Week 1, Day 1 - Lower Body
Week 1, Day 1 - Lower Body
Week 1, Day 1 - Lower Body
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Let's get that SPRING! This phase is typically where we see the biggest athleticism gains. We are focused on building optimal
spring, which means we're training the stretch shortening cycle and teaching our muscles, tendons and fascia to store and release
elastic energy.
Keep in mind, this phase involves a lot of plyometrics and it's possible that some of you may not be ready for such high volume.
Plyometrics are a very potent training method that produce great results but could lead to injury if you aren't ready for them. LISTEN
to your body and cut back on reps/sets if needed. If any exercise leads to any pain, skip that exercise. Always listen to your body
and never push past joint pain (ie knee pain, back pain, ankle pain, etc.).
If you are unsure of your form ASK for help from a qualified trainer so that you don't injure yourself.
Keep in mind that vertical jump training is NOT endurance training, which means you don't need to rush your sets. Use the rest time
tool on the app or on your stopwatch. If your rest time is up and you STILL feel fatigued, take a little longer break. Also, we aren't
"chasing the burn". Some exercises will lead to fatigue/burning muscles, but some you won't feel any burn. When it comes to
vertical jump and speed training, the "no pain, no gain" mindset won't get you anywhere.