Acoustic Fluent
Acoustic Fluent
Acoustic Fluent
This tutorial demonstrates how to model 2D turbulent flow across a circular cylinder using
large eddy simulation (LES) and compute flow-induced (aeroacoustic) noise using FLUENT’s
acoustics model.
You will learn how to:
This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the FLUENT interface and that you have a
good understanding of basic setup and solution procedures. Some steps will not be shown
In this tutorial you will use the acoustics model. If you have not used this feature before,
first read Chapter 21, Predicting Aerodynamically Generated Noise, of the FLUENT 6.2
User’s Guide
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005 1
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Problem Description
The problem considers turbulent air flow over a 2D circular cylinder at a free stream ve-
locity (U) of 69.2 m/s. The cylinder diameter (D) is 1.9 cm. The Reynolds number based
on the diameter is 90,000. The computational domain (Figure 1) extends 5D upstream and
20D downstream of the cylinder.
Approximately 2.5 hours of CPU time is required to complete this tutorial. If you are
interested exclusively in learning how to set up the acoustics model, you can reduce the
computing time requirements considerably by starting at Step 7 and using the provided case
and data files.
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Step 1: Grid
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
(a) Display the grid with the default settings (Figure 2).
Use the middle mouse button to zoom in on the image so you can see the mesh
near the cylinder (Figure 3).
FLUENT 6.2 (2d, segregated, LES, unsteady)
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
FLUENT 6.2 (2d, segregated, LES, unsteady)
Quadrilateral cells are used for this LES simulation because they generate less
numerical diffusion than triangular cells. The cell size should be small enough to
capture the relevant turbulence length scales, and to make the numerical diffusion
smaller than the subgrid-scale turbulence viscosity. The mesh for this tutorial
has been kept coarse in order to speed up the calculations. A high quality LES
simulation will require a finer mesh near the cylinder wall.
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Step 2: Models
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Step 3: Materials
You will use the default material, air, which is the working fluid in this problem. The
default properties will be used for this simulation.
Define −→Materials...
You can modify the fluid properties for air or copy another material from the database if
needed. For details, refer the chapter Physical Poperties in the FLUENT User’s Guide.
Step 4: Operating Conditions
Define −→Operating Conditions...
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
5. Save the case and data files (cylinder2d t0.00.cas.gz and cylinder2d t0.00.dat.gz).
File −→ Write −→Case & Data...
Save the case and data files before the first iteration. This will save you time in the
event of user error or code divergence, where the case file would have to be set up all
over again.
6. Run the case for a few time steps before activating the force monitors.
Solve −→Iterate...
(a) Set the Number of Time Steps to 20.
(b) Click Iterate.
The residual history will be displayed as the calculation proceeds. When the non-
iterative time advancement scheme is used, by default, two residuals are plotted per
time step .
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
8. Set the reference values to be used in the lift and drag coefficient calculation.
Report −→Reference Values...
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Cl 0.00e+00
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0.022
11. Verify that the selected time step size is reasonable for the given mesh and flow
Plot −→Histogram...
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.02 0.022
12. Save the case and data files (cylinder2d t0.02.cas.gz and cylinder2d t0.02.dat.gz).
File −→ Write −→Case & Data...
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
4. Save the case and data files (cylinder2d t0.04.cas.gz and cylinder2d t0.04.dat.gz).
File −→ Write −→Case & Data...
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
iv. Retain the defaults for Signal File Name (receiver-1.ard and receiver-2.ard).
v. Click OK to close the Acoustic Receivers panel.
(b) Under Active Source Zones, select wall cylinder.
All source zones which were selected in the Acoustic Sources panel are now avail-
able under the Active Source Zones. In this tutorial, the sound sources are ex-
tracted from only one zone. It is important to select the source zones consistently
if redundant source zones were selected in the Acoustic Sources panel.
(c) Under Source Data files, select all files available.
Selecting a subset of the available source files is a convenient way to analyze
shorter sequences. It is important to select a contiguous set of source data files.
(d) Under Receivers, select the two available receivers.
As soon as the source zones, source data files, and receivers are selected, the
Compute/Write function becomes available.
(e) Click Compute/Write.
The FLUENT console window will confirm that the source data files are being
read and that the receiver signals are computed and written into receiver files.
(f) Click Close to close the Acoustic Signals panel.
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Acoustic Pressure
Pressure at receiver-1 (0 -0.665 0)
Pressure at receiver-2 (0 -2.432 0)
Pressure -1.00e+01
0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
(a) Under Process Options, select Process Receiver. This will activate the Receiver
If the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings (FW-H) acoustics model is used and the
receiver signals have been calculated, then the signals are directly available for
postprocessing. As an alternative, the receiver data can be loaded manually from
files by using the Process File Data option under Process Options.
(b) Select receiver-1 from the Receiver list.
(c) Select Sound Pressure Level (dB) from the Y Axis Function drop-down list.
(d) Select Frequency (Hz) from the X Axis Function drop-down list.
(e) Click Plot FFT to plot the sound pressure spectrum for receiver-1 (Figure 8).
The overall sound pressure level (OASPL) is printed to the FLUENT console
>> Overall Sound Pressure Level
in dB (reference pressure = 2.000000e-05) = 1.156790e+02
Note that the maximum frequency plotted is f = 2(2∆t) = 50 kHz, as expected.
Sound 7.00e+01
Level 6.00e+01
0 1e+04 2e+04 3e+04 4e+04 5e+04 6e+04
Frequency (Hz)
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
(f) Click Axes....This will open the Axes - Fourier Transform panel.
3. Plot the power spectral density of the lift force history to see that the observed peaks
in the receiver spectra match the dominant frequency in the lift force history.
(a) Under Process Options, select Process File Data.
(b) Click Load Input File... and select the lift monitor file (cl-history).
(c) Select Power Spectral Density from the Y Axis Function drop-down list.
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Sound 9.00e+01
Level 8.50e+01
0 500 1e+03 1.5e+03 2e+03 2.5e+03 3e+03 3.5e+03 4e+03 4.5e+03 5e+03
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 9: Spectral Analysis of Pressure Signal for receiver-1 at a Reduced Frequency Range
Sound 9.00e+01
Level 8.50e+01
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Strouhal Number
Figure 10: Spectral Analysis of Pressure Signal for receiver-1 as a Function of Strouhal
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Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Since the x-axis range was manually set for the spectral plot, you will not see
the proper range when plotting the modified signal. You will need to temporarily
reset the range if you want to plot the input signal.
(g) Click Plot FFT to plot the power spectral density for the lift monitor history
(Figure 11). The spectrum peaks at a Strouhal number of about 0.25.
As indicated in Step 7, 2D aeroacoustic predictions depend strongly on the selected
source correlation length. As a consequence, the results can be fine-tuned to be in
better agreement with experimental data.
4. You can repeat the calculation of the acoustic signals for the additional source corre-
lation lengths of 2.5D and 10D, using Step 7 as a starting point.
Table 1 compares the obtained OASPL values with experimental values reported by
Revell et al. [1]. Reasonable agreement is found for correlation lengths 2.5D and 5D.
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
Power 1.50e-01
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Strouhal Number
Table 1: Dependence of the Predicted OASPL on the Specified Source Correlation Lengths
(L = 2.5D, 5D, 10D)
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005 27
Modeling Flow-Induced (Aeroacoustic) Noise Problems Using FLUENT
This tutorial demonstrated the use of FLUENT’s acoustics model to calculate the far-field
sound signals generated by the flow over a 2D cylinder. You have learned how to set up the
relevant parameters, save the acoustic source data, calculate, and postprocess the acoustic
pressure signals.
The main computational efforts are spent calculating the time dependent turbulent flow.
It is therefore advisable to export the sound sources during the flow calculation. This
allows you to recalculate the acoustic signals for different receivers or model parameters
with minimal computational costs.
The tutorial demonstrated the use of the Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings acoustics tool on
a 2D case. You have seen that it is difficult to obtain absolute SPL predictions in 2D due to
the need to estimate the correlation length of the turbulent flow structures in the spanwise
direction. This difficulty does not exist when solving 3D acoustics problems.
1. Revell, J.D., Prydz, R.A., and Hays, A.P., “Experimental Study of Airframe Noise vs.
Drag Relationship for Circular Cylinders,” Lockheed Report 28074, Feb. 1977. Final
Report for NASA Contract NAS1-14403.
c Fluent Inc. May 11, 2005