation

a. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.

b. Right-click on AdminService for OpenEdge and select Properties.

c. On the General tab, click Start. Click OK.

15. To configure your OpenEdge Explorer, go to Start > Programs > OpenEdge Explorer > Management
Console. This program launches your web browser with the URL: http://localhost:9090. When prompted
for a username and password, enter admin / admin.

16. To configure the tool, use the OpenEdge Explorer guides. To access the guides, go to Start > Programs >
OpenEdge Explorer > Documentation > OpenEdge Explorer.

6.4 Update Parameter File for Multi-Server Configuration

Use these steps to update the Host parameter value if you use a multi-server configuration, for example, if you
have your Epicor 9.05 application server installed on a different machine than your SQL server. This parameter
value change is required in order for your system to run properly.

1. On the server where your Epicor application is installed, navigate to the Server\Config folder.

2. With a text editor, open the mfg*TCP.pf parameter file for the database you want to configure. For
example, parameter files include: MfgTCP.pf, MfgTrainTCP.pf, MfgTestTCP.pf, MfgPilotTCP.pf.

3. Locate the -db line. Update the -H value to be your Epicor application server. For example, the line would
look similar to the following:
-T "C:\Epicor\EpicorData"
-db mfgsyssh -H EpicorApplicationServer -S 9400
where "EpicorApplicationServer" is the machine name of your Epicor application server.

4. Save and close the file.

5. You now need to update your Epicor Admin Tools client workstation. To do this, on the server where you
run your Epicor Admin Tools, navigate to the Server\Config\cs folder. Repeat the above steps to update
the following files: MfgTCP.pf, MfgTrainTCP.pf, MfgTestTCP.pf, MfgPilotTCP.pf.
Note If you do not use these steps to update the Host (-H) parameter, when you open Epicor Admin
Tools to run the conversion programs, you will be prompted with a message similar to the following:
"Could not connect to server for database mfgsyssh, errno 0 (1432)."

6.5 Verify Parameter File Settings

Use these steps to verify the parameter settings that are defined in the *.pf files. Several parameter settings are
required in order for your appservers to start and for your system to run properly. The parameter settings may
differ based on your database type, either Progress or SQL.
Note If the required parameters are not included in the *.pf file, your appservers will not start.

1. On the server where your Epicor application is installed, navigate to the Server\Config folder.

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2. With a text editor, open the parameter file for the database you want to configure. For example, locate one
of the following files: Mfgsys.pf, MfgsysTCP.pf, MfgTrain.pf, MfgTrainTCP.pf, MfgTest.pf, MfgTestTCP.pf,
MfgPilot.pf. MfgPilotTCP.pf.

3. For both SQL and Progress databases, use the following to verify the required parameters in the .pf file.

Parameter Description Required Value

-disabledeltrig Disable delete trigger to allow replication logic to run properly. -disabledeltrig
Even if you do not use replication, this parameter is required.
This parameter must not be the last line in the .pf file.
-rereadnolock changes read-only record retrieval to get consistent results -rereadnolock
-ttmarshal Improve performance -ttmarshal 5
-tmpbsize Improve performance by allowing appserver agent to hold -tmpbsize 8
more temporary table records before paging them out to the
temporary disk file. If the value is not 8, a warning message
is displayed but the appservers are allowed to start.

4. For SQL databases only, use the following to verify the required parameters in the .pf file.

Parameter Required Value


5. For both SQL and Progress databases, use the following to verify the optional parameters in the .pf file.

Parameter Description Optional Value

-Bt Improve appserver performance in dealing with temporary tables. -Bt 4096
Increase the value based on the amount of memory on the server
where the Epicor application is installed. For example, for 4 GB of
RAM, increase value to 4096; for 8 GB of RAM increase to 8192.

6. If needed, review the parameter values in the following example .pf files.
• Example: Progress

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• Example: SQL

• Example: SQL Unicode

7. Later, when you start your appserver, if the appserver does not start due to parameter validation issues,
review the appserver log file. In a standard installation, the log file is located in the Server\Logs folder.

6.6 Configure the Euro Currency Symbol

If you use a non-unicode Epicor environment and you need to display the Euro currency symbol within Epicor
program or reports, you must update the .pf file code page reference to leverage Windows-1252 code.
An optional post-installation step, you can display the Euro currency symbol by adding a code page reference
line to the AppServer .pf file. This reference line causes your Epicor application to use the Windows-1252 code.

1. Navigate to the directory that contains your server configuration files. For example:

2. Locate the AppServer .pf file you use with the Epicor application. For example, locate one of the following
files: Mfgsys.pf, MfgsysTCP.pf, MfgTrain.pf, MfgTrainTCP.pf, MfgTest.pf, MfgTestTCP.pf, MfgPilot.pf.

3. Open your .pf file in a text editor like Notepad or a similar application.

4. Enter this line within the .pf file:

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-cpinternal 1252 -cpstream 1252

5. Save the file and close the text editor.

Your Epicor application now uses Windows-1252 code. This code set contains the Euro currency symbol, so you
can display this symbol on various programs and reports throughout the Epicor application.

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Post-Installation

Chapter 7: Prepare Your Database

Use the following instructions to prepare your database prior to logging in the first time.

7.1 Initialize or Convert Your Database

Use these instructions to initialize (for new installations) or convert (for existing installations) your database for
compatibility with the Epicor 9.05 application.

7.1.1 Before You Begin

1. Verify that you have SQL and Progress installed on any machine where Epicor Admin Tools is installed.

2. Verify that the following steps are completed on the same server as where your SQL database is located.
The Epicor 9.05 Schema Change process cannot be executed remotely.

3. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to verify that your Appservers are not running.
Your Appservers cannot be running when you run schema changes or conversions.

4. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to verify that your database is running. Your
database must be running in order to run schema changes or conversions.

5. Verify you created a backup of your database as a step in the Getting Started > Verify Prerequisites section.

7.1.2 Prerequisites for Upgrading Posting Rules

If you use Epicor Financial Management functionality, you must use the following sections to complete prerequisite
steps for this release.

Specify GL Posting Conversion Parameters

If you use Epicor Financial Management functionality, use these steps to specify the <Previous SP> conversion
parameter to determine the service pack version from which you are currently upgrading. Specifying the conversion
parameter prior to running the conversions can increase the conversion performance since it reduces the amount
of data to be imported and it automates the upgrade of customized revisions.
The parameter can be used in the following ways:
• If the parameter value is left empty, the conversion import process replaces all posting rules and GL Transaction
Type revisions, even those that have not changed since the previous service pack was installed.
• If the parameter value specified is the previous service pack, for example "9.05.607", the conversion import
process will begin at that service pack version and only import the posting rules that are new or updated since
that previous release.
• The parameter value must be entered as a service pack value, such as "9.05.607". Note that patches, such
as 607a and 607b cannot be entered as a value.
• The <PreviousSP> values can be specified as 9.05.602 or higher.

1. On the server where your Epicor application is installed, navigate to the \Epicor905\server\cv folder.

2. Use a text editor to open the ConversionParams.xml file.

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3. In the <PostingDefaults> section, locate the <PreviousSP> tag. Enter a value to specify a service pack value
for importing posting rules. The parameter section may look similar to the following:
• <!-- Set value the previous SP if it was less than 9.05.700.
It helps more quickly update old data -->
where "x.xx.xxx" is the service pack version, such as "9.05.607".

4. Review the mode specified for importing GL Transaction revisions. To do this, locate the <ImportMode>
tag. Review the values, which can be one of the following:
• Update. Conversion will update current active revisions.
• Override. Conversion will import new revisions for all Transaction Types. If this value is entered, you can
also specify a MergeACTRevision value (Yes or No) to determine if you want to merge old versions of
Active ACTRevision with the current versions.

5. Save and close the file.

7.2 Add Epicor and Application Server Connections

Use the following steps to use the Epicor Administration Console to add and then connect to the Epicor server
and application server.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to do the following:
• Verify that your database is running.
• Start the main AppServer specific to this database. For example, start the Epicor905 AppServer.

2. Open the Epicor Administration Console. To do this, navigate to Start > Programs > Epicor Software >
Epicor Administrative Tools > Epicor Administration Console.
Note You may be prompted to update your Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to version 3.0
or later. See the Microsoft MMC 3.0 download site for more information.

3. Login with a valid User ID and Password. Note that the user must have Security Manager rights. For example,
login as epicor / epicor.

4. Right-click on the Server Management node. Select Add Epicor Server.

5. Enter the Name of the server.

6. Click Ping Server. Click OK to confirm that the server was located.

7. Click OK to add the Epicor Server.

8. Right-click the Epicor Server you just added. Select Add Application Server.

9. Select New Application Server Properties, including the following:

a. Name. Enter the name of the application server.

b. Port Number. Enter the identifier of the port to which you are connecting.

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c. User Name. Enter "manager" as your user name to log into the Epicor database.

d. Password. Enter "manager" as your password to login to the Epicor database.

10. Click Test Connection. Click OK to confirm the connection.

11. Right-click on the Application Server you just added. Select Connect to Application Server.
Note If you are a new customer, a User Name called Manager is created when you connect to the
Application server for the first time. The password for this user is Manager.

The Epicor server and Application server should now be configured.

7.3 Import License Codes

Use the following steps to import your Epicor 9.05 application license codes.
Note If you are an existing customer using EDI or Demand Management, you must use these steps to
import the new license for those modules.

1. In the Epicor Administration Console, right-click on the desired database and select Connect to Application

2. Right-click on the Licensing node and select Import License File. Your dialog may look similar to the

3. Browse to the location where you previously downloaded the license code file. Select the file and click Open
to import the file.

4. Double-click on the licensing code to open it. The Properties dialog opens.

5. Click the Modules tab. Select the check box for each module you want enabled.

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Note It is recommended that you carefully review the modules that you have selected to enable.
Failure to enable your modules may result in possible data corruption. Also, if you enable a new module
at this time, you are committing to basic configuration and implementation steps within the application.

6. Click OK.

7. Repeat the above steps, if you are importing licensing for multiple databases.

7.4 Add Company

Use the following steps to create or add a company. If you are a new customer, you must create a company.

1. In the Epicor Administration Console, right-click the Companies node. Select Add Company. The dialog
may look similar to the following:

2. In the Add Company dialog, specify your company information.

3. To assign a Serial Number to the new company, click the browse (...) button to search for a list of serial
numbers. Select the appropriate serial number. Click OK.

4. Click OK to save the information.

5. Repeat these steps for additional companies, if desired.

7.5 Stop Main AppServer

Use the following instructions to stop the main AppServer.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to stop the main AppServer.

2. Minimize the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool.

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7.6 Run Conversions Using Epicor Admin Tools

Use these steps to run the data initializations (for new installations) or data upgrades (for existing installations)
on your Epicor 9.05 application.

1. On the server, run the Epicor Admin Tools program as Administrator. To do this, navigate to Start >
Programs > Epicor Software > Epicor 9.05, right-click Epicor Admin Tools and select to Run as

2. Login using "manager / manager" as your User ID and Password. Note that this user has Security Manager
rights and was created when you connected to the Application server for the first time.

3. Click OK. Mandatory initialization programs run.

4. To verify that the mandatory conversions or initializations completed successfully, make sure the database
conversion date is the correct date. To do this:

a. Select the Run Conversion Program option.

b. Review the list of programs that were run. If necessary, scroll to the right to see the Date the program
was run.

Note If you use Extended UD Table functionality, a schema change was run automatically for those
extended UD tables.

5. When the processing is completed, close Epicor Admin Tools.

7.7 Stop and Start AppServers

If the AppServers were running during any previous conversion step, use these steps to stop and start the
AppServers. It is strongly recommended that you complete these steps after running the automatic data conversions.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to stop the AppServer processes in the following
order: Epicor905ProcessServer, Epicor905TaskAgent, Epicor905.

2. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to start the AppServer processes in the following
order: Epicor905, Epicor905TaskAgent, Epicor905ProcessServer.

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Chapter 8: Install Epicor 9.05 Client on a Workstation

Use the following instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 client on your workstation. New customers or existing customers
who are adding a new client workstation should use the following instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 Client. If you
are an existing customer and you are not adding a new client, you should use the following instructions to update the
version of Crystal Runtime installed on your client workstation.
Note The instructions on Crystal 2008 SP3 Runtime installation can also be used on your server or Windows
Admin workstation, if you plan to print Crystal Reports forms from your server or Windows Admin workstation.

8.1 Install Microsoft Tools .NET 3.5 and WSE or WCF Runtime (Client)

Use the following steps to download and install Microsoft tools, such as .NET and either WSE (Web Services
Enhancements) or WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) from the Microsoft Download Center website.
Note that WCF is included as part of the base .NET 3.5 framework.
Note Review your decision to install either WSE or WCF, which you determined in the Perform
Pre-Installation Steps section.

1. Download Microsoft .NET 3.5 from the Microsoft Download Center to your workstation. To do this:

a. Click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center: http://www.microsoft.com/download


b. Download the latest version of Microsoft .NET 3.5 to your workstation.

c. Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

Note The .NET 3.5 installation includes the .NET Service Pack when you download .NET 3.5 from the
Microsoft Download Center website.

2. If you want to install Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime, use the following steps:

a. Click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center: http://www.microsoft.com/download


b. Download the latest version of Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime to your server
and Windows Admin workstation.

c. Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

8.2 Install Epicor 9.05 Client Software

Use the following instructions to start the client installation.

1. Make sure you are logged in as the Local Administrator on the client workstation.

2. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the server where Epicor 9.05 is installed. Go to the Epicor905 folder.
Double-click to run the Epicor9Client.msi file.

3. The Welcome window appears for installing the client software. Click Next.

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4. The Destination Folder window appears. Specify the Client Destination and the Server Share Location path.

a. For the Client Destination, click Browse to navigate to a destination folder. For example, you can use

b. For the Server Share Location, use \\<servername>\Epicor905, where <servername> is the machine name
where the server installation was done.

c. Click Next.

5. The Shortcut Creation window appears. Select the Create Desktop Icons check box to create the following
shortcut icons on your client desktop.

a. Epicor 9.05: Select this checkbox to run your Epicor 9.05 database from this workstation.

b. Epicor 9.05 MES: Select this checkbox to run the Data Collection programs from this workstation.

6. On that same window, you can also select the following check boxes to create icons in your program menu:
• Create Training Icons: Select this checkbox for training icons that can access the training database.
• Create Test Icons: Select this checkbox for test icons that can access the test database.
• Create Pilot Icons: Select this checkbox for pilot icons that can access the pilot database.

7. Click Next.

8. The Ready to Install the Application window appears. Click Next.

9. When finished, click Finish to complete.

10. If prompted, reboot the workstation at this time.

8.3 Uninstall Previous Versions of Crystal Runtime

Use the following steps to uninstall any previous version of Crystal Runtime.

1. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program.

2. Select Crystal Reports .NET Runtime and click Uninstall.

3. Verify that the uninstallation was completed successfully.

8.4 Install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime

Use the following steps to install Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 Runtime on your client. You can also use these steps
to install Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 Runtime on your server or Windows Admin workstation, if you plan to print
Crystal Reports forms from your server or Windows Admin workstation.
Note You cannot install both Crystal Reports 2008 SP3 Runtime and Crystal Reports 2008 Developer on
the same client.

1. If you have a previous version of Crystal Reports .NET Runtime installed on your client, use the following to
uninstall the previous version:

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a. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.

b. Select Crystal Reports .NET Runtime and click Remove.

c. Verify the uninstallation was completed successfully.

2. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
Note You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads

3. Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700 > Third Party Products > Crystal.

4. Download the latest Crystal 2008 SP3 Runtime file. For example, download Crystal_2008_03_Runtime.zip.

5. Navigate to the downloaded file. Open the .zip file and extract the contents.

6. Double-click to run the .exe file. For example, run the CRRuntime_12_3_mlb.exe file.

7. The Welcome window appears. Click Next.

8. Review the license agreement information. Select I accept the License Agreement. Click Next.

9. If prompted, confirm the installation. Click Next.

10. The installation proceeds. When it is finished, click Finish.

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Chapter 9: Log in the First Time

Use the following steps to verify and test your Epicor 9.05 application the first time you log in.

9.1 Import Posting (Booking) Rules

If you are installing Epicor 9.05 for the first time, use these steps to import your posting rules for both Standard
and Extended Rules.

1. Open the Epicor 9.05 application.

2. Select Financial Management > General Ledger >Setup > GL Transaction Type.

3. From the Actions menu, select Import ACT Type.

4. Click the Input File Name button. Navigate to the necessary folder based on your posting rules type. For
example, go to one of the following:
• Standard rules: \\<servername>\Epicor905\server\PostingRules\Standard
• Extended rules: \\<servername>\Epicor905\server\PostingRules\Extended

5. Select one or more .XML files. You can select multiple files by pressing the Shift key while you highlight
the files. Click Open to select the highlighted files.

6. Select the Import All check box to specify that you want to import all the selected XML files. To specify
individual XML files instead, you can select the Selected check box for each file.

7. If this is not the first time you are importing posting rule files, you can select the Replace All check box to
replace your existing revision with the same name. To specify to replace individual XML files instead, you
can select the Replace Existing check box for each file.

8. Select the Change All Revision Statuses To Active check box if you want to change the revision from a
draft to active for all transaction types being imported. To specify to activate individual XML files instead,
you can select the Activate check box for each file.

9. Select the Import into all companies check box if you want to import the posting rules into each company.
Note that newly created revisions are automatically set to Active in all companies.

10. Click OK to begin the import.

11. You may be prompted with the Book Mapping dialog if any imported revisions contain books with IDs that
do not exist in the company to which you are importing rules. Do the following and click OK:
• Specify the mapping to select which book in the company should receive rules from which book in the
import xml file. The import program verifies if the imported rules use segments that don't exist or are
defined with a different name in the receiving book's Chart of Accounts (COA). If such segments exist,
you must either manually select the correct segment of the receiving COA that should be used or specify
that these segments should be assigned new values during the import.
• If you want to map the selected book identifier to all transaction types, select the Use for all transaction
types check box.

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12. Click Save to save your imported financial data.

Note To copy the rules from one book to another, you can use GL Transaction Type Maintenance.
You create a revision, and then copy both the header and detail rules one at a time into a new book.
Then activate the revision.

9.2 Verify System Agent for Printing

Use the following steps to verify the directory paths for your System Agent to enable printing.

1. Review the paths you specified during the server software installation for the following locations:
• Destination Location
• Print Folder Destination Location
• Server Share Location

2. Launch your Epicor 9.05 application.

3. Navigate to System Management > Utilities > System Agent.

4. Click Agent ID to search for the system agent identifier.

5. The identifiers are listed. Select SystemTaskAgent. Click OK.

6. In the SystemAppServer section, verify your directory paths are accurate. For example:

Directory Description Examples

Server File specifies the local path on the server to the c:\Epicor\EpicorData
print directory
Client File specifies the UNC path to the print directory \\<servername>\EpicorData
Client Program specifies the UNC path to the server directory \\<servername>\Epicor905\Server

9.3 Test System and Repeat Installation

Based on your installation process, you are at one of the following points:
• If you completed the Epicor 9.05 installation in a test environment, you are now ready to test the installed
Epicor 9.05 application in that environment. After your testing is complete, you must repeat the entire
installation in your production environment.
• If you completed the Epicor 9.05 installation in your production environment, you are now ready to use the
installed Epicor 9.05 application in that environment.

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Chapter 10: Restore Demonstration Database

Use the following instructions to restore the Epicor 9.05 Demonstration Database, if desired. The Epicor 9.05
Demonstration Database is released with every Service Pack and is used with the Embedded Education Courses. Note
that the Demonstration Database as delivered by Epicor must be used only with the Epicor application version for which
it was released.

10.1 Download Demonstration Database File

Use the following instructions to download the appropriate Demonstration Database file based on your database
platform. Each *.zip file includes a copy of the Demonstration Database that can be restored to replace the
existing Demonstration Database.

1. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
You can click this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads

2. Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700 > Demonstration Database.

3. Download the latest Epicor 9.05 Demonstration Database related to this installation. For example, download
the necessary files, based on your environment:
• SQL (32): Epicor9_Database_90570x_Win32SQL.zip
• SQL (64): Epicor9_Database_90570x_Win64SQL.zip
• SQL Unicode (32): Epicor9_Database_90570x_Win32SqlUnicode.zip
• SQL Unicode (64): Epicor9_Database_90570x_Win64SqlUnicode.zip

10.2 Verify Prerequisites

Use the following instructions to verify the prerequisite steps have been completed.

1. All Appservers and OpenEdge Databases are stopped.

2. Epicor 9.05 Service Pack or Patch has been installed, if available.

3. Epicor 9.05 Post-Installation steps have been completed.

10.3 Restore the Demonstration Database

Use the following instructions to restore the Demonstration Database using SQL Server. These instructions assume
you have an EpicorTrain905 database in SQL Server 2008 R2.

1. Go to the location where you downloaded the zipped files.

2. Open the .zip file. For example, open Epicor9_Database_90570x_WinxxSQLx.zip file. Extract the
Epicor9_Database_WinxxSQLx.BAK file directly into the C:\Epicor\Epicor905\db\Training folder.

3. Navigate to Start > All Programs > OpenEdge 10.2A, right-click ProEnv and select Run as administrator
from the menu. A DOS window opens.

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4. At the proenv> prompt, type: Prompt and press Enter.

5. Type: cd\ and press Enter.

6. At the c:\> prompt, type: cd \Epicor\Epicor905\db\Training and press Enter.

7. At the C:\Epicor\Epicor905\db\Training> prompt, run the Prorest command. For example, type one of the
following and press Enter:
• SQL 32 bit: prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh32.bkup
• SQL Unicode 32 bit: prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh32u.bkup
• SQL 64 bit: prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh64.bkup
• SQL Unicode 64 bit: prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh64u.bkup

8. At the overwrite message, type Y and press Enter.

9. When the restore is completed, you are returned to the C:\Epicor\Epicor905\db\Training> prompt. Type exit
to close the DOS window.

10. At your server, navigate to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > SQL Server Management
Studio (SSMS).

11. Within SSMS, verify the Server Type is connected to the database engine.

12. Navigate to the Databases node.

13. Right-click on the EpicorTrain905 database. From the context menu, select Tasks > Restore > Database.
The Database window displays.

14. Click on the General tab. Within the Source for Restore section, select From Device.

15. Click on the [...] button. The Specify Backup window displays.

16. For the Backup Media option, select File.

17. Click the Add button to locate and select the backup file. This file is: Epicor9_Database_WinxxSQLx.BAK

18. Click OK twice to complete the selection.

19. In the Restore column, select the check box for the backup you are installing.

20. Click on the Options tab.

21. Select both the Overwrite the existing database and Leave Database Ready to use (Restore with
Recovery) check boxes.

22. Verify the Restore Database Files As fields match the correct server directory paths where the database
files currently exist. For example:
• C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ EpicorTrain905.mdf
• C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ EpicorTrain905_log.ldf

23. Click OK. A dialog box is displayed indicating the database restoration is complete. Click OK.

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24. Exit SQL Server Management Studio.

10.4 Start Main AppServer

Use the following instructions to start the main AppServer.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to start the main AppServer. For example,

2. Minimize the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool. Do not start the other AppServers yet.

10.5 Import License Codes and Enable Modules

Use the following instructions to import the product license codes and enable the modules.

1. Open the Epicor Administration Console. To do this, navigate to Start > All Programs > Epicor Software
> Epicor Administrative Tools > Epicor Administration Console.

2. Login with a valid User ID and Password. Note that the user must have Security Manager rights. For example,
login as epicor / epicor.

3. Connect to the location of your training environment, such as EpicorTrain905.

4. Specify the imported license file for each company. To do this:

a. Select the Companies node. In the Companies column, right-click on your specific company, such as
Epic01, and select Properties.

b. Click the browse (...) button to search and select your serial number from the list of Available Serial
Numbers. Click OK.

c. Repeat to for each of the other companies, such as Epic02 and Epic03.

5. Enable the modules attached to the imported licenses. To do this:

a. From the list, select Licensing.

b. Right-click on the license serial number and select Properties.

c. Click the Modules tab.

d. Select the individual modules to activate, or click the Enable all Licensed button to select all the modules.
The Enabled check box should be selected for the modules you want to activate.

e. Click OK.

6. When finished, exit the Epicor Administration Console.

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10.6 Run Manual Conversions

Use the following instructions to run required manual conversions.

1. Use the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool to verify that your AppServers are not running.
Your AppServers cannot be running when you run conversions.

2. On the server, run the Epicor Admin Tools program as Administrator. To do this, navigate to Start >
Programs > Epicor Software > Epicor 9.05, right-click Epicor Admin Tools and select to Run as

3. Login with a valid Epicor User ID and Password. Note that the user must have Security Manager rights.

4. Select Run Conversion Program.

5. If you use Epicor 9.05.700, 9.05.700A, 9.05.700B, or 9.05.700B2 you must run a conversion to delete
obsolete Local001 records. During the installation of these prior versions, a conversion program was run
which added obsolete records to your database. After installing Epicor 9.05.700C, you must run the conversion
again to delete the obsolete records. Use these steps:

a. Scroll down the list of programs to number 11185 called Delete obsolete Local001 records (cvar0037).

b. Highlight the program to select it.

c. From the Conversion menu, select Run Conversion Program. Click Yes to confirm.

6. If you use customizations or personalizations, you must run a conversion to create backups of the
customizations or personalizations. Use these steps:

a. Scroll down the list of programs to number 9525 called Creating customization backups (cvsu1200.p).
Highlight the program to select it.

b. From the Conversion menu, select Run Conversion Program. Click Yes to confirm.

7. After the conversions finish, exit Epicor Admin Tools.

10.7 Set Up System Agent for Printing (Demo Database)

Use the following instructions to set up your system agent. The paths for the System Agent, which control report
printing, must be reset after a database restore.
These instructions assume your database is set to be the Mfgsys database directly located in this folder: C:\Programs
Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training.

1. Review the paths you specified during the server software installation for the following locations:
• Destination Location
• Print Folder Destination Location
• Server Share Location

2. Launch your Epicor 9.05 application.

3. Navigate to System Management > Utilities > System Agent.

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4. Click Agent ID to search for the system agent identifier.

5. The identifiers are listed. Select SystemTaskAgent. Click OK.

6. In the Task AppServer section, change the AppServer URL to AppServerDC://localhost:9413.

7. In the System AppServer section, change the AppServer URL to AppServerDC://localhost:9411.

8. The Username defaults to print. Enter the Password as print.

9. In the SystemAppServer section, enter your directory paths. For example:

Directory Description Examples

Server File specifies the local path on the server to the c:\Epicor\EpicorData
print directory usr/epicor/epicordata
Client File specifies the unc path to the print directory \\<servername>\EpicorData
Client Program specifies the unc path to the server directory \\<servername>\Epicor905\Server

10. Save the System Agent changes. Exit System Agent Maintenance.

11. Close the Epicor 9.05 application.

10.8 Start Remaining Appservers

Use the following instructions to start the remaining Appservers.

1. Open the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool. Start the Appservers in the following order:
• EpicorTrain905TaskAgent
• EpicorTrain905ProcessServer

2. Exit the Progress Explorer Tool or OpenEdge Explorer Tool.

10.9 Test Demonstration Database Update

Use the following instructions to verify that the Demonstration Database was properly updated.

1. Open the Epicor 9.05 application.

2. Log in using a valid User ID and Password. For example, log in as epicor / epicor.

3. From the Help menu, select About Epicor 9.

4. Verify that the version has changed to the correct version you installed.

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Chapter 11: Configure Windows Admin Workstation

Use these optional steps to configure a Windows Admin Workstation, if one is needed. These steps can be run on a
client or server machine, but they cannot be run on a server that has a 64-bit version of OpenEdge installed. The 32-bit
and 64-bit OpenEdge Software cannot be located on the same machine.
Note For a Windows install, this is an optional step if you want to configure a super-client workstation.

11.1 Install ODBC Driver (Native Client 10)

If you use SQL, use these steps to download and install the 32-bit Native Client 10 ODBC driver.
Note The Native Client 10 ODBC driver is required if you are installing the Admin Tools and Schema
Change shortcuts from the client workstation onto a Client Server Admin machine. The installation of this
ODBC driver is required for the client to communicate with the database.

1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center website to download the 32-bit SQL Native Client 10. The 32-bit SQL
Native Client is in a Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008. The link is: http://www.microsoft.com/do

2. In the Feature Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2008, scroll to the download link for Microsoft 32-bit SQL
Server Native Client. Download the 32-bit SQL Native Client 10.

3. Install the 32-bit SQL Native Client 10. Verify that it is installed correctly.

11.2 Install ODBC Driver (Native Client 11) for SQL Server 2012

If you use SQL Server 2012, use these steps to download and install the Native Client 11 ODBC driver.

1. Go to the Microsoft Download Center website to download the SQL Native Client 11. Use the following
link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29065

2. In the Microsoft SQL Server Connectivity Feature Pack Components section, scroll to the download
link for Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Native Client. Download the appropriate version of the SQL Native
Client 11 installation file.

3. Install the SQL Native Client 11. Verify that it is installed correctly.

4. Update ODBC Data Source configuration. To do this:

a. Run ODBC Datasource Administrator. To do this, navigate to Start > Control Panel > Administrative
Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

b. On the System DSN tab, locate the Epicor905 system data source which uses Native Client 10 ODBC

c. Create an ODBC connection. To do this, click Add and select SQL Native Client 11. Click Finish.

d. In the Create a New Data Source to SQL Server window, enter the name of the existing Epicor905 system
data source that you located in step 4.b.

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e. Enter the data source description.

f. Click the down arrow to select the SQL server that you want to connect to.

g. Click Finish. A message appears asking if you want to overwrite an existing data source. Click Yes.

11.3 Install Progress OpenEdge

1. Verify that your machine does not have a 64-bit version of OpenEdge installed.

2. Install the 32-bit version of Progress OpenEdge 10.2.A. See the Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A section
of this document for instructions.
Note The OpenEdge 10.2A Service Pack and Service Pack Hot Fix are also installed.

11.4 Install Epicor 9.05 Client

1. Install the Epicor 9.05 Client. See the Install the Epicor 9.05 Client section of this document for instructions.
You must complete all the steps in that section.
Note During the installation, if this Windows Admin Workstation machine is where you plan to run
the Epicor Admin Tools and Epicor Schema Changes, be sure to select the following check boxes to
create the shortcuts: Epicor Admin Tools and Epicor Schema Change.

Note During the installation, if this Windows Admin Workstation machine will also be used as a
normal Epicor 9.05 client machine, you have the option of also selecting the following check boxes
to create additional shortcuts: Epicor 9.05 and Epicor 9.05 MES.

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Chapter 12: Troubleshooting

Use the following section if you need assistance in troubleshooting any installation issues.

12.1 Share the Epicor Folders

Use the following steps to share the Epicor folders. Note that if you are using Windows Server 2008, the steps
may be slightly different.

1. On the C: drive, create the C:\Epicor\Epicor905 folder if it does not already exist.

a. Right-click on the \Epicor\Epicor905 folder and select Sharing and Security.

b. Select the option to Share this Folder. Epicor905 displays as the default share name. Do not change
the name. The folder must be named Epicor905.

c. Click the Permissions button. It is recommended that you assign Full Control to the Everyone group.
Click OK to accept the permissions.

d. Click the Security tab. It is recommended that you assign read-only permissions to Users. Read-only
includes Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read. Add an Administrator and assign the
Administrator Full Control. Click OK.

2. On the C: drive, create the C:\Epicor\EpicorData folder.

a. Right-click on the folder icon and select Sharing and Security.

b. Select the option to Share this Folder. EpicorData displays as the default share name.

c. Click Permissions. It is recommended that you assign Full Control to each user folder. Click OK.

d. Click OK to accept the share options.

12.2 Verify Specific Folders are Not Read-Only

Use these steps to verify that the Client, ClientServer and Server folders are not read-only. These folders need to
have write access so that files can be added to them during the installation.

1. Go to the location where your Epicor 9.05 application is installed. For example, go to \Epicor\Epicor905.

2. Right-click on the Client folder. Select Properties.

3. On the General tab, unselect the Read Only check box. Click Apply.

4. The Confirm Attribute Changes dialog appears. The Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and
files option is selected by default. Click OK. Click OK to exit the Client Properties folder.

5. Repeat the previous steps for the ClientServer and Server folders.
Note For 64-bit installations, the ClientServer folder is located in the \Epicor\Epicor905\32 directory.

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12.3 Review Configuration File Settings

Use this appendix as a reference when modifying the configuration file settings in the default.mfgsys file. The
mfgsys file defines the main settings for server installation and each client installation. If the .exe file can see the
default.mfgsys file, the application is ready to run.
The configuration file is an XML file that contains syntax understood by the application. System Administrators
use it to control various installations.
Note You can also create a different configuration file and then have each workstation launch with this
alternate file. You can then keep the original file while you experiment with different configurations. Create
the alternate configuration, and then define the /CONFIG run time argument on each workstation.

Configuration File (*.mfgsys) Tags

XML Tag Purpose and Expected Value

Application Settings
AppServerURL The address of the appserver where the client connects protocol://server:port;
it uses the form value "AppServerDC://servername:port"Protocol: AppServerDC
by default, or else AppServer for load balancing.Server: Host name of the
machine that runs AppServer.Port: The port of the broker that runs the
software. Default is 8301. Also, AppServer accepts strings and numbers, but
the port value only accepts numbers.
CultureCode value The ISO language code for the software installation. This will be the language
used on the overall system or the specific client machine. For example "enu"
(English language)
ResourceFile A path name to the resource file. This file contains images and other resources
that can be changed by partners for branding purposes; for example
ToolbarSettings The path and XML file that defines the users' default settings for the toolbar
functionality. For example, ".\res\ToolbarSettings.xml"
ProductID value The product identifier; for example "Epicor"
Version value The current release and patch number for the application; for example
EnterpriseProcessing Whether multiple concurrent sessions are allowed on the workstation. The
choices are true or false (the default).
SmtpServer The SMTP server that will be used to send e-mail.
ProductBrandText value The text that appears with the desktop icon
ProductBrandIcon value The icon for the application that appears on the desktop
ProductLogonImage value The bitmap file that is double-clicked to log into the system
SplashImage The splash screen image when you first log in
HelpAboutImage value The bitmap file for the Help About window
User Settings <userSetting>
UserID value The user ID for auto-login; for example, "BobJones"

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XML Tag Purpose and Expected Value

Password value The password for auto-login; for example, "BobJ"
DataCollectionUser value Defines whether or not this user is a data collection user; these users only have
access to Data Collection functionality. Only two values can be used - "true"
or "false"
StartSystemMonitor value Defines whether or not the System Monitor will start when the application is
launched. Only two values can be used - "true" or "false"
LastLoginID value The most recent login identifier that was used to access the application; for
LoginDefault value The login default setting that defines what appears in the User Name field.
Four values are possible:"Last" - Displays the last user ID that was used"List"
- Displays a list of all the recently entered user identifiers"Windows" - Displays
the same user ID used to log onto Windows on this client machine"None" -
No default value; the User Name field will be blank
FormOpenMode value The mode by which each form within the application will launch. Three values
are possible:"AutoSearch" - Each form automatically displays its search
program. For example, the Sales Order Entry program will automatically launch
with its Sales Order Search program ready for input"AutoPopulate" - Each
form automatically displays data from the first record linked to the form"Blank"
- Each form loads without a special mode; all the fields are empty
DefaultSearchFormLocation The area on your screen where all Search forms will appear by default:"top"
- All Search forms will automatically display in the top center of your
screen"center" - All Search forms will automatically display in the middle of
your screen
SingleSignOn value The choices are true or false (the default). A value of true means that single
sign-on logic should be used. No prompt for user ID and password, should
appear, but instead the user ID of the current Windows user should be used.
Deployment Settings
DeploymentServer The URI of the deployment directory on the deployment server.
deploymentType value The method the deployment system uses to deploy client assemblies. The only
accepted values are xcopy (the default) and zip (which copies a named zip file
locally and then unzips).
deploymentPackage value If the deploymentType is of type zip, the name of the zip file. The default is
optimizeAssemblies value The choices are true or false. A setting of true requires the user to have admin
rights on the machine.
doDateComparison If deploymentType is set to xcopy, this setting determines whether the xcopy
runs and does a date comparison with the /D switch, or downloads all files
regardless of date. The choices are true (the default) or false. If it is set to false,
then xcopy copies all files regardless of modification date.
Help Settings <helpSettings>
HelpServerURL The path name that is used to point the client machine to the help files. If you
want to link the help files to a central server instead of individually on each
client, enter the path to the help files location on the server.

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XML Tag Purpose and Expected Value

Epicor on the Web
CustomerCenter product The product and URL used when the user accesses the Customer Center; for
example "Epicor" followed by the URL href =
OnlineSupport product The product and URL used when the user accesses online (ePortal) support;
for example "Epicor" followed by the URL href = "https://eportal.epicor.com"

12.4 Verify Time Synchronization on Client and Server

If you received the error message "The authorization credential is expired", use these steps to verify the time
synchronization of your client and server. You may receive this error while performing a search from a client
workstation to the Epicor Web Access server if the time values that are set on the client and server are not accurate
according to the time zone.

1. On the client workstation, go to Start > Control Panel > Date and Time. Verify that the time is accurate
according to the time zone.

2. On the Epicor Web Access server, go to Start > Control Panel > Date and Time. Verify that the time is
accurate according to the time zone.

12.5 Known Issue with Turkish Format Culture Display

When the Format Culture is set to Turkish, several items display incorrectly and you may get an unhandled
exception error that causes the application to become unstable. To resolve the unhandled exception error, you
can set the Format Culture to German in order to use the formats for that language instead. To do this:

1. Open your Epicor 9.05 application. Navigate to System Management > Company Maintenance > User.

2. Enter or browse for a specific User.

3. In the Format Culture field, select German. Keep the Language set to Turkish.

4. Save the record. Close the application.

Note While this change resolves most of the issues, it also causes a minor issue with a Crystal Reports
tool bar that cannot be resolved. The reports are now formatted and displayed correctly in Turkish
culture, but the issue may appear in the report tool bar where several icons and text are displayed in

12.6 Configure Environments for Test and Pilot

During the installation of Epicor 9.05, the only two environments completely configured by the installation are
under ports 9401 and 9411 for your main production and Train environments. Use the following steps if you
want to configure additional environments, such as Test and Pilot. The Pilot and Test environments are installed
(including the .ini files, .pf files, and shortcuts), but the schema (for SQL installations) and databases are not
restored. Note that these steps are different for Progress and SQL environments.

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1. Copy the files from Epicor905\db\newdb\backup to Epicor905\db\pilot and Epicor905\db\newdb\test.

Note that an empty attachable SQL database or new SQL script database can be found in the same directory
as the schema.

2. Restore the schema.

3. Restore Schema holder. To do this, go to \db\newdb\backup. Based on your operating system, use one
of the following files:
• mfgsyssh64u.bkup
• mfgsyssh64.bkup
• mfgsyssh32u.bkup
• mfgsyssh32.bkup

4. Start your Application Server.

5. Restore SQL database. The SQL Script used to create an empty database is located in \db\newdb\backup.
The SQL script name to create empty database name may vary based on which Epicor 9.05 version is being

6. Create ODBC connections or verify they exist for EpicorPilot905 and EpicorTest905.

7. Start Schema database holder.

8. Run Schema Change tool to update the empty database and to verify the empty database is at the correct

9. Run Admin Tools. Verify login form appears.

10. Start your Application Server.

11. Log into the Administration console.

a. Create Environment connection. For example, create EpicorPilot905 or EpicorTest905

b. Apply the license.

c. Create your company.

12. Run Admin Tools to update the empty database with beginning data.

13. Log into your Epicor application.

12.7 Progress Client Has Stopped Working

During an upgrade to Epicor 9.05.700, if you receive the error message that your "Progress client has stopped
working", you must use the OpenEdge Explorer tool to stop your database. You received this error because the
database is marked as Read-Only, but the database is running.

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12.8 Change or Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Application

Use these steps to add or remove programs and features related to your Epicor 9.05 application. This section
also includes steps to uninstall the Epicor 9.05 application from your server or Epicor 9.05 client from your
Note It is highly recommended that you create a backup of all your important files, such as your databases,
prior to uninstalling the application.

12.8.1 Add or Remove Programs and Features

Use these instructions if you want to add or remove programs or features that are related to your Epicor 9.05

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features..

2. Right-click on Epicor 9.05 (database) and select Change from the menu. The Install Wizard opens the
Epicor 9.05 installation menu. The dialog may look similar to the following:

3. The Add / Remove Features option is selected by default. Click Next.

4. On the Select Features dialog, select the features you want to add or remove. Click Next. The Epicor 9.05
features you selected are added or removed.
Note When adding features, the components for the Utilities, Server Add-On, and Web Add-On
features are delivered as executable files to a folder on your server. The components are delivered,
but they are not installed. After your installation, you can use the Supplemental Installation section
of this guide for instructions on installing these additional features and programs.

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5. If prompted, click Finish.

12.8.2 Repair or Reinstall Epicor 9.05 Application

The Epicor 9.05 installation menu includes an option to Repair / Reinstall the Epicor 9.05 application. While this
is a standard option available in an install wizard process, it is not recommended that you use this option with
your Epicor 9.05 application due to customizations or configuration settings unique to your system.

12.8.3 Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Application

Use these instructions if you need to uninstall the Epicor 9.05 application from your server. It is highly recommended
that you create a backup of all your important folders and files, such as the Epicor905 folder and subfolders
(which includes your databases), prior to uninstalling the application. It is also recommended that you store this
backup in a safe location. Note that the uninstall process deletes everything in the Epicor905 folder. Do not store
your backup in the Epicor905 folder.

1. Create a backup of your important folders and files. For example, at a minimum, create a backup of the
following folders:
• Epicor905\db
• Epicor905\custom
• Epicor905\csg
• Epicor905\server\reports
• Oe102a\properties

2. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features.

3. Right-click on Epicor 9.05 (database) and select Uninstall from the menu. The dialog may look similar to
the following:

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Post-Installation

4. The Uninstall Epicor 9.05 option is selected by default. Click Next.

5. On the Ready to Update Your System dialog, click Next. The Epicor 9.05 application is uninstalled.

6. If prompted, click Finish.

7. The uninstall process may not delete files that were added or updated since the initial installation. To complete
the uninstall process, go to the location where you initially installed the Epicor application. For example, go
to \Epicor\Epicor905. Manually delete any existing files and folders.

12.8.4 Uninstall Epicor 9.05 Client

Use these instructions if you need to uninstall the Epicor 9.05 client from your workstation.

1. Close all Epicor 9.05 client instances that are running on your workstation.

2. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features.

3. Right-click on Epicor 9.05 Client and select Uninstall from the menu.

4. In the Previous Install dialog, the Update or Uninstall a single instance option is selected by default. Use
the drop-down menu to select the instance. Click Next.

5. On the Shortcut Creation dialog, select the Uninstall this client check box. Click Next.

6. On the Confirmation dialog, click Yes. The Epicor 9.05 client is uninstalled.

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7. When it is completed, click Finish.

8. The client uninstall process may not delete all the files that were added or updated since the initial installation.
To complete the uninstall process, go to the location where you initially installed the Epicor client. For
example, go to \Epicor905\Client. Manually delete any existing files and folders.

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Supplemental Installations

Part IV: Supplemental Installations

Use the following information to help complete your Epicor 9.05 application set up. Complete the sections
appropriate for the components and products you intend to use.

1. Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.
Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.700.

2. In the Available Downloads list, download the Supplemental Installation Guide. Note that this guide is the
same for all platforms.

3. Use the Supplemental Installation Guide to install the components and products you intend to use with your
Epicor 9.05 application.

Supplemental installations can include the following:

• Configure 64-Bit Environment (Windows 2008)
• Install Epicor Administration Console
• Install BPM Server
• Install Epicor Enterprise Search
• Install Embedded Education Courses
• Install Epicor Information Worker
• Install Epicor DB Replication
• Install Epicor SQL Server Reporting (SSRS)
• Install Epicor Mobile Access
• Install Epicor Sharepoint Publisher
• Install and Deploy Epicor Web Access
• Reinstall Epicor Web Services
• Reinstall Country Specific Functionality (CSF)
• Upgrade to Service Connect 9.05
• Upgrade to Epicor Portal 9.05
• Upgrade to Infragistics NetAdvantage
• Install SonicMQ
• Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A (Advanced/Manual)
• Configure Epicor Online Help
• Set Up Multi-Company Functionality

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Supplemental Installations Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

60 New Install 9.05.700 - SQL

Additional information is available at the Education and
Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to http://support.epicor.com.

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