Cross-Correlating Dark Sirens and Galaxies: Measurement of H From GWTC-3 of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA
Cross-Correlating Dark Sirens and Galaxies: Measurement of H From GWTC-3 of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA
Cross-Correlating Dark Sirens and Galaxies: Measurement of H From GWTC-3 of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA
Introduction – Discovery of gravitational waves (GW) highest density interval (HDI)) after combining with the
[1] by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) collaboration [2– bright siren GW170817 [35]. Other independent mea-
7] has opened a new observational window to study the surements of H0 using statistical host identification have
cosmos using transient sources such as binary neutron also been performed on the GW data [38, 39].
stars (BNSs), binary black holes (BBHs) and neutron In this paper, we make the first measurement of the
star black holes (NSBHs). GW sources are uniquely Hubble constant H0 using the cross-correlation between
accurate tracers of the luminosity distance. They can the GWTC-3 catalog of the LVK collaboration [40] and
therefore be used to measure the expansion history of the photometric galaxy surveys 2MPZ [41] and WISE-
the Universe (Schutz [8]). This fact has earned GW SuperCOSMOS (WSC) [42].1 Though currently we can-
sources the name standard sirens. However, one of the not detect clustering between GW sources and galaxies
key ingredients required to measure the expansion his- due to the limited number of GW sources and poor sky
tory using GW sources is an independent measurement localization error, this is the first proof of principle of
(or inference) of the GW source redshifts. In the ab- this technique on data. The current measurement is lim-
sence of electromagnetic counterparts, a promising way ited by the lack of high redshift galaxies and the number
to infer the GW source redshifts is through spatial cross- of well localised GW sources. The statistical power in
correlation of the GW sources with galaxies. By using the cross-correlation technique with limited number of
the clustering redshift of the GW sources [9–11] or a 3D- sources having poor sky localization error will be similar
cross correlation generalizing the Alcock-Paczynski effect to (but not worse than) the statistical host identification
[12–16], we can measure the cosmic expansion history af- technique. However, the cross-correlation measurement
ter marginalizing over the GW bias parameters. Apart does not depend on assumptions about the GW source
from cross-correlation techniques, statistical host identi- population, and provides an independent technique to
fication [8, 17–26] and GW mass distribution [27–34] can infer the value of the Hubble constant.
also be used to infer redshifts for BBHs. However, the Method – The compact objects of both astrophysical
mass distribution of the BBHs can have intrinsic redshift and primordial origin will exhibit spatial correlation with
dependence that influences parameter estimation, if the galaxies due to the underlying distribution of dark mat-
full mass distribution gets affected [32, 34]. ter. This spatial correlation can be used to infer the
LVK dark standard sirens have been used to mea- clustering redshift of the dark standard sirens, by cross-
sure the expansion history using O1+O2 data [23] and correlating with photometric (or spectroscopic) galaxy
O1+O2+O3 data [35], in tandem with GLADE [36] and
GLADE+ [37] for statistical host identification. The latest
LVK measurement yields H0 = 68+8 −6 km/s/Mpc (68.3%
We have not used DeCALS [43] in this analysis, as discussed later
FIG. 1: The sky map in equatorial coordinates (top) and P(ϑGW |{C`gg (zc )}, Θn , dg (zc )) ∝ (3)
the luminosity distance (below) of the eight selected GW `X
sources from GWTC-3. exp − 0.5 D(`b , zc )Σ−1 D(`0b , zc ) ,
C XY C XY `b `0
`b ,`0b b
C`plate = A exp [−2(`θplate )2 /12], where θplate is the plate uncertainty. Particularly for Set-3, the constraints at the
scale, 5◦ [63]. Finally, we fix the shot noise to the inverse high H0 > 90 km/s/Mpc are affected due unavailability
of the angular number density (in steradians) except for of catalog above z = 0.5. Along with this, the uncer-
the 0.4 < z < 0.5 bin, where we adjust it downwards tainties on the galaxies’ photometric redshifts and GW
by 5% to match the high-` power of C`gg . For the other luminosity distance, and the limited number of sources,
bins, we check that 1/n̄g matches the high-` power in play a crucial role in the weak constraints. The value of
C`gg , and the discrepancies are small compared to the the matter density Ωm and bias parameter bGW (z) are
clustering amplitude at 10 < ` < 40. not constrained. The estimated parameters obtained for
To model the redshift distribution, we convolve the different values of the bin width are consistent with each
observed photometric redshift distribution with a Gaus- other. For large choices of the `-bin (∆` ≥ 10), we are
sian for 2MPZ [64] and a generalized Lorentzian for able to mitigate the effect from off-diagonal terms. The
−a ∆` = 5 case shows a stronger bi-modal distribution. This
δz 2
WSC, P (δz) ∝ 1 + 2as 2 [65]. The width evolves also implies any systematic error associated with the co-
as a function of redshift, for the Gaussian following variance estimation is not causing any major systematic
σ = 0.027 tanh (−20.78zp2 + 7.76zp + 0.05)/(1 + zp ), i.e. error in the inferred value of the Hubble constant for
increasing from 0.0013 at zp = 0 to 0.013 at zp = 0.1; ∆` ≥ 10.
and for the Lorentzian, a(zc ) = −4zc + 3 and s(zc ) = By combining the bright standard siren measurement
0.04zc + 0.02, where zc is the midpoint of each redshift from GW170817 with a better measurement of pecu-
bin. Other choices for the redshift error (e.g. redshift- liar velocity [66], we show the corresponding poste-
independent modified Lorentzian for 2MPZ in [41] and rior on H0 in Fig. 5 with the median value of H0 =
[65]) yield very similar results. 67.0+6.3
−3.8 km/s/Mpc (68.3% ETI). This provides tighter
We then use the inferred galaxy auto power spectrum constraints in the value of the Hubble constant than pre-
to model the cross-power spectrum between the GW vious measurements. In Fig. 5 we compare the GW mea-
sources and galaxy as C`gwg (z) = bgw (z)/bg (z)C`gg (z). surements of H0 with the measurements from Planck,
On the GW side, we construct three GW maps from H0 = 67.4+0.5−0.5 km/s/Mpc [67] and with the measure-
the selected GW samples composed of Set-1 (GW190814) ment of H0 = 73.04+1.05 6
−1.05 km/s/Mpc from SH0ES [68].
, Set-2 (GW170818, GW1901412, GW190720 000836, The current measurements from the dark sirens are not
GW2001129 065458, GW200311 115853), and Set-3 sufficiently constraining yet to resolve the tension in the
(GW190701 203306, GW200224 222234). These maps value of H0 [72, 73]. Though the systematic uncertainties
are constructed on the basis of their luminosity distance in our measurement of H0 are smaller than the statisti-
distribution. Sources with a similar maximum value of cal uncertainties, in future with more GW sources and
the posterior distribution are combined to enhance the better galaxy catalog, we will be able to better assess the
cross-correlation signal. However, due to fewer sources, influence of any systematic uncertainties.
the shot noise for GW sources is very large compared to This measurement of the expansion history does not
the galaxies (by nearly 4-6 orders of magnitude depend- depend directly on the choice of GW mass distribution
ing on the redshift bin). So, the GW auto-correlation nor on whether the mass distribution follows a power-
signal is completely dominated by shot noise. law mass distribution or a power-law + Gaussian peak
The joint estimation of the Hubble constant along with model [74]. It only depends on the maximum allowed
the matter density and GW bias parameters are shown mass of individual BHs. This is primarily because the
in Fig. 4. Constraints on the Hubble constant are bi- maximum mass of the BHs determines the maximum lu-
modal, with the median value H0 = 68.2+26.0 −6.2 km/s/Mpc minosity distance up to which a source can be detected
(the upper and the lower limit indicates the 68.3% equal- from a given detector sensitivity. This luminosity dis-
tailed interval (ETI)). At the lower end of the H0 con- tance threshold, in combination with the allowed priors
straints, the constraints arise from the absence of the on the cosmological parameters, sets the maximum red-
angular cross-correlation signal between the GW sources shift in the prior on GW source redshift out to which one
and the galaxies in the first z-bin. Due to the limited needs to explore the cross-correlation signal. However,
number of GW sources, we are not able to detect the with the currently existing galaxy surveys, we are not
cross-correlation signal with galaxies (see Fig. 6 in the able to go beyond z = 0.5 due to limited sky coverage
appendix for further details.). The parameter constraints and the limited redshift reach of the galaxy catalogs.
are driven by the structure in the cross-correlation sig-
nal and its covariance for different redshifts. Also, there
are few galaxies at high redshift and the galaxy cluster-
ing signal is shot noise-dominated there. As a result, the 6 The ACT and WMAP measurement is H0 = 67.6+1.1 −1.1 km/s/Mpc
galaxy-GW source cross-correlation does not add any ad- [69]. The measurement using TRGB as a calibrator is H0 =
ditional information at high redshift. This leads to weak 69.8±0.6 (stat) ±1.6 (sys) [70]. The strong lensing measurement
constraints at high H0 and is one of the major sources of from H0LiCOW is H0 = 73.3+1.7 −1.8 km/s/Mpc [71].
sources is not measured with any statistical significance.
So, the estimates of H0 presented in this work are weak h
and subject to systematic uncertainties associated with
small number statistics.7 To test the robustness of our FIG. 4: The joint constraints on H0 = 100h0 km/s/Mpc,
results, we have checked the following aspects, (i) ran- Ωm , and bGW (z) = bGW (1 + z)α for different choices of
bin-width ∆l.
domly varied the galaxy bias parameter within their er-
ror bars, (ii) enhanced the covariance matrix by a factor
of four, (iii)√changed the cosmological parameters such
as S8 ≡ σ8 Ωm that is used to fit the galaxy power
spectrum C`gg from S8 = 0.832 (Planck-2018 [75]) to a
lower value S8 = 0.75 as indicated by the KiDS Collabo-
ration [76], (iv) changed the value of H0 = 67 km/s/Mpc
to H0 = 74 km/s/Mpc [77] to estimate the galaxy bias
parameters, (v) changed the galaxy sample selection by
additionally removing WSC sources with a low proba-
bility of being galaxies using the SVM catalog of [78],
requiring pgal > 0.67, and (vi) changed the redshift bin
width ∆z to 0.05 which is comparable to the photo-z er-
rors. The posterior on H0 did not show any significant FIG. 5: Hubble constant H0 measurement from GWTC-3
variation for (i)–(v) cases. For the scenario (vi), the H0 dark sirens, bright siren GW170817, and combining the both
posterior show some variation and 68.3% ETI gets big- are shown along with the mean and the standard deviation
ger than the estimates presented with ∆z = 0.1. This is on the measurements from Planck-2018 [75] and SH0ES [68].
because the galaxy redshift kernels begin to overlap due
to photo-z errors, violating our assumption that the GW
cross-correlations in neighboring bins are uncorrelated. the LVK analysis. However, at lower values of H0 , a
The measurement in this work agrees with the dark tighter constraint is obtained.
siren measurement of H0 = 67+13 −12 km/s/Mpc (68.3% Conclusion and future outlook – We present the first
HDI) by the LVK collaboration [35]. Though the cur- measurement of the Hubble constant H0 from dark stan-
rent constraints on H0 from LVK are driven by popu- dard sirens using the cross-correlation technique. The
lation assumptions, the MAP value of the distribution cross-correlation technique uses the spatial clustering of
agrees with this measurement. This is an independent GW sources with galaxies and includes information be-
validation of the LVK population assumptions. The con- yond statistical host identification. With the best eight
straints on the higher value of H0 from the LVK analysis sources available from GWTC-3, we obtain a median
arise from the empty catalog component (which is driven value of Hubble constant H0 = 68.2+26.0 −6.2 km/s/Mpc
by the population assumption). So, the upper limit on (68.3% ETI). Due to the limited number of GW sources
H0 is looser for the cross-correlation technique than for and absence of galaxy samples at high redshift, the
cross-correlation signal is not detected, leading to only
a mild improvement from the previous constraints using
galaxy catalog [35]. In the future, with the availability
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identification and from the GW mass distribution are also af- [79] and SPHEREx [80] (supplemented by z > 0.8 spec-
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Point Source Catalog (log nstar > 3.5)8 . We further in- [96]; and adding a mask of regions in WISE with high
clude manual cutouts around the LMC and SMC, exclud- moon contamination, as determined by HEALPix pixels
ing 275.47 < RA < 285.47 and −37.89 < DEC < −27.89, in which GLADE+ [37] is incomplete compared to WSC.
and 300.81 < RA < 304.81 and −46.33 < DEC < We also test variations in the sample-selection procedure,
−42.33. Finally, we mask additional areas with low com- i.e. additionally using the SVM catalog of [78] to restrict
pleteness in 2MPZ, determined by comparing the number to likely galaxies [95, 97]. We find that these variations
counts of 2MPZ sources and 2MASS XSC sources (with generally lead to a scale-independent shift in the ampli-
Ks < 13.9) in NSIDE=64 HEALPixels. We remove pix- tude of C`gg , either corresponding to a change in galaxy
els with < 85% completeness, mostly corresponding to bias due to differing populations, or a change in the stel-
areas of lower depth around bright stars. We test vari- lar contamination fraction, which is entirely degenerate
ations in the masking procedure (i.e. additionally multi- with bias at ` > 10 where the stellar power spectrum is
plying by the WSC mask, following [94], or changing the small. In this regime, the effect of changing stellar con-
completeness threshold to 80% or 90%) and find minimal tamination is degenerate with bias in both the galaxy
changes in results. auto spectrum and the galaxy cross-spectrum with GW
sources, so it will cause systematic errors in our modeling.
For WSC, we follow the masking procedure of [54]. We assume that the galaxy bias is redshift-independent
We start with the mask distributed with the WSC data in each bin, and obtain best-fit values of bg (zc = 0.05) =
release [42]9 . We additionally mask regions with high ex- 1.18, bg (zc = 0.15) = 0.66, bg (zc = 0.25) = 1.35,
tinction (E(B −V ) > 0.10) and high stellar density (den- bg (zc = 0.35) = 1.76, and bg (zc = 0.45) = 2.33. The
sity of stars from GAIA greater than 7 times the mean). very low value of bg in the second bin is driven by the
We additionally test several variations in the masking SuperCOSMOS plate template, which is degenerate with
procedure, adding an additional mask at low Galactic lat- the cosmological contribution due to the limited multi-
itudes following [95]; adding a WISE bright stars mask pole range considered (10 < ` < 40).
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