Correction Techniques Thornbury
Correction Techniques Thornbury
Correction Techniques Thornbury
errors imagine that, in the course of classroom activity, a student has been
describing a person’s appearance and said:
He has a long hair.
Here are some possible responses that the teacher might consider:
1 No. This is clearly negative feedback, but it offers the student no clue as
to what was wrong. The teacher may be assuming that the student has
simply made a slip under pressure, and that this does not therefore
represent a lack of knowledge of the rule. The learner should therefore
be able to self-correct. There are, of course, other ways of signalling that
a mistake has been made without having to say No. A facial expression,
shake of the head etc, might work just as well. Some teachers try to
soften the negative force of no by, for example, making a mmmm noise
to indicate: Well, that’s not entirely correct but thanks anyway.
Unfortunately, this may leave the student wondering Have I made a
mistake or haven’t I?
2 He has long hair. This is a correction in the strictest sense of the word. The
teacher simply repairs the student’s utterance – perhaps in the interest
of maintaining the flow of the talk, but at the same time, reminding the
learner not to focus only on meaning at the expense of form.
10 Oh, he has long hair, has he? This technique (sometimes called
reformulation) is an example of covert feedback, disguised as a
conversational aside. The hope is, that the student will take the veiled
correction on board but will not be inhibited from continuing the flow
of talk. Typically, this is the way parents seem to correct their children
– by offering an expanded version of the child’s utterance:
CHILD: Teddy hat.
MOTHER: Yes, Teddy’s got a hat on, hasn’t he?
11 Good. Strange as this seems, it is in fact a very common way that teachers
provide feedback on student production, especially in activities where the
focus is more on meaning than on form. For example, it is not difficult to
imagine a sequence like this:
TEACHER: What does Mick Jagger look like?
STUDENT: He has a long hair.
TEACHER: Good. Anything else?
STUDENT: He has a big lips.
The intention behind good (or any of its alternatives, such as OK) is to
acknowledge the students’ contribution, irrespective of either its accuracy
or even of its meaning. But, if construed as positive feedback, it may lull
learners into a false sense of security, and worse, initiate the process of
Teacher says nothing but writes down error for future reference. The
12 intention here is to postpone the feedback so as not to disrupt the flow
of talk, but to deal with errors later. Perhaps the students are working
in groups and the teacher has chanced on the error while monitoring.
A correction in this context might be inappropriate. Nevertheless, there
are some grounds to believe that the most effective feedback is that
which occurs in what are called real operating conditions, that is, when
the learner is using the language communicatively. For example, a trainee
driver is more likely to notice the correction when it is most relevant –
while driving – then after the event, in a list of points being ticked off
by the driving instructor. The trick, it seems, is to intervene without
interfering. From “How to Teach Grammar” by Scott Thornbury, CUP