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Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

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Review article

3D and 4D printing in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: Printing

techniques, materials, and applications
Danial Khorsandi a,b,c, Amir Fahimipour d, Payam Abasian e, Sepehr Sadeghpour Saber f,
Mahla Seyedi g, Sonya Ghanavati h, Amir Ahmad f, Andrea Amoretti De Stephanis f,
Fatemeh Taghavinezhaddilami f, Anna Leonova i, Reza Mohammadinejad j, Majid Shabani k,l,
Barbara Mazzolai k, Virgilio Mattoli k, Franklin R. Tay m,∗, Pooyan Makvandi k,∗
Department of Biotechnology-Biomedicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona 08028, Spain
Department of Mechanical engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8, Canada
Department of Medical and Scientific Affair, Procare Health Iberia, Barcelona 08860, Spain
Discipline of Oral Surgery, Medicine and Diagnostics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Westmead Centre for Oral Health, The University
of Sydney, NSW 2145, Australia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
International University of Catalunya, Faculty of Dentistry, Sant Cugat, Barcelona 08195, Spain
Department of Engineering, Corrosion and Metallurgy Study Center “A. Dacco”, University of Ferrara, Ferrara 44121, Italy
Department of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University of technology, Tampere 33720, Finland
Department of Medical Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton L8S 4L8, ON, Canada
Research Center for Tropical and Infectious Diseases, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman 7618866749, Iran
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Centre for Micro-BioRobotics, viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, 56025 Pontedera, Pisa, Italy
The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, viale Rinaldo Piaggio 34, 56025 Pontedera, Pisa, Italy
The Graduate School, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia 30912, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: 3D and 4D printing are cutting-edge technologies for precise and expedited manufacturing of objects
Received 23 October 2020 ranging from plastic to metal. Recent advances in 3D and 4D printing technologies in dentistry and max-
Revised 16 December 2020
illofacial surgery enable dentists to custom design and print surgical drill guides, temporary and perma-
Accepted 17 December 2020
nent crowns and bridges, orthodontic appliances and orthotics, implants, mouthguards for drug delivery.
Available online 26 December 2020
In the present review, different 3D printing technologies available for use in dentistry are highlighted
Keywords: together with a critique on the materials available for printing. Recent reports of the application of these
3D printing printed platformed are highlighted to enable readers appreciate the progress in 3D/4D printing in den-
4D printing tistry.
dental applications
dental devices
Statement of Significance
maxillofacial surgery 3D and 4D printing are cutting-edge technologies that enables precise and expedited man-
ufacturing of objects ranging from polymers to metals. Despite great progress in this rapidy
advancing field over the last 5 years, there has not been a thorough review that covers the
materials, methods and applications of 3D/4D printing in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.
Apart from the discussion on 3D materials and technologies, to the best of our knowledge, re-
cent experimental 4D platforms such as potential responsive materials will also be discussed

Abbreviations: AIBN, 2,2-́azo-bis-isobutyrylnitrile; ABS, Acrylonitrile butyrostyrene; AM, Additive manufacturing; ATZ, Alumina toughened zirconia; ATH, Alumina tri-
hydrate; Al2 O3 , Aluminium; 12Ce-TZP, Ceria-stabilized zirconia; Cr2 O3 , Chromium oxide; CoCrMo, Cobalt chromium molybdenum; CP-Ti, Commercially pure titanium; CBCT,
Cone beam computed tomography; CRP, Controlled radical polymerization; DLP, Digital light projection; MDM, Digital micromirror device; EDX, Energy dispersive X-Ray; FDM,
Fused deposition modeling; FFF, Fused filament fabrication; FRP, Free radical polymerization; HCP, Hexagonal close-packed; MgO, Magnesium oxide; n-BuLi, n-butyllithium;
PLA, Polylactic acid; PMMA, Poly(methyl methacrylate); PCL, Polycaprolactone; PC, Polycarbonate; PEEK, Polyetheretherketone; PS, Polystyrene; PVS, Polyvinylsiloxane; RP,
Rapid prototyping; SEM, Scanning electron microscopy; SLS, Selective laser sintering; SL, Stereolithography; SLA, Stereolithography apparatus; TMJ, Temporomandibular joint;
TiO2 , Titanium dioxide; UV, Ultraviolet; ZTA, Zirconia-toughened alumina; ZrO2 , Zirconium oxide.

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (F.R. Tay), (P. Makvandi).
1742-7061/Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.
D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

to provide a backdrop for future research and advances in using these platforms in dentistry.
There is no review article to cover 3D and more importantly 4D printing in dentistry and max-
illofacial surgery.
Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.

surgical devices that demand flexibility and abrasion resistance

1. Introduction
from the molding materials.
Recent progress in 3D-printable smart materials has brought
Three dimensional (3D) printing is an industrial technology
into fruition a newer generation of “dimensional printing” that is
that has rapidly evolved over its forty-year history [1]. This ad-
coined 4D printing. Four-dimensional printing is the combination
ditive manufacturing (AM) approach differs from classical subtrac-
of 3D printing with time as the 4th dimension [11]. Such a printing
tive manufacturing principles and is currently utilized in a plethora
platform produces pre-programable bio-objects that change their
of disciplines ranging from aerospace industries to personalized
shape in response to the surrounding media [12].
medicine and dentistry. This manufacturing scheme enables rapid
Companies are taking advantage of recent expiration of the ini-
creation of custom-based complex parts, made it an applicable
tial patents to introduce and expand their technologies (Fig. 1). In
solution in developing self-growing robots [2]. Additive manufac-
light of 3D and 4D printing rapidly becoming a manufacturing and
turing is represented by technologies such as stereolithography,
prototyping alternative in dentistry, the objective of the present re-
fused deposition modeling, selective laser sintering, inkjet print-
view is to explore, explain and compare the different 3D printing
ing, photopolymer jetting and powder binder printing [3–8]. Dif-
technologies that have been utilized for the fabrication of dental
ferent materials, e.g., polymers, composites, ceramics, and metal
biomaterials. Applications of these 3D printed platforms will also
alloys, are employed for additive manufacturing [9,10]. Integration
be described to enable readers appreciate the progress achieved in
of 3D printing into different facets of contemporary dentistry has
this rapidly developing field.
enabled the production of complex prosthodontic, orthodontic and

Fig. 1. Current 3D and/or 4D printing techniques used in dentistry.

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 2. Stereolithography printing. (A) Layer by layer printing process. (B) An example of a crown printed with stereolithography prior to removal of supports and polishing.

2. 3D printing techniques issue of microbial colonization of oral devices [14,44]. Overall, SLA
is a rapid, convenient and multifunctional technique in 3D dental
2.1. Stereolithography printing (Fig. 2).

Stereolithography (SLA) is the first commercially available 3D 2.2. Digital light projection
printing technology. This rapid manufacturing method involves
photoinduced polymerization to create layered structures using DLP is a photocuring technology which is similar to SLA pro-
highly cross-linked polymers [38]. This technology may be subdi- cess. The materials are liquid photosensitive resins which undergo
vided into different categories based on the type of platform mo- photocuring and subsequently form the 3D printed part layer by
tion and laser movement. Irrespective of these categories, print- layer. The first layer is formed on the build platform. Based on the
ing proceeds through three major steps: light/laser exposure, plat- position of the UV source, the build platform may be ascending or
form movement, and resin refilling. Stereolithography is the typical descending as shown in Fig. 3B [45]. Next layers will be formed
representative of AM, which utilizes layer-by-layer modeling. A 3D on their previous layers. DLP 3D printer utilizes a digital projec-
digitized model, which is used as the template for the fabrication tor screen to flash the current layer’s image, through a transparent
process, guides the SLA machinery to complete the printed object. bottom/top of the resin tank, across the build platform or previous
The layers are bound together bottom-up upon exposure of the layer. After curing each layer, the build platform goes up/down as
resin to ultraviolet light, which induces free radical polymerization the thickness of a layer until completing the entire part [46,47]. A
(FRP) of the resin monomers. As one layer is polymerized, the resin digital micromirror device (MDM) is used to reflect the light. DMD
platform lowers by a distance equal to the thickness of one layer consists of a matrix of microscopic-size mirrors. These mirrors con-
and builds the next layer until the printing of the digitized 3D ob- duct the light from the laser projector to the projection lens. They
ject is completed (Fig. 2A and B) [39]. The discontinued manner make different configurations, adjustable for each layer, such that
of processing can be overcome by combining SLA with continu- they create the 2D sketch of the layer by light on the curing sur-
ous liquid interface production. The latter a proprietary method of face [48].
3D printing that uses photopolymerization to create smooth-sided Although SLA and DPL are very similar, they also have some dif-
solid objects [25,40] Variables such as light source intensity, scan- ferences. The main difference is the light source. SLA benefits from
ning speed as well as the amount of resin monomers and pho- UV laser beam while DLP uses UV light from the projection source.
toinitiators may be controlled to achieve the required modeling ki- Consequently, in SLA laser beam moves from point to point and
netics and properties of the final product [31]. Currently, SLA is cures the resin from point to point while in DLP the light source is
applied in the manufacturing of temporary and permanent crowns stationary and cures each layer of the resin at a time. These differ-
and bridges, temporary restorations, surgical guides, templates, and ent curing processes result in more accurate and better quality in
dental model replicas (Fig. 2B) [26]. Table 1 represents the pros SLA compared to DLP, while on the other hand improves the print-
and cons of 3D/4D printing methods in dentistry and maxillofacial ing speed in DLP method. The intensity of the light source in the
surgery. DLP 3D printer is adjustable while it is not adjustable in the SLA
Stereolithography accommodates flexibility in design, geomet- printer. This means that the operator can control the effect of light
ric shape and scaling, resulting in highly accurate personalized de- on the resin. In summary, DLP is advantageous in the fast print-
vices. High precision measurements retrieved from the patient’s ing of bigger parts with fewer details while SLA is advantageous in
scanning data enable production of reliable appliances for long- printing accurate parts with intricate details [49–53].
term use [41]. However, cytotoxicity of the printed appliances may
be caused by the leaching of residual unreacted resin monomers
2.3. Fused deposition modeling
from the printed appliances. The may affect the longevity of the
Fused deposition modeling (FDM), also known as fused fila-
Stereolithography demonstrated greater clinical accuracy than
ment fabrication (FFF), is the trade name for a polymer, com-
other digital/analog methods in the production of dental stone
posites, or metal alloys softening process that was invented over
casts; the 3D printing technique represents an acceptable alter-
20 years ago. It is the second most commonly used 3D print-
native for diagnosis, treatment, and production of prosthetic de-
ing technique, after SLA [55]. This method is remarkably cheaper
vices [42]. Nevertheless, SLA-printed dental devices suffer from
than the other AM techniques [56]. The basis of this technique
poor mechanical properties caused by the limited choice of resins
is the principle of strand extrusion: the desired type of thermo-
that can be photopolymerized [39]. Nanoparticle incorporation into
plastic materials, shaped as strands, is delivered to the extruder.
the polymeric matrix improves mechanical properties [43]. Other
Upon softening, the heated viscous plastic is deposited by an ex-
coupling agents such as ceramic fillers protect the printed struc-
trusion head that results in layer-by-layer fabrication of the digi-
ture from fracture by improving stress distribution. Antimicrobial
tized model (Fig. 4A) [57,58]. Unlike SLA, individual layers within
agents have also been incorporated into the resins to address the
the object have reduced bonding and thus, the final product has

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of 3D/4D printing methods in dentistry.

3D/ 4D printing Material

system characteristics Materials Advantages Disadvantages Ref.

Stereolithography Light curable resin Epoxy and - Product resolution - Over-curing [13–16]
(SLA) methacrylate - Efficiency - Lack of surface smoothness
monomers - Short working time - Limited mechanical strength
- Irritant
Selective laser Powder - Polymers - Structures are fully self-supporting - Sample surfaces appear porous and [17–20]
sintering (SLS) - Ceramics - Protective gas in not needed rough
- Metals - Vast variety of materials can be - Harmful gases release during
selected fabrication
- Little to no thermal stresses are - Materials waste is relatively high
accumulated on the component - Raw powders are expensive to an
- Components exhibit excellent extent
mechanical properties - Post-processing is often expensive
- Relatively fast method and tedious
Fused deposition Thermoplastic - Paste - Filaments are cheap and arrive in - The seam between layers is visible [9,21–25]
modeling (FDM) polymer and - Wire various colors - Discontinuous extrusion results in
composites, low - Easy to change materials formation of defects
melting - Cost-effective maintenance - Support structure is required in
temperature metal - Capable of fast production of shelled some cases
alloys structures - Delamination between layers may
- Fundamental for thinner layers up to occur due to low extrusion
0.1 mm thick temperature
- Released fumes are not toxic - Printed component may curl off the
build platform because of induced
thermal stresses

Photopolymer Light curable resin - Biocompatible - High resolution due to thin layer - Irritant [26–32]
jetting (MED610) printing (∼16 microns per layer) - High cost
- VeroDentPlus - Short working time
(MED690) and - Excellent surface features
VeroDent - No need for post-modification
(MED670)(all are - Supporting wide range of materials
natural looking
medically -approved
Powder binders Materials which - Metal - Safe material - Low resolution [33,34]
are available in - Ceramic - Short working time - Low strength
powder - Plastics - Suitable mechanical performance - Cannot be soaked/heat sterilized
- Low cost
Digital light Light curable resin - Resin - High complexity and excellent - Limited material selection [35]
projection surface finish - Photocurable resin can cause skin
- Short timeframe sensitization, and maybe irritant by
- Good accuracy contact
- Smooth surfaces
Computed axial Light curable resin - Resin containing - It can be used in specific conditions - Limited material selection [36,37]
lithography dissolved oxygen where existing methods fall short,
such as:
• Printing soft materials that cannot
maintain the forces applied during
layerwise printing,
• Creating lenses with smooth curved
• Encapsulating other objects in three

greater anisotropy [25]. Thermoplastic polymers and their com- images, as depicted in Fig. 4B. Based on these digitized images,
posites (e.g., acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), polycarbonates FDM is capable of rapid printing of the destined product (Fig. 4C).
and polysulfones) along with low melting temperature metal alloys Fused deposition modeling is the technology utilized in most
(e.g., bronze metal filament) are the most common employed FDM low-cost ‘home’ 3D printers. It enables the printing of crude
filaments [9,56]. Polymers may be filled with metal (nano)particle anatomical models without too much complexity. Although the fi-
reinforcement to prepare (nano)composite filament to improve dif- nal product is brittle and contains rough surfaces, FDM is cheaper
ferent features, e.g., thermal resistance and mechanical properties. than other 3D printing techniques. This technique is used in ma-
Mechanical properties in the FDM method can be affected by three chines with low maintenance and in scientific research [55].
main groups of parameters: print material, structural parameters
(i.e. rasters angle, infill density, print orientation, and stacking se- 2.4. Selective laser sintering
quence), and manufacturing parameters (i.e. extrusion temperature
and rate, layer time, nozzle transverse speed, and bed tempera- Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a system wherein a high energy
ture) [56]. Because of the weak mechanical properties of these un- beam laser is used to induce fusion of the powdered raw material.
filled thermoplastics, FDM is used only for the printing of tempo- The laser creates a solid layer out of the powder, The platform will
rary crowns and bridges in dentistry. Similarly to SLA, processing be lowered to make space for the laser to sinter the next layer
commences with the acquisition of computer-aided design (CAD) of powder. This method of structure creation does not require ad-

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 3. Digital light projection (DLP). (A) Schematic of the printer components and printing procedure. Reprinnted with permission from [49]. (B) Demonstration of two kinds
of platform movements in DLP method [54].

Fig. 4. Fused deposition modeling (FDM). (A) FDM printer. (B) dental crown CAD file. (C) dental crown FDM. Reprinted with permission from [59].

ditional material support during printing because support is pro- pressed air for proper functioning of SLS [17,19,20]. The function
vided by the powder surrounding it [60]. of the laser is to increase the temperature of the powder to close
Multi-purpose study models, guides for drilling and cutting as to, but not its sintering point. This sintering process converts the
well as metal frameworks can be created using SLS (Fig. 5). The solid power into a semi-liquid state. The platform on which the
advantages of SLS include the use of autoclavable materials, me- first layer rests lowers by ∼0.1 mm, giving the laser space for a
chanical functionality of the printed object, reduction in produc- new layer of powder to be sintered. This stepwise sintering and
tion cost with increase in production volume. The disadvantages fusion continue until the object is fully printed. The object is left
of this printing technique are the health risk associated with in- to cool down after printing is complete [19].
halation of the powdered raw material, the initial high cost in set- Another benefit of SLS is the almost utilization readiness of the
ting up and the need for supplementary supplies such as com- printed object. Whereas other printer methods necessitate an extra

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 5. Selective laser sintering (SLS). (A) illustrations of the design and fabrication of a removable partial denture (RPD) framework by SLS. (B) CAD design of RPD framework,
(C) the final RPD framework, (D) laser-sintered metal frame, (E) partial denture fabricated using the sintered framework. Reprinted with permission from [64].

sanding step or other forms of finishing before the printed prod- ing. Silicone-like rubber materials may also be used for printing
ucts are usable, this step is usually not mandatory for the SLS complex and highly-detailed products with a resolution of ∼16 mi-
technique. Because SLS printers do not require structural support crons. The printed products may be used as crowns or anatomi-
during printing, the processing time is considerably faster com- cal study models. Another advantage of the printing technique is
pared with SLA and FDM [61–63]. Three types of SLS printing are that implant drill guides may be printed rapidly and economically
available: metal-based, ceramic-based, and polymer-based SLS. The with better quality. 3D jet printers utilize multiple printing heads
metal-based SLS technique utilizes fine metal powders, whereas to cover the working platform width [27,30].
the polymer-based SLS technique utilizes fine-grained thermoplas- The printing head and working platform move bidirectionally
tic polymers as raw materials. For metal-based SLS, different metal but independently. An ultraviolet light source is used to harden
powders may be employed, such as stainless steel alloys (316, each layer of resin or wax that has been jetted. The advantages of
304L, 309, 174), and titanium alloy (6AI-4V). Unlike polymer-based this technology are rapid manufacturing, surface smoothness and
SLS which does not require gas injection, metal-based SLS requires cost efficacy. The drawbacks include difficulty in removing the ma-
protective gas to be flooded into the printing chamber to avoid ox- terial completely due to rigid support, skin irritation, inability to
idation of the metal powder when the latter is heated to a high be heat-sterilized and the high cost of the material [25,26].
sintering temperature.
In addition, SLS technique has been employed for fabricating 2.6. Powder binder printer
ceramic parts [65]. Since ceramic powders need appropriate ex-
posure time to result in the desired density, the target temper- This AM process uses liquid adhesive droplets within a modi-
ature should be lowered to facilitate the densification. One so- fied inkjet head. The inkjet head releases these droplets for infil-
lution is mixing other materials such as organic (e.g., polymers) trating a layer of powder located underneath. This step is repeated
or inorganic (e.g., metal-based low-melting materials and glass) by replenishing a new layer of powder until the final product is
compounds, as binders in the ceramic powder. Therefore, binders manufactured. The main application of powder binder printing in
melt in the heated powder bed surface and creat a bonding glassy dentistry is in the printing of study casts or prototypes. However,
phase around the ceramic particles. Besides, these binders are the printed objects are fragile and lacked accuracy. Because this is
more sturdy to temperature variations. To prevent the oxidation low-cost technology, the technique finds use in applications that
of the binder contents, insert atmospheres is mandatory. Organic do not require sterilization, such as printing of study casts. How-
contents can be removed in the high-temperature firing in furnace, ever, the manufacturing process is messy because of the use of
while the inorganic parts remain [66]. Infiltration/isostatic pressing powder (Fig. 7) [70,71].
along with SLS enhances the mechanical performance of the ce-
ramic parts by maximizing the final density [67]. However, there 2.7. Computed axial lithography
are several challenges in the fabrication of ceramic parts with op-
timal mechanical performances. Powder deposition, the interaction There is intense interest in the adaptation of novel technolo-
between laser and powder, mechanism of melting and consolida- gies for 3D/4D printing in dentistry. Volumetric AM is an example
tion, as well as thermal and residual stress analysis are some of of these newly developed systems. Computed axial lithography is
these challenges [68]. a form of volumetric AM printing technique. It has some similarity
to DLP method as both systesm employ projector as light source to
2.5. Photopolymer jetting photopolymerize the resin. The difference between computed axial
lithography and other conventional printing technqiues is that light
This technology involves the combination of two techniques, us- polymerization is applied at several angles to the material, where
ing a dynamic printing head and photopolymerizable polymer. The as other AM printing methods utilize layer-by-layer polymeriza-
light-sensitive polymer is jetted to a building platform from an tion. In other words, computed axial lithography can produce the
inkjet-type printing head and cured layer by layer on the descend- entire object at once (not layer by layer). The idea of computed
ing platform (Fig. 6) [69]. A supporting structure is also printed us- axial lithography is inspired by computed tomography scanners.
ing fragile support material for easy removal. This technology en- In computed tomography, X-ray scanning is performed from many
ables printing of an extensive range of resins and waxes for cast- different angles. This concept was utilized in the development of

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 6. (A) Photopolymer jetting. (B) Temporary crowns fabricated with the photopolymer jetting method. Micrographs of the cross-sections of the temporary crown (C)
Margin. (D) Axial. (C) Cusp. (D) Fossa. (Magnification × 50). Reprinted with permission from [27].

Fig. 7. (A) Powder binder printing. (B) A 3D printed denture model. (C) Scanning electron micrograph of the powder used for printing. (D) Distribution in particle size of
the powder employed for printing. Reprinted with permission from [71].

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 8. Schematic of scanning (I) and then printing (II) using computed axial lithography as volumetric additive manufacturing. A 3D model is initially prepared using
scanners (I). The 3D model is converted into many 2D images. Each image is projected in one angle to the rotating container. DLP: digital light processing.

computed axial lithography [35]. The object is fabricated by pro-

jecting a light (with specific wavelength) containing many 2D pic-
tures (from different angles of the object) to a rotating container of
photocurable resin (Fig. 8). Photopolymerization of the resin mate-
rial permits manufacturing of products with higher complexity and
better surface finish in shorter timeframe, compared with other
AM methods. Centimeter-scaled products may be printed within a
minute with the use of computed axial lithography. The products
printed with this technique can be easily designed with CAD and
saved in stereolithography file format. To date, high viscosity resins
or solid materials are used predominantly for this technique. The
application of materials with low viscosity may permit prining of
tissues in the future. However, more in vivo studies are required
to investigate the mechanical and chemical properties, tolerability
and biocompatibility of the photopolymerized resin products prior
to their recommendation for clinical applications [35,72].

Fig. 9. (A) General chemistry involved in the synthesis of vinyl polymers. (B) Pho-
3. Materials employed for 3D/4D printing in dentistry topolymerization of the monomers.

3.1. Polymers
functional groups. Vinyl polymers are extensively used for dental
3.1.1. Vinyl polymers 3D printing that involves sintering (e.g., SLS) or photopolymeriza-
Vinyl polymers are the most commonly used polymers in den- tion (e.g., SLA) (Fig. 9B) [70,73–76].
tistry because of their tunable properties. They are produced from Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is the most commonly used
vinyl monomers using FRP (Fig. 9A). Although vinyl polymers are vinyl polymer in dental 3D printing. It is polymerized from methyl
biocompatible, the majority of them are not biodegradable mak- methacrylate monomer via FRP or anionic polymerization using
ing them unfavoured material for many medical applications, but 2,2-́azo-bis-isobutyronitrile or n-butyllithium as initiators, respec-
not dentistry, since degradation is not desirable for a long-term tively. PMMA is the most favorable material for printing den-
use, such as dental implants. For this reason, new synthesis meth- ture base materials owing to the ease of its processing, low cost,
ods such as controlled radical polymerization (CRP) have been im- lightweight, stability in the oral environment, and esthetic prop-
plemented to tune material properties and control the molecular erties. However, PMMA has poor surface properties and weak me-
weight of the resulting polymer, as well as their end and chain chanical properties; the latter may be circumvented by using ad-

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 11. Synthesis of polyesters by polycondensation.

PCs are polymerized via polycondensation reaction between

bisphenol A and carbonyl chloride/diphenyl carbonate from the
main chain. They are mechanically robust, amorphous and trans-
parent polymers. PCs are used extensively in dentistry to produce
orthodontic brackets, denture bases and prefabricated provisional
crowns. They have been used experimentally as a based composite
printed by FDM [89]. Despite the advantageous properties of PC,
there is a probability of bisphenol A release making it a potentially
Fig. 10. Free radical polymerization of polystyrene from styrene monomer and ben- harmful substance [90].
zoyl peroxide as initiator.
PCL is synthesized via ring-opening polymerization of ɛ-
caprolactone monomers in the presence of a catalyst such as
ditives such as polyetheretherketone, SiO2 , and Al2 O3 [3,77,78]. stannous octanoate. PCL is a biodegradable and biocompatible
Furthermore, the addition of titanium dioxide yields antimicrobial polyester with high in vivo stability because of its hydrophobicity.
property. In the field of 3D printing, PCL is of interest because of its low
melting point (∼63°C), making is useful for printing techniques
such as FDM. Furthermore, 3D-printed PCL is used in bone tissue
3.1.2. Styrene polymers regeneration such as alveolar bone augmentation [91].
There are two styrene polymers commonly utilized in dental PLA is one of the most extensively used polymers in human
3D printing: polystyrene (PS) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene body-related applications [92,93]. It is synthesized from lactic acid
(ABS). PS is an aromatic hydrocarbon polymerized from styrene via polycondensation, and in some cases via ring-opening polymer-
monomers via FRP, using benzoyl peroxide as initator (Fig. 10). It ization. The latter results in lower molecular weight and more brit-
is structurally amorphous with high transparency and a smooth tle PLA. PLA is highly biocompatible and possesses tunable physic-
surface. Mechanical properties and ease of fabrictaion make it a ochemical properties. The excellent processability of PLA enables it
good candidate for dental applications [79,80]. High impact PS was to be used in different 3D printing methods and for various appli-
used to prepare 3D printed objects using fused filament fabrica- cations as FDM printing of drill guides for surgical insertion of den-
tion, with improvement of the properties of the resulting product tal implants, [94] and provisional restorations for protecting teeth
[81]. Photopolymerization strategies are similar to those discussed after crown preparations [95].
in the previous session.
Another material used in 3D printing is ABS, a thermoplastic
polymer that inherits its superior properties from its monomers: 3.2. Metal-based materials
acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene [82,83]. Each of the monomers
contributes to the quality of ABS. Therefore, ABS owes its heat Metals are vastly employed in fabricating biocompatible de-
tolerance, high impact strength, and rigidity to acrylonitrile, bu- vices, especially when resistance to corrosion, and wear is required
tadiene, and styrene respectively. Different initiators have been [96,97]. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility are also impor-
used for the synthesis of ABS via FRP: t-butyl or cumene tant factors for choosing metal for biomedical applications. Bio-
hydroperoxide/sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate dihydrate/EDTA- compatibility of a metallic material enables the material to per-
chelated Fe2+ redox, ammonium persulfate, ammonium persul- form its desired function without eliciting undesirable local or sys-
fate/sodium bisulfite redox initiator and oil-soluble 2.2 -azobis(2,4- temic effects on the surrounding tissues. Despite many types of
dimethylvaleronitrile). FDM and SLS are usually employed for 3D metallic materials available, only a few of them are biologically
printing of ABS [84–86]. compatible with the human body and can be used for long-term
applications [98].
3.1.3. Polyesters
Polyester refers to a group of thermoplastic polymers that con- 3.2.1. Stainless steel alloys
tain ester functional groups in the main chain. They are poly- The earliest metal implant, introduced in the early 1990s, was
merized via polycondensation by the removal of water molecules made of vanadium steel [99]. However, it was associated with pre-
(Fig. 11). The three most popular polyesters are polycarbonate (PC), mature loss of implant function, patient dissatisfaction and a need
polycaprolactone (PCL) and polylactic acid (PLA) [87,88]. for revision surgery because of mechanical and corrosion failure.

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

As a consequence, stainless steel alloys with more advanced char- passive oxide film after exposure to body fluids. This protective ox-
acteristics were introduced [100,101]. 302 stainless steel alloy was ide layer is mostly composed of Cr2 O3 with minor amounts of Co-
initially developed as an alternative to vanadium steel [102]. It was and Mo-oxides [119].
subsequently replaced by two other stainless steel alloys, 316 and Cobalt is the major alloying element of CoCrMo alloys. Cobalt
316 low carbon content (L). These alloys contain molybdenum and imparts an unstable face centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure
at least 11% chromium yielding corrosion resistance [103]. Forma- with very low stacking fault energy to the alloy. At a tempera-
tion of a protective Cr-based oxide film on the alloy surface occurs ture of 690 K, Co-based alloys experience a change in their crys-
spontaneously in the body environment. This passive surface layer tal structure, from unstable FCC to a hexagonal close-packed (HCP)
improves corrosion resistance and wear resistance of the fabricated crystal structure. This transformation occurs at relatively slow cool-
implant [99]. Moreover, a maximum amount of 17-20% nickel helps ing rates. Since the transition from FCC to HCP is kinetically ar-
to stabilize the austenitic phase at room temperature and increases rested at room temperature, the main crystalline structure of Co-
corrosion resistance [103]. Nevertheless, the presence of a large based alloys is unstable FCC structure [120]. Transformation from
amount of Cr and Ni in these stainless steel alloys can provoke FCC to HCP crystalline structure only occurs at high temperature
an allergic reaction in patients, which require revision surgery for after long-term exposure and/or application of mechanical stress.
their retrieval [104]. These stainless steel alloys are also not suit- Both methods provide atoms with enough time to rearrange them-
able for manufacturing permanent implants [105]. Their low me- selves from an unstable to a metastable structure, which leads
chanical properties render them susceptible to stress, corrosion, to significant improvements in yield strength and reduced fatigue
cracking and pitting corrosion, with formation of deep pits on the damage under cyclic stresses [121,122]. These properties account
metal surface. Implant failure initiates from these weakened spots for the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of cobalt-based al-
along with the passive surface layer, which propagates through the loys [122].
bulk material [106]. Chromium has a significant effect on the alloy’s properties
[123]. Presence of ∼28% chromium is the main reason for their
3.2.2. Titanium and its alloys corrosion resistance, which is characterized by the formation of a
The use of stainless steel as implants was eventually replaced protective oxide film on the surface of the alloy segregating the
by titanium and its alloys due to their improved corrosion resis- surface from aggressive agents. Chromium is also the predominant
tance, biocompatibility, strength, and lightweight [107,108]. Com- carbide former. The embedded carbide in the alloys matrix serves
mercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) and Ti-6Al-4V are the most bio- as structural hardening sites that imparts additional strength to the
compatible titanium alloys. They are the preferred materials for matrix. Chromium-rich carbide, especially M23 C6 , is the most com-
manufacturing orthopedic implants [109,110]. In addition, the for- mon carbide in CoCrMo alloys [124].
mation of a thin, stable oxide film on the surface of titanium and Molybdenum is another important constituent of CoCrMo al-
its alloys contribute to their excellent corrosion resistance [111]. loys. It typically comprises 5-7 wt% of the alloys [125]. Molybde-
Bulk titanium alloy has a much higher Young’s modulus than a num enables solid solution strengthening of the alloy due to its
natural bone (110 vs. 10-30 GPa, respectively) [112]. making it in- large atomic size. It serves as structural blocking sites for disloca-
applicable for orthopedic use, since materials with Young’s mod- tion flow when present as solute atoms. In addition, formation of
uli exceeding that of a natural bone cause stress-shielding and an Mo-oxide layer on the alloy surface imparts corrosion resistance
subsequently bone resorption, which results in loosening of the to the alloy. If Mo is higher than 5 wt%, M6 C carbide may also pre-
implant. Despite the advanced properties of Ti-6Al-4V it cannot cipitate during alloy fabrication, which adds strength to the matrix
be used without surface treatment and coating due to its poor [126].
wear resistance. There are also potential concerns with toxicity of Carbon is also an important constituent in the chemical com-
the vanadium or aluminum present in the alloy [113]. The sec- position of the alloy. Carbon is a FCC stabilizer which strengthens
ond generation of titanium alloys have since been introduced that the alloy by forming carbide within the matrix. Based on the car-
have lower moduli of elasticity (e.g., Ti-12Mo-6Zr-2Fe, Ti-15Mo- bon content in the alloy, CoCrMo alloys are categorized into ‘low
5Zr-3Al, Ti-15Sn-4Nb-2Ta-0.2Pd and To-13Nb-13Zr.( [114] However, carbon alloy’ (0.06 wt%) and ‘high carbon alloy’ (0.15-0.25 wt%).
these alloys are more embrittlement-susceptible due to the oxy- Increase in carbon content results in improvement in corrosion,
gen dissolution caused by the oxygen diffusion into titanium which wear and tribocorrosion resistance of the CoCrMo alloy [127]. De-
is introduced during fabrication/heat treatment. In addition, their spite having exceptional corrosion and wear resistance and excel-
higher cost have led to their substitution with cobalt-based alloys lent biocompatibility, CoCrMo alloys have poor frictional proper-
[115]. ties and may cause an allergic reaction due to their nickel content
3.2.3. Cobalt-based alloys Metal-based AM techniques such as SLS and SLM are used ex-
Cobalt-based alloys have attracted considerable interest as med- tensively for fabricating 3D structures from a starting mixture of
ical implant materials because of their superior corrosion and wear metal alloy powders characteristics of which are critical for repro-
resistance, excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility and ducibility of the printed metallic parts. Metal powders used in 3D
low rigidity [116]. The first cobalt chromium (CoCr)-based implant printing need to be spherical and have a stringent particle size dis-
was fabricated in 1930. More than half a century of research has tribution to achieve good packing behavior. This enables fabrication
led to refinement in the manufacturing of this alloy for biomedical of dense and complex metallic parts with predictable mechanical
use [117]. properties. With the use of metal-based AM techniques, it is pos-
Four types of CoCr-based alloys are available for biomedical sible to fabricate fully-functional components using laser sintering
applications, including cast CoCrMo alloy (F75), wrought CoCr- in a layer-by-layer process.
WNi alloy (F90), wrought CoNiCrMo alloy (F562) and wrought The properties of AM alloys used for dental application have
CoNiCrMoWFe alloy (F563) [118]. Among the CoCr alloys, cobalt been investigated in different studies. For example, microstructure
chromium molybdenum (CoCrMo) alloys are of major interest due and hardness of CoCrMo dental alloys manufactured by casting,
to their advanced corrosion and wear resistance, high tensile and milling and SLS have been evaluated [129–131]. The highest hard-
yield strength, and biocompatibility [104]. In addition, integration ness value was achieved by SLS (371 ± 10 HV), followed by cast-
of oxide-forming elements such as Cr, Mo and Co makes them ing (320 ± 12 HV) and milling (297 ± 5 HV). In another study,
thermodynamically favorable for the formation of a thin protective SLS-fabricated CoCrMo alloys had better mechanical properties and

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 12. The use of ceramic (zirconia) for 3D printing of dental bridges. (A) An illustration of the ceramic stereolithography process. (B) Additive manufacturing of zirconia
dental bridges after (I) printing, (II) debinding and (III) sintering. (IV) The corresponding change in size of zirconia-based dental implants after each step. Reprinted with
permission from [133].

less dissolution of metal ions than cast alloys [132]. The total Co 3.3.2. Alumina
ions released into solution was lower in alloys produced by SLS Aluminum oxide or alumina (Al2 O3 ) is a ceramic material pro-
[132]. Both groups of authors suggested SLS as a better fabrication duced from alumina trihydrate. It is available in different forms
method for dental devices than the conventional casting technique. (e.g., α , χ , η, δ , κ , θ , γ and ρ ). All these forms exist during
heat treatment of aluminum hydroxide [144]. The most thermody-
3.3. Ceramics namically stable form is α -aluminum oxide. This material is used
for such dentistry applications as ceramic abutments, endodontic
The use of ceramics has become very common in dental clin- posts, orthodontic brackets, dental implants, and crowns [134]. The
ical practice as well as in research. Ceramics are highly biocom- high purity of alumina (∼99.99% pure) makes it a suitable candi-
patible and possess strong mechanical properties, excellent wear date for replacing metal alloys in some dental applications [33].
resistance and superior esthetics compared with titanium or CoCr Alumina is wear-resistant and biocompatible but is less compact
alloys [133]. These advantages have been harnessed in the devel- and has lower flexural strength compared with zirconia [145]. To
opment of 3D printed ceramic systems [10,134]. The following sec- improve the mechanical properties of alumina, it is possible to in-
tion discusses zirconia and alumina as ceramic materials for dental filtrate zirconia into the alumina matrix to produce a mineral com-
application. posite [146]. The toughness and fracture resistance of alumina may
be altered by controlling the grain size and porosity, the number of
3.3.1. Zirconia
sinter cycles, sintering temperature and time, heating/cooling rates,
The use of zirconia for fabricating metal-free ceramic dental
and the addition of stabilizer such as zirconium oxide, magnesium
implants began with the introduction of the Z-System in 2004
oxide or chromium oxide [147,148]. An alumina ceramic with sub-
[135]. These implants osseointegrate well with hard tissues and are
micron grain-size has been prepared for dental applications, with
highly biocompatible with soft oral tissues. Different methods of
improvements in mechanical properties and optical quality. Stud-
treating the implant surface were employed to enhance osteoblast
ies on polycrystalline alumina ceramics indicate that alumina with
adhesion, differentiation and to improve bone-implant osseointe-
grain size less than 1 μm and a porosity level of less than 0.7
gration [136]. Three major surface treatment methods have been
percent has the same degree of translucency as commercial high-
employed: surface roughening, surface coating with active com-
translucency porcelain [149].
positions to convert a bio-inert surface into a bioactive surface,
and reducing surface contaminant to enhance surface hydrophilic-
ity [137]. These methods include surface treatment with oxygen 3.4. Responsive materials for 4D printing
plasma,[138] acid-etching,[139] ultraviolet irradiation or hydrogen
peroxide treatmet [140]. A previous study indicated that zirconia Four-dimensional printing adds the time dimension to 3D print-
implants osseointegrate at least as well as titanium implants [141]. ing by producing pieces made of smart materials. 4D printing in-
The strength of zirconia implants lies in their ability to accommo- deed combines 3D printing with the use of responsive materials
date peri-impant soft tissues well. In vitro data reported that zirco- that change their properties or shape in response to mechanical,
nia decreases inflammatory response, plaque accumulation, reduce chemical, thermal or electrical stimuli. Smart materials may be
bacterial population and modify fibroblast adhesion and prolifer- divided into shape-memory materials and shape-changing mate-
ation [142,143]. As an example, yttria-stabilized zirconia (3Y-TZP) rials [11]. Shape memory materials may be derived from alloys,
powder has been blended with acrylates and methacrylates, pho- polymers or ceramics. Each material has advantages and disadvan-
toinitiator and dispersing agent to create a homogenous hybrid sol. tages depending on the applications of the material. Shape mem-
This “ink” can be photopolymerized by a 3D printer with light- ory polymers have applications in dentistry including orthodontics,
curing capability. SL was used for printing dental bridges (Fig. 12) endodontics, prosthodontics, oral surgery and implantology [150–
[133]. 152]. Through molecular view, shape memory polymers are elas-

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 13. (A) Schematic of the deformation of a 4D-printed object in response to a stimulus. (B) Types of responses that may occur in 4D-printed dynamic materials. (C)
Internal or external stimulus that may be utilized for triggering a 4D response.

tic matrixes enjoying some reversible functional covalent cross- rounding pH due to the presence of functional groups such as
linking. This kind of polymers consists of functional groups that hydroxyl (−OH), carboxylic (−COOH), sulfonic acid (−SO3 H) and
undergo some changes toward a temporary shape under a stim- amine (−NH2 ) groups in the polymer chain [165,166]. Moisture-
ulus. They can subsequently reverse that change to the previous sensitive materials (e.g., hydrogels) are similar and have similar
permanent shape once the stimulus is canceled; or they undergo hydrophilic functional group as the pH-responsive systems. Their
cleaving the covalent bond induced by the stimuli between the hydrophilicity causes the systems to swell to a volume greater
functional groups throughout the matrix [153]. To prepare a 3D than the original volume [166,167].
printed object that responds to external or internal stimuli, sensi- There is another class of materials that responds to a biological
tive materials should be employed in these systems (Fig. 13). Some stimulus (e.g., glucose, enzymes). For example, the level of blood
examples are presented n the following paragraphs. glucose may be controlled by using smart materials that release
Magnetically-sensitive materials are generally constructed by insulin in response to the blood sugar level [11].
embedding magnetic nanocompounds (e.g., Fe, Co, Ni, Fe2 O3 , The characteristics of smart materials include self-sensing, self-
Fe3 O4 , CuFe2 O4 , ZnFe2 O4 , NiFe2 O4 ) into the raw material. responsiveness, shape memory, self-repair, self-adaptability and
These nanomaterials are utilized in-situ (embedded) or deco- multi-functionality. Smart materials fall into two major categories,
rated/mixed with the pre-defined materials for printing [154,155]. shape-memory materials which recover their original shape fol-
Electrically-responsive materials are manufactured by incorporat- lowing a stimulus and shape-changing materials which maintain
ing inherently-conductive polymers (e.g., polyacetylene, polypyr- their original shape and undergo morphology change in response
role, polyaniline, polythiophene) as well as their derivatives or to a stimulus [164,168].
copolymers into the material. Conductive carbon-based nanostruc- Experimental dental 4D printing began in 2012. Although the
tures and metal nanoparticles may also be used for this purpose technology is not yet commercially available, it represents a quan-
[156,157]. tum leap in AM capability. For example, 4D printed dental implants
Light-responsive materials are fabricated from light-conducting possess the capability to alter their shape in response to changes
materials or materials comprising azobenzene, stilbene, spiropyran, in oral temperature and humidity. The properties that these im-
fulgide or diarylethene, as well as photosensitive-metal nanostruc- plants possess are comparable to those exhibited by natural teeth
tures (e.g., TiO2 , Pt and Au) [158,159]. Ultrasound-sensitive mate- [150,169].
rials comprise polymers the bonds of which are cleaved in the
presence of high ultrasound intensity. These polymers are classi-
fied into biodegradable (e.g., polyglycolides and polylactides) and 3.5. Materials safety
non-biodegradable polymers (e.g., poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)
and poly(lactide-co-glycolide)) [160,161]. Ceramic materials used in dentistry are reported to be rela-
Thermo-responsive materials (e.g., poly(N-isopropyl acry- tively safe and free of toxicity for dental pulp or periodontal tissue
lamide), poly(N-vinylcaprolactam), gelatin, collagen, soybean oil surrounding the material [170–172]. Corrosion is the main com-
epoxidized acrylate, pluronic and poly(ether urethane) are fre- plication followed by metal devices in the oral cavity. Nickel and
quently employed materials in 4D printing platforms [162–164]. chrome are the most substances found in the oral cavity, due to
pH-sensitive materials swell or collapse depending on the sur- placement of orthodontic appliances, metal crowns, metal bridge

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

or prosthesis devices. Several other consequences might be fol- denture processing technique which involves compression molding
lowed with application of metal such as hypersensitivity, cyto- and hot water processing, 3D printed dentures enables more effi-
toxicity, or genotoxicity. Exposure of oral mucosa to metal leads cacious clinical modification, which reduces patient discomfort as
to inflammation, pain, redness or at a deeper level causes cellu- well as long-term residual bone resorption (Fig. 14) [34,177,199–
lar metabolism disturbance. Depending on the degree of corrosion 201].
that metal undergoes, its carcinogenesis ability varies. The symp-
toms can appear at distance from metal alloy [173–175]. 4.2. Crowns and bridges
Polymer materials have various applications in dentistry, how-
ever, their main form of application in 3D printers are light curable 3D printing of dental crowns and bridges is one of the most at-
resins. The uncured resins including monomers, macromonomers, tractive applications of 3D printing technology in dentistry. Crowns
and initiators are not biocompatible materials. After photocur- may be placed on teeth for protecting the underlying tooth struc-
ing, the degree of conversion is relatively high which means the ture, or on dental implants to make them functional and tooth-like.
amount of unreacted monomers is decreased; however, the resid- One of the most important uses of crowns is to serve as an an-
ual monomers may lead to irritation of mucosa, inflammation, ul- chor (i.e. tooth abutment) for replacing a missing tooth. Recently,
ceration and edema. The side effects of residual monomers are not 3D printing technology has been utilized to fabricate crowns and
only limited in local tissue and affect systemic circulation in case bridges. In addition, low-cost 3D printers have been used for fabri-
of blood stream entry [176]. This situation may be better for the cating more precise provisional crown and bridge restorations us-
3D printers (e.g., FDM method) that do not employ resin. At least, ing SLA printing techqniue [203]. SLA offers great efficiency and
for the filaments used for FDM approach, there are no cytotoxic high level of accuracy [204]. By using SLA, an object can be pro-
monomers but the type of polymer/composite employed for fila- duced at a resolution down to 0.05 mm, making this method a
ment should be taken into consideration. However, for a specific superior technique in accuracy, even compared to some new tech-
3D printer, most providers sell a different range of resins from bio- niques such as digital light projection (DLP) [205]. However, the
compatible (for medical applications) to non-biocompatible com- process of photopolymeter curing in DLP printer is fairly faster
pounds (for other applications). Accordingly, based on the targeted than SLA, since SLA uses laser light photopolymer sources that pro-
applications, the desired materials can be selected. cess layer by layer [206].

4. Applications 4.3. Orthodontic appliances and orthotics

Over the last decade, 3D printing technology is increasingly 3D printing provides exciting opportunities for fabricating
being utilized in dental education and patient treatment. Exam- tooth-fitting orthodontic devices such as Invisalign® aligners [207].
ples include the manufacture of drill guides for prosthodontics, or- Aligners are popular alternatives to braces for treatment of mild
thodontics, endodontics and oral maxillofacial surgery. New tech- malocclusion because they are transparent and can be removed for
nologies have been developed for the production of dentures and eating, drinking and tooth brushing. In 3D printing of clear align-
implants, and the fabrication of bridges, crowns, aligners and or- ers, the orthodontist takes a virtual impression of the patient’s
thodontic brackets [34,177]. The recent advances in the applica- upper or lower arch using an intraoral scanner. Stereolithography
tions of 3D printing in dentistry will be highlighted below. Table 2 or FDM is then used to print the model for thermoforming the
represents the applications of 3D printing in dentistry. aligner. 3D printing reduces production time without altering the
quality of the aligners. This acceleration is attributed to the reduc-
4.1. Dentures tion in manufacturing steps (Fig. 15).
Orthotics are used for treatment of malocclusion and relief
Tooth loss occurs due to trauma, fracture, periodontal disease of temporomanidular joint symptoms. These appliances can also
and caries [194,195]. Different methods have been used to replace be fabricated by the use of intraoral scanners and 3D printers.
missing teeth, such as complete or partial removable prosthe- Nanofillers used for reinforcing these appliances, such as silica and
ses, teeth-supported bridges and implant-supported crowns. In the hydroxyapatite, do not bind to the resin during SLA. In light of this,
past, construction of a prosthetic device commences with the tak- the surface of HAp was decorated with methacrylate functional-
ing of an alginate or polyvinylsiloxane impression. A model is sub- ity to enhance adhesion of the nanofillers to the polymer matrix
sequently constructed for complex laboratory work performed by (Fig. 16) [14]. Quaternary ammonium salts have also been func-
a skilled dental technician. The advent CAD/compute-aided manu- tionalized on the nanofillers to impart antibacterial and antifungal
facturing (CAD/CAM) systems has completely revolutionalized how activities. The resulting orthotics exhibited enhanced mechanical
dental prostheses are constructed. There are three phases in the properties and possessed antimicrobial activity [14].
construction scheme. The first phase involves acquisition of vir-
tual impressions using intraoral and extraoral scanners and regis- 4.4. Oral and maxillofacial surgery
tering the patient’s occlusion. The second phase consists of pros-
thesis design using computer softwares. These procedures may be The advent of cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) has
performed in the the laboratory or a dental clinic. This enables expedited the development of 3D printing in dentistry. This has re-
the practitioner to have better visualization of the final product. sulted in more accurate diagnosis and treatment planning, as well
The third phase involves prosthesis construction, which may be as guidance during surgery, thereby reducing post-operative com-
performed using additive or subtractive manufacturing techniques plications. The types of surgery that benefit from the use of 3D
[196–198]. printed devices include maxillofacial surgeries, implant placement
Denture design and manufacturing now involves the use of in difficult or ethetics-sensitive areas, sinus lift and orthognathic
3D printing technology in combination with digital modeling and surgeries.
computational optimization. Both denture bases and denture teeth Maxillofacial defects caused by trauma or cancer require exten-
are now printed by 3D printing technology using methacrylate- sive removal of the defect as well as the surrounding tissues. De-
based photopolymerizable resins [199,200]. Denture based and ar- pending on the size of the defect, the severity of the trauma and
tificial teeth are printed separately and are subsequently attached the patient’s economical condition, oral, nasal and orbital maxillo-
together using a photo-curable bonding agent. Unlike conventional facial prostheses are often required for post-surgical rehabilitation.

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Table 2
Recent applications of 3D printing in dentistry.

Method Schematic illustration Applications References

Stereolithography Temporary and permanent crowns

Temporary bridges [3,27]
Temporary restorations [178–180]
Surgical guides and templates [181,182]
Dental replica models [22,26,183]

Fused deposition Denture flasks [133]

modeling Bites [14]
Mouth guards
Oral drug delivery device [184]

Selective laser Custom-made dental implants Partial [185–187]

sintering dentures

Photopolymer Temporary crowns Dental replica models [27,188–

Jetting 190]

Powder Binder [18,191]


Digital Light Temporary and permanent crowns [192]

Processing Removable dental prosthesis [193]

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 14. (A) Intraoral scanning for taking virtual impression of a patient’s pre-existing teeth. (B) 3D illustration of denture file from a design software. (C) A real tooth
size configuration used for reconstruction of the denture. (D) Digital sculpting of denture teeth secured to a denture flask. Pink denture base acrylic resin is to be injected
through the injection port. (E) Separate illustration of the denture and flask from the analyzing software. (F) 3D–printed flask. (G) Placement of the teeth into the flask. The
teeth were fabricated also by 3D printing. (H) Combination of upper and lower denture flasks produced by 3D printing. (I) Separate printed upper and lower flasks showing
packing of acryic resin. (J) Detachment of the flask and denture parts. (K) Polished, completed 3D printed denture. Reprinted with permission from [184,202].

Fig. 15. Designin an aligner. (A) Steps involved in conventional processing (B) Workflow in 3D printing.

The recent use of scanners for scanning the area of involvement nioplasty surgical guides reduces operation time and minimizes in-
is a much more comfortable and precise means for fabricating juries to nerves such as the inferior alveolar nerve [210].
the prostheses. Maxillofacial prosthesis printed using AM methods The use of 3D printed surgical guides for implant placement in
have been shown to have higher accuracy and better fit of the de- the edentulous area improves hard and soft tissue healing around
fect area [208,209]. the implant. Surgical guides are used in challenging locations to
Orthognathic surgeries are performed for patients with maxil- improve implant placement accuracy. The surgical guide must have
lary or mandibular deformity, severe malocclusion and those re- adequate hard or sift tissue support to increase stability and bal-
quiring facial esthetic modifications. Development of 3D printed ance during implant placement. Support is gained by methods
models have improved patient communication as well as surgical such as tooth-supported guides, mucosa-supported guides, bone-
outcome. Many of the traditional operations are now replaced with supported guides and pin -supported guides. These guides are se-
the help of digital techniques, such as printing of occlusal splints lected based on the number of remaining teeth, the availability of
tht are more accurate and provide more accessible jaw positions hard and soft tissue support and the location of the implant site
during surgery (Fig. 17). The use of 3D printed osteotomy or ge- [211].

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 16. (A) Surface functionalization of hydroxyapatite. (B) 3D CAD drawing of an orthodontic aligner (left panel) and the photograph of the corresponding aligner fabricated
by SLA (right panel). (C) Scanning electron microscopy image of the material used for construction of a nanofillers-reinforced orthotic (left panel). Energy dispersive X-Ray
(EDX) mappings of P (red) and Ca (green). (D) Antibacterial and antifungal properties of the samples containing different ratios of the nanofiller. mHAP: modified HAP.
Reprinted with permission from [14].

4.5. 3D printing of metals in dentistry prosthetic frameworks, endodontic hand and rotary files and metal
implants. Metal frameworks were prepared by SLM technique to
Accuracy and mechanical properties are the most important evaluate the accuracy of removable partial denture frameworks.
factors to be considered in dentistry. Compared to conventional The authors showed that the frameworks manufactured by SLM fit
casting and forging techniques, additive manufacturing of metal better than those fabricated by the lost-wax technique and metal
parts reduces manufacturing time and cost. More importantly, AM casting [216]. In another work, porous implants made of Ti and Ta
almost eliminates all human errors as well as possible defects in were fabricated via SLM and tested for their fitting accuracy. The
the resulting product. According to the definition of the American authors reported that 3-D printed Ta implants were better-fitting
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ASTM F2792, AM is “a comparied to conventional Ti implants manufactured by milling. By
process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, using 3D printing, the authors were able to optimize manufactur-
usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing ing cost and maximize reproducibility [217].
methodologies” [212]. Selective laser sintering, selective laser melt-
ing (SLM) and electron-beam additive manufacturing (EBM) are the 4.6. Hard and soft tissue engineering
three most commonly used techniques for 3D printing of metal
parts [213]. Bone augmentation is an important procedure in patients with
Dental metal alloys that utilize 3D printing technology include hard tissue defects who are in need of implant placement. Insuf-
CoCr, Ti and tantalum powders (Fig. 18) [214]. For example, den- ficient bone results in lack of support and implant failure. Hence,
tal prostheses have been fabricated with CoCr alloy powder us- bone augmentation is necessary in selected cases prior to implant
ing the SLM technique [215]. The potential of 3D printed metal placement. The ideal bone graft to be placed is an autograft de-
parts in dentistry is enormous. Metallic structures that can be 3D- rived from the patient’s own bone, which has both osteoinductive
printed include removable partial denture, overdenture and fixed and osteocondictive properties. Other alternative bone graft ma-

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 17. (A) 3D printing of a patient’s jaw model after simulation for orthognathic surgery. (B) Positioning and fixing the printed guides and occlusal splint. (C) A 3D printed
model of the final position of segment. (D) An illustration of the application of 3D printing in maxillofacial surgery. Reprinted with permission from [210].

terials include allografts, xenografts and alloplastics. A graft used 4.7. Mouthguards for drug delivery
for bone augmentation needs to have specific properties, including
biocompatibility, same shape and design as the defect, does not Treating oral diseases by local release of a drug is common
induce an immune response, as well as porosities for tissues to ac- practice in oral medicine. 3D printing permits the design of unique
cess nutrients and communicate with immune cells (Fig. 19) [218]. drug delivery systems with exceptional precision, comprehensive
Many biomaterials are available as hard tissue engineering scaf- three dimensional composition and manageable release patterns
folds, such as polymers, bioceramics and composites. To enhance [83]. Chlorhexidine-coated mouthguards have been tested for sup-
the regeneration ability of the biomaterials, they should be able pression of oral bacteria in human subjects [221]. A 3D printed
to be loaded with stem cells; growth factors released by the stem wearable oral delivery device in the form of a mouthguard has
cells are critical for angiogenesis and osteogenesis. Scaffolds fabri- been fabricated via FDM to deliver a preloaded drug to the oral
cated by 3D printers can be tuned by using inks containing stem cavity (Fig. 20) [184]. 3D printed oral drug delivery mouthguards
cells. This method of printing enables the stem cells to be placed have immense potential for drug delivery in personalized dental
at precise locations. Moreover, precision 3D printing of complex therapeutics.
scaffold surfaces enables more intimate contact with bone surfaces,
expedites healing and yields better esthetic results compared with
4.8. 3D printing in endodontics
conventional scaffolds [220].
The periodontal ligament (PDL) absorbs masticatory stresses
Three dimensional printing has been used to support nonsurgi-
and provides the tooth with micro-movement during mastication.
cal and surgical root canal treatment. As an example, 3D printing
The PDL contains blood vessels and nerve fibers. Destruction of the
may be used experimentally for regeneration of new teeth by stem
PDL reduces tooth support, increases tooth movement and expe-
cell delivery[219], or regeneration of the dental pulp by develop-
dites microbial infection. Periodontal bone defects may be covered
ment of calcium phosphate cements [222]. In addition, 3D printing
with a 3D printed scaffold in which mesenchymal stem cells are
has been used for printing tooth models to simulate surgical proce-
incorporated within the scaffold to enhance regeneration of the
dures. For example, a tooth model was printed for root canal treat-
ment of a 12 year-old boy with tooth anomalies. The authors de-
Soft tissue regeneration surgery has been used to improve root
signed and printed a custom-made guide for access into the canal
coverage of a tooth with gingival recession or damaged soft tis-
spaces (Fig. 21) [223]. The advantages of the 3D printing in en-
sue. Although the ideal graft is an autograft excised from the palate
dodontics include improving the accuracy of access, enhancing the
or tuberosity, this generates post-operation discomfort for the pa-
skills of non-specialists and improved success with pulpal regener-
tient. Recently, 3D printed soft tissue grafts have been introduced
ation [224] In addition, 3D printed resin teeth are useful in educat-
for augmentation of keratinized tissue surrounding teeth with pe-
ing students and general practitioners in all steps of the root canal
riodontal defects. These soft tissue grafts can be printed to cover
therapy. The trainee can observe endodontic working length, root
large defects. Moreover, 3D printed soft tissue grafts permit more
canal morphology and anatomy of the apical delta, using trans-
complicated designs and accuracy to cover the defect. They are also
parent resin teeth constructed usingh CBCT data derived from ex-
better received by patient because of reduced post-operation dis-
tracted natural teeth. During canal shaping, errors associated with
comfort and expedited healing [219].
the use of endodontic instruments, such as gauging of preparation

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 18. 3D printing of metal in dentistry. (A) SEM image of tantalum powder used for 3D printing of dental implants. (B) A 3D printed porous metal-based implant. (C,
D) A 3D printed CoCr-based denture implant framework. (E) Designing a removable partial denture framework prior to 3D printing. (F) A 3D printed CoCr powder-based
removable partial denture framework with accompanying support structures that have to be removed after printing. Reprinted with permission from [213,214,216].

walls and canal transportation may be readily observed. More im-

portantly, 3D printed guides based on CBCT data are indispensable
for finding highly calcified canals in nonsurgical root canal treat-
ment and for apicoetomy of posterior teeth in surgical endodon-
tics. The use of these guides has enabled more teeth to be saved
by root canal treatment.

4.9. 3D printing application in dental education

Three dimensional printing in dentistry has extended beyond

clinical application and has been integrated into dental educa-
tion [225]. 3D printed teeth serve as models for teaching den-
tal anatomy and for the practice of a wide range of dental pro-
cedures such as caries excavation, pulp capping, core build-up,
crown preparation as well as veneer preparation and dental bond-
ing [226]. These models are used for training predoctoral students
and have replaced the use of extracted teeth which are prone to
contamination [227]. Apart from the anatomical accuracy of the
printed replicas, fabrication of these resin replica teeth can be done
by any institution that has access to CBCT and a 3D printer [228].
Three dimensionally-printed models are extensively used for
pre-operative surgical simulations. The ease of fabricating these
surgical models provides a readily available resource for oral and
Fig. 19. Tissue augmentation workflow. (A) The soft tissue defect. (B) Scanned soft maxillofacial surgery [229]. It is beyond doubt that this versatile
tissue defect. (C) Designed soft tissue graft ready to be 3D printed. (D) 3D printed technology will keep on improving over the course of its applica-
soft tissue graft. (E) Simulated surgical procedure. Reprinted and modified with per- tion. The elastic properties of currently available materials and the
mission from [219].

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

Fig. 20. Application of 3D printing in manufacturing of oral drug delivery mouthguards. Reprinted with permission from [184].

Fig. 21. A 3D printed, custom-made jig for complicated root canal treatment. (A) Panoramic radiograph of the patient’s teeth. (B) Buccal view. (C) Coronal view. (D) Digital
image view. I STL file. (F) 3D printed jig with a hole that guides the insertion path and depth of a bur into the complicated root canal space. (G) Canal filing simulation. (H)
Location of glide path into the root canal space using the printed jig; (I) Intraoral radiograph 3 months after canal filling. Reprinted with permission from [223].

geometric complexity of the printed models still require improve- ulus. In dentistry, it is of the most interest to have such materials
ments for perfect mimicking of human tissues [230]. [231].
One of the most common materials used in orthodontics is
nickel-titanium archwires, with many advantages and disadvan-
5. 4D printing in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery: tages. Some of the drawbacks of these shape memory archwires
Challenges and future perspectives may be overcome with the application of shape memory polymers
[151]. Superior esthetics improved elastic modulus, enhanced me-
In a nutshell, 4D printing technology can give active and re- chanical and chemical stability and ability of the archwire to self-
sponsive functions to their counterpart 3D printed objects. It can adjust during the treatment make the application of this mate-
be triggered by a response to different stimuli, for example, light, rial more suitable for the patient and the practitioner. Endodon-
to change their structure. Fortunately, through using simulations tics is another field that may benefit from 4D printing. One of the
and analytical calculations to theoretically model the structural most common complications during root canal therapy is instru-
changes are well predictable. In other words, we know what will ment separation. The ability of shape memory metals to adapt to
happen for the material which at the mercy of any external stim-

D. Khorsandi, A. Fahimipour, P. Abasian et al. Acta Biomaterialia 122 (2021) 26–49

root canal curvatures is an important asset that makes them com- manufacturing may result in significant reduction of mechanical
petitive as a replacement of traditional nickel titanium rotary in- properties. Dimensional accuracy of the products printed by 3D
struments in the future [12,232]. printers varies with the use of printing techniques and has a sig-
In prosthodontics, permanent seating of bridge pontics while nificant impact on the passive fit of dental prostheses.
the surrounding hard and soft tissues are undergoing changes may
result in suboptimal fitting of the pontics. Application of shape
Declaration of Competing Interest
memory polymers in these cases may be beneficial because of the
self-adjustment capability of the material, which helps to minimize
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
future complications. Full or partial removable dentures are often
problematic for the patient because of bone resorption that accom-
panies tooth removal, as well as forces applied over the bony ridge Acknowledgment
by the denture. As a result, denture relining is a common proce-
dure. The use of shape memory polymers for 4D printing of den- P. M. and V. M. acknowledge funding from the European Hori-
tures may improve the ability of these dentures to adapt to the al- zon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agree-
tering hard and soft tissue profiles. In implantology, titanium alloys ment No 899349 (5D NanoPrinting).
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