English Project Action Plan.
English Project Action Plan.
English Project Action Plan.
Smart Steps How will What Who will be How will I/ Deadlines
Goals needed to I/we do this resources responsible we know
achieve task? will I/we ? when we
my/our need to do are
goal this? successful
to raise Organizing Writing a Online group somnath sinha If every group 31st
awareness online beautiful script. discussion, mahapatra, members December,
of ill-effect meetings and paper pen and soumalya agree and 2021.
of mobile Studying colour pradhan, soham contribute
addiction about the sketchpens. mishra, syed saif equally to the
by making topic-theme. islam, chayan story of the
a student das and play.
scripted sayandeep
video dutta.
online. Get support Shooting every Camera, somnath sinha If the editor 5th January,
from school individual group mobile phone, mahapatra, and subject 2022.
subject members acts. background. soumalya teachers
teacher. pradhan, soham approves our
mishra, syed saif acting and
islam, chayan shooting.
das and
Executing the Editing and Computer, somnath sinha we will have 10th January,
play and compiling the paper, pen, mahapatra, our group 2022.
compiling it in video and also sketchpens, soumalya members,
short. writing down channel file. pradhan, soham with e-mails
the report. mishra, syed saif and phone
islam, chayan numbers, to
das and do the day-to-
sayandeep day tasks.