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Test case for Mahadbt Website

Test Test case Input Expected Actual Result Status

ID. objectives Result

TC:01 To Verify User Navigate to the Mahadbt The user should The user have Pass
Registration registration page, receive a received a
Fill in the required fields confirmation email confirmation email
(name, email, password, and and
etc.), The user should be The user have been
Accept the terms and redirected to the redirected to the login
conditions, login page. page.
Click the "Register"
TC:02 To Verify User Navigate to the Mahadbt The user should be The user have been Pass
Login login page, logged in and logged in and
Enter a valid email and redirected to the redirected to the
password, dashboard and dashboard and
Click the "Login" button. The user’s name The user’s name is
should be being displayed on
displayed on the the dashboard.
TC:03 To Verify Navigate to the "Apply" A confirmation A confirmation Pass
Application section, message should message have been
Submission Fill in the application appear appeared indicating
Process form with valid data, indicating successful
Attach required successful submission and The
documents, submission and application is listed
Click the "Submit" The application in the user’s
button. should be listed application history.
in the user’s
TC:04 To Verify Navigate to the "My The application The application Pass
Application Applications" section, details should details is displaying
Status Check Click on a submitted display the current the current status
application to view its status (e.g., (e.g., "Under
status. "Under Review," Review,"
"Approved," "Approved,"
"Rejected") and "Rejected") and
Relevant updates Relevant updates or
or messages messages is visible if
should be visible if applicable.
Test Test case Input Expected Actual Result Status
ID objectives Result
TC:05 To Verify Navigate to the The user The user received a Pass
Password Reset login page, click should receive password reset email
Process on "Forgot a password and was directed to the
Password," enter reset email and password reset page.
the registered be directed to a
email, and password reset
submit. page.
TC:06 To Verify Navigate to the The updated The updated Pass
Profile Update "Profile" information information was saved,
Functionality section, update should be and a confirmation
personal saved, and a message appeared.
information confirmation
(e.g., phone message
number, should appear.
address), and
click "Save."
TC:07 To Verify Navigate to the An error An error message Pass
Document "Apply" section, message appeared indicating that
Upload Feature fill in the should appear the file exceeds the
application indicating that maximum size limit.
form, and attach the file
a file larger than exceeds the
the allowed maximum size
limit. limit,
TC:08 To Verify Click on the The user The user was logged Pass
Logout "Logout" button should be out and redirected to the
Functionality from the logged out and login page.
dashboard. redirected to
the login page.
Test Plan for Mahadbt Website

Test Plan Identifier



The purpose of this document is to create a test plan for MahaDBT Website. The purpose of testing this
program is to check the correct operation of its functionality and ease of use.

Test Items

Working with MahaDBT Website

Features To Be Tested
• Opening MahaDBT Website
• Verify User Registration
• Verify User Login
• Verify Application Submission Process
• Verify Application Status Check


• GUI testing
• Functional Testing
• Performance Testing

Item Pass/Fail Criteria

All test cases with high priority are closed with the result - pass.

The test coverage is checked and sufficient, where the criterion of sufficiency is not less than 99% of the
coverage of requirements by tests.

The test report was compiled and approved by the team lead and customer.
Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements
Suspension criteria: The appearance and entering into the bug-tracking system of blocking bugs.
Criterion for continuation of testing:

Resumption criteria: Closing the blocking bug in the bug tracking system.

Test Deliverables

Test plan, test cases, test summary report.

Test Tasks

• Writing a test plan

• Writing test cases
• Development of criteria for the success of testing
• Conducting the testing and evaluation of the results
• Creating test reports

Environmental Needs

MahaDBT Website


Required Documents

Mobile/ Computer

Android OS


No. Functionality and Responsibilities Responsible

1. Opening MahaDBT Website Mohd. Siddique
2. Verify User Registration Zidan Shaikh
3. Verify User Login Zidan Shaikh
4. Verify Application Submission Process Huzaifa
5. Verify Application Status Check Huzaifa
Staffing and Training Needs

To perform the tasks, you need to have the following knowledge and skills:

• Practical knowledge of MahaDBT Website is needed;

• knowledge and ability to apply in practice the basic techniques of test design
• knowledge of various types of testing including functional and non-functional.


The deadline for completion of all works and delivery of the project is 27/09/2024 by 5 pm

Risks and Contingencies

• Insufficient human resources for testing the application in deadlines.
• Network fluctuation during various testing

Lead Mohd. Siddique
Test Manager
Quality Manager
Defect Report on Mahadbt Website

Defect ID M-001
Defect Name Document Upload Failure in Application
Project Name Mahadbt Website
Module Name Application Submission
Detected Build Version 1.5.2
Summary The system fails to upload required documents
during the application submission process.
Description During the application submission process, users
are unable to upload required documents such as
income certificates, caste certificates, etc. The
system shows an error message "Upload failed"
without providing any specific reason. This issue
prevents users from completing their scholarship
applications, potentially causing them to miss
application deadlines.
Steps to Replicate 1. Go to the Mahadbt website homepage and log in
to your account.
2. Navigate to the "Apply" section.
3. Fill in the application form with valid data.
4. Attempt to upload any required document (e.g.,
income certificate in PDF format).
5. Observe the "Upload failed" error message.
Attachments Screenshot of the error message during document
upload attempt.
Remark This issue occurs consistently across different
document types and sizes, suggesting a problem
with the file handling system rather than specific
file restrictions.
Defect Summary Document upload functionality fails during
application submission, preventing completion of
scholarship applications.
Defect Priority High
Reported by Tester 2
Assigned by Lead QA Engineer
Status Open

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