The Moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) Patens: A Model Organism For Non-Seed Plants
The Moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) Patens: A Model Organism For Non-Seed Plants
The Moss Physcomitrium (Physcomitrella) Patens: A Model Organism For Non-Seed Plants
Stefan A. Rensing,a,1 Bernard Goffinet,b Rabea Meyberg,a Shu-Zon Wu,c and Magdalena Bezanillac,1
a Facultyof Biology, Plant Cell Biology, Philipps University of Marburg, 35037 Marburg an der Lahn, Hesse, Germany
Since the discovery two decades ago that transgenes are efficiently integrated into the genome of Physcomitrella patens by
homologous recombination, this moss has been a premier model system to study evolutionary developmental biology
questions, stem cell reprogramming, and the biology of nonvascular plants. P. patens was the first non-seed plant to have its
genome sequenced. With this level of genomic information, together with increasing molecular genetic tools, a large number
of reverse genetic studies have propelled the use of this model system. A number of technological advances have recently
opened the door to forward genetics as well as extremely efficient and precise genome editing in P. patens. Additionally,
careful phylogenetic studies with increased resolution have suggested that P. patens emerged from within Physcomitrium.
Thus, rather than Physcomitrella patens, the species should be named Physcomitrium patens. Here we review these
advances and describe the areas where P. patens has had the most impact on plant biology.
Introduction: Development of P. patens as a Model Genetics and Genomics of P. patens) and destined to become
Species a model for evolutionary developmental and cell biological studies
(see Hot Topics in P. patens Research).
P. patens Gransden was established as a model species based on
cultures derived from a single spore of a sample collected by
H.L.K. Whitehouse from a site in Gransden Wood (Huntingdon- Systematics, Ecology, and Geography of P. patens
shire, UK) in 1962. From the 1960s to the 1980s, this moss was
Physcomitrella belongs to the Funariaceae within the Funariales,
primarily used as a genetic system to isolate and study mutants in
a diverse lineage of small, typically once subapically branched
a variety of processes including plant morphology, hormone bi-
plants with terminal sex organs, possessing a sporophyte with
ology, nutrition, and responses to gravity (Engel, 1968; Ashton and
a capsule dehiscing via the loss of a lid, and two opposite sets of
Cove, 1977; Ashton et al., 1979; Cove, 1983). Early studies on the
peristome teeth lining the capsule mouth (Vitt, 1984). Phys-
effects of phytohormones (Reski and Abel, 1985; Knight et al.,
comitrella is, however, somewhat atypical for the family, as it lacks
1995; Machuka et al., 1999) revealed that the action of abscisic
both a peristome and a differentiated line of sporangial de-
acid (ABA) was conserved throughout the evolutionary history of
hiscence. Physcomitrella is a rather derived member of the family
land plants (Khandelwal et al., 2010; Richardt et al., 2010). In 1997
(Figure 1), having arisen ;10 million years ago (Beike et al., 2014;
(Schaefer and Zrÿd, 1997) reported that gene targeting via ho-
Medina et al., 2019), and may be sister to a clade comprising
mologous recombination was feasible in P. patens, triggering an
Aphanorrhegma serratum (now Physcomitrium serratum), Phys-
immediate generation of mutants (Girke et al., 1998), which,
comitrium immersum (both with immersed capsules), and Phys-
following the development of a method to induce sexual re-
comitrium collenchymatum and Physcomitrium sphaericum (both
production (Hohe et al., 2002) and initial transcriptomic charac-
with capsules emerging on a stalk from among the leaves; Medina
terization (Rensing et al., 2002), raised this moss to functional
et al., 2019).
genomics model status (Reski and Reg, 2004; Cove, 2005; Frank
Physcomitrella patens was originally recognized by Hedwig
et al., 2005). Due to its phylogenetic position as a member of the
(1801) in the genus Phascum (now Tortula, Pottiaceae) due to its
sister linage to vascular plants and thus other established model
small and immersed capsules lacking a peristome. Subsequently,
species, P. patens was soon targeted for genome sequencing (see
the species was transferred to the genus Ephemerum (Hampe,
1837), a phenotypically similar genus long considered to be allied
1 Address
to the Funariaceae (Vitt, 1984) but subsequently recognized as
correspondence to
resulting from convergent evolution in the Pottiaceae (Goffinet and
Articles can be viewed without a subscription. Cox, 2000). In 1849, Physcomitrella was established as a single species, P. patens (Bruch and Schimper, 1849). Subsequently, in
1362 The Plant Cell
(antheridia) and female (archegonia) gametangia split between antheridia initially develop at the apex of the stem, which sub-
apical clusters (Goffinet, 2007b). In culture, mixed sex organs have sequently resume growth to develop archegonia, relegating the
rarely been observed (Nakosteen and Hughes, 1978). Instead, antheridia to an axillary position (Figure 4). Thus, under optimal
(A) and (B) Tip-growing filamentous protonemata eventually develop buds (A), which grow into leafy gametophores (B).
(C) and (D) Under cold- and short day conditions, sexual reproductive organs (gametangia) develop on the top (apex) of the gametophore.
(C) The male antheridia, which release motile biflagellate spermatozoids upon maturity, emerge in bundles comprising different developmental stages of
(D) The female archegonia arise next to the male organs and are flask-shaped.
(E) to (H) The egg is located in the archegonial venter and after fertilization, a sporophyte develops.
(E) Upon maturity, the brown sporophyte releases spores of the next generation.
(F) and (H) A heterozygote sporophyte of the fluorescent Reute-mCherry strain and the nonfluorescent Gransden strain.
(G) mCherry-fluorescent sporophyte is shown on top of the nonfluorescent gametophore, indicating a successful cross of both strains.
(H) Chloroplast autofluorescence is visible in the sporophyte as well as the leaflets.
Scale bars (A) and (C) 5 50 mm; (B), (F), (G), and (H) 200 mm; (D) 100 mm; and (E) 500 mm.
growth conditions, male and female sex organs are terminal, but sequence the P. patens genome. At the Seventh Annual Moss
when vegetative growth resumes after male gametangiogenesis, International Conference, MOSS 2004, in Freiburg, Germany,
female sex organs may appear to be present in a distinct cluster. a genome consortium was formed, and the P. patens genome was
Moss male gametes are biflagellate and require liquid water to subsequently sequenced by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint
swim into the archegonia (Renzaglia and Garbary, 2001). After Genome Institute. The nuclear genome was published in 2008
passing the archegonial neck canal cells and reaching the ar- (Rensing et al., 2008) and lived up to the expectations that its
chegonial venter (base), the sperm cells (also known as sper- comparison with the other available plant genomes would allow key
matozoids or antherozoids) fertilize the egg cell to form the diploid events in land plant evolution to be traced. The plastid genome was
zygote. The zygote develops into an embryo and then into published by Sugiura et al. (2003) and the mitochondrial genome by
a sporophyte, which possesses a single apical capsule in which Terasawa et al. (2007), completing the draft genomic resources.
meiosis eventually occurs, yielding haploid spores (Landberg Since 2010, P. patens has been one of the U.S. Department
et al., 2013; Hiss et al., 2017). A single sporophyte typically de- of Energy flagship genomes (
velops on a gametophore (Figure 4). The sporophyte is composed science-programs/plant-genomics/plant-flagship-genomes/), and
of a short stalk terminated by a spherical capsule covered by more genomic and transcriptomic resources continue to be
a small fleeting calyptra (thin hood) and bearing stomata defined developed. The genome assembly, previously consisting of
by a single guard cell in its lower portion. A differentiated line of ;2,000 scaffolds and containing ;5% gap regions, was re-
dehiscence is lacking, and the mature capsule opens irregularly to cently brought to the pseudo-chromosomal level, with most of
free the small unicellular spores. The sporophyte is anchored to the sequence data represented in 27 pseudochromosomes
the gametophore by a foot, with transfer cells at the intersection of (with 1% remaining gaps), as well as updated plastid and mi-
the two generations insuring the movement of nutrients (Regmi tochondrial genomes (Lang et al., 2018). Moreover, substantial
et al., 2017). The spores are covered in part by sporopollenin, transcriptomic evidence was generated using RNA sequenc-
a compound also found in male gametophytic pollen of seed ing (RNA-seq; Perroud et al., 2018; Meyberg et al., 2020),
plants (Daku et al., 2016). complementing microarray-based expression profiling data-
sets (Hiss et al., 2014; Ortiz-Ramírez et al., 2016) and epigenetic
data (Lang et al., 2018; Widiez et al., 2014). The most recent
Genetics and Genomics of P. patens
gene annotation (v3.3) used large-scale RNA-seq data from the
As outlined above, the phylogenetic position of the mosses be- P. patens gene atlas project as expression evidence. This re-
tween the (then already sequenced) genomes of Arabidopsis lease contains 32,458 gene models and 86,669 protein-coding
(Arabidopsis thaliana)/rice (Oryza sativa)/poplar (Populus tricho- transcripts and is available from different sources (Table 1), with
carpa) and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii prompted the idea to CoGe and Phytozome being the primary repositories.
The Moss P. patens 1365
Transient expression of Cas9 and guide Nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) repair leads to indels and frame shifts (Collonnier et al., 2017)
Transient expression of Cas9 and guide NHEJ repair leads to indels and frame shifts (Lopez-Obando et al., 2016;
RNAs targeting multiple genomic sites Mallett et al., 2019)
Transient expression of Cas9 and guide HDR enables the insertion of sequences encoding fluorescent proteins and (Mallett et al., 2019)
RNA together with a homology plasmid small cassette containing stop codons in all possible frames to ensure that
the stop codon is close to the protospacer site
Transient expression of Cas9 and guide HDR enables the insertion of stop codons from the oligos to ensure that (Yi and Goshima, 2019)
RNA together with homology oligos the stop codon is close to the protospacer site
Transient expression of LbCas12A and Efficient method to multiplex target sites use the CRISPR RNAs; NHEJ (Pu et al., 2019)
multiple CRISPR RNAs results in diverse deletions
Transient expression of SpCas9-NG and Makes it possible to perform base editing by relaxing the stringency of the (Veillet et al., 2020)
guide RNA Protospacer Adjacent Motif sequence requirement
1366 The Plant Cell
2013; Beike et al., 2014; Medina et al., 2015, 2018, 2019). These modification). In terms of comparative genomics, Phytozome
accessions are available from the authors, as well as the In- allows cross-species gene families to be identified, PLAZA
ternational Moss Stock Center (http://www.moss-stock-center. allows synteny (gene order) analysis to be performed, and
org/). TAPscan lists transcription factors and transcriptional regu-
lators. Several tools make use of expression profiling data,
namely Genevestigator (Hiss et al., 2014), the P. patens eFP
browser (Ortiz-Ramírez et al., 2016), and most recently Phy-
The main repository for the most recent P. patens genome as- tozome (Perroud et al., 2018). The data present in these tools,
sembly is CoGe (Table 2). In addition to the genome sequence as well as novel data, were recently integrated into a common
(nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrion), this assembly contains web-based tool, PEATmoss (
annotation (genes, TEs), genetic variability (single nucleotide, which includes a gene
Category Feature/Resource
Available Tools and Technologies for stably integrated RNAi constructs (Nakaoka et al., 2012)
have been employed. However, while gene silencing approaches
are often very effective, they can suffer from variable levels of
Transformation silencing.
Recent advances in genome editing technologies (Table 1)
To perform genetic manipulation, it is critical to be able to transfer capitalizing on CRISPR-Cas9–mediated double-stranded break
DNA molecules of choice into the organism. P. patens pro- formation are quickly overcoming the limitations of traditional
tonemata can be transformed with DNA by particle bombardment. homologous recombination and gene silencing approaches. The
This method allows for the stable incorporation of DNA (Cho et al., transient expression of a guide RNA and the Cas9 enzyme readily
1999) as well as transient expression assays (Bezanilla et al., 2003; produces double-stranded breaks in P. patens, which are repaired
Marella et al., 2006). However, early on in the development of by nonhomologous end-joining, invariably incorporating muta-
protein. In addition to Cas9, a recent study demonstrated that robust forward genetic approaches by greatly expanding the
CRISPR using the programmable DNA endonuclease LbCas12a available tools and resources, making it possible to readily per-
efficiently edited the genome, expanding the tools available for form a variety of screens, such as enhancer and suppressor
gene editing in P. patens (Pu et al., 2019). screens.
In 1968, Engel used treatment with X-rays, as well as chemical Due to its small stature and anatomical simplicity, most P. patens
mutagens such as ethyl methanesulfonate, to isolate auxotrophic tissues are amenable to microscopic observation (Figures 4 and
and morphological mutants in P. patens (Engel, 1968). Sub- 6). Protonemal tissue is a two-dimensional network of filaments
sequent studies identified P. patens auxotrophs (Ashton and comprising single cells arranged in linear branching arrays. The
Isolated ABA mutants Crossed mutant plants to a distinct ecotype and performed (Stevenson
whole-genome sequencing on pooled mutants derived from the et al., 2016)
Temperature-sensitive mutant screen identifying mutants that are Crossed mutant plants to a distinct ecotype and performed (Ding et al.,
unable to grow protonemata at the restrictive temperature whole-genome sequencing on pooled mutants derived from the 2018)
Isolated mutants that were unable to form gametophores in an Took advantage of the ability of moss to form somatic hybrids; (Moody et al.,
effort to find genes involved in the transition from two- crossed two somatic hybrids to generate a mapping population 2018a)
dimensional to three-dimensional growth and performed whole-genome sequencing on mutants derived
from the cross
The Moss P. patens 1369
Table 4. Forward Genetic Approaches Using the Tobacco Tnt1 Retrotransposon as a Mutagen
PEG-mediated transformation of protoplasts Generated mutations in genic regions (Vives et al., 2016)
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation Generated mutations in genic regions and GC-rich regions (Mohanasundaram et al., 2019)
et al., 2018) and plant-wide responses to dehydration in gametophore advances in our understanding of detailed cellular and subcellular
tissue (Storti et al., 2018). With the numerous approaches available to processes at high temporal and spatial resolution in a phylogenetically
Missing Tools and Resources involved a particular species of Physcomitrium as one of the
parents (McDaniel et al., 2010; Beike et al., 2014; Medina et al.,
Furthering our understanding of genetic processes in P. patens 2018). Physcomitrium patens itself served as one parent for hy-
would benefit from a larger collection of accessions/ecotypes bridization with species of Physcomitrium (Britton, 1895) and even
encompassing broader genetic variation. Currently, we are with the more distantly related Funaria hygrometrica (von Wettstein,
considering Gransden, Reute, and Villersexel to be ecotypes, 1924). The ability to trigger somatic hybridization (Moody et al.,
because they show different phenotypes and genetic variability, 2018a) and to visualize hybridization events involving P. patens
and can be crossed (Lang et al., 2018). However, studies of (Perroud et al., 2011) provide unique tools to explore the genomic
genetic variability within populations are underway and will be consequences of hybridization in the Funariaceae. Autopolyploidy
needed to answer questions about genetic and epigenetic may be more common than allopolyploidy considering the large
variability. Also, while P. patens is comparatively well repre- number of species, such as P. patens, known to harbor more than
sented in terms of available accessions, this is not the case for P.
Polyploidy and hybridization have long been studied in mosses, Evolutionary developmental approaches
including Physcomitrella/Physcomitrium (von Wettstein, 1924;
Pettet, 1964; Fritsch, 1991; reviewed by Rensing et al., 2012). As outlined above, P. patens is an excellent moss for evolutionary
Engel (1968) described 14 chromosomes for P. patens Gransden. developmental biology (evo-devo) studies due to its phylogenetic
Approximately 26 chromosomes were subsequently identified position, its propensity for gene targeting via homologous re-
in this moss (Fritsch, 1991), while most recently, 27 chromo- combination, its relatively simple morphology, and the dominant
somes were identified (Reski et al., 1994). Due to their small size, haploid phase that is the hallmark of all bryophytes. The latter
it is difficult to observe mitotic chromosomes in P. patens. Even allows for the analysis of various mutants such as those affected in
before the genome was sequenced, an ancestral whole ge- sexual reproduction: in flowering plants, such mutants are often
nome duplication was evident in this species (Rensing et al., embryo-lethal. In such cases, the P. patens gametophytic gen-
2007). The genetic map used for the recent V3 assembly (Lang eration can nevertheless be grown and propagated. On top of that,
et al., 2018) is ordered into 27 linkage groups thought to rep- both generations can easily be tracked and accessed. Prominent
resent the chromosomes. Indeed, the most recent genome evo-devo studies over the past decade include studies revealing
assembly suggests that at least two rounds of genome dupli- the conservation of the polycomb group complex in repressing the
cation might have brought the ancestral chromosome number sporophytic body plan (Mosquna et al., 2009; Okano et al., 2009)
of seven to 14 and then to 27 (potentially by the fusion of two and of HD-TALE transcription factors in repressing the gameto-
chromosomes). phytic or promoting the sporophytic developmental program
Inferences from transcriptomic data reveal signatures of past (Sakakibara et al., 2003; Horst et al., 2016; Ortiz-Ramírez et al.,
whole-genome duplications across the phylogeny of mosses 2017). Another hot topic is identifying and analyzing the con-
(Devos et al., 2016; Johnson et al., 2016; Lang et al., 2018) unlike servation of regulators of plant three-dimensional and tip growth
the other two bryophyte groups (Lang et al., 2018), and karyo- (Spinner et al., 2010; Pires et al., 2013; Perroud et al., 2014, 2020;
logical data from extant populations suggest the widespread Proust et al., 2016; Moody et al., 2018b; Tang et al., 2020). The
occurrence of neopolyploidization within many species (Fritsch, relatively simple body plan of protonema and the observation that
1991). In mosses, as in other plants, polyploidy results from either they undergo tip growth and cell division enable them to be an-
hybridization or autopolyploidy. The former mechanism is not alyzed using approaches not feasible in many other plants. These
uncommon in mosses (Natcheva and Cronberg, 2004; Shaw, and other approaches have greatly increased our understanding
2009), although its significance during the diversification of of early land plant evolution. P. patens is in an informative phy-
mosses remains ambiguous. Hybridization may account for the logenetic position, facilitating trait inference during plant terres-
origin of several species in the Funariaceae, which might have trialization (Puttick et al., 2018; Rensing, 2018; Delaux et al., 2019).
The Moss P. patens 1371
The analysis of P. patens, together with other model non-seed Cell biology
plants and streptophyte algae (Bowman et al., 2017; Rensing,
2017; Nishiyama et al., 2018), furthers our understanding of how In the past 10 years, P. patens has become a key model system for
plants conquered land via the analysis of gene presence (com- studying plant cell biology. Due to the ease of genetically trans-
parative genomics) and conservation (evo-devo). forming plants and the ability to tag genes at their loci with DNA
encoding fluorescent proteins, it has become standard to analyze
the localization of proteins expressed from their native genomic
Reprogramming context. It is also routine to demonstrate that the tagged protein
Early on, P. patens was recognized as a unique system for is functional. With these tools in hand, a number of actin-
studying the molecular basis of stem cell reprogramming due to associated proteins have been identified that are required to
the ability of differentiated cells to re-enter the cell cycle (Kofuji and carry out tip growth (Vidali et al., 2007, 2009a, 2010; Augustine
such as actin depolymerizing factor (Augustine et al., 2008), Ashton, N.W., Grimsley, N.H., and Cove, D.J. (1979). Analysis of
profilin (Vidali et al., 2007), and myosin XI (Vidali et al., 2010). Using gametophytic development in the moss, Physcomitrella patens,
rapid RNAi approaches, the functions of whole gene families using auxin and cytokinin resistant mutants. Planta 144: 427–435.
in polarized growth have been analyzed. The actin filament- Augustine, R.C., Vidali, L., Kleinman, K.P., and Bezanilla, M.
(2008). Actin depolymerizing factor is essential for viability in
promoting factors formins have class-specific functions, with
plants, and its phosphoregulation is important for tip growth. Plant
class-II rather than class-I formins essential for polarity (Vidali
J. 54: 863–875.
et al., 2009a). The regulators of ROP function comprise a network Augustine, R.C., Pattavina, K.A., Tüzel, E., Vidali, L., and Bezanilla,
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systematic RNAi approach was used to identify regulators in- 3696–3710.
volved in tip growth (Bascom et al., 2019). Together, these studies Bascom, C.S., Jr., Wu, S.-Z., Nelson, K., Oakey, J., and Bezanilla,
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