Code of Ethics Revision

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Companies require to meet ethical standards when making their product and services.

Maintaining ethical standards improves the quality of the end products offered to the client.

Therefore, each organization requires to observe the set of ethical codes that helps the associates

in making the best decision-making process when making the productivity and improving the

reputation. The ethical measures ensure the company serves the clients with complete adherence

to the integrity and honest features set by the members. Based on the product invented by Fisher-

Price, it was not ethical to make it operate in the market as various breaches got made in the

production process. The product was not safe for the baby as the critical measures on the lives of

children got not observed in the making process. Therefore, this essay provides an exclusive

demonstration of the ethical standards that got not met in the production process of the baby

sleeper where the medical safety and test demonstrates that the product was dangerous.

The fisher price invented a good baby sleeper product that did not consider the safety of

the target customers. The product contributed to the increased number of death among

individuals in society based on the complication arising from the product. The measures in place

demonstrated that the product was unhealthy for children. The production process of the Fisher-

Price company did not observe the stipulated procedures in the production process where the

safety of individuals is paramount. The production process needs to observe the safety of the

target clients (Todd, 2019). Therefore, there are various ethical standard breaches that the

company overlooked in the integrity and honesty of the production system that the policies did

not demonstrate the organization policies towards the production process.

Reviewing the professional code of ethics demonstrates the effective approach on the

exclusive impact on the breaching of engineering impact on the product. The engineering ethics

entails ensuring the honest process of the production prospects where the individuals put in place

to ensure the clients’ safety from the products purchased from the organization. Therefore, there

exist exclusive features in place where they demonstrate that the company went against the

procedures of the engineering ethics. Ignoring the ethical engineering standards affected the end

products adversely with proofs of numerous death cases arising from the individual process of

the people in place (Todd, 2019). Thus, the professional review on the engineering code

demonstrated the negative impact of ignoring the set features on the system based on the

products market complaints about the death arising from the customers who used the product.

Firstly, the end product-driven in the market did not provide honest information

concerning the product. It is ethically wrong for the production process not to be demonstrated

effectively by illustrating information concerning the end product in place. The company

provision on the wrong information over the materials used in making the product was a wrong

representation that did not observe the ethical features in the engineering market (Todd, 2019).

Thus, by offering incorrect information over the materials made utilized in the production


Secondly, the company was unprofessional to use individuals with semi-illiterate skills

over human health. For instance, before the release of the product to the market, the company

would have employed doctors to agree on the efficiencies of the product. The lack of the

company employees in understanding the ethical procedures before releasing the product to the

customer was unethical. An evaluation feature is critical to ensuring that the end product released

to the public is healthy and good for human consumption (Todd, 2019). Thus, ignoring the

evaluation process before the product got released to the market was the wrong move that risked

clients' lives in place.


In general, various features in place demonstrate that ignoring the company's ethical

standards led to the loss of lives to the individuals in place. The company needed to observe all

the procedures in place to get the right product to the market. Therefore, the review of

companies' ethical standards demonstrates the breaching of the basic structures led to the failure.


Todd C. (2019). Frankel Fisher-Price invented a popular baby sleeper without medical safety

tests and kept selling it, even as babies died.



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