Seating Arrangement 23-24
Seating Arrangement 23-24
Seating Arrangement 23-24
(Direction for questions 1-5) Twelve people are sitting in two parallel rows containing six people each, in
such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 P, Q, R, S, T and V are
seated and all of them are facing south. In row-2 A, B, C, D, E and F are seated and all of them are facing
north. Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member
of the other row.
4. Who is facing T?
a) C b) D c) E d) Cannot be determined
(Direction for questions 6-10) Five friends Manoj, Nitin, Omkar, Pawan and Ravi were seated in a row to
watch a movie. Each person belonged to a different state from Goa, Delhi,Assam, Punjab,and UP.
Further conditions are as follows:
Omkar is from Assam and he is not seated at either ends.
The person From UP is 2nd to the left of Pawan.
Nitin is neither from Delhi nor from Goa.
Ravi is at the extreme right of the arrangement.
The person from Delhi is at the middle position.
The person from Punjab is to the immediate right of Nitin.
6. Who is the friend from Punjab?
a).Nitin b). Ravi c). Manoj d). Cannot be Determined.
7. What is the state of the friend sitting 4th from the left of the arrangement?
a).Punjab b). Assam c). Goa d). Cannot be Determined
(Direction for questions 11-15) Eight colleagues A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular
table facing the center but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them holds a different post
viz. Manager, Company Secretary, Chairman, President, Vice-President, Group Leader, Financial Advisor
and Managing Director.
Further it is known that-
A sits third to the right of the Managing Director.
Only two people sit between the Managing Director and H.
Vice President and the Company Secretary are immediate neighbours of each other.
Neither A nor H is a Vice President or a Company Secretary.
Vice President is not an immediate neighbour of the Managing Director.
Manager sits second to left of E.
Either Managing Director or Company Secretary is exactly opposite to E.
The Manager is an immediate neighbour of both Group Leader and the Financial Advisor.
Financial Advisor sits third to right of B who is not the Vice President.
C sits to the immediate right of the Chairman.
E is not the Chairman. F is not an immediate neighbour of A.
G is not an immediate neighbour of the Manager.
12. Three of the following four are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and thus form
a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) G – President b) D – Manager c) A - Financial Advisor d) B - Managing Director
(Direction for questions 16-20) A college had arranged for evening classes for new batch of students for
computer skills in a particular week. 5 topics from computer skills were to be taught on 5 different days
of the week starting from Monday to Saturday with a Rest Day in between. The topics were Excel, MS
Office, Power point, C++ and Java not in any particular order.
Additional Information is as follows:
The Rest Day will be either on Wednesday or Thursday.
Power point will be the 1st topic taught and will not be immediately followed by MS Office.
C++ and Java will have to be taught on consecutive days.
Excel will be taught on Saturday.
16. When is the class on MS Office scheduled?
a) Wednesday b). Friday c). Tuesday d). Cannot be Determined.
17. Which topic is scheduled on Wednesday?
a) C++ b). MS Office c). Java d. Cannot be Determined.
18. If there is gap of exactly 1 day between the Rest Day and the day C++ topic is scheduled, then how
many days gap is there between Java and Excel?
a) 2 b). 3 c). 1 d. Cannot be Determined.
19. Which among the following cannot be true about the rest day?
a) Immediately after the C++ class.
b) 2 days before the last class.
c) 1 day after the Power point class.
d) None of These.
20. Taking all the conditions into consideration, how many different ways can the classes be scheduled?
a) 1 b). 2 c). 3 d). 4
(Direction for questions 21-22) Ajay, Bindu, Chandra, Deepak, Elena, Fanish and Govind are playing
cards sitting around a circular table. Additional information is as follows:
Deepak is not neighbour of Chandra or Elena.
Ajay is neighbour of Bindu and Chandra.
Govind, who is second to the left of Deepak, is the neighbour of Elena and Fanish.
(Direction for questions 23-27) Eight friends Aman, Bilal, Carol, Dinesh, Elena, Farhad, Gaurav and
Himani of the team. Further information is as under :
The Elena was diagonally opposite the Gaurav and 2nd to the left of the Aman.
The Carol was seated to the immediate left of the Elena.
Neither the Farhad nor the Himani was seated adjacent to the Gaurav.
The Bilal was diagonally opposite the Himani.
24. Taking into consideration all the conditions, how many different arrangements are possible?
a) 1 b). 2 c). 3 d). 4
25. Counting in the anticlockwise direction, how many people are seated between the Carol and the
a) 2 b). 3 c). 4 d). Cannot be Determined
(Direction for questions 28-31) A, B, C, D, E, G, and I are seven friends who study in three different
standards, namely 5th, 6th, and 7th, such that not less than two friends study in the same standard.
Each friend has a different favourite subject, namely History, Civics, English, Marathi, Hindi, Maths and
Economics also but not necessarily in the same order.
Additional information-
A likes Maths and studies in the 5th standard with only one other friend who likes Marathi.
I studies with two other friends. Both the friends who study with I like languages (here
languages include only Hindi, Marathi and English).
D studies in the 6th standard with only one person and does not like Civics.
E studies with only one friend.
The one who likes History does not study in the 5th or 6th standard.
E does not like languages.
C does not like English, Hindi or Civics.
28. Which combination represents E's favourite subject and the standard in which he studies?
a) Civics and 7th b) Economics and 5th
c) Civics and 6th d) History and 7th
29. Which of the following is I's favourite subject?
a) History b) Civics
c) Marathi d) Either English or Hindi
(Direction for questions 32-34) 5 students, Aman, Bimal, Celina, Deepak and Eshita treated each other
at different restaurants in the city to celebrate their birthdays. The treats were at KFC, MacDonalds,
Haldiram, Bikaner and Dosa Plaza, not in any order. Each place specializes in exactly one of the following
items: Chicken, Lassi, Dosa, Shakes and Coffee, not in any order, and is located at Bazaar, Chowk, Bus
Stand, Sabzi Mandi and City Centre not in any order.
Further conditions are as follows:
Celina treated with Lassi but neither at Haldiram nor Dosa Plaza.
Bikaner specializes in Shakes and is located at Bazaar.
Eshita treated with Coffee at City Centre.
Neither Bimal nor Deepak treated with Dosa.
The Outlet at Chowk is known for it’s Lassi.
KFC is located at Sabzi Mandi and is famous for Dosa.
Deepak gave the treat at Haldiram.