Evaluate The Quality Assurance (QA) Process and Review How It Was Implemented During Your Design and Development Stages

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Evaluate the Quality Assurance (QA) process and review how it was

implemented during your design and development stages.

Quality assurance (QA) is any systematic process of determining whether a product or service meets
specified requirements.It establishes and maintains set requirements for developing or manufacturing
reliable products. A quality assurance system is meant to increase customer confidence and a company's
credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and it enables a company to better
compete with others. (Gillis, 2019)

QA process
• Review of requirements

• Test planning / writing test cases

• Unit testing

• Integration testing

• System testing

• Performance testing

• Security testing

• Cross-browser testing / cross-platform testing

• Updating test cases

• Regression testing

Software testing is a critical component of software quality assurance and represents the final review of
specification design and coding. Testing is the exposure of a system to a test input to see if the software
meets the correct output. It is not possible to determine whether the software meets the user's needs, only
if it appears to meet the requirements. Testing can show that a system is free of errors. Testing finds
errors, and it does not correct errors. Software success is a quality product at the right time and cost.
Examination can reveal critical mistakes. Therefore, tests should be conducted Validate Performance to
detects Errors and identify Inconsistencies
Some of test levels in testing process done in implementng this hospital management system are detailed

Review of requirements
The requirements of the management system must be clearly understand. In here a web mnagement
system is made for use of both hospital staff and clients. The databases for staff must be able to access
only for staff and databases for patient must be seen any one who is registered. Actually in here only the
database required by patients/ clients is room availibility. But in further development there are more data
bases for clients. Because this is an online system which all the system data can be access online there
should be high security.

Test planning
As in task 3.2 all the interfaces and the basic ideas of project must be planned. Required data bases are
written seperately.

Unit Testing
In unit testing Module is tested separately and the programmer simultaneously along with the coding of
the module performs it. In unit testing the analyst tests the programs making up a system. For this reason,
unit testing is sometime called program testing. Unit testing gives stress on modules independently of one
another, to find errors. This helps the tester in detecting errors in coding and logic that are contained
within that module alone.

The errors resulting from the interaction between modules are initially avoided. Unit testing can be
performed from the bottom up, Starting with smallest and lowest-level modules and proceeding one at a
time., for each module in Bottom-up testing a short program is used to execute the module and provides
the needed data, so that the module is asked to perform the way it will when embedded within the larger

For all the codings, data bases and webpages this esting was done. Some erroers were found I this
process. Sppecially mistakes in connecting links.They we corrected using his unit testing process. Bellow
shows an exaple.
System Testing
This is performed after the system is put together. The system is tested against the system requirement to
check if all the requirements are met and if the system performs of specify by the requirements. Testing is
an important function to the success of the system. System testing makes a logical assumption that if all
the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully activated. Another reason for system
testing is its utility as a user-oriented website before implementation.

At this stage some errors related to connecting data bases were found. Most of hem were corrected They
were occure due to duplicating files and inproper placements of databases.

String Testing
Programs are invariably related to one another and interact in total system. Each program is tested to see
whether it confirms to related programs in the system. Each part of the system is tested against the entire
module with both test and live data before the whole system is ready to be tested.

Test scenarios Positive test cases Negative test cases Testing name field

Write down the test Enter valid username Enter valid username Check the Full name
scenarios based on the and password. and invalid password. text field without Prefix.
following test types
Click on forgot Enter valid password but Check the Full name
User Interface password link and invalid username. text field without adding
retrieve the password for First name.
Here are some of the Keep both fields blank
the username.
questions that can help and hit enter or click Check the Full name
you form test cases. Click on register link login button. text field without adding
and fill out the form and Last name.
register username and
4.2Critically evaluate the results of your Test Plan and include a review
of the overall success of your multipage website
Test Case no Test Action Test Type Expected Result


Register page(user) Check Enter details and normal If all fields Achived
whether enter click register correctly filled
and register register user
new account
Else don’t

login page (user) Checking Enter Username and Normal Access allowed Achieved
Username and Password
displayed and
Password go to user

Wrong Username Error Error message Achieved

or Password

Check link to Click on button sign normal Move to

registration up button registration
form is form login form

Login Admin Checking Enter Username and Normal Access allowed Achieved
Username and Password
displayed and
Password go to admin

Wrong Username Error Error message Achieved

or Password
No login
Ìnvoive form Wrong Username Error Error message Achieved
or Password

Check link to Click on button sign normal Move to

registration up button registration
form is form login form

edit Click on the editbutton Normal edit Achieved


Delete Click on the delete Normal Delete the Achieved

button record from

print Click onm print button normal Go to print pdf Achived

Patient form See details Click on see details normal Display details Achived

Add details Click opn add details normal Update database Not

Room details Change price Type and add Normal Change price Achieved

Tick boxes click Normal update Not

and count
Form Achieved

Show in Normal show Achieved


Web pages Buttons link Click on the buttons Normal Move to correct Achieved
properly for page
multiple page

Photos , Add and see Normal They are in Achieved

videos , proper places
tablesproperly and alignment

Links for Click on the links Normal Go to desired Achieved

external sites page

Navigation bar see Narmal Display in Achived

display in all proper format

Recommendations for areas that require improvement and not achived

• Make sure the planning process done correctly by correct relationships before starting
write codes

• Make sure the words are written correctly in both linked places. When spelling errors
occur they will not link

• Make sure all the documents are in one folder

• Make sure use meaning full ID, Names etc

• Make sure all tables are within one database. In this management system the errors
occurred because staff assign details are in a separate table and when linking problems

• Make more user friendly interfaces

• Make security messurements more srtong

• Username should contain letter, number and period.

• Username should not be left blank.

• Username should not be more than 20 characters.

• Username should not start with or contain any symbols.

• Password should be at least 6 characters.

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