33460-Msds Mama Lemon
33460-Msds Mama Lemon
33460-Msds Mama Lemon
Ingestion Do NOT induce vomiting. Do NOT attempt to give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water immediately. Give water to drink. If vomiting
occurs, give further water to achieve effective dilution. Seek medical advice (e.g. doctor)
if required.
Inhalation Remove person to fresh air- avoid exposure. Remove contaminated clothing and loosen
remaining clothing. Allow patient to assume most comfortable position, keep warm and
to rest. Seek medical advice (e.g. doctor) if required.
Advice to Doctor Treat symptomatically. All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms
of distress of the patient. Poisons Information Centres in each Australian State capital
city or in Christchurch, New Zealand can provide additional assistance for scheduled
poisons.(Phone Australia 131126 or New Zealand 0800 764 766).
Aggravated Medical
Conditions None known.
Exposure Limits National Occupational Exposure Limits, as published by Safe Work Australia:
Time-weighted Average (TWA): None established for specific product.
See SECTION 3 for Exposure Limits of individual ingredients.
Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL): None established for specific product.
See SECTION 3 for Exposure Limits of individual ingredients.
Biological Limit Value None established for product.
Engineering Controls No special requirements.
Personal Protective This product is not classified as hazardous according to the criteria of Safe Work
Equipment Australia. Use good occupational work practice. The use of protective clothing and
equipment depends upon the degree and nature of exposure. Final choice of appropriate
protection will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or
engineering controls and according to risk assessments undertaken. The following
protective equipment should be available;
Eye Protection
Generally not required to handle solutions of the product. The use of safety glasses with
side shield protection, goggles or face shield is recommended to handle in quantity,
cleaning up spills, decanting, etc. Contact lenses pose a special hazard; soft lenses may
absorb irritants and all lenses concentrate them.
Skin Protection
Generally not required to handle solutions of the product. Overalls, work boots and
elbow length gloves are recommended for handling the concentrated product (as per
AS/NZS 2161, or as recommended by supplier) to handle in quantity, cleaning up spills,
decanting, etc.
Protective Material Material suitable for detergent contact – Butyl rubber, Natural Latex, Neoprene, PVC,
Types and Nitrile.
Respirator Not required for normal cleaning operations.
Where high contaminant spray mist or vapour levels exist, ie, approaching the exposure
limit, the following additional equipment is required: For short elevated exposures, eg,
spillages:- Appropriate organic vapour cartridge respirator as per the requirements of
AS/NZS 1715 and AS/NZS 1716 (Respiratory protective devices). For prolonged
exposure and confined spaces:- full face air supplied or self contained breathing
apparatus (if vapour levels exceed the Exposure Limit by more than ten times, air
supplied apparatus should be used).
Decomposition Product can decompose on combustion to form Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide,
Products and other possibly toxic gases and vapours.
Hazardous Reactions None known.
Disposal To dispose of quantities of undiluted product, refer to State Land Waste Management
Authority. Transfer product residues to a labelled, sealed container for disposal or
recovery. Waste disposal must be by an accredited contractor. As with any chemical, do
not put down the drain in quantity. The small quantities contained in wash solutions
(when used as directed) can generally be handled by conventional sewage systems,
septics, and grey water systems. For larger scale use, eg. Commercial laundry
operations, a recycled water system is often recommended, or Trade Waste License
obtained for disposal to sewer.