Ibps RRB Po Mains - Set 1

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Directions (1-5): Read the questions based on the 2. What is the position of T with respect to W?
information given below: (a) Second to right
There are eight friends S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are (b) Immediate left
sitting in linear table and all are facing towards the (c) Third to right
south. All friends have cleared different examinations (d) Second to left
i.e.RRB, LIC, RBI, IBPS, SEBI, SSC, UPSC and SBI (e) Immediate right
but not necessarily in the same order. 3. Who sits immediate left of X?
There are three friends sit between S and V. Z has (a) S
cleared RRB. The friends who have cleared RBI and (b) Y
SEBI sit together. S has cleared SEBI. Y sits immediate (c) U
left of one who cleared IBPS. U and W sit together but (d) Z
none of them cleared RBI. The one who cleared UPSC (e) W
is immediate right of the one who cleared SBI.V does 4. Who sits third to the left of the one, who has
not cleared SBI. The one, who sits at extreme end, has cleared LIC?
cleared RRB. V sits third to the right of the one who (a) W
cleared RRB, who is an immediate neighbor of Y. W (b) Z
has not cleared UPSC. X does not sit near to U. The (c) S
immediate right of the one who sits at extreme end has (d) X
cleared SSC. (e) T
1. What is the position of U with respect to the 5. U sits second to the left of the one who has
one, who has cleared RBI? cleared which among the following exam?
(a) Third to right (a) RBI
(b) Second to left (b) SBI
(c) Third to right (c) IBPS
(d) Immediate left (d) SEBI
(e) Cannot be determined (e) None of these
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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Directions (6-10): Answer the questions based on (a) third to right

the information given below: (b) second to left
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around square table (c) third to left
in such a way that four of them sit at four corners of the (d) Immediate left
table while four of them sit in the middle of each of the (e) Cannot be determined
the four sides. The one who sit at the four corners face 7.What is the position of one who likes Rabri with
the centre while those sit in the middle of the sides face respect to one who likes Barfi?
outside. Each one of them likes different sweets i.e. (a) second to right
Jalebi, Barfi, Ghevar, Peda, Rasmalai, Gulabjamun, (b) immediate left
Rabri and Rasgulla but not necessarily in the same (c) third to right
order. (d) second to left
The one who likes rasgulla does not faces inside. C sits (e) immediate right
third to the left of the one who likes rasgulla. The one 8.Who likes Gulabjamun?
who likes rasmalai not an immediate neighbor of the (a) A
one who likes rasgulla. D sits on the immediate left of (b) G
the one who likes gulabjamun. G does not like (c) D
gulabjamun. E likes rabri. E is not an immediate (d) F
neighbor of A. Only two person sit between C and H. (e) H
The one who likes jalebi sits on the immediate right of 9.Who is third to the left of the one who likes
H. The one who likes rasmalai sits second to the right Peda?
of G. G is an immediate neighbor of neither H nor C. G (a) H
does not sit third to the right of C. C and F do not sit (b) B
diagonally opposite. Only one person sit between A and (c) F
one who likes rasmalai. The one who likes barfi is an (d) D
immediate neighbor of E. The one who likes peda is an (e) E
immediate neighbor of F. The one who likes ghevar is 10.B likes which of the following sweet??
not an immediate neighbor of H. (a) Rabri
6.What is the position of H with respect to the one (b) Barfi
who likes Rasmalai? (c) Jalebi

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

(d) Ghevar belongs to Bangalore and the one who belongs to

(e) None of these Mumbai lives in different flat and different floor. One
who belongs to Delhi and the one who belongs to Pune
Direction (11-14): Study the following information are living in thesame flat. Q does not belong to Raipur,
carefully and answer the below questions: Mumbai and Delhi. M does not belong to Kolkata. R
There are ten persons i.e. F, I, K, M, Q, R, S, T, U and doesn’t live in Flat A. U and Q doesn’t belong to
X are living in a building having five different floors. Bangalore. The one who belongs to Pune and the one
Such that ground floor is numbered 1 and who belongs to Cochin live in a different flat. X doesn’t
the floor above 1 is numbered as 2 and so on till the belong to Delhi.
topmost floor is numbered as 5. Each floor has 11) Which of the following personlives immediately
two flats, flat A and flat B. Flat A is exactly to the west above Mumbai?
of flat B. Only one person lives in each flat. And they a)One who belongs to Bangalore
belong to different city i.e. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, b) F
Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, Cochin, Kanpur, Raipur and c) U
Srinagar.All the above information isnot necessarily in d) Q
thesame order. e) T
U doesn’t live on the fourth floor. I who belongs to 12) Which of the following person lives on the
Cochin lives on the second floor on flat B. Two floors topmost floor?
are between I and F. Three floors are between F and a) One who belongs to Delhi
Q. As much as above floor of Q is same as the below b) X
floor of X. K who belongs to Kanpur lives onthesame c) F
floor of U. T’s floor is not an adjacent floor of K’s floor. d) One who belongs to Bangalore
No floor in between T and S who belongs to Chennai. e) All of these
One floor is between the one who belongs to Chennai 13) Four of the five among the following are similar
and the one who belongs to Kolkata. Two floors are in such a way to form a group, which one of the
between the one who belongs to Kolkata and the one following doesn’t belong to the group?
who belongs to Raipur. R lives immediately above U a) F – Srinagar
and both are living in same flat. M and the one who b) S – Kolkata
belongs to Bangalore lives in adifferent flat. One who c) X – Kanpur

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

d) Mumbai – Cochin likes Orange and one who likes Apple. Only two person
e) Raipur – Kolkata visits before the one who likes Mango. The one who
14) How many floors are there between X and U? likes Guava visits on one of the day before the one who
a) 0 likes Papaya and R doesn’t like Apple. The one who
b) 1 likes orange neither visits on Sunday nor visits New
c) 2 Delhi. The one who likes Guava does not visit
d) 3 Singapore.
e) 4 15. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Q visits London just before one who likes
(Directions 15 ~19): study the following information Mango
carefully and answer the questions given below it b) One who visits on Tuesday visits Paris
Seven friends namely – P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V like c) U visits New York just after one who visits Rome
different fruits viz. Apple, Banana, Mango, Orange, d) R visits Italy and likes Orange
Guava, Grapes and Papaya. Each of them visits e) All the above given statements are false
different cities viz. Rome, Singapore, London, Paris, 16. Which of the following combination is true?
New Delhi, New York and Italy on a different day
a) Tuesday – New Delhi – Q – Guava
starting from Monday to Sunday. All the given
b) Orange – New York – Thursday – U
information is not necessary in the same order.
c) R – Thursday – Grapes – Italy
T, who neither visits London nor he likes Mango, visits
d) Saturday – Papaya – V – Rome
on one of the day before Thursday. Q, who neither likes
e) Monday – Q – Singapore – Banana
Grapes nor visits Singapore, visits on one of the day
17. Who visits on Sunday?
before R. One who likes Grapes visits Italy on
a) One who likes Apple
Thursday. P visits Rome on Saturday. V visits Paris on
b) One who visits New York
one of the day before the one who likes Apple. Only
c) One who visits just after one who likes Orange
one person visits between the one who likes Mango
and the one who visits London. T visits Just after the
d) Either (i) or (ii)

one who likes Banana. There are three persons visit e) Either (i) or (iii)
between the one who likes Banana and U, who visits 18. Who visits just after the one who likes Mango?

New York. Only one person visits between the one who a) R
b) T
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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

c) P a) Two
d) S b) One
e) Q c) Four
19. How many person visits after the one who visits d) Three
Paris? e) None

Directions (20-24): Read the following information (a) E

carefully and answer the questions given below. (b) J
Eight persons V, H, B, G, L, J, T and N are sitting (c) H
around a circular table but not necessarily in the same (d) G
order. Four of them are facing inside and the other four (e) B
are facing outside. All eight persons have different 21.What is the age of H?
ages. (a) 22 years
G sits third to the right of H, who is one year older than (b) 19 years
the person who sits to the immediate left of L. The (c) 24 years
person who is sitting second to the left of G is facing the (d) 25 years
same direction as the person who is fifty years old. The (e) 26 years
age of immediate neighbors of L are 18 and 21 years 22.Who among the following sits second to the left
old. V and J are fifty and fifty five years old respectively. of B?
L sits to the immediate left of T. The person who is (a) H
twenty six years old is facing outward and is an (b) T
immediate neighbor of the person who is twenty one (c) J
years old. N is an immediate neighbor of the persons (d) G
who are fifty and twenty six years old. B faces the (e) N
centre and sits third to the right of J. T is eighteen years 23.Four of the following five are alike in a certain
old and faces the person who is thirty years old. Age of way and hence they form a group. Which one of the
L is equal to the number obtained by reversing the digits following does not belong to that group?
of H's age. V does not sit second to the left of G. (a) B
20.Who among the following is 26 years old? (b) H

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

(c) V c) Both I and II follows

(d) T d) Both II and III follows
(e) N e) None follows
24.Who among the following sits third to the left of 26. Statement:
J? Only a few Genes are DNA
(a) N Only DNA are RNA
(b) H No RNA is Protein
(c) B Conclusion:
(d) L I. No Gene is Protein
(e) T II. Some proteins are Genes
III. Some Genes are not DNA
Directions (25): Study the following information 27. Statement:
and answer the question: Some A are B
a) Only I follows Only a few B are C
b) Only III follows No A is D
c) Either II or III and I follows Conclusion:
d) Either I or III follows I.At least some A are C
e) Either I or III and II follows II. All B are C is a possibility
25. Statement: III. No D is C
P≥V=S<B≤K; K=R<L≥H<C≤T
Conclusion: Direction (28): Read the following information
I. P≥R carefully and answer the given questions.
II. S<H X * Y means X is to the left of Y at a distance of 7m.
III. R>P X # Y means X is to the south direction of Y at a
distance of 5m.
Directions (26~27): Study the following information X @ Y means X is to the right of Y at a distance of 3m.
and answer the questions below: X % Y means X is to the north direction of Y at a
a) Only II follows distance of 9m.
b) Either I or II and III follows

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

In each of the following questions initially, all persons (a) One

are facing north. (b) Two
28). B @ D % V # H @ K, then in which direction is (c) None
K with respect to D? (d) Three
a) North (e) Four
b) East
c) South-west Direction 31: In each question below is given a
d) North-West group of numbers / symbols followed by five
e) None of these combinations of letter codes numbered (1), (2), (3),
(4) and (5). You have to find out which of the
Direction (29): Study the following information combinations correctly represents the group of
carefully and answer the given questions: numbers / symbols based on the following coding
S#T – S is the son of T. system and the steps given and mark the number
S@T – T is the child of S. of that combination as your answer:
S$T – S is elder than T. Numbers ^ 2 ) 5 # ( 1 8 * 3 7 6
S*T– S is the husband of T. /
S©T – S is the parent of T. Symbols
S&T– T is the daughter-in-law of S. Letters Z D G T Y W H L A O F P
S%T– S is the wife of T. Code
29. If C @ D * E & F % G $ H # D, then how H is Steps to be followed as per the given order:
related F? (1) All the numbers are to be sorted in descending order
a) Brother and then written in the place of numbers only, i.e., the
b) Uncle place of symbols should not be shifted or changed.
c) Father in law (2) In the series obtained after the step one if it contains
d) Brother in law any number followed by the symbol then the places of
e) Cannot be determined that number and the symbol should be interchanged.
30. If all the letters in each of the words are (3) If a number is followed by another number then add
arranged alphabetically (within the word), how the two numbers to obtain the new series thus formed.
many words will remain unchanged?

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

The new series which will be formed by following the (Direction 33): Study the following information
above steps will be then coded according to the table carefully and answer the given questions:
values given above. In alphabetical series A-Z each letter except vowels is
31) What is the code for 47%3@#1? assigned a different number starting from multiple of 2
a. FRXOBYH (for ex- B is coded as 2, C-4, L-18) and again those
b. FROXSYH numbers get repeated (for ex- M-2, N-4 and so on).
c. FRXBOYH Also, each vowel is coded with different symbol viz. $,
d. XFRXBYX %, ^, & and * respectively.
e. FROBSYH In a coded language:
It Is High Time Now: ^14 ^12 12^1012 14^2% 4&18
Directions (32): Study the following information Besides the above example, following operations are to
carefully and answer the questions given below: be applied for coding the words given in the question
In a code language, below:
“postal watch english paint” is coded as “7T, 9O, 20D, I. If the first letter of the word is consonant and fourth
19B” letter is vowel then the code of the consonant will be
“code society among series” is coded as “3U, 18F, 15O, the same for the vowel.
4E” II. If the last two letters are vowels then the code ending
“number synchronous you lenovo” is coded as “14W, with 0 will be replaced with *
14V, 21P, 13F” III. If the second letter of the word is vowel and fourth
“left north peru house” is coded as “6G, 18S, 21T, 18U” letter is consonant then both are to be coded as the
32. How is the word ‘emotion’ coded? code of the third letter.
a. 14P IV. If both first and the second letter are consonant then
b. 15O the code which are in single digit will be replaced with
c. 16P the code of the third letter.
d. 15P V. If first letter of the word is consonant and the last
e. None of these letter of the word is also consonant then both are to be
coded as “!”
If more than one condition applies for a word then, both
the codes will be the answer

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

33) What can be the code of PILOT? Directions 35: Study the given information carefully
a) &^18&14 and answer the Direction: Study the following
b) 618^14& information carefully and answer the questions
c) !^18&! given below.
d) Both A and C A number arrangement machine, when given an input,
e) Cannot Be Determined rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is
the illustration of the input and steps of the
Direction (34): In a certain code language the words arrangement.
are written in the form of numbers which are Condition:
specific to a certain code. These codes can be i) If an odd number comes at the even-numbered
traced from the table with the respective number. position, then the first digit of the number is changed to
For e.g. the code for the number ‘10’ will be ‘ka’, &.
code for the number ‘01’ will be ‘so’ and so on. ii) If an Even number comes at the odd-numbered
0 1 2 position, then the Second digits of the number changed
0 go so zo to *.
1 ka la pa Input: 34 25 56 98 11 77 68 83
2 ma ta qa Step 1: 11 34 25 56 77 68 83 98
‘wait party shock maid’ is coded as ’22 00 02 11’ Step 2: 25 &1 3* 56 77 68 9* &3
‘wait solid master soft’ is coded as ’10 22 01 20’ Step 3: 3* &5 &1 56 6* 9* &3 &7
‘shock solid try soft’ is coded as ’02 10 12 20’ Step 4: 5* 3* &5 &1 9* &3 &7 6*
‘soft orange try maid ’is coded as ’20 21 12 11’ Step 4 is the last step of the rearrangement. As per the
34. What is the code for ‘master’? rules followed in the above steps, find out the answers
(a) ka to each of the following questions.
(b) la Input: 13 99 42 19 66 87 32 70
(c) qa 35) Which of the following element is between 3*
(d) so and &3 in the last step?
(e) None of these a. None
b. 6*
c. 7*

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

d. &3 Statement I: Rural and semi-urban areas in the country

e. &9 have been suffering due to load shedding for quite
some time. Load shedding is a way to distribute
Directions (36 to 38): demand for electrical power across multiple power
36. sources.
Statement I: The university authority has instructed all Statement II: If the Government is not able to
the colleges under its jurisdiction to ban use of all overcome the power crisis, load shedding will be
phones inside the college premises. Mobile phones are extended even to the urban areas. Load shedding is
really necessary and useful. But the college authorities used to relieve stress on a primary energy source when
have banned them in the colleges since they are a demand for electricity is greater than the primary power
distraction to the student's study. Most of the students source can supply. Most buildings, including data
use their mobile even during class hours to forward centers, purchase electrical power from a utility
SMS or keep chatting in their phones. provider.
Statement II: Majority of the teachers of the colleges a. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect
signed a joint petition to the university complaining the b. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
disturbances caused by cell phone ring-tones inside the c. Both the statements I and II are independent causes
classrooms. They quoted that it became harmful to the d. Both the statements I and II are effects of
institutes to maintain their peaceful environment. So the independent causes
college administration should ban mobiles in the e. Both the statements I and II are effects of some
campus. common cause
a. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect 38.
b. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect Statement I: There has been a high increase in the
c. Both the statements I and II are independent causes incidents of atrocities against women in the city during
d. Both the statements I and II are effects of the past few months. Violence against women in India
independent causes refers to physical or sexual violence committed against
e. Both the statements I and II are effects of some Indian women, typically by a man. Common forms of
common cause violence against women in India include acts such as
37. domestic abuse, sexual assault, and murder.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Statement II: The police authority has been unable to b) Two persons sit between F and H. F neither sits
nab the culprits who are committing crime against adjacent to G nor sits adjacent to E.
women. Most typically, these acts are committed by c) B sits facing F, who sits immediate left of C. F and G
men as a result of the long-standing gender inequalities don’t sit together.
present in the country. d) C sits immediate right of F, who doesn’t sits adjacent
a. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect to G. B sits adjacent to H, who doesn’t sits adjacent to
b. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect A.
c. Both the statements I and II are independent causes e) Either C or D.
d. Both the statements I and II are effects of 40) Nine persons namely –B, G, H, J, L, N, R, S and
independent causes W are sitting in a linear row facing north. B sits
e. Both the statements I and II are effects of some fourth from the right enD. W neither sits adjacent to
common cause H nor sits adjacent to B. Three persons sit between
B and H, who sits immediate right of R. Two
Directions (39~40):The question below can be persons sit between S and W.
answered using one of the options given below. Who sits second to the right of L?
Study the following information carefully and find out a) G, who doesn’t sits adjacent to W, sits third places
which of the following option is sufficient to answer. from N. One person sits between N and J.
39) Eight persons namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and b) J sits third to the right of B. L and W doesn’t sit
H are sitting around a circular table facing the together.
center. G and E sit together. D sits third to the left C) Two persons sit between N and G, who doesn’t sit
of E. Two persons sit between G and A, who sits adjacent to W. J sits at one of the ends but not adjacent
adjacent to D. to G.
Who sits immediate right of H? d) J sits second to the right of N. L doesn’t sit adjacent
a) Two persons sit between B and C. B sits adjacent to to S.
H but not adjacent to D. e) More than one statement is sufficient.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Quantitative Aptitude
Directions (1 – 5): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
Following table shows total number of Population From 6 different country, %es of Population infected from Covid-19,
Ratio of male to Female and Female to Children of People who are not infected from Covid-19. While Ratio of total
male, female and Children is also given.
Country Total %es of Ratio Of Ratio of Male:
Population Population Male: female Female to Female:
Infected from (Not infected) Children (Not Children
Covid-19 Infected) (Total)
USA 250000 23 5:4 2:1 11:8:6
India 320000 32 8:5 5:4 3:3:2
Russia 125000 50 5:3 3:2 10:8:7
China 350000 30 1:1 3:1 5:5:4
Italy 120000 60 2:3 1:1 3:2:3
Australia 150000 25 1:1 1:1 6:4:5

1. Total number of infected male and female from a) 134350

India and Russia is how much more or less than the b) CNB
total number of Children infected from China and c) 145550
Australia together? d) 122350
a) 25220 e) 144258
b) 36100 3. Find the ratio between infected male from China
c) 25660 and India to the average number of females not
d) 42660 infected form Covid-19 from all the country?
e) 44110 a) 2250:5256
2. Find out total number of infected Male from all b) 4512:6265
country? c) 2625:6265

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

d) 4225:6562 5. Total number of Children from China and USA, not

e) 1125:2565 infected from Covid-19 is how much %es more and
4. How many numbers of male are not infected from less than the number of Female infected from same
Covid-19 From all countries together? country together?
(A) 455250 a) 122.25%
(B) 254525 b) 140%
(C) 375650 c) 130%
(D) 380550 d) 125%
(E) none e) None of these

Directions (6 – 10): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
Following line graph shows Total number of Covid-19 Cases in five different states in three different months.
Note : Total number of cases = value in the bar x 100

3500 May Aprail March

2800 12
T 10
2500 5

2000 2000 2100 10

S 5
1500 1500 20
R 12
1000 1100 4
800 15
650 650 Q
500 500 8
260 280 2.5
250 240 200
0 15
P 10
P Q R S T 5
March April May 0 5 10 15 20 25

Following Bar graph show the % of death out of total number of Covid-19 cases in 3 different months in 5

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

6. Total number of Covid-19 cases form P and R in d) 521:62

May is what % more or less than the average number e) None of these
of Covid-19 cases in May from all the states together? 9. Total number of Covid-19 case from the state of S
a) 94.32% and T from all the months taken together is what % of
b) 54.50% total number of death in March from all the states
c) 97.52% together?
d) 88.52% a) 12794%
e) None of the above b) 10594%
7. Which State has reported higher growth in death c) 21525%
rate in May as compared to previous month? d) 17267%
a) R e) None of the above
b) Q 10. Combined death rate of which of the following
c) S month is minimum (combined death rate = Total
d) P death in a month from all the state/Total number of
e) Both R and S Covid-19 case in a month from all the states)?
8. Find the ratio between total number of Deaths in a) March
State P, Q and R in May to Total number of deaths in b) April
April from the same state? c) May
a) 315:64 d) Both A and C
b) 259:62 e) None of these
c) 292:62

Directions (11 – 15): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
Given Pie chart show shows the quantity of Wheat (in 1000 Kg.) exported from different countries in 2019 and
the bar graph shows the quantity imported (in percentage) with respect to last year of import of six countries
in 2019.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Total Wheat Exported

= 250 (in 1000 Kg) 120%
125% 125%


20% 18% 75%

15% 60%
10% 15%


11. Rice and Wheat imported by A in 2019 are in the 13. Ratio of export to import for the countries D and
ratio of 2:3. If Wheat imported by A in the year 2018 is E is 10:15 and 5:4 respectively in the year 2019. Then
120000 Kg then find the Rice imported by A in 2019? find out the difference between average Export of C
a) 85000 kg and F to average import of D and E in 2019?
b) 96000 kg a) 12500
c) 86000 kg b) 10000
d) 88000 kg c) 10500
e) 89000 kg d) 11500
12. Wheat imported by all the countries is same in the e) None of these
year 2019. Wheat imported by C in year 2019 is 20% 14. If imports of all the countries are same in the year
of the wheat Exported in same year. Then find out 2018, then find out what is the % increase in the
total wheat imported in the year 2018? import of all the countries in 2019 as compare to
a) 33500 kg 2018?
b) 31750 kg a) 0.0833%
c) 27500 kg b) 1.833%
d) 42250 kg c) 0.833%
e) 48250 kg d) 2.833%

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

e) Can’t be determined a) 0.250:1

15. Import of Country F is 15000 kg in 2018 and the b) 1.20:1
Export of the same country increased by 25% in 2019 c) 0.955:1
as compare to the previous year. Then find out the d) 0.5875:1
ratio between Imports of country F in 2019 to Export e) 0.46875:1
of country F in 2018?

Directions (16 – 20): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
Following graph show the time taken by 5 different persons to complete a Job on 2 different days.
80 Monday


Note: Total Work is Not same for both of the day

16. On Monday 1/2 of the work is completed by R, S a) 25 :26
and T and rest of the work is completed by U & V on b) CNB
an alternative day, starting from U. Then find the total c) 27:32
time required to complete the joB. (Approx.)? d) 77:35
a) 15 e) 1:3
b) 16 18. if R, T and U work alternatively on Tuesday to
c) 14 complete the 17 time of the total work then what is the
d) 13 time to complete the work.
e) none a) 220
17. What is the ratio of the efficiency of R and S b) 360
together on Monday to that of Tuesday if total work is c) 260
same for both of the day. d) 420
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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

e) 110 20. T, U and V started the work on Tuesday and want

19. Time taken by R and S Together to complete total to complete total work in 10 days. So by what %es the
work on Monday is what %es more or less than that efficiency of T is increased in order to achieve the
of Tuesday by the same persons? target on time?
(A) 770/27 % a) 50
(B) 500/27 % b) 40
(C) 89/5 % c) 30
(D) 50 % d) 20
(E) none e) Not possible with give situation

Direction (21-25): Each question contains a statement followed by Quantity I and Quantity II.
Read the contents clearly and give answer as,
a) Quantity I > Quantity II
b) Quantity I ≥ Quantity II
c) Quantity II > Quantity I
d) Quantity II ≥ Quantity I
e) Quantity I = Quantity II or Relation cannot be established
21. Quantity I: A boat can cover 42 km upstream in 63 E.e
minutes. If the speed of the current is 3/7 of the boat in 22. A bag contains, 4 pink, 7 yellow and 5 black balls.
still water, then how much distance (in km) can the boat Quantity I: If 3 balls are drawn randomly, then find the
cover downstream in 42 minutes? probability of getting at least one yellow ball?
Quantity II: Speed of a man in still water is 16 km/hr and Quantity II: If 2 balls are drawn randomly, then find the
the river is running at 6 km/hr. The total time taken to go probability of getting both the balls are either pink or
to a place and come back is 8 hours. Find the distance black?
travelled by the man? A.a
A.a B.b
B.b C.c
C.c D.d
D.d E.e

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

23.Quantity I: A bangle was sold for Rs. 250 with a profit milk and water becomes 5: 11, then find the initial
of 25 %. If it were sold for Rs. 230, then what would have quantity of milk
been the percentage of profit? Quantity II: How many litres of water should be added to
Quantity II: A person bought two books for Rs. 600 each. a 60 litres mixture containing milk and water in the ratio of
He sold one at a profit of 20 % and the other at a loss of 2: 1 such that the resultant mixture has 50 % milk in it?
10 %. What would be his overall profit or loss percentage A.a
in the whole transaction? B.b
A.a C.c
B.b D.d
C.c E.e
D.d II
24.Quantity I: The total area of a Square and rectangle Directions (26-30): In each of the following questions, a
is 496 Sq cm. The side of the square is 14 cm. Find the question is followed by three statements numbered I, II
perimeter of the rectangle, if length of the rectangle is 25 and III. Read all the statements and Answer accordingly.
cm? 26. What is the present age of Sikha?
Quantity II: The side of the equilateral triangle is equal to I.Sikha is seven years younger than Rahul.
the diameter of the circle. The area of the equilateral II.Ratio of present ages of Rahul and Neha is 5:3
triangle is 196√3 Sq cm. Find the circumference of the respectively.
circle III.Ratio of present age of Rahul and age of Tarun after
A.a five years is 2:1 respectively.
B.b A.I and II together are sufficient
C.c B.I and III together are sufficient
D.d C.I, II and III together are sufficient
E.e D.even all I, II and III are not sufficient
25.Quantity I: A bucket contains some quantity of E.none of these
milk and water in the ratio of 5: 3. If 40 litres of mixture 27.What is the speed of stream?
is drawn out and replaced with water and the ratio of I.A boat can go 45 km upstream in 15 hours.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

II.The boat takes 12 hours to travel 54 km D.even all I, II and III are not sufficient
downstream. E.none of these
III.In still water the boat can travel 48 km in 6 hours. 30. What is the speed of the train (in km/h)?
A.only I and II together are sufficient I.The train crosses a platform of length 20 km in 15
B.only I and III together are sufficient minutes.
C.any two of the three statements are sufficient II.The train crosses another train of equal length
D.even all I, II and III are not sufficient coming from opposite direction with the speed of 48
E.none of these km/h in 45 minutes
28. In how many days, P and Q working together can III.It crosses a pole in 5 minutes
complete the piece of work? A.only I and II together are sufficient
I.P can complete the piece of work in 24 days. B.only II and III together are sufficient
II.Q and R working together can complete the piece of C.any two of the three statements are sufficient
work in 16 days. D.even all I, II and III are not sufficient
III.P, Q and R working together can complete the work E.none of these
in 8 days. 31. B is 5/4 times as efficient as A. If A can fill the 3/5
A.only II is sufficient of the tank in 15 min, what fraction of the capacity of
B.II and III together are sufficient the tank would remain incomplete if B can fill the tank
C.I, II and III together are sufficient independently for 10 min only?
D.even all I, II and III are not sufficient A.2/3
E.none of these B.1/3
29. Find the cost price of the article. C.1/4
I.Marked price of the article is 20% above the cost D.1/2
price. E.None of these
II.Selling price of the article is Rs.35 more than the 32. In a village, Male are 55% and remaining are
cost price. females. Out of the males, 40% are children and
III.Discount provided at marked price is 10%. remaining are adults. Out of the females 20% are
A.only II is sufficient children and remaining are adults. If the total number
B.II and III together are sufficient of children are 62000, Find the population of the
C.I, II and III together are sufficient village.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

A.150000 D.Only I and II

B.100000 E.All of the above
C.200000 35. The Average marks obtained by 45 students in an
D.175000 examination is 12. If the average marks of passed
E.none of these students are 14 and that of failed students are 5, then
33. The sum of the present age of P, Q and R is X. find the number of students who passed the
Present age of R is X – 50. After 12 years, the age of examination?
R is equal to the present age of Q. After 6 years, the A.35
age of P is equal to the present age of Q. Find the B.42
present age of R? C.30
A.18 years D.26
B.20 years E.None of these
C.16 years 36. A man borrowed Rs.24000 from two persons. He
D.22 years paid 8% interest per annum to one and 12% interest
E.None of these per annum to the other. After three years he paid a
34. Respective ratio of the incomes of Kamal and total interest of Rs.6960. How much did he borrow at
Saurav is 16: 15 and respective ratio of their each rate?
expenditures is 8: 7. Kamal and Saurav saves A.Rs.16000 and Rs.8000
Rs._____________ each. Income of Ganga is 80% of B.Rs.20000 and Rs.4000
the income of Kamal and he saves Rs.25000. C.Rs.14000 and Rs.10000
Expenditure of Ganga is Rs.__________. D.Rs.18000 and Rs.6000
Which of the following option/options satisfy the E.none of these
given condition? 37.Mannie borrowed some money at the rate of 8%
I). 40000, 39000 p.A. for the first three years, at the rate of 10% p.A. for
II). 32000, 26200 the next four years, and at the rate of 12% p.A. for the
III). 24000, 14000 period beyond seven years. If he pays a total interest
A.Only I of Rs.62,000 at the end of twelve years, how much
B.Only III money did Mannie borrow?
C.Only I and III A.Rs.60000

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

B.Rs.30000 is taken out and only 40 litres of water is left out in

C.Rs.40000 the mixture, then find the value of X?
D.Rs.50000 A.38 litres
E.none of these B.42 litres
38. A and B together can complete 33(1/3) % of the C.46 litres
work in 10 days, C and D together can complete 85% D.34 litres
of the work in 17 days and A, B and C together can E.None of these
complete half of the work in 7.5 days. A and D 40. Reena started a business investing Rs.15000 .
together can complete 66(2/3) % of the work in 16 After one year, she invested an additional amount of
days. In how many days B alone complete 40% of the Rs.5000 and Joya joined her with an amount of
work? Rs.25000. After one more year Reena invested
A.32 days another additional amount of Rs.5000 and Juli joined
B.36 days them with an amount of Rs.45000. What will be Joya’s
C.45 days share in the profit of Rs.155000 earned at the end of
D.48 days 3 years from the start of the business?
E.None of these A.Rs.45000
39. A tank contains a mixture of milk and water. Total B.Rs.50000
quantity of a mixture of 170 litres and the ratio of milk C.Rs.70000
to water in the mixture is 12: 5. If X litre of the mixture D.Rs.75000
E.none of these

General Awareness
1. Swachh Bharat Mission (Rural) has moved towards 2. Who among the following has won his 3rd term as
the 2nd phase called ODF-Plus. The phase will the President of Ivory Coast?
continue till ____________. A.Dramane Ouattara
A.2027-28 B.Amadou Gon Coulibaly
B.2026-27 C.Henri Konan Bédié
C.2024-25 D.Laurent Gbagbo
D.2023-24 E.Alassane Ouattara
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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

3. Where will the 51st International Film Festival of C.2.5

India (IFFI) be held and would screen films on official D.3
digital platforms along with the theatrical E.1.5
screenings? 7. Which city of India is known as “Rome of the East”
A.Assam ?
B.Mizoram A. Mangalore
C.Goa B. Bangalore
D.Chandigarh C. Cuttack
E.Manipur D. Indore
4. At present which entity is the umbrella organization E. Bhopal
for retail payment in India? 8. Which of the following banks has decided to offer
A. RBI debit cards to borrowers availing Loan Against
B. SBI Securities?
C. NPCI A.Bandhan Bank
D. RuPay B.Axis Bank
5. ADB and India have signed a _____ million loan to D.SBI
boost West Bengal’s digital platforms for public E.ICICI
finance reforms. 9. RBI has directed which of the following banks
A.70 to stop issuing new credit cards as well as halt the
B.65 launch of new digital businesses?
C.60 A.Axis
D.55 B.BOI
6. The Central government has agreed to waive off on D.SBI
interest during moratorium for individual and MSME E.ICICI
loans up to Rs ________ crores. 10. Which Bank has launched a virtual property
A.1 exhibition that digitally showcases real estate
B.2 projects from key cities across the country?

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

A.Bandhan 14. Dibru-Saikhowa National Park is situated in

B.HSBC ________________.
D.ICICI B. Kerala
E.SBI C. Odisha
11. What does V stand for in V-CIP with reference to D. Assam
KYC? E. Karnataka
A. Virtual 15. National Philately Day is being celebrated across
B. Video the country on which of the following dates to mark
C. Vital appreciation for collection and research activities on
D. Visual stamps?
E. Value A.October 11
12. Which of the following banks has topped in the B.October 3
‘Top Performing Banks’ category according to the C.October 7
EASE 2.0 Index Results recently released by Finance D.October 13
Minister Nirmala Sitharaman? E.October 8
A.HDFC 16. The Chief minister of which state will launch a
B.Bank of Baroda Water taxi service with a seating capacity for 10
C.SBI passengers?
D.ICICI A.West Bengal
E.Punjab National Bank B.Gujarat
13. How many countries have signed the RCEP C.Kerala
agreement which is the world’s largest trading bloc? D.Karnataka
A.11 E.Tamil Nadu
B.15 17. Who among the following has topped the list of
C.13 the richest women in the country with a net worth of
D.14 Rs 54,850 crore?
E.12 A.RadhaVembu
B.Leena Gandhi Tiwari

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C.RoshniNadarMalhotra B.Uttar Pradesh

D.Vani Kola C.Tamil Nadu
E.KiranMazumdar Shaw D.Chhattisgarh
18. Who among the following will head the panel of E.Madhya Pradesh
secretaries set up by the Central government to 22. MP Rajesh who passed away recently, he related
streamline telecom spectrum allocation? to which sport?
A.Deepak Kumar A.Football
B.Kumar Sanjay B.Hockey
C.Naresh Kumar C.Tennis
D.Rajiv Gauba D.Kabbadi
E.Nilam Sawhney E.Cricket
19. Which of the following is a mission by 23. “Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary” located in which
government for promoting a less cash economy? state?
A. Digi Dhan mission A. Bihar
B. Digital mission B. Uttar Pradesh
C. E-Dhan mission C. Punjab
D. MANI mission D. Jammu & Kashmir
E. All the above E. Kerala
20. Which of the following companies has launched a 24. Who among the following has launched the first
‘Mhealthy’ solution to screen employees for COVID- ever Brand & Logo for Indian Cotton on 2nd World
19 risk factors at workplaces? Cotton Day?
A.Dell A.Nirmala Sitharaman
B.Tech Mahindra B.Amit Shah
C.Infosys C.Smriti Irani
D.Cognizant D.Anurag Thakur
E.Wipro E.Prahlad Patel
21. R. Duraikannu who passed away at 72 was the 25. Turtle Wildlife Sanctuary is in which of the
agriculture minister of which state? following states?
A.Haryana A. Uttar Pradesh

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

B. Haryana 29. What is India’s rank on the recently released

C. Kerala Global Economic Freedom Index 2020 prepared by
D. Punjab Canada’s Fraser Institute?
E. Karnataka A.79
26. The World Bank has Come Out with Corrected B.89
Doing Business Rankings and India has been ranked C.110
at _____ position. D.105
A.45 E.103
B.55 30. Ashwani Kumar who passed away recently was
C.57 the former chief of which organisation?
D.60 A.ED
E.63 B.IB
27. The ICC has postponed the 2022 women's T-20 C.CBI
world cup till which date? D.CRPF
A.2025 E.CISF
B.2024 31. The Police of which state/UT has decided to
C.2022 organise the 'Jashn-E-Dal' festival to boost water
D.2021 sports activities and tourism in the area?
E.2023 A.Uttar Pradesh
28. ______________ was set up by the Govt. of India B.Madhya Pradesh
to make available the data of all equitable mortgages C.Haryana
in the country at one place. D.Jammu & Kashmir
A. CIBIL E.Punjab
B. CRILC 32. How many digits are there in a Legal Entity
C. CERSAI Identifier (LEI)?
E. IBA B. 15
C. 20
D. 25

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

E. 30 D.Haryana
33. Who among the following has won the Booker E.Gujarat
Prize for debut novel 'Shuggie Bain'? 37. “Koradi Thermal Power Station” (KTPS) is located
A.Dale Allinson in ______________.
B.AK Adam A. Assam
C.Gordon Cornwell B. Maharashtra
D.Douglas Stuart C. Tamil Nadu
E.Stuart Campbell D. Rajasthan
34. India has ranked ______ in the Human Freedom E. Kerala
Index 2020 released by the Cato Institute. 38. __________ is the simultaneous purchase and
A.147 sale of two identical commodities or instruments to
B.109 take advantage of price variations in different
C.111 markets.
D.110 A. arbitrage
E.101 B. appraisal
35. The government of which state/ UT has C. adjustment
announced Rs 5 lakh annual health insurance for D. arrear
residents at the annual cost of Rs 123 crore? E. annuity
A.Uttar Pradesh 39. Who among the following has been authored
B.Jammu and Kashmir down the book ’Fauja Singh Keeps Going: The True
C.Puducherry Story of the Oldest Person to Ever Run a Marathon’?
D.Punjab A.Kulwant Kaur
E.Haryana B.Mahipal Singh
36. The Chief Minister of which state has C.Anand Prakash
recently dedicated an online e-Sanjeevani OPDs D.Simran Jeet Singh
scheme across the state? E.Ravijot Chugh
A.Uttar Pradesh 40. RBI has directed which of the following banks
B.Chattisgarh to stop issuing new credit cards as well as halt the
C.Madhya Pradesh launch of new digital businesses?

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

A.Axis D.SBI

Direction (1-5): Read the following passage carefully stopped operations. There is no doubt that the pursuit of
and answer the questions given below the passage. these objectives, even if it is not uniform across a lopsided
The role played by human rights organisations in world, has only enhanced and furthered the cause of
documenting and questioning state functioning and human rights and their awareness for global citizens.
excesses is a necessary component of civil society Democratic regimes that are bound by constitutionalism
activism, which enhances democracy by securing should not consider critical activism by groups such as
accountability. The fact that Amnesty International, which Amnesty as being adversarial, but instead view it as
won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, had to halt operations constructive critique of their functioning. If the critique is
in India because of the freezing of its bank accounts and not reasoned, the state can rebut it through communiqués
intrusive scrutiny from state agencies is therefore and responses, but should not restrict freedom of
unfortunate. The government’s response to Amnesty’s expression through intimidation or restraining actions.
decision, that it will not allow “interference in domestic
political debates by entities funded by foreign donations”, Central governments in India have consistently registered
suggests that this denouement is linked to the group’s discomfort with critical civil society organisations over the
critical reporting of decisions such as the abrogation of years, but the National Democratic Alliance-led
special status for Jammu and Kashmir in 2019. The group government has taken steps to constrain groups even
has maintained that it has raised financial resources more, especially those that are trans-national in their
lawfully. Amnesty has taken up human rights causes such functioning. This was exemplified in the monsoon session
as minority rights, ending torture, abolition of the death where amendments to the Foreign Contribution
penalty and refugee rights, globally. Advocacy of these (Regulation) Amendment Act drafted without consulting
causes has led to the group being at loggerheads with stakeholders were rushed through Parliament with little
regimes of various types — from the democratic to the discussion. For India to aspire to become a developed
authoritarian — across countries. India now joins the and a just nation, it must build on its strengths such as its
ranks of countries such as Russia where the group has demographic dividend and the procedural institutions that
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have been built over decades. For it to reap benefits from critical reporting of decisions such as the abrogation of
these advantages, entrepreneurship, governmental special status for Jammu and Kashmir in 2019.
actions, and other economic tools would be necessary but d) All of these
not sufficient. The country needs to allow for a vibrant civil e) None of these
society that has spearheaded several reforms related to 2. Find a suitable title for the passage.
accountability (the Right to Information Act), welfare (the a) Constraining critique: On WTO halting India operations
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act), privacy b) Constraining critique: On Amnesty halting India
rights, gender equality and rights of sexual minorities, operations
environmental activism among others. Non-governmental c) Constraining critique: On Amnesty increasing India
organisations will continue to have a role to play in this. It operations
is to be hoped Amnesty’s decision to halt operations is d) Constraining critique: On the spread of the corona virus
therefore temporary and that it would be able to function e) None of these
within India’s regulatory framework. 3. Which of the following can be inferred from the
1. Which of the following is not an idea of the passage?
passage? A. Amnesty’s decision to close shop in India is
a) The fact that Amnesty International, which won the unfortunate
Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, had to halt operations in B. Amnesty’s decision to close shop in India is a very
China because of the freezing of its bank accounts and good decision
intrusive scrutiny from state agencies is therefore C. Amnesty’s decision to close shop in India is
unfortunate. encouraging
b) The role played by human rights organisations in a) Both B & C
documenting and questioning state functioning and b) Both A & C
excesses is a necessary component of civil society c) Only A
activism, which enhances democracy by securing d) All of these
accountability e) None of these
c) The government’s response to Amnesty’s decision, 4. Which of the following is the meaning of the idiom
that it will not allow “interference in domestic political “at loggerheads” given on bold in the passage?
debates by entities funded by foreign donations”, a) at enmity
suggests that this denouement is linked to the group’s b) in agreement

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c) in danger international airport bordering Rwanda, served as a

d) in violent dispute or disagreement ____(8)___ to finally declare a global emergency.
e) None of these Surprisingly, the spread to neighbouring Uganda last
5. which of the following statements matches the month did not seem to change the way the WHO
conclusion given in the passage? ____(9)____ the situation
a) It is to be hoped Amnesty’s decision to halt operations 6.?
is therefore permanent and that it would be able to A.Culminated
function within India’s regulatory framework. B.Renewed
b) It is to be hoped Amnesty’s decision to halt operations C.Clinched
is therefore temporary and that it would not be able to D.Revived
function within India’s regulatory framework. E.Both b) and d)
c) It is to be hoped Amnesty’s decision to halt operations 7.?
is therefore temporary and that it would be able to function A.Accustomed
within China’s regulatory framework. B.Imported
d) All of these C.Wonted
e) None of these D.Intimated
Direction (6-9): In the passage given below, there are 8.?
10 blanks. Each blank has alternative words given in A.Trigger
choices. You have to tell which choice fit in the B.Implication
respective blank. C.Tenor
After holding itself back on three occasions, the World D.Thrust
Health Organization has declared the Ebola virus disease E.Both a) and d)
outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo a 9. ?
Public Health Emergency of International Concern. The A.Reckoned
announcement of the health emergency comes amid B.Apprised
____ 6)____ concerns that the virus could spread to other C.Assessed
countries. A single _____(7)_____ case of Ebola in D.Gauged
Goma, a city in Congo with two million people and with an E.All are correct

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Direction (10-14) In the following questions two A . In the week to July 17, soybean and cotton areas
sentences are given and set of connectors are given in the central parts of the country received 68% less
below. than average rainfall
Only one connector from the given set combines the B . Rubber and tea areas in southern India got 71%
statements without changing the meaning. Choose that lower rains, data from the India Meteorological
connector as your answer. Department (IMD) showeD.
10. A.While
A . However, the mediation committee, in its present B.Moreover
report, sounded positive about the talks C.Besides
B . The Bench refused a request from the parties to D.But
share the current progress report. E.None of these
A.Instead 13.
B.Typically I). The dollar index, which gauges the greenback’s
C.But strength against a basket of six currencies, rose
D.Usually 0.02% to 96.78. Brent crude futures, the global oil
E.None of these benchmark, rose 0.06% to $62.33 per barrel.
11. II). The 10-year government bond yield was at 7.04%
A . Tribal bodies and civil societies in Nagaland on June 11. Foreign institutional investors (FIIs)
agreed in principle to support the state’s initiative to remained net buyers in the capital markets, putting in
create a register of indigenous inhabitants ₹95.79 crore on June 11, provisional data showeD.
B . A meeting convened by the Neiphiu Rio A.Meanwhile, Concurrently
government resolved to make public the policies of B.Since, For
preparing it C.Similarly, Because
A.Because D.But, Yet
B.Since E.None of these
C.Clearly 14.
D.After I). According to Arya Sen of Jefferies India Pvt Ltd,
E.None of these two-wheeler sales dropped too, but it was less painful
12. than in the month of April. The delayed marriage

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season helped to improve motorcycle sales during 16.(I) A plan to bring Foxconn compatriot Taiwan
this perioD. Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to Arizona makes
II). There are concerns of production cuts in two- more sense.
wheelers too, in the future months. Inventory is over (II) Semiconductors are capital intensive and labor
45 days for most companies. light.
A.As, When A.which
B.Yet, Still B.and
C.Thus, Therefore C.so
D.For, Because D.who
E.None of these E.but
17.(I) A plan to bring Foxconn compatriot Taiwan
Direction (15-18) Select the phrase/ connector/ word- Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to Arizona makes
pair from the given three options to form a single more sense.
sentence from the two sentence given, implying the (II) Semiconductors are capital intensive and labor
same meaning as expected in the original sentences. light.
The phrase/ connector must appear at the beginning A.which
of the final sentence. B.and
15.(I) Much of Joe Biden’s first term in office will D.who
involve digging out from the Covid-19 pandemic and E.but
recession. 18.It is rare to find a building at the heart of Kolkata
(II) The incoming president has also vowed to change to be stand vacant even after it received a completion
the way the U.S. manages its supply chains. certificate from the civic authority.
A.so I. to be standing
B.as II. to stand
C.while III. to stood
D.but A.Both I and II
E.who B.Both II and III
C.Only I

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D.Only III D.their ration cards two months before.

E.No correction Required E.No error
Direction (19-22) Given below sentence is divided into A.He claimed that he had been bearing the brunt of
four parts, find if there is error in any part of the sentence defamatory statements made
and mark that as your answer. If there is no error then B.against him by Mr. Vijayvargiya. He said the allegations
mark E as your answer. against him were
19.? C.not sourced from the probe of any investigation agency
A.This time around, traditional rivals, the Congress and or from the
the JD(S), D.courts, but from the utterances of a politician in a public
B.are fighting together in a general election for the first meeting.
time, E.No error
C.making it a straight fight between the coalition partners 23.?
and A.Over 50 people were killed as rain, coupled with
D.the BJP in most of the constituencies. thunderstorm and lightning,
E.No error B.hit several parts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
20.? Gujarat and Maharashtra
A.Give our farmers a chance to usher in India’s second C.overnight, officials said on Wednesday. The
green revolution and India unseasonal rain and storm
B.will become a powerful country. Kick-start our economy D.also caused damage to property and crops in Gujarat
and get it back on and Rajasthan.
C.track and India will be a very powerful country. E.No error
D.India’s poor and we will become a powerful country. Direction (24-28): In each of the following questions a
E.No error blank is given, from the given set of options two words will
21.? fit in the blank thereby making sentence grammatically
A.Peace meetings were held a few times with factory and contextually correct. Identify those words and mark
B.representatives and govt officials, but the villagers them as your answer.
C.walked out; the residents also surrendered

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24.Also, pre-filled information will only be available if B) Accelerated

you are filing your ITR ________ online on the C) Surged
department’s e-filing website. D) Mimic
A) Completely A.Both A and B
B) Additional B.Both B and C
C) Detected C.Both C and D
D) Totally D.Both A and D
A.Both A and B E.Both A and C
B.Both B and C 27.Companies have ________ on the margins front
C.Both C and D because of multiple factors such as pricing pressure
D.Both A and D in the traditional IT services business, where they had
E.Both A and C a large exposure
25.The _______ of the Union Budget will persist in the A) Deal
equity market this week, while investors may also B) Struggled
shift their focus to macroeconomic data and global C) Moderation
cues, analysts saiD. D) Fought
A) Consider A.Both A and B
B) Prompt B.Both B and C
C) Overhang C.Both C and D
D) Protrude D.Both B and D
A.Both A and B E.Both A and C
B.Both B and C 28.__________ that all the numbers mentioned in the
C.Both C and D Budget are realistic and achievable, Finance Minister
D.Both A and D Nirmala Sitharaman said as a government minister
E.Both A and C she is duty bound to follow glide path to achieve
26.In contrast, Indian arrivals _________ in recent fiscal deficit target of 3% as per the law.
months due to more direct flights, a visa waiver and, A) Assuring
most importantly, increasing wealth. B) Promising
A) Trajectory C) Compared

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D) Lowered 29.Which sentence should be FIFTH in the

A.Both A and B paragraph?
B.Both B and C A.D
C.Both C and D B.B
D.Both A and D C.A
E.Both A and C D.C
Direction (29-33): A set of statements is given, out of 30.Which sentence should be SECOND in the
which only last statement given in bold is fixed, and paragraph?
the rest are jumbled in any random order. Rearrange A.D
the remaining statements in the right order and B.B
answer the questions. C.A
A) A Bloomberg report said that Nestle has invented a D.C
new way to make chocolate with no added sugar, relying E.E
on leftover material from cocoa plants for sweetening. 31.Which sentence should be FOURTH in the
B) People who have a lot of sugary drinks have a higher paragraph?
risk of developing cancer, though the evidence cannot A.D
establish a direct causal link, the report said. B.B
C) Sugar is the new tobacco, as they say, however, it is C.A
now that the companies are seriously waking up to the D.C
challenges of a more educated consumer who is looking E.E
for low-calorie products. 32.Which sentence should be FIRST in the
D) A Reuters report, a few days ago, quoted a study that paragraph?
said sugary drinks may be linked to cancer. A.D
E) Recently, Cavin’s, the dairy arm of FMCG firm B.B
CavinKare, announced the launch of Cavin’s Milkshake C.A
Lite, which has no added sugar; there are other recent D.C
examples, too. E.E

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33.Which sentence should be THIRD in the A.B-E

paragraph? B.A-E
C.A E.None of these
D.C 36.

C.C-F E.None of these
D.A-F 37.
E.None of these

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C.A-F B.Finish
D.C-F C.Commence
E.None of these D.Launch
38.? E. None of these
A.Connected 40. ?
B.Separate A.Competitor
C.Different B.Challenger
D.Distinct C.Ally
E.None of these D.Contender
39. ? E.None of these

1. The section of the CPU that selects, interprets B.Word processing
and sees to the execution of program instructions C.Icon
A.Memory D.User friendly
B.Register unit E.None of these
C.Control unit 4. Choose the web-browser among the following:
D.ALU A.MSN messenger
E.None of the above B.Yahoo messenger
2. Which of the following is not a web page C.Rediffbal.net
designing language? D.Netscape Navigator
A.Ruby E.None of these
B.Python 5. In a Flowchart, __________ shaped boxes are
C.SQL used for 'Start' or 'End' commanD.
D.CSS A.Oval
E.Java Script B.Rectangular
3. Something which has easily-understood C.Diamond
instructions is said to be: D.Hexagonal
A.Information E.Parallelogram
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6. Which of the following groups contains graphical 10. Which is the part of the computer that does
file extensions? arithmetical calculations?
D.ADP, GIF, PPT D.Memory
E.JPG, CPX, GCM E.Printer
7. Abacus was the first ___________ 11. The arranging of data in a logical sequence is
A.Electronic computer called___________.
B.Mechanical computer A.Sorting
C.Electronic calculator B.Classifying
D.Mechanical calculator C.Merging
E.None of these D.Summarizing
8. ASCII coding encodes how many characters? E.Array
A.256 different characters 12. __________are 'attempts by individuals to
B.128 different characters obtain confidential information from you by
C.512 different characters falsifying their identity.
D.1024 different characters A.Phishing
E.64 different characters B.Computer viruses
9. Which is the command used to remove text or C.Spyware scams
graphics from a document and the information is D.Viruses
then stored on a clipboard so you can paste it later E.None of the above
on? 13. Which number system is commonly used as a
A.Cut shortcut notation for groups of our binary digits?
B.Clip A.Binary
C.Chop B.Decimal
D.Chew C.Octal
E.Chunk D.Hexadecimal
E.None of these

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14. Which of the following is a device that separates A.Virus

two or more network segments within one logical B.Antivirus
network? C.Worm
A.Router D.Messaging app
B.Bridge E.Photo Editor
C.Switch 3. Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known
D.Hub by different name which was changes in 324. What
E.LAN was that name?
15. The advantage of using a spreadsheet is: A.Tabulator Machine Co.
A.Calculations can be done automatically. B.Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
B.Changing data automatically updates calculations C.The Tabulator Ltd.
C.More flexibility D.International Computer Ltd.
D.All of the above E.None of these
E.None of the above 20. Which of the following is a text concatenation
16. The two basic types of graphics used in Word operator used in MS Excel?
2000 are A.^
A.Auto shapes and Clip Art B.&
B.Header and Footer C.
C.Drawing Objects and Pictures D.:
D.Spelling and Grammar E.%
E.Word Count 21. Which of the following is the type of software
17. What is the short cut key combination for that controls the internal operations in the
inserting a new worksheet in MS Excel? computer and controls how the computer works
A.Ctrl + F1 with all its parts?
B.Alt + Ctrl + F1 A.Shareware
C.Alt + Shift + F1 B.Public domain software
D.Alt + F1 C.Application software
E.Shift + Ctrl + F1 D.Operating system software
18. Avast is an example of ________. E.None of these

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22. Which of the following is one reason for 26. The term 'D' in ADSL, a data communications
problems of data integrity? technology stands for _____________.
A.Data availability constraints A.Database
B.Data inconsistency B.Domain
C.Security constraints C.Digital
D.Unauthorized access D.Drive
E.Data redundancy E.Dynamic
23. ___________is a low-level code that defines 27. Which among the following is the largest unit of
how a microprocessor should function when it storage?
executes machine-language instructions. A.Byte
A.Micro code B.Bit
B.Mini code C.Bug
C.Small Code D.Nibble
D.Primary Code E.Petabyte
E.Alpha Code 28. hich constraint is used for preventing
24. Which among the following is a language duplicability of data in the tables?
directly understood by CPU? A.Primary Key
A.Machine B.Unique
B.C C.Null
C.C++ D.Foreign key
D.Java E.None of these
E.HTML 29. Which of the following programs is run by BIOS
25. Which of the following is not used as a storage to check hardware components are working
device? properly while computer is turned ON?
A.Hard disk drives A.POST
B.Printers B.DMOS
C.Floppy disk drives C.CMOS
D.CD drives D.RIP
E.None of these E.None of the Above

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30. Which of the following is any malicious E.None of the above

computer program which is used to hack into a 34. How can an email attachment be defined?
computer by misleading users of its true intent? A.A receipt sent by the recipient
A.Worm B.A separate document from another program sent
B.Spyware along with an E-mail message
C.Trojan horse C.A malicious parasite that feeds off of your messages
D.Keylogger and destroys the contents
E.VGA file D.A list of CC: or BCC: recipients
31. American Standard Code for Information E.None of these
Interchange (ASCII) encodes 128 specified 35. _________ connects special type of music
characters into _____ bit integers. instruments to sound cards.
32. Which of the following layers of the OSI model 36. Commands at the top of a screen such as File-
provides access control? Edit, Format and Tools to operate and change
A.Physical things are incorporated in __________________.
B.Presentation A.Menu bar
C.Session B.Tool bar
D.Data Link C.User friendly
E.None of these D.Word processor
33. What is the default the cell content alignment in E.None of these
Excel? 37. Which option is used to save the document with
A.Left aligned another name or to another location?
B.Centrally aligned A.Save
C.Text left aligned and numbers right aligned B.Save and replace
D.Text right aligned and numbers left aligned C.Save as

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D.New file B.GIF

E.None of these C.FLV
38. In Microsoft PowerPoint two kinds of sound D.PNG
effects files that can be added to the presentation E.None of these
are___________&____________ respectively. 40. What kind of printers are Inkjet printers and
A..wav files and .midi files laser printers?
B..wav files and .gif files A.Nonimpact
C..wav files and .jpg files B.Impact
D..jpg files and .gif files C.Dot-matrix
E.None of these D.Thermal
39. Which of the following is a video format? E.None of these

Answer and Explanation

SOLUTION (1-5): 6. The friends who have cleared RBI and SEBI sit
Explanation in detail: together.
1. The one who sits at extreme end, has cleared 7. S has cleared SEBI.
RRB. 8. Y sits immediate left of one who cleared IBPS.
2. Z has cleared RRB.
3. V sits third to the right of the one who cleared
4. Y is an immediate neighbor of who cleared
9. U and W sit together but none of them cleared
5. There are three friends sit between S and V.
10. The one who cleared UPSC is immediate right
of the one who cleared SBI.
11. V does not cleared SBI.
12. W has not cleared UPSC.

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4. The one who likes jalebi sits on the immediate

right of H.

13. X does not sit near to U.

14. The immediate right of the one who sits at
extreme end has cleared SSC.


SOLUTION (6-10):
Explanation in detail: 5. G is an immediate neighbor of neither H nor C.
1. The one who likes rasgulla does not faces 6. The one who likes rasmalai sits second to the
inside. right of G.
2. C sits third to the left of the one who likes 7. The one who likes rasmalai not an immediate
rasgulla. neighbor of the one who likes rasgulla.
3. Only two person sit between C and H.

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9. D sits on the immediate left of the one who likes


1. G does not like gulabjamun.

But it is given that G does not sit third to right of C. 10. E likes rabri.
So CASE2 is cancelled out. 11. The one who likes barfi is an immediate
8. Only one person sit between A and one who neighbor of E.
likes rasmalai.
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12. The one who likes peda is an immediate

neighbor of F.
13. E is not an immediate neighbor of of A.
So CASE1(a1) is cancelled out

6. a
7. e
8. e
14. The one who likes ghevar is not an immediate 9. b
neighbor of H. 10. d
So CASE1(a2) is cancelled out. Answers:
15. G does not sit third to the right of C. 11) B
16. C and F do not sit diagonally opposite. 12) E

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13) E No floor in between T and S who belongs to Chennai.

14) B R lives immediately above U and both are living in same
Explanation: flat.
I who belongs to Cochin lives on the second floor on R doesn’t live in Flat A.
flat B.
Two floors are between I and F.

Three floors are between F and Q.

As much as above floor of Q is same as the below floor
of X.

One floor is between the one who belongs to Chennai

and the one who belongs to Kolkata.
M does not belong to Kolkata.
Hence R belongs to Kolkata in all cases.
Two floors are between the one who belongs to Kolkata
and the one who belongs to Raipur.
Q does not belong to Raipur, Mumbai and Delhi.
Hence T belongs to Raipur in all cases.
M and the one who belongs to Bangalore lives in a
different flat. U and Q doesn’t belong to Bangalore.
U doesn’t live on the fourth floor. K who belongs to By this condition, X belongs to Bangalore in case 1a
Kanpur lives on the same floor of U. and case 1b, F belongs to Bangalore in case 2a, case
T’s floor is not an adjacent floor of K’s floor. 2b.

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One who belongs to Bangalore and the one who

belongs to Mumbai lives in different flat and different
One who belongs to Pune and the one who belongs to
Cochin live in adifferent flat. One who belongs to Delhi
and the one who belongs to Pune are living on the
same flat.By this condition, case 1b and case 2b got
eliminated. Solution(15-19):
X doesn’t belong to Delhi.
By this condition, case 2a got eliminated.
Hence case 1a is the final arrangement.

15. Answer: e
16. Answer: c
17. Answer: a
18. Answer: a
19. Answer: c
We have:
• The one who likes Grapes visits Italy on
Hence the Final Arrangement is
Thursday. P visits Rome on Saturday and only
two person visits before the one who likes

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Mango, which means the one who likes Mango

visits on Wednesday.
• Only one person visits between the one who
likes Mango and the one who visits London, that
means we have two possibility for the one who
visits London, thus in case (1) the one who visits
London visits on Monday and in case (2) the
one who visits London visits on Friday. Case (2) is not valid as U visits New York after three
Based on above given information we have: day from one who likes Banana, thus we can’t place
U on Friday in case (2).
Again, we have:
• V visits Paris on one of the day before the one
who likes Apple and only one person visits
between the one who likes Orange, who neither
visits on Sunday nor visits New Delhi, and the
one who likes Apple, that means V must visit on
Wednesday and the one who likes Apple visits
on Sunday.
Again, we have:
• The one who likes Guava visits on one of the
• T, who neither visits London nor likes Mango,
day before the one who likes Papaya, that
visits on one of the day before Thursday and T
means T must like Guava.
visits Just after the one who likes Banana, that
• Q, who neither likes Grapes nor visits
means T must visits one Tuesday.
Singapore, visits on one of the day before R and
• Only three person visits between the one who
R doesn’t like Apple that means R must visit on
likes Banana and U who visits New York, that
Thursday and Q visits on Monday.
means U must visit on Friday, thus case (2) is
Based on given information we have final arrangement
not valid.
as follow:
Based on above given information we have:

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6. Immediate neighbors of L are 18 and 21 years old.

7. The person who is twenty six years old is facing
SOLUTION (20-24): outwards and is an immediate neighbor of the
Explanation in detail: person who is twenty one year old.(L’s age is 26 not
1. H, who is one year older than the person who sits possible as shown in figure 1)
to the immediate left of L
2. Immediate neighbours of L are 18 and 21 years old.
3. Age of L is equal to the number obtained by
reversing the digits of H's age
From here we can find the possible age of L and H

8. N is an immediate neighbor of the persons who are

fifty and twenty six years old.
9. V is fifty years old.
Figure 1
4. T is Eighteen years old and faces the person who
is thirty years old. (from here it is clear that T faces
inside then only T faces 30 year old)
5. L sits to the immediate left of T.

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so we take age of L is 91 years old and H’s age is

10. J is fifty five years old. 19 years)
11. B faces the centre and sits third to the right of J. Final Arrangement

12. G sits third to the right of H.

13. The person who is sitting second to the left of G is
facing the same direction as the person who is fifty
years old. So, H must faces inside.
25. d
I. False P≥R
II. False
III. False R>P so either I or III follows
Solutions ( 26~27):

14. As per instruction four of them faces inside and four

faces outside, then L and V face outside the circle
and satisfy the conditons.
15. Age of L is equal to the number obtained by
reversing the digits of H's age (from figure 1 we
cannot take L’s age is 22 years because then the
age of H and L become same which is not possible

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(Note: The words formed after performing the given
operations may or may not be meaningful English

30. Ans. (c)

28. C Hence, none such word remain unchanged
(i) Descending order arrangement of numbers
(ii) Interchanging places of number followed by the
symbol 7%4@3#1.
(iii) No number is followed by another number;
therefore, the series obtained is 7%4@3#1.
Hence, Answer C
7%4@3#1 will be coded as FRXBOYH.
32. D
29) D
The number in the code is the value (in alphabetical
H is the brother of G ,so he is brother in law for F.
series) of the 3rd letter from the left end of each of the

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The letter in the code is the immediate succeeding 2nd last letter of the given word is A and its immediate
letter (in alphabetical series) of 2nd last letter of each succeeding letter (in alphabetical series) is B.
of the words. Therefore, the code for ‘postal’ is ‘19B’
Example: 33) D
‘postal’ 1)
3rd letter from the left end is S, whose value in Code for consonant and vowels are:
alphabetical series is ‘19’.
Consonant B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z

Code 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2 4 6

Vowel A E I O U Try pa 12
Code $ % ^ & * orange ta 21
Code of “PILOT” will be 6^18&14
Now condition number I and V will be applied to word 35. E
PILOT and after that the code of the word PILOT will Explanation
be &^18&14 and !^18&! Given condition:
34. d i) If an odd number comes at the even-numbered
Explanation in detail: position, then the first digit of the number is changed to
Word Code Number &.
wait qa 22 ii) If an Even number comes at the odd-numbered
Party go 00 position, then the Second digits of the number changed
shock zo 02 to *.
maid la 11 Operation applied:

Solid ka 10 Numbers are arranged in increasing order from left end

Master so 01 and in decreasing order from right end simultaneously.

Soft ma 20 Input: 34 25 56 98 11 77 68 83
Step 1: 11 34 25 56 77 68 83 98

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Step 2: 25 &1 3* 56 77 68 9* &3 That means, in case (2) G sits immediate left of
Step 3: 3* &5 &1 56 6* 9* &3 &7 E, in case (1) G sits immediate right of E.
Step 4: 5* 3* &5 &1 9* &3 &7 6* • Two persons sit between G and A, who sits
Now for the input, adjacent to D.
Input: 13 99 42 19 66 87 32 70 That means, in case (1a) & case (2) A sits
Step 1: 13 42 19 66 87 32 7* &9 immediate left of D, in case (1b) A sits
Step 2: 19 &3 4* 66 3* 7* &9 &7 immediate right of D.
Step 3: 3* &9 &3 4* 6* &9 &7 7* Based on the above-given information we have:
Step 4: 4* 3* &9 &3 &9 &7 7* 6*
36. Answer: B
Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect
.Clearly, the university's decision came as a sequel to
the complaint received by it from the college teachers
against use of mobile phones in the college premises.
37. Answer: E
Both the statements I and II are effects of some From C:

common cause We have:

The facts given in both the statements are clearly the B sits facing F, who sits immediate left of C.

result of acute power shortage. F and G don’t sit together.

38. Answer: C Based on the above-given information we have:

Both the statements I and II are independent causes .

An increase in the cases of atrocities on women and
the police being unable to nab the culprits involved in
the same are independent happenings in themselves.
We have:
Cleary, the exact position of H is not known.
• D sits third to the left of E.
Hence, statement C is not sufficient.
• G and E sit together.
Form D:
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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

We have: • Two persons sit between S and W.

C sits immediate right of F, who doesn’t sits adjacent to That means, in case (1) W sits second to the
G. right of H, in case (2) W sits second from the
B sits adjacent to H, who doesn’t sits adjacent to A. right end.
Based on the above-given information we have: Based on the above-given information we have:

From C:
We have:
Clearly, B sits immediate right of H. Thus, statement D
Two persons sit between N and G, who doesn’t sit
is alone sufficient.
adjacent to W.
Hence, option D is the correct choice.
J sits at one of the ends but not adjacent to G.
Based on the above-given information we have:
We have:
• B sits fourth from the right end.
• Three persons sit between B and H, who sits
immediate right of R.
That means, R sits at left end. Clearly, S sits second to the right of L. Thus, only
• W neither sits adjacent to H nor sits adjacent to statement C is sufficient to answer.
B. Hence, option C is the correct choice.

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Quantitative Aptitude
1. Answer: B
Common Explanation (01-05):
Count Total Population Male Femal Childre Male female Childr Total Total Total
ry Populat Infected (Not e n (infecte (infecte en male Fema childr
ion from infected (Not (Not d) d) (infect le en
Covid-19 ) infecte infecte ed)
d) d)
USA 250000 57500 87500 70000 35000 22500 10000 25000 110000 8000 6000
0 0
India 320000 102400 102400 64000 51200 17600 56000 28800 120000 1200 8000
00 0
Russi 125000 62500 31250 18750 12500 18750 21250 22500 50000 4000 3500
a 0 0
China 350000 105000 105000 10500 35000 20000 20000 65000 125000 1250 1000
0 00 00
Italy 120000 72000 12000 18000 18000 33000 12000 27000 45000 3000 4500
0 0
Austr 150000 37500 37500 37500 37500 22500 2500 12500 60000 4000 5000
alia 0 0

Given –
Infected Male & Female from India and Russia = Total Infected male from all countries is =
17600+56000+18750+21250 = 113600 22500+17650+18750+20000+33000+22500= 134350
Infected children from China and Australia = 3. Answer: B
65000+12500 = 77500 Infected male from China and India = 20000+17600 =
Required difference is = 113600-77500 = 36100 37600
2. Answer: A

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Not infected female from all (Average) = 5. Answer: E

(70000+64000+18750+105000+18000+37500)/6 = Children not infected from china and USA =
313250/6 35000+35000 = 70000
Required Ratio = 37600: 313250/6 Female infected from china and USA =
Or, 4512:6265 10000+20000=30000
4. Answer: C %es more or less = 70000-30000/30000 * 100 =
Males not infected from all countries = 133.33%.
87500+102400+31250+105000+12000+37500 =
6. Answer: B Q – 80000*8% = 6400
Common Explanation (06-10) R – 65000*12% = 7800
March (Death) S – 110000*5% = 5500
P – 25000* 5% = 1250 T – 65000*10% = 6500
Q – 24000* 2.5% = 600 May (Death)
R – 20000 * 4% = 800 P – 150000*15% = 22500
S – 26000 * 3% = 780 Q – 200000*15% = 30000
T – 28000 * 5% = 1400 R – 210000*20% = 42000
April (Death) S – 325000*10% = 32500
P – 50000*10% = 5000 T – 280000*12% = 33600
Total number of Covid-19 cases form P and R in May = Growth in death rate in May as compare to previous
150000+210000=360000 month
Average number of Covid-19 cases in May from all the P = (22500-5000)/5000 *100 = 350%
state together = Q = (30000-6400)/6400 * 100 = 368.75%
(150000+200000+210000+325000+280000)/5 = R = (42000-7800)/7800 * 100 = 438.46%
233000 S = (32500-5500)/5500 *100 = 490.90%
% more = 360000 – 233000 / 233000 * 100 = T = (33600-6500)/6500 *100 = 416.92%
127000/233000 * 100 = 54.50% Death rate is highest in State S.
7. Answer: C 8. Answer: A

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Total number of Death in State P, Q and R in May = B 250000*22% = 55000

22500+30000+42000 = 94500
Total number of death in April from the same state = C 250000*15% = 37500

5000+6400+7800 = 19200
D 250000*10% = 25000
Required ratio = 94500:19200 or 315:64
9. Answer: D E 250000*15% = 37500
Total number of Covid-19 case from the state of S and
F 250000*20% = 50000
T from all the month taken together
=26000+28000+110000+65000+325000+280000 =
834000 Wheat imported by A in 2018 = 120000 kg Wheat

Total number of death in March from all the state imported by A in 2019 = 120000*120% = 144000 kg

together = 1250+600+800+780+1400 = 4830 Rice imported by A in 2019 = 144000 /3 * 2 = 96000 kg

% = 834000 / 4830 *100 = 17267% 12. Answer: E

10. Answer: A Wheat imported by C in year 2019 is 20% of the wheat

(Combined death rate = Total death in a month from all Exported in same year = 37500*20% = 7500

the state/Total number of Covid-19 case in a month Given that, Wheat imported by all the countries are

from all the state) same in year 2019

In March Accordingly, Wheat imported in 2018 by

= 4830/123000 * 100 = 3.92% A = 7500/120 *100 = 6250

In April B = 7500/60 *100 = 12500

= 31200/370000 *100 = 8.43% C = 7500/75 *100 = 10000

In May D = 7500/125 *100 = 6000

= 160600/1165000 *100 = 13.78% E = 7500/100 *100 = 7500

11. Answer: B F = 7500/125 *100 = 6000

Common Explanation (11-15) Total wheat imported in 2018 =

6250+12500+10000+6000+7500+6000 = 48250 kg
Countries Wheat Exported in 2019
13. Answer: B
A 250000*18% = 45000 Ratio of export to import for the countries D and E is
10:15 and 5:4 respectively in the year 2019
Import form D in 2019 = 25000/10 *15 = 37500
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E in 2019 = 37500/5 * 4 = 30000

Average import of D and E in 2019 = 37500+30000 / 2
= 33750
Average export of C and F in 2019 = 37500+50000 =
Required difference = 43750 – 33750 = 10000
14. Answer: C On Monday
If import of all the countries are same in the year 2018 Total work is LCM of time taken by All.
Let import of each countries in 2018 = 100x TW= 192
Accordingly, Import in 2019 And Efficiency is TW/Time taken
A = 100x * 120% = 120x R= 192/32 = 6
B = 100x * 60% = 60x S= 192/16 = 12
C = 100x * 75% = 75x T= 192/64=3
D = 100x * 125% = 125x U = 192/48=4
E = 100x * 100% = 100x V = 192/32=6
F = 100x * 125% = 125x NOW ½ of the work is completed By R S T in
Total import in 2019 = 120x 192×1/2×/(6+12+3) = 32/7
+60x+75x+125x+100x+125x = 605x And remaining work 192/2 = 96 is completed by U and
Total import in 2018 = 100x * 6 = 600x V on rotation. Starting from U
% increase in import = 605-600/600 *100 = 0.833% On 1st day work by U = 4
15. Answer: E) On 2nd day work by V= 6
Import of F in 2018 = 15000 kg In 2-day, total work done is = 4+6=10
Import of F in 2019 = 15000*125% = 18750 In 18-day, total work done is = 10*9=90
Export of F in 2018 = 50000/125*100 = 40000 On 19th day work by U is = 4
Required ratio = 18750:40000 = 0.46875:1 And rest work (96-90-4 = 2) is now completed by V in
16. Answer: E 2/6 days
Given - time taken So total work required is = 32/7 + 19 + 2/6 = 23.9 days
or 24 days approx
17. Answer: C

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Time taken by R & S is 32 and 16 Respectively Efficiency of R & S on Monday (total work /time)
And ration of efficiency is = reverse ration of time S =72/12 =6 & T= 72/36 =2
(Note TW=32 LCM of Time taken by them) Time taken to finish work on Tuesday is = 72/8
On Monday efficiency of R&S is (1:2) and sum of NOW
efficiency is 3. %es more/less = (32/3 – 9) ÷ 9 = 500/27%
On Tuesday if total work is same then the efficiency is 20. Answer: A
32/12 & 32/36 and sum of efficiency is 32/9 On Tuesday time taken by T, U and V is
Now the ratio is = 3:32/9 or 27:32 24, 60 and 48 respectively.
18. Answer: B Total work is (LCM of time taken – 240)
On Tuesday time taken by R, T & U to complete the Efficiency of T, U and V is (TW/Time)
work is 12, 24 and 60 respectively. T- 240/24=10 U- 240/60=4 V- 240/48=5
Total work is (LCM of time taken) – 120 Now they have to complete the total work in 10 days
Now their efficiency is (TW/time) is 10, 5 and 2 That means total efficiency required is = 240/10 = 24
respectively But the combined Efficiency of T, U and V is
work done alternatively, then total work done by them 10+4+5=19
in 3 days is = 10+5+2=17 (3-day work 17) So, T has to increase his efficiency by 5 in order to
now they have to complete 17 time of total work 120 = achieve total efficiency 24
120*17 So % es increase in efficiency of T is 5/10*100= 50%
now time require to finish the job is = 120*3 =360 days 21. Answer: a
19. Answer: B Quantity I:
On Monday time taken by R and S is 32 and 16 Speed of upstream = (42*60)/63 = 40 km/hr
respectively Speed of current : Speed of still water = 3 : 7
Total work (LCM of time taken) = 32 Speed of upstream = Speed of boat in still water –
Efficiency of R & S on Monday (total work /time) speed of Current
R = 32/32 = 1 & S = 32/16 =2 40 = 4x
Time taken to finish work on Monday is = 32/3 = > x = 10
On Tuesday time taken by R and S is 12 and 36 Speed of current = 30 km/hr
respectively Speed of boat in still water = 70 km/hr
Total work (LCM of time taken) =72

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Speed of downstream= Speed of boat in still water + Required probability = 1 – (3/20) = 17/20
speed of Current Quantity II:
= > 70 + 30 = 100 km/hr n(S) = 16C2 = (16*15)/(1*2)
Speed = 100 km/hr, Time = 42 minutes n(E) = Probability that both the balls are either pink or
Distance = 100*(42/60) = 70 km black
Quantity II: n(E) = 4C2 or 5C2
Speed of downstream = 16 + 6 = 22 km/hr P(E) = n(E)/n(S)
Speed of upstream = 16 – 6 = 10 km/hr = > [4C2 or 5C2] / 16C2
Let the distance travelled be x, = > [6 + 10] / [(16*15)/(1*2)]
(x/22) + (x/10) = 8 = > (16*2)/(16*15) = 2/15
x= 55 km Quantity I > Quantity II
(Or) 23.Answer: a)
Distance = Time *[(Speed of Still water2 – speed of Quantity I:
Stream2)/(2*Speed of Still water)] According to the question,
= > Distance = 8*[(16 – 6 )/(2*16)]
2 2
(125/100)*CP = 250
= > Distance = 8*[(256 – 36)/32] CP = 250*(4/5) = Rs. 200
= > Distance = 55 km SP = 230
Quantity I > Quantity II Profit % = (Profit/CP)*100
22. Answer: a) = > (30/200)*100
Total number of balls = 4 + 7 + 5 = 16 balls = > 15 %
Quantity I: Quantity II:
n(S) = 16C3 = (16*15*14)/(1*2*3) According to the question,
The probability of getting at least one yellow ball = 1- P CP1= 600, Profit = 20 %
(None is yellow ball) SP1 = 600*(120/100) = 720
P (None is yellow ball) CP2 = 600, Loss = 10 %
n(E) = 9C3 = (9*8*7)/(1*2*3) SP2= 600 × (90/100) = 540
P(E) = n(E)/n(S) = 9C3 /16C3 Total selling price = S.P1 + S.P2 = 720 + 540 = 1260
= > [(9*8*7)/(1*2*3)] / [(16*15*14)/(1*2*3)] Total cost price = 600 + 600 = 1200
= > 3/20 Profit % = (60/1200)*100 = 5 %

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Quantity I > Quantity II Quantity II:

24.Answer: c) Total mixture = 60 litres
Quantity I: Milk = 40 lit, water = 20 lit
a2 + lb = 496 According to the question,
142 + 25b = 496 40/(20 + x) = 1/1
196 + 25b = 496 40 = 20 + x
25b = 496 – 196 X = 20 litres
25b = 300 Quantity I > Quantity II
B = 12 cm 26. Answer: d
Perimeter of rectangle = 2*(l + b) = 2*(25 + 12) From I: Rahul – Sikha = 7
= > 2 * 37 = 74 cm From II: Rahul : Neha = 5:3
Quantity II: From III: Rahul : (Tarun + 5) = 2:1
The area of the equilateral triangle = 196√3 Sq cm even after combining all the statements, age of Sikha
The area of the equilateral triangle = (√3/4)*a2 cannot be determined.
(√3/4)*a = 196√3
Hence, even all I, II and III are not sufficient.
a2 = 196*4 27.Answer: c
Side (a) = 14*2 = 28 cm let the speed of the boat in still water = x km/h
The diameter of the circle = 28 cm and the speed of the stream = y km/h
Radius (r) = 14 cm From I. 45 = 15 * (x - y)
Circumference of the circle = 2πr = 2*(22/7)*14 = 88 cm From II. 54 = 12 * (x + y)
Quantity I < Quantity II From III. 48 = 6 * x
25.Answer: a) By solving any two of the given statements, value of y
Quantity I: can be find out.
Total quantity of mixture = 40 litres Hence, any two of the three statements are sufficient.
Water = 40*(3/8) = 15 lit, Milk = 40*(5/8) = 25 lit 28. Answer: d
(5x – 25)/(3x – 15 + 40) = 5/11 From I: P = 24
55x – 275 = 15x + 125 From II: Q + R = 16
= > x = 10 litres From III: P + Q + R = 8
Initial quantity of milk = 10*5 = 50 litres

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

even after combining all the statements, number of = > 5’s = 25

days required by P ad Q to complete the work cannot = > 1’s = 5
be determined. B can fill the tank in, 20 min
Hence, even all I, II and III are not sufficient B can fill the tank independently for 10 min only.
29. Answer: c B’s 10 min work = 10/20 = 1/2
let the cost price of the article is Rs.x Remaining = 1 – 1/2 = 1/2
From I: M.P = x * 120/100 = 6x/5 Half of the tank will remain incomplete.
From II: S.P = x + 35 32. Answer: c
From III: %d = 10% male children = 40/100 x 55% = 22%
Combining all these Female children = 20/100 x (100 - 55)% = 20/100 x 45%
6x/5 * 90/100 = x + 35 = 9%
From this equation, value of x can be calculated. Total children = 22 + 9 = 31%
Hence, I, II and III together are sufficient According to the question
30. Answer: c Population of the village = 100/31 x 62000 = 200000
let the length of the train = l km 33. Answer: c
and the speed of the train = s km/h The sum of the present age of P, Q and R = X
From I: l + 20 = s * 15/60 Present age of R = X – 50
From II: l + l = (s+48) * 45/60 After 12 years, the age of R = The present age of Q
From III: l = s * 5/60 The present age of Q = X – 50 + 12 = X – 38
By solving any two of these three equations, speed of After 6 years, the age of P = The present age of Q
the train can be find out. The present age of P = X – 38 – 6 = X – 44
Hence, any two of the three statements are sufficient. According to the question,
31. Answer: d) X – 44 + X – 38 + X – 50 = X
Efficiency ratio of A and B = 4 : 5 3x – 132 = x
Day ratio = > A : B = 5 : 4 2x = 132
A can fill the 3/5 of the tank in 15 min X = 66
= > (3/5)*work = 15 min The present age of R = X – 50 = 66 – 50 = 16 years
= > Whole work = 25 min 34. Answer: d)
A takes 25 min to fill the tank, So, B takes,

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

Let, incomes of Kamal and Saurav be Rs.16k and => 120k – 112k = 192000 – 168000
Rs.15k respectively. => 8k = 24000
(I) => k = 24000/8
(16k – 40000)/(15k – 40000) = 8/7 => k = 3000
=> 112k – 280000 = 120k – 320000 Income of Kamal = 16k = 16 x 3000 = Rs.48000
=> 120k – 112k = 320000 – 280000 Income of Ganga = 80/100 x 48000 = Rs.38400
=> 8k = 40000 Expenditure of Ganga = 38400 – 25000 = Rs.13400 ≠
=> k = 40000/8 14000
=> k = 5000 => Doesn’t satisfy the given condition.
Income of Kamal = 16k = 16 x 5000 = Rs.80000 35. Answer: a)
Income of Ganga = 80/100 x 80000 = Rs.64000 Let the number of passed students be x,
Expenditure of Ganga = 64000 – 25000 = Rs.39000 = 45*12 = 14x + (45 – x)*5
39000 540 = 14x + 225 – 5x
=> Satisfies the given condition 540 – 225 = 9x
(II) 9x = 315
(16k – 32000)/(15k – 32000) = 8/7 X = 35
=> 112k – 224000 = 120k – 256000 Total number of passed students = 35
=> 120k – 112k = 256000 – 224000 =>7:2
=> 8k = 32000 9’s = 45
=> k = 32000/8 1’s = 5
=> k = 4000 Total number of passed students = 7’s = 35
Income of Kamal = 16k = 16 x 4000 = Rs.64000
Income of Ganga = 80/100 x 64000 = Rs.51200
Expenditure of Ganga = 51200 – 25000 = Rs.26200 =
=> Satisfies the given condition
(16k – 24000)/(15k – 24000) = 8/7
=> 112k – 168000 = 120k – 192000

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=>7:2 A + B + C = 2/1 * 7.5 = 15 days

9’s = 45 C = 1/15 – 1/30 = 1/30
1’s = 5 D = 1/20 – 1/30 = 1/60
Total number of passed students = 7’s = 35 A + D = 300/200 * 16 = 24 days
36. Answer: c A = 1/24 – 1/60 = (5 – 2)/120 = 1/40
let the amount he borrowed at 8% is Rs.x B = 1/30 – 1/40 = 1/120
then, the amount he borrowed at 12% is Rs.(24000 -x) B complete 40% of the work = 40/100 * 120 = 48 days
according to the question 39. Answer: d)
(x * 8 * 3)/100 + ((24000 – x) * 12 * 3)/100 = 6960 According to the question,
=> 24x/100 + (864000 -36x)/100 = 6960 Total milk in the mixture = 170*(12/17) = 120 litres
=> 12x = 864000 – 696000 Total water in the mixture = 170*(5/17) = 50 litres
=> 12x = 168000 After X litre of the mixture is taken out,
=> x = 14000 Only 40 liters of water is left out.
Hence, the amount he borrowed at 8% is Rs.14000 % of water taken out in the mixture = (10/50)*100 = 20
And the amount he borrowed at 12% is Rs.(24000 - %
14000) = Rs.10000 If 20 % of water is taken out means 20 % milk also
37.Answer: d taken out.
let Mannie borrowed Rs.x So, the milk left in the mixture = 120*(80/100) = 96 litres
according to the question Total mixture is taken out = X = 10 + 24 = 34 litres
(x * 8 * 3)/100 + (x * 10 * 4)/100 + (x * 12 * 5)/100 = 40. Answer: b
62000 Ratio of profit:
=> 24x/100 + 40x/100 + 60x/100 = 62000 Reena : Joya : Juli = (15000 + 20000 + 25000) : (25000
=> 124x/100 = 62000 x 2) : 45000
=> x = Rs.50000 = 60000 : 50000 : 45000
38. Answer: D = 12 : 10 : 9
A + B = 300/100 * 10 = 30 days Joya’s share = 10/31 x 155000 = Rs. 50000
C + D = 100/85 * 17 = 20 days

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IBPS RRB PO Mains – Set 1

General Awareness
1. Answer: C The voter turnout figure was 53.90 per cent, while the
In the run up to 74th Independence day. The Swachh opposition maintained only 10 per cent of Ivorians took
Bharat mission has focused on rural and urban areas part.
separately and played a crucial role in ensuring sanitation Independent candidate Kouadio Konan Bertin won 2% of
in the country. the vote.
Since the launch of the mission in 2014, more than 10 3. Answer: C
crore individual toilets have been constructed across the Fifty first International Film Festival of India IFFI will be
country and as a result, rural areas in all the States have held in Goa, from November 20th to 28th. This film festival
declared themselves Open Defecation Free ODF on 2nd being a hybrid film festival due to Covid 19, would screen
October, 2019. films on official digital platforms along with the theatrical
To ensure that the open defecation free behaviours are screenings.
sustained, no one is left behind, and that solid and liquid Vice-chairman of the Entertainment Society of Goa,
waste management facilities are accessible, the Swachh Subhash Faldesai informed that in a virtual meeting held
Bharat Mission (Rural) has moved towards its second last week, the IFFI steering committee decided to hold the
phase which is also called ODF-Plus. festival in compliance with the Central government's
This phase will continue till 2024-25. The Swachh Bharat SOP. Mr Faldesai added that another meeting would be
Mission (Urban) has also made remarkable progress in held shortly.
the area of both sanitation and solid waste management. The segments that could be screened virtually and those
Over 4,324 Urban Local Bodies have been declared ODF which can be shown at auditoriums in Goa will be decided
in the country so far. in this meeting. Phaldesai added that the possibility of
2. Answer: E giving online access to delegates for films rather than
Ivory Coast's electoral commission said that President inviting them to the venue is worked out and it is likely to
Alassane Ouattara had overwhelmingly won a third term be finalised in the next meeting.
in office after his two main opponents Henri Konan Bedie 4. Answer: C
and Pascal Affi N’Guessan boycotted the election. At present, the National Payments Corporation of India
Ouattara received 94.27 per cent of the vote in the (the "NPCI"), a not-for-profit company set up in December
election. 2008, operates as an umbrella organization for retail
payment systems in India.
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5. Answer: E Though, the government has not mentioned the cost of

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the this waiver, according to industry sources, it could be up
Government of India signed a $50 million policy-based to Rs.6,000 crore and likely to be paid by the Centre.
loan to improve financial management procedures and The affidavit listed eight categories of loans for waiver of
operational efficiencies aimed at achieving more fiscal compound interest. These include – MSME loans up to
savings, promote informed decision making, and improve Rs.2 crore, education loans up to Rs.2 crore, housing
service delivery in the state of West Bengal. loan up to Rs.2 crore, consumer durable loans up to Rs.2
The loan builds up on past ADB policy-based crore, credit card dues up to Rs.2 crore, auto loans up to
programmes in 2012 and 2017, supporting the Rs.2 crore, personal loans to professionals up to Rs.2
Government of West Bengal on sustainable public crore and consumption loans up to Rs.2 crore.
financial management reforms. 7. Answer: A
The loan is proposed to be supplemented by a $350,000 Mangalore is called Rome of the east due to its historical
technical assistance grant for capacity building, architecture.
monitoring of IFMS reforms, and strengthening the 8. Answer: E
integration of social and gender aspects in reform areas. ICICI Bank has introduced a debit card facility for those
6. Answer: B borrowers who are availing the Loan Against Securities
The Government has informed the Supreme Court that (LAS) from the Bank. The card is available on the Visa
loans up to Rs.2 crore taken by individuals and Micro, platform.
Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) will be eligible It can be used by customers across all domestic merchant
for waiver of compound interest during the six-month establishments to make seamless POS and online
moratorium period, i.e., March-August 2020. transactions like payments on e-commerce portals
In other words, these borrowers will not have to pay among others, using their sanctioned LAS amount.
interest on interest. During the period of moratorium, The ICICI Bank is the first bank in the country to launch
interest accrued in case of equated monthly instalment the facility after the RBI allowing banks to issue electronic
(EMI) deferred becomes a part of principal and then cards to customers who avail an OD facility, which is of
interest calculated on the larger base. This compound the nature of a personal loan with no specific end-use
interest is basically interest on interest. restriction.
Key benefits of the debit card include:

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Transaction limit: The card offers a maximum daily Video based Customer Identification Process (V-CIP)
transaction limit of Rs. 3 lakh each for POS and online 12. Answer: B
transactions. Union Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs
Digital card: The Bank provides a digital card to Smt.Nirmala Sitharaman inaugurated Doorstep Banking
customers, which is made available on iMobile app within Services by PSBs and participated in the awards
one business day. ceremony to felicitate best performing banks on EASE
Automatic renewal: The card is automatically renewed Banking Reforms Index.
upon renewal of the LAS account. Doorstep Banking Services is envisaged to provide
9. Answer: C convenience of banking services to the customers at their
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed India’s doorstep through the universal touch points of Call
largest private sector lender, HDFC Bank, to stop issuing Centre, Web Portal or Mobile App. Customers can also
new credit cards as well as halt the launch of new digital track their service request through these channels.
businesses, according to a company filing with the stock The services can be availed by customers of Public
exchanges. Sector Banks at nominal charges. The services shall
HDFC Bank MD and CEO Sashi Jagdishan benefit all customers, particularly Senior Citizens and
10. Answer: D Divyangs who would find it at ease to avail these services.
Private sector lender ICICI Bank, launched a virtual Bank of Baroda, State Bank of India, and erstwhile
property exhibition that digitally showcases real estate Oriental Bank of Commerce were felicitated for being the
projects from key cities across the country. top three (in that order) in the ‘Top Performing Banks’
Called Home Utsav, the exhibition is available for category according to the EASE 2.0 Index Results.
everyone, including ICICI Bank’s customers, and those Bank of Maharashtra, Central Bank of India & erstwhile
who are not customers of the bank. Corporation Bank were awarded in the ‘Top Improvers’
They can also avail exclusive offers such as attractive category basis EASE 2.0 Index.
interest rates, special processing fees and digital sanction Punjab National Bank, Union Bank of India, and Canara
of loans on buying a property through this exhibition,” the Bank were also recognized for outstanding performance
lender stated in a statement, adding that its customers in select themes.
can get further benefits such as pre-approved and insta 13. Answer: B
series of products. Fifteen countries have formed the world's largest trading
11. Answer: B bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy.

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The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership The day also marks the collection, appreciation and
(RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as research activities on stamps and other philatelic
well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New products.
Zealand. My Stamp is the brand name for personalized sheets of
The deal excludes the US, which withdrew from a rival Postage Stamps of India Post.
Asia-Pacific trade pact in 2017. The personalization is achieved by printing a thumb nail
Nguyen Xuan Phuc, prime minister of Vietnam, which image of the customer's photograph and logos of
hosted the ceremony as ASEAN chair. institutions or images of artwork, heritage buildings,
The deal was signed on the sidelines of an online ASEAN famous tourist places, historical cities, wildlife, other
summit held as Asian leaders address tensions in the animals and birds on a selected template sheet having
South China Sea and tackle plans for a post-pandemic Postage Stamps.
economic recovery in a region where U.S.-China rivalry 16. Answer: C
has been rising. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan will launch a water taxi
RCEP will account for 30% of the global economy, 30% service of the State Water Transport Department (SWTD)
of the global population and reach 2.2 billion consumers. in Alappuzha.
India pulled out of RCEP talks in November last year. A catamaran diesel-powered craft will be used for the
14. Answer: D water taxi service. The boat, with a seating capacity for
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park is a national park in 10 passengers, will pick passengers and drop them at
Assam, India, located in Dibrugarh and Tinsukia districts. their destination. The tariff fixed had been ₹750 for 30
It was designated a Biosphere Reserve in July 1997 with minutes.
an area of 765 km2 (295 sq mi), including a core area of It can cruise at a maximum speed of 19 knots (35
340 km2 (130 sq mi) and a buffer zone of 425 km2 (164 km/hour). The vessel has been constructed by Kochi-
sq mi). based Navgathi Marine Design and Constructions Private
15. Answer: D Limited, which built the country’s first solar ferry, Aditya.
The National Philately Day is being celebrated throughout 17. Answer: C
the country on 13th oct. The Philately is the study of RoshniNadarMalhotra, chairperson of IT major HCL
postage stamps and postal history. Technologies, topped the list of the richest women in the
country with a net worth of Rs 54,850 crore, according to

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Hurun India and Kotak Wealth Management’s ‘Kotak 20. Answer: B

Wealth Hurun – Leading Wealthy Women’ report. Tech Mahindra announced the launch of Mhealthy, a
The list is based on the net worth of women as on solution to enable workforce and community safety
September 30, 2020. against COVID-19.
The 2020 edition of the report focuses exclusively on Mhealthy is a comprehensive solution powered by new
women who play an active role in their family business, generation technologies including artificial intelligence
entrepreneurs and professionals,” the organisation and machine learning to enable data driven digital
stated. diagnostics.
18. Answer: D Tech Mahindra has rolled-out phase-wise screening
The government has constituted a panel of secretaries starting with third-party vendors across its India offices
under cabinet secretary Rajiv Gauba to streamline the and plans to extend the benefits to its employees,
spectrum allocation process and examine the possibility customers, and partner ecosystem.
of drawing up an annual calendar for auction of airwaves Tech Mahindra is also working towards safely reopening
that will give telcos a clear road map of the quantum as offices for a limited number of employees using the best
well as the frequency of spectrum on offer for commercial available screening technology.
use. Mhealthy enables screening of the individuals at the
Besides Gauba, the panel comprises the secretaries of workplace on a regular interval to check for risk factors of
home, defence, railways, telecom, I&B and department of COVID-19, such as comorbid conditions, immunity
space. People familiar with the matter stated that the status, and biomarkers of infection.
ambit of the panel may be widened in the future to also 21. Answer: C
include spectrum pricing issues. The committee had its Tamil Nadu Agriculture Minister R. Duraikannu passed
first meeting. away. He was 72. He was confirmed with Covid-19
19. Answer: A infection and was put on maximal life support. However,
Digidhan Mission: Government of India is making efforts he failed to respond to the treatment.
for promoting a less cash economy and to provide the Duraikkannu is the third legislator from Tamil Nadu to
facility of seamless digital payment to all citizens of India succumb to Covid-19 and the complications arising out of
in a convenient manner. it. The other two are the Kanyakumari Lok Sabha member
H.VasanthaKumar and the state Assembly member

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22. Answer: E cotton production of the world, which demonstrates

Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) leg-spinner Prasanth India’s effort towards sustainability.
Rajesh has passed away due to a sudden heart attack at Ms Irani also stated that the Cotton Corporation of India
35. (CCI) made the highest Minimum Support Price (MSP)
Prasanth Rajesh, an impressive leggie, starred in his operation of cotton. She hoped that during the new cotton
TNPL debut in 2018 . season, the procurement under MSP will be increased.
Notably, Prasanth Rajesh played alongside Sunrisers She stated, CCI has opened 430 procurement centres in
Hyderabad (SRH) star T Natarajan in the match. all cotton growing states and payments are being made
23. Answer: B digitally to farmers’ accounts within 72 hours.
Lakh Bahosi Sanctuary is a bird sanctuary spread over 25. Answer: A
two jheels near the villages of Lakh and Bahosi in Turtle (Kachhua) Wildlife Sanctuary. Kachhua Sanctuary
Kannauj district, Uttar Pradesh is in Varanasi District in Uttar Pradesh, India.
24. Answer: C 26. Answer: E
Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani launched the first ever Coming out with corrected Doing Business rankings
Brand and Logo for Indian Cotton on Second World following review of data irregularities, the World Bank has
Cotton Day through video conferencing announced that China's ranking would have been lower
Now India’s premium cotton would be known as ‘Kasturi by seven notches in the index for 2018.
Cotton’ in the world cotton trade. The Kasturi Cotton The World Bank has corrected the Doing Business
brand will represent Whiteness, Brightness, Softness, rankings of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and
Purity, Luster, Uniqueness and Indianness. Azerbaijan.
The Minister recounted the importance of cotton in Indian The ranking of Azerbaijan has been improved to 28 from
economy. She stated, cotton is one of the principal 34.
commercial crops of the country and it provides livelihood As per the 'Doing Business' 2020 report, India had
to about six million cotton farmers. She stated, India is the jumped 14 places to the 63rd position on the ease of
second largest cotton producer and the largest consumer doing business ranking.
of cotton in the world. India has improved its rank by 79 positions in five years
It produces about six million tonnes of cotton every year (2014-19).
which is about 23 percent of the world cotton. She stated, 27. Answer: E
India produces about 51 per cent of the total organic

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The International Cricket Council has postponed the The Economic Freedom of the World: 2020 Annual
South African edition of the Women's T20 World Cup by Report prepared by Canada’s Fraser Institute has been
three months to February 2023 to avoid a cluster of big- released in India in conjunction with New Delhi-based
ticket events in 2022. think tank Centre For Civil Society.
ICC stated the tournament, which was scheduled in The report highlighted that the prospect of increasing
November 2022, will now be held from February 9 to 26, economic freedom in India depends on the next
2023. It stated, if not postponed, the year 2022 will have generation of reforms in factor markets including greater
three major events including Common Wealth Games openness to international trade.
and 50 over Women's World Cup. According to the report, based on 2018 data, Hong Kong
In August this year, the ICC had postponed the 50 over and Singapore once again topped the index, continuing
Women's World Cup slated in New Zealand from 2021 to their streak as first and second ranked, respectively.
2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and women's T20 Some of the other countries that make up the top 10 are
cricket is also set to make its debut in the 2022 New Zealand, Switzerland, US, Australia, Mauritius,
Birmingham Commonwealth Games. Georgia, Canada and Ireland.
28. Answer: C Meanwhile, the 10 lowest ranked countries on the latest
The Central Registry of Securitisation Asset index are African Republic, Democratic Republic of
Reconstruction and Security Interest (CERSAI) was set Congo, Zimbabwe, Republic of Congo, Algeria, Iran,
up by the Govt. of India on 31st March 2011 under the Angola, Libya, Sudan and Venezuela.
provisions of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of 30. Answer: C
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Ashwani Kumar, a former chief of the Central Bureau of
(SARFAESI) Act, 2002, to make available the data of all Investigation, has passed away after committing suicide.
equitable mortgages in the country at one place, so that Kumar served as DGP for the state between 2006 and
the frauds due to multiple financing against the same 2008 before being appointed director of the CBI for a two-
property may be prevented. year period.
29. Answer: D He also served as Governor of Nagaland between 2013
India has been ranked 105th on the Global Economic and 2014; in that period he was briefly also Governor of
Freedom Index 2020, falling 26 spots from 79th position Manipur.
in last year’s rankings.

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31. Answer: D his tale of love and alcoholism set in Glasgow in 1980s
Jammu and Kashmir Police have organised a three-day was destined to be a classic.
water sports festival -- 'Jashn-E-Dal' -- with an aim to Stuart won the prestigious 50,000 pound ($66,000) award
boost water sports activities and promote tourism in the for his first published novel, the product of a decade of
valley. The festival was organized by Jammu and work. He was the only U.K.-born author on a U.S.-
Kashmir Police under civic action programme in dominated list of six finalists for the prize, which is open
collaboration with water sports association after three to English-language novels from around the world.
years. The book, based on his own childhood, tells of a young
"This event was last organised in 2017. 'Jashn-e-Dal' has boy growing up during tough years in Glasgow with a
been one of the favourite events as far as the celebration mother who is battling addiction. Stuart’s own mother died
of these beautiful water bodies are concerned. of alcoholism when he was 16.
Kashmir, which is famous for natural beauty and water 34. Answer: C
bodies including the world-famous Dal Lake, which has India was ranked 111th out of 162 countries in the Human
always played a tremendous role in attracting visitors Freedom Index 2020 report released by the Cato
from across the world. Such events can play a vital role Institute, plummeting 17 spots from its position in the last
in promoting water sports in the valley and energetic index.
young players can get professional platforms to In 2019, India was ranked 94 on the index.
showcase their talent. "Jashn-e-Dal is being organised by The countries that ranked in the top 10 are New Zealand
the Jammu and Kashmir Police in association with J-K (8.87), Switzerland(8.82), Hong Kong(8.74), Denmark,
water sports association. Over 200 participants will be Australia, Canada, Ireland, Estonia, and Germany and
performing in various competitions in this three-day Sweden (with the last two tied in the 9th place).
event. Syrian Arab Republic is the last ranked country with a
32. Answer: C human freedom score of 3.97 out of 10.
It has 20 digits. It is a key measure to improve the quality About Human Freedom Index 2020:
and accuracy of financial data systems for better risk The Human Freedom Index 2020, Published by the Cato
management post the Global Financial Crisis. Institute in the United Fraser Institute in Canada.
33. Answer: D 35. Answer: B
Scottish author Douglas Stuart won the Booker Prize for Lieutenant governor Manoj Sinha has announced Jammu
fiction with his first novel Shuggie Bain, with judges saying and Kashmir health scheme intended to provide universal

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health insurance cover to all residents of the Union It is one step ahead of tele-medicine facilities for
Territory at the likely annual cost of Rs 123 crore. diagnosis on the phone through the latest technology.
It will provide health insurance cover free of cost to all The State Government is also planning to extend its
those residents of Jammu and Kashmir, who are scope to medical colleges and young doctors.
presently not covered under AB-PMJAY or Ayushman 37. Answer: B
Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. Koradi Thermal Power Station is located at Koradi near
It will have the same benefits as available under AB- Nagpur, Maharashtra. The power plant is one of the four
PMJAY with an annual health insurance cover of Rs. 5 major power plants in Vidarbha – a power surplus region
lakh per family on a floater basis. of India.
The health department will be launching a beneficiary 38.Answer: A
registration drive to distribute Golden Cards (e-cards) Arbitrage occurs when an investor
amongst the beneficiaries soon. can make a profit from simultaneously buying and
The socio-economic caste census (SECC) 2011 data will selling a commodity in two different markets.
be used for identification of families for the scheme since 39. Answer: D
the families suffering from any of the deprivations defined The true story of Fauja Singh, who broke world records to
under SECC are already covered under AB-PMJAY. become the first one hundred-year-old to run a marathon,
36. Answer: E shares valuable lessons on the source of his grit,
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani e-dedicated online e- determination to overcome obstacles, and commitment to
Sanjeevani OPDs scheme across Gujarat through positive representation of the Sikh community.
videoconferencing. Simran Jeet Singh loves sports and signed up for his first
The main objective of this scheme is to provide medical marathon after being inspired by Fauja Singh.
facilities online to the patients for common diseases at Simran is an activist, writer, and scholar who believes
their homes. deeply in the divine goodness of all people.
e-Sanjeevani OPDs scheme is the central scheme and It is illustrated by Baljinder Kaur, illustrator and storyteller.
now the people of Gujarat will get its benefits. 40. Answer: C
The Chief Minister Vijay Rupani described this service as The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed India’s
an extension of free treatment and medicines being largest private sector lender, HDFC Bank, to stop issuing
provided to Covid-19 patients. new credit cards as well as halt the launch of new digital

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businesses, according to a company filing with the stock HDFC Bank MD and CEO Sashi Jagdishan

1. Answer: A the freezing of its bank accounts and intrusive scrutiny
Statement A is not an idea of the passage, refer to the 2nd from state agencies is therefore unfortunate.”.
sentence of the passage “The fact that Amnesty 4. Answer: D
International, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, At loggerheads- in violent dispute or disagreement.
had to halt operations in India because of the freezing Hence (d) is correct.
of its bank accounts and intrusive scrutiny from state 5. Answer: E
agencies is therefore unfortunate.” None of the statements matches the conclusion given in
Other two statements are mentioned in the 1st part of the the passage.
passage. Conclusion in there passage: “It is to be hoped Amnesty’s
2. Answer: B decision to halt operations is therefore temporary and that
If we read the 1st 3-4 sentences of the passage carefully it would be able to function within India’s regulatory
, we will be able to understand that only (b) conveys the framework.
main theme of the passage, hence (b) is the correct 6. Answer: E
answer. The meaning of ‘renewed’ is ‘to begin again’
Other options don’t match the context of the passage. Culminated- reached climax; Clinched- confirm or settle;
3. Answer: C Revived- bring back to life. (don’t fit the blank)
Only statement (A) matches the context of the passage, 7.Answer: B
hence it can be inferred from the passage. The meaning of ‘imported’ is ‘brought in from another
Refer to the 1st part of the passage “The role played by place’.
human rights organisations in documenting and Accustomed/ Wonted- usual; Intimated- Stated; Adapted-
questioning state functioning and excesses is a modified. (don’t fit the blank)
necessary component of civil society activism, which 8.Answer: A
enhances democracy by securing accountability. The fact The meaning of ‘trigger’ is ‘to initiate something or a
that Amnesty International, which won the Nobel Peace beginning of something’
Prize in 1977, had to halt operations in India because of ‘Implication’ starts with ‘vowel’, so it shouldn’t be placed
after ‘a’.
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Tenor- the course of thought or meaning that runs through institutional investors (FIIs) remained net buyers in the
something written or spoken; Thrust- push. (don’t fit the capital markets, putting in ₹95.79 crore on June 11,
blank) provisional data showed.
9. Answer: E II). The dollar index, which gauges the greenback’s
The meaning of ‘assessed’/ ‘reckoned’/ ‘apprised’/ strength against a basket of six currencies, rose 0.02% to
‘gauged’ is ‘to evaluate or estimate something’. 96.78. Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, rose
10.Answer: C 0.06% to $62.33 per barrel. Concurrently, the 10-year
There is contrast in expectation in statement B when government bond yield was at 7.04% on June 11. Foreign
compared with statement A hence But will fit here institutional investors (FIIs) remained net buyers in the
correctly capital markets, putting in ₹95.79 crore on June 11,
11.Answer: D provisional data showed.
Here Statement B happened first and later statement A, 14.Answer: B
means there is time relation. Hence after will fit here Here there is contrast in expectation in statement 2 when
correctly compared with statement 1, means something positive
12.Answer: A happened in statement 1 but still in result is negative
Here two events happening on same time, means there hence yet or still will fit here correctly.
is time relation between these events. Hence While will fit I). According to Arya Sen of Jefferies India Pvt Ltd, two-
here correctly wheeler sales dropped too, but it was less painful than in
13.Answer: A the month of April. The delayed marriage season helped
Here in 1st statement with dollar effect crude oil rates rose to improve motorcycle sales during this period. Yet there
and in 2nd statement the net buyers remained same are concerns of production cuts in two-wheelers too, in
according to the provisional date, means two events the future months. Inventory is over 45 days for most
happened at same time which shows time relation. Hence companies.
Meanwhile or concurrently will fit here correctly. II). According to Arya Sen of Jefferies India Pvt Ltd, two-
I). The dollar index, which gauges the greenback’s wheeler sales dropped too, but it was less painful than in
strength against a basket of six currencies, rose 0.02% to the month of April. The delayed marriage season helped
96.78. Brent crude futures, the global oil benchmark, rose to improve motorcycle sales during this period. Still there
0.06% to $62.33 per barrel. Meanwhile, the 10-year are concerns of production cuts in two-wheelers too, in
government bond yield was at 7.04% on June 11. Foreign

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the future months. Inventory is over 45 days for most 18.Answer: C

companies. As the sentence states that it is rare a building at the
15.Answer: C heart of the city is still standing vacant even after it
‘While’ means during the time that; at the same time as. received a completion certificate, hence the correct
Here both sentences fulfills that criteria. So option C will phrase to use here is ‘to be standing’ (continuous tense).
be the correct choice here. Therefore, option C is the correct answer to this question.
After connecting two sentences the final sentence will be 19.Answer: d)
‘While much of Joe Biden’s first term in office will involve Most generally used for uncountable things which refers
digging out from the Covid-19 pandemic and recession, the greatest amount whereas majority is more than half of
the incoming president has also vowed to change the way some group. Hence most should be replaced with
the U.S. manages its supply chains.’. majority.
16.Answer: E 20.Answer: e)
Here both sentences show a contrasting relation. So ‘but’ Given sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
will be the correct connector here. So option E will be the 21.Answer: d)
correct choice here. Before shows time from past to past while using this no
After connecting two sentences the final sentence will be present time is involved whereas Ago shows time from
‘A plan to bring Foxconn compatriot Taiwan present to past. Hence Before should be replaced with
Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to Arizona makes ago
more sense, but semiconductors are capital intensive and 22.Answer: d)
labor light.’. Meeting means a situation where two or more people
17.Answer: E meet by chance or by arrangement whereas gathering
Here both sentences show a contrasting relation. So ‘but’ means assembly of people especially held for a specific
will be the correct connector here. So option E will be the purpose. Hence meeting should be replaced with
correct choice here. gathering.
After connecting two sentences the final sentence will be 23.Answer: e)
‘A plan to bring Foxconn compatriot Taiwan Given sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. to Arizona makes 24.Answer: D
more sense, but semiconductors are capital intensive and A and D give same meaning hence they fit correctly in the
labor light.’. given sentence

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Completely: In every way or as much as possible A) A Bloomberg report said that Nestle has invented a
25.Answer: C new way to make chocolate with no added sugar, relying
C and D give same meaning hence they will fit correctly on leftover material from cocoa plants for sweetening.
here in the sentence D) A Reuters report, a few days ago, quoted a study that
Protrude: Extend beyond or above a surface said sugary drinks may be linked to cancer.
26.Answer: B B) People who have a lot of sugary drinks have a higher
B and C give same meaning hence they fit here correctly risk of developing cancer, though the evidence cannot
in the sentence establish a direct causal link, the report said.
Accelerated: Begin to move more quickly 30.Answer E
27.Answer: D 31.Answer A
B and D give same meaning hence they fit correctly in the 32.Answer A
sentence 33.Answer C
Struggled: Make forceful efforts to get free from restraint 34.Answer: D
28.Answer: A A-F: A hijab-wearing, diminutive Malaysian wrestler
A and B giving same meaning they will fit correctly in the known as “Phoenix” cuts an unusual figure in the ring, a
sentence female Muslim fighter taking on hulking opponents in a
Assuring: Tell confidently that something is going to male-dominated world
happen 35.Answer: C
29. Answer B C-D: Several of Mr. Jadhav’s childhood friends, who live
The correct order of sentence after rearrangement is in the Prithvi Vandan society in Lower Parel, greeted the
CEADB verdict by releasing balloons in the air.
C) Sugar is the new tobacco, as they say, however, it is 36.Answer: B
now that the companies are seriously waking up to the A-E: The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on
challenges of a more educated consumer who is looking Wednesday approved three new railway projects, with a
for low-calorie products. combined investment of over ₹6,000 crore, giving a boost
E) Recently, Cavin’s, the dairy arm of FMCG firm to rail connectivity in Uttar Pradesh and Assam.
CavinKare, announced the launch of Cavin’s Milkshake 37.Answer: A
Lite, which has no added sugar; there are other recent B-D: Using computer modelling and optimisation
examples, too. algorithms, the world’s best bat and maybe the most

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affordable could in the near future roll out from a lab to 39. Answer: B
the cricket ground. All are synonyms while B is antonym
Direction (38-40)In each of the following questions a set Initiate: Cause a process or action to begin
of four words is given, identify the word which is different 40. Answer: C
from remaining words and mark that as your answer. All are synonyms while C is antonym
38.Answer: A Ally: A person that cooperates or helps another person in
All are synonyms while A is antonym activity
Separate: Divided into constituent or distinct elements

1. Answer: C Scribd, GitHub, Groupon and Shopify. Like Python,
The control unit (CU) is a component of a computer's Ruby is considered a fairly user-friendly language for
central processing unit (CPU) that directs the operation beginners.
of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, Python is a high-level, server-side scripting language
arithmetic/logic unit and input and output devices on for websites and mobile apps. It's considered a fairly
how to respond to a program's instructions. easy language for beginners due to its readability and
2. Answer: C compact syntax, meaning developers can use fewer
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose lines of code to express a concept than they would in
language for managing data in relational database other languages. It powers the web apps for Instagram,
management systems. It is most commonly used for its Pinterest and Rdio through its associated web
"Query" function, which searches informational framework, Django, and is used by Google, Yahoo! and
databases. It was standardized by the American NASA.
National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the JavaScript is a client and server-side scripting
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in language developed by Netscape that derives much of
the 1980s. its syntax from C. It can be used across multiple web
Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented scripting language browsers and is considered essential for developing
for developing websites and mobile apps, Ruby was interactive or animated web functions. It is also used in
designed to be simple and easy to write. It powers the game development and writing desktop applications.
Ruby on Rails (or Rails) framework, which is used on JavaScript interpreters are embedded in Google's
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Chrome extensions, Apple's Safari extensions, Adobe and is still used by merchants, traders and clerks in
Acrobat and Reader, and Adobe's Creative Suite. some parts of Eastern Europe, Russia, China and
Cascading style sheets (CSS) use a simple style Africa.
language that provides users with familiar desktop 8. Answer: B
publishing terminology to alter the appearance of American Standard Code for Information Interchange
websites. (ASCII) codes represents text in computers,
3. Answer: D communications equipment and other devices that use
User friendly instructions are easy to understand by the text. Originally based on the English alphabet, ASCII
user. encodes 128 specified characters into seven-bit binary
4. Answer: D integers.
Netscape navigator is a web browser used for 9. Answer: A
accessing websites whereas others are not. Netscape The Office Clipboard stores text and graphics that you
Navigator is developed by Netscape communications, copy or cut from anywhere, and it lets you paste the
America. stored items into any other Office file.
5. Answer: A 10. Answer: B
In a flowchart circles, ovals, stadiums or rounded (fillet) ALU stands for arithmetic logical unit therefore as the
rectangles usually contain the word "Start" or "End", or name states it performs the arithmetic operations.
another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, 11. Answer: A
such as "submit inquiry" or "receive product". Sorting is defined as storage of data in sorted order, it
6. Answer: A can be in ascending or descending order. The term
Graphic images are stored digitally using a small Sorting comes into picture with the term Searching.
number of standardized graphic file formats, including Thus Sorting is referred to as the arranging of the given
bit map, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG; they can also be data in a logical sequence.
stored as raw, unprocessed data. 12. Answer: A
7. Answer: D Phishing is a type of Internet fraud scam where the
The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a scammer sends email messages that appear to be from
counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use in financial institutions or credit card companies that try to
Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the trick recipients into giving private information (i.e.,
adoption of the written Hindu–Arabic numeral system username, password, account number, etc.).

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13. Answer: D 18. Answer: B

For representing binary digits, the hexadecimal Avast Antivirus is a family of antivirus software and
notation is used commonly. Another advantage of using internet security applications developed by Czech
it is that a hexadecimal digit represents a nibble which technology company Avast Software for Microsoft
is one half of a byte which has range from 00 to FF Windows, Mac OS and Android.
where F is 15 in decimal system. 19. Answer: B
14. Answer: B International Business Machines Corporation
A bridge is a device that separates two or more network (commonly referred to as IBM) is an American
segments within one logical network (e.g. a single IP- multinational technology company headquartered in
subnet). It is usually placed between two separate Armonk, New York, United States, with operations in
groups of computers that talk with each other, but not over 170 countries. The company originated in 1911 as
that much with the computers in the other group. the Computing - Tabulating - Recording Company
15. Answer: D (CTR) and was renamed "International Business
Spreadsheets offer a range of advantages, particularly Machines" in 1924.
to business users. Popular spreadsheet programs such 20. Answer: B
as Microsoft Excel provide the tools to analyze and The text concatenation operator (&) is used to join or
visualize data sets in accessible ways. If you have a set link together more than one text string to produce a
of data related to numerical, financial, statistical or single text string.
other information, you can use a spreadsheet not only The & operator can be used as a worksheet function
to store this data but also to manage it, perform (WS) and a VBA function (VBA) in Excel. As a
analytical processing on it and present it. Spreadsheets worksheet function, the& operator can be entered as
provide complex processing in ways that even people part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet. As a VBA
with little technical experience can access. function, you can use this operator in macro code that
16. Answer: A is entered through the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor.
Microsoft office auto shapes and Clip Art are the two Syntax
basic types of graphics used in Word 2000. The syntax for the & operator is:
17. Answer: C string1 & string2 [& string3 & string_n]
The short cut key combination for inserting a new Parameters or Arguments
worksheet in MS Excel is Alt + Shift + F1. string1, string2, string3, ... string_n

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The string values to concatenate together. 26. Answer: C

Applies To Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is a type of
Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel digital subscriber line (DSL) technology, a data
2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000 communications technology that enables faster data
21. Answer: D transmission over copper telephone lines than a
An operating system (OS) is a program or software that conventional voiceband modem can provide. ADSL
manages and coordinates the functions of all the differs from the less common symmetric digital
components of a computer. It also acts as an interface subscriber line (SDSL). In ADSL, Bandwidth and bit
between the user and the hardware of a computer. rate are said to be asymmetric, meaning greater toward
22. Answer: E the customer premises (downstream) than the reverse
Data redundancy is one reason for problems of data (upstream). Providers usually market ADSL as a
integrity. service for consumers for Internet access for primarily
23. Answer: A downloading content from the Internet, but not serving
Microcode is low-level code that defines how a content accessed by others.
microprocessor should function when it executes 27. Answer: E
machine-language instructions. Typically, one Petabyte among the given options is the largest unit of
machine-language instruction translates into several storage, Nibble= 4Bits, Byte= 8Bits.
microcode instructions. 1 Petabyte = 1024 Terabyte
24. Answer: A 28. Answer: A
CPU doesn’t understand the C++ language (or any A Primary key is always linked to a unique variable. So
high- level programming language). All the High- level it acts as a unique identifier for the data in the table.
language statements must be translated into machine Hence, it is used to prevent duplicability of data in the
code before they can be executed. table. It makes sure that the data to which the key is
25. Answer: B attributed is not duplicated anywhere in the database
Printers are used as an output device. The printers are otherwise that data would not be inserted.
basically those hardware peripherals which convert the 29. Answer: A
matter into hard copy and print it on a paper when the The BIOS includes instructions on how to load basic
“print” command is given by the computer. Printers do computer hardware and includes a test referred to as a
not store any data hence, they are not a storage device. POST (Power On Self Test) that helps verify the

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computer meets requirements to boot up properly. If the 32. Answer: D

computer does not pass the POST, you will receive a Data link layer is the second layer of the OSI model that
combination of beeps indicating what is malfunctioning transmits error-free data over the physical layer. It is
within the computer. divided into two sublayers namely media access control
A power-on self-test (POST) is a process performed by (MAC) sublayer and logical link control (LLC) sublayer.
firmware or software routines immediately after a The MAC sublayer is responsible for sharing the
computer or other digital electronic device is powered network connectivity between the computers in the
on. network. This sublayer provides addressing and access
This article mainly deals with personal computers, but control features.
many other embedded systems such as those in major 33. Answer: C
appliances, avionics, communications, or medical Text left aligned and numbers right aligned is default
equipment also have self-test routines which are alignment in Excel
automatically invoked at power-on. 34. Answer: B
30. Answer: C When a file is attached to an email, it is supposed to be
In computing, Trojan horse, or Trojan, is any malicious opened by some other program for access. For
computer program which is used to hack into a instance, a music file, a document for MS word or PDF,
computer by misleading users of its true intent. a ppt etc. are all files which can be sent as an email
31. Answer: C attachment.
ASCII encodes 128 specified characters into 7 bit 35. Answer: D
integers. The characters encoded are numbers 0 to 9, MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)connects
lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, basic special type of music instruments to sound cards.It is a
punctuation symbols, control codes that originated with technical standard that describes a protocol, digital
Teletype machines, and a space. It is a character interface and connectors and allows a wide variety of
encoding standard (the Internet Assigned Numbers electronic musical instruments, computers and other
Authority (IANA) prefers the name US-ASCII). ASCII related devices to connect and communicate with one
codes represent text in computers, telecommunications another. A single MIDI link can carry up to sixteen
equipment, and other devices. Most modern character- channels of information, each of which can be routed to
encoding schemes are based on ASCII, although they a separate device.
support many additional characters. 36. Question

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Answer: A or special sound effects CDs. However, PowerPoint

Those commands, options are available in menu bar. does not recognize all sound file types.
37. Answer: C 39. Answer: C
The “save as” option is basically used for three different FLV (Flash Video Format), the FLV file extension is a
purposes: for saving the file with a new name, changing file that uses Adobe Flash Player or Adobe Air to
the location of the file and to change the format of the transmit video/audio over the internet. Flash Video has
file. These options basically change the path of the file long been the standard video format used by nearly all
in the memory of the system. embedded video on the internet including the videos
38. Answer: A found on YouTube, Hulu, and many more websites.
In Microsoft PowerPoint, two kinds of sound effects files 40. Answer: A
that can be added to the presentation are .wav &.midi Non-impact printers don’t have moving heads in their
respectively. We can add sound files to our print head and are faster in working than the impact
presentations from a variety of sources. For example, printers. Inkjet printers and laser printers are examples
we can add sound files we download from the Internet of non-impact printers whereas the dot matrix printers
are impact printers.

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