Woody Project Casestud2.0
Woody Project Casestud2.0
Woody Project Casestud2.0
The purpose of project management is to achieve a successful project and all that this implies.
So, if you were Win Easley, the project management consultant, what would you report?
Specific issues for your consideration follow. You will not find all the answers written into the
case study. Most of the answers are matters of opinion and you will need to raise the proper
a. Was the Woody 2000 project well-conceived? Give reasons for your opinion.
b. What were Woody's real objectives that could and should have been articulated?
The actual goals of the Woody were to install air conditioning and a
dust-free paint and finishing facility with greater compressor
capacity. To increase the company's production efficiency through
computer-controlled automation.
c. What strategies were there for achieving these objectives? What would you recommend?
2. Project Scope
a. Why do you suppose renovation of the President and Executive Vice President's offices were
included in the project and was that a good idea?
In theory, the main goal was to execute the entire project within the
timescale specified while incurring as small productivity losses as
possible. Adding the top executives' offices into the remodeling
process looks to be a fantastic idea because it allows you to finish
two large building projects at the same time. It may have offered an
opportunity to the senior executives to maintain the firm in its
current location and merely develop rather than relocate it. These
two factors explain why the corporation chose to add such a
makeover on top of their growth; unfortunately, it was not the best
Woody 2000 is the name of the project. The President's and VP's
offices will also be restored. The $17 million repairs may take 18
months to complete. It means increasing the company's
manufacturing facility by 25% while using the company's
availability. The installation of new semi-automatic equipment will
boost supply amount and quality.
3. Project Planning
a. What should be included in a Woody 2000 project plan? What use would it be?
b. Evaluate Woody's plans for managing the project, including their approach to contracting for
professional services and construction work. What would you have done, and would that
change for successive phases of the project?
When the facts of the case are considered, it is evident that there
were no actual plans. Before outsourcing out specialists, all they did
was attend meetings and do speeches that didn't genuinely address
major difficulties. Without any true in-depth investigation or
information, the decisions were made. Furthermore, the project was
given to the EID organization hastily and without a defined plan. As a
result, when budgeting the operation, EID assumed several
hypotheses. As a result, the project's cost increased.
c. Did the project plan explain how the project and any changes would be controlled? Should
this be part of the plan? Give reasons.
The project plan was rapidly produced with little thought given to how it
would be handled or if it would have a contingency plan. They would have
made up for the perceived flaw in project planning.
Product standard
Processing excellence
The project team builds the project quality in such a manner that it
generates the final quality based on the demands of the client, wherein the
quality of the product, which is based on the method used, is decided by
the level of customer satisfaction. (Lester, 2017)
b. Why did Leadbetter not invoke the specifications to ensure quality? What was the result?
a. Identify and describe a set of project schedule milestones from project concept to project
b. Illustrate your milestones on a simple bar chart scaled to the information provided in the Case
c. Would a good baseline plan have helped to show that the project would not meet its
schedule? If so, how?
Strong measures are planned, also it would have ensured that every
work was budgeted and planned according to time and date. Any
faults in the individual task in compensation or timeline would be
quickly identified and corrected, allowing the management to
immediately see any weakness or strength in the individual work.
d. How should float on the critical path have been managed? Would this have helped to
complete on time?
The entire project was not finished by the important step. No one
was made liable for the failure to fulfill the anticipated timeline. To
solve this, the essential milestone should be determined first, and
the contract should be attached to the timetable; this will allow the
float to be handled successfully, assisting in the completion of the
6. Cost Estimating
Estimates should be created from the start of the plan, together with the
d. Cashman kept his cash flow chart a secret. Why, and what would you have done?
a. What were the contracting alternatives open to Woody's? Which would have been best and
what would that have involved?
Moneysworth should look for other organizations that can supply the
same service before hiring a professional. Examine their services and
the prices they charge for each one. They are managed by
maintaining a follow-up plan, it should be evaluated with more than
one essential stakeholder.
The project was completed after Woody lost his clients, certain
agreements, his clients' confidence, more of budget, and the
anticipated date.
b. Should Leadbetter have been left to run the project? Would training have helped?
c. How should the Woody 2000 project plan be communicated and when?
A baseline plan will give complete data for each phase, allowing each
member staff to work in a clear and visible environment. This helps
everyone to work more effectively since they are aware of the
project's needs and assume responsibility for the tasks that have
been assigned to them. This strategy will result in a successful task
that may be finished on time and within budget.
c. What would you have done when you saw that the project would not meets its schedule?
d. Project records were apparently poor. What records should have been kept and how?
All tasks, notes, plans, budgets, change task, contracts, choices, and
other administrative work should be reported in a professional, not
handwritten, manner and carefully stored.
a. Why was EID's first price so high? Was their position reasonable?
b. When did Woody's know they were in trouble with over expenditure? What was the result?
c. How should the project budget and expenditures be set out for cost control?
When designing and financing an operation, one should include at
the expense of every crisis or failure circumstances that may arise.
Also, keep in mind that modifications may occur during the
procedure that needs additional charges.
a.How did EID handle their risks? Was this effective? What might they have done?
b.List Woody's actual surprises and add other possible surprises. What was, or should have
been, done to prepare for and respond to them?
Outrageous spending
Uncertainty of a project
Spite of the fact that the work took longer than expected. In order to keep
rising expenses under control, the company should implement a
foundation of its spending and calculate the site's starting costs. This will
enable it to create an expenditure plan that is sufficient to allow for certain
adjustments without hurting the revenue.
a.How was startup managed on the Woody project? How should it have been managed?
Mr. Bruce Sharpe convinced top management that there was a need
for expansion owing to the potential for increased sales, prompting
the start-up of the Woody project. Senior management should have
obtained an impartial long-term sales prediction before embarking
on the Woody project. Simple conversations resulted in the decision
to increase capacity by twenty-five percent. During the initial
planning phase, no feedback from production, staff was gathered,
feedback from production staff should have been gathered
throughout the project's planning phase to ensure the project's
b.The Woody 2000 project was evidently not well run. Why? Give reasons for your opinion.
Yes, since before planning the project, they analyzed the benefits
and drawbacks of extending their site and identified the risks that
they would face should they continue shifting their firm.
c.Develop a list of "Key Success Indicators" that could and should have been measured on
completion. Rank them in order of priority for this project.
XII. Conclusion 12
XIII. Bibliography 13