The Game of Life: Inal Roject Eport

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The Game of Life


Steven Chen
Juan Gutierrez
Vincenzo Zarrillo
{stc2104, jmg2048, vaz2001}

May 8, 2007

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 2
THE GAME OF LIFE............................................................................................................ 2
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION ...................................................................................... 3
Organisms and Game Board ...................................................................................... 3
Board Representation in System................................................................................ 3
System Architecture Overview .................................................................................. 4
Game Logic ................................................................................................................... 6
TIMING ............................................................................................................................ 7
VGA ............................................................................................................................... 8
NIOS PROCESSOR AND SOFTWARE ................................................................................. 8
ROLE IN THE GROUP AND LESSONS LEARNED ................................................................ 9
Steven Chen .................................................................................................................. 9
Juan Gutierrez............................................................................................................... 9
Vincenzo Zarrillo ....................................................................................................... 10
CODE LISTING ................................................................................................................. 11
vga_update.vhd........................................................................................................... 11
hello_world.c............................................................................................................. 26

Page 1

The goal of our project is to design a visualization of the Game of Life as

described by John Horton Conway.1 The Game of Life is meant to show what
happens to organisms when they are placed in close proximity to each other.
Upon giving the Game initial conditions, each successive ‘generation’ (iteration)
shows the evolution of the organisms.

The ‘board’ of the game is meant to represent the ecosystem in which the
organisms live in. In Conway’s representation, this is in essence a large grid.
Each box in the grid represents one organism. Colors are used to indicate
whether alive or dead. The details of our board are outlined later.


The Game of Life is not really a game, but more of an algorithm. The only
user interaction in the game is the passing of the user’s initial conditions to the
game board.

Each organism on the board (represented by a square) has 8 neighbors as

illustrated below:

1 2 3

4 9

6 7 8

In order to determine the state of the board on the next generation of the
game, each organism is examined. A living organism continues to live if it has
either two or three neighbors which are also living. A dead organism is brought
to life if it has exactly three neighbors which are also living. In all other scenarios,
the organism dies or continues to be dead.

Generations continue forever; however, this may not be noticed on the board
as in many cases, the system reaches a steady state and no new changes to the
board are introduced.

1 Wikipedia article on the Game of Life:

Page 2

Organisms and Game Board

In order to keep as many components of our design in terms of powers of

two, the size of our game board is 256x256 organisms. Since each organism is
represented by one pixel, our game board is 256 pixels tall by 256 pixels wide.

In order to simplify our design when it comes to border conditions, we have

designated the border around the entire board to be filled with dead organisms.
Thus, our actual game board is 254x254, a 1.6% reduction from 256x256.

Board Representation in System

We represent each organism as one bit in RAM. The following diagram gives
a representation of the board:
8 cells per row

. . . . . . . .
256 . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .

Each ‘cell’ holds 32 bits

8 cells X 32 bits = 256 bits total per row
8 cells X 256 rows = 2048 (211) cells total in board

Each of our cells in RAM holds 32 bits. Since our board is 256 bits in length
and width, we can think of this as having 8 cells of 32 bits per row and 256 rows
in total.

Page 3
System Architecture Overview

Below is the system diagram of our project.

Monitor FPGA

VGA Video
Port Avalon bus

As you can see, the architecture of our project is very simple. The Nios
Processor is responsible for sending the user specified initial conditions to the
vga_raster through the Avalon bus. The following is a more detailed look at the

‘Load’ RAM
From Avalon Bus


updater VGA
To VGA Video Port


swap = 0
swap = 1

Page 4
The vga_raster in essence serves three functions. The first is to accept the
initial conditions from the Nios Processor across the Avalon bus. The second is to
take the current state of the board and output it to the screen through the ‘VGA’
block. The last, but equally important job of the vga_raster is to update the
current state of the board and output the next generation to another block of

As you can see, our design contains two main RAM components, RAM 1 and
RAM 2. These two components were generated using the MegaWizard function
in Quartus. Below is a block diagram look at our RAM components.

To updater
address_a (11 bits)
data_a (32 bits)
wren_a (1 bit)
q_a (32 bits)
address_b (32 bits)
From q_b (32 bits)
data_b (1 bit)
wren_b (1 bit)



In order to have a system where data could be read out of RAM to be

updated and also be read out of RAM to be output to the screen, we used dual-
port RAMs generated from the MegaWizard. The reason we had two RAMs was
for double buffering purposes – one RAM was used to hold the next iteration
while the other one was used to hold the current iteration. When the updater
part of the vga_raster was done updating, a flag would be raised and the two
RAMs would be swapped, making what was current the next RAM and vice

Page 5
Game Logic

The game logic in its entirety was done by the updater component of
vga_raster. The following diagram illustrates an overview of how our system
updates for the next generation:

countNeighbors: 0011
34-bit registers
33 0
dataOut1 1 0 1 … 1 0

From RAM 1 dataOut2 0 0 0 … 0 0

dataOut3 0 0 1 … 0 0

currentPositionInOutput 32-bit register

To RAM 2 outRegister 0 0 … 1
31 0

There are 3 34-bit shift registers that are meant to hold the contents of one
RAM 1 cell (as discussed earlier on). The 2 bits of excess are required for the next
time the register is loaded with the adjacent cell’s bits. The reason we load three
rows is because we need to examine the 8 surrounding neighbors of each cell in
order to determine its life or death for the next generation. The variable
countNeighbors holds the value of how many surrounding neighbors are alive
(hold a value of 1). Depending on whether the current organism we are
examining is dead or alive, the appropriate next generation value is written to a
32-bit register. Upon filling the 32-bit register with data, this register is then
written to RAM 2.

Page 6

Initially, the VGA is outputting nothing to monitor (nothing in terms of the

board – the whole monitor outputs blue waiting for the first RAM to be loaded
and read). Software passes 32 bits to each address space on the Avalon bus. In
software, because Avalon runs on a 50 MHz clock and VGA runs on a 25 MHz
clock (our RAM’s are implemented in the VGA raster and connected to the same
clock), there is a delay between software writes, to make sure enough clock
cycles have passed by so that the data is securely passed from the 50 MHz
Avalon bus to the 25 MHz RAM.

After software passes the last address to hardware, the raster then begins
reading from the first RAM. There is a displayRate signal defined in hardware,
which counts up to about 3 million clock cycles, and then calls for an update to
occur. While the update is occurring, VGA continues to read from the same RAM
(due to our dual port RAM implementation). The reading that VGA does
requires that just before we finish looking at the last bit, we need to load the next
address from RAM so that we output the right bit that corresponds to the current
pixel position.

When an update needs to occur, it is activated when the VGA has reached the
last address of the first RAM (when we’re no longer on the board). We needed to
read in three rows at a time and because there are 8 addresses of 32 bits in each
of the 256 rows, we first need to read 0, 8, and 16, write to 8 then, 1,9,17, write to
9, etc., etc. (the top row and bottom row were a border of zeros that we hard
coded and the side columns were also zeros – hence we can just write to address
8 at the very beginning). With each read, we waited about 2 clock cycles AFTER
we passed what we wanted to RAM (one cycle for RAM to get the address, one
cycle to make sure RAM had enough time to send it out to its output bus).

The next part that occurs is the analysis of neighbors. At first we tried
counting all the neighbors at once and that simply and frankly does not work.
We check for one neighbor at a time and after searching the last neighbor, we
look at the cell being examined and write the output bit to the outRegister (which
will be written to the “next” RAM). This increased the updating time but it was
not a problem because VGA checks if the updater is done, and if so, it swaps, but
only when it wants to. So there is actually a segment of time where the updater is
not doing anything because it has already completed its cycle, but VGA needs to
finish reading and outputting. Therefore, just before you get the beginning of the
board, VGA checks if updater has completed, and if so, the RAM swap occurs
and VGA reads from the “next” RAM and updater will read from “next” RAM
and write back to “current.”

Page 7

The job of the VGA component of the vga_raster was to properly output bits
from RAM onto the screen. Since our game board was 256px by 256px, we
centered the board and told the raster that any pixels outside of the 256x256
board should be colored blue. Then in order to determine what organisms were
alive or dead, we read bit by bit the contents of RAM. If the bit was 1, we would
color the pixel white; otherwise, we could color it blue.


This project did not make heavy use of software. Thus the Nios processor
implementation along with the Avalon bus implementation was very much like
that of lab 3. We set the initial conditions (patterns of bits) in our C program and
then let the hardware take over. Of note is the following macro:

#define IOWR_VGA_DATA(base,offset,data) IOWR_32DIRECT(base,offset,data)

This macro was used to write conditions directly to the hardware. For


would write the value 7 (represented as 0........0111 on the board) into address

Page 8

Steven Chen

Embedded System Design is really like no other class I’ve taken in my four
years at Columbia. While the foundation of knowledge was laid in the computer
science and electrical engineering classes I have taken, much of the learning in
this class happens in the lab – writing VHDL code, looking at timing diagrams,
drawing out designs, etc.

During this project, I was primarily responsible for designing and

implementation of the Game of Life logic. This design underwent many ideas
and changes and finally with the assistance of Professor Edwards and our TA
Yingjian, we were able to come up with a reasonable design. Furthermore, I was
also responsible for putting together the design document, final presentation and
this report.

A key learning experience for me was to stop thinking about the way I
programmed in software and think more about clock cycles and what can and
should happen after every clock cycle. The timing analyzer proved to be one of
the most important tools during our implementation. We cannot stress how
important the analyzer was to our group. Also, with long compile times (well
over 5 minutes) the process is a lot longer than in software so clean designs will
save you much time compiling.

As with what most other students in this class will say, it is never too early to
start working on this project. No matter how thought-out a design you have, you
have probably left a crucial component out or have made over-simplifying
assumptions that will render your design near useless. Thus, it is never too early
to start working on this project.

Juan Gutierrez

I took on a lot of responsibility for this project. I worked on all coding aspects
of the project, but focused mostly on the updater and the VGA. Along with Steve
and Vinny, I spent most of the time debugging, looking at timing diagrams and
redesigning parts of the project to ensure proper systems integration.

This class was a crash course in hardware. As a computer science major, I

have never had to deal with clock cycles and timing. My advice to future groups
is to start using the timing simulator early and often. The simulator will save you

Page 9
the trouble of not knowing what’s going on and guessing what may or may not
be happening. Without the simulator, there’s no chance we would have been half
as successful as we were. As a group that ran into multiple design and
implementation problems, my best advice would be to consult the professor and
the teaching assistants for as much advice as possible because they probably
know the best way to get a project done! Lastly, I’d encourage all future groups
to test every possible condition before moving onwards. We ran into a condition
that partially broke the system towards the end of the project and had a very
difficult time looking for the source of the problem.

Vincenzo Zarrillo

With Juan, the main parts of the project I worked on was the Nios and Avalon
aspects of the project in addition to the complete integration of the system –
making sure the different parts of the system could talk to each other. However,
most of the time I, along with the rest of the group, was designing and
redesigning the different parts of the system and debugging any problems that
would come up. This involved a lot of time looking at simulator diagrams, the
most important tool of our project.

The main advice I’d give to future groups is the same advice I’ve seen past
groups say in their reports: Start early! In addition, taking more time at the
beginning to design the system and constantly talking to the TAs is a good way
to go about this project. Also, like I mentioned earlier, the only way to make sure
you have the timing right, which was crucial in a system like ours where a lot of
bits were being moved around, examined, etc., is to use the timing simulator as
much as possible.

Page 10
-- Game of Live/VGA raster display
-- Juan, Steve, Vinny - Team 24
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity vga_raster is

port (
reset : in std_logic;
clk25_diff : in std_logic; -- Should be 25.125

signal avs_s1_clk,
avs_s1_chipselect : in std_logic;
signal avs_s1_address : in std_logic_vector(10 downto 0);
signal avs_s1_readdata : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal avs_s1_writedata : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

HEX : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);

VGA_CLK, -- Clock
VGA_SYNC : out std_logic; -- SYNC
VGA_R, -- Red[9:0]
VGA_G, -- Green[9:0]
VGA_B : out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0) -- Blue[9:0]

end vga_raster;

architecture rtl of vga_raster is

component board_mem
address_a : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (10 DOWNTO 0);
address_b : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (10 DOWNTO 0);

Page 11
clock : IN STD_LOGIC ;
wren_a : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
wren_b : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
end component;
-- Video parameters

constant HTOTAL : integer := 800;

constant HSYNC : integer := 96;
constant HBACK_PORCH : integer := 48;
constant HACTIVE : integer := 640;
constant HFRONT_PORCH : integer := 16;

constant VTOTAL : integer := 525;

constant VSYNC : integer := 2;
constant VBACK_PORCH : integer := 33;
constant VACTIVE : integer := 480;
constant VFRONT_PORCH : integer := 10;

--Hpixel_pos - starts at 0
signal Hpixel_pos : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=

--Vpixel_pos - starts at 0
signal Vpixel_pos : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=

-- Signals for the video controller

signal Hcount : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- Horizontal position
signal Vcount : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0); -- Vertical position
signal EndOfLine, EndOfField : std_logic;

signal vga_hblank, vga_hsync,

vga_vblank, vga_vsync : std_logic; -- Sync. signals

signal rectangle_h, rectangle_v, rectangle : std_logic; -- rectangle


signal dataToCurrent_a : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

signal junkData : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal AddrToCurrent_a : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=
signal AddrToCurrent_b : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=
signal wrenToCurrent_a : std_logic := '0';
signal qFromCurrent_a : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal qFromCurrent_b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

signal dataToNext_a : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

signal AddrToNext_a : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "00000000000";
signal AddrToNext_b : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "00000000000";

Page 12
signal wrenToNext_a : std_logic := '0';
signal qFromNext_a : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal qFromNext_b : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);

signal displayRate : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0) :=


-- game logic related

signal sr_counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
:= "0000";
signal sr_pos : integer := 33;
SIGNAL countNeighbors : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
:= "0000";
--SIGNAL currentPositionInOutput : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(4
downto 0) := "11111";
signal currentPositionInOutput : integer := 31;
signal beginningRow : std_logic := '1';
signal rowStartCount : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)
:= "00";

signal pass : std_logic := '1';

signal pass_counter : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";

SIGNAL dataOut1,dataOut2,dataOut3 : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(33 downto 0)

:= "0000000000000000000000000000000000";
downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000000000";

signal address : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "00000000000";

--signal bitPos_ram : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) := "11111";

signal hexToHEX : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) :=
signal bitPos : std_logic_vector(4 downto 0) :=
signal VGAReg : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal videoBit : std_logic := '0';
signal junkBit : std_logic := '0';
signal load_new : std_logic := '1';

--signal first_pass : std_logic := '1';

signal update : std_logic := '0';
signal swap : std_logic := '0';
signal done_update : std_logic := '0';
--signal load_next : std_logic := '0';

signal loadData_a, loadData_b, loadq_a, loadq_b : std_logic_vector(31

downto 0);
signal loadAddr_a, loadAddr_b : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) :=
signal loadwren_a, loadwren_b : std_logic := '0';

signal ram_address : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "00000000000";

signal load_address : std_logic_vector(10 downto 0) := "00000000000";
signal ram_loaded : std_logic := '0';
signal loaded : std_logic := '0';
signal loadDelay : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";

Page 13
loadRAM : board_mem PORT MAP
clock => clk25_diff,
data_a => loadData_a,
data_b => loadData_b,
address_a => loadAddr_a,
address_b => loadAddr_b,
wren_a => loadwren_a,
wren_b => loadwren_b,
q_a => loadq_a,
q_b => loadq_b
currentRAM : board_mem PORT MAP
clock => clk25_diff,
data_a => dataToCurrent_a,
data_b => junkData,
address_a => AddrToCurrent_a,
address_b => AddrToCurrent_b,
wren_a => wrenToCurrent_a,
wren_b => junkBit,
q_a => qFromCurrent_a,
q_b => qFromCurrent_b

nextRAM : board_mem PORT MAP

clock => clk25_diff,
data_a => dataToNext_a,
data_b => junkData,
address_a => AddrToNext_a,
address_b => AddrToNext_b,
wren_a => wrenToNext_a,
wren_b => junkBit,
q_a => qFromNext_a,
q_b => qFromNext_b

load : process (avs_s1_clk)

if avs_s1_clk'event and avs_s1_clk = '1' then
if avs_s1_reset_n = '0' then
ram_loaded <= '0';
elsif avs_s1_chipselect = '1' and ram_loaded = '0' then
if avs_s1_write = '1' then
loadwren_a <= '1';
loadAddr_a <= avs_s1_address;
loadData_a <= avs_s1_writedata;
if avs_s1_address = "11111111111" then
ram_loaded <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process load;

Page 14
-- Horizontal and vertical counters

HCounter : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
Hcount <= (others => '0');
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if EndOfLine = '1' then
Hcount <= (others => '0');
Hpixel_pos <= "00000000000";
if Hcount = HSYNC + HBACK_PORCH + 192 + Hpixel_pos then
Hpixel_pos <= (Hpixel_pos + 1);
end if;
Hcount <= Hcount + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process HCounter;

EndOfLine <= '1' when Hcount = HTOTAL - 1 else '0';

VCounter: process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
Vcount <= (others => '0');
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if EndOfLine = '1' then
if EndOfField = '1' then
Vcount <= (others => '0');
Vpixel_pos <= "00000000000";
if VCount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH + 112 + Vpixel_pos then
Vpixel_pos <= (Vpixel_pos + 1);
end if;
Vcount <= Vcount + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process VCounter;

EndOfField <= '1' when Vcount = VTOTAL - 1 else '0';

-- State machines to generate HSYNC, VSYNC, HBLANK, and VBLANK

HSyncGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
vga_hsync <= '1';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if EndOfLine = '1' then
vga_hsync <= '1';
elsif Hcount = HSYNC - 1 then
vga_hsync <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process HSyncGen;

Page 15
HBlankGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)
if reset = '1' then
vga_hblank <= '1';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if Hcount = HSYNC + HBACK_PORCH then
vga_hblank <= '0';
elsif Hcount = HSYNC + HBACK_PORCH + HACTIVE then
vga_hblank <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process HBlankGen;

VSyncGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
vga_vsync <= '1';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if EndOfLine ='1' then
if EndOfField = '1' then
vga_vsync <= '1';
elsif Vcount = VSYNC - 1 then
vga_vsync <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process VSyncGen;

VBlankGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
vga_vblank <= '1';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if EndOfLine = '1' then
if Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 then
vga_vblank <= '0';
elsif Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH + VACTIVE - 1 then
vga_vblank <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process VBlankGen;

updater : process (clk25_diff)

if clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if ram_loaded = '0' then
load_address <= (others => '0');
loaded <= '0';
elsif ram_loaded = '1' and loaded = '0' then
if load_address = "11111111111" then
loaded <= '1';
wrenToCurrent_a <= '0';
AddrToCurrent_a <= (others => '0');
elsif loadDelay = "00" then
wrenToCurrent_a <= '1';

Page 16
AddrToCurrent_a <= load_address;
loadAddr_b <= load_address;
elsif loadDelay = "11" then
dataToCurrent_a <= loadq_b;
load_address <= (load_address + 1);
end if;
loadDelay <= (loadDelay + 1);
elsif update = '1' and done_update = '0' then
if swap = '0' then
if(load_new = '1') then
-- initial load
if sr_counter = "0000" then
address <= AddrToCurrent_a;
if AddrToCurrent_a = "11111111000" then
dataToNext_a <= outRegister;
wrenToNext_a <= '1';
AddrTonext_a <= "11111111111";
AddrToCurrent_a <= "00000000000";
done_update <= '1';
dataOut1 <= (others => '0');
dataOut2 <= (others => '0');
dataOut3 <= (others => '0');
outRegister <= (others => '0');
sr_counter <= "1111";
elsif AddrToCurrent_a(3 downto 0) = "0000" or
AddrToCurrent_a(3 downto 0) = "1000" then
beginningRow <= '1';
wrenToNext_a <= '1';
dataToNext_a <= outRegister;
outRegister <= (others => '0');
AddrToNext_a <= (AddrToCurrent_a + "111");
end if;
elsif(sr_counter = "0011") then
dataOut1(31 downto 0) <= qFromCurrent_a;
elsif(sr_counter = "0100") then
AddrToCurrent_a <= (address + "1000");
elsif(sr_counter = "0111") then
dataOut2(31 downto 0) <= qFromCurrent_a;
elsif(sr_counter = "1000") then
AddrToCurrent_a <= (address + "10000");
elsif(sr_counter = "1011") then
dataOut3(31 downto 0) <= qFromCurrent_a;
AddrToCurrent_a <= address;
load_new <= '0';
wrenToNext_a <= '0';
if beginningRow = '1' then
sr_pos <= 31;
currentPositionInOutput <= 30;
sr_pos <= 33;
--currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
end if;
end if;
sr_counter <= (sr_counter + 1);

Page 17
if sr_pos = 32 and currentPositionInOutput = -1 then--and
beginningRow = '0' and (currentPositionInOutput = 0 or
currentPositionInOutput = -1) then
wrenToNext_a <= '1';
dataToNext_a <= outRegister;
AddrToNext_a <= (AddrToCurrent_a + "111");
--outRegister <= (others => '0');
pass <= '1';
currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
--elsif sr_pos = 31 and currentPositionInOutput = 0 then
--pass <= '1';
--currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
elsif (sr_pos > 1) and pass_counter < 8 then
if (dataOut1(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 0) then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos));
end if;
if (dataOut1(sr_pos-1) = '1' and pass_counter = 1) then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos-1));
end if;
if dataOut1(sr_pos-2) = '1' and pass_counter = 2 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos-2));
end if;
if dataOut2(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 3 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut2(sr_pos));
end if;
if dataOut2(sr_pos-2) = '1'and pass_counter = 4 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut2(sr_pos-2));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 5 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos-1) = '1' and pass_counter = 6 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos-1));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos-2) = '1' and pass_counter = 7 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos-2));
end if;
pass <= '0';
pass_counter <= (pass_counter + 1);
elsif pass = '0' then
if dataOut2(sr_pos-1) = '1' then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + 1);
if countNeighbors = "0010" or countNeighbors = "0011"
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '1';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '1';
--end if;
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '0';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '0';
--end if;
end if;

Page 18
if countNeighbors = "0011" then
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '1';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '1';
--end if;
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '0';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '0';
--end if;
end if;
end if;
if sr_pos = 2 then
wrenToNext_a <= '0';
end if;
countNeighbors <= "0000";
currentPositionInOutput <= (currentPositionInOutput - 1);
pass_counter <= "0000";
sr_pos <= (sr_pos - 1);
pass <= '1';
if beginningRow = '1' then
outRegister(31) <= '0';
end if;
dataOut1(33 downto 32) <= dataOut1(1 downto 0);
dataOut2(33 downto 32) <= dataOut2(1 downto 0);
dataOut3(33 downto 32) <= dataOut3(1 downto 0);
AddrToCurrent_a <= AddrToCurrent_a + 1;
load_new <= '1';
pass <= '1';
address <= (others => '0');
pass_counter <= "0000";
beginningRow <= '0';
sr_counter <= "0000";
sr_pos <= 33;
countNeighbors <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
elsif swap = '1' then
--swap = '1'
if(load_new = '1') then
-- initial load
if sr_counter = "0000" then
address <= AddrToNext_a;
if AddrToNext_a = "11111111000" then
dataToCurrent_a <= outRegister;
wrenToCurrent_a <= '1';
AddrToCurrent_a <= "11111111111";
AddrToNext_a <= "00000000000";
done_update <= '1';
dataOut1 <= (others => '0');
dataOut2 <= (others => '0');
dataOut3 <= (others => '0');
outRegister <= (others => '0');
sr_counter <= "1111";

Page 19
elsif AddrToNext_a(3 downto 0) = "0000" or AddrToNext_a(3
downto 0) = "1000" then
beginningRow <= '1';
wrenToCurrent_a <= '1';
dataToCurrent_a <= outRegister;
AddrToCurrent_a <= (AddrToNext_a + "111");
end if;
elsif(sr_counter = "0011") then
dataOut1(31 downto 0) <= qFromNext_a;
elsif(sr_counter = "0100") then
AddrToNext_a <= (address + "1000");
elsif(sr_counter = "0111") then
dataOut2(31 downto 0) <= qFromNext_a;
elsif(sr_counter = "1000") then
AddrToNext_a <= (address + "10000");
elsif(sr_counter = "1011") then
dataOut3(31 downto 0) <= qFromNext_a;
AddrToNext_a <= address;
load_new <= '0';
wrenToCurrent_a <= '0';
if beginningRow = '1' then
sr_pos <= 31;
currentPositionInOutput <= 30;
sr_pos <= 33;
--currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
end if;
end if;
sr_counter <= (sr_counter + 1);
if sr_pos = 32 and currentPositionInOutput = -1 then--and
beginningRow = '0' and (currentPositionInOutput = 0 or
currentPositionInOutput = -1) then
wrenToCurrent_a <= '1';
dataToCurrent_a <= outRegister;
AddrToCurrent_a <= (AddrToNext_a + "111");
--outRegister <= (others => '0');
pass <= '1';
currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
--elsif sr_pos = 31 and currentPositionInOutput = 0 then
--pass <= '1';
--currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
elsif sr_pos = 31 and currentPositionInOutput = 0 then
pass <= '1';
currentPositionInOutput <= 31;
elsif (sr_pos > 1) and pass_counter < 8 then
if (dataOut1(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 0) then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos));
end if;
if (dataOut1(sr_pos-1) = '1' and pass_counter = 1) then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos-1));
end if;
if dataOut1(sr_pos-2) = '1' and pass_counter = 2 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut1(sr_pos-2));
end if;
if dataOut2(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 3 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut2(sr_pos));

Page 20
end if;
if dataOut2(sr_pos-2) = '1'and pass_counter = 4 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut2(sr_pos-2));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos) = '1' and pass_counter = 5 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos-1) = '1' and pass_counter = 6 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos-1));
end if;
if dataOut3(sr_pos-2) = '1' and pass_counter = 7 then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + dataOut3(sr_pos-2));
end if;
pass <= '0';
pass_counter <= (pass_counter + 1);
elsif pass = '0' then
if dataOut2(sr_pos-1) = '1' then
countNeighbors <= (countNeighbors + 1);
if countNeighbors = "0010" or countNeighbors = "0011"
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '1';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '1';
--end if;
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '0';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '0';
--end if;
end if;
if countNeighbors = "0011" then
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '1';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '1';
--end if;
--if beginningRow = '1' then
--outRegister(sr_pos-1) <= '0';
outRegister(currentPositionInOutput) <= '0';
--end if;
end if;
end if;
if sr_pos = 2 then
wrenToCurrent_a <= '0';
end if;
countNeighbors <= "0000";
currentPositionInOutput <= (currentPositionInOutput - 1);
pass_counter <= "0000";
sr_pos <= (sr_pos - 1);
pass <= '1';
if beginningRow = '0' then

Page 21
outRegister(31) <= '0';
end if;
dataOut1(33 downto 32) <= dataOut1(1 downto 0);
dataOut2(33 downto 32) <= dataOut2(1 downto 0);
dataOut3(33 downto 32) <= dataOut3(1 downto 0);
AddrToNext_a <= AddrToNext_a + 1;
load_new <= '1';
pass <= '1';
address <= (others => '0');
pass_counter <= "0000";
beginningRow <= '0';
sr_counter <= "0000";
sr_pos <= 33;
countNeighbors <= "0000";
end if;
end if;
end if;
elsif update = '0' and done_update = '1' then
dataOut1 <= "0000000000000000000000000000000000";
dataOut2 <= "0000000000000000000000000000000000";
dataOut3 <= "0000000000000000000000000000000000";
outRegister <= (others => '0');
address <= (others => '0');
sr_counter <= "0000";
wrenToNext_a <= '0';
wrenToCurrent_a <= '0';
AddrToNext_a <= "00000000000";
AddrToCurrent_a <= "00000000000";
done_update <= '0';
hexToHEX <= (hexToHEX + 1);
swap <= (not swap);
end if;
end if;
end process updater;

HEX <= hexToHEX;

-- Rectangle generator

RectangleHGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
rectangle_h <= '1';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if ram_loaded = '0' then
rectangle_h <= '0';
elsif swap = '0' then
if (Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 111) then
if done_update = '1' then
update <= '0';
end if;
rectangle_h <= '0';
VGAReg <= qFromCurrent_b;
bitPos <= "11111";
elsif (Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 369) then
rectangle_h <= '0';
AddrToCurrent_b <= "00000000000";

Page 22
displayRate <= (displayRate + 1);
if(displayRate = "00000000111111111") then
displayRate <= "000000000000000000";
update <= '1';
end if;
elsif (Hcount > HSYNC + HBACK_PORCH + 191) and (Hcount < HSYNC
+ HBACK_PORCH + 449) and
(Vcount > VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 111) and (Vcount < VSYNC
+ VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 368) then
videoBit <= VGAReg(conv_integer(bitPos));
if (videoBit = '1') then
rectangle_h <= '1';
rectangle_h <= '0';
end if;

if (bitPos = "10000") then

AddrToCurrent_b <= (AddrToCurrent_b + 1);
elsif bitPos= "00000" then
VGAReg <= qFromCurrent_b;
end if;
bitPos <= (bitPos - 1);
bitPos <= "11111";
--VGAReg <= qFromCurrent_b;
rectangle_h <= '0';
end if;
elsif swap = '1' then
-- swap = '1'
if (Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 111) then
update <= '0';
rectangle_h <= '0';
VGAReg <= qFromNext_b;
bitPos <= "11111";
elsif (Vcount = VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 369) then
rectangle_h <= '0';
AddrToNext_b <= "00000000000";
displayRate <= (displayRate + 1);
if(displayRate = "00000000111111111") then
displayRate <= "000000000000000000";
--hexToHEX <= (hexToHEX + 1);
update <= '1';
end if;
elsif (Hcount > HSYNC + HBACK_PORCH + 191) and (Hcount < HSYNC
+ HBACK_PORCH + 449) and
(Vcount > VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 111) and (Vcount < VSYNC
+ VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 368) then
videoBit <= VGAReg(conv_integer(bitPos));
if (videoBit = '1') then
rectangle_h <= '1';
rectangle_h <= '0';
end if;

if (bitPos = "10000") then

AddrToNext_b <= (AddrToNext_b + 1);
elsif bitPos= "00000" then

Page 23
VGAReg <= qFromNext_b;
end if;
bitPos <= (bitPos - 1);
bitPos <= "11111";
--VGAReg <= qFromNext_b;
rectangle_h <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process RectangleHGen;

RectangleVGen : process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
rectangle_v <= '0';
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if ram_loaded = '0' then
rectangle_v <= '0';
elsif EndOfLine = '1' then
if (Vcount > VSYNC + VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 367) or (Vcount < VSYNC
+ VBACK_PORCH - 1 + 112) then
rectangle_v <= '0';
rectangle_v <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process RectangleVGen;

rectangle <= rectangle_h and rectangle_v;

-- Registered video signals going to the video DAC

VideoOut: process (clk25_diff, reset)

if reset = '1' then
VGA_R <= "0000000000";
VGA_G <= "0000000000";
VGA_B <= "0000000000";
elsif clk25_diff'event and clk25_diff = '1' then
if rectangle = '1' then
VGA_R <= "1111111111";
VGA_G <= "1111111111";
VGA_B <= "1111111111";
elsif vga_hblank = '0' and vga_vblank ='0' then
VGA_R <= "0000000000";
VGA_G <= "0000000000";
VGA_B <= "1111111111";
VGA_R <= "0000000000";
VGA_G <= "0000000000";
VGA_B <= "0000000000";
end if;
end if;
end process VideoOut;

Page 24
VGA_CLK <= clk25_diff;
VGA_HS <= not vga_hsync;
VGA_VS <= not vga_vsync;
VGA_SYNC <= '0';
VGA_BLANK <= not (vga_hsync or vga_vsync);

end rtl;

Page 25
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <system.h>
#include <time.h>

#define IOWR_VGA_DATA(base,offset,data) IOWR_32DIRECT(base,offset,data)

#define IORD_VGA_DATA(base,offset) IORD_32DIRECT(base,offset)

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

unsigned int thisNumber=0;
//int memAddr = 0;
time_t seconds;
int i=0;
int j=0;
srand((unsigned int) seconds);

printf("Seeded and preparing to write...\n");

while(i < 8192)

thisNumber = rand();

*To use each of these two blocks of if statements, make sure
* that thisNumber = rand() (above) is commented out.
*Border-test flicker

thisNumber = 0;
if(i == 1044)
thisNumber = 1;
if(i == 1076)
thisNumber = 1;
if(i == 1108)
thisNumber = 1;

*Glider test

thisNumber = 0;
if (i == 1044)
thisNumber = 4;
if (i == 1076)
thisNumber = 3;

Page 26
if (i == 1108)
thisNumber = 6;

if (i < 32 || i > 8156)

thisNumber = 0;
printf("Writing %x to: %d\n",thisNumber,i);
while(j < 1000){

return 0;

Page 27

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