Gujarat Technological University

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Year – First (Semester –II) (W.E.F. Academic Year 2017-18)


Subject Code: 2527101

1. Course Objective:
a) To aware students about basic philosophies of Indian culture, importance of varied
culture in building of organizational culture.
b) To make students aware about their inner qualities, inner potential and importance of
human qualities in providing effective leadership to organizations.

2. Course Duration: The course duration is of 45 sessions of 60 minutes each.

3. Course Contents:
Module No. of Marks
Modules with its Contents/Chapters
No. Sessions (out of 70)
India as Matrix Society
Indian as a Matrix Society, Managing in a Matrix Society,
From Mind Colonization to Mind Liberation & Beyond,
Paradigms of Development and its Matrix

I Indian Ethos in Management 10 14

Foundation of Management, Indian Ethics and the Spirit of
Development, Indian ethos & Indianity, Indian Model of
Corporate Development, STEPS Model, YVK foundation of
Indian Management

Management Ideas in Arthsastra

Philosophy of Arthsastra, leaders as achievers, Use of
Authority, Power & Danda, Concern for People, Arthasastra
II and Modern Management, Kutilaya Theory of Motivation, 13 21
Management Competencies and Excellence in Men,
Analysis of Power, Kautilayan GET analysis
Corporate Veda
Essence of Indian Ethos, PREM Approach to Relationship &
Management, HOPE Model for Existence, Emergence of
Corporates as State, VEDA Model of Leadership

Indian Theory of Relationship Management

Assumption of Theories X, Y and Z, Theory K &
Relationship Management, Sama-Dam-Danda-Bhed and
New Theories, Indian Guna Theory with Theories X, Y and
Z, Ethical Dimension in Theory K, OSHA Model,
Management & Social Thinkers within OSHA Frame,
Practitioners within OSHA Frame
III 12 21
Total Quality of Management:
Means Ends Analysis for Managerial Actions, Nature’s
Action, Means Ends, Karma Theory & Market, Management
Principles from Gandhian Thought, Guiding Priciples for
improving TOQM

HQD for Corporate Management

Conceptual Foundation of HQD, Development Motivation,
Panchmukhi Vikas, Inner Qualities Development, Character
– Competence, Per Capital Happiness, HQD Models in
Corporate Management, Thought-Action Analysis, Negergy-
Synergy Grid, So-So Window, S-V-R, G/T Ratio,
Relationship Analysis, E-N-U Action Analysis 10 14

Models of Self-Development
Three Level of Self, Three Types of Struggles, Three Levels
of Existence, ,Three State of Mind, Three Views of Life,
Three Types of Leadership, Three Styles of Management

 Study the Management GURU’s from Indian History
like God Krishna, Vivekanand (Vivekananda’s ideas
on Vedant), Chankaya – prepare presentation, videos
and role play on their philosophy for Management. Internal
 Plan Visit of places where Granths and Upnisads Evaluation
related to ancient management are available. (30 marks
 Arrange Practical Sessions on Yoga of CEC)
 Study the inputs which are drawn from classical and
contemporary writings on the subjects by eastern
and western authors on Indian Ethos and Human
Quality Development.
4. Teaching Methods:
The course will use the following pedagogical tools:
(a) Lectures and Discussions
(2) Assignments and Presentations

5. Evaluation:
The evaluation of participants will be on continuous basis comprising of the following Elements:

A Continuous Evaluation Component (Internal Assessment- 50 Marks)

B Mid-Semester examination (Internal Assessment-30 Marks)
C End –Semester Examination (External Assessment-70 Marks)

6. Text Books:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
New Mantras in Corporate New Age
1 corridors From Ancient International First Edition
Routes to Global Roots Publishers
New Age
Subhash Western Windows Eastern
2 International Latest Edition
Sharma Doors Management

7. Reference Books:
Sr. Author Name of the Book Publisher Year of
No. Publication
Values for Ethics for
S.K. Oxford University
1 Organization: Theory & Latest
Chakraborty Press
S.K. Ethics in Management: Oxford University
2 Latest
Chakraborty Vedantic Perspective Press

8. Session Plan: (45 sessions of 60 minutes)

Session Topics to be covered

Indian as a Matrix Society, Managing in a Matrix Society, From Mind
1-5 Colonization to Mind Liberation & Beyond, Paradigms of Development and its
Foundation of Management, Indian Ethics and the Spirit of Development, Indian
6-10 ethos & Indianity, Indian Model of Corporate Development, STEPS Model, YVK
foundation of Indian Management
Philosophy of Arthsastra, leaders as achievers, Use of Authority, Power & Danda,
Concern for People, Arthasastra and Mordern Management, Kutilaya Theory of
Motivation, Management Competencies and Excellence in Men, Analysis of
Power, Kautilayan GET analysis
Essence of Indian Ethos, PREM Approach to Relationship & Management, HOPE
18-22 Model for Existence, Emergence of Corporates as State, VEDA Model of
Assumption of Theories X, Y and Z, Theory K & Relationship Management,
Sama-Dam-Danda-Bhed and New Theories, Indian Guna Theory with Theories
23-30 X, Y and Z, Ethical Dimension in Theory K, OSHA Model, Management & Social
Thinkers within OSHA Frame, Practitioners within OSHA Frame
Means Ends Analysis for Managerial Actions, Nature’s Action, Means Ends,
31-35 Karma Theory & Market, Management Principles from Gandhian Thought,
Guiding Priciples for improving TOQM
Conceptual Foundation of HQD, Development Motivation, Panchmukhi Vikas,
Inner Qualities Development, Character – Competence, Per Capital Happiness,
36-42 HQD Models in Corporate Management, Thought-Action Analysis, Negergy-
Synergy Grid, So-So Window, S-V-R, G/T Ratio, Relationship Analysis, E-N-U
Action Analysis
Three Level of Self, Three Types of Struggles, Three Levels of Existence, ,Three
43-45 State of Mind, Three Views of Life, Three Types of Leadership, Three Styles of


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