Experiment No 8 Memory Design

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Experiment No.


Title: Memory Design Using virtual lab simulator

Aim: Design& simulate single bit RAM cell OR 4 address*2 bit memory using 8 single bit
RAM cells using virtual lab simulator


Design of Memory:

A memory unit is a collection of storage cells together with associated circuits needed to
transform insformation in and out of the device. Memory cells which can be accessed for
information transfer to or from any desired random location is called random access
memory(RAM). The block diagram of a memory unit-

Internal Construction: The internal construction of a random-access memory of m words with

n bits per word consists of m*n binary storage cells and associated decoding circuits for selecting
individual words. The binary cell is the basic building block of a memory unit.

RAM Design:

Design of a RAM Cell

Designs of a 4X4 RAM

Design Issues:

A basic RAM cell has been provided here as a component which can be used to design larger
memory units. An IC memory consisting of 4 words each having 3 bits has been aslo provided.

Design of a RAM cell:

The binary cell has three inputs and one output. The select input enables the cell for reading or
writing and the reda/write input determines the cell operation when it is selected. A 1 in the
read/write input provides the read operation by forming a path from the flip-flop to the output

terminal. A 0 in the read/write input provides the write operation by forming a path from the
input terminal to the flip-flop. the logic diagram is-

Design of a 4X4 RAMS:

The logical construction of a small RAM 4X3 is shown below. It consists of 4 words of 3 bits
each and has a total of 12 binary cells. Each block labeled BC represents the binary cell with its 3
inputs and 1 output. The block diagram of a binary cell-

A memory with 4 words needs two address lines. The two address inputs go through a 2*4
decoder to select one of the four words. The decoder is enabled with the memory enable input.
When the memory enable is 0, all outputs of the decoder are 0 and none of the memory words
are selected. With the memory enable at 1, one of the four words is selected, dictated by the
value in the two address lines. Once a word has been selected, the read/write input determines
the operation.

 Assignment Statements:
1. Design a binary RAM cell using a S-R flipflop, AND gates, NOT gates having select,
read/write, input, output and test it by giving proper input.
Components Required:
For Designing a RAM Cell
To build a one bit Memory Cell, we need :
1. NAND Gate(2 input)- 4
To build a one bit RAM Cell, we need :
1. One bit RAM cell -1
Step 1: Build one bit memory cell using 04 NAND gates. And verify truth table of SR FF.

Step 2: single bit RAM cell

 Take component one bit RAM cell from Simulator Menu.
 initialization (refer to experiment manual for pin numbers):

o select=1
o R/W'=0
 Loading data in the memory (refer to procedure tab for further detail and experiment
manual for pin numbers):
o input(i/p)=1
examining the read behavior:
 initialization (refer to experiment manual for pin numbers):
 R/W'=1
 check output:
o output(o/p)=1
o it will give the value which was previously written.
Information about Simulation Software:

General guideline to use the Simulator Software for performing the experiments:
 Windows (64 bit)
Click here to download the 64 bit version of simulator

PATH needs to be set:

 Java runtime environment is needed (may get from java.com)

 Install downloaded jre
 Right click on My Computer/This PC
 Select Properties
 Select Advanced System Settings
 Select Advanced tab
 Select Environment Variables
 Select Path under System Variables
 Click on Edit button

In Variable value editor paste this at the start of the line

C:\Program Files\Java\< jdk_version >\bin;

Click Ok then Ok again

If your environment is properly set up, you may open by double clicking on the jar file,
otherwise use the following command:
java -jar coldvl64Windows.jar

 Linux (64 bit)

Click here to download the 64 bit version of simulator
Once the simulator is downloaded, open the command prompt, then go to the directory
where you have saved it using cd command and then give the following command to run
the simulator:
java -jar coldvl64Linux.jar

If you are using linux platform then click on links under 'Linux(32 bit)' or if you are
using then click on links under 'Windows(32 bit)' to download the Simulator Software
 Linux(32 bit)
Click here to download the new version of simulator
Once the simulator is downloaded, open the command prompt, then go to the directory
where you have saved it using cd command and then give the following command to run
the simulator:
java -jar coaSimulatorNew.jar
 Windows(32 bit)
Click here to download the new version of simulator
Once the simulator is downloaded, open the command prompt, then go to the directory
where you have saved it using cd command and then give the following command to run
the simulator:
java -jar SimulatorNew.jar

Conclusion: In this way, we are Implemented one bit Memory cell. Verified and checked.

Simulation: using virtual lab simulator: (Simulation Printout)

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